Black glass Facebook Twitter Pandora - Droid X Themes and Apps

Ok 1 thing first....
Is anyone else attempting to theme apps located in /data/app?
any one having luck?
Well now that we have an sbf heres my work
UPgrade black glass for Twitter Pandora and Music
Twitter newest avail
Facebook --- in progress
For twitter pandora and facebook CUT the original from /data/app and move to a safe place, like a backup folder on your sd (root explorer to do this)
for music just make a backup you dont have to remove
Make sure the first letter of Music is capitalized or you will get doubles
download the file and place in root of your sd
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/"APPNAME.apk" /system/app
mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
Credit goes out to all DEVS that have photoshop skillz, Im merely a script kiddie that made these work for my X and am sharing

bad4u6669 said:
Ok 1 thing first....
Is anyone else attempting to theme apps located in /data/app?
any one having luck?
Im trying to theme facebook and twitter but everytime I try and move them they just dissapear, dunno whats going on.
I was able to theme pandora ,Twitter and facebook by moving it to system/app.... anyone know if thats a bad idea? Adding extra apk's to system. I know removing some is bad if needed to do a reset.
I wont be posting a how to till I know for sure
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That's pretty nice -- Touiteur for now...

seeing how the sbf came out I will be posting these up tonight for everyone to enjoy.
Im also working on adding a little more flair to settings.apk

bad4u6669 said:
seeing how the sbf came out I will be posting these up tonight for everyone to enjoy.
Im also working on adding a little more flair to settings.apk
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So how does the SBF help us? I understood it to only be helpful in case our X's (phones) got bricked.

I originally wasnt going to release these because it was messing with a lot of stuff, moving apks to different locations and stuff. I knew if the system/app file wasnt right people were having trouble with doing a restore.
Now with the sbf theres is a major reduction in the risk of doing a "brick" so Im releasing these into the wild and if by chance someone messes something up, there is hope for them.
Mainly just didnt want to give people extra ways to break their phone.
ps. Quadjacks, looks like I might be going back to your bugless sig

bad4u6669 said:
ps. Quadjacks, looks like I might be going back to your bugless sig
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This New one I did, or the other?

The new one you got. I love it.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

I never took credit for these, and only gave it. I never said these were my builds. These were a mash up of images from multiple places, too many to keep track of in fact. It has been brought to my attention that more than one image from a certain dev is in use. I thought I received permission earlier this year, but cannot find the pm stating so...
Sorry for the trouble. Never meant to step on toes, just tried to offer a little bit of flair.
Pandora was taken down because I have no idea where it came from, don't want the same issue.
Music is still up, it has no "exclusive" images.
Pm me if you want help doing your own customizing.
I'm leaving the op alone so I don't get accused of never giving credit.and editing it after the issue came up.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

How can this be candied... Can I make a request? Dazzle Widget. Thanks in advance.

Hey quad what widget it that?
Check out my new post
Ill still do if for you if you want, will have it back to you tomorrow if you want.
let the kanging begin! haha and no you didnt start anything. Did you see all that though over there?


''Clean'' Firmware?

I understand everyone is Pimping out there g1 with the HTC Sap but is there such a thing called a Clean Firmware.
With the g1 having extreamly bad battery, I was woundering if it was possible for a Clean Firmware where there is all this extra junk on the phone that is not needed, Cleaned off the phone. Make a new Radio that uses less data and the use of Edge only(I understand theres a option)
*Please, I understand how power full this OS but some people dont need this extra junk sitting on there phone making there phone slower
PS: I understand I have little posts this this forum, Please, give me some respect.
PSS: Thanks i understand this might not be possible but I was just thinking
if you are wanting to remove certain applications from your phone just remove them using the terminal emulator. for example to remove amazon.apk cause it's stupid you could do this(assuming you rooted your phone)
rm -r /system/app/
you can do this for any application on your phone but keep in mind that certain apps might cause instability. for example if you delete myfavs you will end up with a very unstable phone
Mast3rmatt said:
I understand everyone is Pimping out there g1 with the HTC Sap but is there such a thing called a Clean Firmware.
With the g1 having extreamly bad battery, I was woundering if it was possible for a Clean Firmware where there is all this extra junk on the phone that is not needed, Cleaned off the phone. Make a new Radio that uses less data and the use of Edge only(I understand theres a option)
*Please, I understand how power full this OS but some people dont need this extra junk sitting on there phone making there phone slower
PS: I understand I have little posts this this forum, Please, give me some respect.
PSS: Thanks i understand this might not be possible but I was just thinking
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people who have flashed the 4.5/4.9 sapphire builds have been reporting much much better battery life. probably best to do this then, as remedial said, remove whatever you need through the terminal.
There are consequences for flashing to these builds. Do remember that these are beta builds and may be unstable in certain cases.
Alright, I am back from my plane trip from my vacation. This is the reason I had no access to a computer. Anyway
1) Whats the best radio that has gotten you the best battery? ( On the Sap 4.5 Firmware)
2)Answer This with above( What coverage area do you live in? ex Edge, 3g, G
I understand that these have been answered in the 160+ Thread of HTC SAP but I just need simple answers.
Mast3rmatt said:
I understand that these have been answered in the 160+ Thread of HTC SAP but I just need simple answers.
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Dude you got balls asking these questions knowing that they have been answered in the thread already. If you can't search, I doubt you need to know that bad
Beast84 said:
Dude you got balls asking these questions knowing that they have been answered in the thread already. If you can't search, I doubt you need to know that bad
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First Off, I don't have the time to keep up with all 160 Pages of a Firmware. Most of those pages are non scene and just a waste of time. I started a Thread because I was told that I would get my answers but seems as I am getting the Same Jack ass response. I am asking for a freaking opinion, on this. How do you expect to keep up with that thread when people have LIVES seems to me as if I am the ONLY Person that hasn't read that thread.
You can probably find a lot of info by using "Search this thread" in that thread.
axion68 said:
You can probably find a lot of info by using "Search this thread" in that thread.
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Thanks for Repeating the information above.
I found with a search, Please Close this thread
Mast3rmatt said:
Thanks for Repeating the information above.
I found with a search, Please Close this thread
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Wasnt that hard was it?? Guess how everyone else find their info??? Ding ding ding!
Mast3rmatt said:
First Off, I don't have the time to keep up with all 160 Pages of a Firmware. Most of those pages are non scene and just a waste of time. I started a Thread because I was told that I would get my answers but seems as I am getting the Same Jack ass response. I am asking for a freaking opinion, on this.
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Not only are you not searching but you seem to be the jackass you are talking about with that response
Mast3rmatt said:
How do you expect to keep up with that thread when people have LIVES seems to me as if I am the ONLY Person that hasn't read that thread.
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Well there's part of the problem... you're the only one who hasn't read the thread
remedial_noob said:
if you are wanting to remove certain applications from your phone just remove them using the terminal emulator. for example to remove amazon.apk cause it's stupid you could do this(assuming you rooted your phone)
rm -r /system/app/
you can do this for any application on your phone but keep in mind that certain apps might cause instability. for example if you delete myfavs you will end up with a very unstable phone
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can u do this if its not rooted?
chrisag92 said:
can u do this if its not rooted?
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Nope not gonna happen
remedial_noob said:
if you are wanting to remove certain applications from your phone just remove them using the terminal emulator. for example to remove amazon.apk cause it's stupid you could do this(assuming you rooted your phone)
rm -r /system/app/
you can do this for any application on your phone but keep in mind that certain apps might cause instability. for example if you delete myfavs you will end up with a very unstable phone
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doesnt work says its read only
says its read only srry bout that
Alright Alright
I understand that you should Search in the future
I was asking for a simple Opinion
Please Close ( Getting Off-topic )
nabzilla1990 said:
doesnt work says its read only
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nabzilla1990 said:
says its read only srry bout that
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Try this...
JesusFreke said:
Assuming you have JFv1.3 (or an earlier version),
open up terminal emulator and type:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock03 /system
rm /system/app/
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Beast84 said:
Try this...
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I have rc33 1.42 light with htc magic theme installed should i still try those commands
nabzilla1990 said:
I have rc33 1.42 light with htc magic theme installed should i still try those commands
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It will work as long as you have one of the JF builds. Keep in mind though that if will come back every time you flash a new theme and then you have to delete it again.
And just to give you all a head start, here's a list of *safe* apps to remove
Voice Dialer
***Not sure***
Voice Search
Camera (loosing ability to set wallpaper)
IM (all kinds of force closes and errors)
MyFaves (loosing contact info, force closes)
If you need to determine an exact name of the apk you can type
#ls /system/app
Good luck
borodin1 said:
It will work as long as you have one of the JF builds. Keep in mind though that if will come back every time you flash a new theme and then you have to delete it again.
And just to give you all a head start, here's a list of *safe* apps to remove
Voice Dialer
***Not sure***
Voice Search
Camera (loosing ability to set wallpaper)
IM (all kinds of force closes and errors)
MyFaves (loosing contact info, force closes)
If you need to determine an exact name of the apk you can type
#ls /system/app
Good luck
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Nice I always wondered if it was ok to delete the email.apk, bout to relieve some more space on my G1

Amazon tweak.......

How many times have you heard a rad song on the internet or on the radio in your car and wanted to download the song to your phone with Amazon and alas...No wifi!
Many of you already have this because I released it on Twitter last night but I have tweaked the Amazon app to allow you to download music over a regular data connection. No more need for wifi....
This tweak was again made possible by JF smali and baksmali applications which can be found here
Here's the apk: Amazon
Make sure you rename the file...take the dash out and put a . in.
You will need to install this with adb simply push it to /system/app and it should do the rest.
adb push /system/app
This should work on all builds.....Enjoy
Stericson said:
How many times have you heard a rad song on the internet or on the radio in your car and wanted to download the song to your phone with Amazon and alas...No wifi!
Many of you already have this because I released it on Twitter last night but I have tweaked the Amazon app to allow you to download music over a regular data connection. No more need for wifi....
This tweak was again made possible by JF smali and baksmali applications which can be found here
Here's the apk: Amazon
You will need to install this with adb simply push it to /system/app and it should do the rest.
adb push /system/app
This should work on all builds.....Enjoy
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sweet! i'll have to test it out.
Whacha gonna work on next? This is getting interesting...
I am working on dialer and people right now.....
I have the applications installed and showing up but plenty of force closes to work out...
Stericson said:
I am working on dialer and people right now.....
I have the applications installed and showing up but plenty of force closes to work out...
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That would definitely be the ultimate port! JF is a genius as you have said before, but seriously, I don't see anyone besides you actually utilizing this tool. Keep up the badass work man!
Is there anyway possible you could tweak amazon so that the downloads are free?
HaHa....Wish I could....
epic hack!
here's to hoping amazon doesn't get their panties in a bunch about DMCA bs. can't see that they could prove damages since you're providing another vector for people to access their service.
i've seen cease and desists issued for less :-/
Hahaha....if they did that certainly would be a fun little ride.....
If I didn't illegally download my music this would be great. I really need to touch up on my java. First time I used smali I was like, "oh, sh*t..."
Great job man, well done
While I don't really care for amazon.mp3 (actually that's the first thing I do when I flash the rom is delete amazon, voice dialer and IM) but I still would like to thank our XML god for this and HTC Music player hack (which I love and use daily). I think everyone should donate to Stericson immediately because he is the nicest guy around here and his work is used in EVERY rom and EVERY theme. Besides, he has to pay off that fancy wedding of his .
Anywho... If you port dialer and caller ID from hero.... I'll put your picture up in my living room and name my kid after you And I'll donate again too
ROFLOL Thanks for the compliment........I knew not many would use this but maybe some would...I use it every now and again....So its worth a mentioning and a release.
Exchange sync
Could you apply your considerable talent, smali and baksmali to get Exchange Sync to work on all / most builds? That is an application that I would use. And I think there are a lot of other people who would like to have it as well.
What do you think? Do-able?
ATM my current focus is on the htc dialer and I wont be able to look into this atm...maybe something to consider in the future?
Anythings do-able....
Stericson said:
ATM my current focus is on the htc dialer and I wont be able to look into this atm...maybe something to consider in the future?
Anythings do-able....
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Does htc dialer include incoming call screen or is that a separate hack? For some reason I can't find any reference to that
Seperate hack, that uses the phone.apk made by HTC, however I am quite sure I can replicate their incoming call screen, outgoing call screen, and ongoing call screen without too much trouble....but I will probably focus on that later....
Stericson said:
but I will probably focus on that later....
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Here's a motivation... make it into an app and put it on the market for $X.99, I can bet that you'll hit <1000 downloads in the first 2 days... just sayin
I've seen at least 6-10 people looking for something like this just on XDA.
At any rate.... take your time, if you want to do it later or don't want to do it at all that's fine too. I'll keep F5-ing
Once more... thanks for all this amazing stuff
how about modifying this to look up the song on amazon and then downloading it via torrent?
borodin1 said:
Here's a motivation... make it into an app and put it on the market for $X.99, I can bet that you'll hit <1000 downloads in the first 2 days... just sayin
I've seen at least 6-10 people looking for something like this just on XDA.
At any rate.... take your time, if you want to do it later or don't want to do it at all that's fine too. I'll keep F5-ing
Once more... thanks for all this amazing stuff
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I doubt I could get away with selling htc's work on the market
Stericson said:
I doubt I could get away with selling htc's work on the market
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Agh... you're right.. I did not think about it...
Well, good luck.. I'm out for the weekend...
I remember talking with JF, this was one of the first things he did with it . Figured it would be a simple patch.

[Q] Were all Swype threads deleted?

Are we not even allowed to say the S word anymore around here?
rayden25 said:
Are we not even allowed to say the S word anymore around here?
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Actually you are I deleted it because after I deleted the app, it turned into a PM me *wink wink* deal. Discussion is fine, just no posting the actual app or a link to get the app
i wasn't invited, i was curious about how i could get swype on my phone too.
Crimton said:
i wasn't invited, i was curious about how i could get swype on my phone too.
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I know, but per a letter from the developers to us, unless swype is native on a device, it should not be posted
i have the swype apk, i was just hoping there was a mod for the g-tablet that would allow swype to install. that wouldn't involve posting a link.
theimpaler747 said:
I deleted it because after I deleted the app, it turned into a PM me *wink wink* deal.
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I wouldn't do that *wink wink*
rayden25 said:
I wouldn't do that *wink wink*
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I'd hope not
I tried the official beta, as I'm a member, and a SGS version both on my G-Tablet and they install but wont open as the resolution is not supported. If there's a apk that does actually work. I'd love to just KNOW that. and I'll find it myself.
I tried using the swype from my epic but when I installed it and enable it it just FCs. I did use slideit but the keyboard took up most of the screen. Anybody else have any luck?
This is also something I am very interested in and have yet to get it to work.
I made the changes that rothnic suggested in the build.prop, loaded the lib, and dropped the ap in system/app and my tab doesn't see it at all. I've loaded a ' few' different versions on it that install but just fc. I've spent hours on it with no luck yet.
I'm not giving up hope for someone to release and but I'm not going to bother rothnic about it (anymore) as I'm sure he's working on roms and such. Even if he weren't, he's done more than his share here and I'm sure one of us will get it.
I'm still working it myself and if I make any progress I will surely let everyone know.
Just a reminder we can't post the .apk for swype here, as we don't want the thread pulled, again.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
it2steve said:
This is also something I am very interested in and have yet to get it to work.
I made the changes that rothnic suggested in the build.prop, loaded the lib, and dropped the ap in system/app and my tab doesn't see it at all. I've loaded a ' few' different versions on it that install but just fc. I've spent hours on it with no luck yet.
I'm not giving up hope for someone to release and but I'm not going to bother rothnic about it (anymore) as I'm sure he's working on roms and such. Even if he weren't, he's done more than his share here and I'm sure one of us will get it.
I'm still working it myself and if I make any progress I will surely let everyone know.
Just a reminder we can't post the .apk for swype here, as we don't want the thread pulled, again.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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It sounds like you are doing something wrong when copying it over. It should come up under keyboards in settings. You would enable it there, then long press on an input box to switch to it.
I just did this a second time today and can confirm that it works.
rothnic said:
It sounds like you are doing something wrong when copying it over. It should come up under keyboards in settings. You would enable it there, then long press on an input box to switch to it.
I just did this a second time today and can confirm that it works.
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yea, I was hoping that was the case but there can't be much that can go wrong. Download it or copy over via usb... then use root explorer to put it under system/app
For some reason I cant get ADB to work anymore? It had at one time. Do we know of any known issues with flashing that we loose the ability to ADB?
Oh well... I am a patient person and it's not like its a deal breaker for me. All is working pretty smoothly 3 weeks into the game.
Swype / ADB ... Progress / NO Progress
Ok, this is VERY interesting...
I still cant get swype to work. I FINALLY got to ADB push the .apk and the Lib and triple checked the build.prop (even used a couple different ones).
All I get is an FC over and over and when I got to settings-applications-manage, to clear cache, it's grayed out. I booted into recovery and cleared dalvik cache, wipe cache, and data. I have even gone as far as to re-flash the ZPAD 1.1, load gApps, Market Hack, Open GL Hack, and restart the whole swype process again with the same result.
HERE IS THE INTERESTING PART and we may want it posted elsewhere: I couldn't get my win7 to load the proper ADB driver (even though it had worked before). I found an app call ADBWireless (widget). It allows me to hit the widget and connect through ADB wirelessly (local wifi) and push/pull ect.
This was amazing and easy to use. Of course you have to have the Tab up so it wouldn't help for anyone who's in a loop.
When you hit the widget it shows the local ip address to connect to:
-I go to the command prompt \androidsdk\tools and type:
adb connect
-it connects, and I am able to see the device
I have to use adb remount and then I'm good to go.
Hope this helps someone down the road. I'll keep checking back here but feel free to PM me if you have any questions (or find an for swype to work).
I made a little progress last night, got rid of the FCs but I can't get the keyboard enabled in the Settings. I managed to track down a Swype version from a Samsung Gaxlaxy Tab, at least that is what I think it is from, and then I had to find the necessary Lib file from somewhere else but when I push the .so to the Lib through ADB and install the Apk it seems like I'm closer, I can open the Swype settings screen and change things but I just can't get the keyboard enabled in the settings and then of course I can't pick the Swype keyboard when configuring the input method.
What changes were you making to the build.prop?
bmasephol said:
I made a little progress last night, got rid of the FCs but I can't get the keyboard enabled in the Settings. I managed to track down a Swype version from a Samsung Gaxlaxy Tab, at least that is what I think it is from, and then I had to find the necessary Lib file from somewhere else but when I push the .so to the Lib through ADB and install the Apk it seems like I'm closer, I can open the Swype settings screen and change things but I just can't get the keyboard enabled in the settings and then of course I can't pick the Swype keyboard when configuring the input method.
What changes were you making to the build.prop?
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there was a 'header' so to speak that Rothnic posted that mad a few changes to the build.prop to make it look like portions of the Galaxy. He has it at the 'other' fourm.
Checked the permissions on the build.prop and they looked different. I couldn't just 'change' them in root explorer so I re-inserted the lines on the original build.prop, also did a fix permissions in CM (not that it helped).
Permissions in the lib file are hard to tell what they are supposed to be because several of the lib files there have different ones set. Swype.apk permissions look the same as the others. Still getting same FC's over and over. I was able to get into manage apps and hit force stop and clear (quickly tho) but goes back to the same after reboot.
Thanks for trying, as I said before, it's not a biggie. I just enjoy swype as being from palm and blackberry phone's if it weren't for swype I dunno that I would have kept an Android phone.
I can wait, I've spent too many hours jackin with it (although I did learn about the adb wireless and I am comfortable in pushing file that way now)
I managed to get it working although it is a little laggy. I followed rothnic's info in the other thread and after playing around with the build.prop file it is now working. Hopefully as the roms get faster this will get faster. Thanks for the help.
bmasephol said:
I managed to get it working although it is a little laggy. I followed rothnic's info in the other thread and after playing around with the build.prop file it is now working. Hopefully as the roms get faster this will get faster. Thanks for the help.
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How did you do it? Can you be specific? Which version of Swype are you using? Where did you find it? What other thread?
Working on latest zpad rom. Had to set permissions - I think the important ones were r-x for User on both the lib and apk. And of course the build.prop edits.
-=Sent from my ViewSonic G Tablet using Tapatalk=-
I'm pretty sure the swype word is naughty here so I suggest you google for 'rothnic swype' and check the post on the other forum that comes up.
I used adb to push the modified build.prop to the sd card, along with the .so and .apk files. Then I used adb shell to copy the files to the locations rothnic specifies.

Gmail just got updated :-p

lots of updates this week.
yes it did
as its available for half the world exept of Germany, can someone please provide the apk for manual installation?
Thanks in advance!
Update won't install on baked snack rom 1.9.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Nice, lots of updates.
But the one ... Google Maps 5 .... where ... I don't even ...
Give it!
Anyone have the APK? I cant install it and uninstalled my Gmail I had thinking that would fix I'm Gmailess booo
try the market? Mine didnt update the first time, but the second time it was fine, same with the youtube app.
This is the first time I've ever tried to adb pull an update off my phone. I think this is the file you want. If its not, I apologize in advance. It came from /data/apps and I think thats the right place. If not if someone tells me the right place I'll get it up tomorrow.
Philyteach said:
This is the first time I've ever tried to adb pull an update off my phone. I think this is the file you want. If its not, I apologize in advance. It came from /data/apps and I think thats the right place. If not if someone tells me the right place I'll get it up tomorrow.
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This worked perfectly using terminal emulator. Thanks for the file.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Philyteach said:
This is the first time I've ever tried to adb pull an update off my phone. I think this is the file you want. If its not, I apologize in advance. It came from /data/apps and I think thats the right place. If not if someone tells me the right place I'll get it up tomorrow.
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Installed directly by tapping on the link in XDA-app, then forwarding to browser, download, install, ready, works. Thanks for sharing!
Anyway to always enable inline reply? Nice new feature, useless if I gotta press "reply inline" every time.
I like, but the new black n white notification icon is fugly.
Get Gmail Notifier

voice during boot

I would like my phone to say my name and tell me the current temp outside. I have two weather apps which rhe program or acript can look at to get weather...
asomething along the line like how the rom devs has the lady talk while downloading rom to phone useing cwm. Just instead of saying downloading, say the current temp in my area.
ive searched and found no app or no way to do this. if theres not a way can someone point me to a
good xml guide so i cam write my own decent in html so think ill be able to pick up xml. thanks.
xxprincecjxx said:
I would like my phone to say my name and tell me the current temp outside. I have two weather apps which rhe program or acript can look at to get weather...
asomething along the line like how the rom devs has the lady talk while downloading rom to phone useing cwm. Just instead of saying downloading, say the current temp in my area.
ive searched and found no app or no way to do this. if theres not a way can someone point me to a
good xml guide so i cam write my own decent in html so think ill be able to pick up xml. thanks.
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I may be wrong but I believe that all occurs in the boot loaders which means the OS is not loaded. If it's still in the boot loader process then the kernel modules necessary to access certain functions of the hardware (GPS, modem, etc.) are not loaded yet. That would prevent access to the network. A qualified dev might have to speak to it, though, as I might be off-base.
There is a thread in the themes and apps section to flash linda on your phone. Like Raver previously had on VB. You may start there and try replacing the sound files.
lumin30 said:
There is a thread in the themes and apps section to flash linda on your phone. Like Raver previously had on VB. You may start there and try replacing the sound files.
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Reread his request. He is asking for something not possible.
During boot your phone is loading the necessary radios and files. The project Linda stuff is preloaded with commands that trigger preloaded sounds. That is not realitime just tirggered by certain scripts running.
If you want it to announce each time you unlock that is another animal. IIRC there are several apps that do similar might search the market via a pc so they arent filtered on your phone.
Dear god eollie. I dread opening a thread and finding your commentary after something I post. I hate the thought of hurting your feelings and owing the community an apology.
during boot wont happen... As the phone doesnt have acccess to the network tell after the firmware is loaded...
boot process = Init
Linda the lady you hear during the conversion process is just prebuilt audio files into the voodoo inframats... Haveing the phone beable to tell you your name time and temp outside of the actuall operation of the device isnt going to happen.. Especally sence during boot its intalizing the stuff needed.
that would be like having your laptop check your bank info before you even boot into the os....
lumin30 said:
Dear god eollie. I dread opening a thread and finding your commentary after something I post. I hate the thought of hurting your feelings and owing the community an apology.
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What the hell are you talking about?
All I said was reread his request. I think you misunderstood him...good god man. To think I just sent you a apology via pm for my initial reactions to you. Seriously stop thinking Im picking on you. You offered something that as confirmed by raver ISNT POSSBILE.
lumin30 said:
You may start there and try replacing the sound files.
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eollie - you can't possibly get as upset as you sound in so many of your posts can you?
lumin30 said:
eollie - you can't possibly get as upset as you sound in so many of your posts can you?
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Ok heres the dealio, that is giving hope to something not possible. Just simply not possible. Its like pretrolling him into posting thats not what he wants..then smacking him with a android nerf bat saying dummy.
No written expression is/does get taken out of context. Kinda like your initial post to me. Im still trying to figure out how I implied you owed anybody a apology or anything tho. /shrug
back on topic....
xxprincecjxx as raver stated its not possible on boot up. But I do know I seen apps that would do similar on unlock. Im lazy and not going to search. But use a pc browser and search android market it will show unfiltered results. Then you might be able to contact the dev if its not available for the SGS4G.
thanks for all the replys...
so what i gather is that its impossible to get linda to voice the weather because the nwtqoek hasn't loaded yet. However it seems possible to change the preloaded audio files which linda loooks at. hmmm it may be possible to say a symbolic constant (something static) like a name or a phrase during boot. i believe it comes down to the commands which r read during boot.
sorry but now i have another ?
How would i change pre loaded audio files to my own custom one. is it possible to do or is it burnt into rom? im off to read about linda and pre loaded audio files and what cmds are read at boot.
thx for all the info...very helpful
eollie said:
..then smacking him with a android nerf bat saying dummy.
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Hmmmm..... Can I virtually smack you with an android nerf bat
xxprincecjxx said:
thanks for all the replys...
so what i gather is that its impossible to get linda to voice the weather because the nwtqoek hasn't loaded yet. However it seems possible to change the preloaded audio files which linda loooks at. hmmm it may be possible to say a symbolic constant (something static) like a name or a phrase during boot. i believe it comes down to the commands which r read during boot.
sorry but now i have another ?
How would i change pre loaded audio files to my own custom one. is it possible to do or is it burnt into rom? im off to read about linda and pre loaded audio files and what cmds are read at boot.
thx for all the info...very helpful
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If you wanted to change the boot sound you can do that to have it say your name.
The link lumin posted has a zip file that you can extract and push the files to the respective folders. In theroy you could replace the files with whatever you wanted as long as you rename then to whats there currently and rezip it.
lumin30 said:
Hmmmm..... Can I virtually smack you with an android nerf bat
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Click to collapse that question would be better asked there
eollie said:
The link lumin posted
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I never posted the link... you will have to look for it as I bet it is buried in the theme and apps section.
eollie said: that question would be better asked there
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Now we're talkin eollie! Glad I don't have to track you down with my android nerf bat!
eollie said:
If you wanted to change the boot sound you can do that to have it say your name.
The link lumin posted has a zip file that you can extract and push the files to the respective folders. In theroy you could replace the files with whatever you wanted as long as you rename then to whats there currently and rezip it. that question would be better asked there
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thanks i've found project linda's link...downloaded...i just dont know where the "respective folders are located" . where is the boot sound located in filesystem? i'll start at root of phone and search for each app individually and apply my own custom sound as you mentioned. i'll zip and move to folders once i find say the messages notification folder resides...
for boot i was actually thinking a modified bootloader script which acts like a virus sort of but thatthat is too much codeing for what im trying to accomplish so i will conclude as u and ravwr said its impossible for now.
Read up on Linux and the initramfs. That's where this stuff is stored per Raver (thanks for the lesson, Raver).
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
xxprincecjxx said:
thanks i've found project linda's link...downloaded...i just dont know where the "respective folders are located" . where is the boot sound located in filesystem? i'll start at root of phone and search for each app individually and apply my own custom sound as you mentioned. i'll zip and move to folders once i find say the messages notification folder resides...
for boot i was actually thinking a modified bootloader script which acts like a virus sort of but thatthat is too much codeing for what im trying to accomplish so i will conclude as u and ravwr said its impossible for now.
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Download the file to your pc. Put your created sound files in place of the ones in the zip that you want to replace. Rezip it and then flash it via CWM. It should put the files in the proper location.
Now regarding your name on boot. If you create a bootsound and name it properly it should play on boot but it would be during your boot animation. Maybe you could get a custom bootanimation with your name and such and it would be close to what your looking for.
Regarding the phone saying your name - check your system folder using Root Explorer app.
If you have system\etc\PowerOn.wav - it's the boot intro.
You can change it to "Hello...."
eollie said:
Download the file to your pc. Put your created sound files in place of the ones in the zip that you want to replace. Rezip it and then flash it via CWM. It should put the files in the proper location.
Now regarding your name on boot. If you create a bootsound and name it properly it should play on boot but it would be during your boot animation. Maybe you could get a custom bootanimation with your name and such and it would be close to what your looking for.
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thx it worked. replaced linda with my own custom sounds. i got it actually telling me weather once an hour and how many msgs calls i missed and couple other things.
as far as boot i found the file bootanimation in /system/media/ i'm running val final black edition. there are no sound files in this folder. just the boot images. would i put
sound file in this folder or would i brick phone at next boot with sound file in images folder? also what extension should i make sound file? i see .ogg refrenced a lot bit soneone above said .wav so im unsure what ext i should make it.
eollie said:
Ok heres the dealio, that is giving hope to something not possible. Just simply not possible. Its like pretrolling him into posting thats not what he wants..then smacking him with a android nerf bat saying dummy.
No written expression is/does get taken out of context. Kinda like your initial post to me. Im still trying to figure out how I implied you owed anybody a apology or anything tho. /shrug
back on topic....
xxprincecjxx as raver stated its not possible on boot up. But I do know I seen apps that would do similar on unlock. Im lazy and not going to search. But use a pc browser and search android market it will show unfiltered results. Then you might be able to contact the dev if its not available for the SGS4G.
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i agree with you on the fact that this is possibly impossible...
but my friend 10 15 yrs ago someone would have told you it was impossible for a phone to have a 1.5 ghz dual core processor. or the beggining of cell phones someone would have told you it would be impossible to watch a live streaming football game on your cell phone.
xxprincecjxx said:
thx it worked. replaced linda with my own custom sounds. i got it actually telling me weather once an hour and how many msgs calls i missed and couple other things
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You ain't gotta lie to kick it.

