GPS Settings: Performance Options (improvement) - Captivate General

Ok, There are a lot of posts and information regarding the GPS issue that some are experiencing. I am starting (yet) another post in the interest of compiling and maintaining information regarding that information in one location. As users/devs find out information I will update this post so everyone doesn't have to go looking everywhere for the information. I am hoping that the Moderator will sticky this post.
Some users are experiencing very long lock times for their GPS. Everyone, after reading A LOT of posts/threads it seems to be the consensus that this is a software/settings issue - NOT, a hardware issue. However, results from tweaking the following settings are very mixed. Most seem to get great results by tweaking the following settings while stationary - but, moving is a whole different ball game. I use the below settings and have great results while stationary. However, my G1 blows the Captivate completely out of the water!!! My G1 gave 3-10m accuracy while driving. This device can barely keep me on the correct highway and always seem lagging behind my current location. The G1 was spot on no matter what. What hasn't been determined is if these issues are hardware or software. For whatever my opinion is worth - I think it is a firmware/software issue. Here are some things to try.
Here is the info:
To get to your GPS settings open you dialer and dial the following number. This will not call anyone - it is a code shortcut to the settings:
Once entered you will observe a screen that has five buttons:
Get Position Test
Application Settings
SUPL/CP Settings
Test Application
Delete GPS Data
We will be interested in three of these initial buttons.
Get Position Test: This will be what one uses to test the results of your changes.
Application Settings: Exactly what it says.
SUPL/CP Settings: settings that determine specific data connectivity with the satellites.
In Application Settings the following are some that you might consider adjusting:
Operation Mode - Standalone, MS Based, MS assisted, Network Provider
Accuracy - defaults to 50. Don't set it below 10 (and only use increments of 10's)
SkyHook - not sure what it does. But, someone on a thread mentioned it and it DOES effect satellite lock times.
In SUPL/CP Settings one we'll be interested in the following:
Server FQDN Type
Server Port
The following are the options provided on other threads:
Original/Stock Settings:
SUPL/CP Settings/SErver FQDN Type/Custom Config
Application settings/Operation Mode/Standalone
SUPL/CP Settings/Server/
SUPL/CP Settings/Port/7275
Second suggested setup (from other posts and claimed to have great results):
SUPL/CP Settings/SErver FQDN Type/Custom Config
Application settings/Operation Mode/MS Based
SUPL/CP Settings/Server/
SUPL/CP Settings/Port/7276
Other settings that I have played with:
Application settings/SkyHook/On (and Off)
SUPL/CP Settings/SErver FQDN Type/Auto Config (and Custom Config)
You can play around with these to see what gives you the best results. If your GPS doesn't work better with whatever changes you made - than you can always put it back to the orginal settings above.
However, it has been recommended and I concur (for whatever that is worth) that you NEED TO SET THE FOLLOWING BEFORE YOU START PLAYING AROUND: Settings/Location and security/uncheck (turn off) "Use Wireless Networks). Most likely this won't really effect anything while your testing within the GPS settings - however, this will effect your results if you test using Google Maps, etc.
Now, having duly noted all of the above and having played around with the settings for several hours I found the best results FOR MY DEVICE IN MY AREA AT ONE LOCATION was the following:
Note: I adjusted these settings from earlier as the earlier settings proved to be very accurate when stationary - but, very inaccurate while moving. The latest settings I'm using are below. Also, look to the bottom of this post regarding changing your gps configuration file. That also helped A LOT. The bottom section of information is from the Official websites that run the time servers(effects GPS performance).
Application Settings/Operation Mode/MS Based
Application Settings/Operation Mode/SkyHook/ON (VERY IMPORTANT)
SUPL/CP Settings/Server FQDN Type/Custom Config
SUPL/CP Settings/Server/
SUPL/CP Settings/Server Port/7276
SUPL/CP Settings/SUPL Secure Socket/Off
Turning "SkyHook" ON assisted in faster locks with ALL of my tested settings when stationary!
My test results with the above would lock on up to three satellites in under four seconds and between 7 and 10 by eight seconds. Google Maps would locate me in about 6-8 seconds.
Using "Get Position Test" the settings in the three lines above consistently gave the not only the fastest locks and the most locks - but, also STRONGER SIGNALS!
I used at least seven different combinations of the above settings and some of them were just as quick - but, not as strong. Most of them were slower.
If anyone has better information to add then please PM me and I will add it to this top post.
LASTLY, I will make some guesses as to what some of the other settings do as I have heard different information:
Application Settings:
Session Type: Tracking or Singleshot - obvious (use Tracking)
Start Mode: Hot or Cold Start - someone posted on a thread that Hot uses data from your last read to get started. Cold start will start all over. So, Cold start SHOULD increase the time for you to get a lock unless you went left the area to an area that had different satellite to look up.
Test Application:
Performance Test: worked for me - but, I found the test above to work faster and give me quicker results for what I wanted.
Hardware Test/Sensitivity Test: Pretty cool - went on forever and I stopped it.
CNO Test: Seemed to test the average satellite signal strength.
Antenna Test: Never worked for me and I received errors.
H/W Test Settings: Settings for the above tests - I didn't mess with them.
Test Application/Show Sensor Data - there is no way to calibrate it here... But, you can see just how sensitive your instruments are!!
Delete GPS Data - I didn't select this button and I don't recommend anyone else doing so either unless someone from Samsung tells us what it does. LOL!
FINALLY: Keep in mind that if you are seeing GPS lock times that are in the 3-8 second range (which was what I was getting) this WILL NOT be how long it takes for Google Maps to get the GPS data! Expect 8-15 seconds or a little longer (but, under 30 seconds) for Google Maps to pick up your location. Although the GPS sensors might pick up the satellites - you still have to give the software time to evaluate the data and apply it to the software.
Hope this helps someone out there.
Update/Additional Information (
Hot Start - The GPS receiver remembers its last calculated position and which satellites were in view, the almanac used, and the UTC Time. It then performs a reset and attempts to acquire satellites and calculate a new position based upon the previous information. This is the quickest re-acquisition of a GPS lock.
Cold Start - The GPS receiver dumps all information and resets. It then attempts to locate satellites and then calculate a GPS lock. This takes the longest because there is no known information. The GPS receiver has to attempt to lock a satellite signal from all of the satellites, basically like polling, which takes a lot longer than knowing which satellites to look for. This re-acquisition of a GPS lock takes the longest.
Thanks to Shadow77895 for the link to this info. I altered the settings above. Doesn't effect my results much at all.
MSBased Operation Mode(
What is MS-Based mode of operation?
In MS-Based mode, the network provides the satellite information to the device, based on a rough estimate of where the device is located, and the device acquires the GPS signals from the satellites and calculates its location. After the initial fix, the device operates like an autonomous GPS receiver, until the satellite information must be refreshed, at which time the device goes back to the network to update the satellite information. MS-Based mode is appropriate for applications that require the device location to be updated rapidly, such as a navigation application.
And email thread regarding using the Google settings for GPS(
ALSO! Check out this page:
As will assign you timeservers from all over the world, time quality will not be ideal. You get a bit better result if you use the continental zones (For example europe, north-america, oceania or, and even better time if you use the country zone (like in Switzerland) - for all these zones, you can again use the 0, 1 or 2 prefixes, like Note, however, that the country zone might not exist for your country, or might contain only one or two timeservers. If you know timeservers that are really close to you (measured by network distance, with traceroute or ping), time probably will be even better.
Find your optimal pool server here:
For US the optimal server is:
Reference other threads I ( I recommend you do the following:
Use Root Explorer or some other method (I use Root Explorer as it has a built in Text Editor and automatically backs up the altered file.) to go to here:
Use the text editor to alter the gps.conf file to this (if you are in the US):
If you are NOT in the US go to here: and look at the links in the center of the page to navigate to the closest pool to your geographical location and use that pool for the top server entry.
Many are suggesting that we do NOT leave the Secure Socket ON. How will this effect data security with our devices? I don't understand how it could hurt us... But, there must be a reason for it. If someone could let me know I would appreciate it.

Good, guide, think you meant hot start should be faster though.
I'll be linking to this.
Sent from my Samsung Captivate using XDA app

Great, but doesn't address the problem
I need to point out that while this information is helpful it doesn't really address the problem that the GPS is facing.
What the above settings are doing is enabling multiple different A-GPS technologies to help compensate for the Galaxy S's poor GPS performance. A properly functioning GPS unit would not need these crutches except to acquire a faster fix.
I had my GPS outdoors today, with the first set of recommended settings, and was unable to achieve a fix while seven satellites were in view (according to it) with sufficient signal strength. This is a GPS firmware issue!
The above post is very helpful for people to get some better performance - however - the core GPS issues need to be addressed by Samsung.
I hope people will refrain from saying "It's perfect now!" and let up on Samsung. Unless you know what what the following are you're tweaking settings blindly and declaring victory: ephemeris, PDOP, SBAS, WGS-84, 2D fix, 3D fix (And the conditions one is chosen over the other.) and finally SA
I'm betting this phone would never achieve a fix in an SA environment! It's also clear that the person(s) who originated this information knew exactly what they were doing..!
If anyone is interested in learning how GPS works there are tons of great resources on the web that Google will point you to. Of course they're written for all sorts of different levels.
In short, the above settings may help, but please don't become convinced that things are "fixed"!

I'd suggest you read my posts on the subject:

@haydonxda - I agree that this does NOT address the potential problem that the firmware and/or hardware is inadequate! And, we should put pressure on Samsung to fix this issue. However, the phones have already been produced and I'm just trying to do the best with I have.
@Shadow77895 - thanks for the info. Added a bunch of further information after looking into your posts and references from them.

Try this fix (from, working on Galaxy S, root access required:
#cat /data/gps/secgps.conf > /sdcard/secgps.conf
#rm /data/gps/secgps.conf
After reboot, new (correct) secgps.conf appears.
At your own risk!

shaneaus said:
ALSO! Check out this page:
As will assign you timeservers from all over the world, time quality will not be ideal. You get a bit better result if you use the continental zones (For example europe, north-america, oceania or, and even better time if you use the country zone (like in Switzerland) - for all these zones, you can again use the 0, 1 or 2 prefixes, like Note, however, that the country zone might not exist for your country, or might contain only one or two timeservers. If you know timeservers that are really close to you (measured by network distance, with traceroute or ping), time probably will be even better.
Find your optimal pool server here:
For US the optimal server is:
Reference other threads I ( I recommend you do the following:
Use Root Explorer or some other method (I use Root Explorer as it has a built in Text Editor and automatically backs up the altered file.) to go to here:
Use the text editor to alter the gps.conf file to this (if you are in the US):
If you are NOT in the US go to here: and look at the links in the center of the page to navigate to the closest pool to your geographical location and use that pool for the top server entry.
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How do you use the text editor in Root Explorer. I can see the text but it won't allow me to edit it.

Hello, the code:
starts a GPS Test Application.
The settings inside this application are only for this application.
You can test your GPS in different modes.
But the settings are not relevant for other applications.
It is a simple illusion that it helps to manipulate this settings.
GPS is very time-dependent.
I don't know where we can change the default GPS Mode/s...

So when I walk outside my office there are like 7 satellites, and I still cannot get a lock. This is sad.
Out of the box it worked great, navigated from BB to my house with relative ease. Inside my house when I showed my parents it worked great. I rooted and deleted some ATT apps. I have yet to get a lock.
I have also changed the NTP servers and no dice. This is pretty saddening performance.

I still don't get why my Nexus One, sitting right next to my Samsung Captivate, is able to get a aGPS location (via My Location in maps) that is pretty damn accurate despite not having a GPS lock and my Captivate is unable to even get an aGPS location and just says my location data is temporarily unavailable.
Nexus One: Can get approximate location very easily
Samsung Captivate: Cannot even get approximate location using WIFI/Cell Towers.
Foursquare never knows where I am until I go outside in the middle of a parking lot. This is BS.

Won't anyone try GPS NMEA MONITOR App and see if the data sentences are correct? If the GPS chipset is putting out the correct Lat/Lon, then you can fiddle and fiddle what Captivate does with the information

Has anyone tried to contact Samsung about the issue yet? I tried yesterday and was on hold for an hour and half and then my call dropped. I'm joint to try again today.

SkyHook isn't a "feature" persay, it's a corporation:
Same one Apple uses. Not sure exactly how it works but they do wardrive and use WiFi and triangulation to pick up your position as well, so leaving that OFF will perhaps be better for calibrating your GPS settings, but you certainly want it back ON when in normal use.

TexUs said:
SkyHook isn't a "feature" persay, it's a corporation:
Same one Apple uses. Not sure exactly how it works but they do wardrive and use WiFi and triangulation to pick up your position as well, so leaving that OFF will perhaps be better for calibrating your GPS settings, but you certainly want it back ON when in normal use.
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What kind of aGPS does the Nexus One use? I tried to dial the code and it didn't bring up the same menu on the Nexus (it may be different). My Nexus is great at figuring out where I am without a GPS signal.

I changed all my settings last night and it seemed to fix the issue. I was getting a lock within 10 seconds or less. Now I cannot get a lock with the exact same settings and reboot. Has anyone contacted Samsung over this? Anyone get an answer from them? I love this phone but the GPS issue sucks.

Every time I try one of these new fixes it seems to work but then when I go somewher else it is broken again they need to fix this asap. I use that feature a lot

superscientific said:
I changed all my settings last night and it seemed to fix the issue. I was getting a lock within 10 seconds or less. Now I cannot get a lock with the exact same settings and reboot. Has anyone contacted Samsung over this? Anyone get an answer from them? I love this phone but the GPS issue sucks.
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I just got off the phone with Samsung galaxy s support. They knew nothing!!!!!! Said I was the first one to call with the issue.
I'm thinking about returning the phone... GPS is the most important part of a smartphone to me... I'm very disappointed

Jreitnauer7 said:
I just got off the phone with Samsung galaxy s support. They knew nothing!!!!!! Said I was the first one to call with the issue.
I'm thinking about returning the phone... GPS is the most important part of a smartphone to me... I'm very disappointed
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I don't know about most important but I agree, it's very important. This HAS to be fixed

Jreitnauer7 said:
I just got off the phone with Samsung galaxy s support. They knew nothing!!!!!! Said I was the first one to call with the issue.
I'm thinking about returning the phone... GPS is the most important part of a smartphone to me... I'm very disappointed
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Don't give up hope, i'm sure that guy doesnt know anything. Engadget and a few sites are aware of the issue and i'm sure Samsung took notice. i'm sure a firmware fix is in the works.

I have tried all the settings. And I don't really notice any difference. I live in the heart of Manhattan, NY., so I am sure roaming around int he concrete jungle trying to get a lock surely has a lot to do with my GPS issue. I do however, get a lock in every setting that has been written up in this forum, and other forums. The difference to me is hardly any, since it always takes many minutes for me to get a lock. I never have used any other GPS device since living here in the city, so I would like to ask other who live in a large city if it is taking them several minutes as well? Because it seems as though people are saying it is taking them only seconds to lock on. Hmmm.....


[AGPS] The Universal AGPS Project - Let's get it working!

Okay, so here's the deal. If we get AGPS working in some way, we can get MUCH quicker GPS fixes (30 seconds or less). I'm the coder for GPSToolPro you can find here in the Software subforum of the Raphael forum. I'm hoping to incorporate this into the program in some way.
I've managed to obtain the Lat/Long coordinates using Cell Tower information and Google.
There are two ways to solve this issue.
Now, I'm looking to use these Registry Keys
HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL AGPS\ServerPort
The plan is to set the ServerIP to and run any port. Then the GPSToolPro will listen in on the port number on the device and RESPOND with the Lat/Long information obtained from Google. Right now, what I need is, somebody who has AGPS working with their provider to try to packet sniff and get see how we can make our own AGPS server run on the device. GPSMode mode will be set to "1", not "2". This is specific to the QualComm's GpsOne unit. The values are the following:
0 - Standalone - Your handset has no connection to the network, and uses only the GPS satellite signals it can currently receive to try and establish a location.
1 - MS Based - Your handset is connected to the network, and uses the GPS signals + a location signal from the network.
2 - MS Assisted - Your handset is connected to the network, uses GPS signals + a location signal then relays its 'fix' to the server, which then uses the signal strength from your phone to the network towers to further plot your position. You can still maintain voice communication in this scenario, but not 'Internet/Network service' ie Web Browser, IM, streaming TV etc..
4 - MS Assisted/Hybrid - Same as above, but network functionality remains. Normally only in areas with exceptional coverage.
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I haven't been able to find the signal strength of the tower I'm connected to yet so right now, I'm limited to mode 1. Also, I can only find information on the tower I'm currently connected to, not all of them so I can't try cell tower triangulation yet.
This solution is limited to only working with HTC GpsOne devices.
We can also try using the IOCTL_GPS_WRITE_ASSISTED command. This command will directly send the AGPS info to the GPS device. The question is, how do we send this information? I believe we need to get a AGPS signal first, use IOCTL_GPS_READ_ASSISTED, parse that information, figure out the format, get Lat/Long from Google, format it in the same way as received from IOCTL_GPS_READ_ASSISTED and send it back with IOCTL_GPS_WRITE_ASSISTED.
This universal for all Windows Mobile phones.
For method #1, I need somebody who has an HTC device with a working AGPS signal (from their provider or whomever).
For method #2, I need any Windows Mobile device that has a working AGPS signal.
I say method #1 requires HTC device because supposedly AGPS isn't standardized and one manufacturer's AGPS format may differ from another.
Hopefully, with the your help, we can get this working.
let's support CLShortFuse iniciative, it would be incredible if we would get AGPS working.
My AGPS (Spain-Orange) doesn't work at all. And i don't know anybody that has a working AGPS device/operator combination.
I've read around XDA that some people in the Raphael CDMA section have AGPS working, maybe we could post there to see if somebody replies and can collaborate with this project.
I was just about to post something similar. Only I wasn't as prepared with as much information. I was going to try to start a thread to consolidate the AGPS server settings for each additional carrier since I'm with T-Mobile and using an AT&T Fuze. My AGPS is not working at all. It keeps trying to connect to AT&T's Media Net and naturally, it fails.
Would it be possible to maybe create some kind of way to trick the devices into thinking that they are AT&T Fuze's and connect to the Media Net to connect to AT&T's AGPS Servers?
I Personally support this project 100%!!
Side note - Has anyone gotten AGPS working on USA T-Mobile at all? I attached a screenshot of the result of what happens when I try to use AGPS on my Fuze.
"Network"="MEdia Net"
"GPRSConnection"="MEdia Net"
You need to change those to whatever your network is called on t-mobile
I dont know much about any of this, I have an AT&T Fuze with AT&T service, I also have the AT&T Navigator Software and an account with it, so, is there anything I can do to help? how do I know if my AGPS works or not?
dharvey4651 said:
I was just about to post something similar. Only I wasn't as prepared with as much information. I was going to try to start a thread to consolidate the AGPS server settings for each additional carrier since I'm with T-Mobile and using an AT&T Fuze. My AGPS is not working at all. It keeps trying to connect to AT&T's Media Net and naturally, it fails.
Would it be possible to maybe create some kind of way to trick the devices into thinking that they are AT&T Fuze's and connect to the Media Net to connect to AT&T's AGPS Servers?
I Personally support this project 100%!!
Side note - Has anyone gotten AGPS working on USA T-Mobile at all? I attached a screenshot of the result of what happens when I try to use AGPS on my Fuze.
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Actually, there are AGPS standards. Today, most GPS chipset vendors use their own AGPS platforms. However, that is rapidly changing. To my knowledge, most (including Snaptrack/GPSOne, aka Qualcomm) support 'secure user plane location architecture' or SUPL. This is a standard adopted by the OMA or 'Open Mobile Alliance' ( The OMA is basically almost all of the heavy weights of wireless including Silicon manufacturers, Handset Vendors, Carriers, etc.
Currently, the OMA has ratified SUPL v1.0 and the standards body and members are working on the next version - 2.0.
What is SUPL? In a nutshell, SUPL is designed to support location determination regardless of the location server used by the mobile carrier. As the number of applications grow for LBS, so does the need by developers to work across location platforms and mobile device hardware manufacturers.
CLS, I am a bit confused as to your intentions. The Raphael supports artificial ephemerids (Qualcomm's GPSOneXTRA) which cut cold-start TTFF down to under 10 seconds. Using cellular triangulation won't buy you much.
Is there another reason I am missing here?
Da_G said:
"Network"="MEdia Net"
"GPRSConnection"="MEdia Net"
You need to change those to whatever your network is called on t-mobile
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I'll try this now. I think my data is called "T-Mobile Data"
fatguybp said:
I dont know much about any of this, I have an AT&T Fuze with AT&T service, I also have the AT&T Navigator Software and an account with it, so, is there anything I can do to help? how do I know if my AGPS works or not?
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If your AGPS is working, your GPS should lock in just under a minute every single time, sometimes even faster. With my old Sprint Touch(back when I was with Sprint), I was able to lock onto upwards of 7 satellites every single time in less than 10 seconds. Now it takes 2-5 minutes every time with my Fuze on T-Mobile.
Operation619 said:
Actually, there are AGPS standards. Today, most GPS chipset vendors use their own AGPS platforms. However, that is rapidly changing. To my knowledge, most (including Snaptrack/GPSOne, aka Qualcomm) support 'secure user plane location architecture' or SUPL. This is a standard adopted by the OMA or 'Open Mobile Alliance' ( The OMA is basically almost all of the heavy weights of wireless including Silicon manufacturers, Handset Vendors, Carriers, etc.
Currently, the OMA has ratified SUPL v1.0 and the standards body and members are working on the next version - 2.0.
What is SUPL? In a nutshell, SUPL is designed to support location determination regardless of the location server used by the mobile carrier. As the number of applications grow for LBS, so does the need by developers to work across location platforms and mobile device hardware manufacturers.
CLS, I am a bit confused as to your intentions. The Raphael supports artificial ephemerids (Qualcomm's GPSOneXTRA) which cut cold-start TTFF down to under 10 seconds. Using cellular triangulation won't buy you much.
Is there another reason I am missing here?
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I've never had my Fuze lock it's GPS 10 seconds or less. NEVER. It's usually 2-5 minutes on average. Sometimes it doesn't even lock at all after standing outside in the cold for upwards of 5 minutes smoking a cigarette.
I get 3D position fixes in open-sky conditions in ~6 seconds.
Under my balcony in my apartment in a highly attenuated partial-sky view I will get 3D fixes in ~20 seconds.
Indoor in my home office with a south facing window and light foliage I'll see 2D in about 1 minute and 3D almost always under 2 minutes.
At my corporate office with a re-radiating GPS antenna I'll see consistent GPS lock in ~6 seconds.
Hell, I'd love to put this in the multi-channel GPS simulator at my desk but I don't think that's a good idea.
Operation619 said:
I get 3D position fixes in open-sky conditions in ~6 seconds.
Under my balcony in my apartment in a highly attenuated partial-sky view I will get 3D fixes in ~20 seconds.
Indoor in my home office with a south facing window and light foliage I'll see 2D in about 1 minute and 3D almost always under 2 minutes.
At my corporate office with a re-radiating GPS antenna I'll see consistent GPS lock in ~6 seconds.
Hell, I'd love to put this in the multi-channel GPS simulator at my desk but I don't think that's a good idea.
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Yes you definitely have working AGPS
I made the registry changes mentioned above and I'm about to test my AGPS now. If it works I'll make a cab file to make the registry changes for everyone who may want it. (T-Mobile Only of course)
EDIT:: Making the following registry changes seems to have helped a little. My GPS locked in about 1 minute in my bedroom from a cold start(after soft-reset) It also connected to the data instead of error-ing out which was also different.
"Network"="MEdia Net"
"GPRSConnection"="MEdia Net"
"Network"="T-Mobile Data"
"GPRSConnection"="T-Mobile Data"
EDIT AGAIN:: I just soft-reset and from a dead cold start(GPS OFF COMPLETELY) it locked onto 8 satellites in less than a minute in my bedroom agian.
I'm starting to like this phone again.
EDIT AGAIN...Spoke too soon... It's doing it again. It was fast for 2 locks and 2 soft-resets but now it's slow again.
This is what the SUPL AGPS key looks like in my registry:
"Network"="T-Mobile Data"
"GPRSConnection"="T-Mobile Data"
Nope. I'm not using any type of TOA or AOA, or what you and the OP are describing as "AGPS" on this handset. Network provided AGPS is disabled. Furthermore, GPS performance is somewhat better when my GSM radio is off.
Note that I am using the artificial ephemeris information provided by the Q or "QuickGPS" as most users know it.
These shots were taken in my home office scenario I described above. PDoP is pretty high (but still good) as I am in a poor visibility scenario (lots of multipath, limited sky view, etc.)
Well... I finally got AGPS working for me(at least it feels like it). My GPS is now locking onto 6-10 satellites in less than a minute every single time. Even after a soft-reset without using any kind of primer like GPSToday or HTC GPS Tool.
I'm a happy camper.
All it took was a little tweaking to the registry and now it works.
I attached a cab file to fix the AGPS.
WARNING!!! This is ONLY FOR USA T-Mobile!!
Are you downloading the QuickGPS file? If so, what's the age of the download?
Operation619 said:
Are you downloading the QuickGPS file? If so, what's the age of the download?
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Where does QuickGPS download to? I downloaded it today but I never bothered looking for the file it downloaded.
I would suspect you are still not using network-assisted positioning. The QuickGPS file is aiding the receiver.
If you were using network assistance you would be getting rough position (<1000m) in seconds. Even indoors or your basement where there is zero GPS signal available.
Here's a quick way to test if AGPS is really working.
Set GPSMode to 1. GPSMode is normally set to 2 - it will auto-fallback if AGPS fails.
GPSMode 1 will continually try to get an AGPS fix, and not send you any NMEA data at all if it doesn't. You'll probably need to up the value in TimeBetweenFixes from 1 to at least 3 or 4, allowing only 1 second between fixes doesn't give your phone enough time to send location data to the AGPS PDE server and get a response.
Anywho, in GPSMode 1 i get no NMEA strings at all, so my agps is definitely broke
Operation619 said:
I would suspect you are still not using network-assisted positioning. The QuickGPS file is aiding the receiver.
If you were using network assistance you would be getting rough position (<1000m) in seconds. Even indoors or your basement where there is zero GPS signal available.
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You may be right but I feel that It's still using some form of network assisted GPS because it's never been this fast before. I hard-reset and did not use QuickGPS at all and my results are the same.
Try turning off your radio to see if you still have the same TTFF.
Remember QuickGPS will download it's data in the background on a cradled connection with no cue from you, too, so make sure it didnt download \Windows\xtra.bin and inject it without you knowing
Also the QuickGPS data survives a hard reset if "ClearGPS" flag isnt set for the hard reset program or you don't have the CleanGPSData package in your ROM.
Operation619 said:
Try turning off your radio to see if you still have the same TTFF.
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I'll try this now.
EDIT:: Seems you're right. It just locked onto 10 satellites in flight mode right in my bedroom in less than 30 seconds. WOW. Never saw it do that before.
Good catch Da G.
Harvey - are you willing to do a little test?
To test if network assistance is available and helping you might want to try the following.
This test will need to be performed at the same location in an ideal, open-sky condition with the handset in the same orientation in your hand each time:
1. Make sure your handset is free of the QuickGPS file.
2. Shut off all radios, go outside in a clear, open-sky environment.
3. Acquire 3D position fixes 10 times. Record the times it takes to acquire in seconds (aka TTFF).
4. Average the TTFFs
5. Power Cycle the handset.
6. Ensure no programs or registry settings inhibit AGPS or network assistance.
7. Make sure there is no QuickGPS file present.
8. Turn on your GSM radio.
9. Re-acquire GPS 3D position fixes in the same open-sky area 10x and record each TTFF
10. Average the TTFFs
What's the result?

GPS Issue

Is any one else having an issue of the GPS taking an extremely long time to get a lock?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Out of the box it worked flawlessly. I messed with a location setting and then gas took around thirty seconds to lock. I turned that setting back on and gas flew again. On average, my gps has a lock by the time the map loads
systoxity said:
Out of the box it worked flawlessly. I messed with a location setting and then gas took around thirty seconds to lock. I turned that setting back on and gas flew again. On average, my gps has a lock by the time the map loads
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Could you tell me what your gps settings are then? Also could you dial *#*#1472365#*#* and go to application settings and spul or something like that and list what you have there?
I'd say that driving home the gps got a lock relatively quickly but it was only a lock accurate to within 50 meters. I guess this is good enough for driving but it wouldnt be good enough for biking or jogging.
Mine takes a full minute to lock. I think the issue, at least with mine, is that no matter what I do to the settings, their not saved. So if I go to settings and change location settings, or use *#*#1472365#*#* the settings never seem to save. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or this is a bug, sure seems like a bug though.
I noticed the first time i tried to get a GPS lock it took forever. But every time since then it has been getting progressively faster. Now it locks and pulls up traffic info within seconds...
I am having a difficult time with the gps locking and it is very inaccurate. I went into the settings and change d the startup to cold
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
whoa, you get traffic info? is that with google maps?
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
Thanks this actually fixed my issue of not being able to ft a lock at all. Accuracy is pretty high at 30m but it was spot on in Maps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Thanks for the tip.
the gps is still not working inside my house, but outside it locks faster outside.
Shadow77895 said:
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
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I change my settings without notating what the original settings were. Does anyone have that information?
rkorzuch said:
I change my settings without notating what the original settings were. Does anyone have that information?
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SUPL/CP Settings
Port 7275
SUPL Secure On
Application Settings
Operation Mode Standalone
Accuracy 50
Use SkyHook Off
No Real Change...
I've tried following the directions in the GPS Fix 101 thread under the Vibrant section: no luck... I tried what was suggested abouve: no luck...
Can someone tell em what I'm doing wrong? I know that usually the issue is w/ the operator, not the device and I'm new to Android. I like the phone, but GPS is a BIG reason I bought an Android phone. I need something that is REALLY accurate as we have smaller blocks in some of the towns I go to. Seriously, where my parents live there are A, B, etc. streets and some city blocks are so small there is an "L 1/2 St" ( You can laugh about everything being bigger in TX...)
I do a ton of traveling so this feature is VERY important to me. I just got back from one cross country trip tonight and seldom did I get a good GPS lock and that was on major Hwy's. How does this compare to the ARIA? My sister just got one of those, but hasn't messed around w/ it as it is her first Android phone.
I'd appreciate any help or advice anyone can give. Thanks in advance!!!
If it helps; I was just outside my father-in-laws house and it initially had me about 2-3 blks away in the middle of a golf fairway. It is a clear night, no clouds or heavy trees. I can only detect 1-2 sat.'s when I do a test, and I have a Bodyglove silicon/rubber case/skin.
Ok, I tried it again... In the house I'm about 500 ft off from where I really am and placed in a golf fairway. Outside I am FURTHER off: I'd estimate at least 5 blocks and placed in the middle of a different golf fairway. For comparision sake, my wife's iPhone 3Gs has her within 10-20' while inside the house. I can detect 3-4 sat's. which is the most ever, but it does not use any of them... To me, this is unacceptable and a great cause for concern. What can I do???
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON[/QUOTE said:
I changed my settings to the above, and I've gotten much better results with my GPS. It finds my location a lot quicker, and more accurate. Try these settings if you haven't already. If you have, I guess I would just take it back to AT&T. Having a lagging and inaccurate GPS on a smartphone can be annoying.
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operation mode??
Shadow77895 said:
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
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For the android newbie... can you give a little more detail on how to get here and Skyhook?
Never mind I found it.
Will/Can this be fixed.
I am very disappointed with my GPS performance in an otherwise very enjoyable phone.
GPS is important to me and I am seriously considering returning the phone. There are a couple of other issues, but I'm working through them.
Do you think the issue will be repaired? Guess at how long until fixed? I know it's all just a guess.
Shadow77895 said:
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
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They above settings improved my GPS signal acquisition, however, accuracy was still very poor. This was extremely evident when navigating around town. I'm currently testing the following settings and so far things seem to be working well:
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set to AUTO config
Set SUPL Secure Socket OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Assisted
Set Accuracy to 100
Set Use SkyHook to ON
Using these settings I can reliably track 8-9 satellites and lock 4-5. Accuracy tends toward 5-10 meters and signal acquisition is usually within seconds.
I've noticed that after changing settings it can take the GPS a while to acquire a lock. Subsequent uses improve in speed.
I'm by no means an expert on these settings so if anybody sees a problem with them please let me know.

[FIX] Updated: GPS Tracking Issues (Optional FIX)

boodies posted this in the General section and thought it should be here as well, due to its nature.
Props goes out to boodies, Great Find!!
I tried this and all GPS and compass issues are now fixed. GPS locks on accurately in just a few seconds.
***This fix may not work if you live outside of USA.***
##You can play with the settings if you want to. If you FUBAR your GPS a simple factory reset will return your setting to default. You can do this without going into recovery buy going to Settings / Privacy / Factory data reset.##
Tested Procedure:
1 - Disable "Use Wireless Networks" - Settings / Location & Security
2 - Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
3 - Under "Application settings" Change "Operation Mode" to MS Based
4 - Under "SUPL/CP Settings" Change the SERVER & PORT to and port 7276 [ Do not use www. in front of supl]
6 - Turn back on the "User Wireless Networks"
Original settings:
Operation Mode: Standalone
Port: 7275
Optional New Fix:
1 - Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
2 - Go outside to get an unimpeded GPS fix.
3 - Choose Delete GPS Data button.
4 - Choose Get Position Test button. Let it run for 3 min or until you have 10 to 12 Sat locks and back out.
Thanks goes to Onlyloki for this method.
Haven't had time to test it thoroughly. You may want to do this in conjunction with the first procedure and then do the optional if the first procedure did not work for you. I did both and my GPS is locking even faster. Let me know what you think...
Just some more info I dug up:
Quote from
"In MS-Based mode, the network provides the satellite information to the device, based on a rough estimate of where the device is located, and the device acquires the GPS signals from the satellites and calculates its location. After the initial fix, the device operates like an autonomous GPS receiver, until the satellite information must be refreshed, at which time the device goes back to the network to update the satellite information. MS-Based mode is appropriate for applications that require the device location to be updated rapidly, such as a navigation application. Can the GPS work in autonomous mode? No, the GPS receiver requires the assistance of the network elements to acquire its initial location fix."
With the rapid updating we could see an increased drain on the battery. I have not confirmed that yet. If anyone can let us know.
Edit #2:
I was informed by a sales rep at T-Mobile that Samsung is aware of the issue and is going to fix the GPS and the compass issue in their first update.
Mine seems to be working fine after flashing back to stock firmware.
I wasn't able to get a lock before or after the original fix above. After performing the second fix I was able to get a lock but the phone only picked up 8 satellites.
Any idea if I'll have do the second "fix" every time I want a GPS lock?
I was finally able to get a lock using both procedures, but it couldn't track me if I moved.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
rabydanimal said:
I wasn't able to get a lock before or after the original fix above. After performing the second fix I was able to get a lock but the phone only picked up 8 satellites.
Any idea if I'll have do the second "fix" every time I want a GPS lock?
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Should be pernament 8 sats is ok, good enough. Reboot and test in Google maps, should be set.
polarbee said:
I was finally able to get a lock using both procedures, but it couldn't track me if I moved.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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reboot phone and go for a car ride. Use g-maps to get lock and the switch to nav app.
designgears said:
Mine seems to be working fine after flashing back to stock firmware.
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Same for me. I flashed the stock rom in the other thread, went outside and had a gps lock at 5m in less than 30 second. It locked at 30m in less than 10 seconds. Before this, the best I had was 30m after a long time and it wouldn't track me in my car hardly at all. I will test further tomorrow on my way to work.
Thanks! This worked great, I'm glad I have working GPS now.
Can anyone post what the settings in Application Settings are supposed to be? I might have changed something in there that makes my GPS off by ~150 yards consistenly...
abuthemagician said:
Can anyone post what the settings in Application Settings are supposed to be? I might have changed something in there that makes my GPS off by ~150 yards consistenly...
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You can do a factory reset and reset all the settings to stock
Blarg. I am really not in the position to do a factory reset after I just got my phone the way I like it... Anyone else?
I wrote them down before I started...
“Application Settings” change “Operation Mode” to Standalone & “Skyhook” to OFF
“SUPL/CP Settings” change “Server” to “ServerPort” to 7275
what about the others under application settings? I think it was one of those.
Samsung GPS fix is coming in September
This is cool :
"Samsung is testing software to optimize GPS on Galaxy S phones. Look for updates in September. Details & download instructions to follow."
Source: Samsungservice twitter
meatrocket said:
I wrote them down before I started...
“Application Settings” change “Operation Mode” to Standalone & “Skyhook” to OFF
“SUPL/CP Settings” change “Server” to “ServerPort” to 7275
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Thanks for the info!
This is old info and does not fix tracking issue. It only helps lock times. This is already posted in general 3 or 5 times.
not sure if anyone else has addressed this issue but the AGPS is disabled according to the settings.db file. maybe thats the problem?

GPS Fix - new possible settings

This might be my first post ever, however, long time lurker on the boards.
I think I have a potential fix for the GPS issue with the Captivate. I don’t think this is the same as the “quick fix” found elsewhere on these and other the boards. I am not sure what (if any) 'side effects' there are to this.
My phone previously had the AT&T/Samsung fix from late September applied, although it didn’t seem to help.
Get to the Lbs test menu; previous available through *#*#1472365#*#*. However, if you previously installed the recent AT&T/Samsung (supposed fix) for the Captivate, you can’t get to the menu through the dialer. Use Anycut from market to get to the Lbs test screen.
My GPS now gets a great lock about 30 seconds.
BTW, I am not root….
YMMV. You should record your original settings prior to making these changes, just in case you need to revert.
Standard Disclaimer; I am not at fault for any issues this causes your device…..
Now, down to the settings that I use:
In Lbs test menu:
I “deleted GPS data”
Application Settings
– Session Type: Tracking
– Test Mode : S/W Test
– Operation Mode: MS Based
– Start Mode: Cold Start
– GPS Plus: Off
– Dynamic Accuracy: On
– Accuracy: 50
– Use Skyhook: Off
– Use PC Tool: Off
SUPL/CP Settings
- Server FQDN Type: Auto Config
- Server [leave what is autopulated]
- Server Port [leave was is autopopulated]
- Supl Secure Socket: On
Use GPS Test from Market, or the The “Get Position Test” menu from Lbs screen to validate.
WIFI Problem:
One thing I have noticed is that depending on the settings above, wifi (if on) sometimes inhibits the ability to see more than 1 satellite. I think the problems with GPS are overall related to Wifi in some way.
If you do not have luck with above settings, turn wifi off and see what happens.
I only had to change a couple of the settings but this is working nicely so far...Ill try again over the next day or so in various situations and report back.
Op Mode to MS Based
Start Mode to Cold
Turned off GPS Plus
Secure Socket to off
I'll admit some of this seems counter-intuitive, but at this point anything is worth a shot.I'll let you know how it goes!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
You don't need to download anything to access the Lbs test. Just type *#*#3214789650#*#* in the dialer and you will get access. Works with JH7 and Froyo.
Before anyone else reads this and declares their GPS fixed, they should read at least the first post of this thread completely. If you understand what is being said by that post, then you can offer GPS solutions. The only thing you have changed is AGPS settings. While those settings will get you a lock, they don't help out with accuracy. If you really want to test your GPS, you have to turn off the use wireless networks feature, take it outside and see how well it works then.
Everything that has been said in this thread has been said elsewhere and is not a solution.
Nope, it's definitely not fixed...but it did give me a better lock than before. Same old...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Well if its not a fix then it is most definitely better...I can get a lock in ~20 seconds where as before it might not even come close.
l7777 said:
Before anyone else reads this and declares their GPS fixed, they should read at least the first post of this thread completely. If you understand what is being said by that post, then you can offer GPS solutions. The only thing you have changed is AGPS settings. While those settings will get you a lock, they don't help out with accuracy. If you really want to test your GPS, you have to turn off the use wireless networks feature, take it outside and see how well it works then.
Everything that has been said in this thread has been said elsewhere and is not a solution.
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Additionally, a lock is not enough to say it works. Take it for a drive along with another GPS device - use Google my tracks or some other tool to record your path. Even use GPS test and watch your MPH, direction and location.
You will find that it is not fixed. It works OK sometimes, but many times it is behind or inaccurate.
msinkovich said:
Well if its not a fix then it is most definitely better...I can get a lock in ~20 seconds where as before it might not even come close.
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You will have to do that every week as your cached GPS data expires. And you can literally use any settings as long as you can use the lbstestmode to accquire a lock. That's all you need to do (accquire your first lock and it will cache the data for 5 to 7 days).
Any "fix" that involves "settings" isn't a "fix" at all since it demonstrates an utter lack of what the real problem is and how GPS fundamentally works.
The real "fix" won't come in the form of settings. Any purported settings "fix" is snake oil.
I've given up on GPS a while ago.
It's a fringe feature anyway.
I never have "use wireless networks on" and gps works good enough. It may not be perfect but everytime ive used it it has got me where i need to go no problems. It may jump off track or be slow to turn for a second but it still gets me to wherever just fine.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
If I read this correctly your turning off skyhook ? I read this, and to me you need it turned on for urban areas and in the city need wi-fi turned on because of the occlusions caused by buildings and such...?
roadrash7 said:
I never have "use wireless networks on" and gps works good enough.
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That option has nothing to do with GPS. 'Use Wireless Networks' is actually quite useful for location aware apps like Google Maps, Places, Speed Test etc. where an accurate but slow GPS lock may not be needed (or even possible if you're underground or inside a concrete building). This option enables those apps to use cell tower or wi-fi signal trianglation to get a quick estimation of your current location so that apps can give you relavent information, i.e. nearby gas stations or resaurants. It has nothing to do with aGPS either.
MikeyMike01 said:
I've given up on GPS a while ago.
It's a fringe feature anyway.
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You have to be kidding saying its a feature right? I can't believe how many say that its a feature and that it is ok that Samsung is screwing them ( along with placebo updates) . I myself love and would like a Galaxy S phone or even the new Focus 7, but its looking like it too has GPS issues from early reports with the Omnia 7.
I know most of you guys are already locked in with your carrier and don't have much choice with the GPS issue but its not a feature, its a valuable function just like placing calls, sending emails, texting, etc.. If you don't care about this, then you should of bought a Razor flip phone.
I have been keeping up with this because I really want to see Samsung resolve this and make right.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
So the only reason you need a phone is for the GPS? Otherwise just stay with my 1996 model flip phone?!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I think their point is that it is an advertised function of the phone and we would like to work properly.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
GimpyLeg said:
So the only reason you need a phone is for the GPS? Otherwise just stay with my 1996 model flip phone?!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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My reasons for a working GPS are as follows:
Pinpoint your location, get turn-by-turn directions to restaurants, businesses and other destinations, location-based mobile games, social networking sites, real-time position tracking, lost or stolen phone tracking, etc., etc., etc..
What I am saying is just quit making excuses for Samsung and demand what you paid for! There are people on here who would really like for their GPS to be working and rightfully so.
Oh, I agree that it should work as advertised. Can't say Samsung is ' screwing' me because they can't get it right. Would have bought the phone if I knew about it beforehand anyway. There are many other features that led me to the Cappy. Samsung does need to fix the problem and I hope they do so soon. Buy I won't try discourage anyone from Samsung products in the meanwhile.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
wsantiagow said:
My reasons for a working GPS are as follows:
Pinpoint your location, get turn-by-turn directions to restaurants, businesses and other destinations, location-based mobile games, social networking sites, real-time position tracking, lost or stolen phone tracking, etc., etc., etc..
What I am saying is just quit making excuses for Samsung and demand what you paid for! There are people on here who would really like for their GPS to be working and rightfully so.
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The solution to the GPS problem is quite simple, but most people still don't see it.
If 100% accuracy and < 10 second fixes are more important to you than the rest of the Galaxy S features, then you do not want a Galaxy S phone. Either return the one you have or don't buy it. For most people, that good of a GPS is a bonus and not a requirement.
The GPS problems are not undocumented, anyone reading any reviews for the phone will realize that the GPS is not as good as other devices. Even if they don't realize it before they buy it, they have 30 days to return it. Samsung may or may not ever get the problem worked out since phones have such a short life cycle. *****ing about it in thread after thread, online petitions, and idle threats of legal action will have absolutely no impact on Samsung.

[REF] Tweaking the GPS for Speed and Accuracy

I don't take credit for this, I'm just basically confirming that if you are inside the US, the following tweak should improve lock speeds and accuracy. I was able to lock on inside my house < 10 secs, with a 6 meter accuracy. It's been done on a number of phones -- just posting it for the folks here who haven't found the tweak yet.
It requires root - see the threads in this forum.
To install it, you should create a backup of your /system/etc/gps.conf file before doing anything. The easiest way is to use Root Explorer and then copy the file to somewhere on your sd card. (Make a directory, or put it in a safe place).
[ Edit: Sorry, I'm having trouble getting the new file attached - the links below work (I think) but look sort of funny ]
Download and unzip the file View attachment 784134, then copy the attached file to /system/etc/gps.conf. Reboot or power off/on and you are done. (Again, use Root Explorer if you aren't comfortable enough with terminal/adb shell to do this on your own.)
Alternately you can edit your existing file with the text editor of your choice. All you are doing is replacing the NTP server and adding the SUPL lines at the bottom.
# Thanks to Da_G from the xda-forums for additional information on data for
# the below changes. Switch to the for better time resolution
# inside the US, but the xtra1 servers are good worldwide. You can
# Also just choose one of the below * areas for where you plan
# to use your GPS.
###Uncomment only one NTP_SERVER line!##
##### US Time Servers
##### Worldwide
##### Continental Servers
##### Asia
##### Europe
###North America
# DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info
# 4 - Debug, 5 - Verbose
# Intermediate position report, 1=enable, 0=disable
# GPS Capabilities bit mask
# MSB = 2
# MSA = 4
# default = MSA | MSB | SCHEDULING
# The SUPL_HOST and SUPL_PORT lines below can be commented out if
# you will be using your GPS outside the AT&T network and/or outside.
# the US. The Skyrocket is configured to use the AT&T servers by
# default, and Da_G's says that the AT&T has a more accurate
# geolocation database.
After you have made the changes reboot your phone. (power off/on)
Here's the gps.conf file - just unzip it and replace. It is *NOT* something that can be flashed, just the conf file: View attachment 784134
tejones36 said:
I don't take credit for this, I'm just basically confirming that if you are inside the US, the following tweak should improve lock speeds and accuracy. I was able to lock on inside my house < 10 secs, with a 6 meter accuracy.
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My phone already does this, even while indoors. Has anyone been having worse GPS quality?
Mine was at 25ft previously. It's been reported on quite a few forums to improve both lock time (mine improved here as well) and accuracy.
Two seconds to first lock with 3 sats. 4 seconds later floating between 9 and 10 sats locked.
F'n sweet. No tweaks needed.
gheck911 said:
Two seconds to first lock with 3 sats. 4 seconds later floating between 9 and 10 sats locked.
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Mine improved from 5m to 3m accuracy indoors and better lock times so I thought I'd share something I found useful.
Daedalus_ said:
My phone already does this, even while indoors. Has anyone been having worse GPS quality?
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Same here. We shouldn't be scaring people into thinking that the SR has accuracy issues.
Dranakin said:
Same here. We shouldn't be scaring people into thinking that the SR has accuracy issues.
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By that logic, we shouldn't be building custom kernel's or ROMs - we shouldn't be scaring people into thinking that the SR has UI or development issues right?
tejones36 said:
By that logic, we shouldn't be building custom kernel's or ROMs - we shouldn't be scaring people into thinking that the SR has UI or development issues right?
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You know that's not even a logical analogy. Don't be a douche now.
Does this file work on all GB devices, or at least Samsung devices, or at least least an Infuse?
Yup, pretty much everything that I've seen so far.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk
(nothing to see here, move along...)
How is the GPS Lock and Tracking say compared to HTC or Motorola? Just wondering because I am debating on going back to BB tomorrow and swapping out my HTC Vivid for this phone. Just slightly worried as I have hear horror stories about Samsung and horrible GPS.
malickie said:
How is the GPS Lock and Tracking say compared to HTC or Motorola? Just wondering because I am debating on going back to BB tomorrow and swapping out my HTC Vivid for this phone. Just slightly worried as I have hear horror stories about Samsung and horrible GPS.
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I don't know about either of those phones, but I had the Captivate which was pretty horrible. both the SGS2 and the skyrocket are excellent right out of the box with none of those problems.
This post was meant to be about getting that last couple percent of accuracy and lock time, or to possibly help if someone had a restricted view of the sky via the SUPL lines at the bottom of the config along with closer geographic time servers. I've used the GPS heavily in the last couple of weeks and it's been terrific.
( Obviously the Skyrocket was only released this past Sunday, but I was using the OGS2 prior to returning it for the Skyrocket upgrade. )
tejones36 said:
I don't know about either of those phones, but I had the Captivate which was pretty horrible. both the SGS2 and the skyrocket are excellent right out of the box with none of those problems.
This post was meant to be about getting that last couple percent of accuracy and lock time, or to possibly help if someone had a restricted view of the sky via the SUPL lines at the bottom of the config along with closer geographic time servers. I've used the GPS heavily in the last couple of weeks and it's been terrific.
( Obviously the Skyrocket was only released this past Sunday, but I was using the OGS2 prior to returning it for the Skyrocket upgrade. )
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Very good to know. I am actually one of those that has issues getting gps lock in my house not sure even this will help considering I have a tin roof. Still good to know that this has good GPS out of the box.
(wave) Hi
On the topic of this thread,
I did some disassembly on the GPS kernel module, and it is looking at 3 seperate config files for configuration infos. /etc/gps.conf, /data/data/angryGps/secgps.conf (i think there's a in there, have to go double check, don't remember from memory) and /etc/loc_parameter.ini.
loc_parameter.ini appears to be the most interesting one, with a number of previously undocumented configurations. Notably the GPS is always defaulting to start up in "driving mode" vs. "pedestrian mode" which anyone familiar with the function of GPS will know means there is a filtering algorithm active to prevent some GPS updates from getting to the user (if the location has not moved more than 5 meters in any direction since the last update, assume this falls within the margin of error and report no movement)
Pedestrian mode is desirable in many cases as there are no GPS reports filtered out and you get the constant position updating every second.
Also the GPS driver reports 1Hz update mode, which is common for consumer level GPS receivers. More expensive/higher level receivers can report as fast as 3 times per second. It might be possible to tweak our GPS to perform similarly (boy wouldn't that be sweet)
Lastly, the GPS driver defaults to full verbosity in logcat output. This might be slightly detrimental to performance and flipping a simple bit in loc_parameter.ini cuts the amount of output by a large amount with every position update.
Out of box the GPS daemon is configured to use AT&T's SUPL server, so switching to google's SUPL server should actually be detrimental to GPS time-to-first-fix performance, since AT&T has a much more accurate geolocation database driving their SUPL platform vs. google. Outside of the US however, I imagine google's SUPL server will perform better. Also, outside of AT&T's data network their SUPL server is not accessible, so this is another case switching to google's SUPL server would be advantageous.
Further disassembly tonight
Thanks for the very informative post! Glad to see someone well versed in the subject commenting.
Da_G said:
I did some disassembly on the GPS kernel module, and it is looking at 3 seperate config files for configuration infos. /etc/gps.conf, /data/data/angryGps/secgps.conf (i think there's a in there, have to go double check, don't remember from memory) and /etc/loc_parameter.ini.
loc_parameter.ini appears to be the most interesting one, with a number of previously undocumented configurations.
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This does sound pretty interesting and worth playing with. Is there an easy way (like killing a process, like in system panel or from a terminal) to get the process to reread the config file short of a reboot? I have no idea if mobile phones can take a kill -HUP <pid> and reread, or just a -TERM and the system restarts it.
Pedestrian mode is desirable in many cases as there are no GPS reports filtered out and you get the constant position updating every second.
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That does sound interesting - I wonder if the "pedestrian" routing on google maps actually does something besides changing how it routes - maybe it also changes the gps functionality as well?
It might be possible to tweak our GPS to perform similarly (boy wouldn't that be sweet)
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Lastly, the GPS driver defaults to full verbosity in logcat output. This might be slightly detrimental to performance and flipping a simple bit in loc_parameter.ini cuts the amount of output by a large amount with every position update.
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If you'd like me to include that file with instructions in the first post, I can certainly do so (and properly accredit you of course).
Out of box the GPS daemon is configured to use AT&T's SUPL server, so switching to google's SUPL server should actually be detrimental to GPS time-to-first-fix performance, since AT&T has a much more accurate geolocation database driving their SUPL platform vs. google. Outside of the US however, I imagine google's SUPL server will perform better. Also, outside of AT&T's data network their SUPL server is not accessible, so this is another case switching to google's SUPL server would be advantageous.
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Good to know. What amount of time do you think the first fix might be delayed, order of magnitude wise? (1s, 10s, etc.) I'd trade a short period of time for better global/rural data possibly, but it's good to know the trade offs.
Further disassembly tonight
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Awesome, thanks for the info!
So I tried to download the attachment didnt work. Then I tried to put in that information and rebooted. But it still doesnt lock on with google maps.
atomoverride said:
So I tried to download the attachment didnt work. Then I tried to put in that information and rebooted. But it still doesnt lock on with google maps.
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I've included the full file now in the main post, it's working on my phone. Here's a copy of the file as well - I'll try to relink it in the original post. - gps.conf replacement: View attachment
Is the 5 meter update condition meant to filter out noise from inaccuracy? Does increasing the Hz on the position update compromise battery life?
Earlier I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just saying that my GPS works fine and if yours isn't it might've been broken.
What is the address for AT&T supl? Or does it default to this if you have no supl lines?

