GPS Issue - Captivate General

Is any one else having an issue of the GPS taking an extremely long time to get a lock?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

Out of the box it worked flawlessly. I messed with a location setting and then gas took around thirty seconds to lock. I turned that setting back on and gas flew again. On average, my gps has a lock by the time the map loads

systoxity said:
Out of the box it worked flawlessly. I messed with a location setting and then gas took around thirty seconds to lock. I turned that setting back on and gas flew again. On average, my gps has a lock by the time the map loads
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Could you tell me what your gps settings are then? Also could you dial *#*#1472365#*#* and go to application settings and spul or something like that and list what you have there?

I'd say that driving home the gps got a lock relatively quickly but it was only a lock accurate to within 50 meters. I guess this is good enough for driving but it wouldnt be good enough for biking or jogging.

Mine takes a full minute to lock. I think the issue, at least with mine, is that no matter what I do to the settings, their not saved. So if I go to settings and change location settings, or use *#*#1472365#*#* the settings never seem to save. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or this is a bug, sure seems like a bug though.

I noticed the first time i tried to get a GPS lock it took forever. But every time since then it has been getting progressively faster. Now it locks and pulls up traffic info within seconds...

I am having a difficult time with the gps locking and it is very inaccurate. I went into the settings and change d the startup to cold
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

whoa, you get traffic info? is that with google maps?

I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.

Thanks this actually fixed my issue of not being able to ft a lock at all. Accuracy is pretty high at 30m but it was spot on in Maps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

Thanks for the tip.
the gps is still not working inside my house, but outside it locks faster outside.

Shadow77895 said:
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
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I change my settings without notating what the original settings were. Does anyone have that information?

rkorzuch said:
I change my settings without notating what the original settings were. Does anyone have that information?
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SUPL/CP Settings
Port 7275
SUPL Secure On
Application Settings
Operation Mode Standalone
Accuracy 50
Use SkyHook Off

No Real Change...
I've tried following the directions in the GPS Fix 101 thread under the Vibrant section: no luck... I tried what was suggested abouve: no luck...
Can someone tell em what I'm doing wrong? I know that usually the issue is w/ the operator, not the device and I'm new to Android. I like the phone, but GPS is a BIG reason I bought an Android phone. I need something that is REALLY accurate as we have smaller blocks in some of the towns I go to. Seriously, where my parents live there are A, B, etc. streets and some city blocks are so small there is an "L 1/2 St" ( You can laugh about everything being bigger in TX...)
I do a ton of traveling so this feature is VERY important to me. I just got back from one cross country trip tonight and seldom did I get a good GPS lock and that was on major Hwy's. How does this compare to the ARIA? My sister just got one of those, but hasn't messed around w/ it as it is her first Android phone.
I'd appreciate any help or advice anyone can give. Thanks in advance!!!

If it helps; I was just outside my father-in-laws house and it initially had me about 2-3 blks away in the middle of a golf fairway. It is a clear night, no clouds or heavy trees. I can only detect 1-2 sat.'s when I do a test, and I have a Bodyglove silicon/rubber case/skin.

Ok, I tried it again... In the house I'm about 500 ft off from where I really am and placed in a golf fairway. Outside I am FURTHER off: I'd estimate at least 5 blocks and placed in the middle of a different golf fairway. For comparision sake, my wife's iPhone 3Gs has her within 10-20' while inside the house. I can detect 3-4 sat's. which is the most ever, but it does not use any of them... To me, this is unacceptable and a great cause for concern. What can I do???

Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON[/QUOTE said:
I changed my settings to the above, and I've gotten much better results with my GPS. It finds my location a lot quicker, and more accurate. Try these settings if you haven't already. If you have, I guess I would just take it back to AT&T. Having a lagging and inaccurate GPS on a smartphone can be annoying.
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operation mode??
Shadow77895 said:
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
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For the android newbie... can you give a little more detail on how to get here and Skyhook?
Never mind I found it.

Will/Can this be fixed.
I am very disappointed with my GPS performance in an otherwise very enjoyable phone.
GPS is important to me and I am seriously considering returning the phone. There are a couple of other issues, but I'm working through them.
Do you think the issue will be repaired? Guess at how long until fixed? I know it's all just a guess.

Shadow77895 said:
I have been having the same problems. I tried messing with the GPS settings and it seems to have made things somewhat better, though I can't confirm it. Here's what I did, if you are interested.
Dial *#*#1472365#*#*
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set server to
Set server port to 7276
Set SUPL Secure Socket to OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Based
Set Accuracy to 80
Set Use SkyHook to ON
I'm not sure if any of these things made a real difference at all, but I do know that right now my GPS is reporting an accuracy of within 10 meters in a location where I couldn't get a lock before. I'd love to hear if this helps or hurts anyone else's GPS performance.
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They above settings improved my GPS signal acquisition, however, accuracy was still very poor. This was extremely evident when navigating around town. I'm currently testing the following settings and so far things seem to be working well:
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Set to AUTO config
Set SUPL Secure Socket OFF
Go back then go to Application Settings
Set Operation Mode to MS Assisted
Set Accuracy to 100
Set Use SkyHook to ON
Using these settings I can reliably track 8-9 satellites and lock 4-5. Accuracy tends toward 5-10 meters and signal acquisition is usually within seconds.
I've noticed that after changing settings it can take the GPS a while to acquire a lock. Subsequent uses improve in speed.
I'm by no means an expert on these settings so if anybody sees a problem with them please let me know.


GPS Settings: Performance Options (improvement)

Ok, There are a lot of posts and information regarding the GPS issue that some are experiencing. I am starting (yet) another post in the interest of compiling and maintaining information regarding that information in one location. As users/devs find out information I will update this post so everyone doesn't have to go looking everywhere for the information. I am hoping that the Moderator will sticky this post.
Some users are experiencing very long lock times for their GPS. Everyone, after reading A LOT of posts/threads it seems to be the consensus that this is a software/settings issue - NOT, a hardware issue. However, results from tweaking the following settings are very mixed. Most seem to get great results by tweaking the following settings while stationary - but, moving is a whole different ball game. I use the below settings and have great results while stationary. However, my G1 blows the Captivate completely out of the water!!! My G1 gave 3-10m accuracy while driving. This device can barely keep me on the correct highway and always seem lagging behind my current location. The G1 was spot on no matter what. What hasn't been determined is if these issues are hardware or software. For whatever my opinion is worth - I think it is a firmware/software issue. Here are some things to try.
Here is the info:
To get to your GPS settings open you dialer and dial the following number. This will not call anyone - it is a code shortcut to the settings:
Once entered you will observe a screen that has five buttons:
Get Position Test
Application Settings
SUPL/CP Settings
Test Application
Delete GPS Data
We will be interested in three of these initial buttons.
Get Position Test: This will be what one uses to test the results of your changes.
Application Settings: Exactly what it says.
SUPL/CP Settings: settings that determine specific data connectivity with the satellites.
In Application Settings the following are some that you might consider adjusting:
Operation Mode - Standalone, MS Based, MS assisted, Network Provider
Accuracy - defaults to 50. Don't set it below 10 (and only use increments of 10's)
SkyHook - not sure what it does. But, someone on a thread mentioned it and it DOES effect satellite lock times.
In SUPL/CP Settings one we'll be interested in the following:
Server FQDN Type
Server Port
The following are the options provided on other threads:
Original/Stock Settings:
SUPL/CP Settings/SErver FQDN Type/Custom Config
Application settings/Operation Mode/Standalone
SUPL/CP Settings/Server/
SUPL/CP Settings/Port/7275
Second suggested setup (from other posts and claimed to have great results):
SUPL/CP Settings/SErver FQDN Type/Custom Config
Application settings/Operation Mode/MS Based
SUPL/CP Settings/Server/
SUPL/CP Settings/Port/7276
Other settings that I have played with:
Application settings/SkyHook/On (and Off)
SUPL/CP Settings/SErver FQDN Type/Auto Config (and Custom Config)
You can play around with these to see what gives you the best results. If your GPS doesn't work better with whatever changes you made - than you can always put it back to the orginal settings above.
However, it has been recommended and I concur (for whatever that is worth) that you NEED TO SET THE FOLLOWING BEFORE YOU START PLAYING AROUND: Settings/Location and security/uncheck (turn off) "Use Wireless Networks). Most likely this won't really effect anything while your testing within the GPS settings - however, this will effect your results if you test using Google Maps, etc.
Now, having duly noted all of the above and having played around with the settings for several hours I found the best results FOR MY DEVICE IN MY AREA AT ONE LOCATION was the following:
Note: I adjusted these settings from earlier as the earlier settings proved to be very accurate when stationary - but, very inaccurate while moving. The latest settings I'm using are below. Also, look to the bottom of this post regarding changing your gps configuration file. That also helped A LOT. The bottom section of information is from the Official websites that run the time servers(effects GPS performance).
Application Settings/Operation Mode/MS Based
Application Settings/Operation Mode/SkyHook/ON (VERY IMPORTANT)
SUPL/CP Settings/Server FQDN Type/Custom Config
SUPL/CP Settings/Server/
SUPL/CP Settings/Server Port/7276
SUPL/CP Settings/SUPL Secure Socket/Off
Turning "SkyHook" ON assisted in faster locks with ALL of my tested settings when stationary!
My test results with the above would lock on up to three satellites in under four seconds and between 7 and 10 by eight seconds. Google Maps would locate me in about 6-8 seconds.
Using "Get Position Test" the settings in the three lines above consistently gave the not only the fastest locks and the most locks - but, also STRONGER SIGNALS!
I used at least seven different combinations of the above settings and some of them were just as quick - but, not as strong. Most of them were slower.
If anyone has better information to add then please PM me and I will add it to this top post.
LASTLY, I will make some guesses as to what some of the other settings do as I have heard different information:
Application Settings:
Session Type: Tracking or Singleshot - obvious (use Tracking)
Start Mode: Hot or Cold Start - someone posted on a thread that Hot uses data from your last read to get started. Cold start will start all over. So, Cold start SHOULD increase the time for you to get a lock unless you went left the area to an area that had different satellite to look up.
Test Application:
Performance Test: worked for me - but, I found the test above to work faster and give me quicker results for what I wanted.
Hardware Test/Sensitivity Test: Pretty cool - went on forever and I stopped it.
CNO Test: Seemed to test the average satellite signal strength.
Antenna Test: Never worked for me and I received errors.
H/W Test Settings: Settings for the above tests - I didn't mess with them.
Test Application/Show Sensor Data - there is no way to calibrate it here... But, you can see just how sensitive your instruments are!!
Delete GPS Data - I didn't select this button and I don't recommend anyone else doing so either unless someone from Samsung tells us what it does. LOL!
FINALLY: Keep in mind that if you are seeing GPS lock times that are in the 3-8 second range (which was what I was getting) this WILL NOT be how long it takes for Google Maps to get the GPS data! Expect 8-15 seconds or a little longer (but, under 30 seconds) for Google Maps to pick up your location. Although the GPS sensors might pick up the satellites - you still have to give the software time to evaluate the data and apply it to the software.
Hope this helps someone out there.
Update/Additional Information (
Hot Start - The GPS receiver remembers its last calculated position and which satellites were in view, the almanac used, and the UTC Time. It then performs a reset and attempts to acquire satellites and calculate a new position based upon the previous information. This is the quickest re-acquisition of a GPS lock.
Cold Start - The GPS receiver dumps all information and resets. It then attempts to locate satellites and then calculate a GPS lock. This takes the longest because there is no known information. The GPS receiver has to attempt to lock a satellite signal from all of the satellites, basically like polling, which takes a lot longer than knowing which satellites to look for. This re-acquisition of a GPS lock takes the longest.
Thanks to Shadow77895 for the link to this info. I altered the settings above. Doesn't effect my results much at all.
MSBased Operation Mode(
What is MS-Based mode of operation?
In MS-Based mode, the network provides the satellite information to the device, based on a rough estimate of where the device is located, and the device acquires the GPS signals from the satellites and calculates its location. After the initial fix, the device operates like an autonomous GPS receiver, until the satellite information must be refreshed, at which time the device goes back to the network to update the satellite information. MS-Based mode is appropriate for applications that require the device location to be updated rapidly, such as a navigation application.
And email thread regarding using the Google settings for GPS(
ALSO! Check out this page:
As will assign you timeservers from all over the world, time quality will not be ideal. You get a bit better result if you use the continental zones (For example europe, north-america, oceania or, and even better time if you use the country zone (like in Switzerland) - for all these zones, you can again use the 0, 1 or 2 prefixes, like Note, however, that the country zone might not exist for your country, or might contain only one or two timeservers. If you know timeservers that are really close to you (measured by network distance, with traceroute or ping), time probably will be even better.
Find your optimal pool server here:
For US the optimal server is:
Reference other threads I ( I recommend you do the following:
Use Root Explorer or some other method (I use Root Explorer as it has a built in Text Editor and automatically backs up the altered file.) to go to here:
Use the text editor to alter the gps.conf file to this (if you are in the US):
If you are NOT in the US go to here: and look at the links in the center of the page to navigate to the closest pool to your geographical location and use that pool for the top server entry.
Many are suggesting that we do NOT leave the Secure Socket ON. How will this effect data security with our devices? I don't understand how it could hurt us... But, there must be a reason for it. If someone could let me know I would appreciate it.
Good, guide, think you meant hot start should be faster though.
I'll be linking to this.
Sent from my Samsung Captivate using XDA app
Great, but doesn't address the problem
I need to point out that while this information is helpful it doesn't really address the problem that the GPS is facing.
What the above settings are doing is enabling multiple different A-GPS technologies to help compensate for the Galaxy S's poor GPS performance. A properly functioning GPS unit would not need these crutches except to acquire a faster fix.
I had my GPS outdoors today, with the first set of recommended settings, and was unable to achieve a fix while seven satellites were in view (according to it) with sufficient signal strength. This is a GPS firmware issue!
The above post is very helpful for people to get some better performance - however - the core GPS issues need to be addressed by Samsung.
I hope people will refrain from saying "It's perfect now!" and let up on Samsung. Unless you know what what the following are you're tweaking settings blindly and declaring victory: ephemeris, PDOP, SBAS, WGS-84, 2D fix, 3D fix (And the conditions one is chosen over the other.) and finally SA
I'm betting this phone would never achieve a fix in an SA environment! It's also clear that the person(s) who originated this information knew exactly what they were doing..!
If anyone is interested in learning how GPS works there are tons of great resources on the web that Google will point you to. Of course they're written for all sorts of different levels.
In short, the above settings may help, but please don't become convinced that things are "fixed"!
I'd suggest you read my posts on the subject:
@haydonxda - I agree that this does NOT address the potential problem that the firmware and/or hardware is inadequate! And, we should put pressure on Samsung to fix this issue. However, the phones have already been produced and I'm just trying to do the best with I have.
@Shadow77895 - thanks for the info. Added a bunch of further information after looking into your posts and references from them.
Try this fix (from, working on Galaxy S, root access required:
#cat /data/gps/secgps.conf > /sdcard/secgps.conf
#rm /data/gps/secgps.conf
After reboot, new (correct) secgps.conf appears.
At your own risk!
shaneaus said:
ALSO! Check out this page:
As will assign you timeservers from all over the world, time quality will not be ideal. You get a bit better result if you use the continental zones (For example europe, north-america, oceania or, and even better time if you use the country zone (like in Switzerland) - for all these zones, you can again use the 0, 1 or 2 prefixes, like Note, however, that the country zone might not exist for your country, or might contain only one or two timeservers. If you know timeservers that are really close to you (measured by network distance, with traceroute or ping), time probably will be even better.
Find your optimal pool server here:
For US the optimal server is:
Reference other threads I ( I recommend you do the following:
Use Root Explorer or some other method (I use Root Explorer as it has a built in Text Editor and automatically backs up the altered file.) to go to here:
Use the text editor to alter the gps.conf file to this (if you are in the US):
If you are NOT in the US go to here: and look at the links in the center of the page to navigate to the closest pool to your geographical location and use that pool for the top server entry.
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How do you use the text editor in Root Explorer. I can see the text but it won't allow me to edit it.
Hello, the code:
starts a GPS Test Application.
The settings inside this application are only for this application.
You can test your GPS in different modes.
But the settings are not relevant for other applications.
It is a simple illusion that it helps to manipulate this settings.
GPS is very time-dependent.
I don't know where we can change the default GPS Mode/s...
So when I walk outside my office there are like 7 satellites, and I still cannot get a lock. This is sad.
Out of the box it worked great, navigated from BB to my house with relative ease. Inside my house when I showed my parents it worked great. I rooted and deleted some ATT apps. I have yet to get a lock.
I have also changed the NTP servers and no dice. This is pretty saddening performance.
I still don't get why my Nexus One, sitting right next to my Samsung Captivate, is able to get a aGPS location (via My Location in maps) that is pretty damn accurate despite not having a GPS lock and my Captivate is unable to even get an aGPS location and just says my location data is temporarily unavailable.
Nexus One: Can get approximate location very easily
Samsung Captivate: Cannot even get approximate location using WIFI/Cell Towers.
Foursquare never knows where I am until I go outside in the middle of a parking lot. This is BS.
Won't anyone try GPS NMEA MONITOR App and see if the data sentences are correct? If the GPS chipset is putting out the correct Lat/Lon, then you can fiddle and fiddle what Captivate does with the information
Has anyone tried to contact Samsung about the issue yet? I tried yesterday and was on hold for an hour and half and then my call dropped. I'm joint to try again today.
SkyHook isn't a "feature" persay, it's a corporation:
Same one Apple uses. Not sure exactly how it works but they do wardrive and use WiFi and triangulation to pick up your position as well, so leaving that OFF will perhaps be better for calibrating your GPS settings, but you certainly want it back ON when in normal use.
TexUs said:
SkyHook isn't a "feature" persay, it's a corporation:
Same one Apple uses. Not sure exactly how it works but they do wardrive and use WiFi and triangulation to pick up your position as well, so leaving that OFF will perhaps be better for calibrating your GPS settings, but you certainly want it back ON when in normal use.
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What kind of aGPS does the Nexus One use? I tried to dial the code and it didn't bring up the same menu on the Nexus (it may be different). My Nexus is great at figuring out where I am without a GPS signal.
I changed all my settings last night and it seemed to fix the issue. I was getting a lock within 10 seconds or less. Now I cannot get a lock with the exact same settings and reboot. Has anyone contacted Samsung over this? Anyone get an answer from them? I love this phone but the GPS issue sucks.
Every time I try one of these new fixes it seems to work but then when I go somewher else it is broken again they need to fix this asap. I use that feature a lot
superscientific said:
I changed all my settings last night and it seemed to fix the issue. I was getting a lock within 10 seconds or less. Now I cannot get a lock with the exact same settings and reboot. Has anyone contacted Samsung over this? Anyone get an answer from them? I love this phone but the GPS issue sucks.
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I just got off the phone with Samsung galaxy s support. They knew nothing!!!!!! Said I was the first one to call with the issue.
I'm thinking about returning the phone... GPS is the most important part of a smartphone to me... I'm very disappointed
Jreitnauer7 said:
I just got off the phone with Samsung galaxy s support. They knew nothing!!!!!! Said I was the first one to call with the issue.
I'm thinking about returning the phone... GPS is the most important part of a smartphone to me... I'm very disappointed
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I don't know about most important but I agree, it's very important. This HAS to be fixed
Jreitnauer7 said:
I just got off the phone with Samsung galaxy s support. They knew nothing!!!!!! Said I was the first one to call with the issue.
I'm thinking about returning the phone... GPS is the most important part of a smartphone to me... I'm very disappointed
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Don't give up hope, i'm sure that guy doesnt know anything. Engadget and a few sites are aware of the issue and i'm sure Samsung took notice. i'm sure a firmware fix is in the works.
I have tried all the settings. And I don't really notice any difference. I live in the heart of Manhattan, NY., so I am sure roaming around int he concrete jungle trying to get a lock surely has a lot to do with my GPS issue. I do however, get a lock in every setting that has been written up in this forum, and other forums. The difference to me is hardly any, since it always takes many minutes for me to get a lock. I never have used any other GPS device since living here in the city, so I would like to ask other who live in a large city if it is taking them several minutes as well? Because it seems as though people are saying it is taking them only seconds to lock on. Hmmm.....

Best GPS setting - lock in 5 seconds

These settings work the best for me so far. I live in new york and i get a lock in 5 seconds flat!
1. Navigate to Settings > Location & Security and uncheck the box next to "Use Wireless Networks".
2. Go to the phone's dialer and enter the number *#*#1472365#*#* then press send to access the phones LBSTestMode menu.
3. In the LBSTestMode menu, press “Application Settings” and change “Operation Mode” to “MS Assisted.” & turn "ON" skyhook
4. Navigate to the “SUP/LCP Settings” and the change the SERVER & PORT to and port 7262
5. Make sure the settings are saved and reboot your phone.
6. Navigate back to Settings > Location & Security and check the box next to “Use Wireless Networks.”
Tried it. So, question: Should I leave the Wireless networks on generally? For things like geotagging pictures, weather updates, etc, and then turn on GPS Satellites in the event I want to use navigation? In that case should I turn off Use Wireless Networks or just leave it on? Any ideas on those things?
I'm in a basement apartment, so GPS testing and such is pretty much a moot point in here, but I do want to mention that I made the changes you suggested, rebooted my phone and went to maps and it picked me up on there instantly. This is without GPS satellites checked and using the wireless networks. This seems to be already a huge improvement because yesterday I was standing outside for 10 minutes with 8-9 satellites in view and google maps couldn't find my location.
awsome... glad it helped... i keep Wireless networks on and i get a lock in 5 seconds flat... try it both ways and see what works for you... but these are by far the fastest and the best settings...
I live in West Tennessee, I tried these settings about 15 minutes ago and I have yet to get a lock.
I tried this and it worked. I generally don't have my WIFI on, so i turned it on and went outside. had a lock within 5 seconds (i was connected to my home wifi).
u guys the use wireless networks uses things like wifi and ur wireless provider so ofcourse it be faster
STOP telling people to use MS assisted. That only helps while standing still. For moving it is worthless. Use MS based instead.
there's already a thread for this....
i didnt know about ms assisted/based, do you have a link with more info on that?
if that is true... then when ur in LBStestmode... and you are doing a get position test... why does it show my speed? i have tried it in my car and also while walking... gives accurate speed
Speed on the menu isnt a very good measure. Use a GPS app and get in a car and you will see it keeps losing track of you (jumping all over the place or losing fix)
Here is info from verizon:
There is a sticky already and this thread is redundant.
This is a placebo fix. It doesn't do anything. Stop making threads about this people. There are already plenty and it doesn't work.
dsjr2006 said:
This is a placebo fix. It doesn't do anything. Stop making threads about this people. There are already plenty and it doesn't work.
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I agree. I didn't have any issues to begin with but I applied this "fix" just to see if it would make a difference and my GPS went to CRAP! I restored default settings and am back to getting a fix in about 20 seconds.

Optimal GPS setting AFTER update

I would like to start a thread to discuss what is the optimal GPS setting for the Captivate after installing the update. From what I can see, the update didn't change my LbsTestMode setting at all. My GPS is now working pretty well, still can't compare to the HTC Aria I had before but acceptable. I wonder if we can further tweak the GPS setting to make it work better.
the only change i seen was if you check auto config it takes you back to server port 7275 and changes the server to a new one.
yesterday there was a thread started about those who got the update successful, and the guy did a test of his gps with screen shot. A) how do you track your route, B) how do you take a screen shot?
it looked like he was using the maps app but i looked all over it for a way to track my route!? thanks..
chasesavestheday said:
yesterday there was a thread started about those who got the update successful, and the guy did a test of his gps with screen shot. A) how do you track your route, B) how do you take a screen shot?
it looked like he was using the maps app but i looked all over it for a way to track my route!? thanks..
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Thats my tracks from the market
smokestack76 said:
Thats my tracks from the market
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can you screenshot with it?
saint168 said:
I would like to start a thread to discuss what is the optimal GPS setting for the Captivate after installing the update. From what I can see, the update didn't change my LbsTestMode setting at all. My GPS is now working pretty well, still can't compare to the HTC Aria I had before but acceptable. I wonder if we can further tweak the GPS setting to make it work better.
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It seems that most people who had messed with the GPS settings before the update are not getting optimal GPS performance after the update (This is true even if they change the GPS settings to stock original that shipped with the update).
So moral of the story is to change GPS settings to stock before you update....?
JvKintheUSA said:
So moral of the story is to change GPS settings to stock before you update....?
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I would guess so... unless there are few phones that Samsung shipped with a hardware defect.
Am taking my phone to AT&T today.
Can somebody with successful upgrade and with working GPS to publish their GPS current settings?
joedoe said:
Can somebody with successful upgrade and with working GPS to publish their GPS current settings?
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So far, only one user:
My GPS doesn't work at all for some reason. I don't know if I have a totally defective phone or the update didn't have anything at all in it that fixed the GPS. I'm ready to just give up on this phone having a working GPS.
galaxyjeff said:
My GPS doesn't work at all for some reason.
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Did you change your GPS settings prior to the update? If yes, welcome to the "group"
My GPS is definitely working better after the update. It used to take 30 second - 5 minutes to get a fix. So far I have been able to get a GPS fix within 15 seconds.
My settings are:
S/W Test
MS Based
Cold Start
GPS Plus On
Dynamic Accuracy On
Accuracy 50
SkyHook On
PC Tool Off
Port 7276
Secure Socket Off
As far as tracking my position with driving, it's not perfect but acceptable. At time the GPS would put me on the local street next to the freeway but not too often. It takes about 30 sec to 1 minute to locate me while indoor so I have no problem doing my FourSquares checkins.
jaimingandhi said:
It seems that most people who had messed with the GPS settings before the update are not getting optimal GPS performance after the update (This is true even if they change the GPS settings to stock original that shipped with the update).
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Actually, I never touched my GPS settings prior to the update, and I get crappy tracks. I had a Captivate which I changed the settings on, but then I ended up exchanging it for a new one a couple days before the update, and left it exactly as I found it, and GPS is spotty as hell.
First of all, I'd like to thank you for posting this thread, it's exactly what I have been looking for. The other threads keep getting hi-jacked by people who couldn't get the update. Hey you knew when you rooted you wouldn't be able to get OTA updates, get over it and wait till someone figures it out.
Back on topic, my GPS is definitely better. I did change my settings before the update in LbsTestMode to the recommended settings. My gps locked quicker, but it was constantly losing the lock. So i used the shortcut method to go into LbsTestMode and changed back to stock settings. It was like the phone was set to lock at exactly 30 seconds, 30 tests with an average of a little under 30 seconds.
The accuracy was a little worse, 50m compared to 15m. But it was also losing the lock quickly, so I changed the spirent setting to Now i lock between 10 and 15 seconds and it stays locked. My settings:
s/w test
hot start
gps plus- on
dynamic acc. - on
accuracy- 50
skyhook- on
use pc tool- off
custom config
secure socket- off
agps- supl
So maybe the answer in the end, sad to say, is to buy an aftermarket gps device with bluetooth integration and bypass the built-in gps altogether.
I've been messing with the gps all day and cannot get a lock at all. Not even for a second. Messed with my gps settings before the update.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Two months in and I've seen hundreds of threads about the GPS on the captivate, The GPS its broken, no good, damage. Lets get over it and move on. We [email protected]$k BTW new update its a lil better but still sucks. My nexus one located me with no problem spot on. Change your phone why u can. I wish I was under the 30 day return policy.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
The only settings I changed were the server before the update. I checked the settings after the update and I had Server as and Standalone in Operation Mode. I switched to autoconfig and those changed to some new server and I changed Operation Mode to MS Based as in jaimingandhi's link. Before I made those changes it took about 3-4 mins to lock on, now it takes about a minute, so not 15 seconds like others have said, but better. Will do more testing later. I count for two as I've got to Captivates at home. But it looks like different settings work for different people.
Edit: Tried again today, lock takes still 3-4 minutes and loses it constantly and there is no accuracy of location whatsoever.
I updated successfully and still had issues with GPS locks until I powered down my phone, removed the battery, sim card, and external sd card, replaced them, and then rebooted the phone. After that I was getting a GPS lock in 15 seconds or less and not constantly dropping signal as long as I had line of sight to the sky (a.k.a. through the windshield).

Extremly good GPS Settings

As most here I had GPS issues on my Captivate.
Note I have the first model that was shipped to the store on release date.
Currently running ATT OTA eclair (rooted)
No additional mods:
Changed LBS settings as following:
Session type: Tracking
Test mode: S/W Test
OP MODE: MS based
Start Mode: Cold Start
Dynamic Accuracy: ON
USe Skyhook: OFF
Use PC Tool: OFF
Custom config
Secure Socket:OFF
Cleared GPS Data, Rebooted and
After that I got lock every time outside (under heavy Oregonian clouds) within 10 seconds accurate to 10m.
I do not think it will get more accurate as Captivate is not used to navigate thermonuclear warheads
Accuracy was steady without jumps in latitude and longitude values
Same behavior in Google maps and Navigation...
On reboot lock time was 30 seconds with same accuracy and inside the house lock ( depending on location in the house) takes 25-45s with 15m accuracy..And I certainly can find my way through the house with such accuracy
Thought to share and hope it will help...
Plz post your results...
How long have you been running this setting and have you done any tracks with it to see if it jumps around? These are some questions that typically will be asked. And this is also in the wrong forum as this does not deal with development. It should go in general.
Wow. Well done. I just gave this a shot out of sheer boredom at work, and it is seriously awesome. I put my phone by the window and had a GPS lock in literally less than 20 seconds at <10m accuracy. Needless to say, I'll be keeping these settings.
The GPS has been a huge issue for this phone, so thanks for the hard work! I appreciate your time and effort.
For the millionth time, this doesn't work.
h078 said:
As most here I had GPS issues on my Captivate.
Note I have the first model that was shipped to the store on release date.
Currently running ATT OTA eclair (rooted)
No additional mods:
Changed LBS settings as following:
Session type: Tracking
Test mode: S/W Test
OP MODE: MS based
Start Mode: Cold Start
Dynamic Accuracy: ON
USe Skyhook: OFF
Use PC Tool: OFF
Custom config
Secure Socket:OFF
Cleared GPS Data, Rebooted and
After that I got lock every time outside (under heavy Oregonian clouds) within 10 seconds accurate to 10m.
I do not think it will get more accurate as Captivate is not used to navigate thermonuclear warheads
Accuracy was steady without jumps in latitude and longitude values
Same behavior in Google maps and Navigation...
On reboot lock time was 30 seconds with same accuracy and inside the house lock ( depending on location in the house) takes 25-45s with 15m accuracy..And I certainly can find my way through the house with such accuracy
Thought to share and hope it will help...
Plz post your results...
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Thanks for posting. I've found, particularly that I am now on Froyo, that locks are not a problem; tracking is still unreliable even with phone mounted (vertically) on my dash. Did you drive with navigation?
Locks arent the problem anymore, at least not for me. the problem is the GPS actually keeping up with you while moving and when taking a turn.
Thats just a cell lock, gps still sucks, so when you move around it will not do so good.
Sorry forgot to mention...
I did drove today using Google nav for about 8 miles around a town and did not see once nav arrow jump on me or showing blue circle around...
yup gps lock is not the problem.
In my opinion, you can get faster lock cause you set the accuracy as 250.
Have you tried my setting? i posted this several times on jupiter mod thread. I'll give you my setting one more time.
Session type : Tracking
Test mode : S/W Test
Operation mode : MS Based
Start mode : Hot Start
GPS Plus : On
Dynamic accuracy : On
Accuracy : 50
GPS logging : Off
Server SQDN Type : Custom
Server :
Server port : 7276
SUPL secure socket : Off
AGPS mode : Control plane
I'm having "usable" gps ever with these since cog 2.1.7
Sent from my Catpivate operated by Cognition 2.2 Froyo beta 9
h078 said:
Sorry forgot to mention...
I did drove today using Google nav for about 8 miles around a town and did not see once nav arrow jump on me or showing blue circle around...
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Not being sarcastic, I promise, but you are one of the lucky ones (and there are more than a few of yal out there). One guy mentioned that he guessed it was the fact that his minivan has a huge front windshield. My assumption is that he is able to mount his phone far enough up on the dash that it gets a really clear view of the sky. That notwithstanding, I think there are likely others with a similar or same vehicle that don't get the good tracking he notes.
Where do you drive mostly? Are you in a dense urban area or more of a small town? Just wondering....
drancid said:
yup gps lock is not the problem.
In my opinion, you can get faster lock cause you set the accuracy as 250.
Have you tried my setting? i posted this several times on jupiter mod thread. I'll give you my setting one more time.
Session type : Tracking
Test mode : S/W Test
Operation mode : MS Based
Start mode : Hot Start
GPS Plus : On
Dynamic accuracy : On
Accuracy : 50
GPS logging : Off
Server SQDN Type : Custom
Server :
Server port : 7276
SUPL secure socket : Off
AGPS mode : Control plane
I'm having "usable" gps ever with these since cog 2.1.7
Sent from my Catpivate operated by Cognition 2.2 Froyo beta 9
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I tried Control plan too...can't remember if I did while on Froyo. I'll try it again since I have nothing to loose. But what I recall, it is made no difference for me tracking wise. I also did some reading on Control plane and it did not seem to be a particularly more effective protocol than supl; they both have their pros and cons. Sorry, that's all I retained from the reading.
looks good till now; my phone never used to get any signs of location for like a min or so; but in open sky it locked posotion in like 15 sec; great; thanks OP
Stupid thing but...... i get 100x better results using 7262 port....
FutureSix said:
Stupid thing but...... i get 100x better results using 7262 port....
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What other settings outside of the port? Or does it mirror the op
Cog 2.2
umm lemme check...
App settings:
s/w test
hot start
gps plus : ON
Dynamic : ON
Full lock under 10sec
and perfect tracking with MyTracks app (walking or in car)
It even managed to follow me in every alley of a grocery store...
FutureSix said:
umm lemme check...
App settings:
s/w test
hot start
gps plus : ON
Dynamic : ON
Full lock under 10sec
and perfect tracking with MyTracks app (walking or in car)
It even managed to follow me in every alley of a grocery store...
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Sounds nice. i'll give a shot!!
Sent from my Catpivate operated by Cognition 2.2 Froyo beta 9
I live in urban area of Hillsboro Oregon. Place where companies like Intel, Tektronix and Nike scyscrapers but densly populated industrial suburb of Portland. Driving Lincoln town car if size of windshield matters...
Teleported by Android on SGH-I897
can you please tell me how you guys are finding these settings in your phones??
n4d3r said:
can you please tell me how you guys are finding these settings in your phones??
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I use LbsTestMode and I get to it using a Launcher Pro shorcut (press-hold>shortcuts>activities>LbsTestMode). It was accessible via dialing *#*#1472365#*#* in the stock firmware.
FutureSix said:
umm lemme check...
App settings:
s/w test
hot start
gps plus : ON
Dynamic : ON
Full lock under 10sec
and perfect tracking with MyTracks app (walking or in car)
It even managed to follow me in every alley of a grocery store...
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This works pretty darn well for me! Thanks... using original 2.2 leak OS from DG ->I897UCJI6-OCD-REV02-Low-designgearsvvv
and it gets a lock quickly... let's hope it continues over time...

[Q] GPS takes long to lock in - Galaxy S 4G

I'm aware of the GPS issues with the Samsung Galaxy S. I have the Samsung Galaxy S 4G and I'm wondering if anyone with this phone is experiencing difficulties getting GPS to lock in.
Within approximately 10 minutes, I can see in the GPS Test app about 3 satellites in view. Given enough time, it picks up a few more and eventually locks in.
I've read about the Super GPS fix and the hardware fix but I'm not sure if it would be wise to try it on this phone since the fix was meant for a different model and I don't see any mention of anyone trying it on the GS4G:
Please share your thoughts and experience.
Locks quickly for me without any "special" settings or apps. I even have network-based location always off on my phone since I don't want Google tracking me all the time.
The first lock may be causing you problems if the orbital data hasn't been loaded recently enough.
I have read that GPS Status has helped some by causing the orbital data to be refreshed.
jdjs said:
I'm aware of the GPS issues with the Samsung Galaxy S. I have the Samsung Galaxy S 4G and I'm wondering if anyone with this phone is experiencing difficulties getting GPS to lock in.
Within approximately 10 minutes, I can see in the GPS Test app about 3 satellites in view. Given enough time, it picks up a few more and eventually locks in.
I've read about the Super GPS fix and the hardware fix but I'm not sure if it would be wise to try it on this phone since the fix was meant for a different model and I don't see any mention of anyone trying it on the GS4G:
Please share your thoughts and experience.
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I have a Samsung Galaxy S 4G and a Vibrant, both are horrible with GPS, they both take forever to get a lock and many times they never get a lock and Samsung is less than helpful. They had my Vibrant for three weeks and sent it back with nothing changed.
mine has never taken more than ~30 seconds to get a lock, even if that 30 seconds sometimes feels like "forever".
this is my first GPS-equipped phone, so i don't have anything to compare it to, but once it's locked, subsequent locks take less time. maybe i just got a "good one"?
I have a Vibrant and an sgs4g. There is no comparison between the two. The sgs4g takes about 5 seconds to lock, The Vibrant I've waited literally 40 mins and still never got a lock. It could be the app. Are you having any trouble with google navigation taking along time or just the gps test app?
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I share the same GPS problems.
This issue occurs in all GPS Apps, including Google Navigation. It simply says acquiring GPS....
The GPS icon flashes like it's working, but its not doing anything.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
Looking in the market there's an app called GPS Aids V2...anyone try it? Supposed to help all Galaxy S phones with GPS problems.
Before buying, I want to see if it's worth it......
Just kidding, I bought the app. So far it seems to be working well; after doing everything my phone was actually picking up FIVE satellites.
Not working right now, though. I contacted the developer for some help, and I'll post his reply/an update soon.
Problem Solved for FREE!
I have the solution and some confusing steps to fix your phone.
Right now as we speak i've followed ALL the steps and have 4 satellites currently showing on the phone while INSIDE my house, in under three minutes time.
Credit to:
-Download LauncherPro first.
-Tap and hold on your homescreen, and select shortcut.
-Click Activities.
-Scroll to LbsTestMode.
-Tap the first one, LbsTestMode (with gray saying
-Click okay when "edit shortcut" comes up.
-Open the shortcut.
-Tap "SUPL/CP Settings"
-Change the following fields to...
Server ->
Server Port -> 7276
SUPL Secure Socket -> OFF
-Click Back (it saves it)
-Reboot your Phone.
-Click Settings, then Location & Security.
-Check "Use Wireless Networks"
-Go to your Launcher, and open LbsTestMode again
-Click "Delete GPS" Data
-Exit the App, and close it with a task killer.
-Open it again, and click "Get Position Test"
-It might take a while for something to show up....but it eventually will. Let it run for about ten minutes straight.
-Close the App again, and you should be good!
Upon Position test....I got:
Accuracy: 41 (meters)
Number of Satellites (INDOORS!): 9
Speed: (m/s)
If you have any questions feel free to reply.
Remember, credit goes to "Bade" (which credited XDA forums anywho) of
Running Copilot Live (GPS Application) and finding location took less than 5 seconds indoors.
To check some info out, I ran GPS Test, and saw "In View" Satellites was 9, and "In Use" was 7. (both were 2, to 0 respectively...previously.)
Running GPS Test (another app, different) came up with my location in less than a second.
I'd call this a success
This guide will also be on my site, here
danstheman7 said:
I have the solution and some confusing steps to fix your phone.
Right now as we speak i've followed ALL the steps and have 4 satellites currently showing on the phone while INSIDE my house, in under three minutes time.
Credit to:
-Download LauncherPro first.
-Tap and hold on your homescreen, and select shortcut.
-Click Activities.
-Scroll to LbsTestMode.
-Tap the first one, LbsTestMode (with gray saying
-Click okay when "edit shortcut" comes up.
-Open the shortcut.
-Tap "SUPL/CP Settings"
-Change the following fields to...
Server ->
Server Port -> 7276
SUPL Secure Socket -> OFF
-Click Back (it saves it)
-Reboot your Phone.
-Click Settings, then Location & Security.
-Check "Use Wireless Networks"
-Go to your Launcher, and open LbsTestMode again
-Click "Delete GPS" Data
-Exit the App, and close it with a task killer.
-Open it again, and click "Get Position Test"
-It might take a while for something to show up....but it eventually will. Let it run for about three minutes.
-Close the App again, and you should be good!
Upon Position test....I got:
Accuracy: 41 (meters)
Number of Satellites (INDOORS!): 9
Speed: (m/s)
If you have any questions feel free to reply.
Remember, credit goes to "Bade" (which credited XDA forums anywho) of
Running Copilot Live (GPS Application) and finding location took less than 5 seconds indoors.
To check some info out, I ran GPS Test, and saw "In View" Satellites was 9, and "In Use" was 7. (both were 2, to 0 respectively...previously.)
Running GPS Test (another app, different) came up with my location in less than a second.
I'd call this a success
This guide will also be on my site, here
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My GPS was working but I wanted to mess around and check on your findings. I tried to get this to work but it took quite long looking for Satellites.
I noticed when I went in to modify the SUPL settings, it was set to custom config. Made the changes according to your post and like i said before, it took a while so I stopped it. changed the settings to auto conifg and BAM! pulled 13 satellites and locked in within seconds. I do not know if its due to my location but Im working great on Auto Config.
this post is more of an FYI rather than a fix. Hope you guys get yours fixed either way.
fknfocused said:
My GPS was working but I wanted to mess around and check on your findings. I tried to get this to work but it took quite long looking for Satellites.
I noticed when I went in to modify the SUPL settings, it was set to custom config. Made the changes according to your post and like i said before, it took a while so I stopped it. changed the settings to auto conifg and BAM! pulled 13 satellites and locked in within seconds. I do not know if its due to my location but Im working great on Auto Config.
this post is more of an FYI rather than a fix. Hope you guys get yours fixed either way.
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On the first try, you have to let "Get Position Test" run for around 10 minutes (The 3 minutes on the original post I said might've been a stretch).
Trying Auto Config, I'm getting similar results, though with the custom settings I had more satellite lock-ons.
After doing this, the GPS data should stay downloaded on the phone so future satellite searches are MUCH quicker.
Thank you for your input by the way..I appreciate it
My phone has always find satellites and locked within 30 secs. One day I started messing around with settings and came to find out my gps was no longer locking on any satellites at least for 10 mins. I bought the gps aids v2 app from the market then tapped on gps doctor and tapped on "regenerate" (it regenerates the gps data folder) it made my phone boot up. Since then my gps has been workin excellent after that.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
ssmokey727 said:
My phone has always find satellites and locked within 30 secs. One day I started messing around with settings and came to find out my gps was no longer locking on any satellites at least for 10 mins. I bought the gps aids v2 app from the market then tapped on gps doctor and tapped on "regenerate" (it regenerates the gps data folder) it made my phone boot up. Since then my gps has been workin excellent after that.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
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I tried the same thing, except with that app I couldn't download the XTRA data once resetting the settings :/
Me neither, it couldn't seem to download the xtra data, but just by tapping on gps doctor and "regenerate" and in my case that fixed it. Good luck!
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
Still no GPS connected until I put in the custom settings.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
danstheman7 said:
On the first try, you have to let "Get Position Test" run for around 10 minutes (The 3 minutes on the original post I said might've been a stretch).
Trying Auto Config, I'm getting similar results, though with the custom settings I had more satellite lock-ons.
After doing this, the GPS data should stay downloaded on the phone so future satellite searches are MUCH quicker.
Thank you for your input by the way..I appreciate it
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If i get bored ill try it again, I live on a tiny island out in the middle of the pacific so GPS is not that big of a deal for me. lol
Thank you for the update. 10 Sat connects is way better than 7
danstheman7 said:
I have the solution and some confusing steps to fix your phone.
Right now as we speak i've followed ALL the steps and have 4 satellites currently showing on the phone while INSIDE my house, in under three minutes time.
Credit to: (url removed)
-Download LauncherPro first.
-Tap and hold on your homescreen, and select shortcut.
-Click Activities.
-Scroll to LbsTestMode.
-Tap the first one, LbsTestMode (with gray saying
-Click okay when "edit shortcut" comes up.
-Open the shortcut.
-Tap "SUPL/CP Settings"
-Change the following fields to...
Server ->
Server Port -> 7276
SUPL Secure Socket -> OFF
-Click Back (it saves it)
-Reboot your Phone.
-Click Settings, then Location & Security.
-Check "Use Wireless Networks"
-Go to your Launcher, and open LbsTestMode again
-Click "Delete GPS" Data
-Exit the App, and close it with a task killer.
-Open it again, and click "Get Position Test"
-It might take a while for something to show up....but it eventually will. Let it run for about ten minutes straight.
-Close the App again, and you should be good!
Upon Position test....I got:
Accuracy: 41 (meters)
Number of Satellites (INDOORS!): 9
Speed: (m/s)
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Just came across this when I was freaking out about my crappy GPS lock. Just got this phone to use on Mobilicity and was concerned there was some T-Mo setting that needed to be changed. Anywho, this works wickedly. Thanks a lot.
jdjs said:
I'm aware of the GPS issues with the Samsung Galaxy S. I have the Samsung Galaxy S 4G and I'm wondering if anyone with this phone is experiencing difficulties getting GPS to lock in.
Within approximately 10 minutes, I can see in the GPS Test app about 3 satellites in view. Given enough time, it picks up a few more and eventually locks in.
I've read about the Super GPS fix and the hardware fix but I'm not sure if it would be wise to try it on this phone since the fix was meant for a different model and I don't see any mention of anyone trying it on the GS4G:
Please share your thoughts and experience.
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I have the gs4g and tried GPS AIDs with some improvement . At the most I would lock onto 7 satellites when it felt like working. I lifted the contact as indicated in the thread above. I then deleted the old GPS data. Then in GPS AID I regenerated the DATA and rebooted. Now i get 12 locks on satellites all with green signal status. Very please. Google maps Locks on with in seconds....
fideli. said:
Just came across this when I was freaking out about my crappy GPS lock. Just got this phone to use on Mobilicity and was concerned there was some T-Mo setting that needed to be changed. Anywho, this works wickedly. Thanks a lot.
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I think I spoke too soon. I tried this in Calgary and it was great. I'm now in Toronto and I haven't gotten a lock since I got here on Monday. Tried messing around with the settings again, but just won't lock on. Also tried auto config to grab SUPL info from my provider, but that didn't work either. Still working on it.
Start over and flash krylon deoxed with odin, cwm, bionix. This resolved my 10-15m lock times completely. Now I get a lock in seconds.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA Premium App
I tried this and got accuracy within 3 meters off 10 satellites. Before, it was about 80 meters. Just awesome.
You don't need launcher pro to get into LbsTestMode. In your phone's dialer, just type *#*#3214789650*#*# and it'll go into it.
As for what you suggested about going in and messing with the settings, the first lock takes forever because you've wiped out all the ephemeris data by deleting. It starts looking for satellites for your first lock which takes a while with no ephemeris data. Once it gets a lock, it starts downloading ephemeris data and subsequent locks are significantly faster because your phone now knows where the satellites are.
AGPS helps reduce the lock time a bit (by using mobile location and the SUPL server), but not by a huge amount. The largest reduction in time is due to the fact that you have updated ephemeris data. If your ephemeris data is outdated, your lock times will go up again.
If you don't believe me, try this: get your lock. Then shut off your GPS by using the pull down panel. Leave it off for at least 24-36 hours. Then try to get a lock again. It's going to take a long time again...
I've been tinkering with the GPS on this phone for a while now as well as my GF's Vibrant. There's no doubt in my mind that the SGS4G is improved over the Vibrant, but it's still not great.
I've also pulled apart both of these phones and done the hardware fix by bending the little tab every so slightly. Made a significant difference on the Vibrant which was having a problem maintaining locks and the GPS signal was bouncing all over. No noticeable difference on my phone.
My only conclusion is that the antenna on these things are poorly designed and just take a long time to get an initial lock. Once locked, it's pretty solid. Other phone manufacturers have GPS that work better though. No reason why Samsung couldn't do better.

