MetaMorph Help - Nexus One Themes and Apps

I've been using MetaMorph for a few days now and it's been working great. I've applied several morphs and like the results. However, today for some reason it won't work any more. It seems to be working and applying the morphs, but when I reboot, nothing changes. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling MetaMorph.
Does anyone know what might be going on or how I can fix it? Thanks!!!


Removing cached lockscreen

Yes, I know there's a button in Flipz's pre-kitchen that does this, but no matter how many times I use that it doesn't seem to work.
If it makes any difference (which I'm assuming it does) I'm not using Fresh, so does that feature of the kitchen only work with Fresh? If so, what is different in Fresh that lets it do that so that I can try and dig it out and use it?
Thanks for your help!
what are you running?
check out this thread here. we figured this out when we moved to modaco 2.0 and tried to use the Noj clear lockscreens

[Q] Issues after Installing Cyanogen 6.0 RC2

After installing the mod i an having issues with my launcher pro. The issue is that it glitches and the icons in the app drawer don't show up properly and eventually it crashes and forces me to close it. Now i have tried uninstalling and re-installing a few times and have come to one conclusion. As soon as i use the pure calendar widget is when is starts to fail on me. I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else... I am kinda new at this so I would appreciate a detailed explanation.
I am also thinking that maybe if i un-install adw launcher it might help but im not sure how to do that. Please let me know.
Dude - I had some very similar issues after upgrading to froyo on my G1 (dream).
I found that by transferring the bulk of my apps to the sd card the whole thing ran a lot smoother. At the same time I uninstalled the free overclocker app which is I suspect the reason for the better battery life now.
The RC2 install is still only a few days old so I'll post more if I find anything!
Hope that helps.
Thanks man, i will try that! I am using set CPU would that be better if i unistalled?

red swype on dinc

hey guys i have the official beta version of swype and the blue/grey is old and annoying and doesnt match my themes.
I've tried getting a red version of swype on here but can't get them to work.
Has anyone gotten a theme to work on their dinc?
Your best bet is to download meta morph from the market and apply a theme that way. Here is a couple of themes that are available for swype, Make sure you follow the directions fully otherwise you'll have problems.
Yeah I tried that, but for beta he says PM me first so I did that twice and never got anything back.

Beautiful Widgets Freezing

Hi guys. i just got my htc inspire 4g on monday. since i got it i have been looking around and experimenting with different apps. i figured out how to sideload and have been doing that without any problems. until i got to beautiful widgets. i have sideloaded beautiful widgets on to my phone, and everything works, until i try to download other skins for weather or clock. the app just crashes whenever i try to download a new skin. i have tried tons of different versions of the app from many different websites with no avail. anyone else experiencing these problems? can anyone here maybe post me their working beautiful widgets apk so i can just use that? thanks!
everyone have this problem
same here. just try downloading additional skins. its in russian but youll see three links there. Download them and put in SD/data/beautifullwidgets
Acrylics` said:
Hi guys. i just got my htc inspire 4g on monday. since i got it i have been looking around and experimenting with different apps. i figured out how to sideload and have been doing that without any problems. until i got to beautiful widgets. i have sideloaded beautiful widgets on to my phone, and everything works, until i try to download other skins for weather or clock. the app just crashes whenever i try to download a new skin. i have tried tons of different versions of the app from many different websites with no avail. anyone else experiencing these problems? can anyone here maybe post me their working beautiful widgets apk so i can just use that? thanks!
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I removed them from my phone. Weather/clock app is buggy on some ROMS. ie; half the clock would vanish, freezing when updating weather.
Currently use WF & Clock widget. (free version) No issues. (although not quite as good looking)
it freeze too for me i think everyone have this problem
it doesnt freezes for me but skins download list wont show up, when i try downloading skins from web it gives me error that skin is corrupted.
If you're pirating it, it should freeze. Just spend the $2-3 bucks on it if you want it. I've never had any issues with mine, but I paid for it. Older, pirate-able versions don't work with the skin downloaded properly, since changes have been made in more recent versions.
Aww okay thanks guys. Glad it want just me
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using XDA App
downloading skins
I was truckin along just fine downloading all the skins, I got all the battery and super clocks downloaded but when I got to the clock skins my CPU goes to 100%, phone says downloading but it just stays there, no longer getting the little "skin downloaded" pop up and the cpu stays at 100%
Any ideas????

Metamorph themes applying, but not changing anything(?)

I have tried numerous metamorph themes modifying the framework-res.apk, and they seem to apply just fine (metamorph gives me a "succesfully applied" notification). The thing is, once I reboot, nothing changes . I was working on modifying the lockscreen, and everything applied well, but it didn't show a difference. I figured I must have messed something up, so I applied another person's lockscreen mod and it acted in the exact same way. This is really frusturating me cause I have been working on different solutions for the past 2 hours, and nothing seems to be working.
I am using GB 2.3 (latest release), and do have a different theme applied using theme chooser, but as far as I am aware, it has no affect on the lockscreen files. If anyone has any ideas, that would be great!
Thanks in advance!
tannerw_2010 said:
I have tried numerous metamorph themes modifying the framework-res.apk, and they seem to apply just fine (metamorph gives me a "succesfully applied" notification). The thing is, once I reboot, nothing changes . I was working on modifying the lockscreen, and everything applied well, but it didn't show a difference. I figured I must have messed something up, so I applied another person's lockscreen mod and it acted in the exact same way. This is really frusturating me cause I have been working on different solutions for the past 2 hours, and nothing seems to be working.
I am using GB 2.3 (latest release), and do have a different theme applied using theme chooser, but as far as I am aware, it has no affect on the lockscreen files. If anyone has any ideas, that would be great!
Thanks in advance!
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There's 5 versions of GB, which ROM do you have? And if you are using a theme it's important to know which one. Also, maybe throw some links up to the actual morphs you're using. Also, what exactly are you trying to do? Like what's the morph changing specifically. I mod my frameworkres.apk and SystemUI.apk manually with every flashover, (using aospCMod 3/26 and "androidian" from theme chooser) so *maybe* I can help.
I am using the rom on this page
(AOSP 2.3.3 / CM7 (Gingerbread) [03/26/2011]).
I am using this "theme chooser" theme (Honeycomb Hero)
( (the one for CM7, obviously)
I tried to apply this lockscreen theme (MDPI version)
since it was targeting the same thing that I was working on; this was my test to see if it was my theme that was messed up, or if it was something else.
I am wanting to simply change the green unlock icon that you slide to unlock your phone, which is located in:
Hope this helps; thanks again.
I've used the lockscreen morph you're trying to apply on the same Rom a couple versions ago... I forgot which one but after reading some posts in the thread when I tried it on later versions it just didn't work because the framework has changed (i think) cuz it didn't work for me either. So you would probably have to post your framework in that thread & ask the op to make the new morph for you to work. I don't think its user error or anything like that. Hope that helps ...I really liked that lockscreen when it still worked on like 3/18 or somethin
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA Premium App
Yeah thats something I might do too. I'm just wondering why the images that I edited aren't being changed. Maybe ill do a flash or push framework over, but that seems riskier. Thanks for the input
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App

