Looking for a keyboard like finger keyboard 2.1 - Android Apps and Games

Hi. I'm new to Android and coming from Windows Mobile I'm missing the Finger keyboard 2.1 a lot.
Is there a similar keyboard for Android? One that let's me easily customize what a long press on a certain key inserts?

Hi, give a try "HTC_IME mod".
I used finger keyboard on WM too and this moded keyboard is quite similar in various user options.. In some ways even better ^^


Software keyboards

can someone please tell me were to get the htc software keyboards from!!
i put 6.5 on my phone but there are no software keyboards but the windows 1..i need them please please help!
the default HTC keyboard is called "EzInput". Searching for that will yield you better results.
Also check out the new "FingerKeyboard" I find it works alot better then the default one. It is one I use currently.
Another keyboard I found worked very well was Spb Keyboard. It allows finger gestures for backspace and space. Helps alot.
Also PocketCM Keyboard is REALLY sweet if you can get it set up properly. This keyboard allows for "sloppy" typing. Using this keyboard, you don't have to press the keys exactly. It references your taps against a dictionary and is pretty accurate.
I like the look and feel of FingerKeyboard but find the way PocketCM Keyboard works simply amazing. Both keyboards allow skinning. A mix of the two would be amazing.

I want original WM Keyboard back !

Hi all,
Do you know a way to enable back the original WM keyboard ? I really miss it because of the gesture settings for shift, backspace, space and and enter keys!
Or do you know a way to enable gesture settings in HTC keyboard ?
Thank you.
Yes and I want wm Keyboard ... please help !!! THX.
the same problem
about 5 hours in active search and with no results
does anybody knows it is possible to take native kbd files from wm 6.1?
I'm wanting to test some keyboards before I buy, not sure what the original win mo one is like or how to get it, but imagine it would be quite hard.
Can anyone PM me some links to get some keyboards to try, like Resco etc? Sorry for hijacking!
In sk-tools I have seen under "Eingabemethoden" (= should input method or something simelar) that the standard WM keyboards are just deactivated.
So you can give it a try with sk-tools and reactivate whatever you want.
I will not try it for you because so far my HD is running fine and I want to wait with the next hard reste for the next rom ...
Best regards,
Lord.Nibbler said:
Hi all,
Do you know a way to enable back the original WM keyboard ? I really miss it because of the gesture settings for shift, backspace, space and and enter keys!
Or do you know a way to enable gesture settings in HTC keyboard ?
Thank you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you dingolino you are right, the keyboard is still there but hidden or may I say quite buried by HTC
I don't have the registered version of skTools so I browsed the web to try to find a way to enable it back :
First I tried to enable it in registery : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4990566&postcount=3
But it wasn't enough ...
So then I tried SIP Change which allows to force to display the keyboard But the little arrow that allows to choose the keyboard still doesn't display the keyboard in the list So for now I have to launch SIP Change each time I want to choose the standard WM Keyboard (which BTW is surprisingly good and finger friendly enough if you enable gestures )
So the last thing I miss is some hack to remove the s*cking uhh I mean HTC "customized" little arrow at the right of the keyboard to display a menu with all the keyboards installed and also the settings for each keyboard. I tried to wander as discussed it the following post : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=482910 but for now I didn't found a solution that works.
So if someone have a solution to disable the "HTC customized little arrow" and replace it by the standard one please share it with us


Hello guys. I am a Windows Mobile user going into the HTC Evo. I have been looking around for days for a keyboard that has a TAB option or at least a customizable keyboard that will allow me to add a TAB key. I know a lot of you are rolling your eyes now but this is a need for me as I am a writer and do most of my work on my phone with Documents to Go on Android.
Can anyone point me to one or who can I contact to create one? I like the stock keyboard just needs a TAB key.
Thank you
I use swype, to do tab you press shift then space. Dunno if that's a lot better than hitting space a few times on a different keyboard in your case, but just giving you some options.
I found one that seems like it will work but the recognition seems a bit slow. It is called Smart Keyboard Pro and is 2.99 I think on the market. Comes with iPhone skin, HTC skin, Android skin, and a few original. Seems like it will work out pretty well.

[dev] suggestion for keyboard

Hello XDA Developers,
I just giving an idea here for any devs interested.
Why not making a android keyboard that have this functions.
1) I think letter placement customization is cool and i don't know there are other keyboard that let the user customize the placement of the letters [if there is, please point out to me because there are many keyboard apps in Play Store and i don't manage to try them all].
2) Theme is not very important from my point of view, make the keyboard look fancy with glossy color is ok. maybe let the user customize the color of the keyboard buttons also nice since the users do not need any theme.
3) Phone keyboard and QWERTY keyboard function. For most people with large screen does not has problems with QWERTY keyboard but for small screen devices there are. There are only some keyboard that gives Phone keyboard functionality and I love Phone keyboard because I love to message single handed.
Well, and also other things that many functions included in other keyboards in Play Store like swipe, dictionary, etc. etc. etc....
If anyone wants to add something here in this thread, feel free.

Keyboard as trackpad like iOS (3D Touch)

Hey there,
this is my first post because I am about to switch from my jailbreaked iPhone to a rooted Android device. I'm curious if there is a tweak around that lets me use my keyboard as a trackpad. Apple implemented that feature by force touch the keyboard. But for devices which don't support 3D touch there is a tweak called KBSwipe9 which allows you to use this feature just by tapping with two fingers on the keyboard.
So I am searching for something like KBSwipe9 for Android.
I am considering to grab a Galaxy S8 and since they have a 3D like 'home button' I am wondering whether you could use this hardware and make a real iPhone like tweak when you are in keyboard mode.
I would be glad if anyone got any ideas or knows how to implemet that because it is a very small but neat function which I probably would miss on Android.
Cheers :good:

