Just got my new HTC Touch Cruise and was thrilled with it.... at first. I had gone to an iphone out of curiosity and although I really love the interface, I found that Apple's limitations (even with jailbroken and unlocked -- so I could download apps) are too restrictive. I missed the versatility of winmo and the ability to install the software I want.
BUT.... within the week of using my Polaris I'm back to "business as usual" with WinMo, especially the Windows Mobile Device Center.... it doesn't startup automatically (as it should) -- it doesn't sync my notes -- and now my push email stopped working. I installed Bepe's ROM (great job BTW!) and all the extras but find that I have tweak many of them to get them working properly -- maybe that's just the result of using the unofficially-cooked WinMo 6.1 ROM, I don't know.
The bottom line is.... I'm tired of having to constantly tweak, correct, fiddle with MS and MS op system based software! I really don't like Apple -- they seem pretty arrogant to me -- but I have to admit that during my "iphone days" all the software apps I downloaded worked w/o tweaking and nearly everything I installed worked right "out of the box". No doubt that's due to Apple's control of the downloads (via itunes) which they argue is to the user's benefit (even if it limits what's available). Why can't MS get it right the first time? Or at least fix the issues that are identified.... like the API drivers?
Sorry to vent but I suspect I'm not alone.
brucewilsonpa said:
The bottom line is.... I'm tired of having to constantly tweak, correct, fiddle with MS and MS op system based software!
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Dude, that's what makes it all fun and worth doing! If everything MS put out worked perfectly out of the box, there'd be no need for cooking roms, finding a better way, unlocking, and what we'd have is just another iphone, just in a different flavor. Sorry man, I disagree. This is what makes it all worth while.
Up to a point I agree -- but when you have to mess with the same issue repeatedly, the fun is over.
Some weeks ago I've read a funny article about the difference between Win and Mac OS Users.
Windows Users were described as "real" men who are lying underneath their PCs, with oily skin like working under their car and in contrast Mac Users as old grannys who call the garage for every repair, because they can't do it on their own. The article wasn't meant completely serious but matches the posts here.
So, a little OT and not contributing but i had to tell it....
I too just came from an iPhone to the Touch Cruise, and I have to say I missed WinMo. It does have a ways to go, but I agree with the above comments that tweaking it is half the fun. I just fealt to restricted with my iPhone. I am now using SPB Shell 2.0 and PPlus, along with HTC's touchFlo, and I have a very enjoyable experience.
I am currently using Missing Sync with my macbook and have no trouble at all syncing my stuff, so I can not comment on the Device center.
I personally enjoy that we have the freedom to mod our devices. but i think that when we're modding them just to make them work the way they were supposed to be working out of the box, that part is annoying.
it's the same argument over and over again. apple has controlled software that runs on a very limited set of known hardware so very few incompatibility issues. ms software on the other hand is open to way more developers and the variations in the hardware make for a ton of combinations that potentially cause incompatibility issues.
increased flexibility is definitely a positive thing and i wouldn't trade it for a restrictive platform, but there can be annoyances.
mikef1182 said:
I am currently using Missing Sync with my macbook and have no trouble at all syncing my stuff, so I can not comment on the Device center.
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But Missing Sync only works with OS-X, am I correct? Does it sync to Vista?
I should clarify that my initial venting was not against tweaking -- I came back to WinMo from the iphone because I, too, enjoy the flexibility and opportunity to make my device work the way I like. I am frustrated by the MS software that doesn't seem to do what's intended, like WMDC. The fun goes out of it when I find myself having to reboot, reinstall, or whatever, multiple times.
brucewilsonpa said:
But Missing Sync only works with OS-X, am I correct? Does it sync to Vista?
I should clarify that my initial venting was not against tweaking -- I came back to WinMo from the iphone because I, too, enjoy the flexibility and opportunity to make my device work the way I like. I am frustrated by the MS software that doesn't seem to do what's intended, like WMDC. The fun goes out of it when I find myself having to reboot, reinstall, or whatever, multiple times.
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yeah its mac only software. you could always go the exchange route and bypass the computer totally. I did that for awhile before I got my mac.
This is a serious question although I appreciate it could be taken as a troll.
Should Microsoft start again with their mobile OS? I know why they have kept compatability with older software but I personally think this is hurting them more than throwing away backwards compatability.
Look at the iPhone - that started from scratch and has grown to prominence without any back catalog of software.
Cheers, Rob.
Looks like its beginning to reach game-over stauts for M$ IMO. It feels like it did when Palm went down. Sorry to say, but I'm beginning my investigation into Android.
Exchange Server
Hi all
I use an exchange server provider and I find it's features really useful, not just on my mobile, but in MS Outlook 2007, in fact much more so on the PC. Because there are few equivalent services that I can get for the same price that would be compatible with both PC software and a mobile device, I am essentially tied to Microsoft products for the time being. MS have done very well at preventing 3rd party PIM clients accessing the full services of an exchange server.
Google are in the process of offering a full exchange service via Google Sync. If they are successful in this (which they clearly will be) then they are really only one step away from offering their own exchange type server which will be natively compatible with?? Android of course.
I would consider switching from WM to another OS if:
1. That OS could access the full services based on an MS Exchange server.
2. There were comparable alternatives to a remote MS Exchange server system which could be accessed from the device.
In fact, Windows Mobile 6.5 can't access all the features of an Exchange server (e.g. being able to set specific Follow up reminder dates & times for emails and viewing other users calendars, etc.). So actually, an alternative system doesn't need to beat MS Outlook, it just needs to beat the feature limited WM 6.5 Pocket Outlook.
Sorry for the ramble but I can't see many large companies switching to Android if their employees can't accept a meeting request OTA!
In answer to the original question, yes, MS REALLY should start again with Windows Mobile and this time make sure users are able to access all the features of an MS exchange server OTA.
From what I've read on the developers Blogs the WM7 framework is entirely different to 6x.. so most of them are concentrating on this.. appararently the performance is at least doubled (this wasn't an MS fanboy). I do assume though that MS will do all they can to be backwards compatible .. the howl that happened on Palm will be nothing as to the reaction should MS completely leave their userbase high & dry. Yes Apple scored well by timing their entry into the market perfectly.. but they risk being trapped in exactly the same way by advances in technology.
I don't think it's game over in any direction just yet.. MS simply dosn't give up and there is absolutely nothing similar in the way Palm ran itself into the ground.. Obviuosly the media is a huge cheerleasder for both Google & Apple - for some reason believing these guys are in some way cool, uncommerical, funloving dudes who are only interested in the love..
look guys, some years passed by, and ONLY thing m$ wants to say to us is:
let's make smartphones, AGAIN.
pda's as mobile comps are DEAD.
f your 6.5 and rich kids.
f android and their feeble ****oozas.
xoen / nothin
Sleuth255 said:
Looks like its beginning to reach game-over stauts for M$ IMO. It feels like it did when Palm went down. Sorry to say, but I'm beginning my investigation into Android.
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omg, sleuth is going over to the dark side
btw, which droid model are you looking at?
Personally, i love WM
I agree with Andrew-in-woking. I love the ability to sync my contacts, notes, calender, music, photos, videos, and documents both ways with my computer and my phone. And, the thing I've been telling everyone is that devices supported by a company will work best with other devices supported by the same company. I've been using windows on all of my computers since I can remember, and I will only have the best phone experience if I get a windows powered phone, which would provide the best connectivity with my computer. It doesn't make sense to get an Iphone, unless you have an apple computer, in my eyes. Same with every other device. Get android if you have other devices powered by google os. Same with Samsung, sony, etc. If you start connecting devices across different companies, it will only lead to more problems, reducing the quality of your experience with that device. Those are my 2 cents.
funny how everybody is complain about windows mobile compares to iphone.
y havnt nobody complaining about crackberry to iphone?
not everybody buy a windows mobile phone and use it as a toy (iphone)
i love my Acer neotouch S200 with 1G cpu with custom 6.5 rom 23506, i'm not sure if i still want an android phone. oh, the only reason i want android phone is because of google gps navigator.
I like windows mobile the way it is, when it become's like an iphone, there is no point in using it anymore.
I'm not saying anything can't be improved, just that if it interface's like an iphone, you might as well buy an iphone which is what I suspect most people are talking about when comparing them.
Say goodbye to the usefulness of your high resolution screen's while using a child and finger friendly interface....massive icon's, text, menu's, spend half your time zooming in and out...panning etc.
andrew-in-woking said:
That OS could access the full services based on an MS Exchange server.
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Isn't this becoming a non-problem with better browsers? Outlook web access is now a very feature rich JavaScript based client - won't that run from anywhere?
Cheers, Rob.
I'm using Microsoft OS for about 15-20 years. First DOS, later Windows, and in the meanwhile also WM.
I don't need to sync anything between PC and phone but I want a "full" OS, you can customize whatever you want, and I love my Win32 API. On the IPhone and Android you don't even have a file explorer without downloading an extra app right? Yes I know "you can get an App for everything." And sure IPhone is comfortable and user friendly. But it's like that because it's a consumer device and being that it's probably better than WM. But actually WM is not only a toy (for people who don't feel comfortable with the more tech stuff) - it's an OS.
I don't really understand all the bad talking about WM recently. I agree using the GUI without a stylus is a pain in the ass but as I can see more and more parts of the OS are being updated with each new 6.5 build. And what's the deal about it.... it's only the f.... GUI!!!
Microsoft won't restart at all. Their OS will go and and on just like their desktop versions did. Remember all the talking back then. OS/2 kills Windows, MAC kills Windows.... IMO nothing of that happened at all.
MS over?
Don't believe the hype Sleuth.
HTC on windows rules.
Good to see you here.
Really appreciated your uc work on my HD.
New rom from Miri, uc'ed all my settings & apps.
Hours of fun.
100,000 apps for the iPhone in it's short life. 18,000 in all of WinMo's existence. 50K on Android already. M$ had a major chance when it buried Palm but it took the iPhone to bring real innovation back. Geezuz.
WinMo market share was cut in half in the last year. M$ is no longer considered a contender in the space dominated by iPhone, RIM, Nokia and now Android.
I too like the common api. But I've seen iPhone apps that blow my socks off. Hopefully, HTC will release a killer platform for android. I need capacitive, rez and battery life.
Moto Droid is the leader here now but it can't touch HTC keyboards. Lots of room for HTC to catch up. But android 2.0 on that very same droid can turn off bt and fire up your wifi profile when you walk into the door based on its continuously updated positional awareness. Weather works the same way, using wunderground school installations from a known database to give you local weather down to the exact temp where you are standing. You can use the camera to scan a bar code in a supermarket and it'll leverage Google's claim to fame and return info/best pricing on the web for the same item.
Meanwhile, m$ can't even make a decent marketplace. They are hobbled by feature drift and don't have a security clue (see chainfire's 2hr hack just to prove the point).
I wish it were otherwise but I've seen this all before...
munrobasher said:
Isn't this becoming a non-problem with better browsers? Outlook web access is now a very feature rich JavaScript based client - won't that run from anywhere?
Cheers, Rob.
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Hi Rob
You make a good point for mail and tasks but it's not quite the same as dialing directly from your cnmtacts.
Is this actually an issue of the OS itself? It's just market strategies and modern GUI experiences. With a good kernel (like we have with WM) it's no problem to add such features on top of it (if you just actually do it), but if you have limited kernel functionality but with the "good" GUI things on top it's harder to change the OS underneath it. I have no clue about Android yet but on the IPhone you can't even run background processes. Is Android just as flexible as the Windows kernel architecture? From what I heard I assume it's not, otherwise please proove me wrong.
The problem as you can tell it is more like Microsoft didn't care a lot about WM during the last couple years and especially HTC did what MS didn't, and now they need their time to catch up on their competitors again. But of course I'm also hoping they're doing fine with WM 7. I like the road they are going with 6.5 and if WM 7 is just like the new killer OS we're all waiting for (Windows 7 desktop isn't too bad neither right?) then why do you need your Apple and Google anymore???
FTTB, I'll probably get a Tilt 2 for hardware reasons. The iPhone is too restrictive for my tweaking tastes (although being a part of the jailbreak community would be fun) and no killer hardware for Android exists yet.
m$ needs a wake-up call. The mobile world is passing it by. This time next year (when I need another new gizmo) will be interesting. My predictions go with Android because Google has the information. Gathering it is what they do. Heck, the current navigation app on Android leverages the Google maps data for for actual image based turn by turn instruction. Impressive and always up to date.
I'm looking for an eWallet app, like Ilium Software's eWallet for PPC, which runs both Desktop (WinDOS and/or Linux) and Android PDA.
joebacsi74 said:
I'm looking for an eWallet app, like Ilium Software's eWallet for PPC, which runs both Desktop (WinDOS and/or Linux) and Android PDA.
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This looks good: Splash-ID. Has a desktop client as well. I don't use it so I can't say much else about it.
I personally use B-Folders which is a Free app and works great for me.
I am a little suspicious about installing and using certain apps. Many state that they have full access to the phone and internet, meaning they can send all of my personal information elsewhere...and in an e-wallet application, that can be devastating. A goldmine for ID theft criminals... learn some code, and write an e-wallet application. Make it free and watch the information roll right in!
Can b-wallet be trusted? They are based in Spain and Bulgaria. Not much information out there about them.
Splash ID looks great and legit, but $30 is a ridiculous price for this software. $10 maybe for both desktop and phone.
Like the other guy said, B-folders does the exact same thing Splash ID does, and it's free, they are asking way too much money for that app
Have you considered KeePass?
Open source, no internet access (internet access not requested in the manifest upon install) & has an open source desktop counterpart too!
I was a long time eWallet user and contacted them recently because they don't have Android or WebOS clients. They said that they have no plans to create anything at this time for other platforms.
Seems like they are not doing well these days. I looked at Splash ID and while it seems okay, they way they license desktop software is insane and I hear that databases are not compatible with other version of their software so if you get a new phone you'd be out of luck.
I am now using CallPod's Keeper. It is very simplistic which I hate but it works with most major phones and desktops (PC & Mac, etc) I run it on my iPhone and Android.
Having used eWallet for a long time, on all platforms (pc, iphone, winmo), I hope they make ewallet for android soon.
Otherwise I have to find a new password program as well...
If enough people mail them, they must sooner or later make an android version
Otherwise I recommend lastpass(.com). Not ecsactly the same as ewallet, but really good. However, it requires internet access...
I am actually hoping for SPB Wallet to made for Android. SPB did announce Mobile Shell for Android so I am hoping they are gonna port more of their software library over as well.
I've been hassling Illium for ages about this, they don't seem interested in the slightest
**EDIT** Hang on, Splash actually charge you more if you buy the desktop and phone client together than if you buy them seperate! How does that work!?!?!
+1 for KeePass.
It is OPEN SOURCE and it does not require internet connection.
And it has desktop app as well, which is good.
For this kind of app which we use to store "sensitive information", I cant easily trust any closed source app.
That's why I am heading to KeePass when I got my Android device (ordered).
sd00 said:
Have you considered KeePass?
Open source, no internet access (internet access not requested in the manifest upon install) & has an open source desktop counterpart too!
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Well your wish was partially granted eWallet Viewer.
You can sync with your windows PC and view on your Android, but you cannot add or edit.
awesome, at last..
Now hopefully they do a full version also.. I see a lot of WM6.x users switching to Android at the moment...
double post
Woo hoo!!!!
Viewer is good enough for me. It sync's to the desktop too (I've even paid for an upgrade to v7 so this works )
I would like to introduce keywords like AES or encryption on this post. I have been looking on and off for days for an encryption package for Android and pretty much drew a blank, with a couple of notable exceptions. It was only through trying to find out more information about JointLogic (makers of B-Folders) that I stumbled upon this very useful discussion. I also deeply distrust the anonymity of these vendors. I am deeply sorry if I offend them, but these days we are used to look a gift horse in the mouth. JointLogic is trying to make us suspicious of Google with backdoors in their engine, yet we are supposed to trust an anonymous company in who knows where?
I read somewhere that an android version of Ascendo Data Vault could be out sometime soon. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
wonsanim said:
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Click to collapse a totally different type of app. Good addition to the conversation :roll:
worse of all, the viewer has no SEARCH function!!!
After 8 months and still not a peep.
General WP7 question
Im an Android user at present, rooted Desire (gingerbread)
Very much liked the U.I of WP7 when having a quick 5 min' play in an o2 shop
ive not ruled out WP7 for my next phone but know nothing about the state of current Modding for the Devices
is Unlocking the same as Rooting ? ie Custom Roms, rooted only apps, framework tweaks etc
if not, how is it different? what does it offer ?
Sorry for the potentialy Dumbarse question but im not down with any WP7 info at present
we don't have an unlock
the unlock refers to the ability to sideload programs and not go through windows marketplace using a windeveloper hack from chevron...
The unlock is not related to custom roms - imho you really don't need them nearly as much on windows phone 7. One thing you have to realize about custom roms is that while you're given an os on a device, it doesn't work out of the box. Both windows mobile and android suffered from this and a custom rom was necessary to just get some basic things to function more smoothly to create a better experience.
Windows phone deviates from that because all you have to do is turn it on and most of the UX/UI components work out of the box and creates an unbelievable experience. So at the current state, the only custom rom I have seen is on the hd7 and mozart, and those are rom transplants by ansar - not completely the same as a custom rom.
If you think you need a custom rom to live by, don't get windows phone. But if you truly want to try an OS that just works and works well, I suggest testing the device. You won't go back to android after you test the device.
Great respose
thanks for the info
For sure, i do love my Android but i find that i keep on changing stuff for not much other reason than i just can.
As mentioned, i was indeed impressed with the UI on the phone i tried...if only briefly
its a shame i couldnt get one to trial for a month to see how i got along with it, thats life i guess
i might well take the plunge on WP7 as my current contract runs out at the end of march
One or two last thing to anybody that cares to respond
so stuff like email and SMS/MMS, are you locked in to using the Out of the box app/client or are there others available in the Market ? ....indeed, you might not need to use anything different form the preloaded stuff, im just curious
and one last thing, Anyone having moved from android to WP7, you happy? anything you particularly miss ?
thanks for the above answer again
InspectorFrost said:
and one last thing, Anyone having moved from android to WP7, you happy? anything you particularly miss ?
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No, at the moment there is only the default built in app for this. However, in a similar vein to the above; there just isn't a need either. The keyboard is awesome (far better than any other - be it Windows Mobile or Android - I've tried) and it's a simple threaded SMS system.
I had Android on my HD2 (so admittedly not a native build). The only things I miss are a couple of the apps (but I can live without them and they'll probably end up having sister apps on WP7 eventually) and the USB functionality (but I know plenty of people here will argue with me over that). Am I happy? Yes! (Small grumble about the update situation, but it's a thousand times better than WM or Android).
Thanks, Man
the preinstalled sms manager for wp7 has suited my needs really well. It sms...I can see smilies. It's threaded. That's all I really need for my interests.
Now as far as migrating from android, I did but I didn't like android so much. I used it for smsing but that was about it. Android has a plethora of programs to suit user interests, but by in large, many just. plain. suck.
That's not to say that wp7 programs suck, because some do. But in terms of productivity, I found a bit more with windows phone. I think the only program I really REALLY miss is skyscape because I am a clinical psych student and I use that on a daily basis. Adjusting to no skyscape is horrible
and one last thing, Anyone having moved from android to WP7, you happy? anything you particularly miss ?
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I moved from android, and while I do miss some functionality (that will come in time with updates), overall I'm very happy. The UI is vastly superior, and feels like a more polished professional product as opposed to one stitched together, if that makes sense. Android was very functional, but never felt totally complete in its design. This led to a less than great overall interaction experience. But I will reiterate; the functionality/settings options are VERY BASIC SO FAR.
wp7 not only feels more solid, but you can see the quality of app design already far surpass anything on Android. The way you flow through information is quite refreshing to the linear/up-down style based on computer desktops we are used to. Email & Music player are also bar none on mobile platforms in my opinion. Still a few things need to be added for outlook support, but overall I am very impressed with these two features.
You will also notice that its the only other platform with the responsiveness that iOS has. Feels very fluid, and there is no delay in pinch to zoom features on maps/browser ect. The voice commands are very good as well (voice to open apps, browse, call people ect).
Social integration of Facebook (and twitter come Mango update later this year) is top notch. No other platform has anything like this and its really handy. I don't even use Facebook much, but I thoroughly enjoy how easy it is to catch up on people's doings and get back to more important tasks.
Things I miss are more in depth functionality and settings choices. I miss the official google voice app, custom sms/mms apps & IM apps. I also miss smart dialing, which most smart phones come with as standard. Smart dialing will no doubt be incorporated in an update, but this should have been done from the get go imo. Once we get socket support later this year, IM and sms app replacements will come. Most of the needed apps are available, from shazam to netflix to news apps to flixster to translators ect. The google voice and smart dialing features are the big ones for me. GoVoice works pretty good for Google Voice access, but since no socket support yet, the notifications have to be pushed from a 3rd party server.
There are more apps available on Android, but just like when I was on Android and the iPhone had more apps, thats not all that matters. There are some you will miss, but I can do without most of them until more developers come over the wp7.
As far as games go, the quality is beyond both Android and the iPhone in my opinion. However, there aren't nearly as many available (yet). You are seeing more and more big time developers either making, or announcing movement over the wp7 though so this will quickly change. The quality of the xbox live games is great, and the platform is definitely designed to also be a future gaming powerhouse. I can't wait till I can control my windows media center and xbox/kinect with my phone.
wp7 is in its early stages so just be ready to accept that the tinkering you are used to will be much more limited here, as will the overall control options you have. But you will quickly learn that the base structure of this platform is beyond what the others deliver (of coarse whether you like the UI is preference), and as this platform matures, the quality of the interface & app development and user interaction will be much more pleasant than what Android offered(s).
As far as unlocking, you CAN still unlock with the chevron program. This allows you to tinker with the registry to change the look/colors of the UI, control of volumes ect and of coarse enables things like file managers & custom ringtones. Head to to see what the main phone manager for unlocked phones is up to.
For day to day use, my wp7 is more appealing to me (even with some missing functionality). Its hard to go back to the style of layout that iOS, Android ect all have in common; although I do keep my N1 around for times when I need the hotspot feature.
dtboos said:
Social integration of Facebook (and twitter come NoDo update in the next week) is top notch. No other platform has anything like this and its really handy. I don't even use Facebook much, but I thoroughly enjoy how easy it is to catch up on people's doings and get back to more important tasks.
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just a correction here, twitter integration is coming in the mango update, not the NoDo update.
The Gate Keeper said:
just a correction here, twitter integration is coming in the mango update, not the NoDo update.
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I stand corrected.
Great post, thank you
All the above sounds like stuff i can deal with
Shazam...a quality app that i use tons, glad thats there
facebook im not on so im not bothered with that, and as for Mail/sms clients, i can live with stock so long as the work well
The Major sticking point at the moment for me (having dug around the net a little) is the API limitations that dont seem to allow for Messengers, im a big fan of Whatsapp and (out of choice) wouldnt really wanna be without it.
Hope MS are going to amend this in the (very) near future, as im sure this will persuade a raft of people on to their platform
Again, thanks for the above posts, most informative
InspectorFrost said:
All the above sounds like stuff i can deal with
Shazam...a quality app that i use tons, glad thats there
facebook im not on so im not bothered with that, and as for Mail/sms clients, i can live with stock so long as the work well
The Major sticking point at the moment for me (having dug around the net a little) is the API limitations that dont seem to allow for Messengers, im a big fan of Whatsapp and (out of choice) wouldnt really wanna be without it.
Hope MS are going to amend this in the (very) near future, as im sure this will persuade a raft of people on to their platform
Again, thanks for the above posts, most informative
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I don't have a link available right now, but I remember an interview with one of the head developers on wp7 saying that socket support is #2 or 3 on the developer requested features list, and they will definitely be implementing this sooner rather than later.
They know socket support is wanted and needed, and with that will come IM clients ect.
yea, i believe we will be hearing about socket support at the MIX 2011 conference.
I tried to test out the new Remote Desktop application in the marketplace. There weren't any reviews so I download the trial. It wouldn't connect to any my computers, and ended up throwing an exception then running out of time on the trial.
Anyone else have better luck? I really want an app that works with Windows' RDP without having to install any other software. It would be awesome to get Jaadu or something with that quality on WP7. I've used it on iOS and its a fantastic client.
Hey I just tried it out, but im not sure what the hell I am doing and what developer doesn't include a "How to" in the app?
Any knows how to use this windows 7 feature? I do have w7 pro...
I got the app to connect to my Windows 7 desktop at home so it does work.
I don't know how this app works exactly but there's no way it's doing a direct connection to your workstation or server because the WP7 SDK doesn't support sockets. It must be going through a proxy of some sort which may be a security concern.
The real RDP clients will come when Mango is released and sockets are supported. Until then there will only be proxy based clients found on the marketplace.
If you are desperate for a RDP client this one seems to work ok.
The first real RDP app!
I tried the app yesterday. It worked perfectly at the first try. I really need such an app.
Sadly after purchasing it, it did not work at all. But surprisingly sometime later it was alright again. According to the exceptions that were thrown it has to do with the proxy-server that tunnels the tcp requests over http.
The server seems to be a bit unstable but I guess they will improve it sooner or later.
So I think if you need a real RDP client for now just use it – it’s really working well as long as the proxy is up! It is definitely the best and fastest one on the marketplace. Of course under a security-point of view an app that connects directly would be much nicer (I think they will change it as soon as mango it out). On the other hand if it would connect directly how could you now that it is not also sending your passwords elsewhere (if you are not going to sniff the network traffic…)?
There are only some minor things which could be better:
- Ask for permission to run under lock only once - not on every startup!
- Pinch to zoom to be able to click with more precision.
- Better behavior for text-input. I sometimes can´t see what I´m typing.
But for a v1 version thumbs up from me!
waiting for real rdp protocol, that can be done only with socket support...