I want to know if somebody has the original at&t rom (no cocked just the stock one that came with the phone
here you go...
thanks very much
regarding att original rom request
by downloading this
do i have to do any more settings or copy or make any new temp folders reflash. my loud speaker now rattles after installing the restore isp cingular file along with 2 others offered by another thread. and not sure if it installed a new ringer super loud and alarm super loud that i believe it busted the actual speaker it rattles now or it it came with the new i want to revert to the oem att rom and i want to make sure if there are any more things needed to be done before i call them for a warranty exchange. my tricolor screen reads after i installed the new rom....cant remember the name at work now, but something with touchflo wwe att ....sorry
and i have done a sprite back up on the old setings before installing the new rom, will that work or will it brick my tilt....i know there is a lot of info on the 10 steps made simple,
but a busy family man, i have not much time to experiment. if anyone has a link attached to download what is needed excactly and files so all i can do is download and install no creating files no renaming files just download plug phone and getter done. i will donate for your help.
thank you.
oh, i tried to download the file no longer available....please help. anyone
thank you
do you what version is that rom?
hackmania said:
I want to know if somebody has the original at&t rom (no cocked just the stock one that came with the phone
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For future reference it would help to read the FAQs, Wiki, and the "inconspicuously" named sticky thread "Updated: Reverting back to the AT&T or HTC ROM and SPL for Warranty or return", which despite the title, provides instructions and download likes to revert back to the AT&T ROM.
I thought that "Think/Search before posting" was common sense by now.
perdurabo2 said:
For future reference it would help to read the FAQs, Wiki, and the "inconspicuously" named sticky thread "Updated: Reverting back to the AT&T or HTC ROM and SPL for Warranty or return", which despite the title, provides instructions and download likes to revert back to the AT&T ROM.
I thought that "Think/Search before posting" was common sense by now.
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it's also a common sense to look at the time/date of the original post !!!
compare this original to the thread you've just mentioned with "edited time" and guess what ??? YOU'd just being a smartass on a 2 months old thread !!
I was thinking the same thing as perdurabo2. Sure glad I didn't post it first. Such a tongue lashing for directing the user to the correct thread.
And it's not two months old. The last post on that thread was this afternoon, not two months ago.
Besides, if it worked two months ago why wouldn't it work today?
The fact is that there are a ton of people who are really lazy and don't search for an answer. It's just easier for them to start a new thread. And it's really anoying to read the same old questions in new posts.
Go ahead. Give me my tongue lashing now. I'm ready.
Uhh, did anybody read the post by jhr? He's looking for a new download link because the old rapidshare one expired...
He's actually being a good n00b by replying to an existing thread instead of posting a new one...
The working link is in the "two month old" post that perdurabo2 referred to. You know, the one where he was "being a smart ass".
For the lazy,
Have a nice day!
perdurabo2 said:
For future reference it would help to read the FAQs, Wiki, and the "inconspicuously" named sticky thread "Updated: Reverting back to the AT&T or HTC ROM and SPL for Warranty or return", which despite the title, provides instructions and download likes to revert back to the AT&T ROM.
I thought that "Think/Search before posting" was common sense by now.
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read first and then thorw silly question jack!#[email protected][email protected]#@
kimtyson said:
I was thinking the same thing as perdurabo2. Sure glad I didn't post it first. Such a tongue lashing for directing the user to the correct thread.
And it's not two months old. The last post on that thread was this afternoon, not two months ago.
Besides, if it worked two months ago why wouldn't it work today?
The fact is that there are a ton of people who are really lazy and don't search for an answer. It's just easier for them to start a new thread. And it's really anoying to read the same old questions in new posts.
Go ahead. Give me my tongue lashing now. I'm ready.
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LOL ... read what I'd said again !!
THIS thread is being 2 months old !!! .. hence, the tongue lashing because the solution didn't come till AFTER ( the other thread --->> check the edited time ! )
HE (Perdurabo2) was actually being smarty pants to the original poster's post ( the question for help IS 2 months old !! )
You've got it the other way around by thinking that I meant the other thread's 2 months old ... but infact ... the original asking for help of THIS very thread is OLDER then the solution ( edited time ... go check it ! ) !!!
anyway ... senseless arguing ... I was "ribbing" in the name of fun actually !
@jhr & hackmania
if you guys are still looking ... the ROMS are available on the FTP
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Kaiser/Roms
jhr said:
by downloading this
do i have to do any more settings or copy or make any new temp folders reflash. my loud speaker now rattles after installing the restore isp cingular file along with 2 others offered by another thread. and not sure if it installed a new ringer super loud and alarm super loud that i believe it busted the actual speaker it rattles now or it it came with the new i want to revert to the oem att rom and i want to make sure if there are any more things needed to be done before i call them for a warranty exchange. my tricolor screen reads after i installed the new rom....cant remember the name at work now, but something with touchflo wwe att ....sorry
and i have done a sprite back up on the old setings before installing the new rom, will that work or will it brick my tilt....i know there is a lot of info on the 10 steps made simple,
but a busy family man, i have not much time to experiment. if anyone has a link attached to download what is needed excactly and files so all i can do is download and install no creating files no renaming files just download plug phone and getter done. i will donate for your help.
thank you.
oh, i tried to download the file no longer available....please help. anyone
thank you
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I know what you did wrong ... You'd copy the text line instead of "copy link location" !!
I'd just checked and this given post link is still alive !!!
AT&T Tilt
Are they original Rom from AT&T, I have to send my phone back for warrenty replacement and they asked me if I installed some thing else on it or not so pls help me to put back AT&T original ROM
thank you.
thank you frshka01
i did copy and paste and typed it on a my tilt the same way it pasted on my notebook. the underscore between the "GULAR" and "WWE" is what threw it off. WWE .exe
also I just got back from the same corporate att store where i bought the phone and i was one day short of 30 days, so i did a exchange. straight out new one for my busted speaker one......
however...i did call HTC and asked them if my warranty is void since i installed the HTC TYTN II rom onto the ATT TILT along with kaiser tweek.
they told me that the warranty is for harddware problems and no support would be given by HTC if i installed a third party rom.
i actually installed
Dutty's NewBuild Rom N0.6 +NETCF 3.5 AT&T
from the
on the touch flo option
I am sorry, but i am stupid on this is that rom still the HTC TYTN II rom? but modified.
I did not tell them that I installed Dutty's. But they were okay with me changing out the ATT TILT ROM vesrion for the HTC TYTN II rom. the guy even said it was better that ATT rom version. especially that kaiser tweek. thanks for all those links i was able to download and install.........
now here is the biggest question. I know posses a virgin ATT TILT with that said. Does anybody know how to extract the rom image from the tilt for myself and someone instruct me how to upload it to a site for everyone else to have and flash back if needed. I will wait patiently till the new year before i put back the other rom on it or sooner if someone helps me out.
i am new to the forum experiece so please and thank you all for being patient with me. and sorry if i caused any any grief
jhr said:
thank you frshka01
i did copy and paste and typed it on a my tilt the same way it pasted on my notebook. the underscore between the "GULAR" and "WWE" is what threw it off. WWE .exe
also I just got back from the same corporate att store where i bought the phone and i was one day short of 30 days, so i did a exchange. straight out new one for my busted speaker one......
however...i did call HTC and asked them if my warranty is void since i installed the HTC TYTN II rom onto the ATT TILT along with kaiser tweek.
they told me that the warranty is for harddware problems and no support would be given by HTC if i installed a third party rom.
i actually installed
Dutty's NewBuild Rom N0.6 +NETCF 3.5 AT&T
from the
on the touch flo option
I am sorry, but i am stupid on this is that rom still the HTC TYTN II rom? but modified.
I did not tell them that I installed Dutty's. But they were okay with me changing out the ATT TILT ROM vesrion for the HTC TYTN II rom. the guy even said it was better that ATT rom version. especially that kaiser tweek. thanks for all those links i was able to download and install.........
now here is the biggest question. I know posses a virgin ATT TILT with that said. Does anybody know how to extract the rom image from the tilt for myself and someone instruct me how to upload it to a site for everyone else to have and flash back if needed. I will wait patiently till the new year before i put back the other rom on it or sooner if someone helps me out.
i am new to the forum experiece so please and thank you all for being patient with me. and sorry if i caused any any grief
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read this whole thread allover again and see what others have said about "Think/Search before posting" ... that saying is definitely applied to your case now !!!
blackcat1 said:
Are they original Rom from AT&T, I have to send my phone back for warrenty replacement and they asked me if I installed some thing else on it or not so pls help me to put back AT&T original ROM
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I can't update the Rom of my Htc Tilt to wm 6.1 (Duttys Non cube 1.65.14 and Hybrid 1.64.08-tried both). The update process is starting and stays at 0% for 2-3 mins , then showing an error message-"ERROR 262 UPDATE ERROR:..........
I attached a pic of the error message.
Now what shld i do? PLS PLS HELP and REP ASAP.
Did you follow all directions, including Hard SPL first?
Check the Wiki for answers to this error. And use Firefox to post so it will correct all your punctuation and grammatical errors.
ithehappy said:
I can't update the Rom of my Htc Tilt to wm 6.1 (Duttys Non cube 1.65.14 and Hybrid 1.64.08-tried both). The update process is starting and stays at 0% for 2-3 mins , then showing an error message-"ERROR 262 UPDATE ERROR:..........
I attached a pic of the error message.
Now what shld i do? PLS PLS HELP and REP ASAP.
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for your sake i sure hope you flashed hardspl onto your tilt before deciding to flash a rom .. If you did make sure you read the information relevant to your phone and the procedure you were atempting than you are not in too much trouble. All you probably need to do is make sure your phone is synced to the pc and give the flash another shot.
If however you were feeling lazy and didn't bother reading any of the instructions and just flashed the rom after downloading it off of the thread than my friend you are royally screwed. I don't know what to tell you to do next if you didn't flash hardspl first as i don't know (nor hope to) the consequences for not doing that. You need to get in touch with the senior members (be nice in your request) like gsleon3 and see if they can help you solve your issue.
good luck
Yes i got it. Thanks guys. Actually i didn't do the hardspl. Now one last question- Which is best ROM by Dutty? and what is the difference between a cube and a non cube version?
Thanks again for supporting me.
Things you say before you brick your device...
ithehappy said:
Actually i didn't do the hardspl.
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I think you may want to read the wiki's and do the HardSPL, it may save you from paying money for a new device. IMO
best rom
ithehappy said:
Yes i got it. Thanks guys. Actually i didn't do the hardspl. Now one last question- Which is best ROM by Dutty? and what is the difference between a cube and a non cube version?
Thanks again for supporting me.
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best rom is a matter of opinion, try a few see what you like, personally i don't like dutty's roms, i prefer a fully loaded multimedia gaming rom like movile vista 1.3, and as far as your CUBE question search
ithehappy said:
Yes i got it. Thanks guys. Actually i didn't do the hardspl. Now one last question- Which is best ROM by Dutty? and what is the difference between a cube and a non cube version?
Thanks again for supporting me.
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Here is all the files you will need.
includes the CID unlocker.
I highly recommend that you do both the HardSPL and the security unlocker.
copy this file do you device.
then run the .exe from your phone. Unplug your USB, then reconnect it.
Then disable USB connections in ActiveSync.
Run the HardSPL w/ AT.
After that is completed follow the instructions to CID unlock your phone
AllTheWay said:
Here is all the files you will need.
includes the CID unlocker.
I highly recommend that you do both the HardSPL and the security unlocker.
copy this file do you device.
then run the .exe from your phone. Unplug your USB, then reconnect it.
Then disable USB connections in ActiveSync.
Run the HardSPL w/ AT.
After that is completed follow the instructions to CID unlock your phone
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Thank you very much. Finally i flashed the tilt with dutty's radio version, but i can't find the radio anywhere in my device. Where is it located?
ithehappy said:
Thank you very much. Finally i flashed the tilt with dutty's radio version, but i can't find the radio anywhere in my device. Where is it located?
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Hidden Away in a magic "lockbox" The only indication you see is next to the "R:" on startup.
JimmyMcGee said:
Hidden Away in a magic "lockbox" The only indication you see is next to the "R:" on startup.
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Please clear this thing....i can't understand.
Please, oh please....don't do another thing to that phone until you have read GWENI. People here have broken a lot of devices and compiled an unbelievable amount of information so that newcomers won't have to make the same destructive mistakes or ask the same old tired questions. It is oh so very frustrating to contribute this work just so somebody can drop in and deftly avoid all of these attempts at shoving information into them. Everybody is being very nice and calm while doing what we call spoonfeeding you. Show that you respect and appreciate the patience by using the resources that the members here have worked so diligently on providing. Trust me, it is time well spent and will keep you from making one of the many mistakes out there that will render your device the most expensive paperweight you own.
Remember, we have forums, threads, Wikis, and stickies. The purpose of all of these is to share our knowledge. Do not walk through this forest blindfolded or you'll find yourself sitting on your backside picking bark out of your teeth.
ithehappy said:
Please clear this thing....i can't understand.
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There is no such thing of FM or AM radios in this PDA phone...
That radio is a ROM extension that manages the cellular/wifi/bluetooth radio frequency emissions and audio.
Please read the WIKI in full...
ithehappy said:
Thank you very much. Finally i flashed the tilt with dutty's radio version, but i can't find the radio anywhere in my device. Where is it located?
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Well Well Well... I understand that you are new to this thread as I am and try to get help from people. Just a bit of advice, you might need as least to read the sticky on this thread before giving out any questions
To answer your question, you might need to go to Start->Setting->System->Device Information, then you will see basic information on your device
remember dutty
svcglobal said:
There is no such thing of FM or AM radios in this PDA phone...
That radio is a ROM extension that manages the cellular/wifi/bluetooth radio frequency emissions and audio.
Please read the WIKI in full...
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ah ah ah remember... dutty being the god that he is has gotten an FM radio to work (sorta) and we can download that cab but we need a wired headset to use the FM radio and personally i can't see spending $400 on a phone if you are unwilling to shell out a few more bucks to get a bt headset so i don't have the wired headset to use the FM radio
ithehappy said:
Please clear this thing....i can't understand.
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I mean If you are talking about the Phone Radio You won't "find it."
However others have brought up a good point, if you mean FM radio. You won't find one either. It doesn't work.
I have a Dutch HTC diamond 2 and would like to flash the ROM to get windows 6.1 to work in English. I have never done this and have a couple of small questions i hope you guys can help me with. I have read some guides and i think i understand what i need to do:
1. install hard-spl 2. find a ROM (i will use a signed one) and install 3. update radio ROM if required.
The only thing im concerned about is i read in some places that i will lose my phone operator and MMS settings in the process - (i am on the dutch vodafone network). Can someone please advise me what details i need to record before flashing the ROM or if there is a program that can do this for you as i want to be able to easily use my phone without going back to vodafone afterwords!
Finally i would appreciate advice on a good ROM to use and a good radio ROM if anyone has this.
Thanks in advance!
Check theis thread out
Its here you find the anser relating to you model of phone.
As for the operator settings - these are easy to put back, if the ROM does not do it for you.
I think all ROMS asr great in there own right - so try one, and if this does not suit your needs then flash another.
Good luck
mobucl said:
I have a Dutch HTC diamond 2 and would like to flash the ROM to get windows 6.1 to work in English. I have never done this and have a couple of small questions i hope you guys can help me with. I have read some guides and i think i understand what i need to do:
1. install hard-spl 2. find a ROM (i will use a signed one) and install 3. update radio ROM if required.
The only thing im concerned about is i read in some places that i will lose my phone operator and MMS settings in the process - (i am on the dutch vodafone network). Can someone please advise me what details i need to record before flashing the ROM or if there is a program that can do this for you as i want to be able to easily use my phone without going back to vodafone afterwords!
Finally i would appreciate advice on a good ROM to use and a good radio ROM if anyone has this.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Mobucl
Welcome to XDA
I have a Diamond 1 and can't give you exact Details, but i doubt your phone will stop working with vodaphone network after you flash, Have a look in the Topaz Forum, it's near the bottom of the page
Thanks R3PUBL1K and Badwolve1 for you're advice, i will have a look and give it a go.
If i have problems ill be sure to post again as my girlfriend already mentioned that she wouldn't be 'too happy' if i brick the phone
Ok seems im getting nowere fast on this i really hope someone can help me - may even write a guide for it on here to help us noobs out lol.
I have a HTC HD7 (T9292 on uk o2 network
OS version 7.0.7392.0
want to de brand this back to version without o2 stuff, but also want to install custom applications.
my question is how do i do this so that i can install the applications and have auto update working so when a new updates out it will just add it ( without the o2 still) and also what are risks of this and how can i install mango on it if wanted later
sorry for stupid questions but feels very mixed up. thanks
Hey all, I'm new here, but I've been lurking for a few days in all boards relating to WP7.8, etc.
I really do hesitate when I make this thread, because I know a lot of other people have already asked how to do this,
HOWEVER! I can't seem to pull together all of the information I need- the trail seems to go cold after a while,
I have an HTC Arrive (Gold C) on Sprint, With Mango & SPL 4.3
What I am trying to do is get to a point where I can install a 7.8 custom ROM, or simply, I'm trying to get HSPL (which, if I'm correct, requires me to downgrade to NoDo?)
After reading, it looks like the solution to my problem is to use Ansar's NoDo RUU for the Arrive, then, use the Dark Forces Team HSPL Loader to load HSPL onto my Arrive, and then finally, install a ROM like leadpoizon's Custom 7.8 ROM.
I'm pretty tech savvy, but as far as mobile devices go, the hardest thing I've ever had to do was jailbreak a few iPods, and install CFWs on PSPs.
I will openly admit, just putting this information together has been a confusing painus in the anus for me.
My problem is thus - I haven't been able to do any of this because Ansar's NoDo RUU (and, as it would seem, the rest of his RapidShare files) are all down because his bandwidth on RS ran out.
Does anybody have a copy of the NoDo RUU for the Arrive that they'd be willing to upload?
I'd be suuuper appreciative...
Thanks for your time and patience with my utter-noobliness.
I'll be sure to make a proper introductory post later, but I've got work and I'm out of time.
Hello and welcome.
Click the link in the first post of this thread and it is the 4th down, Gold C Sprint WWE 1.25 RELEASE
Don't forget to delete the RUU_signed file before downgrading!
Also, you must install RSPL, then HSPL, then the custom ROM. I am using the LEAD rom and its working great!
Good luck
x_orange90_x said:
Hello and welcome.
Click the link in the first post of this thread and it is the 4th down, Gold C Sprint WWE 1.25 RELEASE
Don't forget to delete the RUU_signed file before downgrading!
Also, you must install RSPL, then HSPL, then the custom ROM. I am using the LEAD rom and its working great!
Good luck
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Thanks so much, for the welcome and for your help!
That's exactly what I've been looking for, I never checked out that link because the thread was titled with Gold, not Arrive, GoldC, etc...
I hope this thread helps someone like me out!
Where does the RUU installer place all of the files? o.o
Nevermind, got it! Everything works great on leadpoizon's ROM, aside from the HTC Hub tile, which I didn't care for to start with.
Thanks again.
HTC Arrive
I, too, am having the same problem as the original poster. Except now, the link to the thread we are being sent to is now not working. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Does this process also work for the HTC Pro7 T7576? This is the GSM version of the device where the Arrive is the CDMA one.