Looking for the wifi tether apk??? - Hero CDMA Themes and Apps

ive been trying to find the wifi tether apk to put on damages latest rom, can you guys help me, and also i would like to know when i do get it, is there any thing else i would have to do to get it running besides just installing the apk?

Demoyo23 said:
ive been trying to find the wifi tether apk to put on damages latest rom, can you guys help me, and also i would like to know when i do get it, is there any thing else i would have to do to get it running besides just installing the apk?
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Just run it. It is hosted on Google Code.

thanks alot.

Download the 1.6 .APK since that has been proven to work best with our phones.

that was also my next question because there was like 100 versions on there, once again thanks, i just downloaded the 1.6 version as we speak.

Just be careful when using the Tether. Even though there is a setting to password protect the network, you can't actually get it to work (unless I am doing it wrong) and others can still join. You can manually cut off the connection should someone join the network. A notification will pop-up on the phone telling you if a device has connected to the network.

If you use access control, no one can connect without you enabling the connection.


Wifi Tether and Rooted Sprint Hero

Wifi tether doesn't seem to work for some of us. For me personally it connects but does not have an internet connection. Is it working for anyone? Failing?
elguapo76 said:
Wifi tether doesn't seem to work for some of us. For me personally it connects but does not have an internet connection. Is it working for anyone? Failing?
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Having same issue as you. My dell mini 10v connects, takes a bit longer then usual to acquire network address, and when it does the internet still doesnt work.
I'm sure its just a matter of the program being updated to work on the CDMA hero
I'm having the same problem as well. Connects after a very long time and receives IP information, but nothing after that. Has anybody reported to the wifi-tether developer yet?
As soon as it works on the Hero, I'm ready to donate, as I gladly paid money for WmWifiRouter on my previous phones.
Same problem with me. Is anyone else getting the "AC disabled" message in the notification window once the PC is "supposedly" tethered? I noticed my phone getting really hot.
I'd really like to know why this works in the Mocado ROM but not just by installing the application alone after rooting. I don't want to start messing with custom ROMS just yet.
teli said:
I'd really like to know why this works in the Mocado ROM but not just by installing the application alone after rooting. I don't want to start messing with custom ROMS just yet.
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Not sure but what I did notice is that when I ran it for the first time on Mocado's ROM I got a prompt asking me to "Allow" the app certain rights. Now when I installed the app before I flashed his ROM but right after rooting my phone I did not get this prompt. Maybe the way it's installed on his ROM has something extra that has it correctly and fully installed on the ROM to allow it to work properly.
the permissions screen is just adding the program to the super user whitelist kinda like a list of programs permitted to run as su maybe downloading super user white list off the market I remember getting it from there with my G1 if not just pull the apk from the modaco Ron but you should try the modaco rom you don't even have to wipe all your settings and everything will stay the same.
I know it isn't ideal, but you can share the internet connection ICS style if you do the following:
adb shell
/system/bin/netsharing net on
echo 4 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
At which point you will get disconnected from your adb shell and the internet Windows will recognize the Hero as an NDIS adapter. To turn it off I just go into Settings -> Wireless -> Mobile network sharing and toggle it on then off again.
There might be a way to get netsharing to also flip the usb function, using net_and_usb but it doesn't seem to work and my ARM disassembly skills aren't good enough to tell why.
Hey guys,
My wifi tether did not work, even with root, until I installed MoDoCo's ROM. After I did, it was gravy from there. 2.4 down .60 up.
mine works
mine works too, i just use it as a wireless router...
Mine works flawlessly on MoDaCo's Rom. Im guessing it has something to do with a string of code that the custom rom has that the stock one doesnt.
I finally took the plunge into the MoDaCo rom. Easy as pie and tethering works with no prob. Just Do it.
Yeah. I see no reason why not to go with the MoDaCo's. This was my first time flashing a rom on anything and it got it easily the first try.
Can all of ya'll confirm that the encryption or device access list does NOT work on wifi tethering app?
Device access list seems to work fine for me, but the encryption does not.
Anyone know if there's a workaround for USB tether yet, that allows native mobile network sharing? (not that crazy switch off/switch on quickly workaround that doesn't always work)
I don't really like the wifi tether because it drains my battery, even if my phone is plugged in to my laptop via USB.
Also, I haven't been able to get above 1.2 mbps down speeds with the wifi tether, and I was hoping that native mobile network sharing might help this. Anyone else having slow connection issues with this?
Wifi tether does not work on the stock Sprint ROM. It does (for some reason) work on Modaco's.
Check this link for the developers thread on whats happening - http://code.google.com/p/android-wifi-tether/issues/detail?id=188
He doesnt have a Sprint Hero to test with so he needs our help.
The developer has released a new "pre-version" of Wireless Tether that works on the stock Sprint HTC Hero ROM (with root access, obviously)! As per user capnbry, "..the problem is that the gprs table has a default route on it, and it has a higher priority than main, which is where the wireless route goes. If you `ip route delete table gprs` after starting android.tether everything works like a charm." The developer has added this step into the program, and it works!
See the thread for details, or download the new "pre-version" here: http://android-wifi-tether.googlecode.com/files/wireless_tether_1_61-pre1_htc.apk
auto_exec said:
The developer has released a new "pre-version" of Wireless Tether that works on the stock Sprint HTC Hero ROM (with root access, obviously)! As per user capnbry, "..the problem is that the gprs table has a default route on it, and it has a higher priority than main, which is where the wireless route goes. If you `ip route delete table gprs` after starting android.tether everything works like a charm." The developer has added this step into the program, and it works!
See the thread for details, or download the new "pre-version" here: http://android-wifi-tether.googlecode.com/files/wireless_tether_1_61-pre1_htc.apk
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I just tried this app on my computer, and I can confirm that the pre release works on the HTC Hero stock rom with no problems. I did this test on Windows 7 x64

Sprint Hero / Fresh ROM / Tethering (Solved!)

Okay, need a little bit of assistance to see what basic step I am missing. I've just taken my stock Sprint HTC Hero (1.56 RUU), rooted it using the steps on the site here, and flashed the Fresh 2.1 ROM onto the device through the MicroSD Card. Between the rooting and the custom Flash, I was hoping this would be enough to get tethering working but I seem to be stuck somewhere.
When I attempt to use the Wifi Tether for Root that's built in, no other computer is able to see the created access point, so as a result, no connections, no data passing. It doesn't shoot up any error message, nor does it cause any interruption in my mobile network data as a result. So everything appears to work well, just not tethering.
Maybe related, maybe not, when I try and do a straight-up wired tether, I get an Error 67 saying my Sprint username and password are wrong. I was hoping that with just rooting the phone now and using a Fresh ROM that is post when they found out about the PRI issues that it would fix it. My PRI currently shows as flipz_01.
So, I've done the research, I've come up with solutions that appear to be helpful, I'm just wanting to get a little assurance of the next step I need to do to make sure this works, still new to the Android flashing process.
When you used WiFi tether, were you prompted to give it superuser permissions? If so, did you allow?
HeroMeng said:
When you used WiFi tether, were you prompted to give it superuser permissions? If so, did you allow?
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Yes, was prompted, and told it to always allow.
make sure you have wireless tether 1.6, newer does not seem to work
or you can try wired 1.2, haven't tried it myself.
danaff37 said:
make sure you have wireless tether 1.6, newer does not seem to work
or you can try wired 1.2, haven't tried it myself.
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The version that comes with the latest Fresh 2.1 ROM is 1.6, so I don't think that's the issue.
The thing that concerns me is that the PRI says "flipz_01". Most everyone on here seems to have PRI numbers that match something completely different, and I am worried that mine may have been overwritten. I have done a check for an updated PRL since I moved to the custom ROM, but nothing with the PRI.
Honestly, I didn't do anything fancy at all. I just fired it up and looked for the ESSID on my laptop. When I selected it to connect, I went back to the phone, selected menu, Access Control, and selected my laptop to allow the connection. It just worked from there.
sav2880 said:
The version that comes with the latest Fresh 2.1 ROM is 1.6, so I don't think that's the issue.
The thing that concerns me is that the PRI says "flipz_01". Most everyone on here seems to have PRI numbers that match something completely different, and I am worried that mine may have been overwritten. I have done a check for an updated PRL since I moved to the custom ROM, but nothing with the PRI.
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Don't sweat that. He did that so you could tell that the proper PRI is being used. As long as your PRL is 60663 or 60664, you are good to go.
pri is why the wired tether through htc sync doesn't work, and you can't do anything about that, I'm afraid. Uninstall wireless tether and try to reinstall. It worked great for me when I was on fresh rom.
bull8042 said:
Don't sweat that. He did that so you could tell that the proper PRI is being used. As long as your PRL is 60663 or 60664, you are good to go.
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... and it is 60664, so that's good.
Now as far as an ESSID code, where on the laptop did you find that? Assume I'm running Windows 7 ... cause I am!
And, a secondary question for my own familiarity. Should I be seeing an infastructure access point with this wireless tether or is everything done ad hoc?
danaff37: Since the wireless tether is cooked in to the Fresh ROM, is uninstalling going to involve re-cooking the ROM or is there an app I need to acquire to make the process doable? I don't mind if that's the case, although it will certainly be more of an adventure! Good to know on the wired tether with HTC Sync too, I'll try the wired tether app for that purpose.
it's an ad hoc network.
did it ask for su permission when you stopped it as well?
... and with that I think we have our answer. Just tested this on an older XP laptop with Intel ProSet since it does a great job of seeing ad hoc wireless, and it saw it right off the bat. I did notice that the app didn't remember my custom SSID, which is fine as long as I can tell what SSID to use.
(Now asking about ESSID feels a bit silly)
That said, should Windows 7 be seeing these ad-hoc networks in its normal view, or do I need to specially program those names in?
danaff37: Yep, it's allowed in both directions. SU was never an issue which is why I was initially a bit fooled.
(and go figure, my Win7 laptop sees it now, I think it was playing tricks on me!)
Thanks for the help guys, there are great tips in here for newbies like me getting used to the tethering.
I think it defaults to "HTCTether", but don't quote me on that. You can change it to whatever you want in the wireless tether app in its settings/preferences.
Bring up your wireless network connection manager on your pc and let it scan for available networks. Hopefully, the tether will be listed.
I have win 7 64 bit, and it picks it up fine. Shows up after a couple of seconds of turning it on.
default is g1Tether
I am running Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit and it found it without any problems as well. I haven't tried it on Linux yet. May be time to reboot just to see....
I have a fully functional wired tether and wireless tether setup on my phone running Fresh 2.0d (I have also changed my PRI)
all the information to do this is readily availible if you search
I usually have to start wifi tether and then go to mobile network and uncheck it then check it again then I can get on the internet.
Edit: This works with Linux and Windows. In Linux I had trouble connecting, I used Wifi Radar to do it. It works perfectly after that.
dmc971989 said:
I have a fully functional wired tether and wireless tether setup on my phone running Fresh 2.0d (I have also changed my PRI)
all the information to do this is readily availible if you search
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This. There's a thread on getting MNS working, I actually was using it for two weeks until we got our internet turned on. Worked great and I transferred over 3GB with no problem.
same thing for me
flipz pri is 1.70, and thats the correct one, although to my knowledge wired tether doesnt work, only wireless tether works, when you first open wireless tether, it should ask you to allow superuser permissions, you have to make you sure you click always allow. Make sure you use wireless tether 1.6 it works best.

G1 to teather

I was trying to get my G1 to wirelesly teather. Can anyone help me? Thanks I am rooted as well
Learn to search, read, lurk, Google, use your brain, etc.
/end rage
schartzr said:
I was trying to get my G1 to wirelesly teather. Can anyone help me? Thanks I am rooted as well
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flash a nice rom, and then go to :
and download the right one.
Good luck! Most, if not all roms will work with that particular app, which is the best one imo. try barnacle too (in market), if you want.
r0man said:
Learn to search, read, lurk, Google, use your brain, etc.
/end rage
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I have done that but the problem is that when i start it it says teathering but I cannot discover it with any device.
schartzr said:
I have done that but the problem is that when i start it it says teathering but I cannot discover it with any device.
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ok heres wut i did:
this method is from my laptop windows7:
install tether app then open it
press the symbole to start. then in my network connections by my the time i find something like g1 tether or android teher something like that then i connect.
then it will connect. but then on ur phone u will get a access permissions notification. and u have to allow access to ur wifi and there u go. hope this helps or directs u in the rite areas.
B6gSix said:
ok heres wut i did:
this method is from my laptop windows7:
install tether app then open it
press the symbole to start. then in my network connections by my the time i find something like g1 tether or android teher something like that then i connect.
then it will connect. but then on ur phone u will get a access permissions notification. and u have to allow access to ur wifi and there u go. hope this helps or directs u in the rite areas.
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He said he can't discover it with any device, so how would he do any of what you told him to do?
@OP: Make sure to download and install the proper version for your G1 and for your Android version.
this is a stupid question, is your phone wifi on?
Wifi tether works and is so awesome. I have cyanogen mod and 3 g1 with this and windows 7 mac unix linux all work just fine.
turn on your wifi, then turn on wifi tether and then activate tether and then give permission to work on root. pop up will come up and make it permanent.

wireless tether on captivate

I got the wireless tether app and when I use it, no device can find it. I press start tethering and nothing is happening, it doesnt show up on any device wifi like my iphone and my laptop. Any ideas?
I am now using pre8. I went into the settings and set up my own SSID and security. If you haven't done that, I would start there. I also had to reboot my phone after my first install as the phone locked up on me.
Sometimes I do have issues with getting my laptop to connect properly. It will get an IP address, but not be able to connect to the internet because it doesn't get assigned a gateway.
Going into Access Control and then doing a 'Reload Client List' when this happens cures the problem.
I just downloaded cognition v2.1.7 (unhelpfuls kernel) from Eclair stock. I now have the mobile ap option in my wireless folder but when I click it the ap is "not responding". I am very happy with everything so far except this one issue. Is there something I have not done like a setting change or is this an outright problem with my download? Do I need to download a wireless tether ap in addition to the new rom? Also wanna give mad kudo's to designgears. My speed and over all use of the phone now is nothing short of incredible. Will be donating soon and suggest all who use do the same. Designgears you rock!
unhelpful 1.7 or 1.6? try 1.6 - afaik 1.7 has some bugs with init.d scripts
Ok if I download 1.6 will I lose all my info? Ap's phonebook etc.?
Will I lose all info if I flash 1.6? Should I do this on a full battery and could that have been a problem on first flash?j
just disable lag fix prior to flashing. And always do backup
First and foremost, thank you very much for your advice. Where can I find the lag fix? I think voodoo installed with 2.1.7 but I have no app icon for it. I have everything backed up on titanium ( I asked that before thinking because of a prior problem) but thanks also for the reminder.
p1p3l1n3r205 said:
First and foremost, thank you very much for your advice. Where can I find the lag fix? I think voodoo installed with 2.1.7 but I have no app icon for it. I have everything backed up on titanium ( I asked that before thinking because of a prior problem) but thanks also for the reminder.
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You should have the lagfix by default. You heard the robot voice the first time you booted after installing 2.1.7, right? To disable the lagfix, 1.Create an extension-less file or a folder name "disable-lagfix" in /sdcard/Voodoo 2.Reboot.
If you're new to cognition, you should read the FAQ.
As far as your problem with mobilAP, I am running 2.1.6 with Atinms kernel, so I don't know if there is a problem with 2.1.7, but I think it should work correctly. When you click the AP Mobile Settings item in Wireless and Network, you should get a screen with a check box to turn on Mobile AP, plus some info. When you turn Mobile AP on, you get a screen with directions, including a passcode.
Maybe you should try reinstalling 2.1.7, or alternatively try 2.1.6.
Yeah, I did, thought bout that a second after the last post. I am going to try .6, but when I do, do I flash over .7 or do I need to reflash stock and then download? I'm assuming if you guys are saying disable voodoo then there is no need to flash stock, just wanna make sure. I already have a Blackberry paper weight I don't need a 500 dollar captivate one beside it too lol.
p1p3l1n3r205 said:
Yeah, I did, thought bout that a second after the last post. I am going to try .6, but when I do, do I flash over .7 or do I need to reflash stock and then download? I'm assuming if you guys are saying disable voodoo then there is no need to flash stock, just wanna make sure. I already have a Blackberry paper weight I don't need a 500 dollar captivate one beside it too lol.
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You can flash over. But please read the FAQ (link in previous post). It's pretty much all in there.
Can someone please post a link to install ONLY tethering? (I'm rooted, side-loading enabled) I loaded UTBv0.2 and everything but tethering works. I only want to get tethering working, don't want to load any other large mods.
thank you!
markmensch said:
Can someone please post a link to install ONLY tethering? (I'm rooted, side-loading enabled) I loaded UTBv0.2 and everything but tethering works. I only want to get tethering working, don't want to load any other large mods.
thank you!
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Use fascinate's download
From a phone
Thanks Boborone! 1 particular version there you tried and recommend? (of all the different versions for the Fascinate?) or just pick the latest? never used this Google service before
The latest one
From a phone
Still getting an error, now somewhat less troubling than a full FC: "Cannot start wireless Tethering. Try again later."
Any advice?
2.0.5 pre 15.apk works fine
google - android-wifi-tether and once on the page go to the download tab
I used this link and downloaded 2.0.5 pre 15.apk this past weekend. Once I installed on my phone it worked right away. I did not have to set anything. I changed the default setting from channel 2 to 11. I have used it several times with my wifi ipad and macbook to test it and it works very well! You can aso see how to do it on you tube.
markmensch said:
Still getting an error, now somewhat less troubling than a full FC: "Cannot start wireless Tethering. Try again later."
Any advice?
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Might be a bad download. You can try getting it from the market. Next time you have wifi access, turn on airplane mode, then turn on wifi. Market search for wifi tether. Get the one that has the green wifi bars as the app symbol.
From a phone
Wow I didn't think I'd be this much of a pain to you folks trying to get this working. Thanks for replying again & again!
Installed "Wireless Tethering" free app from marketplace, and it just "FC" fails when I run it. It DOES have SU privs, confirmed.
When I go to App Settings, i see I have Wireless Tether ver 23 installed, and I have an option to "uninstall updates".
2 prereqs listed in Market:
1 Rooted (yes, I am rootted)
2 Netfilter-enabled kernel (I have absolutely no idea. I'm Captivate stock, 1-click rooted, and UTBV0.2.
Can anyone tell me how to tell if I have a netfilter-enabled kernel, or how to get one?
Should I Uninstall Updates, and Reinstall?
I know for sure pre8 works on a stock captivate.
Not sure bout the kernal part of your situation. I'm on cog right now, and pre15 works. Used pre14 on axura.
From a phone

[Q] Lg Lucid 2 ( VS870 ) wifi tether after root. hotspotprovision.apk

So I rooted my LG Lucid 2 from this guide: http://androidforums.com/lucid-2-al...ition-5-7-13-full-technical-notes-inside.html
The one thing I noticed is that afterwards, tethering by any method (wifi tether, usb tether, bluetooth tether) is now impossible. After doing some research i think that the rooting method removed the system app "hotspotprovision.apk"
I know the root for this phone had to dissable some root checker tool that lg built into the phone, but do you think that removing the hotspot app is necessary? or can i get it back without having my phone tell verizon that i'm messing with my phone (the link tells all about the weird root checking tool LG tried to hide)?
Any help would be awesome! I just need some way to tether due to it being my main source of internet when i am at school.
all apps like pda net, foxfi, wifi tether, and all the other apps just start with errors, and when i try to start up the built in usb tether option i just get an error saying "Sorry! Unfortunately Provision has stopped"
Even with a factory reset and/or re flashing the firmware is still doesnt work.
Has ANYONE else with this phone tried to use any tether apps? If so have they worked or failed? I don't even know if this is happening to just me, or if everyone who owns this phone is without the tether ability
It would just help me a lot to know if somebody else has the same problem or even doesn't. I'm trying to decide if I need to return the phone or if i just need to wait for a software update of some sort..
Thanks guys for the help.
USB tethering
Nikguy said:
Even with a factory reset and/or re flashing the firmware is still doesnt work.
Has ANYONE else with this phone tried to use any tether apps? If so have they worked or failed? I don't even know if this is happening to just me, or if everyone who owns this phone is without the tether ability
It would just help me a lot to know if somebody else has the same problem or even doesn't. I'm trying to decide if I need to return the phone or if i just need to wait for a software update of some sort..
Thanks guys for the help.
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I recommend EasyTether. It works with non-rooted phones, and the LG LUCID that has been rooted. I particularly like the fact that I can use it with both Windows and Linux.
Ok thanks ill give it a shot! Ill let everyone know if it works in a sec
So for some reason no matter what i do, wireless tethering wont work unless i bought the tether service for verizon... i got the usb tether side of foxfi to work but so far wireless tethering is out of the question.
I cant believe no one has posted about this problem except me! Is it literally only me that has this problem? Ive been posting about this all over the internet since the phones release and so far no one has tried to use a tether app to confirm that this is not just a defect with my particular phone!
Im having the same problems
No functional WiFi tethering
But other people have had successes
I going to try usb wired tethering next
Ok cool, thanks for the response. I was able to get usb tethering to work on pda net, but that requires installing another client on my computer as well, and connecting isnt always seamless. I mostly want a wifi hotspot to power all my other wifi only devices once i go off to school at the end of august.
So has anyone figured out how to get the wireless tether working after root? Just curios.
Not that is know of... Head over to android central. They are working on a ROM there which cooooould lead to a tether option in the future
Mine wont work either.
how to get your lg lucid running ICS 4.0.4 with wifi tether
jenkies said:
So has anyone figured out how to get the wireless tether working after root? Just curios.
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I have managed to get my lg lucid running ICS working with wifi tether (infrastructure mode)
check out the how-to over at my site.
i'm sorry it will not let me post links. heres address no dots
gringo466howto blogspot com
I had that issue with an old LG Optimus Logic
I'm glad I read this thread, because i was about to root my Lucid 2, but I probably would've ran into this problem too. I think some people who have this phone with Verizon Wireless were given a different type of software for tethering. I'm guessing me and you have one of those ones where It only works solo. No mods allowed, but the app below has been said to work regardless. I guess it's worth a shot.
Verizon uses an authentic piece of software for their tethering protocol. I don't know why it seems so mysterious, but it doesn't seem to work exactly like most hotspot protocols. You might have to confess, and get them to help you out. If i were you, and If the original tethering app doesn't work, then try to install the stock firmware back, and use a different root method next time.
Try 'Tetherfy(WiFi Tether w/o Root) on play store. I don't think i'll be able to make an 'apk' file out of Verizon's 'Mobile Hotspot' app. I believe they have it locked into phone.
The guy's method in the post above might work too. I don't see why not.
hey there
I have noticed your post for a long time and tried various kinds of methods to use wireless tether but failed.
someone told me this device can be flashed to as980 firmware,so i tried and then my android native hotspot function works!
there is my way .
1.download as870 .kdz firmware from somewhere.here is downlaod link(add dots by yourself plz) pan baidu com/s/1ETkrO
2.enable "download mode"on your phone
3.use KDZ_FW_UPD to flash
system will be automaticly restart and you will found that your apps and settings are remained.

