Fuze: GPS Faaarked :( - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Ok, I've moved from a Touch Pro to a ex-AT&T Fuze so that I could get 850Mhz band I needed on Telstra (Australia). It's all working awesomely thanks to the guys help here and after a diversion where I had to get my SIM card holder replaced.
Now the remaining glitch is that the GPS is totally unusable Which is a show stopper since I use it a lot. I had it in the car for a 2 hour drive, and it only found one or two satellites the whole time, and they were not strong enough to get a lock. Most of the time it showed zero. Sometimes I eventually get a lock, but it doesn't last.
By comparison the Touch Pro has no problem getting and keeping a GPS lock under the same circumstances (with the two units side by side). They are both running Tael's ROM and the same version of Tomtom. Google Maps has the same issues.
Two possibilities I can think of are:
1) The Fuze has a bad radio ROM and upgrading/downgrading might help
2) When the phone repair place replaced the SIM holder, they didn't connect the GPS aerial correctly - so I'll need to take it back
For #1, I'm a bit doubtful as it is reporting v1.14.25.35, protocol 52.64c.25.35U and this thread seems to rate the GPS reception as one of the best. Also can I put any Raphael radio ROM on the Fuze? Or do I need to find an 850Mhz AT&T one?
#2 is going to be awkward as I'll have to convince them they have done something wrong and get them to repair it free of charge. Can anyone tell me how likely this is? Has anyone pulled one of these units apart? Is the GPS aerial something that they may have just not plugged in?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated. (I'd be over the moon if there was a simple software fix. Anything else I should check? (I have updated QuickGPS with the latest data etc).
Thanks in advance!

I'd say run GPS Test while standing still and wait for a lock - I'm not sure what conditions you've tested in, but I've had experiences in the past with the Fuze (and a magellan) that if you were driving, the thing would take forever to get a lock if you didn't get a lock before moving.
Also; I'm running - I ran .35 for a while, but reverted because NRG uses the .05 rilphone.dll; you could try that....

Thanks for the reply, but I've tried it standing still. Very occasionally I can get a lock, but it takes about 30 minutes, and doesn't seem to matter if I am moving or not. My Touch Pro is running a really old radio (10.x from memory) and it can lock and hold the satellites fine.
Has anyone pulled one of these things apart and can tell me what could be a hardware issue? Is the GPS aerial something which needs to be plugged into the mainboard for example?

Does your quick gps have the correct regional setting? Check HKLM/Software/HTC/QuickGPS. There is a value for region-I'm not sure if it updates automatically or not for your location. All I know is that my fuze's GPS sucked donkey balls in the UK. Normally, it just sucks French Poodle balls. I don't use A-GPS, so that wasn't the issue.

Hmm...ok. I had assumed that A-GPS was the technology, and QuickGPS was HTCs implementation. Are they different things?
Anyway, both the Fuze and the Touch Pro are running exactly the same ROMs (Tael's latest) with the same QuickGPS software and identical registry settings (but different Radio ROMs).
I just did a refresh of the QuickGPS data and put them side by side on my balcony for about 10 mins. Ran Tomtom with the GPS diag screen. Not a great view of the cloudy sky, but...
Touch Pro:
Shows a number of satellites, and finds reception from 3 or 4. The dots move around the compass a bit. Not as many detected initially (grey dots down the bottom of the screen is only about 10). Still can get a signal from one satellite sitting inside on my couch.
Full bottom row of grey dots, but didn't get any signal from a single satellite the whole time. Nothing. Also, the positions of the satellites on the compass seem to be in different places than the Touch Pro.
Re the region settings... the registry on both devices doesn't have this entry. There is a curRegion=dword:00000000, but no region at all. I'm wondering why this would be needed since the Touch Pro doesn't have it either and seems to work, but suggestions are welcome.
I notice there is no Services key either, like I found in some other posts. eg:
"DisplayName"="QuickGPS app service"
"Description"="dll for icon in TodayScreen"
Again, the Touch Pro is working fine without this, but is this still needed in modern ROMs?
Still wondering if this is a hardware problem. Can anyone tell me how likely it is that the phone repair guys forgot to plug an aerial in or something?
Also, is there any better GPS diag software or is Tomtom the best bet?

A-GPS and QuickGPS are unrelated. A-GPS uses cell towers to help get a fix. If you've got the same roms on each device, I'd guess they're working the same. I think the gpsaux.dll service just warns you when the data expires, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
Try different radios; that's all I can suggest. The GPS on my fuze pretty much blows, so you're not alone.

Ok...how do I turn AGPS on again then?
By "pretty much blows" I assume you don't mean you can drive on an open freeway for 2 hours with clear skys and only faintly see one satellite the whole time do you?
I was kinda happy with the GPS on the Touch Pro even though it would sometimes take until the end of my street to get a lock.
Wonder if I should do a hard reset before taking it back to the repair shop... sigh.

You can turn A-GPS on with advanced config, and also enable logging, which will tell you if it's working or not. These are the keys for logging (I don't use it, so mine are blank).
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver]
I think that A-GPS is HKLM\software\HTC\SUPL-AGPS\enabled=1, or something like that.
I used to get pretty good cold locks, like in less than 2 min reliably, but now it seems to take forever, as much as 30 min. It seems like my gps has gotten worse over time. Once it's locked, it works fine, though.

Ah yep - thanks. Advanced Config says "Assisted GPS = Yes". It's logging, but for some reason I can never open the log file (error, cannot be opened). The backup log file opens, but I'm not sure how to read it. About 4 lines with seemingly random text and lots of commas...

Ok, this is still not working...
I took it back to the repair place, who opened it up, did a visual inspection and told me there was nothing wrong with the hardware. They said it is a software problem (which it may be, but faaarked if I can work out what)
I have downloaded the HTC GPS Tool. I don't exactly know what the log data that it shows is, but I'm guessing since it seems to connect ok to COM4 that it is finding the GPS chip in my phone, just not getting anything useful as far as a signal goes.
Does anyone know how to read the logging data from this tool? I'm guessing that just because it is receiving data doesn't mean that it can see any satellites (since it performs just as well indoors)
Next I tried loading 'Raphael Radio' and the relevant Rilphone cab - when I read up about Rilphone cabs I started to wonder if that was the source of the problem, since I assume TEAL's ROM doesn't include the specific version for my radio. No luck though.
Next I put on the latest TEAL ROM, mainly just to set everything back to defaults in case I had screwed anything up. Updated the QuickGPS and then spent ages standing on the side of the road with my fingers crossed...
Nothing. Not a single satellite signal.
Any suggestions? Otherwise I'm going to have to buy a new phone. Should I keep trying different radio ROMs? Is there any way to check the hardware is actually ok?

I don't know if the microsoft gpsid.dll is included in the rom or not, but you could try switching from using the HTC intermediate driver (gpsidhtc.dll) to it. I've been using the gpsid.dll for a few weeks, and it's not worse, but may be better than the HTC one (tough to say, really).
These are the reg keys for gpsid.dll:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Drivers]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer\ActiveDevice]
Here are the ones for the HTC driver:
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Drivers]
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer]
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\Multiplexer\ActiveDevice]
If you try it, do a full backup beforehand. I had trouble trying to get the HTC driver reloaded once. You may need a hard reset/restore.


O2 XDA Serra (Touch Pro) - more GPS problems

Sorry - not a development issue as such but I'm hoping you guys can help with another HTC Touch Pro (A)GPS query. I have read a number of other posts on this but they appear to be inconclusive and I'm not sure if the problems widely reported elsewhere are supposed to have been resolved in the latest shipped ROMS.
I'm experiencing very long acquisition times with the internal GPS on the O2 XDA Serra (just released in the UK), to the point where the GPS is virtually unusable. Cold lock can take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes, even in open ground in good weather with a clear view of satellites. By comparison, a Garmin eTrex Vista in the same location gets a lock in seconds. I never expected the XDA Serra to equal the performance of a dedicated handheld GPS but I would have expected it to get an initial lock in less than 5 minutes in clear sight.
If and when a lock is acquired, it seems to hold OK and I've experienced no major lag problems.
I'm using Tom Tom Navigator 5, Memory Map Pocket Navigator OS 5 and Google Maps. I've also installed a couple of GPS utilities from this forum - Chartcross GPS Test 1.04 and the HTC GPS Tool v1.1.1.0. These are all configured to point to COM4 at 38400 baud (as per advice in this forum), and I've never had a problem detecting the GPS.
What is bizarre and frustrating is that there is absolutely no mention of GPS functionality in the supplied O2 manual, other than a brief warning about not operating a GPS while driving. The XDA Serra is not supplied with any GPS software or utilities out of the box other than an "External GPS" utility in the System folder, which is completely undocumented. I'm unclear in what circumstances you are supposed to use this utility, but I'm assuming it allows you to set a hardware COM port for an external GPS device (presumably bluetooth?) and select whether or not it is managed by Windows. I've tried turning this off but it appears to make no difference.
I'm aware that the XDA Serra is AGPS capable but I'm unclear exactly what this means in this context (i.e. which particular AGPS technique it actually uses), and how - in the absence of an explicit Program or System setting - my installed GPS applications are supposed to invoke it. I have checked the relevant registry settings in HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL AGPS:
EnableAGPS 0x00000000 (0)
GPSMode 0x00000002 (2)
Number Fixes 0x3b9ac9ff (9999999999)
QoS Accuracy 0x00000032 (50)
QoS Performance 0x00000059 (89)
Server IP
Server Port 0x00001cb6 (7275)
TimeBetweenFixes 0x00000001 (1)
... and can see that the AGPS function is currently disabled (the default), but is this supposed to be enabled programmatically by the GPS application, or do you have to set it explicitly? If the latter, how can you do this other than by hacking the registry?
I have followed advice in this forum about disabling GPS logging (it was disabled by default) using the Schapman Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3.0.0. I have tried enabling the AGPS function using a registry editor, but again it appears to make no difference. In addition, I could see no evidence of it having downloaded an emphemeris file anywhere (unless it's hidden in system ROM), which I presume is how it is supposed to work? If I enable it, doesn this necessarily mean that any of my GPS apps will actually use it?
I have tried using SeaSGEE to download emphemeris data to no avail - it downloads what looks like a good packedEmphemeris.ee file OK but it makes absolutely no difference to performance. I have since uninstalled this and deleted the //windows/packedEmphemeris.ee file.
Finally, if I connect an external bluetooth GPS adapter (the Emtac BTGPS) on COM6 I generally get a good cold lock in less than a minute. I used this all the time on my old XDA Mini S (HTC Wizard) and never had a problem.
So, basically, I'd like to understand how native AGPS works on the Touch Po, how it is supposed to be invoked by GPS applications, and whether there are any tweaks I can try to improve performance over and above the ones I've already tried. Is this a problem that is likely to be improved in subsequent ROM or Radio versions or is this simply a fundamental limitation of a crappy internal GPS chip?
Any advice greatly appreciated.
AGPS is basically a utility for operator to be able to track your device for various local ads etc. It uses servers to track instead of GPS.For example Google maps would be able to track your position inside building but with tolerance of a few miles (I guess it is your closest tower) Seems to be some kind of bug when operating with regular GPS (in my case it shuts off GPS every 10-15 seconds making Tomtom unusable.You should see settings for AGPS at Settings-System-AGPS. Disable both tabs. On tomtom use other wired GPS receiver at Baud rate 38400 com port 4. restart after setting AGPS. It did work for me.I have Fuze - same as HTC Touch Pro. Let me know if it works better.
This is exactly how the Fuze is acting. Cold locks (after a soft reset or power off/on) take up to 30 minutes to get. But once you do get a lock, things work as they should. Even AT&T sales reps sat there with me, with 3 different Fuzes and witnessed all three phones doing the same thing. It must be the built in GPS chipset. The Sprint Touch Pro I had for a week, never had any cold lock issues.
I was worried that O2 had modified versions without the GPS module becuase I have never managed to get a lock with the device. Nomatter what I do GPS doesn't seem to work.
It is annoying as I've managed to fix every other problem the Serra ships with. Including getting rid of the default home page for opera when launched vial TFL3D. That was a huge pain in the ass as the XML file cannot be deleted or modified easily, it is an undying file. Damn file protectiona and access rules on WM devices.
is there still isues with gps on this phone?
i'm due an upgrade, currently using a diamond, and find gps is fantastic, locks in a couple of seconds nearly everytime, even after not using it for week still seems to get a fix in under 20 seconds, was looking at the touch hd as i thought it was essentialy the same phone, buf beefed up a bit, but i use gps 3-4 hours everyday, so far this phone seems perfect apart from the gps issues..
i've tried searching but can't find any clear information about it, seen various tweaks but no one can confirm it definatly works, my phone's primary use is gps, would i be a fool to upgrade to the serra?
Tyr said:
I was worried that O2 had modified versions without the GPS module becuase I have never managed to get a lock with the device. Nomatter what I do GPS doesn't seem to work.
It is annoying as I've managed to fix every other problem the Serra ships with. Including getting rid of the default home page for opera when launched vial TFL3D. That was a huge pain in the ass as the XML file cannot be deleted or modified easily, it is an undying file. Damn file protectiona and access rules on WM devices.
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OK. I had the same problem, never got locked on GPS.
It is ALL software issue. Flash different rom, new radio (recommend 20M1) and use tomtom7. Older tomtoms for some reason do not invoke gps receiver on touch pro. GPS on serra works perfect, on mine it takes about 20-30 seconds to get satellite lock. Relax Just flash rom different that the o2 one.
The GPS is rock solid on my XDA Serra with fast GPS start-up times with the PROven ROM - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444653.
I did have GPS problems with the standard O2 ROM, as others have said it's a software issue.
All issues have been SOLVED
Hi. just go to this post and you will have a gps lock in a matter of seconds. enjoy. thanks
Go to http://www.my-xda.com/software_updates.jsp to download the latest software updates for every O2 XDA mobile!
Yes I just updated my ROM and the difference is HUGE. Almost instant connection with my GPS.
Yes, apparently O2 removed QuickGPS because at some point they planned to enable their own AGPS servers, but did not get round to it and forgot to add back QuickGPS.......
The Avatar said:
Yes I just updated my ROM and the difference is HUGE. Almost instant connection with my GPS.
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hi the avatar
which ROM did you go for on your serra, i am having similar probs
just when i thought i had sorted it following other suggestions on this forum, beginning to think the gps was single use

Does GPS work, or does GPS not work?

I am currently following a few websites to keep my news upto date with my ATT fuze. I have tried just about every single possible solution to get my GPS to work. Disabled aGPS, tried GPSTest, flashed various ROMs, tried various GPS programs, change poll interval to 500 ms, etc, etc.
I have owned this phone for 4 months now and I have yet to get a satellite lock to work. The closest I ever got was GPTtest running showing 6-7 different satellites in view, trying to connect to about 3 of them. I left that running for nearly 2 hours, and no luck. Whats the deal?
Please do not tell me to use the search function because I have searched XDA as well as google, and they all end up in the same place of speculation on why the GPS might not be working, but none of the said methods actually make it work.
It works man. I ran 6.5 beta with Google Maps installed. Took me to a location I've never been to and back.
xgm541, before using AGPS, do you have the right gprs settings for your phone? Have you confirmed that your gprs works?
Anyway, for the gps, read up on my thread about me finding an alternative way to get a better fix.
Also, make sure you flash your radio if possible. Read up on the radio thread and i am sure other ATT users have posted the performance of GPS based on the Radio.
I am not an ATT user, as i am from Malaysia. So i am unable to help you on the AGPS part.
I second arvin's suggestion on flashing a radio. If you're in the US, I highly recommend, I have AGPS and GPS logging disabled, use GPS Test and always get a cold fix in less than a minute outdoors.
yeah ive got no issues with it, used it last weekend in the car and worked perfectly.
GPS definitely works. Flash the latest leaked AT&T rom, and just try it out. Don't flash cooked ROMs but the stock leaked ROM. If GPS doesn't work in that ROM then something is wrong with your particular phone. I'm in California and I get locks in under 7 seconds, and I'm using wm 6.5
GPS is about all that im unhappy with, on my fuze.
It does work, i placed a 3 stage multicache using only my fuze with googlemaps/GCz last week and everyone whos found the cache say my coords. were almost dead on. (coords were an average of around 20 readings at each site)
My trick (doesnt work fast but it works) is to turn on gmaps let it sit there for
1 min while it gets a lock, then switch to my gps (geocache) program and i have nps. I cannot get any other programs to lock or hold the gps without first running the googlemaps program. And everyonce inwhile as soon as i turn it on ill lock up 10 birds. Doesnt make much sense, and i too have played with all i could find (agps,baud,comport, windows settings etc)
good luck
I am using the standard HTC-ROM. All of these settings have been extensively tested in Europe the Netherlands. These are really the optimal, after testing many buffersizes, pollintervals etc. The most crucial one is PollInterval and SleepOnNodata needs to be equal or larger than PollInterval. Disabling or enabling windows GPS logging does not matter, as it is only used for debugging according to MSDN. If you start using AGPS (I Don't!) then make sure all settings are correct to download the info from your provider (mine does not support this and thus it is turned off in these settings).
0) Assuming that the hardware is still OK do the following:
1) Go to settings > System > external GPS.
Check if all options are still normal.
Program port is COM4.
Hardware port : none.
Baudrate : 4800.
Access: Check automated GPS control.
NOTE that an external connected GPS (e.g. Bluetooth device) unit will have a baudrate of 4800. The internal which resides at Com4 has a standard baudrate of 57600. These settings need to be checked to make sure they are still this way and it will also give Windows automated control of the GPS system.
2) You need to install Advanced Config 3.3.
With Advanced config 3.3 under GPS:
1. disable A-GPS
2. disable GPS logging
3. logfile name must be empty
4. old logfile name must be empty
5. maximum size of logfile must be 0
6 delete the files : \windows\GPSLogFile.txt and \windows\GPSLogFileBack.txt
After these settings the tool will soft-reset your mobile.
3) Then edit registry with TotalCommander
Don't make any errors here, check your steps carefully.
Under: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\
- Drivers\GpsOneDevice\PollInterval -> 100 (default is 1000)
- Drivers\InputBufferSize -> 512 (default is 4096)
- Drivers\OutputBufferSize -> 512 (default is 4096)
- Drivers\SleepOnNoData -> 100 (default is 1000)
- Multiplexer\MaxBufferSize -> 512 (by default not present, you have to create it, make a Dword value)
After these settings are in place, restart / soft reset your device.
4) Run the program QuickGPSfix and download the new data.
This step needs to be repeated anytime it is outdated.
5) Download and install the HTC GPS Tool.
Upon starting it should show COM4 and a Baudrate of 57600.
Go outside the house, preferably with good weather.
Hit the "Open"
Hit the "Nav. Int."
Leave all as is, no need to change the options.
You should now start to see the GPS data flow over your screen in the grey area. Wait patiently, the first fix can take up to 10 minutes (afterwards it wil go faster). If it fails it sometimes seems to help to move around a little bit and to reboot your device if it takes way to long (+10 mins).
See if you have any red bars below the satellite numbers (signal strength per satellite) When you get a fix, the bars and satellites to which it is connected will show up green. If there are no red bars here, no data flow etc then there is something wrong with the ROM / radio combination and your phone.
Close this program if you have a fix.
6) Start-up Google maps. Wait for it to download the basic map information, so you don't have any interference from the "now downloading data" message. Then start the GPS use. Fix should now go fast. Once it has a fix you can start moving towards your destiny.
From now on use HTC GPS tool to get a fix.
Close this program, start the program with which you want to use GPS.
Good luck, Jouke.
GPS works good enough.
I definitely suggest radio 1.11 or later.
Of course best to get the whole 5.05 ROM.
Work great! To nearly perfect location!
I'm using the ATT test ROM and google maps with street view.
Works better than any phone I've ever owned when the test ROM or a derivative is running the show. Matching radio must be used. I've tested the Ralphael (shipped with test ROM) and the Blackstone so far.
Messed around a bit more and got instant 10 sats after changing to
baud rate of 9600 on com4... i guess the windows management of the gps is most of the problem (?).
I had the same exact problem as you. I couldn't get a lock no matter what I tried, I was thinking of going back to the Kaiser. I then decided to change my radio from the .32 to the 1.12, left GPS Test running for about 30 minutes, still no lock.
I was standing on the balcony of my apartment....
Then..... when I got into my car I tried again and I got a lock in under 30 seconds..
Not to insult your intelligence by any means. BUT, are you outside in the open?? Because once you have set those settings that everyone here has asked you to do. It should work.
Here is what I did.
Change the stock radio. I believe this to be the main culprit. 1.12 works good. then set your standard GPS settings to Baud 96**** and to COM 4. Run GPS test in the open, outside.
It should work. I sometimes mess around with the AGPS settings. I mainly leave it off because I honestly have no idea what it is.
I get a lock in under 1 - 2 minutes every time. However, I am having a problem with the speed of the GPS. I use TomTom 6 and sometimes my triangle cursor wiggles oscillating from left to right. I don't know why. and also sometimes it is delayed.
I have yet to find a fix for this, I would be glad if someone can please help. I'm not sure if this is a video problem or a GPS problem.
Worked Both Ways
I've had my Fuze since just before ATT released them, and the GPS worked fine for me, once I could get a signal, obviously a big issue. I followed all of the GPSidfix cab etc and they helped, had to load GPS Test to prime, once it got a full lock and said running I could use Google, TomTom 6 or Livesearch and get instant locks.
I don't flash ROMs, but finally broke down and put the ATT Leaked Rom on my Fuze, and bammmmmm. GPS is almost instant in every single one of those applications, we're talking 2 or 3 seconds when I'm outside. I get locks in my house when I'm by the windows as well.
I haven't driven today, so I can't speak to lag etc or other issues, but once I knew the lag it never bothered me that much. Overall, the new ATT Leaked ROM has been awesome for GPS.
i never changed my radio, am using the stock radio on a fuze bought 1 1/2 months ago, i disabled agps and am using com4 baud 9600 super fast gps now.
GPS Position Lag w/ internal (built-in) GPS receiver
freekquency said:
i never changed my radio, am using the stock radio on a fuze bought 1 1/2 months ago, i disabled agps and am using com4 baud 9600 super fast gps now.
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I can second or third... that.
Firstly, I don't mean to invalidate any previous comments, posts or fixes, or insult anyone's intelligence. I just merely report my VERY UNSCIENTIFIC findings.
I've had my ATT Fuze (HTC Touch Pro) for about 3 months now, and I've tested various GPS apps in the quest of finding out whether the hardware is the one to blame for the GPS POSITION LAG. I'd like to share my personal findings so that it may help others.
The ONLY GPS application that I can say that come very close to NOT having GPS POSITION LAG is Mobile Navigator 7.3.1 (build 137). On top of that, this version of Mobile Navigator is the only one so far to be ALMOST right on when the destination is reached. Other applications that I've tried always show the destination is 2 or 3 houses down the street.
The following applications I've tested all have position lag: one previous version of MN7, IGo8, TomTom 7, iGuidance, Garmin XT, and NDrive.
Did I use the registry tweak as suggested in previous post and did it resolve the lag?
Yes, I did try the tweak. But personally, I don't think it solved the problem.
Did I change to different ROM or Radio?
No. Everything on the phone is stock ATT Fuze.
So, is the hardware or HTC the one to blame for the lag?
Sorry! YOU have to come to the conclusion on this one.
I have a related problem, with the GPS device freezing (?) at high speed. I drove recently in Germany, and up to 120km/h my navigator (HTC-TP + Destinator 7) worked fine. When I drove faster it just stopped tracking, and resumed when I slowed down below 120km/h resumed.
Anyone experienced that or has an idea how to fix it?
Kepela523 said:
I had the same exact problem as you. I couldn't get a lock no matter what I tried, I was thinking of going back to the Kaiser. I then decided to change my radio from the .32 to the 1.12, left GPS Test running for about 30 minutes, still no lock.
I was standing on the balcony of my apartment....
Then..... when I got into my car I tried again and I got a lock in under 30 seconds..
Not to insult your intelligence by any means. BUT, are you outside in the open?? Because once you have set those settings that everyone here has asked you to do. It should work.
Here is what I did.
Change the stock radio. I believe this to be the main culprit. 1.12 works good. then set your standard GPS settings to Baud 96**** and to COM 4. Run GPS test in the open, outside.
It should work. I sometimes mess around with the AGPS settings. I mainly leave it off because I honestly have no idea what it is.
I get a lock in under 1 - 2 minutes every time. However, I am having a problem with the speed of the GPS. I use TomTom 6 and sometimes my triangle cursor wiggles oscillating from left to right. I don't know why. and also sometimes it is delayed.
I have yet to find a fix for this, I would be glad if someone can please help. I'm not sure if this is a video problem or a GPS problem.
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TomTom7 also isnt working perfectly for me. It seems to be about 3-5 seconds too slow. It shows me at the street after I have already passed it. I made the registry setting changes that were posted earlier and will test the lag this afternoon ( it may be the Polling Interval being set to 1000 vs 100 i hope. I will report back to say if it has helped

Adding Juice to your GPS on your Raphael

First of all, i apologise for the "catchy" title.
For this past week, i have been flashing my TP, with various firmwares / radios etc. However, i decided to go with the new stock ROM released by HTC,
[-HTC Touch Pro-MRII-RUU_Raphael_hTC_Asia_WWE_5.07.707.2_Radio_Signed_Raphael_52.58.25.30_1.11.25.01_Ship]
But i am sure this will work even for users of different ROMS.
Anyway, with this and alot of other ROMS, i faced this issue. Poor GPS reception. Mind you, AGPS is not included in the Asian version of the ROM, since we don't use it , and most probably AGPS uses data connection, which is quite expensive here. Anyway, even after tweaking the registry (followed one of the great threads here), the GPS was horrible. After updating the quickgps, i took my phone, and placed it beside my window. About 10 ~ 15 minutes later, it had fixed it self to a few sattelites. 10 ~ 15 minutes is alittle bit too long for me.
When i took it outside (after re-starting the phone) it still took about 10 minutes to get a signal. Later on, it becomes even harder to fix to sattelites after a few reboots. I don't know what the problem was.
I read around the forums and there was a thread about the RADIO, People were saying how good it was for the battery life of the phone and especially GPS. Some even claimed to have gotten a GPS fix within 10 seconds, and some could even get gps singnals indoors. I flashed my RADIO to ver and there still wasn't much changes on the GPS part.
Today morning, i decided to hard reset my phone and then play around a little and to my amazement i found a gem. So here is what i did.
After hard resetting my phone, i didn't install apps. I didn't apply any registry fix for the gps. Everything was in it's original state. I installed Msoft .net CF 3.5 . This is because it is required to run an app, GPSTOOLPRO.exe , so it could hunt for this sattelites. An alternative to GPSTEST, but i like this better.
So here is what i Did. **my quickgps isn't updated**
I went to
Start > Settings > System [TAB] > External GPS
GPS program port, I set it to (NONE). Then i pressed ok.
Then i clicked on External GPS again.
This time my GPS Program Port value is (NONE) and i went to the Hardware Tab.
GPS Hardware Port, you can put in any value you like. Mine was COM4 and the BAUD RATE is 115200.
Somehow once you press Ok, and you come back to the same menu, You will see that your GPS hardware Port is set to NONE, and your BAUD RATE is it's default.
I am not sure if i am the only one facing this issue , but it's no problem
After setting up the GPS hardware port and the BAUD RATE as above, Do not close the menu. Also Make sure , [Manage GPS automatically] from the Access Tab is enabled.
From here, Do not press ok. Let the menu remain and run in the background. Then i went on the start bar, went to file explorer and ran my app, GPSTOOLPRO.exe to search for sattelites and get a fix.
The Result= I could get satelite signal about 12 of them almost immediately & fix in less than a minute. I could also get a fix indoors where previously i couldn't. The GPS certainly has improved.
Do take note, I tried using gpstest but it was unable to detect the port. So i suggest searching for "GPSTOOLPRO" around XDA and use that instead.
Hope this helps
Thanks for sharing It will be very useful
how are you getting signal inside? must be alot of windows. lol
What do you mean signal inside? You mean indoors?
And yes, about 2 + 1 windows would be open. 2 (external GPS + GPSTOOLPRO) + 1 (your choice of gps navigator)
arvin2212 said:
First of all, i apologise for the "catchy" title.
For this past week, i have been flashing my TP, with various firmwares / radios etc. However, i decided to go with the new stock ROM released by HTC,
[-HTC Touch Pro-MRII-RUU_Raphael_hTC_Asia_WWE_5.07.707.2_Radio_Signed_Raphael_52.58.25.30_1.11.25.01_Ship]
But i am sure this will work even for users of different ROMS.
Anyway, with this and alot of other ROMS, i faced this issue. Poor GPS reception. Mind you, AGPS is not included in the Asian version of the ROM, since we don't use it , and most probably AGPS uses data connection, which is quite expensive here. Anyway, even after tweaking the registry (followed one of the great threads here), the GPS was horrible. After updating the quickgps, i took my phone, and placed it beside my window. About 10 ~ 15 minutes later, it had fixed it self to a few sattelites. 10 ~ 15 minutes is alittle bit too long for me.
When i took it outside (after re-starting the phone) it still took about 10 minutes to get a signal. Later on, it becomes even harder to fix to sattelites after a few reboots. I don't know what the problem was.
I read around the forums and there was a thread about the RADIO, People were saying how good it was for the battery life of the phone and especially GPS. Some even claimed to have gotten a GPS fix within 10 seconds, and some could even get gps singnals indoors. I flashed my RADIO to ver and there still wasn't much changes on the GPS part.
Today morning, i decided to hard reset my phone and then play around a little and to my amazement i found a gem. So here is what i did.
After hard resetting my phone, i didn't install apps. I didn't apply any registry
fix for the gps. Everything was in it's original state. I installed Msoft .net CF 3.5 . This is because it is required to run an app, GPSTOOLPRO.exe , so it could hunt for this sattelites. An alternative to GPSTEST, but i like this better.
So here is what i Did. **my quickgps isn't updated**
I went to
Start > Settings > System [TAB] > External GPS
GPS program port, I set it to (NONE). Then i pressed ok.
Then i clicked on External GPS again.
This time my GPS Program Port value is (NONE) and i went to the Hardware Tab.
GPS Hardware Port, you can put in any value you like. Mine was COM4 and the BAUD RATE is 115200.
Somehow once you press Ok, and you come back to the same menu, You will see that your GPS hardware Port is set to NONE, and your BAUD RATE is it's default.
I am not sure if i am the only one facing this issue , but it's no problem
After setting up the GPS hardware port and the BAUD RATE as above, Do not close the menu. Also Make sure , [Manage GPS automatically] from the Access Tab is enabled.
From here, Do not press ok. Let the menu remain and run in the background. Then i went on the start bar, went to file explorer and ran my app, GPSTOOLPRO.exe to search for sattelites and get a fix.
The Result= I could get satelite signal about 12 of them almost immediately & fix in less than a minute. I could also get a fix indoors where previously i couldn't. The GPS certainly has improved.
Do take note, I tried using gpstest but it was unable to detect the port. So i suggest searching for "GPSTOOLPRO" around XDA and use that instead.
Hope this helps
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I love to try this however can't find GPS Tool pro on this forum ...any link please
gps indoors nice, i guess they finally added that rubidium oscellator.
sadly for me, this doesn't seem to work. i hard reset yesterday and am running on a bloat-free fuze stock rom and radio. I installed google maps, att navigator (only way i can EVER get a fix after 5 minutes), and CF 3.5. Trying this now standing inside my bay window facing the a river with lots of open sky and i'm not getting anything
i read the thread this morning about teh .19 radio and i can't wait to try it out this weekend!
what radio are you on? mine is: (stock ATT)
Here is a link for the GPSToolPro.
nhshah7 said:
sadly for me, this doesn't seem to work. i hard reset yesterday and am running on a bloat-free fuze stock rom and radio. I installed google maps, att navigator (only way i can EVER get a fix after 5 minutes), and CF 3.5. Trying this now standing inside my bay window facing the a river with lots of open sky and i'm not getting anything
i read the thread this morning about teh .19 radio and i can't wait to try it out this weekend!
what radio are you on? mine is: (stock ATT)
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I would try the leaked AT&T radio. It supposedly opens up more slots for sats than the previous radios, which should help getting a fix.
Also which stock ROM are you using? The one it was shipped with or the leaked one? I would upgrade to the leaked AT&T one because it enabled aGPS, which works wonders in getting a fix.
EDIT: Use the link below and download the leaked ROM, it also includes the leaked AT&T upgraded radio...
If you don't have a data connection (too expensive) then how can you be using QuickGPS?
If you do have a data connection then I highly recommend upgrading your rom to a 5.08.502.1 derivative along with keeping the raphael radio you just tried then changing your settings to the public AGPS servers described in Da_G's AGPS thread in the Raphael ROM forum.
this probably doesn't help any, but I have a TP that is about a week old, flashed with mighty rom, radio 1.03.15, and I can sit in my living room, two windows completely covered, and I can get 9 satellites to lock in under 5 seconds. This works in google maps, igo8, really any gps program. I do not use quickgps (I think that is what it is called) or anything else. mine has worked great from the day I brought it home. I have only tried a couple of radios and all worked fine with gps. I am wondering if the newer ones are "better" on gps?
If you're using a Fuze (AT&T variant) this sums up how to get GPS running on your phone: http://www.fuzemobility.com/the-fuze-and-gps/

P3470+ (HTC Clone!!) GPS problem and ROM update?

Hi everyone
I have a P3470+ (HTC clone from China) Phone (Hisilicon K3, 460MHZ, WM 6.1) and my problem is that whatever navigation software (or Google Maps) I use, the phone doesn't find any satellites anymore :-( It USED to work but now it doesn't?!?
Anybody know how to fix that problem?
Also, can I update the ROM? Where do I find an ENGLISH ROM (WM 6.1 or even 6.5?). I know how to set this phone into an "update mode", I also have a software called "IDT" from Hisilicon, the only thing I am missing is a ROM. Maybe this is the only chance to get the GPS working again?
Anybody know how to do a hard reset on this baby?
Thanks for your help and greetings from Germany
ColonelZap said:
Hi everyone
I have a P3470+ (HTC clone from China) Phone (Hisilicon K3, 460MHZ, WM 6.1) and my problem is that whatever navigation software (or Google Maps) I use, the phone doesn't find any satellites anymore :-( It USED to work but now it doesn't?!?
Anybody know how to fix that problem?
Also, can I update the ROM? Where do I find an ENGLISH ROM (WM 6.1 or even 6.5?). I know how to set this phone into an "update mode", I also have a software called "IDT" from Hisilicon, the only thing I am missing is a ROM. Maybe this is the only chance to get the GPS working again?
Anybody know how to do a hard reset on this baby?
Thanks for your help and greetings from Germany
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Download GPSToggle CAB from this link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7VRBH5RS . It is called GPSToggle and is a Today screen app. It works best when installed to main memory.
Once installed, you will need to add it to your Today screen. From your Today screen go to Settings, then choose Today settings. Go to the Items tab and you should see BAF GPS Toggle at the bottom of the list. Click the box to have it added to your Today Screen. Close the Settings screen and go back to your Today screen.
Now, a little bit of info about your GPS. It will work best when it has an unobstructed view of the sky overhead. It should stationery (not moving) and uninterrupted from the time you turn on the application.
Some people can get satellite signals inside a building. I can because I live in a one-story condo. If you can sit outside with your phone for about 30 minutes, GPSToggle should do the trick.
On your Today screen you will now see an item called GPS with the word OFF next to it. Click the word GPS and the word next to it will change to On indicating that the app has turned on your GPS.
Now sit back, be patient and wait. If you're lucky and outside, the SIRF III chip in your phone should lock on within as little as 42 seconds (doubtful in your case) and as long as five minutes.
Attached to this message are four screens showing what your screen will look like:
GPSToggle 01 - Initial turn on. GPS is in search mode (no satellites detected).
GPSToggle 02 - GPS on. Communication beginning. 12 satellites possible.
GPSToggle 03 - GPS on. Four satellite bars displayed. Satnav not possible yet.
GPSToggle 04 - GPS on. Four satellites locked on. 3D satnav possible.
Note 1: I had not turned on my GPS today which meant it took about 2.5 minutes to lock on. This is not bad considering I am sitting in my front room. Normally, it takes about 60 seconds when I have turned on the GPS previously in the day and eperemis data which is satellite position and timing information is available from a previous session.
Note 2: According to most SIRF manufacturers, it takes three satellites for 2D satnav to occur. Most GPS programs can operate with that mode. Four satellites provide 3D satnav which is preferred.
See if this works for you. If it does, whenever you need to use your GPS, go to the Today screen and use GPSToggle to turn on the GPS for you which will quote warm it up for your GPS program. Once you see four green bars, you can turn on your GPS program and navigate like a champ!
You can read further about GPSToggle at this URL and thank the developer: http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-gps-toggle.html
Good luck!
Thank you so much for this detailed instruction, I really appreciate it!
I tried it, unfortunately it didn't work for me
After + 1 hour it still says: GPS on Seek: 0
I'm starting to believe that this phones actually has a hardware defect?!? Whatever navigation software or GPS tools I use, GPS is ALWAYS found, Comport is open and it looks like data is flowing but never does this phone find any satellites
Anything else I might try?
There are two more things you can try (actually three but I will save the worst for last):
#1 - To help your GPS, it is best for WM to manage it (a recommended feature from Microsoft). Go to the Settings tab, External GPS (why it is called that on my Settings tab is beyond me). Then click through the screens to have WM manage the GPS. On one tab you will asked to choose a Port from which all your programs will access data. You need to use an unused Port. I recommend Port 8 but that is up to you. Previously Ports 1 - 4 have been used by other programs. 5 - 8 are free and supposedly TMS uses Port 9.
The reason for doing this is if WM manages the data, it will keep the GPS on and provide the resolved info to all applications. If the programs managed the GPS, they could selectively turn on and off the GPS and also block each other from using the GPS. You don't want that to happen. That is why MS recommends WM manage the data.
#2 - While I have never used this option, Assisted GPS (AGPS) is the second option. You activate Assisted GPS by going from the Today screen to Settings and then System. AGPS is one of choices on this tab. Once selected, AGPS settings page will offer the chance to Enable this utility. Click the circle next to Enable to activate this feature.
Assisted GPS will use an internet or cell tower connections to download Epheremis data to aid your GPS to determine what satellites are available to you during a given time period which is why charging is recommended. Be advised that AGPS can your data plan to access the internet and could cost you some money. Supposedly AGPS should be able to download epheremis data within a short period. The file is a small text file. But I don't do it this way and can't really advise on this although I do know theoretically how AGPS works.
#3 - While this is not the worst of options, you can plug in your phone nearest a wall that is not obstructed by being in the middle of your house or apartment and turn on the GPS. If there is a room with a window where you can leave the charging phone, that would be a preferred location. In some cases, it can take hours for a phone GPS to be found. You could do this overnight if not having use to your phone is a pain for you. Yes, you might to leave it unattended for a long time.
There is one more option but that involves downloading another program which hopefully will not be necessary. Please try the options one by one and see what happens.
Good luck!
Correct time set and its importance to GPS position resolution
Pardon me for what I now say but, I made an assumption and would like to cover that base. Is your time and time zone correctly set?
Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) use the time set by a GPS receiver as the entering argument to determine where your GPS is. When your time and its time zone settings are received, the overhead GPS will transmit to your receiver the epheremis data which is the location and times satellites will be overhead where your time is set.
Being off one minute, a couple or even an hour *might* not be too bad. But three hours (a time zone) or using AM versus PM will seriously affect what epheremis data is transmitted and used by your receiver.
Time zone is also a similar error. Off one or two zones and the wrong epheremis data will be transmitted and used.
To use an example, this would be like telling a friend you will be in Paris at 10 AM sharp when you actually are in Milan and it's 8 PM. If your friend were to look for you at the Eiffel Tower at 10 AM, do you think they would ever find you if you actually were in Milan?
GPS receivers suffer too when incorrect time or time zones are set by the user. Granted, the user should sync the time with their computer but even some users have incorrect time set on their computers.
Hopefully this is not one of your problems.
Thanks again for putting so much time into my problem!
I just checked the time, date and time zone, it's all correct.
I tried it with and without having WM manage the GPS, right now I have this function ON in the external GPS settings. Program port 5, Hardware port 6, Baud Rate 4800. I KNOW these settings are supposed to work because they did when I first received that phone. Igo8 worked perfectly with these settings
about #2: This phone does NOT have any A-GPS settings. I'm SURE I looked into the right place, I have another phone (a T5355+ Touch Diamond2 clone), that phone does have A-GPS settings and they are found right where you wrote they should be. So, nothing I can do about A-GPS settings on my P3470+ phone with the problem :-(
about #3: I have my phone in a room right under my roof right now, underneath a huge window, charger connected, hoping for a positv result. In that spot I was always able to find some satellites
What else have I tried before:
I tried using Quick GPS, I downloaded the data, no result. I also deleted the Quick GPS data, just in case, but it also didn't do the trick.
Anyway, I'll leave my phone under that roof window for the night, I'll post the result tomorrow
Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it
You're welcome, Colonel. Every time I see a post like this, I thank my stars that I have not had this problem. I was a Mod on another GPS forum and saw this frequently but half the time it was what we called in the military "operator error" or self-inflicted.
I wonder if you have installed other GPS apps and removed them? Reason I ask is that I've noticed with WM6.1 and above, that WM seems buggy when apps are installed and removed. I don't think it's MS's fault but what I call "crippled ROMs" that we are seeing. Not all ROMs are created equal if you get my drift. If you have a backup program like SpriteBackup or SPB Backup, you might want to do a backup and then a master reset or Mass Clear to bring your phone back to an initial state where the GPS drivers should all be present. I would save that for tomorrow if I were you.
I know it's probably about beddy bye time if you're in Germany. There is two more utilities I can recommend. The first I have a doc file on which I will paste here.
Winfast Navigator (WN) is the easiest to use in my humble opinion (IMHO). I have a Holux GR-271 that connects to my PDA as a NMEA receiver on Port 4 at a baud rate of 4800. Once installed, you can use your values to test your receiver from the first page displayed.
I have attached the zip file to this message. I think you can install the CAB file to your storage card. Once you do, you can use the settings you quoted in the first window.
Here's how another member reset his GPS using WinFastNavigator and how to set your values on the first page:
While I would not recommend setting your SIRF chip to NMEA, one of WN's utilities will reset your SIRF chip if you want to go that route. I would have reinstall it to my phone as I did not need it for my phone.
Not sure why but xda could not attach the file. Here is a link to it:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VTSNORVT WinFastNavigator.zip
Good luck!
same problem
ColonelZap said:
Hi everyone
I have a P3470+ (HTC clone from China) Phone (Hisilicon K3, 460MHZ, WM 6.1) and my problem is that whatever navigation software (or Google Maps) I use, the phone doesn't find any satellites anymore :-( It USED to work but now it doesn't?!?
Anybody know how to fix that problem?
Also, can I update the ROM? Where do I find an ENGLISH ROM (WM 6.1 or even 6.5?). I know how to set this phone into an "update mode", I also have a software called "IDT" from Hisilicon, the only thing I am missing is a ROM. Maybe this is the only chance to get the GPS working again?
Anybody know how to do a hard reset on this baby?
Thanks for your help and greetings from Germany
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I have the same problem with a phone like, ask the chinese rom, but not how to install on the phone , because apparently I need the driver (my pc does not recognize the pharos downloading clone mode), you use if you send the original ROM?
Hi everyone and especially Ronp76
The night under ste stars didn't do the trick
I was suspecting I might have a "crippled ROM", so I did a Clean Boot a "long" time ago, with no success.
O.k., I just installed WN, clicked on Port Setting, selected SiRF and tried to set it to Port 6, Baudrate 4800. I got an error message:
"Couldn't open the Serial_AGPS COM6 port!"
Same error message on COM1 and COM3, the only port I don't get that message is "Serial_BT COM2"
When I select that Port, WN tries to connect but nothing happens :-(
EDIT: I still had BAF GPS Toggle runnning, after turning it off, I didn't get the error message on COM6 anymore. But still WN is trying to connect to COM6 and is getting nothing :-(
EDIT2: I tried a tool called "GPS Port Scan" http://www.51spsoft.com/DownInfo/info30767.html, it searches for GPS, finds it on port 5 AND (?) port 6, when I open Port 6, I can see "data flowing" (see attached picture). But that's it, when I check the GPS status with this tool, it shows no longitude, latitude or anything :-(
While I would not recommend setting your SIRF chip to NMEA
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I didn't, should I try this anyway???
I know what you mean, when I put my phone into that "download mode", connect it with my laptop, Vista is trying to find a driver which I also don't have. Since I couldn't find an English ROM for that phone, I haven't really worried about that (yet)
SatCE rogram recommendaton
I am sorry to hear that Plans One and Two did not work. I think you're right that something drastic has happened to your GPS and now it is not being found. Hopefully you got a one year warranty with your phone and can return it if my next couple of plans do not work.
I have Plan Three ready now and will work on Plan Four later. Plan Four involves WinFastNavigator and resetting your GPS. I will have to reinstall it on my PDA as I took it off when I made it a dedicated iGO8 GPS with TTS support. iGO8 and TTS use just all available memory. Plan Three is a program called SatCE.
SatCE is a pretty smart program that usually finds a GPS regardless of whether or not the user knows how to find its settings. Download the CAB file and install it to SD card memory. Start up SatCE and you will see the Initial Screen. This screen has interesting information once the program is locked-on to satellites. Please note that since I launched my SatCE from a cold start with my Clone's GPS, it has no satellite information.
From the Edit menu on the taskbar, choose Location. The SatCE Location Screen will appear and you will see that SatCE is using the GPS location for its eperemis data. Change this Location to the city nearest you. Then tap the Calc button on the same screen and go back to the Initial Screen.
If your GPS works, the numbers should begin to change with the Sun and Moon information the easiest to verify. Based upon your time, you should be able to see that the Sun's azimuth and elevation are correct. By setting the Location, SatCE will force your GPS to use this Location as its present position in the epheremis data equation to locate satellites.
SatCE works really well and displays some pretty neat pictures if you click on the Icons next to the Edit menu.
Good luck and I will work on reinstalling WFN.
I am just about done setting up my PDA with WFN. In the meanwhile, I will post a more detailed URL for WFN as there may be more info there that I have glossed over:
To get back to one of your questions about changing from SIRF to NMEA, I am unsure because we are dealing with Clones and I yet do not know all the specs for SIRF III which is supposedly the chip used in our Clones.
Supposedly with previous or older SIRF chips, you could change back and forth between NMEA and SIRF because that was built into most chips. I don't know if SIRF III has this capability.
One thing unknown to the average bear or GPS user is that programs can tweak your GPS chip. GPS chips have flash ROM memory like our Clones' memory. Instructions or new data can be written to flash ROM which can affect how your GPS chip operates. OR, instructions can be written and cause your chip not to work.
I hope that maybe one of your programs wrote some bad instructions which did not damage your GPS chip but reprogrammed it making it invalid. Since it worked previously with other programs that is the more likely scenario versus it failing but hey stuff happens!
I will leave you with these thoughts while I go "play" with WFN on my PDA. Colonel - this is going to cost you beer (just kidding)!
WinFast Navigator Reinitialization of GPS chip
I think you broke the code on using WinFast Navigator BUT just in case and to allow others to follow along, I will now detail how it can reset a GPS chip.
From the previous Initial Screen, a user selects Port Setting and inputs the appropriate values. If these values are unknown, they can be found by going from Today/Settings/System/External GPS. These values are set from the Initial Screen using the attached WFN Port Setting Screen. Select SIRF and your appropriate Port which can vary from Clone to Clone and HTC to HTC (this stuff does apply to HTC regular phones too).
At this point if you had a working GPS chip, you could click Connect from the Initial Screen and should get a message to the effect that your GPS was found. If not, then we will now get into some of the tweaking found from this URL:
Once you have set your GPS chip values AND know them to be correct, you will reinitialize your GPS chip using the WFN Reinitialize Screen Page. This page is found on the Initial Screen by going to Command.
Click Command and you will see the WFN Reinitialize Screen. You will select Factory from the Reset Modes available. Click OK and go back to the Port Settings page to see that the values are what you initially set.
Click Connect again and cross your fingers that your GPS chip was reset and it now back to a working Factory Mode.
BTW, WFN's Reinitialization page is good for other things too. If you ever travel more than than 10 miles with the GPS chip off, epheremis data will be written to your GPS track log with your last known position. This last known position is used to locate satellites.
Like the previous example of telling someone you're in Paris when you're actually in Milan - if your GPS thinks it's in one place when it's actually in another, this can delay the Time to First Fix (TtFF). Basically your GPS chip is going from a Cold Start with bad data.
You can force the GPS chip with WFN to first Connect using the Initial Screen page. WFN remembers the values you set. If by chance, the Connect is taking too long OR you have travelled a long distance say by plane, you can exit the program and start it again.
Then you will go to the Reinitialization page and do a Cold Start. This will clear the track log and force your GPS chip to use its time + time zone to communicate directly with overhead GPS satellites.
One more note and I found this by accident. In the same way GPS chips can be tweaked incorrectly, they can be tweaked in a positive manner. If you look at one of my PDA's WFN Initial Screen, I tweaked the GPS chip from a baud rate of 9600 to 57,600.
Older GPS chips were set at lower baud rates when they were fully capable of higher rates which is kind of like a modem that can use various baud rates. By using the WFN Reinitialization Screen page, I reset mine on the NMEA tab to 57600. I have not checked this with the SIRF chip on my clone but will do so later this afternoon.
Good luck again to you. Hope this works!
SatCE Mission failed
I followed your instructions, my city was even listed Clicked on calc and numbers started to change on the main screen. No satellites, though
I couldn't tell if the sun's position is right, it's pretty cloudy, I couldn't see the sun.
When I clicked on the sat-symbol in the taskbar it reads
"GPS not activated"
WN Mission:
Here's what I did:
Port Settings – SiRF – Com 6 – 4800 Baud – ok
Then I clicked on command, selected Factory, selected 4800 in the SiRF settings, pressed ok.
Now, here is the "funny" thing: As soon as I pressed the ok button, the main screen came back up and it reads NMEA in the bottom left corner? WHY NMEA????
Other than that, nothing happened
Man, I really owe you more than just one beer
ColonelZap said:
SatCE Mission failed
I followed your instructions, my city was even listed Clicked on calc and numbers started to change on the main screen. No satellites, though
I couldn't tell if the sun's position is right, it's pretty cloudy, I couldn't see the sun.
When I clicked on the sat-symbol in the taskbar it reads
"GPS not activated"
WN Mission:
Here's what I did:
Port Settings – SiRF – Com 6 – 4800 Baud – ok
Then I clicked on command, selected Factory, selected 4800 in the SiRF settings, pressed ok.
Now, here is the "funny" thing: As soon as I pressed the ok button, the main screen came back up and it reads NMEA in the bottom left corner? WHY NMEA????
Other than that, nothing happened
Man, I really owe you more than just one beer
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Rule of thumb regarding Sun:
9 am - 090 degrees East
12 pm - 180 degrees South
4 pm - 270 degrees West
I think SatCE had the same problem as the other programs - your GPS has been reset.
I don't think I remember reading or seeing a WFN Factory Reset not bringing a GPS chip back to its original settings. On the WFN Reinitialize Screen page (attached), go from the Reset tab to SIRF tab. Insert your proper values and click OK.
You could go back to the Connect feature but if it was me, I'd do a soft reset after exitting the program. Do a soft reset and then run the program again. You may wish also to repeat setting up the SIRF values on that tab and then doing a Factory Reset to see if that helps. I seem to remember doing different combos but it has been a year or two since I did all this "black magic" but it was PFM when my GPS came back.
You might also want to look at the URL in my previous message to see if I missed something. I know that that URL reads like a doctoral dissertation but it saved my bacon when my PDA's GPS was reset by a program.
Then you can look at this page:
That user wrote about how his GPS chip worked with both SIRF and NMEA. I would think our Clone's SIRF do the same. If nothing else works, you could set NMEA and use the values he suggests for making a SIRF act like NMEA with these values:
User 0
User 0
User 0
I have to run but will leave my computer how so I can tap into it and maybe respond on the fly! Good luck!!!
BTW, on one of your combos, please make sure you check the SIRF tab and then ACTUALLY do a Factory Reset by clicking the OK on that tab. I know you probably did this but just want to make sure you clicked OK on this tab.
You could also do a Factory Reset followed by a Cold Start immediately after that.
Gotta jam!!!
Hi again
I re-did everything, softreset and EVERYTHING.
The "bad news" is, when I use the Post Scan Utility (see my Post #9), NOTHING is found anymore
I also have the feeling, that WN is not really doing anything? Whenever I restart it, the baud rate is back to 38400, it doesn't take my 4800?!?
I'm also a little confused why I only get Port1, 2 ,3 and 6 offered when I go to the Port settings. The only port accepted is port 6 and this port is called "Serial AGPS" why "AGPS"?
I'll play around a little more, maybe I'm doing something terribly wrong?
After I did the NMEA thing, I used the port scan tool again, this time it found GPS on Com5!!!! Too bad WN doesn't offer me that Comport
UPDATE 2: This port scanning tool always seems to find the GPS at the port I set under "Programs" in the external GPS settings, NOT the hardware port.
Looks like the Colonel is getting plenty of help!
Sorry about the problems though. But this has been a really interesting lesson in how GPS chips work. Bookmarking this thread right now so I can come back to it later (here's to hoping that doesn't need to happen! )
BTW Colonel.. I forgot to mention to you (and in my little video) that I am also using the Windows Mobile utility for managing my GPS connection. I think its called GPSID Settings (cab attached). I have the checkbox clicked to manage the connection automatically. After doing that, I open the GPS viewer to bring the GPS chip to life before launching iGo.
AGPS usually stands for Assisted GPS which means that your GPS is being "assisted" by your data plan and/or cell towers to get epheremis data. I did not think about that. You will find AGPS on Settings/System/AGPS. If it is on, I'd recommend turning it off as it should be "helping" you. You can about SIRF and AGPS here:
I noticed in your second picture that the GPS was found on Port 5 but you say that you have been using Port 6.
If and I do recommend WM6.5 being set up to have manage GPS data, WFN needs to know the real or actual Port when you do a Reset.
Serial GPS also means something but I have my mind on what I'd doing right. I've seen it some context and feel it may be a factor. . .
SIRF, Port 5 would be my bet if GPSViewer found it there.
When you go to Settings/System/External GPS, what Port does WM report your GPS as? That report or Port should be the one you focus on resetting or re-initializing.

weak GPS signal problem?

Is anyone experiencing problem with their GPS signal? Mine would lose the GPS lock constantly. Thanks.
Working fine on my end. Out and back, my drive was 5 hours total.
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
No, no problems at all. And I used the GPS allot.
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk
Make sure yours is set to High accuracy. Mine was not after set up. I had to change.
Sent from my SM-T813 using Tapatalk
Even in high accuracy, I lose the gps signal frequently. Sigh
Do you have a case on your phone?
I just got my cases in and have noticed weaker gps performance since putting the phone in a case.
I've been having major GPS problems. Going for a run and expecting the phone to track my route and calculate my speed accurately shouldn't be too much to ask in late 2016. But my phone constantly loses the GPS signal (this was never a problem with my previous phone in the same location) and even when it doesn't, it can't figure out where I am. My run traces often show me two streets over in addition to thinking I'm jumping back and forth across a busy 5-lane road every 5 seconds or so. I run 6 miles and the phone thinks I've gone 8.25. Not useful for training for events.
Even if you don't want to use the phone to track exercise, there's another reason the bad GPS is annoying. It makes it impossible to take advantage of the feature allowing you to unlock the phone without using your fingerprint or pin based on your location. I have my phone set to be unlocked at home, but the phone apparently can't tell when I'm at home, making this setting completely useless.
As to GPS issues while driving, I haven't noticed them, but I've not used the phone for navigating either.
Would like to mention that while I have a case on it, it is quite light and doesn't seem like it should interfere so badly with the GPS. Will try checking the accuracy without the case and will update if this resolves the issues. Also, I have tried tinkering with the GPS accuracy settings but even selecting all the options to optimize accuracy has not worked for me.
The only thing you can do to test the case theory is to use the phone without that case. That said, it is possible you have a defective phone. I have read many articles about poor GPS being caused by a loose, internal connection. You might want to take your phone to a repair facility and have them check it out.
I have a US996 and, so far, GPS is nice.
wtharp2 said:
The only thing you can do to test the case theory is to use the phone without that case. That said, it is possible you have a defective phone. I have read many articles about poor GPS being caused by a loose, internal connection. You might want to take your phone to a repair facility and have them check it out.
I have a US996 and, so far, GPS is nice.
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how can you change it to high?
No issues on my end yet, I use it navigating on a daily basis (racking up Waze points basically) and walking around, can't think of maybe one time it lost GPS driving and that was only briefly.
Mine was misbehaving horribly. I tried using google maps to see if it was something to do with Navigon, (my normal gps app) and somehow it seems like just running maps fixed it. It has been working great with Navigon now.
Go figure.
GPS on my Sprint version has worked great in all 3 options since day 1
Sent from my LG V20 using XDA Labs
On my rooted VS995 software version VS99513A on notsostock kernel v1.2 the GPS seemed to never be able to locate my current location. When I used it before without root it picked up quickly. Am going to try nostock kernek v1.1 the updated version and see if I get a difference. Plus now am running magisk instead of supersu so will see if that makes a difference.
It's possible that the a-gps data is corrupt. I'm not sure how you'd go about clearing that. There must be a cache file associated with gps daemon.
Try installing this:
And when GPS isn't working, run the app and see if it's receiving/decoding any satellites at all (bar lengths indicate strength, colour indicates successfully received all ephemeris data from satellite and therefore has lock - it can take a while without a-gps).
---------- Post added at 08:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 AM ----------
P.s. I found that taking the back off my phone improves Wi-Fi. Metal blocks radio signals.
If you have low or no signals in a specific location, try popping the back of the phone and seeing if the signals become useable.
mmar3087 said:
Is anyone experiencing problem with their GPS signal? Mine would lose the GPS lock constantly. Thanks.
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Sorry to bring up an old thread. I just bought a used LG V20 (at&t version, H910) on Craigslist the other day, and have had GPS issues that made me highly annoyed like I bought a lemon phone, and was getting ready to call LG Support, and pay a lot of money for repairs.
Happily, I did discover a trivial solution that I haven't really seen, so I thought I'd share it.
After I purchased the phone, I factory reset it. It seemed like the device would be able to triangulate a position, but it would be unreliable, move around, and the accuracy would be highly variable. (observed in Google Maps and Waze). These symptoms seem to be consistent with other people's experiences. The useful and highly recommended "GPS Status" and "GPS Test" apps, that normally show visible satellites were showing ZERO satellites. As suggested in various places, I used "GPS Status" to re-download the A-GPS databases, set "sensor filtering" to medium. Still, zero satellites, but a semi-functional GPS, which is confusing. I found the hidden menu code for the H910 (*#546368#*910#), and SAAT->"Manual Test"->"GPS/BT/Wifi test" and ran the hardware-level GPS diagnostics. I was getting signals of 0.0 db for GPS and GLO satellites, kind of suggesting the GPS hardware was faulty, and made me even less optimistic/more annoyed.
I was basically convinced GPS on my phone was kaput, and would need to be serviced, until I discovered ........
Rebooting the phone solved all of the GPS problems, and made GPS and GNO satellites visible and now GPS is 100% functional. It seems that since I initially factory reset the phone and did my normal installation, I never did a simple reboot. Since I haven't seen that kind of obvious solution on any of the forums, I thought it would be useful to report. I'm cautiously optimistic that was my only problem ......
good luck
Bought a used one and having problems: it'll fix on several satellites but it's usually unable to acquire the specific location (latitude and longitude). Depending on the program, it will say "waiting for GPS fix" in osmtracker or "looking for GPS location" within 'GPS Status' (the app).
When it does get a 'Lock' (a specific location), its accuracy is 200-300m off. :/
I tried some of the other common tips and tricks:
I've downloaded new A-GPS data (using the 'GPS Status' app); tried using the GPS without my case on; doing a simple reboot, none of them work.
After more searching, I found this guide: https://imgur.com/a/VxeaU which recommends to place copper tape on the GPS antennas of your phone.
i have 2 V20's.. the one i bought back for myself is 12/2016 and another one is another batch 3/2017 for my wife..
What i'll found is the earlier one ( 12/2016 ) have the following issue :
- overheat
- kaput gps
- screen burn
While the one i bought for my wife ( 3/2017 ) doesn't even have the following issue above.. Furthermore, the screen also different.. my wife V20's tend to have a more saturated color, brighter screen and doesn't overheat as much as mine..
My conclusion is, only those with earlier batch of production have all this defect.. and to those who own it ( including me ).. i guess, we're unlucky!
i'll use my wife V20's as gps since mine V20 is good for nothing when GPS is a needs.... if she's not around, i'm totally doomed !
if you guys wonder, there was no different in camera.... unlike G6 ( pheww~ )
both my and my wife V20's produce the same images quality..
mxasf said:
Rebooting the phone solved all of the GPS problems, and made GPS and GNO satellites visible and now GPS is 100% functional. It seems that since I initially factory reset the phone and did my normal installation, I never did a simple reboot. Since I haven't seen that kind of obvious solution on any of the forums, I thought it would be useful to report. I'm cautiously optimistic that was my only problem ......
good luck
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It's an old common fix
skorasaurus said:
Bought a used one and having problems: it'll fix on several satellites but it's usually unable to acquire the specific location (latitude and longitude). Depending on the program, it will say "waiting for GPS fix" in osmtracker or "looking for GPS location" within 'GPS Status' (the app).
When it does get a 'Lock' (a specific location), its accuracy is 200-300m off. :/
I tried some of the other common tips and tricks:
I've downloaded new A-GPS data (using the 'GPS Status' app); tried using the GPS without my case on; doing a simple reboot, none of them work.
After more searching, I found this guide: https://imgur.com/a/VxeaU which recommends to place copper tape on the GPS antennas of your phone.
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I followed that guide (credit https://www.reddit.com/r/lgv20/comments/7fx2gz/becareful_buying_the_top_plastic_bezel_of_the_v20/)
and bought copper tape (https://www.amazon.com/Copper-Conductive-Adhesive-1inch-12yards/dp/B018RDZ3HG) off amazon.
For me and my VS995; there were metal contacts (see picture 1 of the imgur album) and the metal contacts were silver, not gold.
Nonetheless, I put some copper tape only on the first contact as shown in picture 1 and my signal improved dramatically. The lowest accuracy that I can get (lower is better) now is about 8m and it has been hovering around 15m; and still takes a few seconds to
This is compared to my s5, where I could get an accuracy as low as 4-5m and usually hovers around 8-10m and could obtain my location within 10 seconds after turning on GPS.

