[REQ] Phone Stuff For Dummies Sticky - General Topics

Rather than retype it all I will refer you to a post I just made. It says it all.
thank you

No need to go external!
XDA has stickies in all devices sections, and also the Wiki where you can find all you need without leaving XDA

orb is right my friend,

Also agree with Orb on this, I have nothing against users using external sites to find info if not on XDA, but if it already exists on XDA, then I see no need to go external


Newbie Section Needed

This question is for the moderators....
I think this board is great, but I think it needs a newbie section. somewhere newbies can go to get an overview of what with the phones.
I'm asking for this just because I am a real newbie I inherited a XDA phone from my nephew because he upgraded to the XDA III I think and I have no Idea what is going on.
I think there are common things between all the phones that can be explained such as rom versions, design etc.
If you take a look at the top of your screen, you will see an link to http://wiki.xda-developers.com/
Ever tried this?
we are all start from a newbie...
what i'm doing is to read and read then search...
anyway welcome...

Need HELP! WisBar Advanced Desktop

Does anyone know how to use WisBar Advanced DEsktop? I got a little bit.. and could really use a little walk through, if you are familiar with this application, please.. IM me at Madcap180 on AIM...
I figured out how to put a dock on my main page but it stays there permanently and doesnt hide itself, and when I make a button and press it what I have to hold it down for it to show what I want it to show and it goes away as soon as I take the stylus off it.. stuff like that I need help with, I can figure the rest out.. Thanks! .. (also need to know how to program a button on my main page to like open settings, or programs or something..) thanks... any help will be greatly appreciated.
This forum is not for WAD. you need to go to
There is also a tutorial for WAD (which you should have gotten when you purchased it) you might find helpful. The forum at lakeridge is very helpful, please post your questions there.
Well, I figured the people here are a little smarter than the people on Lakeridge.. I've checked Lakeridge, and they all speak gibbirish... I dont understand the lingo.. but I can do the tasks if layed out in english.. catch my drift?
Have you tried reading the tutotial? Some people here are VERY smart but there is little tolerance in this site for the following:
1. Asking stupid questions
2. Posting in off-topic sections
3. Asking questions that have already been answered.
If you plan on using this forum as a resource, the general rul of thumb is to try to learn everythign you can by yourself. You can do this by:
1. Using the search function
2. The wiki (which i linked in the answer to your other post)
3. Lots and Lots of reading
If you have exhausted all of these options, then post a question. From the looks of it you have not tried any of these options.
Well, I thought I had posted the question in General.. which is .. for general stuff...
I have read the tutorial.. but they don't mention anything about the issue I am having.
I read through Lakeridge forums and posted the question.. and haven't gotten a reply.
So I figured I would ask here..
xda-developers > General discussion > General > Need HELP! WisBar Advanced Desktop
Which is the location of this post right?
I have said this before, their ought to be a forum for customisation, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of posts scattered on this website with questions like this. Many come here for support on Wisbar and other products, because there are people who take the time and trouble to make their work available for the good of the XDA-Dev community. Sure most (if not all) software houses have their own supporting forums but there have been times, not many but they have occurred where I have seen answers for specific products that I could not find on the originating companies forum, and yes I have posted the question there too.
There is a growing trend to bash noobs on this site and undermine the quality of the post (not in this case, in general). Maybe new people joining this site on signing up should be sent directly to a page informing the "noob" of the best way to navigate this site and then let them trawl XDA-Dev.
Madcap180 said:
I have read the tutorial.. but they don't mention anything about the issue I am having.
I read through Lakeridge forums and posted the question.. and haven't gotten a reply.
So I figured I would ask here..
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Forums are just that . . . forums. It's not an IM site. It might take some time to get an answer to your question. I've found the Lakeridge forums to be VERY helpful in answering any questions I've ever had. You just have to be patient and wait for an answer, instead of asking the same question in every forum there is. . .
Peezy is right. While we can help here with device issues, you need to find Wisbar help for a specific issue on the Lakeridge forums. They developed the software there and Chris is very helpful in resolving any issues that may come up.
Thnks newbie2.
@Madcap. I was going to answer your post last night, but I didnt because I was about to do some serious flaming. Now thats its a new day, here it goes. I used the search function (unbeleivable...right?) to obtain all of your recent posts. Within 2-3 hours of joining this site, you had posted 9 times, starting three seperate threads... (ALL OF WHICH WERE QUESTIONS THAT HAD NOT BEEN RESEARCHED). We have a huge problem with people googling "htc wm6" or "cingular 8525 wm6" or whatever, then they find this site, sign up, and start clutterring the forums which questions without taking time to absorb the enviornment. Lengthy threads and countless discussions have been started to discuss how to deal with this problem. So, I took it upon myself to 'politely' respond to all of the 'fisrt time posters' with some general rules of conduct regarding this site. Mainly to reduce clutter and partly to save you from getting your @ss cooked from all of the flames headed your way! So dont take it personally, but like I said again, please post questions when you have exhausted all other options.
Again.. I will say .. I posted this.. in GENERAL discussion.. because it wasn't really a TOPIC covered in any of the forums that I have looked on here. So, I apologize AGAIN to you. I am sorry if my insignificat post here has in someway effected your way of life, or your ability to successfully navigate this site. Maybe I'll post some more pathetic questions.. just to spite YOU. No, really, I wouldn't do that.. but it's tempting. Flame away, because what you say really DOES have an effect on my life... no, I mean it.. it does! ... :-\

Att Noob Questions

Ok so I read through some threads and you guys are all a million steps ahead of me..I would like a simple guide on how to put custom roms/modifing the phone..where to get apps for the phone..etc..remember im still learning here lol
by the way im using the Att Tilt on the rogers network..if that means anything lol
just do some reading... there is more literature in these forums than you would probably care to read. Use the search feature to find items related to what you are looking for. Additionally, read the Wiki for Kaiser. It will basically answer most of the questions you'll have.
noob questions
I agree with you. i have read lot of this and i am still lost.
I also would like to know if you can connect a tilt through your pc to the internet using a wireless broad band connection over bluetooth.
thanks a lot i shall take a look at the wiki
rkpoole49 said:
Ok so I read through some threads and you guys are all a million steps ahead of me..I would like a simple guide on how to put custom roms/modifing the phone..where to get apps for the phone..etc..remember im still learning here lol
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All you need is in this Wiki, and specificaly you need to look under "Hacks and Tweaks"
By all means read the Wiki. Read the Sticky post at the top of the posts listing.
But, I would not recommend anyone that is still at the stage of getting to know the phone and learning how to install programmes, to be thinking about flashing a new ROM.
I suggest you spend sometime in the regular Kaiser Forum, getting to know what the Kaiser can do/not do and absorbing information. Flashing can go seriously wrong if you do not have a clear view of what to do and in what sequence. The single sticky post in this forum would be your starting point when you have built confidence.(in particular the link to the ROM Flashing FAQ for Noobies.)
I agree with Mike....get to know the phone and then start small....ie.programs...new theme...etc......then try some of the bigger stuff.
mikechannon said:
By all means read the Wiki. Read the Sticky post at the top of the posts listing.
But, I would not recommend anyone that is still at the stage of getting to know the phone and learning how to install programmes, to be thinking about flashing a new ROM.
I suggest you spend sometime in the regular Kaiser Forum, getting to know what the Kaiser can do/not do and absorbing information. Flashing can go seriously wrong if you do not have a clear view of what to do and in what sequence. The single sticky post in this forum would be your starting point when you have built confidence.(in particular the link to the ROM Flashing FAQ for Noobies.)
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Agreed with Mike, and (although I'm not on as much anymore) PLEASE READ THE TILT SPECIFIC WIKI!!!
It took a while to compile and was made specifically for new user such as yourself. Cheers.

[Q] New To Android

Hi! I just got my first Android Phone.
The HTC Inspire.
I've been told I could speed up this phone but I'm also curious to know what else I could do with it?
I used to have an iPhone and I would just change the theme and stuff...
So, I suppose my question(s) is/are;
1. How can I speed up my phone?
2. What can I do with my phone?
3. Is there a site where I can browse custom themes for my phone?
4. how do I add custom ringtones/ringback
5. What are some basic things I should get before I start modding my phone and what are some neat basic add-ons out there to make my phone look "neato"
thanks for taking the time for reading this.
Really? It's here in the forum.
Wow...really...wow. do they not still play the noob video about searching when you first sign up for the site?
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
He came from iPhone, there your explanation In a nutshell
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA App
Nice to know this site is full of MOD EDIT.
OrangePickles said:
Nice to know this site is full of MOD EDIT
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Swearing is not allowed in the forums. Only warning. Now as far as the other posts. Welcome to XDA and please do read over the rules you agreed to when you joined. You are expected to search for your answers instead of opening a new thread. Before you brick your phone (make it useless and non returnable) Take a few hours and read up on the stickies. Search around some and read some more. what you are doing is nothing like the Iphone, this is real hacking. Not a simple Security override like jailbreaking. If done wrong you could end up with more problems then you can handle.
Thread closed

where to start

Hi, got a used HTC Desire S, had it unlocked and full of company stuff, so had it rooted
thing is, i dont know how to get access to apps, google play, or even basic settings now. Kernal is
do i need to install new roms?
how can i access a "guide for numpties"
sedgie001 said:
Hi, got a used HTC Desire S ...
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Read ... :good:
Read some more ...
Then read some more again ... :victory:
There are enough stickies on the Desire S forums for you to get to grips with the basics and what you need to do - then if you have a particular question, which you can't answer by what you've read or by searching XDA or Google, come back and ask it
I'd suggest looking a bit up when you wrote your thread, and seeing a thread named "Complete tutorial for beginners and others". By its name you could understand that it's probably the right address.
But it looks like it might be even too complicated, because you don't seem to know what Android is at all. In that case, use Google, write "android for dummies", and see where it gets you.
You're running CyanogenMod, which isn't a build that this phone comes with. Once you understand some things around, look for the INDEX thread in Development section, and look up there the procedure of restoring to stock.
In any case, please consider googling before posting. It's a useful practice that's guaranteed to give better answers.

