activating on 1.6 via wifi - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

I rooted this phone a long time ago. since 1.6 can skip the activation I didn't bother to activate it. Now I want to use market and etc but I can't.
I tried the method of activating in RC29(via wifi, w/ adb) but I can't seem to make it work. how do I do it? Since I have skipped the activation part, I don't know how to set it up again. Tnx for your help
BTW I have g1 w/ cyanogen mod latest. hehe

do you not have a data plan? if not there is no way to register over wifi without first skipping the registration to be able to turn your wifi should still be able to use the market it just wont show paid apps (on 1.6) and you can use MarketEnabler for that...on xROM Eclair i know the market shows paid apps on my g1 without a data plan, after skipping initial registration, and without using market enabler. i dont know if this is true for all eclair roms but you can try one and see...everything else should work just fine, the only real difference between whether or not you skip the sign-in is being able to see paid apps in the market...
kolokotok said:
Now I want to use market and etc but I can't.
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what exactly are you not able to use? if your apps are not working something else may be wrong because skipping sign-in shouldn't cause any app malfunctions...

well, there's no apps malfunctioning hehe, It's just I can't use them w/o logging in with a gmail account.
I still searched after I posted this. it seems that I just have to turn on sync through the "power control" widget. then I connected to wifi then activated succesfully. hehe.
but I'm interested about seeing paid apps w/o a data plan, can you direct me to a thread or guide for it? tnx ^^

I had the same problems some days ago...
Im not an expert but if you skip it... you cant then connect ti active your google account...
Heres the solution...
If you are with T-mobile just call and ask internet for 1 day... It can cost you like $1 .. not much xD.. if not well call your current carrier for that...
Then wipe data and try again... if it still dosen't connect , Re-Rom your G1 and try it... it should work.


Disable Data Connection

Hey all,
Well, first of all, I just got my Orange E650/HTC variant and excited to contribute by developing cool stuff for it, but I need to solve one problem first
How do I disable the data plan so I don't have to deal with paying for random data charges? I pretty much just want to use WiFi for internet purposes rather than GPRS. Is it sufficient to remove all the GPRS connections in Start->Settings->Connections->GPRS? I've done this and for some reason Skyfire is still able to access webpages.
Does anyone have an alternate way to disable this data usage? And is there a way to verify that its not being used? (I guess I could verify it by using Skyfire and seeing if it can view a webpage).
EDIT: So I'm messing with my phone without my SIM card in it because I don't want to get charged for random GPRS usage and accidentally fire up Skyfire and its still accessing webpages. What is going on here?
if you search for modaco nodata then that app is great its really simple and works fine. I installed fireburneds 6.5 rom (from this forum) and it has it built in, so thats another way to do it
Hm, well I've tried NODATA and it gives me some error when I try to start up the program after installing it.
So I figured I might as well do a clean install since I bought the phone off eBay and it has remnants of the previous owner's information on it but I was wondering, if the phone has been unlocked and if I install a different ROM will the phone be re-locked? Or are those two completely separate?
Nevermind, found the answer (phone will not re-lock). Thanks everyone

Looking for the wifi tether apk???

ive been trying to find the wifi tether apk to put on damages latest rom, can you guys help me, and also i would like to know when i do get it, is there any thing else i would have to do to get it running besides just installing the apk?
Demoyo23 said:
ive been trying to find the wifi tether apk to put on damages latest rom, can you guys help me, and also i would like to know when i do get it, is there any thing else i would have to do to get it running besides just installing the apk?
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Just run it. It is hosted on Google Code.
thanks alot.
Download the 1.6 .APK since that has been proven to work best with our phones.
that was also my next question because there was like 100 versions on there, once again thanks, i just downloaded the 1.6 version as we speak.
Just be careful when using the Tether. Even though there is a setting to password protect the network, you can't actually get it to work (unless I am doing it wrong) and others can still join. You can manually cut off the connection should someone join the network. A notification will pop-up on the phone telling you if a device has connected to the network.
If you use access control, no one can connect without you enabling the connection.

wireless tether on captivate

I got the wireless tether app and when I use it, no device can find it. I press start tethering and nothing is happening, it doesnt show up on any device wifi like my iphone and my laptop. Any ideas?
I am now using pre8. I went into the settings and set up my own SSID and security. If you haven't done that, I would start there. I also had to reboot my phone after my first install as the phone locked up on me.
Sometimes I do have issues with getting my laptop to connect properly. It will get an IP address, but not be able to connect to the internet because it doesn't get assigned a gateway.
Going into Access Control and then doing a 'Reload Client List' when this happens cures the problem.
I just downloaded cognition v2.1.7 (unhelpfuls kernel) from Eclair stock. I now have the mobile ap option in my wireless folder but when I click it the ap is "not responding". I am very happy with everything so far except this one issue. Is there something I have not done like a setting change or is this an outright problem with my download? Do I need to download a wireless tether ap in addition to the new rom? Also wanna give mad kudo's to designgears. My speed and over all use of the phone now is nothing short of incredible. Will be donating soon and suggest all who use do the same. Designgears you rock!
unhelpful 1.7 or 1.6? try 1.6 - afaik 1.7 has some bugs with init.d scripts
Ok if I download 1.6 will I lose all my info? Ap's phonebook etc.?
Will I lose all info if I flash 1.6? Should I do this on a full battery and could that have been a problem on first flash?j
just disable lag fix prior to flashing. And always do backup
First and foremost, thank you very much for your advice. Where can I find the lag fix? I think voodoo installed with 2.1.7 but I have no app icon for it. I have everything backed up on titanium ( I asked that before thinking because of a prior problem) but thanks also for the reminder.
p1p3l1n3r205 said:
First and foremost, thank you very much for your advice. Where can I find the lag fix? I think voodoo installed with 2.1.7 but I have no app icon for it. I have everything backed up on titanium ( I asked that before thinking because of a prior problem) but thanks also for the reminder.
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You should have the lagfix by default. You heard the robot voice the first time you booted after installing 2.1.7, right? To disable the lagfix, 1.Create an extension-less file or a folder name "disable-lagfix" in /sdcard/Voodoo 2.Reboot.
If you're new to cognition, you should read the FAQ.
As far as your problem with mobilAP, I am running 2.1.6 with Atinms kernel, so I don't know if there is a problem with 2.1.7, but I think it should work correctly. When you click the AP Mobile Settings item in Wireless and Network, you should get a screen with a check box to turn on Mobile AP, plus some info. When you turn Mobile AP on, you get a screen with directions, including a passcode.
Maybe you should try reinstalling 2.1.7, or alternatively try 2.1.6.
Yeah, I did, thought bout that a second after the last post. I am going to try .6, but when I do, do I flash over .7 or do I need to reflash stock and then download? I'm assuming if you guys are saying disable voodoo then there is no need to flash stock, just wanna make sure. I already have a Blackberry paper weight I don't need a 500 dollar captivate one beside it too lol.
p1p3l1n3r205 said:
Yeah, I did, thought bout that a second after the last post. I am going to try .6, but when I do, do I flash over .7 or do I need to reflash stock and then download? I'm assuming if you guys are saying disable voodoo then there is no need to flash stock, just wanna make sure. I already have a Blackberry paper weight I don't need a 500 dollar captivate one beside it too lol.
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You can flash over. But please read the FAQ (link in previous post). It's pretty much all in there.
Can someone please post a link to install ONLY tethering? (I'm rooted, side-loading enabled) I loaded UTBv0.2 and everything but tethering works. I only want to get tethering working, don't want to load any other large mods.
thank you!
markmensch said:
Can someone please post a link to install ONLY tethering? (I'm rooted, side-loading enabled) I loaded UTBv0.2 and everything but tethering works. I only want to get tethering working, don't want to load any other large mods.
thank you!
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Use fascinate's download
From a phone
Thanks Boborone! 1 particular version there you tried and recommend? (of all the different versions for the Fascinate?) or just pick the latest? never used this Google service before
The latest one
From a phone
Still getting an error, now somewhat less troubling than a full FC: "Cannot start wireless Tethering. Try again later."
Any advice?
2.0.5 pre 15.apk works fine
google - android-wifi-tether and once on the page go to the download tab
I used this link and downloaded 2.0.5 pre 15.apk this past weekend. Once I installed on my phone it worked right away. I did not have to set anything. I changed the default setting from channel 2 to 11. I have used it several times with my wifi ipad and macbook to test it and it works very well! You can aso see how to do it on you tube.
markmensch said:
Still getting an error, now somewhat less troubling than a full FC: "Cannot start wireless Tethering. Try again later."
Any advice?
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Might be a bad download. You can try getting it from the market. Next time you have wifi access, turn on airplane mode, then turn on wifi. Market search for wifi tether. Get the one that has the green wifi bars as the app symbol.
From a phone
Wow I didn't think I'd be this much of a pain to you folks trying to get this working. Thanks for replying again & again!
Installed "Wireless Tethering" free app from marketplace, and it just "FC" fails when I run it. It DOES have SU privs, confirmed.
When I go to App Settings, i see I have Wireless Tether ver 23 installed, and I have an option to "uninstall updates".
2 prereqs listed in Market:
1 Rooted (yes, I am rootted)
2 Netfilter-enabled kernel (I have absolutely no idea. I'm Captivate stock, 1-click rooted, and UTBV0.2.
Can anyone tell me how to tell if I have a netfilter-enabled kernel, or how to get one?
Should I Uninstall Updates, and Reinstall?
I know for sure pre8 works on a stock captivate.
Not sure bout the kernal part of your situation. I'm on cog right now, and pre15 works. Used pre14 on axura.
From a phone

I think I found a fix for the WIFI DNS problem! You guys are gonna like this!

There is hope!
First off let me start with this my very first G2X had the reboot issue... got another one, NO MORE REBOOT!
But, I still get the DNS issue, where its connected to WIFI but it would load pages, unless u type its ip adress VS the w w w version.
While I was messing with the phone over the WE i started customizing the phone, dled go launcher and some other app to make the phone pretty...
Came across this... WIDGETSOID.
At first look you wouldn't think that this app would do anything, but it basicaly let you custimize trays, kinda like the power setting one.
Are you guys ready? WIDGETSOID has one option that you can incorporate with the tray, its called DATA SYNC NOW, not data sync, with data sync now it forces the sync AND GET YOU INTERNET!!!!!
Hope that helps!
Well I use WiFi all the time. I use it at work where there is no cell service and at home where I have 4G. I don't disable the cell radio but no issues. I'm on CM7.
I guess you are running stock where Tmo tries to force data over their network. Nice find.
I'm still on the stock ROM, the only time I've had any issues with wifi connectivity is immediately after switching over from T-Mo's data. Like when I come home and my wifi is already switched on and I try to use data just as I walk in the door before its fully switched or before I see the wifi calling icon show up. If I give it a few minutes it will correct itself everytime. On my phone, if the the wifi calling icon is on the task bar then both calling and data are working over wifi.
I have found that the stupid little USA Today app will re-establish data one way or another. When my browser is just spinning it's wheels I can fire up USA Today and a few seconds later the browser will respond again.
Hummm i am still on the stock rom as there is no custom rom stable enough yet...
And I have no data plan...
I hope that this little trick will help ppl with DNS issues =)
Screw Tmo and their data requirement!
set dns from the market does the same thing
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
TheBigSaxon said:
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
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I do have a rooted phone, I uninstalled my account instead of freezing them, but I only had 2 entries and not three... What is the third one?!
I only have 2 as well.
TheBigSaxon said:
Force Sync was a workaround for the Wifi DNS issue but it doesn't work on all phones and it isn't a consistent fix. The only known true resolution is to root (I used SuperOneClick 1.9) and then use either Titanium Backup or Bloat Freezer (I use Bloat Freezer) and freeze the My Account apps. In Bloat Freezer, My Account has 3 entries.
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Doesn't work for everybody. I've tried the stock rom, rooted and froze them and deleted them. Tried froyo roms, same problem. The only rom that made a difference was the GB leak. I haven't tried cm7 yet.
I think the difference is boat freezer. I first tried titanium backup when the issue hit my phone and it didn't work. Then I used bloat freezer where I saw the third entry. I froze that and all of the other tmo bloat and my phone is now perfect. I do remember reading that you also had to freeze the car app along with my account to get the fix to work.
Unfortunately I don't know what the actual cause is this is just what I have done. I will say that when it comes to tech I'm not a noob. I'm an enterprise architect for a 250k seat shop and I'm an ios dev. But this issue is really unique because for the most part nobody has been able to establish a true root cause.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App

[Tutorial] Quick Wi-Fi Fix

Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
yaldak said:
Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
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You don't need to do any of this noob stuff if your wifi doesn't connect to your home router or any router for that matter. It's unneccesary and time consuming, not to mention risky since you could "brick" your phone. All you have to do is reboot the phone, simplest way is hold power button and volume up simultaneously, then it should connect, assuming you entered the correct password if router has secure connection.
I just turn wifi off then back on. Works for me.
And stop with the noob stuff the guy just wrote he came from an iPhone to a g2x.
He will figure it out as he goes.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
mr.orange303 said:
He will figure it out as he goes.
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I see two band-aid solutions, a reboot, and a restart...gosh that is advanced.
Verse a solution to fully resolve the problem, and keep it gone. More importantly a possible isolation of the cause.
These super duper pro android interlopers are unapproachable on their savvy solutions. Ummm no
Since the OP says its linked to My account program, and I know on first run it says a newer copy is available, I am going to wonder that many users don't touch it.
So since I am already freshly on a complete reset of everything (erase all date, or hold down volume and power) I am going to try.
1. Full erase reset
2. First thing upadate new version of My Account.
3 Hard restart.
4. See how it reacts
My wifi is decent except sometimes it does clog up and I have to clear buffers and shut down programs to get it to kick up. Start and stop wifi solves nothing on mine.
Anyways its about 10 minutes of time to do, since my phone already is in near out of the box setup.
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noob" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
"My Account" from tmo has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me. I froze it using Antek App Manager (a free app). I used the same software to freeze the other garbage that came installed by tmo, and battery and booting issues have greatly improved. Just my 2 cents.
Other stuff I froze include: Car Home, ea games, Zinio reader, AppPack, T-Mobile TV, and wifi calling.
Of course some are big fans of wifi calling but I don't need or use it.
yaldak said:
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noon" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
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News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
LG is sending out a fix. What does that tell you? Only can manage till then.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
prettyboy85712 said:
News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
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Okay sorry, it causes the HSPA / Wi-Fi switching issue. Could you be any more polite about correcting me? FYI I haven't found any SOLID proof of this. Immediately after removing MyAccount and all of its derivatives from the phone DNS requests worked flawlessly; It's been 9 hours of constant wi-fi only use without issues (NO radio turned on). Prior to removing the app, only IP addresses would be resolved by the browser.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
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Seriously are, I was only trying to make a helpful post to those users or viewers who are not very tech-literate but possess the ability to root a phone and forget about it to fix an irritating issue with the phone.
dude dont worry about it....good job
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
sl0play said:
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
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No..Those people you're referring to would rather have people search before posting. This so called "fix" has been posted many times. No need to start a new thread.
I tried this and got no error lol. What I did was reinstalling MyAccount with the MyAccount.apk in system\app and now my wifi actually works with the Market.

