Help: WI-FI Networking two HTC 8525 (Hermes) PPC's - General Questions and Answers

Hello all! I'm quite sure the answer is already out there somewhere, but looking in some similar topics I have not found the answer to my specific question.
A little background; my wife and I both have AT&T 8525's (HTC Hermes'), and we are both running vp3G's WinMo6 v3.62 AT&T cooked ROM (if that makes a diff in this). We have several multiplayer games we regularly play using our wi-fi router at home, which works fine as long as we are in range of the router.
MY QUESTION IS: Is it possible to network our two phones together via wi-fi for the purposes of multiplayer gaming, file sharing, etc? If so, can you point me to instructions on how to do this? I would like to be able to setup my phone to be the "hot spot", and then her phone would detect my phone as an access point. Again my primary goal in this is simply for multi-player gaming, but I would also like to be able to share files in this manner (as in a Windows Explorer or similar type setting, where we can browse each other's phones, copy/paste files, etc. much like using the "Map Network Drive" in PC Windows). I don't need to use this setup to access the internet, but if the capability is there then that is fine (keep in mind I only use wi-fi for internet and never use AT&T's data network).
So basically I'm looking for one of two setup schemes here:
Scheme #1 (simple, preferred, basically a tiny network consisting of our two PPC's):
{PPC#2 Connected to PPC#1 via WiFi} --> {PPC#1 Acting as WiFi Hot-Spot for PPC#2, can do multiplayer gaming & file browsing/sharing, etc} --> {NO EXTERNAL NETWORK CONNECTION, works everywhere our 2 phones are in wi-fi range of one another}
Scheme #2: (only if it HAS to be this setup for some reason I can't fathom)
{PPC#2 Connected to PPC#1 via WiFi} --> {PPC#1 Acting as WiFi Hot-Spot for PPC#2, Gets Internet Connection from WiFi router and shares with PPC#2} --> {Linksys WiFi Router}
Ok, so there's what I'm after. If for some reason both of the above setups are not possible, what about Bluetooth (WiFi still my first choice)? I am still learning Windows Mobile so I apologize if this is something elementary or considered to be self-evident, or if it is something I have overlooked on this forum already.
(I also have some more challenging questions I will post separately at a later time, but this seems as if it should be relatively simple & easy to setup so first things first).
The Dragon

Somebody? Anybody? Nobody knows how to do this, or if it is possible? or difficult? or nobody has done it? surely the info is out there... what am I doing wrong?


New guy - just got an XDA Orbit.

As you can guess my name's Pete.
I've just received an XDA orbit from O2. I've been fiddling with it for a good few hours now, and I have somequestions that I cannot find answers to in the (rather thick) user manual:
I want to completely disable the use of GPRS. Is there any way I can do this? On the phone the menus tell me I can download sattelite info for the GPS receiver (quickgps), either through GPRS or via the activesync connection. It's defaulting to the gprs and I don't want that. I want to use my home broadband connection to connect the phone to the internet, but it keeps trying to do it the other way round.
This is my first xda and I would appreciate any help or advice on this or general tips etc. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask me about this phone please feel free.
Pete, Sorry, I can't really your question since I don't own this phone. I just wanted to ask you how does phone functionality compare with your previous phones?
Well since I've only owned conventional phones before I find the range of features quite breathtaking, but I can't compare it to other PDA-type devices not having any experience with them before. I've been using a Motorola V3 for the past 2 years, and though it's a tough phone the software sucks and the processor is very slow. The Orbit is much faster despite having to run a much more complicated operating system.
So far I'm very pleased with it, especially the size. It's by far the most compact PDA I've seen. Here it is alongside my own V3 and my daughter's W850i
Ok I've meneged to get it to work through the activesync by turning off advanced network services. Now I can update the GPS sattelite data through my broadband, and even use Internet Explorer.
I would still like to turn off GPRS completely though.
Hi. I have just had a play with an Orbit, it is brilliant if I don’t mind saying.
I have used Palms and Psions before, but this is light years ahead.
Have a look at this site.
It provide a good over view, and some more links to see if there is any one else out there that can answers your question. After my current phones contract expires, end of Feb, I will get one. I can’t wait…
Cool - be aware that O2 will only ship the satnav software with £40 and above tariffs. Thanks for the link
I think that if you go to your settings menu and thenyour connections menu you can see the option to manage exisiting settings. in that option you can delete settings. without them it can't connect to GPRS. But back up your connection settings first. even if it means writing them down.
Also I'm not sure if the pocket pc will try to connect still and then give you a message that it failed to connect.
Yes the Orbit is nice - I wonder if Orange are going to supply it.
The HTC (manufacturer) name for this is Artemis - ask your questions the specific section of this forum as there should be a bunch of people hanging around in there who already have some experience of it.

Wm6.1 Services, and Wifi

I have 2 questions, i have done some googleing on both topics, and ill explain my results and confusion below.
But i was wondering:
Is it possible to have a application to run as part of the operating system, i use a application called CallCalander that runs, but it is still displayed in the task manager, and closed when i run Orbis Close Applications application, but i would like it to be a part of the system, like on windows where you have services, or something such as.
I tried to google this, but i got random results, and results aimed at windows OS, not the mobile version.
My second question is, there has been alot of information about this, but most post's and information i have found says it is not possible, or only possibly using WMWifiRouter, But i was hoping to use my phone as a Wireless card, and if possible when wireless is not available to use the 3G connection instead. Though i could use the Internet Sharing application built in to WM6.1 for the GPRS, but i was hoping that there was a automattic solution, that would switch when wifi is not available.
Also one of my laptops has bluetooth (And a wireless card, but if i can get a auto switch to 3g if wifi is not available, i dont see ill be using that card often), the other does not, so i deffonatly need it to be made available via USB, but if it also supported bluetooth that would be a excellent advantage.
Thank you for any help
Ok ignore my question about WiFi for future refrence WMWifiRouter works for using your device as a USB Dongle, as well as a host of other features, deffonatly recommend checking it out!!!
Though not had much chance to play with it, but still it works excellent with a few issues for when i get a phone call, or use the phone's data connection.
As for running an application as a service, still have no idea on that.

GPRS under control. is it possible?

when the wifi signal is lost or activesync is dsconnected, my HTC TouchPro automatically tries to switch to GPRS connection. like when i start browser or messenger application it turns GPRS by default.
My question is: have anybody seen the application or tweak that would show the dialogue window BEFORE the gprs connection established, something like
"application XXX tries to use GPRS connection. and two buttons: Allow|Deny"
that's actually all we need to control GPRS expences, especially when in roaming. (yes, i know about "no data in roaming" app). sometimes it goes like this: you're sure you're online using wifi, and browse or download a film or music. BUT, in the middle of the process the wifi connection is lost, but you didn't notice it, the device switched to GPRS automatically without notice and questions, so the rest of your download becomes golden for you.
if there were such an app with a simple two-buttons-dialogue, life would be easier for all of us... is there?
I have been dreaming for the same thing for like years
actually i had the same problem,
i was browsing comfortably using wifi, but unknown to me, when the signal got interrupted, it switched to GPRS...
actually we would know if we look at the icon, but it's absurd to look at the icon every once in a while...
so, my solution was... to call up the provider, and have them terminate the GPRS service.
it might not serve you any good, since you probably still need the option to be able to go online when there's no wifi, but it served my purpose really well.
So, as i can see, it's not just my whim - it's really necessary add-on. are here some advanced members, coders who are able to solve it? afaik, this feature is not available in winmobile itself, but somehow implemented by Nokia, for example.
Got IT!
i found the solution. it appears much easier than i expected: just check the
start/settings/sounds and notifications/notifications - connection established. [i have localized WM version, menu strings in english version may vary from my translation. so, just find something close by meaning]
that's it!
good luck.
Yes, I always set it like that so I know it connects with GPRS/3G but I won't still ask me if I want to connect or not, the notification is only good way to try to disconnect it quickly... if I am the one using the phone but if someone else is using it, it's just worthless.

[Q] Sites Accessible via Wifi, Not Cellular (Intermittent)

Hi All, I have a question I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with.
I have a Nexus S i9020A running CM 7.0.2 on AT&T. I've noticed something strange lately and can't quite pinpoint the problem.
I'm running a server at my house with a no-ip address to access my tv show downloads. I'm able to access this from the browser (any browser) while connected to wireless (in my network, or out) but only intermittently while on cellular data. When it isn't working it simply keeps trying to connect until it times out. I haven't yet recognized a pattern of when it works vs when it doesn't.
I thought for a bit it might be a DNS issue, but even with the straight IP address it won't load. Funny thing is, I'm still able to SSH into my router using ConnectBot, so I know the address is correct and the phone can see it. Other apps like RDP won't work either while I'm having this issue.
It's not the end of the world, but it sure is annoying. I'd like for it to work whenever I need it. Any ideas?! I'm stumped.
Thanks everybody!
I know nothing about networking, just so you know. It sounds like you know much more. I will offer a guess. With some other phones than the ns, sprint has multimedia proxies set for when you are on their network. Streaming music works on wifi but not cell. Use the msl to get into settings, ##data# is the code for sprint phones, and I forget what they are called but there's two proxy addresses and ports that need to be zeroed out then reboot in order to get streaming to work. This is probably not a solution for you but I thought I'd offer something since nobody else has chimed in yet for suggestions.
RS something or another. The other setting is always right next to the first one and generally at the bottom of the list of settings. It could be in advanced or multimedia. Different places for different phones. It would be wise to write down the default addresses and ports before changing them in case it doesn't work or breaks something. It usually doesn't though.
Hey herb, thanks for the response. I see what you're saying, but I don't think it applies here. I know I made it sound like I was streaming or downloading music through the mistake. What I actually meant was that I'm accessing a web site running from my house to control my home machine downloading music. It's nothing complicated, I'm just sure I'm explaining it terribly.
But, essentially it's just a regular old web page. It's just very strange that it would work wireless and not over cellular. They do run on funky ports, so that they're blocking or redirecting some stuff is very possible. Annoying...

[Q] Wi-Fi takes a while to connect to servers, but is normal everywhere else (w/video

Anyone interested in a challenge?
This is more of a question to those people who have knowledge on Wi-Fi router configurations, but I am really hoping maybe somebody has experienced this and found a solution.
Probably the reason why I haven't found a "solution" (in quotes since my Wi-Fi is not really broken) is because I don't know how to word this correctly so that a Google search can be successful so I'll try to explain myself as best as I can.
Here is my problem:
My home's Wi-Fi seems to be having this issue where it takes a while to connect to servers (or at least, that's what I think is going on)
Once it establishes a connection to a server, it seems to run fine there on out.
For example:
Please check this video out: Video
This is a game called "Shadowgun Deadzone", a multi-player game. When I'm on Wi-Fi, notice how it gets stuck on "Authentication in progress" for more than a minute?
Later on in the video, I close it, turn off my Wi-Fi and re-open the game and it only takes SECONDS to get to the same screen with my carrier's network.
No, my internet is not slow. Web-page browsing and watching videos is as expected from a 10 mbps internet speed and also playing the game mentioned runs excellent once I get it to connect, only on things like this game is where it takes a while to establish an "initial" connection to the servers
What do I mean with "things like this"? Well, WhatsApp is something that to my knowledge also connects to a server to send images and media, right?
Check this second video out: Second Video
This example is a little bit less clear, but it also seems that connecting to the "server" takes twice as long than if I do it with my carrier's network.
So here's what I know:
1. It's not device specific. This happens with any cellphone using things like what I mentioned above.
2. Not the device's fault either since I play this exact game on my aunt's house and it connects fast as expected
3. Router firewall is deactivated.
4. I've also got a Nintendo 3DS, doesn't take as long to connect to Nintendo Network and play online
5. I've tried labeling my cellphone as "game console" (same as my 3DS) on the router settings, but it doesn't help, it changes nothing
6. This "problem" doesn't exist on web browsing, downloading stuff, Youtube, and a few minor things
I know the fastest solution probably is to get a new router, which I will do in due time, but I'm really hoping to skip that step if I can. This is really bugging me and rather than avoiding this by buying a new router I want to learn what is a possible cause and fix it. I'm pretty sure learning how to deal with this could be helpful in the future.
Is it specific to WiFi?
This feels like a DNS issue. Some devices initial connection working fine and others not could be a DNS caching issue.
Clear the cache of all devices then try to connect to a site one at a time and time them. If they are all around the same speed after clearing the cache then it's probably a DNS thing.
I wonder if a cell phone gets a domain resolved on mobile, caches it, then use the cache when on wifi instead of making a new query. Just a shot in the dark
krisclarkdev said:
Is it specific to WiFi?
This feels like a DNS issue. Some devices initial connection working fine and others not could be a DNS caching issue.
Clear the cache of all devices then try to connect to a site one at a time and time them. If they are all around the same speed after clearing the cache then it's probably a DNS thing.
I wonder if a cell phone gets a domain resolved on mobile, caches it, then use the cache when on wifi instead of making a new query. Just a shot in the dark
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I will certainly give this a try.
Yes, it's Wi-Fi exclusive. Only at my home's Wi-Fi, because I've played this game at other places via Wi-Fi and I don't have this problem so what you suggest might not work. I'm almost certain there must be something wrong with this Wi-Fi router, some configuration getting in the way.
Download something like FCC Speed Test that shows more than up and down, specifically things like dropped packets. Run it three times on the same device at both locations and compare. Have you checked the routers logs for anything out of the ordinary?
krisclarkdev said:
Download something like FCC Speed Test that shows more than up and down, specifically things like dropped packets. Run it three times on the same device at both locations and compare. Have you checked the routers logs for anything out of the ordinary?
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For some reason this app "FCC Speed Test" is showing as incompatible with all my devices, I really hope it doesn't need some kind of special Wi-Fi chip that makes this app work. The "newest" device I have is a Note 3. Went ahead and downloaded the apk file.
I'll get that done today and post the results to see if you can see the problem more clearly.
I am really not a person that knows much about networking and technical details. I just know the VERY basic things.
Things like how to change my router password, view who is using my Wi-Fi signal and block them via a Mac address. The VERY basic stuff. So I wouldn't be able to detect anything unusual in the router logs
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate you taking your time to respond to this. I will probably have these results in a few hours since I'm at work (I will also test this at my work's Wi-Fi as I also don't have a problem here. Not that I play this game at work but I've given it a test and it doesn't have the same problem as my home's Wi-Fi)
Thanks again
krisclarkdev said:
Download something like FCC Speed Test that shows more than up and down, specifically things like dropped packets. Run it three times on the same device at both locations and compare. Have you checked the routers logs for anything out of the ordinary?
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Unfortunately both places (my house and my aunt's house) stats look exactly the same. Both places dropped packets once. I ran it once at my work place and is the lowest you'll see in the attached screenshots.
I can't find a solution. I am close to giving up
Thanks for your help and your time

