Help with Pocket Outlook - General Questions and Answers

Hy guys! hasty said, I need a way to determine what email message is currently opened in Pocket Outlook.
Here's what I've done so far:
1. Created a Managed Service (there's a library available online for this)
2. The Service is listening for when the user opens Pocket outlook (Messaging).
I can detect that an email message has been opened, no problem. But the thing is that i cannot find out which one
Does anybody know of a way to find out which message was opened in Pocket Outlook?
Any suggestions, or if you have any ideas i would greatly appreciate it!

Alright, just so you know, I've found a somewhat different approach to my problem.
Instead of listening all the time for a user to open up an email message, I instead place a new item in the context menu that is displayed for an email. I've found one good example for this in the Sample Code provided with the Windows Mobile 6 SDK (right under my nose), so just in case you need it, here's the location (name is self explanatory too)
\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\Common\CPP\Win32\InboxMenuExtensibility.
It's not managed code, but it will do the trick
Cheers everyone,


NEW: Activate Mail + Send & Receive

I've made a tool to activate email (built-in) and start syncing.
Tested only on WM2003, not sure if it would work on WM5.
Usuage: SyncAccount "MailAccount"
Using this, you can activate email, and sync with the push of a single button
makes life easy ;-)
Program here is delivered as is, use at your own risk.
i'm not gonna make any further improvements, as this suits my own needs as is.
happy mailing 8)
runs on my wizard... very good!
Heimiko: I made a similar app in VJPhoneShortcuts a while back. Did you manage to activate syncing even when the current account has been changed, eg, if the user switches to SMS, have you got it to switch back to email before syncing? I got too busy to figure it out at the time
Hai vijay555,
I did manage that, yes, even though SMS account is enabled, it will switch to the email account, and start syncing from there on....
I use your VJDialer app, and I wanted to use email in the same sort of way... couldn't find it anywhere, so.. here ya go ;-)
Good stuff. I'll look into it. I've never used my pda for email, but a few guys were asking for this facility.
No need, here's how to:
tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount"
tmail.exe -Sync
call those 2 after each other. Don't use them in a single call, because as soon as you use -Sync, the mail app wont be activated (not brought to the foreground).
so.. 2 * CreateProcess is all that's needed
Nice nice nice!
I was doing it in such a dopey way, as ever.
Is it ok for me to implement this into VJPhoneShortcuts? There's a couple of extensions I want to add, but it's a much neater then the way I was doing...
I'll give you full credit of course
Sure... no problem. Cool me being somewhere in those credit lines ;-)
I guess you actualy search for the button on that Doc and send a WM_CLICK to it... ? i was thinking in that direction at first, but then, i knew there had to be a simpler way. If you google for "tmail.exe command line", you'll find some other stuff, as you can see, tmail.exe can already do natively what you do with your phone tools, sending emails, sending sms's, etc. all from command line. (you just need to know how, hehe). But then, you can't ever find this -Sync option... that was trail and error to find out... i tried lots of different keywords, lolz. Weird that its not documented anywhere.
Anyway, use it wisely ;-)
Yes, the original VJPhoneTools were done in the same way through tmail.exe, but I've never used the email so never thought about doing -sync it through the command line. For someone who does everything through the command line, I was so stupid not to think of it
Many thanks.
vijay555 one request with your phonetools. Can you give identifiable icons to each function? I have shortcuts on my today but cant distinguish which icon does what. So maybe a mail icon for checkmail? Thanks
VJPhoneShortcuts will be remade shortly.
VJPhoneTools: I think they do have different icons don't they?
vijay555, sorry i actually meant vijayphoneshortcuts. The icons are all the same, of a cell phone. I use check email and speed dial and they look the same in my today launcher.
efjay: I'll try to fix the icons shortly. I'm actually just about to throw in a whole load of new features and finally put in WM2003/Wm5 dual compatibility. Heimiko's generous info has given me a reason to finish it, I've been sitting on the almost finished code for so long.
However, it's likely to be only one app, so one icon, but with about 8 functions. So you might have to set up your own icons (if I can find some relevant ones I will). However, have a look at this thread for info on how to set up nice icons etc for your shortcuts.
ok, thanks for the link. look forward to the new version.
Heimiko, I use your SyncAccount program and it is great, but I wonder if there is any way to get the email to start syncing without bringing the tmail.exe program to the front as if this happens I dont get any notifications - I run SyncAccount with a scheduler, so the PPC screen isn`t on.
sure, to do that, don't run SyncAccount, run this commandline instead:
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
Doing this will do exactly what you just asked.
g'luck ;-)
Wow as simple as that, thanks to you.
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
is very helpful!
Is there a way Empty Deleted Items along the same lines? In particular, I would like to have a single shortcut that first empties deleted items and then checks the mail in my pop3 account.
The other thing I would like to do is run activesync's connect via bluetooth as a single command, rather than navigating to that item.
I`m not sure if there is a single command to run Activesync via BT, but there is a program called SKSchema that is like the windows scheduler and will allow you to set up a load of things to run at a regular interval or just when you click an icon, it`s very powerful.
This is what I wanted with the check email in background command.
You have to enter the shortcut correct with Sync at the end. And correct LetterCase!
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync

Notifications for emails in folders other than the inbox.

I've been looking around for some type of software (since WM5 and WM6 don't seem to have the ability built in) that will let me know when I've gotten an email in a folder other than my inbox.
All of the people in my office have separate folders, and all of their email is sorted into their respective boxes automatically in a server-side rule. I'd always have to manually check those folders in windows mobile (I've got an 8125 running XDA Mobile 6 r4) every time I looked at my phone.
While searching around I found a software package called watchflag ( or for the direct download). It didn't have this option at first, but I asked their support about it and they actually wrote it into the code! It'll play different notifications depending on who it's from or what the subject line is, and it checks all folders, including subfolders (just be sure to follow all of their directions!). So if you've been looking for something to alert you on new email in subfolders (the boss [or the wife] emailing you and you have a separate folder for them), this software will work great.
Just wanted to spread the word as I looked high and low and haven't found anything else that does this out there!
thanks for the post, nice ap. probably shouldnt put your email in plain site like that[username]
I've been waiting a long time for this! Thanks!
Looks interesting. I'm looking for something subtley different - I use FlexMail to access a private IMAP account and I'd love to find something which hooks the standard notification process, so, for instance, my HTC Home new mail count will increment for mail received in Flexmail/IMAP. (At the moment I have Outlook mirroring the IMAP account and checking for mail every 5 minutes to flag new arrivals, but that's wasteful of resources...)
Does anyone know of something that allows you to hook the standard notification procedures for custom events?

Opening Subfolders

One of the most annoying features of wm 6.1, is the need to open manually (touching the plus sign) all the subfolders to see if I have new email within.
The need to open all the subfolders came up because i'm using emails rules to file emails (outlook 2007 + exchange).
Does anybody know of a nice solution to this problem? something like "unread emails" would be nice, or an option just within one click to open all the subfolders.
ANybody? Help?
yes, I agree. it is annoying. I have not played with other email clients like Flexmail. maybe they have a better solution?
I find it hard to touch the plus sign, so I use the Dpad (down to go down, right to expand the plus sign, left to collapse).
If anyone has any other solutions, tricks or hacks, please share!
I've tried flexmail. It has the feature of automatic opening of subfolders. Moreover - it writes the number of emails unread / number of total emails - which is excellent. The only problem is that the performance is so poor. It takes ages to navigate through the subfolders. I've uninstalled it after 2 days.

SMS to multiple recipients in WM 6.1

Is this possible? I'm new to Windows Mobile and I can't find any way of sending the same SMS message to more than one contact. I've done a search on the forum but haven't been able to find a solution frrom those old threads.
Any new and easy solutions you guys know of? Thanks!
I have a new number with my new WinMo phone and need to let all of my contacts know, of which there are around 100.
I like the following, GroupSMS. There are others as well.
Thanks for that.
The problem with I'm having using that app is that I can't sync my HTC Touch HD with Outlook, it just says "Outlook has not been configured". So I have no way of copying the contact from my phone to Outlook and hence am unable to create any groups in Outlook to sync back to my phone.
Hmm, Ok, I don't use Outlook so don't know how to help with that. May want to bring up those issues within the GroupSMS thread itself, see if others can help.
In WM6.1 the standard messaging client allows for SMS to a lot of people. Simply press the TO: button to add additional people. The format goes like this on mine when auto inserted from the contact list:
Xda Developers <8085551211>; Thresher <8083332222>; etc
When I am typing out multipl contacts in SMS i simply type the name, then hit enter, I then type another name, choose it and go from there.
It sounds like that is what you were asking but you got a lot of varied results. Perhaps groupsms is easier to use or something but I do not know. You only need what wm6.1 has to do multiple sms sending.
Is your Outlook (not Express) in fact setup and operational from your desktop?
i just start a new sms
click [to] text
add a contact click [to]
add another and so forth
I can't understand how it's not an easy thing for MS to implement, if I have a group set up called 'work', in the To: box, I put 'work' and it text's to everyone in the work group? Surely that wouldn't have been hard to implement?

Windows Mobile 6 pro SMS templates?

Hi guys,
I've just been given a Windows mobile 6 based PDA for work, which is replacing my old Nokia, but I can't for the life of me find a way to create an SMS template.
On the Nokia, I could create the template, and then call that up each time I needed it (saving me from having to type (sometimes) quite complex commands).
can anybody please tell me how to do this on windows Mobile?øg&meta=
Cheers for that, but I have actually found a way to do it.
Create a new message,
click on the message area,
Menu > My text > Edit my Text Messages
and that allows you to create a template message.
It's not perfect, but it seems to work.

