Opening Subfolders - Touch Pro, Fuze General

One of the most annoying features of wm 6.1, is the need to open manually (touching the plus sign) all the subfolders to see if I have new email within.
The need to open all the subfolders came up because i'm using emails rules to file emails (outlook 2007 + exchange).
Does anybody know of a nice solution to this problem? something like "unread emails" would be nice, or an option just within one click to open all the subfolders.

ANybody? Help?

yes, I agree. it is annoying. I have not played with other email clients like Flexmail. maybe they have a better solution?
I find it hard to touch the plus sign, so I use the Dpad (down to go down, right to expand the plus sign, left to collapse).
If anyone has any other solutions, tricks or hacks, please share!

I've tried flexmail. It has the feature of automatic opening of subfolders. Moreover - it writes the number of emails unread / number of total emails - which is excellent. The only problem is that the performance is so poor. It takes ages to navigate through the subfolders. I've uninstalled it after 2 days.


Assigning Custom Actions To Buttons <-- SORTED THIS

The O2 Active rubbish that comes on the XDA IIs allows you to go straigh to your pop3 inbox via a link in its menu. When I use the hardware email button on the front, it starts up inbox, but it aint my pop3 inbox its the default outlook inbox.
Is there any way of assigning custom actions to a hardware button? Such that pressing the email button pulls up pocket outlook pointing at my pop3 inbox??
Also, whats the best registry editor prog for windows mobile 2003 devices?
Found this:
But was hoping not to have to write a bl00dy launcher just to get it to point at my inbox!
Sorted for anyone who is interested
Sorted this. For anyone whos interested:
Use activesync to copy the file \Windows\AppButtons\Messaging.lnk to your PC. Edit the file with notepad. You could also edit it on the device, but I prefer a decent keyboard!!
The Messaging.lnk file will read something like:
Change it to read something like
19#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "ServiceName"
The number on the front (in my case #19) should be kept the same as it is currently on your device.
ServiceName could be: Text, MMS, MyPopAcc, blah blah.
There are a load of parameters for tmail.exe by the looks of it. One site that claimed to list them was down/dead.
Save the modified file and copy it back to your device. Now when you hit the 'email' hardware button you'll get the service you mentioned as a default.
You can also stick -attatch on the end i.e:
19#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "ServiceName" - attatch
But I found that this did nothing with email. Maybe with MMS etc.
If anyone knows any of the other commands for tmail, pls post!?
If, after changing the file in App Buttons it still launches the messaging pointing at the wrong folder, do the following:
Close the messaging app (completely) from settings --> system --> memory --> Running Programs.
Then goto Settings --> Personal --> Buttons, and change button 4 from messaging to some other program. Tap OK, use the messaging button to start that other program, quit said program, go back into Buttons, and change button 4 back to messaging. Try to launch messaging.
It must cache the old info somehow.
i believe you'll find the short cuts is set in the registry and doesn't use the program thats selected on the buttons controle pannel item
Nope, it definately uses the stuff in appbuttons! Perhaps these get read and copied to the registry, dunno, but changing the prog in the appbutton shortcut changes what gets launchen when you hit the hardware button.
And, if you want to delete the entire crappy outlook/activesync account try removing the appropriate folder (dunno what it's called now, lol) from:
edit - Incidentally, the new i-mate ROM always starts the messaging client in the 'last viewed' account anyway.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dont trash the outlook key in here. If you do then you will indeed, loose 'outlook' folder in the inbox app (good!), but as a side effect, sms notify will also stop working (unit will not make noise and display part of message when sms received) (bad!)
19#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "Text"
Worked first time for me - takes me straight to my SMS inbox

Windows Live Mobile Messenger contacts problem

windows mobile live messenger is syncing all the email contacts to my PPC contacts and its getting really annoying. I'm sick of scrolling through my contacts and seeing an entry like "Sek_C_girl_69" or some other crap like that.
I go through and delete the ones i don't want and add my friends emails under there appropriate contact info but they still keep appearing.
Anyone know of some tweak i can do that will not display contacts with only an email address?
You can use the builtin filter.
Just as an FYI,
The next beta version will be MUCH improved in this area.
Don't forget, it's NOT a finished product, and doesn't necessarilly look like the final version. Lots of changes are upcoming.
(can't be more specific than this, sorry)
matheprat said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Go to your contacts application; Choose menu -> Filter and select all your categories. This should work.
I only have 'all contacts', 'recently viewed' and 'No categories' to select.
I've got the following options under filter : All contacts, Recently viewed, no categories, family, personal, colleagues, and more...
I guess i just got to put them all in groups, but then i can't select multiple groups like say i want to see Family, Personal, and Colleagues and not WMLM contacts...?
whats really pissing me off about it is in the SPB Diary plug in, it shows a couple picture contacts, then after that its just emails and i have to scroll forever to get to my real contacts.
They call that program a beta? Alpha at most. All the people I know who've tried it appear offline. (Windows XP/Vist versions) Seriously, bugs that big should be gone far before the "B-word" is used to describe the development stage.

Notifications for emails in folders other than the inbox.

I've been looking around for some type of software (since WM5 and WM6 don't seem to have the ability built in) that will let me know when I've gotten an email in a folder other than my inbox.
All of the people in my office have separate folders, and all of their email is sorted into their respective boxes automatically in a server-side rule. I'd always have to manually check those folders in windows mobile (I've got an 8125 running XDA Mobile 6 r4) every time I looked at my phone.
While searching around I found a software package called watchflag ( or for the direct download). It didn't have this option at first, but I asked their support about it and they actually wrote it into the code! It'll play different notifications depending on who it's from or what the subject line is, and it checks all folders, including subfolders (just be sure to follow all of their directions!). So if you've been looking for something to alert you on new email in subfolders (the boss [or the wife] emailing you and you have a separate folder for them), this software will work great.
Just wanted to spread the word as I looked high and low and haven't found anything else that does this out there!
thanks for the post, nice ap. probably shouldnt put your email in plain site like that[username]
I've been waiting a long time for this! Thanks!
Looks interesting. I'm looking for something subtley different - I use FlexMail to access a private IMAP account and I'd love to find something which hooks the standard notification process, so, for instance, my HTC Home new mail count will increment for mail received in Flexmail/IMAP. (At the moment I have Outlook mirroring the IMAP account and checking for mail every 5 minutes to flag new arrivals, but that's wasteful of resources...)
Does anyone know of something that allows you to hook the standard notification procedures for custom events?

Marking Mail as Read

Anyone able to think of a way to have it so that messages would be marked as read when previewed in TF3D (similar to text messages)? Sometimes I've already read an email, or it's short, or it's not something I care about and would rather not have to open the message to mark it as read.
use flex mail it is much better than the standard outlook and you can mark mail's sms's as read or'll never go back to outlook again
I've actually heard good things about FlexMail before. My only concern is that I really do like TF3D, can FlexMail replace Outlook for the mail tab and still work with the fancy (lol) previews and such?
you can try Samapa programe to change the default tmail.exe to flexmail i never tried it..but i tried and changed successfuly the all contacts soft key in touch flo to open icontact and the calender button on the home tab to thumbcal try it and let me know what happens
I'm sorry... Samapa? Google'd to no avail (well, as far as phone-relevant things go).
I think I am going to chicken out and not try it. Other than sounding a bit complicated (maybe just because I am a noob on my first WInMo device), but I also don't see anything where it would be able to maintain the preview functionality (and allow that preview to mark the message as read, which is my actual "issue" or whatever).
Thanks though!
I'd also love to be able to mark emails as read from the TouchFlo preview pane, without opening up the mail app (whether that's Outlook or something else). I do like the idea of the preview, but it would make a significant difference if I could use it to mark unimportant and short emails as read in one step.

Email Inbox View..

I am wondering.. i recieve quite a few emails throughout the day and at some point i like to go back to specific mail i recieved earlier and re-read it.. when i open the inbox to show all my mail, i am wondering if there was a way to change the way i view the actual inbox on my device? I am looking for something similar to the blackberry look where it only takes up one line instead of a few that way i can see more emails in the inbox without having to scroll down?
Thanks for any help.
i just looked through the menus and didn't see anything :\
Yeah unfortunately theres no option to change it.. I thought there may be some kind of tweak or hack that you can you perform to change it to some kind of list format
Email Inbox View
I heard there are alternative e-mail programs you can run on your device that will give you more of a " outlook feel ", with pre-view pane, etc
Anybody know what they are called and where to find them, I think something like that would solve everybodies problem
profimail and flexmail are 2 mail-clients i know. both are commercial but worth their price
my friend has a diamond on sprint and i saw his message box was sort of zoomed out and smaller. any idea on how to get something like that?
EDIT: FOUND IT! Go to start, settings, system, screen, text size and change the text size to make more emails show up in your inbox not a fix for the issue at hand but it made me happy

