HTE Peep Won't connect via network, only Wifi. - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

Just wondering if anybody has come across this issue before.
I'm using the HD2 (standard ROM) on T Mobile UK.
When out and about, even on a slow connection (showing [G]) I can use Opera, MSN or the Marketplace with no problems. However HTC Peep (the built in Tweet application) will never update. It always gives the message "The network is temporary not available. Retry?"
I get this even when i have [3g] or [H] showing.
The only time it works is if i'm connected via WiFi at home.
I've checked the settings and they all seem ok, but still no luck now for quite awhile.
Is this something I can fix, or should I start looking for a 3rd party Twitter app to replace it? If i do this, will it integrate in the same manner with the rest of the Sense UI and Notification sounds?
Thanks in advance

Does your internet connection use proxy?
Go check in your all settings - connections - connections - set up my proxy server and be sure the second option is not checked, then click ok and SOFT RESET your phone.
I had this problem in my TD2 and this is how I used to deal with it. I'm on vodafone live, wich used to use proxy, but now it supports connection without the proxy settings on my phone. Check if yours work.
And no, other twitter programs (from wich I recommend moTweets and Twikini) will integrate in the same manner as the twitter tab in sense.
Good luck.

Coopervisor said:
Just wondering if anybody has come across this issue before.
I'm using the HD2 (standard ROM) on T Mobile UK.
When out and about, even on a slow connection (showing [G]) I can use Opera, MSN or the Marketplace with no problems. However HTC Peep (the built in Tweet application) will never update. It always gives the message "The network is temporary not available. Retry?"
I get this even when i have [3g] or [H] showing.
The only time it works is if i'm connected via WiFi at home.
I've checked the settings and they all seem ok, but still no luck now for quite awhile.
Is this something I can fix, or should I start looking for a 3rd party Twitter app to replace it? If i do this, will it integrate in the same manner with the rest of the Sense UI and Notification sounds?
Thanks in advance
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I had that exact same problem with my Sim Free HD2 from for use with my T-Mobile contract. e2save were no good, T-mobile were even more useless. One call to HTC and they sent me through the internet settings my SMS and fixed the problem instantly!
Give it a go, their number is: +44 8458900079
word of warning: From my experience, there is only one member of staff who is any good there! A chap called Nick I think. He's the one they all go to and he's the one that sorted it out when everyone else was blaming other people.

Tried messing with the proxy settings as suggested, but still no luck.
I'll give HTC a ring when I finish work and see what they say, thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated!

Hey I also have this problem with my tmobile phone, peep doesnt work, facebook doesnt work and neither does msn, I think its all to do with tmobiles lame proxies
Ill follow this thread in hope of finding a solution!

[★] said:
Hey I also have this problem with my tmobile phone, peep doesnt work, facebook doesnt work and neither does msn, I think its all to do with tmobiles lame proxies
Ill follow this thread in hope of finding a solution!
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Try what I have posted above - it works! I had the same problem. No 3rd party apps worked, email didn't sync, etc, but web browsing did work. HTC will send you the correct settings. Fixes problem in 10 seconds!

yeah any issue with connecting with tmobile is usually down to proxies

No luck getting through to HTC yet, rang them at 17:40 but no answer, rang back and now in a queue
Times on the website state:
+44 8458900079 Mon - Fri 09:00- 18:00 (Mon - Fri) 09:00- 13:00 (Sat)
So looks like they've gone early, will try again in the morning and let you know if it works!

HasanH007 said:
Try what I have posted above - it works! I had the same problem. No 3rd party apps worked, email didn't sync, etc, but web browsing did work. HTC will send you the correct settings. Fixes problem in 10 seconds!
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I tried that, no luck

Do a search of my old posts. I fixed this by updating the connection database, then disablimg the proxy.


Can't receive incoming calls

Hi there, I am using VJgrace latest 3.4 ROM, I realized that nowadays, sometimes I would not be able to receive incoming calls, my friends and relatives have complained that I do not pick up their calls, they even showed me the proof of their call logs. They said there were dialing tone. So one day, I tried for myself and true enough, at times, the phone will just light up from idle, but it will not say that there is an incoming calls. When this happen, I cannot make outgoing calls as well, when I try to dial someone, it just hang there.
Any solution? Is this a radio or ROM problem?
I have run the GSM update
I faced the same problem too. I thought my friends were joking. just called myself to confirm. true enough the phone lights up for a second or two then it goes back to sleep.
this is serious. am thinking of going back to WM 5
Really? Wow. That's a new one. I guess I haven't seen this. illi - would you really go *all* the way back to WM5? Are you saying this is a problem in every WM6 ROM you have installed? I'm surprised... I've never seen it on my phone. But I don't get too many calls during the day. And I reboot my phone every 2 or 3 days just for good measure.
bipinsen said:
Really? Wow. That's a new one. I guess I haven't seen this. illi - would you really go *all* the way back to WM5? Are you saying this is a problem in every WM6 ROM you have installed? I'm surprised... I've never seen it on my phone. But I don't get too many calls during the day. And I reboot my phone every 2 or 3 days just for good measure.
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i cant afford to loose calls. some friends had complained since a few months back. so i suspect its all WM6 ROMs not just vj's.
i think it happened when the device is syncing because i receive lots of emails. so at that time the gprs/edge is being use. THIS IS MY WILD GUESS ONLY!! I noticed it (the device awakes then back to sleep) once while on active sync and at that moment emails were being downloaded from my email server.
How can yew trouble shoot this problem?
illi said:
i cant afford to loose calls. some friends had complained since a few months back. so i suspect its all WM6 ROMs not just vj's.
i think it happened when the device is syncing because i receive lots of emails. so at that time the gprs/edge is being use. THIS IS MY WILD GUESS ONLY!! I noticed it (the device awakes then back to sleep) once while on active sync and at that moment emails were being downloaded from my email server.
How can yew trouble shoot this problem?
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Do you have this checkbox selected? I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but it's one thing I saw.
bipinsen said:
Do you have this checkbox selected? I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but it's one thing I saw.
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not too sure but will check next time i active sync. anyway i rarely sync with my pc so i doubt thats the problem - i noticed once while hooked to pc the phone awakens and then sleep. i use's microsoft exchange to sync my emails. i active sync only to do spring cleaning on my device and SD.
if karhoe subscribe to the same telco as me than i suspect its the operator. (hello karhoe you there;-))
I have this problem even when the phone is not connected to Active Sync, when i'm outside. The phone just light up, and then poof, gone. Well, I am using DiGi telco. But I don't have this problem when using Andot's PEE, don't have it when using 3.0 ROM, only recently when I started using 3.1, had this problem, after so long, then use 3.4, still have it
I had this issue with WM5.. now with WM6 I didn't found (yet) this issue. (using EA ROM)
This is a quote of one of my posts (Oct 7 2006, 18:43, modaco):
i think this is a software issue..
i have a spv c600 and have problem with the telephony part (and many other spv c600 users)
1. some times when somebody is calling me the phone does not announce in any way that i have a call.
2. other times when somebody is calling me the phone send automatically a busy tone to the caller and again does not announce me that somebody has called me.
3. and other times when somebody is calling me, the caller is announced by the robot that 'the user is in an uncovered area or has the phone turned off' or it divert it to voice mail (if the WM user has voice mail active. i have it off)
however, point 1 and 2 can be 'detected' by eye on call (phonesharpen). only detected (no answer, no nothing).
- in the first case, a window with caller information is displayed as long as the caller is calling you.
- in the second case, a window appears and disparears extremly fast
to bad that the phonesharpen does not log the detected calls . i have mailed them about this, but on answer..
i gues the problem is the native telephone application
so .. in conclusion WM smartphones are not recommended for people who want to use them as a phone.. who knows what important calls you miss.. i hope this will be fixed someday
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@karhoe you should tell this to NiTroGeN and to VJgrace
Gentlemen, I suspect this issue is somehow connected to currently selected homescreen. I had this issue on WM6 build 18120 homescreen with VOIP plugin, but when I chose another one not containing VOIP info, this issue has gone
ega2oo2 said:
Gentlemen, I suspect this issue is somehow connected to currently selected homescreen. I had this issue on WM6 build 18120 homescreen with VOIP plugin, but when I chose another one not containing VOIP info, this issue has gone
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I tend to believe that it is caused by either of these problems:
1 - the telco (I'm subscribing to the same telco as karhoe)
2 - the voip plugin on the Homescreen
This is what I'll do: I shall deactivate the voip plugin. But I cant afford to unsubscribe from my current telco; it offers the cheapest unlimited data plan. LOL!!
I have a feeling that it is related to VOIP, I did configure my VoIP using the xml method, and then I also installed the VoIP fix button for communication manager. Now im using HTC Home screen and so far, so good

Pop mail and cooked roms

Anyone else have the issue of not being able to get pop email from cooked Rom's? I can get exchange mail, I can get phone calls, and hear the system sounds fine. I just cant get pop mail to work. I have tried about 4 or 5 Rom's, and all the radios listed in the sticky post. Please let me know how you fixed it, or if you know how to fix it.
Maybe it is more of a setting for the POP account than the ROM's / Radios you have tried.
Maybe the POP accounts settings or port or something else - you are using improper settings? Hard to say...
Maybe someone will chime in with news about 4-5 ROMS all having problems with POP email.
need to go through the account settings in outlook to make sure you are using the right connection. 99.9% sure it is not the rom, just the connection settings
Its the same setting I am using for the one rom that will work. And its gmail, and verizon, so it auto downloads the settings from the web.
Did you make sure you have gmail setup to use pop3 connections?
yes I did. On the rom it works with, I can set it up and work with radio .09, but if I just change to any other radio like .11 or .17 or any other is will stop working. Then change back to .09 it will work again.
can anyone help?
email just broke today
My email was working last night as late as 11 pm. As of this morning I can't even get email to launch! I have tried launching via the today screen, windows live and thru the programs pull down. Now get this, I did a hard reset and reflashed and did a restore of the last good working backup..same thing! I'm running dutty's v7b hybrid rom. Also, voice command just started giving an error immediately on a soft reset. i don't know if this is related or not, but I just started searching for email issues and saw this thread. I have both hotmail and yahoo mail account configured. This after about of week of working fine with a replacement tilt for te 3G bug. Is it possible for AT&T to send something via an update that causes problems for cooked roms? I mean why won't a reflash fix this?
a little help
One thing that I had to do with my comcast email was to forward it to a hotmail account. Nothing I tried would get my comcast email to work on the tilt. This works(or worked ) great for me. My issues are some sort of conflict with apps or a memory leak of some sort, but in general I suspect some email providers don't support pop for whatever reason, so maybe give the forward to hotmail a try.
TimSykes said:
can anyone help?
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Perhaps it may help to be a bit more specific with the problem that you are having? Are you getting any errors or is it that the mail has simply not just appeared? If the latter is the case, not to insult your intelligence, but be sure to go through gmails settings and first of all enable pop...secondly, if you'd used pop somewhere else prior to that phone, you have to tell gmail again to re-enable pop mail even if it has been downloaded (I'm paraphrasing the wordage). You'll have to do this each and every time you switch the device/software you use to get your pop mail. (Imap wouldn't but imap currently is screwed from gmail's end)
without re-flashing my ROM, I can’t get the error, but it said something to the effect that it cannot connect to the server check the dialing rules. Every time I tell it to do a send a receive it would disconnect the 3g, reconnect it about 2 times, then give a issue with the 3g connection. And it’s odd because 3g works with everything but pop mail. It works for internet, and exchange email. It just when I do pop email. I have only been able to get pop to work with official att ROMs, and with radio .09
TimSykes said:
without re-flashing my ROM, I can’t get the error, but it said something to the effect that it cannot connect to the server check the dialing rules. Every time I tell it to do a send a receive it would disconnect the 3g, reconnect it about 2 times, then give a issue with the 3g connection. And it’s odd because 3g works with everything but pop mail. It works for internet, and exchange email. It just when I do pop email. I have only been able to get pop to work with official att ROMs, and with radio .09
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Ok, now I know exactly what you are talking about. I've had the same problems before, it seems as if autoconnect for some reason when I flashed didn't work fully. What I had to do was install the carrier settings cab that I kept over from my previous device. On some roms this happend for me, on others it didn't, it probably has something to do with the rom being HTC based or AT&T based. Try installing the Cingular/AT&T carrier settings cab found here.
I've attached to this thread as well. Be sure to report back if this works or not.
great, thanks I will have to flash it tonight and test this out. It would make me very happy.
no it did not work. It killed the internet on my phone.
TimSykes said:
no it did not work. It killed the internet on my phone.
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For what its worth since you're flashing ROMs, try flashing Q-Mobile 1.2 (sounds like you'd want the Tilt version since you're a US AT&T user). I can confirm that pop mail works just fine so if it doesn't work for you there then you can safely assume it is something other than your choice of ROM brand that is causing the issue. Cheers,
I found what it was, I had to change isp.cingular to wap.cingular
Glad to hear...sorry it didn't work immediatly.

Opera and internet explorer crash/error when accessing secure websites

My HTC touch pro UK version has a problem with opera crashing on secure websites. Internet explorer also gives error 0x8???? unknown error on secure sites.
I have searched the net for anyone else with this problem and only found one person who ported on expansys website.
I have hard resetted the device and taken out all memory cards, cleared the internal storage and same problem. Tried newer version of opera, same problem.
My friend has a tytn II with cooked touchflo3dish rom with opera etc and his works fine.
Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? its driving me nuts!! lol
ROM version 1.90.405.1 WWE
Just tested on mine - Same thing happening on mine on both Opera and IE
I have an unlocked network free version with a t-mob sim in it
yep thats the same phone i have. I assume you brought it from expansys. I got it from there, unlocked with t-mobile sim.
i cant believe they would provide a rom where they hadnt tested any websites like googlemail which is secure on the login page.
someone fix lol.. help! annoying lol
Got mine from Handtec
Just tried the youtube app for the first time and it comes up with Zilch, Also same for MSN Messenger which i presume is becuase of the SSL
duke748 said:
Got mine from Handtec
Just tried the youtube app for the first time and it comes up with Zilch, Also same for MSN Messenger which i presume is becuase of the SSL
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Try over Wifi. It is more likely that it is blocked by your mobile provider! MSN doesn;t work on My T-Mobile contract yet it works fine over Wi-Fi. Youtube is also screwed by many networks adult content filters.....
Sorted it - Tested a voda sim and it worked
Disable the Proxy Server for T-Mobile and it's all fine now
ah excellent!!!! I cant believe that worked. I checked on my mates tytn II with cooked ROM and his had the proxy in, all settings the same.
Looks like the proxy is **** on t-mobile.
Thanks for the help
Yep, have had the same issues here (unlocked, TMobile sim). You tube app only works over wi-fi, secure access errors (actually to TMobile reg screen to remove 'adult' blocks when visiting you tube directly)
Where do I remove the Tmobile proxy...?
p.s. my youtube worked fine with the proxy before.
and now that proxy is disabled, men messenger works fine plus youtube still fine
kempas said:
Where do I remove the Tmobile proxy...?
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Settings \ Connections
and the connections App
Setup My Proxy server - Uncheck
thanks for that, much appreciated.
Edit: If I remove the proxy though looks like I can't send SMS messages...?
Good fix, had me puzzled for a bit. Couldn't get into my online banking for a while... saw the overdraft and wished I still couldn't....

[Q] Hardreset to fix unreliable push notifications thirdparty apps?

My push notifications from thirdparty apps and live tiles stop working very regularyly which is a shame since the platform heavily depends on this.
It fails to open a channel etc.
Is microsoft fixing this bug in the os? Since now they say yeah just do a factory rest and it should be fine. But i dont wat to lose my settings.
And a restart temporarely fixes it but after an hour or so its terrible again.
or are the ms servers just over crowded already? I dont like apple but my dads iphone just kept working while mine stopped receiving the toasts
Marvin_S said:
My push notifications from thirdparty apps and live tiles stop working very regularyly which is a shame since the platform heavily depends on this.
It fails to open a channel etc.
Is microsoft fixing this bug in the os? Since now they say yeah just do a factory rest and it should be fine. But i dont wat to lose my settings.
And a restart temporarely fixes it but after an hour or so its terrible again.
or are the ms servers just over crowded already? I dont like apple but my dads iphone just kept working while mine stopped receiving the toasts
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Toasts and tile updates come from the app developers servers, so depending on the platform they use there may be some down time. The Beezz twitter client occasionally stops working, but it's a free app and not ad supported so we should be lucky it has toasts and tile notifications at all.
sulphuricaciduk said:
Toasts and tile updates come from the app developers servers, so depending on the platform they use there may be some down time. The Beezz twitter client occasionally stops working, but it's a free app and not ad supported so we should be lucky it has toasts and tile notifications at all.
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not really since tested with the same apps at the same time. Its probably because it goes to the ms servers and fails to deliver timely. Also the unable to open a channel is not related to their servers i believe? Its related to a channel not able to open on the ms servers. Downtime should probably be equal when using the same apps on ios and wp7 sending out to each other, the messages do get delivered in app just no or really really delayed notifications. Like 20 minutes and then it just works normal for a while.. Then stops again. Other than this i really like the platform.
So i wonder does anybody else experience trouble? And which is the program you use which seems to be stable all times?
I'm experiencing the same troubles on my omnia 7.
Following programs do have some problems:
-Fim: Unable to open the channel - push notifications don't work anymore.
-TextMe: Push Notifications sometimes work - but with a delay of approx. 20 minutes
Following programs don't have any problems:
-Messenger by Miyo
This is really annoying - since a "usual" restart of the device doesn't help, i think i will have to do a hard reset (i wonder if this will help at all). But i don't want to lose all my settings, installed applications, short messages etc. So this really is a PITA.
stylopath said:
I'm experiencing the same troubles on my omnia 7.
Following programs do have some problems:
-Fim: Unable to open the channel - push notifications don't work anymore.
-TextMe: Push Notifications sometimes work - but with a delay of approx. 20 minutes
Following programs don't have any problems:
-Messenger by Miyo
This is really annoying - since a "usual" restart of the device doesn't help, i think i will have to do a hard reset (i wonder if this will help at all). But i don't want to lose all my settings, installed applications, short messages etc. So this really is a PITA.
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hardreset, would that really help? I think it wont really help. I have the same phone same apps and same problems also with tigertext send to wp7 and notes to tile.
i dont have the time and or want to hardreset. It might be a driver thing with the 3g etc. If nobody with other phones is experiencing this. I think hardreset changes nothig and will return to same behaviour. I will hardreset when the update comes or see if this will fix it.
20 Minutes is just strange conpared to instant on iphone and happens a lot
Did a hardreset. Tested the push again, ait a damn thing changed besides that I lost all my settings and stuff. Its just not working right. And probably a samsung driver or a ms server/os issue....
Does nobody else experience push notification downtime? Or delays? It's just not the way it should work. IM apps and Text replacement apps can never work properly in the background with these delays...
@Marvin_S which apps, specifically are you having trouble with? It could very well be that the developers servers have been down or slow.
I haven't had any Live Tile problems that couldn't directly be traced back to either the app dev's server or the way they've implemented notifications. Not on my Omnia 7 nor the HD2. Afaik, and I'm pretty sure I'd have heard about it - the wife's Omnia7 is doing just fine also. Have you tried flashing the new updated ROM? That seemed to fix a bunch of data issues.
Oh, as for the 20 minute thing, I've never seen this. Beezz for example notifies me (via toasts) in about a second or so.
Beezz has never worked for me. I always get an error whenever I try to enable push. The same happens for GReadie. I get a fail to open channel error. The weatherbug app also stopped working.
Right now my HTC hub live tile works. Its the only 3rd party live tile app I use.
emigrating said:
@Marvin_S which apps, specifically are you having trouble with? It could very well be that the developers servers have been down or slow.
I haven't had any Live Tile problems that couldn't directly be traced back to either the app dev's server or the way they've implemented notifications. Not on my Omnia 7 nor the HD2. Afaik, and I'm pretty sure I'd have heard about it - the wife's Omnia7 is doing just fine also. Have you tried flashing the new updated ROM? That seemed to fix a bunch of data issues.
Oh, as for the 20 minute thing, I've never seen this. Beezz for example notifies me (via toasts) in about a second or so.
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Well I seem to be running the latest version pre-installed by samsung... i asked in the omnia7 forum what kind of rom I was running.
Well the thing is, it builds up all the notifications and than releases them all after each other 20 minutes later.
Basically these apps: Textme and tigertext (which I tried later to see if it could replace textme, very kind and responsive developers btw)
Also send to wp7, which often than comes up with the failed to open channel stuff.
If this rom should rely fix it, then I will just reflash it eve though its exactly the same rom... I think it has something to do with losing 3g+ signal, or wifi drops.
I'm testing the reliablility heavily since I such problems by sending constant test messages to myself (or to the echo server) the messages are received fine, but the toast is so unreliable.
Can you maybe type the versions of your firmware so I can compare it with mine? Because its for sure not an app problem since the messages all come later from diffrent apps. My test flow is like this: Open app, send message, close, send message with the second app, close and than wait. If it takes to long, open app again, resend. Sometimes it works quite right for a while, than teribly bad.
And note that I'm from a crowded area with lots of cellphone towers and have also good wifi coverage in the places I tested it. Same apps on the iphone work without problems, I compared side by side as well.
So it might just be my omnia, thats why I would like to hear which versions you are running. Since hardreset did not change a thing, I'm starting to believe its or a driver problem or ms-servers are overcrowded. I would like to try beez and see if its diffrent, however I dont havee twitter and i guess its required.
I don't think the newer ROM from Samsung fixes anything, because i installed it. Version 2424.10.11.1
but perhaps the region affects this problem, e.g. North-American Azure-Servers work fine while European Servers are struggling.
I personally have massive problems with push notifications since monday or so, and it's really starting to pi** me off!
Hard resetting idny going to fix anything permenitly because it is not the phone it is the apps just gotta wait for and update to fix
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App
Weird. I'm using Beezz, SendToWP7, uController, eBay, Weatherbug and probably a few others using toast and/or live tile notification. Beezz server seems to go down every so often, but both uController and SendToWP7 notifies me real quick.
I'm running the latest Omnia 7 ROM as people said it was slightly faster and had a better data connection - that said, I was entirely happy with the phone even before updating.
I did a hard reset/reinstall of my apps and such, I'm still having intermittent push problems with some apps, and with others the push won't work at all. I will say that it seems to be the same apps having the same problems, and the ones that always have worked (weather bug) still work.
I'm thinking (hoping, praying!) this is a problem simply because of the infancy of the OS...I remember the first iphone, which I bought on day one, had all sorts of problems and "gaps" in technology
emigrating said:
Weird. I'm using Beezz, SendToWP7, uController, eBay, Weatherbug and probably a few others using toast and/or live tile notification. Beezz server seems to go down every so often, but both uController and SendToWP7 notifies me real quick.
I'm running the latest Omnia 7 ROM as people said it was slightly faster and had a better data connection - that said, I was entirely happy with the phone even before updating.
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oKe im running the latest rom since the beginning. Created fake twitter account sended a ton of messages. Crap as hell, very unreliable and today i was not able to load fb app data on 3g full bars. So it can be a phone problem on drivers with data over 3g, while 3g+ works fine. Probably euopean servers are overloaded than. Does changing my location from USA based (im dutch) To germany change the servers as well? Bc germany is much closer thus more reliable?
jmerrey said:
I did a hard reset/reinstall of my apps and such, I'm still having intermittent push problems with some apps, and with others the push won't work at all. I will say that it seems to be the same apps having the same problems, and the ones that always have worked (weather bug) still work.
I'm thinking (hoping, praying!) this is a problem simply because of the infancy of the OS...I remember the first iphone, which I bought on day one, had all sorts of problems and "gaps" in technology
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Its the apps not the phone the apps need to be updated inorder to work on the os not the other way around
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App
v hubris v said:
Its the apps not the phone the apps need to be updated inorder to work on the os not the other way around
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App
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this is not the case, read my post. Has nothing to do with the apps since ALL apps behave like this, it has nothing to do with the apps itself but probably slow ms servers. So no this is really an os or server or device firmware problem and not an app. Since all notifications come at the same time all after eachother highly delayed.
Apps have own servers they Sony go threw ms os is not mad for apparently apparently are made for os if apparently no work on os they need update
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App
v hubris v said:
Apps have own servers they Sony go threw ms os is not mad for apparently apparently are made for os if apparently no work on os they need update
Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App
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its not the problem of the apps! Since all apps fail at the same time to update. This is no coincidence, only a restart or waiting will solve this and than all notifications not yet delivered by multiple apps come at once! Now tell me how this is an app poblem,its the phone who is not able to receive the push even on wifi. The apps do deliver, but there is a huge delay even with beez which i checked with fake twiter account.
Every once in a while the phone just fails to receive any data based push notifications! All of them. While i do have wifi and or 3g. On 3g+ it seems to be more stable.
This could be europe related or omnia related. And narrowing this down will help dtermine the issue, since the apps are not the problem. These work fine for the others...
Marvin_S said:
This could be europe related or omnia related. And narrowing this down will help dtermine the issue, since the apps are not the problem. These work fine for the others...
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It is neither Europe or Omnia related as I'm using the 16GB Omnia7 in Europe (slightly north of you) at the moment without fail.
If it really is all apps, I would suggest there is a problem with your data connection - are you able to browse the web properly and without pages having to reload or taking a long time to open? If not, make sure you are indeed within range of, either, 3G/HSDPA or WiFi - if you are, and it works fine on another phone/laptop I would say you have a hardware fault and need to take the device back for a replacement.
Several things to be aware of with live tiles and notifications.
I am a developer of a few apps and offer push notification and live tile updates i have done alot of testing and know the ins and outs of this..
1st there is a such thing of the phone not being able to "open a notification channel" and Hard Reset is the only way to correct this.
2nd it is possable that the app developer side to also be the problem not sending because of their service going down server problems etc.
3rd when your batt. get to be less than 1/4 percent the notification service shuts down on the phone and you will not recieve updates. once the batt is above the 1/4 percent the service will then start working again.
4th sometimes the push service is delayed due to MS.
Hope this helps to better understand.
My Apps
World Weather (Live Tile)
TV Show Alert (uses Push Notification)
To Doos (Comming soon Push, Live Tile)

[Q] Built-in Messenger

I was Using the built-in Msn/facebook messenger function in the Mango built 7.10.7712.60 and came here to share some thought and wonder if i am the only one facing this issue or is there anyone else
Sometimes i get messages with delays .. the scenario is like this :
i am chatting with someone then a sudden silence breaks in .. after a while i write a something and hit send and BOOM i get like 3-4 messages that i didn't recieve on time.. it happened to me several times
did it happen to anyone else or just me ?
Yep, I've noticed that also.
morpheuszg said:
Yep, I've noticed that also.
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I also have the same issue but mostly due to bad internet connection
Go to wifi. Try it.
No delays. Blame your internet.
Just happens with my 3G/2G internet.
It happens to me all the time. What is annoying, though, is getting a toast notification for _every_ message, even when you are in the thread. I wouldn't mind the many toasts while I am not in the thread, but good grief, when I am watching all the messages come in, I don't need a notification for every one.
I am still unable to see my contacts online or to have them integrated with their actual contact information. I can chat with them if they message me first though. And they always show up as their email address. Has anyone figured that out yet?
jallenashley said:
It happens to me all the time. What is annoying, though, is getting a toast notification for _every_ message, even when you are in the thread. I wouldn't mind the many toasts while I am not in the thread, but good grief, when I am watching all the messages come in, I don't need a notification for every one.
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Click to collapse
It doesnt show toast when i'm in thread. Wierd.
mikeeam said:
It doesnt show toast when i'm in thread. Wierd.
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Click to collapse
Eh, I'm sure everything will work great when the final release comes out. My phone has done some things that don't happen on demo videos or it won't do things that demo phones do. It's what we get for playing with the beta.
I also have the same issue but mostly due to bad internet connection
mikeeam said:
Go to wifi. Try it.
No delays. Blame your internet.
Just happens with my 3G/2G internet.
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Is 1.5mb/s download speed internet connection enough for you?
Strike_Eagle said:
Is 1.5mb/s download speed internet connection enough for you?
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Click to collapse
Not concerned about the speed. But with reliability.
padrino said:
I am still unable to see my contacts online or to have them integrated with their actual contact information. I can chat with them if they message me first though. And they always show up as their email address. Has anyone figured that out yet?
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Click to collapse
yes, this is solved by soft reset all your data on the phone - from the settings menu, ofc it will wipe all your data and everything, i had the same problem btw ^^
@The Main Problem
I am pretty sure its not related to the internet speed too, my 3G internet speed is above 4 mb/s
i Can't try it over wifi for some reason.. and even if i tried it will be of no use .. the basic state for my phone is 24/7 on 3G with Wifi turned off even at home .. also wifi turns off automatic after screen off so thats another block ..
what i am asking for is the reliability over 3G which is very important for a BBM/iCrap replacement solution ( for example )
i hope this get fixed in the final release, but i won't bet on it since the final release already out
The final release its 8 builds after our mango. So, it is a bug, it should be corrected. Although I dont think it really is a bug..
Jallen, do you have the Facebook app installed with notifications turned on?
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
are you able to see your contacts status? i can see there name and for some friends i can only see there email id. And the yahoo friends who are on my windows live ID. i can see them online but when i click on there name it says "Something's wrong"

