Anyone know how to run the HTC Exchange client on a device emulator? - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Here's my problem: I want to test the Exchange client that HTC ships on their Android devices against my server. I'd like to do that without a physical device. I want to run the code on Google's Android device emulator. In theory this is possible given the apk files but I was wondering if anyone had succeeded in doing this already (and if so, what tricks are required?).


VPN client?

Not sure if anyone is working on a VPN client for Android, but I think this is something a lot of people would find useful. Not sure if it is even possible to do solely from the app layer, but for folks who have rooted phones, I would think that if you can run a VPN client on linux, you should be able to run one on Android, no?
Has there been any work on this? Any thoughts on this?
I'd love to see one. I'd be able to use it for work which would be awesome.
OpenVPN already exists
but that is not userspace. The problem with userspace applications is that without root there is no way to add the proper routes to force traffic over the vpn.
Of course, with root you could probably write a graphical frontend to something like OpenVPN.
Geezzzz guys this is the last thing I needed. If my employer catches wind that I can run openvpn from my phone and connect in to the office network; I will never ever get any me time outside of the office. Its nice being able to claim that I am not able to find a internet connection to help do x,y,z or troubleshoot why idiot A cannot send email to idiot B.
I see that there's been a little development here:
There's a commercial product ( and there's an open-source project (, but that one sounds a little scary.
I do have a rooted phone (RC33/JF1.41). I'm wondering if someone could simply compile vpnc and the necessary libraries for the G1. Is it more complicated than that?
So how hard would it be to get vpn setup via openvpn on a rooted phone? (for someone who's not a dev, but isn't afraid to tinker)

[Q] Can an android tablet be put onto a Windows-run environment

Hey there XDA.
i'm in the IT department for a big-time company, and we (obviously) have specific security parameters on our network.
Recently, with all of the talk about android tablets because of CES and other factors (i personally own a Viewsonic G-Tablet running VEGAn 5.1b) the team and i have come to wonder if we would be able to put an android tablet onto the domain the same way we would a regular old Windows PC/Laptop or a Blackberry phone onto the exchange server.
We use Citrix clients/servers as well as pc/laptops, and so far, as i've been scouring the market, i've been able to find a Citrix app, and a Wyse terminal app, which could be used to open VPN sessions on the server, as well as the obvious app which allows an android device to be connected completely with Microsoft Exchange Server. ( touchdown )
So, XDA, i figured, where else would i go but here, to the most well versed android development website on the interwebs, to ask if you guys might know of anything at all, or if something could be done.
Any ideas?
It would be awesome if someone could help me out with this.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

[Q] (Q) Serving up the best solution. VNC Server on Android

I am new to BeagleBoard and Android Development. Recently I had someone literally drop a Android Dev project into my lap. Sweet! He gave me a BeagleBoard and three main objectives. 1. Get android working on BeagleBoard. (completed) 2. VNC Server running without being "rooted" or needing ADB. 3. Ethernet over USB. (usbnet may work just fine) After extensive research I found no usable open source vnc server for Android. (I'm sure I may have missed something with Google or here on the XDA-dev forums. I'm thinking of porting a open sourced java based VNC Server over to Android and am needing suggestion and tips. My main questions is this, must a VNC server require root access to Android or is there a way around this. My client was pretty specific on this requirement. I am using TI-Android-Gingerbread-devkit on a BeagleBoard XM Rev B. the rom is on a 2gb sd card (would a 4gb be better as I may have to purchase that an invoice my client. Something I'd rather not do) So to reiterate, what would be the best way to get a VNC Server running on Gingerbread without the need for ADB or root accress? Thanks for all the great people here and thank you XDA Developers for having such a great site (also thanks for the HTC Inspire tuts that I'll need once I get my grubby hands on it after this project is over )
In this thread is a VNC server being developed:
Thanks, I knew I missed something.

[Q] Possibly switching from Android, have some OS/app questions

I really love my Android phone, but I also love the WP7 interface and I think it has great potential, especially after Mango has been released.
Since I am on Verizon, I am possibly looking to get the HTC Trophy, but I wanted to first ask some questions I hope you all can answer. I apologize in advance if some of these are stupid questions, but any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated.
1) Is there a good Remote Desktop app for WP7 that uses native Remote Desktop functionality? i.e., I don't want to have to install a VNC-type server on my machine for it to connect to. I also want to be able to set the machine resolution, much like the Windows-desktop based RD application
2) Microsoft Exchange app - the native Android mail app sucks, so I purchased Touchdown for Exchange, which is a MUCH better MS Exchange client. Does WP7 have something similar? Or, is their native Exchange mail app good? (I want to be able to view HTML emails, and if possible, send HTML emails)
3) Flash- I know Flash is currently not supported. From what I read, Mango was supposed to bring Flash to the platform, but I see that it isn't the case. Will Flash ever be supported? Or, is there a way to hack the phone so that we could add support for Flash?
4) Sideloading apps - Android allows to sideload apps without unlocking/rooting the phone. Can this be done with WP7, or do we have to unlock/jailbreak the phone first? I read somewhere that up to 10 apps can be sideloaded... any info on this would be great.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
1) There is only 1 at the moment and it's called Remote Desktop and it's a little pricey at $5.99. There's only a few reviews on it so far but people seem to like it.
2) The default email client is excellent and can view html emails with no problems at all. There isn't any rich text editing when composing an email.
3) We can only guess but I don't see it happening. I don't know of any browser that supports flash and hacking IE9 to support it is extremely unlikely. Perhaps one day it will happen but don't expect it any time soon.
4) You have to dev unlock the phone to sideload apps. There are free methods or the official method by paying Microsoft $99 for a dev account.

[Q] Best way to develop an application

Good morning! I'm a software developer, and I'm searching the best solution to develop a business application that it can access to a database and can run it in any device, as Android, Iphone, PC, etc. I thought, I should use GWT and SmartGWT technology, because it can run into any device and can access to a server database. Furthermore, I thought use Android SDK and Ios SDK. What does you recommend me?

