WARNING: These 3 files should be considered beta, as they haven't been tested much yet. I can confirm, however, all 3 work fine on manup's Eclair 2.1. I am not to be held responsible for any damage to your speaker/hearing or and damage to your phone, etc. etc.
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Ok, Because so many people were complaining about really quiet/loud in-call volume, i felt it belonged in its own thread.
QUIET - This file will make the in-call volume very quiet on all settings
LOUD - This file will make the in-call volume very loud and distorted (but can be turned down)
QUIET-TO-LOUD - This file starts off very quiet and ends up very loud. You can choose your own preferred volume.
WARNING: The loud and Quiet-to-Loud files will increase mic sensitivity quite a bit. This is good in a quiet environment but probably very bad in a loud one. Please bear that in mind.
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Files combined with the Headset and Bluetooth boost, curtosy of Zei, cheers man!
Zei said:
For those who want the HS+BT W/the IC[In Call] Boost [hope this saves you some time Meltus ]
Quiet: http://www.mediafire.com/?n31ymdoql2j
Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?uudmm0e2of4
Quiet-2-Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?tqnzmznu2vd
(Also attached to this post)
Please let me know if they work or not and ill redo the files.
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I assume you have adb set up:
adb push C:\link\to\file\AudioPara4.csv system/etc
adb shell killall mediaserver
and you're done!!
Please let me know how these go and if they fix anyones loud/quiet in-call volume problems!
Hey Meltus! Any way to push thru terminal?
chevycowboyusa said:
Hey Meltus! Any way to push thru terminal?
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cp /sdcard/*.csv /system/etc
killall mediaserver
Hey these are great work perfect on a HTC magic. Perfer the loud one i like loudness
I got to go post this on androidnetwork.org now in the g1 system or are you going to do it meltus?
Terminal Instructions
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mv sdcard/AudioPara4.csv system/etc
Or if installing the HS+BT+IC Boost
cp sdcard/AudioPara4HS.csv system/etc
killall mediaserver
Since I have the the BT+HS already installed, will this write over that or will it serperate till you combine the 2
xillius200 said:
Hey these are great work perfect on a HTC magic. Perfer the loud one i like loudness
I got to go post this on androidnetwork.org now in the g1 system or are you going to do it meltus?
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Feel free!
I'm a bit tied up atm, still not finished my UCAS application form and the deadline is friday so i really gotta get it done lol ><
Glad it's working for you guys!!
Zei said:
Terminal Instructions
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mv sdcard/AudioPara4.csv system/etc
cp sdcard/AudioPara4.csv system/etc
killall mediaserver
Since I have the the BT+HS already installed, will this write over that or will it serperate till you combine the 2
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Yes, it will overwrite it.
What you can do though, is copy the rows PHONE_EARCUPLE_VOL0 to PHONE_EARCUPLE_VOL5 from your preferred file above to the HS+BT file. That's a quick workaround.
Zei said:
Terminal Instructions
Since I have the the BT+HS already installed, will this write over that or will it serperate till you combine the 2
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im wondering the same thing
EDIT: was answered while i was typing this
Ive posted on there for you im the new mod for the dream/g1 section for androidnetwork.org
Works very well, I am using the quiet to loud AudioPara4.csv
Meltus said:
Yes, it will overwrite it.
What you can do though, is copy the rows PHONE_EARCUPLE_VOL0 to PHONE_EARCUPLE_VOL5 from your preferred file above to the HS+BT file. That's a quick workaround.
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For those who want the HS+BT W/the IC[In Call] Boost [hope this saves you some time Meltus ]
Quiet: http://www.mediafire.com/?n31ymdoql2j
Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?uudmm0e2of4
Quiet-2-Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?tqnzmznu2vd
Please let me know if they work or not and ill redo the files.
Zei said:
For those who want the HS+BT W/the IC[In Call] Boost [hope this saves you some time Meltus ]
Quiet: http://www.mediafire.com/?n31ymdoql2j
Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?uudmm0e2of4
Quiet-2-Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?tqnzmznu2vd
Please let me know if they work or not and ill redo the files.
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Cheers man, i'll give them a quick test and add em to the first post
Meltus said:
Cheers man, i'll give them a quick test and add em to the first post
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Anytime bro
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scratch that, i can't find my headphones lol.
they look alright though so i'll trust your workmanship
i used root explorer
I used root exploreer and backed up the original file then rebooted. It works! Used the loud file ...
Meltus said:
scratch that, i can't find my headphones lol.
they look alright though so i'll trust your workmanship
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Just tested the Q2L The headset boost is working[seems louder as well] BT is working as it should and the In-Call is the SHIZNIT!!!.
I love you [No Homo] LOL
Zei said:
Just tested the Q2L The headset boost is working[seems louder as well] BT is working as it should and the In-Call is the SHIZNIT!!!.
I love you [No Homo] LOL
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haha , you're welcome! lol xD
Zei said:
For those who want the HS+BT W/the IC[In Call] Boost [hope this saves you some time Meltus ]
Quiet: http://www.mediafire.com/?n31ymdoql2j
Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?uudmm0e2of4
Quiet-2-Loud: http://www.mediafire.com/?tqnzmznu2vd
Please let me know if they work or not and ill redo the files.
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Click to collapse
Pardon the ignorance but, your files are named "AudioPara4HS.csv" while Meltus' are name "AudioPara4.csv". Should I rename yours to AudioPara4.csv?
runderekrun said:
Pardon the ignorance but, your files are named "AudioPara4HS.csv" while Meltus' are name "AudioPara4.csv". Should I rename yours to AudioPara4.csv?
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The original HS+BT file was named AudioPara4HS.csv and the in-call files are named AudioPara4. When I merged the In-call and HS+BT files, I just left the filename from the HS+BT the same so that you knew that you were getting a different combined file and not just the In-call version. But you can rename the file is you wish, it shouldnt be a big deal to do so
i'll rename them and re-attach them just in case people aren't familiar with my hack and get a bit confused.
EDIT: actually, screw it. I'll just add a notice instead. it's far easier lol ><
This is a beta rom based on the dump from maxisma.
-Cool wallpapers
-Cool apps for musicians by TMobile
-Cool selection of music apps:
-Solo guitar app
-Musician tools (metronome, pitch pipe, tuner, piano, keyboard, drums)
-Based on Donut 1.6
-Camera Works
-Bluetooth and Wifi Work!
ChangeLog V2
new kernel (thanks enomther!)
fixed wifi
fixed bluetooth
fixed orientation (auto)
fixed APN's
fixed SU
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Download Version 2:HERE
Original Version one: Here
Hmm....I came here to take the Fender apps but assume it will need to be accompanied by a modified build prop.
Ace42 said:
Hmm....I came here to take the Fender apps but assume it will need to be accompanied by a modified build prop.
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i don't think so. it should install fine
Yes. You can suck out the apps and use the following build.prop:
ro.build.version.incremental=89293 ro.build.version.sdk=4 ro.build.version.codename=Donut ro.build.version.release=1.6
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Be sure to replace everything in your build.prop with ONLY what is in the box above.
Here is the HTCMusic.apk:http://www.4shared.com/file/203385226/9210488f/HtcMusic.html
Only for use with the build prop above on a 1.6 rom.
thanks maxisma!
jroid said:
i don't think so. it should install fine
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Do you think I can also put cyan's ported Deskclock in here too?
Ace42 said:
Do you think I can also put cyan's ported Deskclock in here too?
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Probably not on the DeskClock. That requires his kernel (I think).
I might make a version with his kernel soon.
that guitar app that Clapton uses in the commercial looks pretty cool, might be worth checkin that out?? i dunno is that exclusive to this fender edition, well I do have to wait for the wifi fix though
wifi very well may work on mt3g/ion.
Also, the apk you could dig out of my rom is Solo.apk (the one clapton demo'd)
jcarrz1 said:
wifi very well may work on mt3g/ion.
Also, the apk you could dig out of my rom is Solo.apk (the one clapton demo'd)
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I still think that app sounds dirty
Ok 10charasdf
Well just got em installed and the apps are pretty cool.
Ace42 said:
Well just got em installed and the apps are pretty cool.
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Yea I thought so too. This complete dump is really fast, and has cool apps and ringtones and graphics, so i thought i'd port.
Currently Testing a wifi/bluetooth fix. 99% chance of working...
jcarrz1 said:
Yea I thought so too. This complete dump is really fast, and has cool apps and ringtones and graphics, so i thought i'd port.
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Except the HTC music didn't seem to install.
took a look around and didn't really find anything helpful. can this be done in terminal? any links/tips would be mucho appreciated.
jcarrz1 said:
Yes. You can suck out the apps and use the following build.prop:
Be sure to replace everything in your build.prop with ONLY what is in the box above.
Here is the HTCMusic.apk:http://www.4shared.com/file/203385226/9210488f/HtcMusic.html
Only for use with the build prop above on a 1.6 rom.
thanks maxisma!
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opps! sorry, this is what i was trying to figure out for terminal. i'm useless with adb. thanks!
HtcMusic works with the build.prop quoted just above this post.
jcarrz1 said:
Yes. You can suck out the apps and use the following build.prop:
Be sure to replace everything in your build.prop with ONLY what is in the box above.
Here is the HTCMusic.apk:http://www.4shared.com/file/203385226/9210488f/HtcMusic.html
Only for use with the build prop above on a 1.6 rom.
thanks maxisma!
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how does one do this whole build.prop buisness.
p.s. I dont have adb
1wingangel said:
how does one do this whole build.prop buisness.
p.s. I dont have adb
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In terminal
cp /system/build.prop /sdcard
Edit it
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cp /sdcard/build.prop /system
um... get adb, it's easier.
adb pull /system/build.prop buildtoedit.prop
*edit it to include what I said*
adb push buildtoedit.prop /system/build.prop
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I like the work of richardtrip, but I think that the Nexus Froyo Rom has some useless Apps (like the Amazone MP3 one). Thats why, I have taken the ROM of richardtrip and modified it a bit.
The first releases will be only app modified, but later there'll be also theme modifications.
Rooted and ported Froyo ROM by richardtrip
Kernel 2.6.29 OCUV
Audio mod
CFQ Scheduler
8 Mb RAM-hack
See here: Original Base-Rom Changelog
Just to remind you: To get the Camera working: Go to the camera app -n the settings -> press "Set focus mode" to infinity.
Version 0.2
Version 0.1
Suggestions for the ROM? Send them in here.
Version 0.2
Removed Facebook (Facebook.apk)
Added Titanium Backup
Added HTC IME Mod by jonasl (Activate it in the Settings -> Tap long on a text-field and change the Input methode to HTC Ime)
Add Values in the Setcpu.txt up to 1,2Ghz
Version 0.1
BaseROM: DeFroST 0.4
Removed Amazon MP3 (com.amazon.mp3.apk)
Removed Google Maps (Maps.apk)
Added Brut Maps v13 by Brut (maps4.2.0.4210-brut13.apk)
Removed Twitter (Twitter.apk) (Reason: Not everyone is a fan of the original Twitter App)
Suggestions for the ROM? Send them in here.
Excellent base with removed garbage, nice one Ireas
Thaks mate. Looking forward to add more modifications.
remove facebook. if needed you can install it from market
kingchris said:
remove facebook. if needed you can install it from market
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Will be removed in 0.2
by the way...Nice Logo =)
Looks quite professional!!!!!
Dynanik said:
by the way...Nice Logo =)
Looks quite professional!!!!!
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Click to collapse
Thanks man ^^ I'm not a trained graphic artist for nothing.
Just flashed the ROM, coming from Modaco r3. The default android Keyboard kept on Force Closing on me.
You know, You can do the same stuff in recovery via adb?
Just delete the apks you dont need and push the ones you need. You dont need a special ROM for that, just a short tutorial.
Just flashed the ROM, coming from AhmgskMod FROYO Rom v1. The default android Keyboard kept on Force Closing on me 2.
stingerpl said:
You know, You can do the same stuff in recovery via adb?
Just delete the apks you dont need and push the ones you need. You dont need a special ROM for that, just a short tutorial.
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Click to collapse
Yeah, but thats just a start
gonna take a look at the fc'ing thing. as I didnt has it.
tdiq said:
Just flashed the ROM, coming from AhmgskMod FROYO Rom v1. The default android Keyboard kept on Force Closing on me 2.
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same here...inputmethod.latin.
tried installing the HTC.IME but i don't even get the chance to change it
Any way to fix this? And i'd like to install dutch language if possible.
Same Here.
Constant Force Close of the keyboard, I can't write anything.
the ROM is completely unusable.
Very strange, as I didnt changed anything about the keyboard. Gimme some time i'll try to fix it
stingerpl said:
You know, You can do the same stuff in recovery via adb?
Just delete the apks you dont need and push the ones you need. You dont need a special ROM for that, just a short tutorial.
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Click to collapse
Yes a tuto could bien great, need to delete vocal search (don't know the real name in english), auto launch after kill and can't use it with french language..
By the way, a tutorial could be cool
Androhyp said:
Yes a tuto could bien great, need to delete vocal search (don't know the real name in english), auto launch after kill and can't use it with french language..
By the way, a tutorial could be cool
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Click to collapse
Go to recovery.
Start the revovery-youros.bat/.sh
Start a new cmd / command promt
adb shell
mount /system
rm /system/app/VoiseSearch.apk
I'd be interested to hear what your gripes are with Google maps... I think it's awesome now that navigation is included. Is there something better that I'm missing?
Thanks but not really clear to me sorry.. noob spotted..
Ireas said:
Go to recovery.
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Click to collapse
you mean power off, volume down + power on and go to recovery ? Or open a command in the AMDesireRecovery's folder ?
Start the revovery-youros.bat/.sh
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Click to collapse
Don't have "revovery-youros.bat" in the AMDesireRecovery's folder..
I will do it on WinXP
Thanks for your help
navigation isn't available in all countries yet. Especially in germany...
Androhyp said:
Thanks but not really clear to me sorry.. noob spotted..
you mean power off, volume down + power on and go to recovery ? Or open a command in the AMDesireRecovery's folder ?
Don't have "revovery-youros.bat" in the AMDesireRecovery's folder..
I will do it on WinXP
Thanks for your help
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Click to collapse
My guess is, that he meant "recovery-YourOS.bat, with youros standing for your Operating System
Just take the recovery-windows.bat and you are fine.
BTW, had the same problem with the RC of the google.keyboard-stuff.
Somehow i managed to install SWYPE and since the the problem is gone.
If someone calls me, they just hear a busy tone.
I can make outgoing calls....very strange...
Does someone have the same problem?
Hi Folks,
As some of you may know the AT&T Atrix 4G just got a Gingerbread build yesterday, that build was 2.3.4. Some of you may also know that the Atrix is powered by the same Tegra 2 chipset that drives the G2x.
Well as it turns out, it's very easy to get GTalk w/ Video support working on the G2x using CM7 and that update (Don't thank f-in LG, thank Motorola!!!)... Here are the steps (on OSX, adapt as needed):
Proceed to Step 2 of http://www.motorola.com/Support/US-EN/Atrix Upgrade/Atrix-Gingerbread-Update and Download the 161MB zip file
unzip -j ~/Downloads/Blur_Version.4.5.91.MB860.ATT.en.US.zip *alk*
Archive: /Users/.../Downloads/Blur_Version.4.5.91.MB860.ATT.en.US.zip
signed by Moto-SignApk
inflating: Talk2.apk
inflating: libtalk_jni.so
Follow the steps from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1056793
#mount the /system partition as writeable
adb remount
#backup the old Talk app
adb shell mv /system/app/Talk.apk /system/app/Talk.apk1
#uninstall the old gtalk, I think it clears the related cached bytecode too.
adb uninstall com.google.android.talk
#copy the two new files
adb push libtalk_jni.so /system/lib/
adb push Talk2.apk /system/app
Now for the bugs:
- G2x FFC thumbnail is upside down
- Confirmed: Phone can see video from other side, but other side can not see video from the phone. This has been confirmed G2x -> Nexus S and G2x -> OSX Chrome w/ GTalk plug-in.
Update 2011-07-27: bongostl repacked it into a flashable install (gapps-gb-20110613withtalk-signed.zip) available @ http://www.multiupload.com/WF29XUSINW
Update 2011-08-11: Word is one needs CM nightly #98 or higher if your thumbnail picture is upside down
(irc: jumpkick)
Great work!
any windows guide for this ?
bilalrashid said:
any windows guide for this ?
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Which part do you need help with on windows? Downloading or unzipping?
Mine uses bfc and has no options for ffc.
Sent from my Calculator with Android.
awesome. you should definitely put this on CM7!!
The first link is taking me to a motorola store of some kind.
nevermind, i found the page but it wont let me download. I see the grey download link but it says I have to check a box first and I cant find the box!!
Never mind again, there was no box but i clicked all around the sentence and finally the link opened up. Thanks for the post.
For some reason It looks like this post was moved also to another part. I found it in development but it is marked as moved.
bls2633 said:
For some reason It looks like this post was moved also to another part. I found it in development but it is marked as moved.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mikey1022 the moderator moved it... Because it doesn't fit with development or something, though it does need bug fixin'...
Moved it due to gtalk is an app
Dont get mad
Might move it back if traffic declines.
yeah did not realize that ... my bad ... one more thing i wanted to ask ... what else can the atrix 2.3.4 update give us for the G2x which we are missing right now ?
also .. is anybody able to make a flashable zip out of this ?
bilalrashid said:
also .. is anybody able to make a flashable zip out of this ?
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Click to collapse
ask, and ye shall receive.
ironstorm said:
Well as it turns out, it's very easy to get GTalk w/ Video support working on the G2x using CM7 and that update (Don't thank f-in LG, thank Motorola!!!)... Here are the steps (on OSX, adapt as needed):
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Click to collapse
By "that update" did you mean the OTA Gingerbread 2.3.3 for our G2x?
No.He is referring to the atrix update.
You need a rom like cm7 on 2.3.4+
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
Aw, was afraid of that. Sadly none of the custom 2.3.4 roms are an option for me at the moment (different thread)
For the fun of it, I tried install talk with video on my rooted 2.3.3 GB update. No go video, but audio works from phone<->pc
bluedart said:
Aw, was afraid of that. Sadly none of the custom 2.3.4 roms are an option for me at the moment (different thread)
For the fun of it, I tried install talk with video on my rooted 2.3.3 GB update. No go video, but audio works from phone<->pc
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Click to collapse
Mine works with 2.3.3 but no ffc video, only back.
Sent from my Calculator with Android.
bongostl said:
ask, and ye shall receive.
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Click to collapse
Is it just me...or is the video preview of urself upside down on urs too? The person receiving the chat gets it okay...but on mine; I'm flipped upside down on the phone I'm calling from.
Yep.upside down.
But the people I talk to aren't getting any video from me...they are seeing you?
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
bongostl said:
ask, and ye shall receive.
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Click to collapse
Only audio no video for me
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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This might be a dumb question, and I'm sure someone will let me know if it is. I flashed this GAPPS and everything is fine. When I go to open Talk, I can't find where I would find the preview so I can see if the FFC is working. It installed Talk 1.3, is that the correct version? I'm running Trigger 13 w/ new baseband.
Hello and welcome to my porting guide, it works 9/10, the 1/10 it doesn't use mans best friend
it works wonders you know PM me with any questions or helpful tips
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for bricking or blowing you up or causing your balls to shrink or you to see ghosts or anything, i am not responsible, your an adult act like one. you choose to do this on your own values, please dont expect me to buy you a new device, you broke it. i am not saying these work 100% of the time so don't blame me if it doesn't.
Replace with folders from target device
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Replace the following with the target device versions
SOUND8660 *Might be SOUND7X30* (||Replace it with your board number||found in the build.prop||)
Replace it with EGL from target Device
Replace it with HW from target device
libmmjpeg2.so (if it has multiple cameras)
Delete the modules folder
replace with modules folder from target device
Delete boot.img
Replace with the one from the target device
Change the following lines to your target devices corresponding lines
debug.sf.hw=1 (ALWAYS =1)
Updated and added more libs.
Congratulations mate! I'm sure a lot of devs will find it very useful!
mike1986. said:
Congratulations mate! I'm sure a lot of devs will find it very useful!
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Click to collapse
Cheers pal
thanks for this, its like u read my mind ive been trying the last few days to port a rom and i didnt do alot of the things listed and couldnt get it to boot
but also theres something u should add to the post, u have to change the mount points in the updater script to your devices (only have xp with evo and evo shift but i think its different alot of phones, can the points in an updater script in a zip for your device)
also ive been told the system/etc/firmware is something that should be added too, sorry not trying to criticize im just trying to get all the info i can and put it all together to hopefully get a working rom and thought id share
Looks great!
Thanks Sam, you made my day
Wow .. Very interesting post !! Thank you !!!
pwnyourace said:
thanks for this, its like u read my mind ive been trying the last few days to port a rom and i didnt do alot of the things listed and couldnt get it to boot
but also theres something u should add to the post, u have to change the mount points in the updater script to your devices (only have xp with evo and evo shift but i think its different alot of phones, can the points in an updater script in a zip for your device)
also ive been told the system/etc/firmware is something that should be added too, sorry not trying to criticize im just trying to get all the info i can and put it all together to hopefully get a working rom and thought id share
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Click to collapse
I completely forgot that, thanks mate
I will attempt this tutorial soon, but nobody has had luck porting Sense 2.x and much less sense 3.x to the CDMA Desire. Would anybody be willing to help? We don't have 2.2 Kernel source so we are stuck booting off a froyo kernel.
samuel2706 said:
I completely forgot that, thanks mate
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Click to collapse
also the update binary should be swapped
Is this likely to work on a Samsung galaxy s mesmerize? I'd like to try it... we have gingerbread, cm7, etc ..
Sent from my MIUI SCH-i500
sageDieu said:
Is this likely to work on a Samsung galaxy s mesmerize? I'd like to try it... we have gingerbread, cm7, etc ..
Sent from my MIUI SCH-i500
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[DEV][SENSE] you can try it but i doubt it will work pal
pwnyourace said:
also the update binary should be swapped
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i don't think thats needed but thank you anyway, if i come across that error i shall ermm change it lol
samuel2706 said:
i don't think thats needed but thank you anyway, if i come across that error i shall ermm change it lol
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i just tried it and got error 7 which means somethings wrong with the META-INF folder and i swapped the update-binary and it didnt give me any problems (on evo shift)
Very cool. I will definitely play with this later.
I did your porting steps, didn't test yet cuz of no phone. but lets say everything went fine, after How would I be able to tweak the new rom(which I created, Thnx to you) for more stability, smoothness, and performance, aside from the graphic glitches.
I have A Hd2, and I ported from Sergio76 CoreDroid V1.6 the files you have in the Tutorial to His work on the Sensation V2.0.
You are a boss Samuel! I got it booting!
samuel2706 said:
i don't think thats needed but thank you anyway, if i come across that error i shall ermm change it lol
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It is needed, Recovery acts pretty retarted when it's using the wrong update-binary, it's needed
But, OMG THANKS A LOT There's so much I missed when I ported other ROMs... I didn't do 3/4 of this
Mine won't even boot. Logcat doesn't even show anything going on Just says Waiting for Device.
Behold_this wandered into the HTC Amaze forums (where I'm from) and contributed some down animations, so I decided to return the favor and leave some boot animations that I created recently
Instructions (I'm guessing it should be similar to the Amaze)
Download the animation you like
Extract to reveal another zip file and an mp3 file
Rename the zip file to TMOUS_bootanimation.zip (if you download one with both landscape and portrait, rename only the one you want to use)
Rename the mp3 file to android_audio.mp3
Put both files in /system/customize/resources
Open default.xml (found in /system/customize/CID)
Scroll down until you see 'boot animation'
Change audio to "/system/customize/resources/android_audio.mp3"
Change audiostart to "part0"
Reboot and enjoy!
I might not be able to check up on this thread as often as I'd like (I'll most likely be on the Amaze forum), so if you guys run into problems, shoot me a PM or help each other out!
DiRT 2 (both landscape and portrait):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Need For Speed 1 (both landscape and portrait):
Need For Speed 2 (portrait only):
Pokemon (portrait only, never got around to making landscape):
NFS youtube link links to the Dirt one.
sausje85 said:
NFS youtube link links to the Dirt one.
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Click to collapse
My bad. Fixed
Great, I like the pokemon one but would like a emerald one alot more, But good job!
-hits thanks-
the link for Need For Speed 1 is the same as dirt 2?
dude, dirt2 & NFS1 download links are same...
please correct the NFS1 link ASAP...
i'm in love with those... great job mate.. not many bootscreens impressed me...
ravish_919 said:
dude, dirt2 & NFS1 download links are same...
please correct the NFS1 link ASAP...
i'm in love with those... great job mate.. not many bootscreens impressed me...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are they working now ?
How can i reduce that bootanimation voice
good work.thx
i got it on but i cant find the audiostart?
DiRT 2
Thanks is cool
kered424 said:
Behold_this wandered into the HTC Amaze forums (where I'm from) and contributed some down animations, so I decided to return the favor and leave some boot animations that I created recently
Instructions (I'm guessing it should be similar to the Amaze)
Download the animation you like
Extract to reveal another zip file and an mp3 file
Rename the zip file to TMOUS_bootanimation.zip (if you download one with both landscape and portrait, rename only the one you want to use)
Rename the mp3 file to android_audio.mp3
Put both files in /system/customize/resources
Open default.xml (found in /system/customize/CID)
Scroll down until you see 'boot animation'
Change audio to "/system/customize/resources/android_audio.mp3"
Change audiostart to "part0"
Reboot and enjoy!
I might not be able to check up on this thread as often as I'd like (I'll most likely be on the Amaze forum), so if you guys run into problems, shoot me a PM or help each other out!
DiRT 2 (both landscape and portrait):
Need For Speed 1 (both landscape and portrait):
Need For Speed 2 (portrait only):
Pokemon (portrait only, never got around to making landscape):
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dirt2 was gone. File does not exist.
batongxue said:
Dirt2 was gone. File does not exist.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lucky for you, this is one of the few I kept =)
Try this link
kered424 said:
Lucky for you, this is one of the few I kept =)
Try this link
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
kered424 said:
Lucky for you, this is one of the few I kept =)
Try this link
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have been on CM 10.1 for a long time.
Didn't seem to find any solutions for the following.
1.How do I add boot sound?
2.It seems that down animation is also not working. :crying:
Would you bother helping me out?
batongxue said:
I have been on CM 10.1 for a long time.
Didn't seem to find any solutions for the following.
1.How do I add boot sound?
2.It seems that down animation is also not working. :crying:
Would you bother helping me out?
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Click to collapse
I don't use Cyanogenmod, but I would assume that the instructions are similar to the ones I wrote in the first post. If those lines don't exist, then just add them in (For example, if there is no audiostart line, just manually type it in. Same thing for down animation - type it in)
kered424 said:
I don't use Cyanogenmod, but I would assume that the instructions are similar to the ones I wrote in the first post. If those lines don't exist, then just add them in (For example, if there is no audiostart line, just manually type it in. Same thing for down animation - type it in)
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After further Google searching.
It seems that it is not possible to add bootsound to CM yet.
Thanks anyway.:good: