[TIP] single press windows key -> taskmanager/programs/settings - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

I've been looking for this for some time, and I read several threads with ideas (like aebplus), but now: eureka!
Quickmenu 2.8 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=340352) can be configured to use a SINGLE press on the windows key to make it popup; it then shows a task switcher, programs and settings shortcuts. NICE
no more fiddling in the left or right corner of a screen, or holding the send button down for some time (was using Touch X's solution until now).
[EDIT] just got a very good question in my inbox, so a little more info:
the windows HARDWARE button doesn't display the default programs menu anymore... instead, when pressed, a Quickmenu popup is visible in the top-left corner. you can select a running app. in the list also Quickmenu/favorites/recent/Programs/Settings directly accessible. Pressing the HARDWARE windows button again, closes the popup.
If you press the windows LOGO on the bottom left corner of the home screen (sorry 28xxx builds only), the default Programs menu is displayed.


Can I display running app icons in the task bar?

I have usually run Wisbar, and found it to be quite good, but really, the only thing I use it for is as a quick way to switch between running apps.
I already use PocketPlus, so I have a task manager that's still easy, but requires 1 long tap, and a short tap to switch.
What I would like is a task manager that will display the running applications in the task bar at the bottom of the today screen. Still 2 taps to get there I know, but ultimately, still easier, especially if I am using the device one handed or while walking around.
Any apps that do this?
(It's for a JasJar if WM5 or a VGA display make any difference)
yep. There's a tiny application called the 'Magic Button' which displays the running applications as icons on the title bar (not taskbar i'm afraid) near the start button. It's a really good little application. Got most features of any task managing app but still being very very light. It also makes the close button close apps. Only thing you gotta do in this is to tap the area where close button is supposed to be in the today screen and the display of running apps gets toggled on, then stays on until you tap the same place in the today screen again. Try it. You might find it useful.
And best of all, it's free! Here's a description from the manufacturer.
There are plenty of Task Managers available for Pocket PC. However if you are still searching for the right one, try this software.
Why Magic Button worth considering to download and replace your existing one:
- It is free.
- Does not take up any of your screen real estate, yet easy to access.
- Located on title bar but does not cover any standard info, i.e. Sound icon, notification icon.
- Very small foot print (memory usage). Only 71 KB executable file does it all (help file is 8 KB extra).
- Makes close button really close applications. Just in case you haven't noticed, the default one only minimizes them.
- Compatible with latest and greatest Windows Mobile 5.0 (new in version 2.0).
Magic Button looks clean and blends surprisingly well with Pocket PC OS. For those who do not want too fancy or too complicated Task Manager, this is for you.
If you have installed the software, here is how to master the tool:
- To unload (shutdown) Magic Button: Tap and hold on Close button, then tap and hold on Home icon.
- To show/hide the taskbar: tap and hold the OK/Minimize/Close button.
- To show the application menu that has Settings and Exit menu items: tap and hold Today (Home) icon when it is visible.
- Map a PocketPC application button to Magic Button software then you can show/hide the bar easier by pressing the button.
- To close an individual window: tap and hold its window icon on the task bar.
- To change Close Button behaviour (Close instead of Minimize) for an application: tap and hold on the app icon and select "Keep Alive" option.
Magic Button runs on Pocket PC 2002, 2003, 2003SE and Windows Mobile 5.0. VGA screen is supported.
Yeah, no better than WisBar then as it's on the title bar
I do specifically want to display it in the task bar, or else I may as well continue to use WisBar.

Comm manager opens when pressing button when creating new text msg

Hi all,
I have an odd issue where for the past month or so 90% of the time when creating a new text message and typing away all is well until i press the button in the bottom left of the kbd. (the one with a solid circle on it and allows you to use the "secondary" function of the keys eg 1,2,3.... When i press this button Comm manager opens! for no apparent reason!
also from time to time it turns itsself onto vibrate and opens comm manager, again no seeming reasoning.
is this a known bug/virus or is it more likely ROM corruption.
Its an Xda Minis running WM5 5.1.195 build 14847.2.0.0

FUZE remove PTT and Video Share from dialer menu?

Is this possible? I dug all around the registry and can't find it! They make the menu too big to fit on 1 page so it gets the annoying scroll arrows (which for some reason 50% of the time when I open the menu it immediately starts to scroll down by itself like I am holding the down arrow down).

No Drag Select in WM6 and Multiple Dropdown menu?

Coming from using Wm2003 I remember that on File Explorer, you could press down and then drag across the screen to select files. On my device (Its a generic PDA) that I purchased it is running WM6.1. On file explorer you cannot press down and drag to select multiple Items. Sure there is other ways but I really liked it how on wm2003 you can pressdown and then drag the stylus across the screen to select multiple items.
Does anybody know of any registry tweaks that can be used or settings that can enable this?
I have tried Resco file explorer but that doesn't have that feature either, instead you have to go to multiple file select mode which itself is rather time consuming compared to dragging to select.
The second question. I really liked it how WM2003 had separate dropdown menus' at the bottom. But on Windows Mobile 5/6 there is only ever 1 or 2 dropdown menus down the bottom. Most of the times one of them is "MENU" and you have to select that to get a dropdown menu to access all the other dropdwon menu's, In wm2003 they would be all visible separately.
Is there any tweaks to change this?
I am using WM6.1 01.001.1
ROM DATE 12/3/2009
File explorer: It works fine on my WM6.1. If you have HTC device with TouchFLO scrolling, you have to press and hold for a short time and then drag (just before the tap-hold dots start appearing). BTW I recommend using Total Commander, because there are more ways how to select multiple items - by hold and drag or by pressing the ctrl button on toolbar and then just tap what you want to select.
It's not a HTC Device but a generic device out of china running a 6.1 ROM. If I hold on the Item it just right clicks it and brings the dropdown menu up.
I'm not sure if I have touchflo or not, something tells me I do as the touch behaviour is different to other PPC's i've used.
Let me explain. It acts like a Piece of paper. On any program that has a scrollbar, if I put the stylus in the middle of the screen, then drag stylus upward, the contents from the bottom of the page begins to show (Exactly if you have a long piece of paper and you put your finger down on it and push it upward) Here is a Video :
So as we see above when i drag stylus across the items it doesnt select them all, it just scrolls up and down!
Maybe there was different versions of file manager and some dont support dragging to select multiple items?
This is very difficult for me to describe, but every finger-scrolling software I've ever tried was some kind of "layer" on the screen. If you drag, the gesture is recognized by the "layer" and scroll is performed. If you tap and hold for very short while, the input is sent under the layer to the active program. So if you tap and hold for a while until the item is selected (highlighted) and then quickly drag, you should be able to select more items. But don't hold for too long time as it brings the dropdown menu.
I don't know if I'm clear enough, so I'll describe what happens when you tap and hold.
1. Scrolling software handles input and checks if you are dragging.
2. If you're not dragging and the drag-checking timeout has expired (usually something about 200ms), the input is sent to active program (file explorer).
3. So we've got the input in file explorer, the item under stylus should highlight.
4. This is the moment we should start dragging to select more items, because the dots signalizing you're opening dropdown menu start appearing and if you don't start dragging until all dots appear, the dropdown menu shows.
So it means you can do multiple actions with tap/hold/drag according to how long you hold the stylus down. If you just drag, it scrolls. If you hold for very short while (about 200ms) and drag, it should select more items. If you hold for longer while, it brings the menu.
EDIT: I'd like to show you, but I don't have any camera, only on my device
I tried your suggestion, does not work.
The dots begin appearing then i quickly goto drag, then the screen just scrolls up/down the items and dropdown doesnt appear, but no selected items, it doesnt select them just scrolls up/down the window
Strange, because this is how WM6.5 behave, not WM6.1. I'm sorry, but I think I cannot help you
Thanks for the help anyway.
It's weird, also when i drag across the screen then it begins scrolling, if I quickly take the stylus of the screen it will scroll for just a bit more then gradually slow down, like some sort of scrolling type interface.
Does anybody know what this could be?
Whether it's something that some WM6.1 Versions had? or whether it's something that Somebody has added onto this ROM? Is the UI action defined in any file that I can just change on the Windows folder with another file? Anyway to get rid of it?
I think you should just try another ROM as it seems to be somehow hardcoded in this one.
Problem is I'm not using one of the devices listed in the xda-developers site, it's a generic phone.
So there isn't any roms for it right?
I don't even know how to put it into diagnostic mode (to flash)
kidcash said:
I have tried Resco file explorer but that doesn't have that feature either, instead you have to go to multiple file select mode which itself is rather time consuming compared to dragging to select.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's possible in the Details view, there you can drag on the left side to select multiple files.
Livven: That's true I forgot it, that's one of main things I'm not using Resco Explorer - I hated that sometimes it scrolls and sometimes it selects items (usually when I use device with my left hand) Anyway, I still recommend Total Commander because of its ctrl button and virtual 2 windowed mode - best comfort for manipulating with files
You can change it to Big Icons view, then it'll always scroll. I did the same.

quicklink noob

Quick question, I flashed the "Cookie, Energy" rom, latest version and previous versions. On the home screen with the clock, I press and hold my stylus on a blank quick link box. A new menu appears to select a program. Sometimes I select a program by error. How do I either change the program or delete it? In edit mode, I tried pressing the icon, a small menu appears with a "delete" command selection, if I select this the entire row is deleted. I want to know how to modify each quicklink in a row.
If you're using a Cookies Home Tab ROM, on your Home Tab, press the RIGHT Softkey.
From the context menu that pops up, tap "Edit Quick Links". From here, you can add more shortcuts, or remove shortcuts already there. To remove already placed shortcuts, just tap on them. You'll notice a small "X" that appears on top of the icons you tapped on. Once you click 'Done' the links you tapped on, with the X on them, will no longer be visible.

