Internet sharing via USB (Solved) - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Themes and Apps

Does anyone know how to activate internet sharing when connected via USB on a computer and active sync is running ,
Solved , changed configuration in Active sYNC

what did you do to get the internet sharing to work?


connecting internet via bluetooth

Hi community!
I have an USB Bluetooth on my desk computer which has a permanent internet connection. I want to connect to internet with my XdaII and i want to use the computer's internet connection.(and also use bluetooth to sync my pda.) I tried the "connect via bluetooth" option in Activesync program on my pda but nothing happens although bluetooth is on and my computer is discoverable.
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Thank you for your time.
If you set your Activesync to stay connected after you sync, you should be able to use the internet through that connection.
I just tried it and I am getting 483k transfer speeds.
i tried 6 times, but it doesn't help, nothing happens if i press "connect via bluetooth"button.
thank you guys though.
did you follow the guide as in
add a com port as bluetooth on both the pc and on the pda
and bound with the pc checking out that you wanted to sync that way ?
thank you rudegar, i tried it 3 times again and on the third time it connected
thank you for your time.
i can connect to internet easily now.

Stay connected to GPRS whilst connected to Activesync

Hi Guys,
I am running active sync 4.5 on my works pc and I want to connect my wm6 device to it whilst I am at work. However, my device checks my gmail and this is blocked via my works network, so i want my device to stay connected to gprs and use that instead of try to use my pc connection.
Is there a setting in Active sync to tell it to use its one connection to the internet instead?
I have set that this PC is connected to the Work network and that has not made any difference.
What else can I try?
Doh, I reread the option underneath and the 'allow wireless connection whilst device is connected' sorts this out!
Ok tell a lie.
The GPRS now stays connected but the device isnt using it to connect to the internet. It still tries to use the pass through.
Anyway around this? I assume i need to adjust my connection settings to do with 'work' and the 't-mobile internet' connections.

Leaving GPRS on when connecting via activesync

Hey guys,
I'm trying to find out if there is a way to leave on the gprs of a phone while it is in the cradle connected to a pc via activesync.
I know about the LSPvalue hack but that only allows your phone to connect to the internet via your laptop.
I want it to connect to the laptop via it's own means.
Anyone any ideas? maybe a hack someone has?
Thanks for the help

share an Activ sync connection over lan

hi there!
i got an umts enabled device. i connected it on my laptop and use it though ics (active sync).
now another laptop is connectet with an crossover cable to mine.
the problem is:
how to share this active sync ics umts connection to the other client?
thx 4 help
well, you can use Wifirouter to create an access point and connect with more than one comp
if you want to share the connection thru your laptop... to my knowledge, you'll have to go to control panel.. and go to the network card's propeties and enable
the sharing of internet connection. this option varies depending on your OS... so just search for it.

Active Sync stopped Internet

A few days ago Internet connection via Active Sync seemed just fined....untill then i installed Advanced Config tools and changed the Proxy AUto detect to Enabled but changed it back again....
now i dont get internet connection via USB or Active Sync (Windows MObile Device Center)
any solutions ???

