registry hack wm 6.1 - General Questions and Answers

Does anyone explain further this registry hack that I got from other site for newbie like me...........before I screw upmy HTC touch viva (hahahahaa cheap unit)......
Improve graphic layer cache performance
Change the value of ‘limit’ from 8192 to 16384, 32768 or 65536 can be used as well but thats an overkill.
Increase Font Cache
Values same as glyph but currently this doesn’t show any gains so leave 0.
Enable file cache
Speed up SD Card Transfer
Change ‘BlockTransferSize’ from 64 to 16. This makes SD much more responsive with 4x faster read times!
Enable IE faster caching
Internet Settings\AggressiveCache=1
Remove Wireless Manager icon from right-bottom corner of today
In our case Keep = 0 doesn’t work so I change the filename of WlsMngSrv.dll in this reg key to sth like WlsMngSrv.dllxxx. You can delete the whole key as well but it’s easier to get back to it if you would ever need to. You can still load it from programs menu or assign a hardware button.
Today bottom keys
Create the following keys and strings in the registry:
112 is the left key and 113 is the right. Now for each key create two new strings for example: Default=Notes and Open=\Windows\notes.exe
Clear Type for horizontal mode
Note that 0 is enabled and 1 is disabled!
Enable Cleartype in Pocket Internet Explorer
Internet Settings\ClearTypeText=1
GPRS/EDGE keep alive
Change this if you constantly need internet access and don’t want to wait for connection to establish. It doesn’t drain your battery as this is only a GSM network state flag and nothing is transferred, so there is no way why you shouldn’t use this. The device is simply prepared to send/receive data. This also prevents the red phone button when pressed from closing data connection.
Connections\*your connection name*\AlwaysOn = 1
Change Wireless Manager to default WM style
This will revert default Microsoft Wireless Manager which is much cleaner and faster than Eten’s. You will need an initWiFi script though… so this trick is for advanced users only. Run Windows\wrlsmgr.exe to see how it looks.
Disable SMS threading in WM6.1
Create binary value:

There are numerous hacks within the text. The text contains headings and steps. First you need a registry editor (PHM registry editor? Sorry, do a search - I've been using MemMaid, which does more, but at a price). Then open up those paths and edit / create the values indicated for the effect that is listed above.
Clear Type for horizontal mode
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\Of fOnRotation=0
Note that 0 is enabled and 1 is disabled!
This registry hack enables / disables ClearType, or font smoothing, when the phone is in landscape mode. This is sometimes not desirable, as some phones have some issues with the RGB layout within the pixels for landscape. Open up your registry editor, navigate to the path / key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation", and change the value of "OffOnRotation" - to "0" to enable and to "1" to disable.
Do you need everything translated, or can you work it out yourself? I'll be happy to explain the rest if you want. Just gave an example to demonstrate what I meant.

Increase Font Cache
Values same as glyph but currently this doesn’t show any gains so leave 0.
Enable file cache
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\f sreplxfilt\
Thanks Bro. but this I want to know more.... Do I have to edit/change the value in that order or delete the first one and subtitute the enclosed value.

And if you wish bro. add more registry hack for better wm 6.1 performance ...........hahahaha.

It doesn't matter what order you edit them in; just do them all at once and soft reset. Before you do anything (with PHM or dotFred Regedit), just back up your registry (select 'export all' with dotfred). You should also just do a full system backup with sprite or whatever you use. If you really screw up, you can always hard reset and then do a restore. Or, you can copy the default.hv (hklm and hkcr) and the user.hv (hkcu) from your \windows folder (not \documents and settings) onto a pc and open it up with ceregeditor. It will look just like a normal registry, and you can see what the original reg values were on the device in factory conditions and restore them (note: it's possible that some of these change during customization after a hard reset/flash, but this will work for probably >98% of them).
You can also look up Advanced Configuration-a lot of those tweaks are included in it, particularly the cache tweaks (under performance). If you do them manually, make sure you get the numeric format correct (hex vs. decimal-you can normally choose).

hey can someone help me here. i want to change the cooked in ie from wm6 to the ie6 from 6.5.3 . which i have. im just not finding it anywhere. is there a registry hack for this because i have pie6 cab but it doesnt replace it


Tweakster - MortScript

Has anyone looked at TWEAKSTER for TREO. Seems quite nice but as I dont know anything about a TREO, maybe someone can port it to Der Kaiser?
"MortScript: Tweakster, BETA available
I know NOTHING about MortScript (have just started reading) so I hope that some of the The Mort Kings are here in Der Kaiser World and will give it a shot..
I cannot get the plugins to work, but main script seems fine..
"The Mort Virgin" =
Cool new app available for you Treo power-users!!
Tweakster has three major functions:
1) Scheduling : create profiles & schedule events (33 plugins included)
2) Tweaks : applying tweaks (97 tweaks included)
3) Probes : retrieve system info (44 probes included)
Here are some examples of what you can do...
- Set up profiles for your favorite settings
- Change ringtones at 9:00 Mon-Fri to one set of ringtones, and
evenings and weekends to a different set of ringtones
- Soft Reset at 3:00 AM every day
- Turn Bluetooth & Wifi on at 8:00 AM, Mon - Fri
- Clear you IE cache every night at 2:00 AM
- Turn Brightness up, but keyboard lights off at 7:00 AM
- Check an eBay auction every 15 minutes, display current bid on Today Screen
- Set a storage alert when your builtin flash storage drops below 1MB
- Leave yourself a Voice reminder for lunch at 11:45
- NEW: Use your Treo as a SpyCam, schedule a video recording in "stealth" mode"
That DOES sound pretty cool. I would imagine one of the skilled artisans here in the Kaiser world could take that and make it work.
The link is broken in the first post. You copied and pasted the abbreviated hyperlink
It would help your cause if you gave the working link
For those that are interested, here is ALOT more detail on Tweakster.
The plugins included are fairly simple in nature and intended to showcase what you
"can" do with Tweakster. Some of them are very useful, others are sorta lame, all of
them could be improved upon. By all means, I hope others will either improve upon this
or add to this collection to make it more useful.
Audio Play - Plays an audio file, currently scans the "\Windows" directory looking for
sound files. This can be changed by modifying AudioPlay.input.
Backup Folder - Will periodically zip up a folder and save the zip file in the specified
target directory. Currently these are specified via BackupFolder.ini
under [settings]. You can also configure how many backups to keep in the
target directory, in order to limit the number of backups, at which point
it will remove the oldest backup as it creates a new one. Note this is
not intended as a full-backup solution, please use one of the fine products
available for that. This is intended for periodic backup of notes, saved
text messages, etc.
Auto Dialer - Will call a number at the specified time. It cannot do much else because
I can't control sound while the call is connected, so it's only useful
as a wakeup call. Although one clever user added that this could be for
for voting on Americal Idol. Please use responsibly This requires
VJDialer from VJPhoneTools.
Battery Alert - Will alert you if battery drops below a certain percentage. Allows you to
set a higher threshold than the default of 10%, if you want to know sooner
rather than later.
Bluetooth Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Bluetooth On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Brightness - Allows you to alter the brightness level. Note, even though the control
panel lets you set the brightness level to 0, this plugin will NOT allow
that setting because once it exits the control panel you would have no way
of figuring out how to put it back!!
Cleanup - Allows you to selectively clear the IECache, \Temp directory, or
\My Documents\temp directories.
Clear Call History - Does what it says, wipes out your call history.
Clock Radio - Sorty cheesy plugin, but cool at the same time. If you don't like the
techy alarms and prefer something more traditional, this may be for you.
It allows you to select a radio station (I preloaded a few, which you can
change by modifying ClockRadio.ini), and it wakes you up at the specified
time displaying a full-screen analog clock. The clock has an "exit" button,
and if you tap on the clockface, it will snooze for 10 minutes. This requires
an internet connection to work, so don't even bother if you don't have a
reliable connection.
Ebay Auction - Specify an ebay listing number, and it will display the current bid and
time remaining at the chosen interval in a message box.
Flash - Will flash the keyboard lights multiple times to get your attention. May be
useful if you want a visual alert, rather than an audible alert.
Keylight Off - Does what it says.
Keylight On - Does what it says.
Launcher - Launches an application or file is there is an associated handler with that
file type. You can type in file path and the arguments at the time of
configuration, or if configure Launcher.ini, it will take the file and
arguments from there. Note, there is a bug in MortScript that if you
bring up the "Alt" keys to select a "\", once you quit that it will send
a return key to Mortscript and you will never be able to type in the path!
Use the on-screen keyboard instead.
Memory Alert - Allows you to set a free memory threshold and once free memory dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
memory monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose.
Message Box - Type in some text, and a message box with that text will show up as a reminder
at the specified time.
NoDoze - Will keep the phone awake at the specified time, for the specified amount of
time, battery be damned. Use sparingly.
Note Reminder - Will bring up notepad and let you type in a note, or if you prefer you can
scribble your note, and it will bring it up at the scheduled time.
PhoneRadio Off- Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
PhoneRadio On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Ringer Volume - Does what it says, speaker volume is set independently.
Ring Tones - Allows you to set the "known caller" ringtone, and the "unknown caller"
ringtones at the specified time. It will check the following directories:
\Windows, \Windows\Rings, and \My Documents\Rings. It has a limit of 96
files and it can be slow to bring up the selection dialog depending on how
many files there are, please be patient.
Soft Reset - Schedule a reboot at the specified time. There is a "cancel" message, that
will allow you up to 60 seconds to cancel before it reboots.
Speaker Volume- Does what it says, ringer volume is set independently.
Note, there is no "Call Volume" plugin yet.
Spy Cam - Schedule a video recording. You specify the number of minutes to record
and you Treo will automatically create a video recording. If you specify
"stealth" mode, the Treo screen will remain blank and appear to be off
when the recording takes place. If you have LEDup installed (another 3rd
party app), it will give you the option of blinking the green LED while
it is recording. Please make sure you have specified the "Storage Card"
as your save location in the camera app, otherwise you will run out of
storage very quickly. You will also need to disable Keyguard for this
plugin. And finally, another caveat is that there is no recorded audio
while in stealth mode, this is a bug that will hopefully be fixed soon.
As with the Autodialer plugin, please use responsibly
Stock Quote - Allows you to specify a space-separated list of stock symbols and will bring
up a message box with stock quotes at the scheduled interval. Currently
these must be specified at the time you configure the plugin, not from the
.ini file.
Storage Alert - Allows you to set a free storage threshold and once free storage dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
storage monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose. You can set thresholds for
builtin flash or a storage card.
Today Line - Display a short message on the Today screen by hijacking the Operator/Carrier
Name. You can choose from the following:
News Headline
Stock Quote
Weather Forecast
Battery Status
Storage Status
Memory Status
eBay Auction
Note, because of the limited amount of space, the amount of information that
can be displayed is minimal. Once again, this is not real-time, it is updated
as often at the plugin is scheduled. There is a lot of room for improvement
here, such as cycling through the various options.
Vibrate - Does what it says, nothing else.
Voice Reminder- Starts up notepad in recording mode and will let you record a voice note.
It will play the message at the specified time.
Wifi Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Wifi On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Hi Martindhk and others,
Tweakster works fine on the Kaiser, just tested many of the tweaks.
Personally I don't like the Mortscript interface, but the tweaks and features of Tweakster might make it better than for instance KaiserTweak or Schaps AdvancedConfig, which both contain similar, other or the same tweaks as Tweakster...I guess someone is going to have to work through all applications and make one
I agree on your point. Have tried some of the plugins and they seem to work. Could be cool with a nice interface towards the plugin part and the possibility to address them to buttons instead of a schedule
maybe you could post how to actually use the application? thanks
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Has anyone looked into the reason why PLUGINS are not working??
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks much. checking it out now.
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
also, i dont see a "readme" file or details.txt file in the attachment or post.
SRY - was not part of first post..
Here it is..
The thing is that I cannot get the plugins to work. Tried to SPYCAM - ooohhh - but nope, it needs to be tweaked to fit our device, I guess...
Hi. I was able to get the plugins to work to a certain extent. However I have into two problems in using this script and wonder if anyone might be able to directed me to the solution.
1) When I run a profile of my settings, the program tells me - Error: Script file not found: ". (Quotation mark is the script file not found) It proceeds to run the script I selected from Vjay555 folder anyway after I acknowledge the error message. I tried to look for an extra quotation mark in the Tweakster script (I don't think it is the plugin script that is causing the problem), but I can't make heads or tails of it.
2) When I run the -radioon script, it will turn on my phone radio, but it will not connect to my wireless provider. I'm not sure what that would be the case. If I use the Comm Manager or if I use Battery Status taskbar to turn off the phone and turn it back on again, I will get the phone to connect to my wireless provider.
Can someone help me figure out how to work out these problems? Thanks.
UPDATE: I tried the scripts that were in the plug in folder and found that the scripts were causing the first error reading. The more troubling finding was that VJVolubilis may not work for my phone (8125) as described on
What a bummer. Any suggestions on a fix? Thanks.
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
Martinhdk said:
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
Curious D said:
No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you get any succes with the other plugins??
Haven't wanted to pay for one if one was available for free. If I can get help in fixing the radio toggle problem, then I'll be happy with PPC Profiles Pro. I'm tempted to try Phone Alarm or PocketZenPhone 6.0 (the version I tried was version 4.5.1), but I had read some bad stuff that happened to other users phones with this program (while others liked it).
help me
any way to reset all my tweaks?
PocketZenPhone 6.02 works on my 8125. I don't know what is different between the two versions that allows it to work. If I can't get an answer within the next few weeks, I'll probably purchase the program.
fily1983 said:
any way to reset all my tweaks?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which tweaks are you looking to reset?

verrrry strange happening

so i was at my programs tab today and i suddenly noticed there was an extra plus box at the verry bottom in its own row. i was very puzzled and clicked it and it took me to the program list. when i hit back another box appeared!
i tried to actually add programs to them but it wont accept and now i have 2 extra plus boxes at the bottom of my tab
anyone else ever seen this??
i now have 4 extra they seem to be multiplying
More programs icons
Well you are not the only one My children also discovered that you can scroll the programs tabs down and so get not 9 but I think 18 icons for quick launch. After that it sometimes shows tabs with + sign but will not let to assign any programs to them. I think I saw in some configuration program also a possibility to manage these tabs.
i've noticed the same thing. now i'm up to 18 boxes and it seems to stay at 18.
I've got 9+9 boxes since the beginning and they are all fully functional.
TF3D 1.2.34837.3 1813.6 was originally installed on my Raphael GER version.
i thoguht 18 was normal? thats what ive always had
but im getting more than that below them that are not functional
This is actually an easy one to fix, and does not even require a soft reset.
TF3D can have a maximum of 18 icons (2 screens of 9 in a 3x3 matrix) in the Programs tab. Sometimes TF3D allows the creation of additional squares; however, these additional squares are essentially useless, since you cannot assign a program to them. What's worse, they cannot be deleted from the interface, leading to a Gremlins-like proliferation of empty squares on the Programs tab.
They can be removed through the registry, however, by deleting the additional entries and (most importantly) leaving the proper entries alone.
First, open your registry editor (I use PHM RegEdit, there are plenty of others). As always, BACKUP YOUR REGISTRY before making any changes!
Navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\"
There are 18 proper keys, listed from 0 through 17. Any keys that do not belong will have numbers above 17. Delete all keys other than those numbered 0 through 17. Exit the registry editor. If you are on the Programs tab, navigate away from it, then back, and you will see that the rogue squares are gone. That's it.
thanks alot man! worked perfect

ATT Fuze NEWBs only - Little setup guide (Touch up 02/10/09)

Touched up some stuff that you don't have to click around through the whole thread. All LINKS are now in a separate post (#349) found here.
Edit 02/16/09 - Performance tweaks
How to make a stock Fuze ATT nice unbloated and performing reasonably well?
Lately several NEWB threads popped up and got answered individually which is very hard to track.
I thought I make a small write up what can be done with the stock ATT ROM without unlocking the phone and still have a decent device. Assumptions are that you don’t want/need the “goodies” supplied by ATT (called bloatware) and that you are willing to do some customization yourself. This is not in any disrespect to any ROM developer but I think some NEWBs are simply scared to tinker from day one with their device as in unlocking (SIM/Security unlock) and flashing several ROMs without really knowing what they are doing. They’ll do this later as soon as they are accustomed to their new shiny black fingerprint magnet.
NEWBs don’t forget that a lot of people here in the XDA community have a fairly good experience with HTC phones and come to the Raphael/Fuze through numerous other HTC devices (Tilt/Trinity etc. etc.) and know most of not all quirks and risks involved with flashing and hacking.
What you need:
PC with active sync working (I’m not a MAC guy so some may chime in)
SD card (highly suggested)
Basic understanding what a soft- and hard reset is
Quiet time (put kids, girlfriends, wives away for an hour or two) a good espresso, coke or coffee.
Installing stock ATT ROM without bloatware:
If you power on your device the first time you will be asked to align the screen, play with cut and paste, set a password. AFTER this step a large window will appear that the device will customize in a few seconds. At THAT MOMENT soft reset with the stylus in the reset hole. This will NOT install all ATT bloatware and will NOT install ATT’s version of TouchFlo3D (aka Manila). I bet that you will fail the first time, so look at the little ATT flyer where HARD RESET is explained and simply do it again. Hard reset will wipe out all you personal data. Not a big deal right now since you have none.
If you were successful you will have a green screen with some information on it.
<Settings – Personal – Menus> Take everything OUT beside the “File Explorer”
<Settings – Personal - Today – Items> take ALL checkmarks out, NOTHING should be checked.
Switch your phone off and back on, your start menu should be empty and showing “Today/File Explorer/Programs/Settings” that’s all you need right now!
Download the file in the provided link at the end and unzip to your PC.
Connect to a PC using active sync (you actually need not to sync, just to connect so say “cancel” and do not establish a partnership).
In active sync go to explore “MyWindows-MobileBasedDevice”, double click and double click on “Storage Card”. Create a new folder (File - New – Folder).
I call mine “@ESSENTIALS” that it appears right in top regardless what will be installed later. Copy all files to your storage card under the newly created folder.
My package includes an OEM Manila and all basic tools to setup your device. Credit goes to all original creators (too many to list).
Open the File Explorer on your device and go to Storage Card “@essentials” /ManilaOEM tab on Manila animation and install ON DEVICE not storage card!
The phone will say it’s an untrusted application confirm with YES (we’ll take care of this later).
Phone will request a reboot, if not, reboot manually (power off/on).
After reboot you will have a basic Manila, do NOT play with it yet!
Open File Explorer on your device and go to the NetCF folder on the storage card and install NETCFv35.wm.armv4i on the device.
Go to the Config folder and install ALL applications which are listed there (Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.3/Diamond TF3D Config Setup v0.6.7/Diamond Tweak 0.5.3_English).
Power off/on you phone
Go to Programs and Advanced Config Tool (acknowledge the warning and check the box that it doesn’t appear in the future).
Perform the following changes:
User interface – Nothing
Today – Nothing
Performances – File system cache enabled / Cache size 2MB / Filter cache 4096 / Glyph cache 32 KB
Power Management – Nothing
Screen – Nothing
Input – Keyboard backlight timeout 30 seconds
Network – Nothing
Phone – Show Band page YES
Bluetooth – Nothing
GPS – Assisted GPS disabled (if you are NOT using ATT’s costly GPS service)
Log file – Leave untouched for now
Data Connections – HSDPA icon enabled / HSUPA support enabled
Internet Explorer – Proxy Auto Detection enabled
Messaging – Nothing
Calendar – Nothing
Camera – Save location DCIM
Locations – Change all DEFAULT STORAGE entries to \Storage Card\My Documents\ and then the folder name (pictures etc.)
Don’t touch other entries and go straight to
Light Sensor – Polling disabled
Miscellaneous – Security warning disabled
Confirm with DONE and reboot phone
After reboot go to the Storage Card folder “Tools” and install in the numbered order 07_FExploreEXT_2_03 / 08_G - DK 4.3 Add 3G to Comm Manager should force a phone reboot, if not reboot after EACH one. After the boot go again to the tools folder and install 09_SASHIMI7.5 which will ask you some questions after install, just follow the instructions no harm will be done. Do some forum reading for what it is for. It will take some ROM flashing, Hard Reset fear away. Last but not least install 10_Data_Backup v3.1 (which is HTC Backup).
That’s the basic setup and you’ll have a good and reasonably fast running ATT Fuze.
If you want you can install Skyfire browser (on storage card) and the latest Opera Browser (on device overwriting what was provided with the Manila Package) and the latest google maps (on the storage card) which are in the corresponding folders in my package.
@essentials package content: (check also upd_1 additions here)
Opera_9.5.2808_VGA _acard
Diamond TF3D Config Setup v0.6.7
Diamond Tweak 0.5.3_English
\Google\GoogleMaps_compressed (latest with street view)
Manila animation (fully animated version)
Manila_1.2.34569.1_1813.6_clock_animated (only clock animated)
NETCFv2WM (netCF 2.0)
NETCFv35.wm.armv4i (net CF 3.5)
\Tools\ (files numbered in order to install)
02_LumosSetupV08 (great tool for better setup of the auto light sensor – DISABLE auto light sensor in you settings
03_No Sleep Raphael
04_regedit.Mrln_ARM (registry editor)
05_tcmdpocketarm (Total Commander)
06_TNT Battery Level (little tool to display status battery on top)
07_FExploreEXT_2_03 (file explorer extensions)
08_G - DK 4.3 Add 3G to Comm Manager (enable 3G on off on CommMgr.)
09_SASHIMI7.5 (auto installer which will come handy with future ROM flashes)
10_Data_Backup v3.1 (HTC Data Backup) install on device not SD
MyMobile123_06152008. Copy this exe file to your PC and run it that you can control your phone through the PC, make screen shots etc.
A last word regarding backup:
Do frequently backups!!
If you plan to flash ROMs, backup ONLY the PIM database because a restore of a full backup will ruin your newly installed ROM!!!
If you stick with the same ROM a full backup will work .
A PIM backup contains by default all contacts and emails.
Have tons of fun with your new toy!!
Appearance content:
RC Mod v.2.1 ENG.CAB
Blue Hue.tsk
Glossy Black Bars.exe
HTC Black.tsk
WM 6.1 Black.tsk
WM 6.1 Blue.tsk
some & screenshots named by the TSK files
TouchFlo3D aka Manila 3D has some default colors, so does ATT's version of Manila (I guess orange highlights). These are hard coded into the reg.
To change you have to edit the registry (regedit in the essentials).
Please read here at LEAST the first two pages to cover the large start menu as well!!!
To change upper and lower bars / softkey background I made a little appearance pack which you can download (screenshots are included).
I also included RCMod 2.1 from o3blig here in the forum if you really don't like any of the TSKs and Glossy Black Bars.exe for .. guess what GLOSSY BLACK BARS
To change the basic clock you need to overwrite six files in the Windows directory using Total Commander provided with the first pack.
I suggest to copy the original files FIRST somewhere else in case you don't like the clock!!![/B]
The filenames are:
Excellent job!
Well-written and very informative yet more concise and effective than the Wiki if you ask me, at least for the audience you're targeting. That's sticky material in my book (but not in my bookmarks ).
I linked your post on the top of my site which is more of a next step for the noobs once they make their way through your instructions. Feel free to reciprocate.
Very good job, I can see you spent some time on that.
tyguy said:
If you power on your device the first time you will be asked to align the screen, play with cut and paste, set a password. AFTER this step a large window will appear that the device will customize in a few seconds. At THAT MOMENT soft reset with the stylus in the reset hole. This will NOT install all ATT bloatware and will NOT install ATT’s version of TouchFlo3D (aka Manila). I bet that you will fail the first time, so look at the little ATT flyer where HARD RESET is explained and simply do it again. Hard reset will wipe out all you personal data. Not a big deal right now since you have none.
If you were successful you will have a green screen with some information on it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did this when I first got my Fuze and it installed all the bloatware anyway after the soft reset but ran worse than with the bloat.
I don't mean to say this method doesn't work, just a word of warning that it's not 100% foolproof either. You might have to do it a few times to get the timing right for it to work; I just went with a cooked ROM in the end.
Hey thanks for the comments and - yes - I ran more than once through this routine (this happens when you catch a BAD cold and have nothing to do at home ...).
Hahaha mark my words ... upps QUOTE my words
At THAT MOMENT soft reset with the stylus in the reset hole. This will NOT install all ATT bloatware and will NOT install ATT’s version of TouchFlo3D (aka Manila). I bet that you will fail the first time, so look at the little ATT flyer where HARD RESET is explained and simply do it again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I first want to thank you tyguy, i followed your directions and am quite pleased. Secondly i wanted to ask if there was a way to reactivate the 'zoom' wheel feature to the opera browser.
Great guide! Exactly what I was looking for. I do have one issue: I already got past the first time powering on and setup, so all the ATT bloatware was installed. Any cures for this scenario?
jdomi99 said:
Great guide! Exactly what I was looking for. I do have one issue: I already got past the first time powering on and setup, so all the ATT bloatware was installed. Any cures for this scenario?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
a hard reset can be performed by Start>settings>system>clear storage>1234>ok.
this will allow you to start the process over
Thanks, fuzewoes, I'll try that.
Dude I've had my FUZE for about 3 weeks and have it all setup nicely but Im gonna save a backup an hard reset and try this, just sounds to great to pass up, does the manilla you have us install look like that black one or does it look like the gray style that comes with att stock? Does it let you set backgrounds to all tabs?
Thanks man!
Hard reset - 1234
Remember even after this hard reset you have to time the stylus soft reset otherwise all ATT software include ATT Manila WILL be installed!
Do a PIM Backup of your personal data and emails first using the HTC backup in the RAR file and store it on the SD card.
Yes, both provided Manila versions come with the HTC known "flip clock" (black numbers white background). If you like another clock please follow what's written in the Raphael and Diamond Theme threads.
If you like the clock in the screenshot install the attached CAB (thanks and high-fives go to JStarLuvsTina!)
Background all tabs
I don't recall 1000% if the wallpaper will change for all tabs since I went back to my preferred ROM after running this install but, if not, the solution
is in the attached CAB mUn BackGround4AllPages or read
Hmmm, actually this should work out of the box. Did you check in Diamond Tweaks "19.Touch-sensitive Wheel". If this doesn't solve the problem let me know.
does it install sprite backup? i was planning on making a full backup of my current system and if case i didnt like it this way i would just restore my backup
Fuze Set Up Question:
Can you please tell me how to me typing "i" automatically change to "I"
I have tried everything and just can't seem to be able to figure out how to ADD auto correct words.
Another I would like is the days of the week or months. I want to program into my fuze that if I type "monday" it automatically corrects and shows "Monday" (and the same with the rest of the days and months.
How can I set up auto correct words so when I am typing with the keyboard these changes will be automatically made.
how do you get the top and low bar to become black, i currently have it green
I'd say "wrong thread" please ask this questions somewhere else.
AFAIK Sprite comes with the stock ROM regardless if you "Manila" it or not.
To change the colors you need a different TSK file.
If you want to freely change the upper and lower bar look for RCMod.
I guess you are looking for the Original HTC Black / Green.
Attached are some of my favs, unzip, copy into the windows dir and select under "Settings-Today"
ZIP content:
HTC Black.tsk
Blue Hue.tsk
WM Azrieli.tsk
WM 6.1 Black.tsk
WM 6.1 Blue.tsk
thanks tyguy by the way great post
peste19 said:
how do you get the top and low bar to become black, i currently have it green
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Change theme to HTC Black.
If that does not exist it would be a tsk file you can search for.
Has anyone tried the weather database editor with this method? It doesnt work for me, when i open the editor it doesnt show the countries, just a blank white screen
Great Guide a lot of time spent and good work.
It would appear that AT$T has thrown us a slight curve in the bloatware dept.
When setting up the phone after a hard reset, go through the screen alignment window and the practice moving files window. But then right when the screen turns to the WM 6.! desktop, do the soft reset, If you wait till the customizations in three seconds screen appears, it is too late and you will have to do it again.
It appears that AT$T figured too many people knew how to hide the bloatware, so they changed it up slightly so you would have to load the bloatware at least the first time.

BenQ E72: collection of findings

Hi all, recently bought BenQ E72 (candidate to replace my Tornado) has kept me busy and below is my findings-log (which most of them I could not find elsewhere, so they may be useful for you as well).
My device is intended for BT Fusion Service (which is no more offered) and this may explain the cheap price at Expansys.UK (I have not bought it from them, but from a different source in the UK offering refurbished ones).
Unfortunately my device was sent without a wired headset (which I am still struggeling to get). My investigations on the dual-use of the mini-USB are so far failing to decode the use of the wires. I suspect that (just like for the Motorola Razor V3) some active electronic parts are required in the headset to communicate with the mobile.
Cleanup \Windows folder:
- Remove locales not needed for MunduIM (fr, it, br, ...directories)
- \Data folder is for beetzRSS -> move to SD card in options menu
- \Java folder for JBED -> move to SD card, change keys in registry at (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JBlend)
- \Profiles folder for PIE -> move to SD card by changing paths at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders (may not be persistent if card is not ready at boot time or is removed)
- \Rings folder for ringtones -> also in \windows but are not referenced from there, so they stay here
- \skins folder is for HipCam (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Emuzed Inc\HipCam)
- \sounds folder is for Camera sounds (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Pictures\Camera\OEM)
- \themes folder is for HipCam (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Emuzed Inc\HipCam)
- \traveller folder for FIZZ Traveler
(move to SDCard, change items in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FizzSoftware\MicroClient\TRS)
Ring tones selected from:
\windows\ring*.* (no midi)
Install more than one T9 language:
- get packages from
- download also the package that you already have + the ones you want (so all have the same version)
- install them all, ignore device reboot requests in the meantime
- edit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\T9 Input Method\MUI\Languages string "Available" to contain concatenated (separated by comma) all language numbers
- reboot device
Retrieve hidden settings/options in the setup menus by removing the commenting in the relevant XML files:
- callforwarding.cpl.xml get CFU settings for Data and Fax (Phone->Call Forwarding)
- clckalrm.cpl.xml get Automatic Timezone setting from Network (Clock&Alarm->TimeZone->AutoTimeZone)
- telephonygsm.cpl.xml get Frequencyband selection (Phone->Band Selection = usually "automatic")
- connectgsm.cpl.xml get SMS delivery options (Connections->SMS Service = usually "circuit only")
This device obviously is configured differently for several operators (see \windows\initflashfiles.dat).
Mentioned interesting strings are Orange, movistar, Flashlite, etc..
Intersting that the BT Fusion does not have an entry here.
Power Drain:
- batteryfunctions do not deliver drain and temperature, but the backup battery voltage is reported
Drain is (rough values):
- 60 mA Display visible
- 90 mA Lowest Light
- 110 mA more
- 120 mA normal
- 130 mA high
- 150 mA highest
BT creates peaks ~ 10 mA on top roughly once per second
WiFi creates peaks ~60 mA similar rate as above
- power off still drains the battery to charge the backup battery but only a few µA (micro Ampere)
Interesting Programs (not linked via .lnk files) in \windows:
- DevHealth.exe will also be called by LogMaster and creates a very elaborate memory and process report. It is named "mem_1.txt" and is either located in the Storage Card root or the main memory root, sized ~ 292kB. Subsequent calls will generate files named mem_<n>.txt where <n> relates to the called number. This file includes the DLL relationship of all active loaded modules, so it is easy for ROM cleaners to sort out the debug ROM remains.
-> This is the key application to investigate further any modifications of Startup options or ROM modifications.
- LogMaster.exe sets various trace and log points, can call netlogctl.exe, swmodemtrace.exe, celogflush.exe, DevHealth.exe, WinsockLogApp.exe, links to LogUtil.dll which relates to logfiles: OSImageVersion.txt, sqpco.log, sqmodem.log, sqdriver.log, sqatcmd.log)
- QDW.exe (internall referenced: "QDW.exe is launched by AppExceptionMonitor.exe", but this .exe is missing, only a dll is remaining) This would read (or write) to files in \Windows\System\ExceptionExtraLogs\. It calls copylog.exe to do the job.
If directly called it asks for a memory card and generates a directory \yyyymmdd_hhmmss\ExceptionExtraLogs\ generating (copying) files ELog.txt KITL.txt qatcmd.log qdriver.log qmodem.log qpco.log verinfo.txt call is hinished with "copy failed".
- PreForWSA.exe is called via HLKM\init\Launch.. and may prepare WinSockLogging (may call \Windows\WinsockLogApp.exe)
- prtscrn.exe generates a screendump of the current state, it is also called via long press of the Vol-Up key and generates a file called scncap<n>.jpg in the "\My Documents" folder (<n> is a sequence number starting at 1).
- remove UMAClient.exe from \HKLM\init\Launch.. but still keep WiFi switched off after reboot. UMAClient cares for the settings in Settings->Connections->WiFi transmission. If not loaded also the WiFi mode to disable WiFi if not connected after <time> does not work.
Candidates for ROM Cleanup:
- CeRegExport.exe (not a valid Windows CE application), executes on PC and links to rapi.dll to communicate with the device.
- D3DMDemo.exe (just displays a boiuncing ball and a rotating colored cube)
- D3DMPerf.exe (displays a colored cylinder, then quits)
- related dlls: D3DM_TI3D.dll, d3dm.dll (not referenced in mem_1.txt)
- AppExceptionMonitor.dll
...more to add here once ROM cooking will be possible
What do these programs do?
- ERS.exe (stays resident, links to coredll.dll only)
enjoy + enhance,
thanks for your effort.
i'll study this report and compare with my e72 (by expansys, sim free and app locked, unlocked by utility found on the net)
can't edit the windows files
Thanks for the information. I have been trying to get access to the 'band' setting for some time. However I have been unable to edit the actual xml files. I have tried using SDA unlocker and RAPI and keep getting 'phone is unlockable'. How are you editing these files?
You cannot edit them onboard as they are in ROM. Copy them to your PC, remove the Read-Only attribute, edit and copy it back to the device. It will put in device memory and virtually overwrite the ROM copy. If you delete it on the device the old ROM copy will be used again.
Thanks. That is what I have been trying to do, but every time I get '...could not be placed on device. You do not have permission to create item'. It is like the file system is locked, but I cannot find a way to get past it. Any ideas?
Oh, yes you need to unlock it first. No clue how I did it, it is also not directly mentioned in my old blog. But from there are some links to other sites - you need to look it up there. It is basically the same thing that needs to be done on any WinMo device. Have you tried to search here already (use "E72 Unlock" as a start)?
Thanks. I was able to unlock the phone, copy the xml files off make the changes (removed the commenting), and copy them back to the device. However when I try to use a control panel function that relies on one of these xml files I get 'the control panel document telphonygsm.cpl.xml cannot be loaded. Verify the XML and try loading the control panel again.'
The XML is well formed (as best as I can tell), yet I get this every time I swap in the modified file I get this. If I put the original back in place everything is fine. It looks like the XML is bad, but I can't find anything wrong with it.
Ok, I think I figured it out. In the section that was commented out there were languages that were not relevant to what I had setup on the phone. Once I removed those it accepted the XML files and I was able to view the control panel. Thanks for your help.
Good stuff here. Bump up.
Has anyone found a way to change default hardkey mappings ?
Impressive! Thank you for your hard work. I have the same phone and I am glad we can all share our findings here.
I believe a good source of information will be in the engineering menu which I can't access (yet).
I don't plan on hitting random codes but I can tell you how to enter a code if you want to:
Be warned, there are codes that will trash your ROM, so be careful!
Also, I am planning on running this on my phone when I have some free time:
I will log my findings asap
Cheers from Argentina!
Dear All,
I have a benq e72 since one year. The problem; once I wake up in the morning (three days before); I saw my PDA was not functioning and all applications inside were referred as "not found" icons.
I simply tried to power it off ... not suceeded ... it was completely hanged.
I removed the battery and restarted. dead .. it shows me only BenQ (the very initial screen) .. no more going to windows.
I tried to master reset the device by clicking right key + power button .. but again not succeded shows me "proceeding master reset" .. and nothing proceed up actually.
I tried to update the loader .. by clicking left key + power button .. same situation .. nothing happened.
I tried the KITL too... by clicking home + power button ...
I tried to upgrade the rom to wm 6.1 or 6.5 ... i followed your posts ... but shows me "download ebood error" ... again not succeeded ..
the warranty is finished also ...
Can any one help .. please ....
What if you buy a new battery and shove it in? Would that work?
tobbbie said:
Hi all,
Retrieve hidden settings/options in the setup menus by removing the commenting in the relevant XML files:
- callforwarding.cpl.xml get CFU settings for Data and Fax (Phone->Call Forwarding)
- clckalrm.cpl.xml get Automatic Timezone setting from Network (Clock&Alarm->TimeZone->AutoTimeZone)
- telephonygsm.cpl.xml get Frequencyband selection (Phone->Band Selection = usually "automatic")
- connectgsm.cpl.xml get SMS delivery options (Connections->SMS Service = usually "circuit only")
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is the orginal xml files for who forget backup these..
The original files stay in the ROM - even if you "overwrite" them with the changed files. What you see in the \windows directory is an overlay of the ROM filesystem with a directory of the same name where you can write to. So in fact you just "overlay" the ROM file with one on the device. You cannot loose the original file - hence no need for a backup
You detect those files in ROM usually by their Read-only attribute, but to be sure use Totalcommander CE - it shows in the file properties if it is a ROM file.

[GUIDE] Increase Internet Explorer Performance

Since we're restricted to Internet Explorer, I figured I would try to find some ways to make it a little more tolerable. These are the changes that I've made, and for me its made my Internet Explorer a little faster. Your milage may vary.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage, issues, plagues, fires, diarrhea, or any thing else that may result from using these tips!
Be very careful when editing the registry. If you don't know how to edit the registry, you may not want to attempt those tips.
Now that that's out of the way, here's what I've done:
Diable Automatic Configuration
Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings. Uncheck all the boxes under Automatic Configuration.
Change Cache Size
Tools > Internet Options > General > Settings > Set space to use to 50
* You may want to increase this depending on your browsing habits. I wouldn't exceed 250mb.
Set Homepage To about:blank
Tools > Internet Options > General > Type about:blank in the homepage address.
* Not having to load a homepage every time you launch IE makes the app launch time lower and decreases the time it takes for IE to become responsive.
Disable Accelerators
Tools > Manage Addons > Acceserators > Disable Everything
Use Tracking Protection
Tools > Manage Addons > Acceserators > Tracking Protection > Get a Tracking Protection List online > in the new window add in a few of the more popular lists.
* This also blocks advertisements, so if its blocking ads on some of your favorite sites (like xda) be sure to donate to those sites.
Increase Connection Limit
Locate the following key in the registry:
* If your browser puts a space in MAXCONNECTIONSPERSERVER make sure you do not enter it when making/editing the key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
On the Edit menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then add the following registry values:
Value name: MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server
Value data: 10
Base: Decimal
Value Name: MaxConnectionsPerServer
Value data: 10
Base: Decimal
Locate the following key in the registry:
* If your browser puts a space in MAXCONNECTIONSPERSERVER make sure you do not enter it when making/editing the key.
On the Edit menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then add the following registry values:
Value name: iexplore.exe
Value data: 10
Base: Decimal
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
* If your browser puts a space in MAXCONNECTIONSPERSERVER make sure you do not enter it when making/editing the key.
On the Edit menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then add the following registry values:
Value name: iexplore.exe
Value data: 10
Base: Decimal
Reboot your device after making these changes so they take effect.
Got any additional tips? Let me know.
Thanks will give this a try :good:
deeman said:
Thanks will give this a try :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Let me know how it goes or if you need any help.
Fantastic guide. Thanks
is there anything to speed up loading of pages when using the back button?
Helps a little, thanks. My Surface is still excessively slow on my bridged connection. Weird because my laptop works fine and it's connected to the same bridged router. No idea whats going on.
I heard that if you use the back button vs swiping the page reload issue is minimized. I understood it to be a bug in IE.
mattalter said:
I heard that if you use the back button vs swiping the page reload issue is minimized. I understood it to be a bug in IE.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
its actually the same except when u swipe the screen remains faded until it finishes downloading while pressing back doesnt.
addictivepixels said:
Set Homepage To about:blank
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I suggest about:tabs, which makes a nice speed dial page and is also offline for speed.
addictivepixels said:
Increase Connection Limit
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
According to this, this only increases the number of simultaneous file downloads, maybe you should clarify that. The default for IE8 is 6, this should really be enough. Increasing this probably won't improve site loading times.

