How To: Tether (VZW) - Touch Pro2 CDMA

This is how I got my TP2 to tether with my laptop. (I have an unlimited data plan.)
The Internet Sharing app is 'hidden' in the /Windows folder. It's named "IntShrUI".
1. Go into your /Windows folder. (I sorted by name to help find it quicker)
2. Press and hold IntShrUI until the menu comes up. Select 'Copy'.
3. Navigate to your Start Menu/Programs folder.
4. Press and hold, then select 'Copy Shortcut'.
5. Rename it to whatever you'd like (I renamed it 'Internet Sharing')
It should now show up in your Programs. The only option available is USB, and I keep the Network Connection set to Verizon Wireless...not sure what the 'VZW Embedded GSM' option does. Connect your phone to the your laptop/desktop (make sure you have Activesync installed). Hit connect, wait about 5 seconds and you should be good to go. Again I have the unlimited data plan. This may work with the Sprint/T-Mo versions as well.
If anyone knows how to unlock the Bluetooth option instead of USB, please let me know...I know with my old LG Incite there was a Bluetooth option and it kept me from having to pull out my cord every time.

Thanks man. The GSM is well, for GSM, which is more or less crippled on the stock ROM.

Does this make tethering available without paying for the tethering plan? I have the unlimited data/email 39.99 plan, but when I said I wanted to use it "with my computer to connect to the intnernet" they said it would be an extra 50 or 60 a month!
As an aside I've heard about software to turn your phone into a wireless router type hotspot? Does anyone know anything about this?

gliscameria said:
Thanks man. The GSM is well, for GSM, which is more or less crippled on the stock ROM.
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Not to hijack this but, is there a reason it's crippled? Once you've unlocked it, is there something else it can't do within the capability of the radios in it?

Murphy71984 said:
This is how I got my TP2 to tether with my laptop. (I have an unlimited data plan.)
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Oddly enough, my Internet Sharing was already there. Have ROM 1.18.605.12 with VZW

Mrdzone said:
Does this make tethering available without paying for the tethering plan? I have the unlimited data/email 39.99 plan, but when I said I wanted to use it "with my computer to connect to the intnernet" they said it would be an extra 50 or 60 a month!
As an aside I've heard about software to turn your phone into a wireless router type hotspot? Does anyone know anything about this?
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You want to be very careful with tethering this thing - I have been doing the tethering thing with VZW since my VX7000... Originally, they billed data by the minute, not the MB... They have since changed and with the new plans (the $29.99 Smartphone Data/Email and the $44.99 Wireless Sync or the $59.99 Broadband Connect - including Wireless Sync) they are monitoring data usage closely.
What you will first run into is the 'unlimited plan' has a ceiling of 5GB, which on a phone is tough to reach, but on a laptop, you can reach it pretty quickly. The second part is that VZW is very strict about data calls and will begin to throttle your data speeds if you exceed your bandwidth allowance.
The second part, is the browser you are using can be traced by their servers. If you log in directly - instead of using a program that masks your computer like PDANet - they will see that you are using IE or Chrome as your browser and begin tagging the extra $30 or $15 on to your account - or cancel your service completely.
Overall, there are many ways to get around paying for the tethering service, but they are all to be considered at your own risk type things. As far as the WiFi routing option, the GSM router hack doesn't seem to work correctly (at least not for me) yet...
That's just my 2 cents, and hopefully that helps a bit and eliminates some confusion.

Murphy71984 said:
If anyone knows how to unlock the Bluetooth option instead of USB, please let me know...I know with my old LG Incite there was a Bluetooth option and it kept me from having to pull out my cord every time.
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I have the Sprint TP2, and was able to enable Bluetooth Dial Up Networking. This may work with the Verizon model as well.
If I remember correctly, step 4 was the one that allowed my PC to discover BT DUN service. The other steps were done to prevent carrier detection of tethering.

mugsy77 said:
Oddly enough, my Internet Sharing was already there. Have ROM 1.18.605.12 with VZW
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I have "Modem link" which appears to support USB or BT tethering. Standard VZW WM 6.5, ROM 3.04.605.3 11/17/09 RHOD500

dhcernese said:
I have "Modem link" which appears to support USB or BT tethering. Standard VZW WM 6.5, ROM 3.04.605.3 11/17/09 RHOD500
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Never mind: "Modem link" requires that you kick off VZW access manager. However, "IntShrUI" bypasses that requirement and tethers through USB but not bluetooth as you all already found out.

Ah ha! I knew there must be a way to get an internet connection on my laptop when my HD2 is just about out of battery power (often). Thanks Murphy, now I can use my laptop to power the HD2 and the HD2 to connect to the internet - Sweet!


G1 Help! T-mobile hotspot access via laptop using G1

Hey everyone, I know you cannot use the the G1's hotspot access on any device other then the G1. I spend alot of time in Starbucks. Is there a way to use the G1's hotspot access for Internet on my laptop. Tethering via wi-fi is nice as is but with only edge here in Hawaii, its too slow. I was hoping someone could help me figure this out. Hopefully just a socks proxy, method will be developed for web surfing.
username should be your mobile number without dashes so 9545555555 and pw should be last 4 of social security number as listed on tmobile account, if not call and theyll fix account, mine was inactive at first
mdanerd said:
username should be your mobile number without dashes so 9545555555 and pw should be last 4 of social security number as listed on tmobile account, if not call and theyll fix account, mine was inactive at first
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hey! thats my phone number!!!!
You can use the port forwarding app in this thread: Get you G1 signed on to the hotspot and use the program to tether your laptop.
I wasn't aware that I could use t-mobile hotspots from my laptop by logging in with my phone number. I'll have to try that out next time I'm in Starbucks. Thanks for the tip!
So if the above works for you, you're probably set, but if you have rooted your phone you can also use the tetherblu app here:
This would allow you to use the free t-mob wifi hotspot access on your phone and connect to it with your laptop. It's a MUCH faster connection than the SOCKS proxy method, and you don't have to carry around a USB cable.
mdanerd said:
username should be your mobile number without dashes so 9545555555 and pw should be last 4 of social security number as listed on tmobile account, if not call and theyll fix account, mine was inactive at first
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I was told that doesn't apply to the G1 data Hotspot account. Can anyone else confirm that? I'd love to have it working again.
Of course, I know I can use my G1 and tether the Hotspot to the laptop.
SoTacMatt said:
I was told that doesn't apply to the G1 data Hotspot account. Can anyone else confirm that? I'd love to have it working again.
Of course, I know I can use my G1 and tether the Hotspot to the laptop.
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That's what I was told. Pisses me off because I was told that the G1 data plan included "HotSpots" without being told that it was on the phone only.
You can get 2 hours free at Starbucks, FYI, if you buy something on a Starbucks Card (gift card, not the credit card).
I was told that even my laptop would work... but soon found out otherwise.
neoobs said:
I was told that even my laptop would work... but soon found out otherwise.
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Honestly the idea of paying for WiFi has run its course. All of the (non-Starbucks) coffee shops around here offer free WiFi.
One thing you might find interesting is that pretty much every sports bar (e.g. Buffalo Wild Wings) has free WiFi. Why? Two words: fantasy baseball.
Even our airport (Denver) has free WiFi now, although you have to sit through an ad to access it.
Any news on this. I thought I had seen somewhere an app that did this, but I can't find it anymore. Why doesn't someone make a "TetherPatch" application. Screen splits into two halves. On one side how your computer is connecting to g1 on the other how your g1 is connecting to internet. And the app makes the "patch" to get the data flowing. If you make the app, gimme some love.
memorito said:
Any news on this. I thought I had seen somewhere an app that did this, but I can't find it anymore. Why doesn't someone make a "TetherPatch" application. Screen splits into two halves. On one side how your computer is connecting to g1 on the other how your g1 is connecting to internet. And the app makes the "patch" to get the data flowing. If you make the app, gimme some love.
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There are tethering apps out there already.
Could you tell me which apps allow me to connect this way?
laptop >> USB >> G1 >> WiFi (Tmo HotSpot)
I found the one that let's you connect to the net over the 3G network. I am looking for a way to use this concept at a hotspot. Thanks. All my searches don't seem to get me that info.
It's a no go with the G1 data plan. You can connect to the hotspot via the G1 but not from your laptop. Kinda stupid in my eyes seeming I could do it with when I had my Dash...but oh well...on to other methods.
By the way this was verified by T-Mo and I even tried fighting about it...damn...damn...damn

VZAccess Manager

I used this software with my XV6800 and never had a problem. I uninstalled my previous version and installed the new version that came with my Touch Pro 2.
I deactivated the data call, turned on modem link for USB, connected the Touch Pro 2 and the drivers installed and my Touch Pro 2 is listed in Device Manager as HTC Modem.
The problem is that when I start VZAccess Manager it goes to detect my phone and says that no wireless device is detected. Has anyone been able to get this software to work with their Touch Pro 2?
I got it working. Did you choose the "start" or "connect" or whatever option on the TP2 once you had it hooked up to the computer?
One thing I noticed (not sure how it worked on your old phone) - they want you to pay another $15/month for Access Manager data (5GB/mo) on top of your "unlimited" data on the phone.
I went to the modem link software and started it before connecting it to my laptop. After connecting it, the drivers were installed but the software was not able to detect my phone. I just don't know what I am doing wrong.
I already pay the $15 additional charge and I used a previous version of this software with my XV6800 and never had this problem.
I dont use VZAccess Manager, I just use the Internet Sharing program. I found it hidden in the windows folder. Even though the shortcut is not in the program files folder, the program itself is installed on the TP2. I just created a shortcut for it and it works fine for me. I am using it right now to type this message.
PRBajista said:
I dont use VZAccess Manager, I just use the Internet Sharing program. I found it hidden in the windows folder. Even though the shortcut is not in the program files folder, the program itself is installed on the TP2. I just created a shortcut for it and it works fine for me. I am using it right now to type this message.
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Good to know it was already in there...just "hiding." I'll remember that when I finally find the mix of goodies I want on my phone, and do a HR and set it up in the "clean" version.
PRBajista said:
I dont use VZAccess Manager, I just use the Internet Sharing program. I found it hidden in the windows folder. Even though the shortcut is not in the program files folder, the program itself is installed on the TP2. I just created a shortcut for it and it works fine for me. I am using it right now to type this message.
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Same here. I'm actually quite surprised that VZW doesn't have this locked down. I do wish it worked with bluetooth as well (how I used it on my XV6800 w/ custom rom) but at least I'm not paying extra for tethering.
VZW Mobile Web
I just tried to tether my phone. It initially connected and downloaded a website. When I tried another site, a Verizon Mobile Broadband Connect site came up wanting me to approve the $15 fee. I have tried clicking on a that I downloaded from another thread, but it will not install. How do you create the shortcut, and I didn't see the file in the Windows folder. Can you explain how it is hiding and how to find it? Thanks for your help.
Well in my case the reason that the VZAccess Manager wasn't working was a setting in Windows Vista. After I fixed that I had no problems.
bruce31797 said:
I just tried to tether my phone. It initially connected and downloaded a website. When I tried another site, a Verizon Mobile Broadband Connect site came up wanting me to approve the $15 fee. I have tried clicking on a that I downloaded from another thread, but it will not install. How do you create the shortcut, and I didn't see the file in the Windows folder. Can you explain how it is hiding and how to find it? Thanks for your help.
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If I'm not mistaken no cab will install for internet sharing because you would be overwriting the rom file that is installed in the phone. You have to look in the windows folder for a file called IntShrUI.exe then create a shortcut on your "/Windows/Start Menu/Program Files" folder. I used a program called File Explorer Extension to create the shortcut. After you install the attached cab, you find that file in the location I listed above and then tap & hold on the file until you get the various options. Select the option that says "Send Shortcut to Programs" and then click the link in your program files folder. When the program opens up, plug you TP2 to your pc or laptop, allow activesync to complete a sync, then on the TP2 in the Internet sharing program, click on the "Connect" option on the bottom left, and it should work as long as you have an data plan for your TP2. These instructions work for Verizon so I cannot speak for any other service providers. If anyone else has tested this on other providers please let us all know. Hope these long instructions help out.
That worked great. I am on the phones connection as I type this. Thanks for the extended directions, they were very helpful. Now, I just wish I was getting better than 1x at my home so it would be faster to test. I have Wi/Fi at home, so I guess it is not that big of a deal.
I just did the speed test and got the following:
Download Speed: 133 kbps (16.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 78 kbps (9.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
bruce31797 said:
That worked great. I am on the phones connection as I type this. Thanks for the extended directions, they were very helpful. Now, I just wish I was getting better than 1x at my home so it would be faster to test. I have Wi/Fi at home, so I guess it is not that big of a deal.
I just did the speed test and got the following:
Download Speed: 133 kbps (16.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 78 kbps (9.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
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Glad to be of any help to you. Enjoy your mobile internet.
Is there any way to get this method to work via bluetooth, or is that not an option for internet connection sharing? Thanks for the great tip!
This is the way I worked around vz access manager and you don't need a to do it. I am able to get on the internet on my laptop through my cell phone via bluetooth or USB.
Dial ##778
Click Edit
Unlock Code is 000000
Click View Info
Scroll Down to M.IP Default Profile
3rd row down is DUN NAI
Click DUN NAI and then click Menu
Then Edit
Change the Value to (yournumber)
example [email protected]
Click ok
Click Menu , OK
Should Soft reset and then you are good to go!
In fact I am typing this on my laptop which is bluetooth tethered to my TP2 right now!
Thanks for the reply. Maybe I am missing something. Up until today, I was paying for VZW tethering and was easily able to connect via bluetooth using DUN. After reading this thread, I created the shortcut to Internet Sharing (the one that came on the VZW TP2), connected via USB cable and was able to surf the internet on my laptop with no problem. I called VZW and canceled my tethering plan. I am still able to easily connect to the internet on my laptop using the Internet Sharing program via USB. My question is, can you use Internet Sharing via Bluetooth? There does not appear to be that option inside of the Internet Sharing program.
By the way, a big thanks for this thread. I am now saving $15/month (tethering) for the data I am already paying $45/month (corporate unlimited data) for. Also, a few quick checks on DSL Reports and I am averaging 1,700 up and 600 down on my TP2 connection. Unbelievable!
taylordawg said:
Thanks for the reply. Maybe I am missing something. Up until today, I was paying for VZW tethering and was easily able to connect via bluetooth using DUN. After reading this thread, I created the shortcut to Internet Sharing (the one that came on the VZW TP2), connected via USB cable and was able to surf the internet on my laptop with no problem. I called VZW and canceled my tethering plan. I am still able to easily connect to the internet on my laptop using the Internet Sharing program via USB. My question is, can you use Internet Sharing via Bluetooth? There does not appear to be that option inside of the Internet Sharing program.
By the way, a big thanks for this thread. I am now saving $15/month (tethering) for the data I am already paying $45/month (corporate unlimited data) for. Also, a few quick checks on DSL Reports and I am averaging 1,700 up and 600 down on my TP2 connection. Unbelievable!
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I am not sure I have never used the internet sharing program or done it that way.
I just dialed #778 and did it that way.
I am able to use bluetooth though.
You need to connect to your laptop via bluetooth
setup a Dial up network and see if it works
number is #777
Username (yournumber)
password vzw
Thanks for this info. I got the Bluetooth DUN sans $15/month working with the tweaks to the M.IP profile.
How does this method compare to ICS Bluetooth PAN?
Why was BT removed from ICS? Who decided to remove it, MS or VZW?
If ICS BT PAN offers better performance than BT DUN, is there a way to reinstall the complete ICS?
I am not certain but it shouldn't be any slower
It is plently fast for me I play WOW in my truck over bluetooth without any problems and even use my slingbox over it to watch football games while tailgaiting....
Works great!
mc_365 said:
Thanks for this info. I got the Bluetooth DUN sans $15/month working with the tweaks to the M.IP profile.
How does this method compare to ICS Bluetooth PAN?
Why was BT removed from ICS? Who decided to remove it, MS or VZW?
If ICS BT PAN offers better performance than BT DUN, is there a way to reinstall the complete ICS?
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The complete ICS is installed. What is missing is the PAN profile from the Bluetooth Stack. Verizon simply chose not to include it. I've been trying to find out it Sprint or Telus have it and if so, we should be able to grab the files.
bruce31797 said:
That worked great. I am on the phones connection as I type this. Thanks for the extended directions, they were very helpful. Now, I just wish I was getting better than 1x at my home so it would be faster to test. I have Wi/Fi at home, so I guess it is not that big of a deal.
I just did the speed test and got the following:
Download Speed: 133 kbps (16.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 78 kbps (9.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
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This reply is random, I know.. but I thought I'd post my '3G' connection speedtest;
Download Speed: 1928 kbps (241 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 408 kbps (51 KB/sec transfer rate)
I'm about 15 minutes outside of Saint Paul, MN and I did the test to the IL datacenter on

USB Tether with rooted Hero?

I still can't get this to work. Unfortunately at my work, we have some corporate policy that keeps me from accessing my wireless tethering connection the tether app creates in modaco's 1.1 rom. Doubt it's anything with the app, but rather I just can't connect to "that type" of connection.
So, that leaves me with USB tethering. No problem at all! But, how do I do it? I'm still getting error 67 codes even though I've got root access. Thanks for help in advance!!
I haven't tested this but these commands (entered either through adb or a terminal emulator on the phone) should get you up and running with USB tethering (make sure you have the drivers installed on your computer from HTC Sync).
/system/bin/netsharing net on
echo 4 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
To turn it off just go into your wireless controls and disable wireless sharing to reset everything.
The easiest way to achieve WORKING WiFi tether is with MoDaCo 1.1. If you've already rooted, you should have used nandroid to create and restore (to make sure your backup works!) a backup. The app "Quick Boot" on the market is the easiest way for you to reboot into recovery mode without having to use adb. If you have a working backup, then you should really try out the ROM, as you can always revert back if something goes wrong! Essentailly, ya got nothing to lose!
P.S. I posted this using Wifi Tether App with MoDaCo Rom 1.1! AWESOME!
lonequid said:
I haven't tested this but these commands (entered either through adb or a terminal emulator on the phone) should get you up and running with USB tethering (make sure you have the drivers installed on your computer from HTC Sync).
/system/bin/netsharing net on
echo 4 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
To turn it off just go into your wireless controls and disable wireless sharing to reset everything.
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I tried this from a shell last night, and it DID turn on my mobile connection sharing, but I still got error 67's, no differently than if I would have checked the check box in wireless settings. So, it appears this is no dice.
theraginasian said:
The easiest way to achieve WORKING WiFi tether is with MoDaCo 1.1. If you've already rooted, you should have used nandroid to create and restore (to make sure your backup works!) a backup. The app "Quick Boot" on the market is the easiest way for you to reboot into recovery mode without having to use adb. If you have a working backup, then you should really try out the ROM, as you can always revert back if something goes wrong! Essentailly, ya got nothing to lose!
P.S. I posted this using Wifi Tether App with MoDaCo Rom 1.1! AWESOME!
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I also have MoDaCo 1.1 and while I believe that the wifi tethering DOES work, my work laptop blocks the wireless connection, possibly because it sees it as a peer to peer maybe. In any case, I couldn't tether wirelessly before either in Vista with Windows Mobile either, had to use the USB cable. In all honestly, I like that more anyway because it charges the phone at the same time.
So, anyone that is rooted with a Sprint Hero, can you tether with USB without 67 errors? Thanks in advance!
+1 this thread.
I prefer USB tether to WiFi tether for a couple reasons.
First, it uses less power, so even if your phone is plugged in via USB, it will charge faster.
*EDIT* So, after using the WiFi tether app with my phone plugged in via USB and my laptop plugged in, my phone was LOSING battery, albeit at a slower rate.
Second, I used to get lower ping times with my phones tethered via USB when I had a Blackberry and a Palm Pre (usually 90-130 ms) With the WiFi tether, I seem to be getting 150-230 ms ping times.
Third (and I don't know if this is the same for everyone else, but) I'm getting only 0.8-1.2 mbps down speeds and only 0.2-0.5 mbps up speeds.
So yeah, if people would still keep looking for a mobile network sharing exploit, I'd greatly appreciate it
Then plug it up to the a/c charger. USB charges slower regardless. Only way I know of tethering with usb is to use tetherbot and that isn't true tethering as it uses a SOCKS proxy and you have to have the SDK on the computer. Not to mention you'll be stuck with Firefox unless you can configure the proxy for other programs. There was some other workaround posted on here though.
Just because you've rooted doesn't mean it removes Sprint's system of how people tether. They use a two-NAI system. 1st NAI = your normal data username and password. 2nd NAI = Your PAM (Phone-As-Modem) password which is issued when people have that add-on on their plan, which can't be added to the Everything Data plans.
ajones7279 said:
Then plug it up to the a/c charger. USB charges slower regardless. Only way I know of tethering with usb is to use tetherbot and that isn't true tethering as it uses a SOCKS proxy and you have to have the SDK on the computer. Not to mention you'll be stuck with Firefox unless you can configure the proxy for other programs. There was some other workaround posted on here though.
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The point the original poster was making is that WiFi tether is not an option for them. Since I'm in the same boat a USB Tether option (if it was ever discovered) would be useful. I don't think it's a ridiculous question to ask if there was a way to do it. I've USB Tethered with my iPhone and Nokia E71 without a problem.
Like the original poster my corporate laptop's security policy does not allow me to connect to an Ad-Hoc network, like the one created through WiFi tether.
ajones7279 said:
Then plug it up to the a/c charger. USB charges slower regardless. Only way I know of tethering with usb is to use tetherbot and that isn't true tethering as it uses a SOCKS proxy and you have to have the SDK on the computer. Not to mention you'll be stuck with Firefox unless you can configure the proxy for other programs. There was some other workaround posted on here though.
Just because you've rooted doesn't mean it removes Sprint's system of how people tether. They use a two-NAI system. 1st NAI = your normal data username and password. 2nd NAI = Your PAM (Phone-As-Modem) password which is issued when people have that add-on on their plan, which can't be added to the Everything Data plans.
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This app is the wired version of the Wireless tether that comes installed on the MoDaCo rom.
I've been following this app recently, and have it installed on the Hero, but of course since it was ported for the G1 only, it doesn't work on our Hero. It's interesting because it was created with pieces from the Hero in the first place. It says on the site that it will tell you that you do not have the proper kernel installed if that requirement isn't met, and I'm NOT receiving that message.
In fact, everything seems to go just fine when I launch the app, and allow root access. It's right after that where I get a FC as the app is trying to access the system settings menu.
Any smarties out there that would care to take a stab at how we could get this working for both the GSM and CDMA Hero?
Why not use PdaNet it seems to work fine on my laptop. I do have a question on tethering however either wireless or usb. Is it ok to do this on a Sprint everything data plan or do I have to upgrade to something else. If I tether without upgrading will I see a large charge on my bill? I do not use it much if ever but was just wondering if this would effect my bill.
redram38 said:
Why not use PdaNet it seems to work fine on my laptop. I do have a question on tethering however either wireless or usb. Is it ok to do this on a Sprint everything data plan or do I have to upgrade to something else. If I tether without upgrading will I see a large charge on my bill? I do not use it much if ever but was just wondering if this would effect my bill.
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If PDANet wasn't 30 bucks, I'd gladly consider it. However, I've been tethering over USB with all of my Sprint phones for goodness knows how long, with no problems.
With your everything data plan, you shouldn't see any problems at all. The wired tether app basically just starts an adhoc wireless connection, and then funnels through your data connection to the laptop connected to it. To the data line, and to Sprint, it's no different than an app using data.
In essence, this is how ANY wired USB app should eventually work from a tethering standpoint. Yes, Sprint uses a two tiered NAI system to control data and PAM. However, the trick ALWAYS has been to have the phone not report/act that it's using PAM, rather just turn on mobile sharing and funnel through the internet connection. This is how it worked with Windows Mobile phones too, and eventually will be the same with our Hero. It will have to eventually be done on the Application level, rather than using mobile connection sharing through settings. When this is activated, the Hero attempts to use the PAM settings. We'll either have to remove this somehow, or do it all through the app itself. It will have to be a "middle man" of sorts, isolating the incoming data line, and then acting as a liaison to push it through the USB to the laptop.
That's how I understand it in my head, anyway
I'm not sure what triggers it, but most of the time that command line works for tethering for me (which is why I originally posted it). About one in five times I get the error 67.
CapnBry said:
I'm not sure what triggers it, but most of the time that command line works for tethering for me (which is why I originally posted it). About one in five times I get the error 67.
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So, can you help clarify your workflow for using it? Are you running it from an ADB Shell on your laptop, or are you launching it from a terminal emulator on your Hero? Also, do you have any wireless settings modified (such as hybrid vs. 1x only) or do you have the mobile network turned off first?
Or, are you more simply just running this from a shell while everything is up and running as normal?
Thanks in advance!
FYI, you can use PdaNet for free WITHOUT paying for it. You only are required to pay for it for any use other than HTTP://. FTP use isn't really a good idea anyway because if Sprint see's you're tethering too much data, they'll know you're tethering and cut you.
mrinehart93 said:
FYI, you can use PdaNet for free WITHOUT paying for it. You only are required to pay for it for any use other than HTTP://. FTP use isn't really a good idea anyway because if Sprint see's you're tethering too much data, they'll know you're tethering and cut you.
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Hmm...I guess I didn't know that. Thanks a lot! This should work until we get a rooted solution.
mrinehart93 said:
FYI, you can use PdaNet for free WITHOUT paying for it. You only are required to pay for it for any use other than HTTP://. FTP use isn't really a good idea anyway because if Sprint see's you're tethering too much data, they'll know you're tethering and cut you.
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Not necessarily. I was tethering daily at one point and they never said a word. This includes browsing and downloading 1gb+ torrents.
Mmmh ... you guys could try this application:
This is 99% based on "Wireless Tether for Root Users" and might work. I've never tested it on a hero. I have it running on a G1 and Magic ... both with a patched kernel - these patches came from Zinx Verituse and the hero-kernel was base for this port.
No idea if it really works ... but you could try.
harry_m said:
Mmmh ... you guys could try this application:
This is 99% based on "Wireless Tether for Root Users" and might work. I've never tested it on a hero. I have it running on a G1 and Magic ... both with a patched kernel - these patches came from Zinx Verituse and the hero-kernel was base for this port.
No idea if it really works ... but you could try.
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Hi harry, I've unfortunately not had this work quite yet, I get a force close from the system settings this app is trying to access. My guess is that the kernel isn't patched for it. We might have to request this in future CDMA Hero roms. Thanks!
kmartburrito said:
Hmm...I guess I didn't know that. Thanks a lot! This should work until we get a rooted solution.
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I got it for free as well.
I can confirm that the USB tether using the command line works for me. I'm getting 1.28Mb/s down and 0.48Mb/s up.

Wifi Tethering using Fresh 1.0

My phone is rooted and I have flashed Fresh, but my cell phone plan does not allow for "phone as modem," even though I have the unlimited data plan. I don't want to change my plan and pay more money, but I can't very well ask Sprint if my hacked phone can still use tethering. So, I was curious. If using Fresh 1.0, can my phone still be used as a modem, or must I add the option to my plan in order to use it in that manner?
ultivegito2 said:
My phone is rooted and I have flashed Fresh, but my cell phone plan does not allow for "phone as modem," even though I have the unlimited data plan. I don't want to change my plan and pay more money, but I can't very well ask Sprint if my hacked phone can still use tethering. So, I was curious. If using Fresh 1.0, can my phone still be used as a modem, or must I add the option to my plan in order to use it in that manner?
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Yes it can be used for phone as a modem. I am not responsible for any charges you may incur though. That being said I tether and have been for the last couple years.
Yes you can, in fact I'm tethering wirelessly using Fresh 1.0 right now on my netbook sitting in a quiznos writing this post. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Toasty.
We can also tether using USB from an ADB shell (which requires a bit to set up.)
Both of which don't show up to Sprint as far as I can tell, and I've been tethering on my sprint phones for a long time. Root in the Android case, vs registry fixes from a Windows Mobile standpoint are similar in my opinion. Root access allows you to turn on switches which effectively get around the Sprint error 67 messages that you'll receive by just trying to turn on Mobile Connection Sharing.
I can help explain further if necessary, but yes it can be done!
im tethering right now at home on my pc lol with fresh 1.0! and i work for sprint shhhh lol
its possible im doing it wrong, but when i open up wireless tether program that is included with fresh 1.0 i get a screen that says tap to tether, then i get a screen that says "su request" and it just sits there and istn able to be found by any of the devices i have running wireless internet.
what am i doing wrong?
Street_Knowledge said:
its possible im doing it wrong, but when i open up wireless tether program that is included with fresh 1.0 i get a screen that says tap to tether, then i get a screen that says "su request" and it just sits there and istn able to be found by any of the devices i have running wireless internet.
what am i doing wrong?
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Make sure you have USB debugging turned on. Settings < Applications < Development < USB Debugging. The SU request screen should have buttons asking if you allow or deny the SU request. If you don't see the buttons then usually usb debugging is turned off.
nope, no dice, usb debugging is back on, and still just takes me to that screen lemme try rebooting and see if that fixes it.
also, check your pm's
edit: ding ding! that fixed it!
The program goes through the motions but does nothing. I connect and press start tethering and then it asks to allow or deny, once I select accept it goes to a screen that shows 0kbs Up and 0kbs Down but I cant seem to connect to the web and it shows because there is no increase in upload or downloads. Is there something extra needed?
teenum said:
The program goes through the motions but does nothing. I connect and press start tethering and then it asks to allow or deny, once I select accept it goes to a screen that shows 0kbs Up and 0kbs Down but I cant seem to connect to the web and it shows because there is no increase in upload or downloads. Is there something extra needed?
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What OS are your running?
rquinn19 said:
What OS are your running?
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Windows XP
teenum said:
Windows XP
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Are you able to connect to the wifi network? If you are connected does it have an exclamation point or anything on the network icon?
rquinn19 said:
Are you able to connect to the wifi network? If you are connected does it have an exclamation point or anything on the network icon?
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No, I don't see any exclamation points. It just goes through motions and has the option for you to stop the tethering as if I'm already connected.
After it has the "0k up" and "0k down" you need to connect your computer to the wifi network/device called "G1Tether" (by default.)
Once you do that you can get online no problem.
Thanks to all of you for your replies.
I would just like to clarify, to prevent ungodly fines. If I have an unlimited data plan (that is, if my plan includes unlimited in every category except for mobile to landline calling), but my unlimited data plan is not packaged with the "phone as a modem" services, I can still use it for wireless tethering from Fresh 1.0 without Sprint adding additional charges to my monthly bill cycle?
Those of you who do this attest that your plan does not carry the "phone as a modem" option?
Thanks very much.
ultivegito2 said:
Thanks to all of you for your replies.
I would just like to clarify, to prevent ungodly fines. If I have an unlimited data plan (that is, if my plan includes unlimited in every category except for mobile to landline calling), but my unlimited data plan is not packaged with the "phone as a modem" services, I can still use it for wireless tethering from Fresh 1.0 without Sprint adding additional charges to my monthly bill cycle?
Those of you who do this attest that your plan does not carry the "phone as a modem" option?
Thanks very much.
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yes, you can. sprint won't really know that you're tethering unless you incur some massive(and i mean MASSIVE, like many GBs) of usage. and they still shouldn't charge you or anything cause it is 'unlimited'.
so go ahead, tether. they just have the tethering option to get money, but its not illegal if you ahve the phone and find a way to tether it.
justinisyoung said:
yes, you can. sprint won't really know that you're tethering unless you incur some massive(and i mean MASSIVE, like many GBs) of usage. and they still shouldn't charge you or anything cause it is 'unlimited'.
so go ahead, tether. they just have the tethering option to get money, but its not illegal if you ahve the phone and find a way to tether it.
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You mean, not illegal, other than that I rooted it and flashed a ROM onto it. Right? Any idea the average speed of this tethering thing? Can I tether with bluetooth rather than with USB?
You guys are so helpful here, I love this forum. I wish I could be helpful.
ultivegito2 said:
You mean, not illegal, other than that I rooted it and flashed a ROM onto it. Right? Any idea the average speed of this tethering thing? Can I tether with bluetooth rather than with USB?
You guys are so helpful here, I love this forum. I wish I could be helpful.
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i don't think rooting and installing custom ROMs is illegal either. i mean, thats like the point of Android being open source. so anybody can develop it and do what they want. there was also something about tethering not being illegal, like if you have the phone and a data plan and youf ound a way to tether with your phone, thats not illegal. i think thats an FCC rule or something.
the average speed is the speed of sprint's network, usually. but just test it out yourself. tether your computer and google speed test.
Thanks so much! I will be returning here often, I think. Great site, seriously.
Ah, but wait, do you know if I can tether using Bluetooth? Maybe that's a silly question, but I read it somewhere and am curious.

[Q] galaxy S5 tmobile wifi tethering free

Hey I'm trying to find a way to work around my hotspot tethering limit. I have unlimited data and want to use the most out of it, I have had unlimited data for about 3 weeks now and I have used 200 gigs of data and I want o be able to co next my Xbox and laptop for more than just a day or 2 because I only get 5 gigs of hotspot. So if anyone has a workaround for the tmobile s5 please comment and let me know
sgs5tetherhelp said:
Hey I'm trying to find a way to work around my hotspot tethering limit. I have unlimited data and want to use the most out of it, I have had unlimited data for about 3 weeks now and I have used 200 gigs of data and I want o be able to co next my Xbox and laptop for more than just a day or 2 because I only get 5 gigs of hotspot. So if anyone has a workaround for the tmobile s5 please comment and let me know
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Are you rooted?
Yes via towel root
sgs5tetherhelp said:
Yes via towel root
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I use it on my T-Mobile phones. Follow the link in the description for settings. Gotta warn ya though, it might not work without further tweaks. You might need to google up some more specific instructions. The problem with this app (not the app's fault though) is that every phone/brand/ROM is different and needs different settings, and unfortunately these settings don't have descriptions. Plus the author is Italian and his English ain't too good.
You'll probably also have to create a new APN for tethering. Go to your System Settings, More networks, Mobile Networks, Access Point Names, then hit the menu button to add a new APN. Copy everything in the default APN down, then make everything in the new APN exactly the same, but instead of IPv6, use IPv4.
For tethering to just your laptop though, I recommend PdaNet+ (not a root app) and using USB tethering. The reason is that using your phone as a wifi hotspot is a processor and battery hog, and the more it's used, the hotter your phone will get and the more your battery gets used (shortening its overall lifespan). USB tethering however basically turns your phone into a conduit, rather than a rebroadcaster, and won't fry your phone. It works by using a companion program on your computer (also does bluetooth, but it's much slower), and has the option (which you need to use) to "hide tether usage". Another cool feature is you can set it up so text messages will pop up on your computer. The one single issue with USB tethering with PdaNet is with Netflix. If you try to watch something, it'll take you to the page saying your computer doesn't meet the minimum system requirements. Whatever VPN/proxy/whatever that it uses to mask your usage doesn't jive with Microsoft Silverlight, which Netflix uses. The way around this is to disable the "hide tether usage" option when loading a video, and as soon as it starts loading, select "hide tether usage" again, and you're good to go.
The really cool thing is that these two apps work simultaneously. I use PdaNet to USB tether my phone to my laptop (which is plugged into my 42" TV). The same phone is running Wifi Tether Router so I can use my tablet on wifi. Seriously, how cool is that?!? Complete home internet and cell service for $89.08/month (after taxes).

