Touch Pro2 won't turn on? - Touch Pro2 CDMA

I was having a few issues with my Touch Pro2 freezing up and not turning on. The reset button did nothing. Then, I discovered my problem and I wrote about it:

You can see that the actual power button icon is also on the red "hang up" button.
Makes more sense for someone coming from a regular phone as most devices actually use the same button to turn on and off the phones.

I'm still not convinced of this... i've been seeing issues with the TP2 on sprint using WM 6.5. It enters one of the following states... and the only way to recover is carry out a reset (remove back cover and press the 'reset' button).
1) Device will not power on, but orange charge light is visible
2) Device will not active sync and becomes locked, and cannot be powered down
3) Device repeatedly shuts down and restarts when connected to a PC via active sync..
Its all with the sprint rom that came with the phone.

Darkseed said:
I'm still not convinced of this... i've been seeing issues with the TP2 on sprint using WM 6.5. It enters one of the following states... and the only way to recover is carry out a reset (remove back cover and press the 'reset' button).
1) Device will not power on, but orange charge light is visible
2) Device will not active sync and becomes locked, and cannot be powered down
3) Device repeatedly shuts down and restarts when connected to a PC via active sync..
Its all with the sprint rom that came with the phone.
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Yep, same issue with the "Official VZW 6.5" update for my Verizon TP2...
Updated, when was it out, Thursday? Finally got all my sync issues fixed (Vista/Myphone/6.5 were not playing nicely) and starting reloading my Rhapsody stuff... Working good... Lovin' the 'Sense UI' update (minus the lag - but workable) and then... DUN DUN DUHHHHH!
Sunday morning I woke up to a completely frozen phone. Charge light was stuck on, frozen at the TP2 startup screen.
First try, power button - no response...
Second try, reset button - reboots to stick at the TP2 startup screen again...
Third try, battery pull - back to the startup screen again...
Finally booted to boot mode where 6.1 went right back on that puppy - works like a dream again!
Something weird in 6.5 land!

zcarman said:
Yep, same issue with the "Official VZW 6.5" update for my Verizon TP2... Something weird in 6.5 land!
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+1. My phone NEVER did this with 6.1.
Flashed to 6.5 thursday. Started re-installing cabs sort of fast and loose. Had the phone go into the sleep-of-the-dead five or six times over the next 24 hours. Power was on (pressing end/power button gave me the green arrow telling me to wake the phone using the top button. Pressing anything else wouldn't work and only a battery removal or soft reset would do the trick.
Hard reset Friday and started doing .cabs with a little more care (Sense off/install/reset/Sense back on). and I've gone three days without it happening again. Coincidence? Don't know. But I'll be watching these threads (here & XDA) carefully and keeping my fingers crossed.

zcarman said:
Yep, same issue with the "Official VZW 6.5" update for my Verizon TP2... .
Finally booted to boot mode where 6.1 went right back on that puppy - works like a dream again!
Something weird in 6.5 land!
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Where did you get 6.1? Verizon is sending me a new phone, I hope it comes with 6.1. I got my phone on Friday and Flashed offical VZW 6.5 to it, as a matter of fact I think they would have suggested that I upgrade today if it wasn't already at 6.5. They had me check version and said yep that's the latest version, that's the one we need on your phone.
Of course they don't admit there is a problem.
One time when it was "sleeping" and couldn't wake it up I tried calling it.... it vibrated, the lights came on, but no way to answer it just wouldn't "wake up"
Totally unacceptable.

immjg said:
Where did you get 6.1? Verizon is sending me a new phone, I hope it comes with 6.1. I got my phone on Friday and Flashed offical VZW 6.5 to it, as a matter of fact I think they would have suggested that I upgrade today if it wasn't already at 6.5. They had me check version and said yep that's the latest version, that's the one we need on your phone.
Of course they don't admit there is a problem.
One time when it was "sleeping" and couldn't wake it up I tried calling it.... it vibrated, the lights came on, but no way to answer it just wouldn't "wake up"
Totally unacceptable.
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All the stock ROMs can be found here
If you like wm6.5 other than the issues you have had, i suggest trying a custom 6.5 ROM such as MightRom(
However before flashing make sure your phone is unlocked. This can be done here:
If you live in verizon's 1x network and keep getting an error every five seconds or so, the fix can be found here:
Custom ROMs are faster and in many cases much more stable than verizons 6.5 update. I am currently using MightRom with no problems. No freezing or anything.

Opened a thread on this issue over at PPC Geeks:
Pretty clear this issue is NOT related to carrier, not isolated to any one ROM (yes, even Mighty ROM has experienced this, too), nor is it solely seen with WM 6.5.
I have my opinions and theries... but who knows. No definative solution is apparent as of yet.

Still happening with my VZW TP2 WM 6.5. Never happened with 6.1. My current theory is that it has something to do with Active Sync. I never start it, but it is often found running on my phone and I cannot find where to shut it off. This was not the case w/ 6.1. I don't know enough about the phone internals to say any more than this, or to test the theory.... Still looking and listening for answers, will post here if found.
Why would ActiveSync need to run when the phone is not hooked up to a PC??

Looks like an old thread, but I have a touch pro 2 w/ sprint. Activesync is always running. I have to kill it with the task manager. Haven't nailed down what's triggering it to fire but it takes up valued resources. I'm finding pother apps running when I thought I exited gracefully, like email, messaging. I'm thinking it's a setting somewhere??. I figured out for my case why Active sync kicks off on it's own.
QuickGPS significantly speeds up the time for determining your GPS
position. QuickGPS downloads ephemeris data from Web servers, instead of from satellites, using your
device’s Internet connection via Wi-Fi, ActiveSync or GPRS/3G. Now any location related service like the weather update is lijghting up ASync and I have to kill it with the task manager util. To prevent it from happing I'd have to turn off data services.. so fark it. I increased the weather update time and kill the app if I use it.

QuickGPS significantly speeds up the time for determining your GPS
position. QuickGPS downloads ephemeris data from Web servers, instead of from satellites, using your
device’s Internet connection via Wi-Fi, ActiveSync or GPRS/3G.
I think when the phone uses an app that requires location, like weather active sync is getting woken up. In my case I get weather updates every 2 hours. Presto - evertime I kill activesync then update weather acltivesysnc starts up again. So, what I'm saying is for my case if I don't have wifi or evo or a strong signal, and I update weather activesync lights up. That supports what the manual says about QuickGPS.

Activesync is used several things including exchange email. If you set up push email with exchange server then even if you turn off activesync with the task manager it will automatically turn back on.


Wizard won't remain OFF when USB connected?

I'm running Faria's final edition of WM6 on my Wizard, pretty much stock except for mun's keyboard and a few apps. This rom is almost perfect for my needs.
The only problem is that when the wizard is connected to my computer USB port to charge, it won't go to sleep... In fact, if I press the power button, it turns off for maybe a minute then turns right back on again!
I searched the forums looking for an answer and came up with very little. I do recall seeing some tips for preventing this behavior several months ago but can't seem to find the post anymore (???).
Actually I had this issue fixed on this rom at one time, but then I went and re-flashed about 20 times, trying all the latest cooked versions out there before returning to Faria's. But now I can't recall the fix for the power-on problem!
So, could someone help me out and re-post the fix?
Many thanks in advance...
Don't know of a fix, but this happened to me also when using Faria's ROM and still happens now using the NBD ROM.
Have same problem with Core 2.0n
Same with my XDA ROM. I thought thats a WM6 feature that I have to live with.
It's a common problem then...
Ok, this sounds like a common problem then.
I've been thinking about it, and if I recall, I think the posted fix might have been from mrfrazz or dr puttingham... I'll try to PM them (not that they know me) and see if I can get them onto the thread....
Wasn't from me.
Ok thanks for that mrfrazzz.
How many folks have this problem? Does anyone have a fix?
Sorry, not from me either.
remove the pin password (start -> settings -> lock). used to solve this problem for me on older WM6 rom's. Don't know if the problem still exists in the newer roms...
nbd 7.4 has this problem and also wm6 business edition.
I am using the Dopod Pro 838 [Mobile 5] and have the same issue, when connected it does not sleep, no matter how many times I close the screen off
Thanks everyone for chiming in. So this is a widespread problem.
Is there a solution? Or is everyone just living with it?
For what it's worth, I've searched and searched and can't find that post with the solution. The only reason I can think of is that the post was removed. (?)
Oh well. I guess I'm going to have to live with it like everyone else until an answer turns up. If anyone has any info or ideas post here and we'll try it out.
WM6 TNT 3.0.... same problem
settings, system, backlight settings?
i'm using an enhanced xm6 and i don't seem to have this problem when i charge with the usb at work (no activesync installation). perhaps you may need to disable that, because i recall reading somewhere that activesync tends to wake the phone from time to time to constantly resync pim information.
if you don't like the backlight on, you can go to settings, system, backlight, and change the settings there. I know on faria's roms, the backlight goes off after some time, even when it's plugged into the usb. t-mobile's default rom and the one i'm currently using don't turn off, unless i hit the power button. (but unlike what was initially stated, my phone doesn't turn back on).
or in case i've misinterpreted something...i recall reading that in some roms, the phone would keep waking up due to the push service and it would require some combination of locking the phone to get it working. in those cases, i believe you have to read the respective rom thread. i know farias "the real thing" thread has info on it.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into somehow getting better control over activesync.
Yeah, that's about where I'm at, just turning off the backlight and pretending the phone is off. But it still kind of irks me, all I want is for the phone to sync then go to sleep until I need it. And stay off when I hit the sleep button...
I've had this problem forever, and I consider it a "problem" because my phone is overclocked to 273, and I'd like to keep it off to keep the temperature down. It's definetly not a rom issue, but like someone else stated, it's an activesync issue. Even disabling sync options on activesync doesn't seem to help, only thing I can think of is uninstalling activesync, but who the hell wants to do that? Maybe preventing activesync from starting or running in the background on windows start, until you want to open activesync manually?
This is the random wake-up problem that first apeared in some build of WM5 (I guess). I too can't find much info on it but I guess you could remove the pin prompting. It happens due to activesync/wmdc and usb connection while the pin is enabled. I guess this is a bug in WM6 which is yet to be fixed. Hope microsoft and WM6 team reads this thread.
May be end tasking activesync in both phone and system will help. I haven't tried as I live with it and is not an issue for me.
with PhoneAlarm there is an option to disable the ActiveSync scheduling within a profile (eg profile work no ActiveSync, while ActiveSync will still be usable at home)
Maybe this can help you?
btw, PhoneAlarm has some other very nice features, it's still my nr 1 app for the wizard!

sleep of death

any one else getting it? unit goes in to standby and then wont wake up you have to soft reset.
ive been getting it frequently very anoying im using the big storage rom i dont rember who made it i can find out of some one wants to know
but is any one else having problems like me?
No problems here. I'm using the clean 1978 ROM...
I had it happen yesterday, running the stock AT&T ROM.
No problems here either.
It's worth remembering the phone wakes itself up about once an hour, although the display is dark so you will not see this happening.
If you have installed some software that doesn't handle this switching on very well and it crashes the phone, it will look the phone has died in standby, but it probably hasn't, it just looks that way.
I would advise a clean reset and not to install any programs, and see if it happens again. If it does your phone may be faulty, for example a memory problem that surfaces when the phone goes into a low power state.
Mine SOD'ed last night. I was using the phone, turned the screen off using the power button, then plugged it into my computer USB to charge. I was trying to do it one-handed and as you could imagine I was fiddling with the cable/phone for 30 seconds before I got the mini-usb plug into the phone. I watched to see the charging light come on but it didn't. I then tried to turn on the phone and realized I was SOD'ed. It only happens to me once every 1-2 weeks. My phone runs the stock Tilt ROM, but with lots of custom cabs installed, ie:
HTC Home 6 button
HTC Taskmanager 2.0 30995
Color Dot battery indicator
Schaps 10 Button Comm manager
Funambol 6.5.4
I push my phone all day long, surfing, ssh'ing into servers with putty, imap email, playing music etc, and I think if there was a bad memory issue Id see something other than an SOD. IMHO,theres a bug in the power management software.
SOD happened on my Tilt too. Im runnig the ATT rom. I had the same problem with the 8525 with the earlier ROM. The problem is IMAP email push. IF you use IMAP there is a chance you will get SOD once in a while. I changed all my emails to POP3 never had SOD since then.
I think you guys have to run the kaiser tweek to turn off the sleep mode in the registry. I had the SOD once....forgot to modify the registry via the kaisertweak app. 1st 2 options i think is what you have to modify.....that should fix you guys up.
Happened With Me too !!!
Now after using my at&t tilt flashed with HTC stock rom for 5 days, suddenly today my device suffered from a SOD.... had to soft-reset.... tried to figure out what went wrong but without any luck..... do any of u guys figured out the cause.... Kaiser Tweak only allows us to disable the sleep mode during call.....
kaiser falling sleep happens to me so frequently that I read all the posts with the key words KAISER FREEZE on xda-developers.
The only solution seems to power off and on again.
On somebody posted a small applet which does automatically the power on-off for you.
Of course this does not remove the problem, just hide it...
Additionally I have tried 4 different WWE ROMS! from Att to HTC original ROMS to cooked Helmi aka 0.7.0 etc... No way to solve.
Please if modifying the registry can solve, can somebody post the link for kaiser tweaks and possibly the application?
I think it might have something to do with Windows Live Maps program. This happend to me everytime I was using the program in the background. I upgraded the version and it stopped the problem I was having.
hollywood said:
I think it might have something to do with Windows Live Maps program. This happend to me everytime I was using the program in the background. I upgraded the version and it stopped the problem I was having.
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Same here... I upgraded to helmi_c's Tilt ROM and haven't had the problem since. Pretty much guarantted though, if you leave Live Search running in the background and your phone goes to sleep... it will not wake up with the stock ATT ROM (at least with the current version of Live Search).
SOD has typical been associated with running programs off of a Storage card. I had tons of SOD problems with the early WM6 Hermes ROMs. So far I have only had SOD a few times on my Tilt (running austinsync's BigStorage ROM). I installed Google maps to my microSD and within 20 minutes had 3 SODs. I uninstalled it and they stoppped immediately (Live Search is way better anyway).
I would recommend installing any programs that you use heavily or leave running onto the main memory. Also, saving attachments to a storage card has been a known cause as well.
I think SOD issues will get better as more ROMs start coming out for the Kaiser (and the chefs keep cooking).
OK, this keeps happening to me with the AT&T it happened with no programs running in the background, anybody figure out a solution yet?
Me too
well I've had this problem also while running my own cooked rom, however to be fair i had this problem in the early days of the hermes. I thought however that the hermes problem was related to activesync's push email and the data connection (i.e. switching between 3G and 2G alot making activesync trip out) That all said maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree?!
Oh just in case anyone as the time to investgate this problem, I do know the Toshiba G900 had alot of problems with SOD inwhich tosh releases a fix for...... maybe if someone was to look at what that fixed it could help us here? have a read here >
Kaiser won't power back up
My unit after reset won't either power up or down with the power button. Everything still functions.
I found that if I have the power charger connected it works fine, so I thought I had a weak battery. Got a new battery and same thing.
Don't know what's going on, but if you do a soft reset with the charger plugged in, it will reset fine.
Hope someone figures this out!
Be careful overconfiguring...
PhilipL said:
No problems here either.
It's worth remembering the phone wakes itself up about once an hour, although the display is dark so you will not see this happening.
If you have installed some software that doesn't handle this switching on very well and it crashes the phone, it will look the phone has died in standby, but it probably hasn't, it just looks that way.
I would advise a clean reset and not to install any programs, and see if it happens again. If it does your phone may be faulty, for example a memory problem that surfaces when the phone goes into a low power state.
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This might be the case, but I tried calling my phone when it SOD'd and didn't get a ring (it rang on the phone I was calling from.) I bet the problem is installed programs conflicting somehow, maybe kaisertweak will fix it in the future.
I can't guess what causes it tho...
For now, I'm running Kyphur's XDA Live and it has yet to happen.
rotohammer said:
Mine SOD'ed last night. I was using the phone, turned the screen off using the power button, then plugged it into my computer USB to charge. I was trying to do it one-handed and as you could imagine I was fiddling with the cable/phone for 30 seconds before I got the mini-usb plug into the phone. I watched to see the charging light come on but it didn't. I then tried to turn on the phone and realized I was SOD'ed. It only happens to me once every 1-2 weeks. My phone runs the stock Tilt ROM, but with lots of custom cabs installed, ie:
HTC Home 6 button
HTC Taskmanager 2.0 30995
Color Dot battery indicator
Schaps 10 Button Comm manager
Funambol 6.5.4
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I was running Kypher's Tilt XDA-Live v 1.0 (AWSOME) with several custom cabs including PocketCM and was getting the SOD every time. I wiped the phone and started adding all of my cabs one at a time and all of them are loaded back in except PocketCM and since then i have not seen a single SOD.
I've noticed that I get the SOD a LOT more when I have bluetooth active. Not sure if that's just coincidental but literally the only time I've noticed the SOD has been when I've had BT enabled.
Happens to me a few times a week very annoying.
Well, I don't do emails, use Windows live, have pocketCM, used my bluetooth, tried Google maps, or have any programs on my sd card (basically whatever you all mentioned above, I don't have or do!), and still get SOD. So I guess I start backtracking. Sigh...
tilt with xda Live

Intermec CN3 WM5 wakeup issues

Hello all, I recently purchased an Intermec CN3 running Windows Mobile 5 on the Sprint CDMA network for development purposes and am having a couple of issues. It uses EV-DO Rev A I believe which allows for simultaneous voice/data, just for the record.
The first is the device randomly wakes up and turns on the screen. This morning, when I was in the car, I would push the power button to put the device in sleep mode.. every 15 seconds the screen would pop back on. I do not know if this is due to it trying to grab email, or what. However, now that I am at work, it has not come on in a few minutes. This is all random.
The only idea is that SEVEN, a push email service, is starting data on the device and it is waking up. I tried using a config tool to have data always on and this did not fix the issue. It will wake up even when there is no new email. I also have Battery Pack Pro installed.
My second issue is, when someone calls my phone and the phone is in sleep mode it takes about 5 rings for my phone to even register a call is coming in.. when my phone rings twice, the call goes to voicemail. Is there a way to tweak WM to make this faster?
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
This actually reminds me of the bugs present when we ported WM5 for the Blue Angel (same exact bugs)...
It might seem that you are right on your assumption of the data transfer. Try to disable/disconnect the EVDO connection (put it in Flight mode) and see if the device still wakes up by itself.
As far as the ring delay, you may want to read through this
This is a patch that was for both Himalaya and Blue Angel, but should in theory work for other WM5 devices as it seems to be modifications to the registry rather than anything else.
Just so you know, I do not believe that the CN3 is a HTC device, but since your problem was mildly general, you got lucky
Good luck...
Thanks for the reply.
It is certainly not an HTC device however this forum has some of the most knowledgeable people around and figured I'd give it a shot.
As you stated, this is a fairly generic question probably related to software and configuration.
You could try over in the Developers Forum that Intermec just launched. It's at

TomTom And Diamond2

a support me because suddenly goes into pending the pda while running tomtom, I have done all combinations of energy but still the same!
I use "ttn7.916.9189_qvga_black" on my Topaz together with Dutty`s HG1 rom and it`s works like a charm.
patensas said:
I use "ttn7.916.9189_qvga_black" on my Topaz together with Dutty`s HG1 rom and it`s works like a charm.
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same here with tess 3.9 rom. In fact, since using 6.5 rom, the problem with voice clipping off before the end of the message (usually skipping all distances information) is gone, without even using the workaround that was needed with 6.1 ( silent wav/mp3 looping in background). Very happy about the 6.5 upgrade regarding TomTom (i do not know if the official 6.5 solves the issue, but I guess so)
I know exactly what TS means; I had the same on my Topaz. It is even been send back to Brussels (repair center Europe) and it came back OK. After a week or so, while driving with tomtom: screen blanks. I posted several threads about this on XDA, no solutions however. The screen went blank/phone suspend mode, no matter what settings I used in Energy settings. Even unchecking the boxes (so the phone should stay on, no matter what) didn't help: suspend mode after 30 seconds. After 30 minutes on external power.
After I upgraded to WM6.5, the problem is over.

Sleepy Sprint CMDA after upgrade

I am having problems with a Sprint HTC TP2 after doing the 6.1 to 6.5 upgrade. I have had it into Sprint repair twice and hard reset it about 6 times. There are two problems I am encountering:
1) for about 2 minutes to 30 minutes at a time I cannot turn the unit on. The flashing green light is out during this time. I can call the phone and it wakes up, but you cannot wake it with any of the buttons. The reset button does not work either. You can pull the battery and that will reset it. Sometimes in this phase the white light behind the hard keys will light if you pull out the stylus, not always.
2) at random times the phone software gets really slow. For example, the flippity floppty clock animation will hang up and not move for 30-60 seconds, then it will move a little and eventually it will catch up. Other apps will do similar things, the clock is the obvious because of the animations.
This has occurred even right after a hard reset, within a few minutes. With no additional apps loaded (as Sprint told me the first time that was the problem.)
Sprint unofficially told me to downgrade it back to 6.1 using a variety of websites to follow, and officially told me to contact HTC support and gave me their 800 number.
Thoughts? Anyone else having this problem? Advice?
Being a Sprint corporate employee at a service and repair center, continue to go into the store if it is convenient for you to do so. Every eTicket they create builds a case for them to replace your TP2 with a new one. I would strongly suggest using Microsoft MyPhone to back up your information so if they do swap you out, you just need to log into MyPhone and sync your information.
The issue is with Sense
I experienced the same issues with the Sleep of Death in the device and had to remove the batteries everytime I finished a call. I got tired so I reflashed the phone, set it up and hard reset it again.
The problem persisted. I would have to click on the windows buttom and then could not click on the Today or Settings tab( I woud just hang there!) Then I disabled the SENSE UI and worked with the 6.5 default settings and no more lockup issues. Also, installed SPB Mobile Shell and it worked for 3 days without issues.
This makes me suspect the SENSE and HTC apps are causing the lockups. I am interested if other people are experiencing these issues. I installed MAX Manilla 2.5 two days ago and the device seesm to be stable. The only time I have issues is when I update the contact tab. It locks up, but that is not a function of Max Manilla but the core HTC contact app.
Had my phone for a week with Sense 2.5 and WM 6.5, stock. No problems like the ones mentioned in the thread yet...
It all depends on what you use your phone for. Try my ROM, see link below...
Sprint 6.5 Rom issues
There have actually been some similar issues with the new sprint 6.5 however, not to the extent of the phone having actually been stuck in sleep mode. Some things I can recommend that may help is to check your task manager frequently because programs don't fully close when you exit out of them. In addition to this you should consider installing cleanram which helps clear up memory. I’m not allowed to post the link because I’m still a new member however just follow this thread...
xda-developers > Windows Mobile Development and Hacking > Windows Mobile Apps and Games
[APP]htcAddicts - cleanRAM v2.1 (RAM Cleaner)
Also, there seems to be an issue with the manila 2.5 sense and the htc clock, if you have the htc clock open it can run sluggish at times..But I recommend that you pull up you quick tabs and minimize your htc clock for the sense 2.5 to run faster. Lastly keep the stock plain black screen saver because if you use a custom or different background the system can run slower.
I too also have the sprint tp2, and the 6.1 rom is considered to be one of the fastest and most stable rom for cdma tp2s. However, the downfall is the downgrade :/...
I have also worked for sprint corporate repair center, what might help and save you time before going to the repair center would be to call the technical support to see if they could solve your issue. Because by doing this a ticket is already created and the tech will be able to see the troubleshooting that was done. In addition to this repairs can be difficult and frustrating at times due to the fact that the problem that you’re having must be repeatable in order for sprint to repair or replace your phone (it really depends on the repair center). If you find that you continue to have errors with your sprint 6.5 rom, I would recommend trying other Roms to see if the issue is in fact the rom or the device...
Hope this can help!
Sprint 6.5
Thank you for the good advice. I took my device into a store and they did the usual hard reset ( cannot reproduce the issue) process. I sat there and activesynched with Exchange server , made a call and had the phone locked up two times. I do have over 1000 contacts in my list ( Business, clients and my consultants!)
The tech said he had never seen this issue and ordered me a new device.I use the Clean Ram and task manager programs. I also ran a process explorer in the device and it finds Manilla to be the culprid of the issues. So I have installed Mobile Shell and am using that until my replacement arrives.
As I sat in the store there were 4 people with HTC TP2 with unresponsive screens. All 6.5 roms.
Sprint WM6.5
I have no idea what all the hype was about or what I'm missing in this upgrade. IT'S HORRIBLE!!! It's almost 10% cosmetic and 90% buggy. In my opinion, WM6.1 was stable, fast, and professional looking. The upgrade has done nothing for me in terms of productivity. It has turned my phone into a cartoonish, VERY sluggish, and a freeze worthy POS!!! I despise this upgrade, the colors, the themes, and most of--the stupid, sloppy, rolodex-like clock.
Anyone know where I could find the necessary information to 'downgrade' back to WM6.1???
jsonc78 said:
I have no idea what all the hype was about or what I'm missing in this upgrade. IT'S HORRIBLE!!! It's almost 10% cosmetic and 90% buggy. In my opinion, WM6.1 was stable, fast, and professional looking. The upgrade has done nothing for me in terms of productivity. It has turned my phone into a cartoonish, VERY sluggish, and a freeze worthy POS!!! I despise this upgrade, the colors, the themes, and most of--the stupid, sloppy, rolodex-like clock.
Anyone know where I could find the necessary information to 'downgrade' back to WM6.1???
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WM6.1 is always faster than WM6.5. Besides WM6.1 has sense 2.1, which is faster than sense 2.5.
Downgrade 6.1
PPC geeks has the stock roms...
I still cant post links yet :/ but goto PPC geeks..then click on forums..from there scroll down to where it says htc device and click on touch pro 2...then click on cdma tp2 upgrades...then scroll down nd you should see a forum thread that says STOCK ROM collections..once u click that it provides u a link for the sprint 6.1 rom and many others...hope this can help!

