getting broken phone for research? - General Questions and Answers

Hey all, I know this is a weird question, but I'm looking at using smartphones as sensor packages on unmanned aircraft, particularly balloons and dirigibles. The problem, as I'm sure you've guessed, is cost- ideally we'd like to use something like a G1 or that sort of thing, but we're a long ways short of the cost of a new one, and since we don't need a fully functional phone, we're trying to get ones that only partly work. I've tried calling htc america and got literally nowhere, and was told that the only way that t-mobile might be able to do anything is if we were through a non-profit, which we could do but seems somewhat less than honest to me, as this is a personal project. Anybody have experience getting broken/partially functional devices on the cheap? Any advice on other avenues?

Ebay look for phones with a bad ESN or needing repair


im done with PDA's

Had enough,
sure i shall miss the stuff you can do but tbh for me most avg phones are closing in fast,on ability and im sick to death of crashes,bugs,reinstall's
it jusy aint worth the headache,im off to find a decent Phone
well the more normal "smart" phones catch up
the more advanced their software will be and
the more issues they will get
we're doomed if we do and doomed if we dont
yer your right just phone and msn n email will do me these days
If I would put the energy that I put into my PDA (to get it work properly to keep in touch with my mates), into the relationsships with my friends, they would like me more than now... Most of them don't care if I call then via VoIP or Skype if at least I DO call...
I had a few of things that bugged me about having a PDA ,but i compromised them in the belief that ,they it will be far more worthwhile to have one and live with the issues
but the faults list grows and the good point just arent enough
TBH I don't know what the fuss is about. I have an XDA mini which is fabulous. Never crashed in 6 months and I'm running Tom Tom aswell. The only problem is that it's not working properly now, but that's since it got soaked in my pocket riding from Newcastle to Edinburgh on the bike in the rain. It's still going and it handles everything I do and more without question. I'm sticking with my PDA phone to save me carrying two things around with me (I need all the stuff when I'm running a business).
I have had my last 3 HTC devices from a friend who has bought them, had problems, and bought the next one that comes along thinking things will get better.
I never have these unreliability issues he always has, and they are the exact same devices he has had.
I put it down to the type of person, and knowledge of the device.
Sure, you shouldn't need to be a technical person just to use a PDA, but it obviously makes a difference.
Maybe you just need to stick to a Palm or Blackberry
Jace - I'm interested to know which device you used.
I used the xda2s and the xda exec and got really fed up with both.
I'm not remotely technical and just wanted a good phone that does email and few other bits when needed.
Got the xda mini in July this year and have never looked back. It is a pure phone that does the few extra things I need without issue.
If possible I suggest you try it as you may be surprisingly pleased with it.
In a way, I could understand where the original poster is coming from. But don't get me wrong I love windows mobile devices, but if your like most people, we just want things to work. So when things don't work, your either the type that'll find ways to make it work, or the type that'll just find another device. We have to be honest, those of us that come in and out of these forums on a daily basis with hacks and solutions and those of us looking for hacks and solutions for our windows powered devices are among the few that'll actually take the time out to do so. If you think about it, It can literally take up to 3 months are more to actually get the device operating exactly the way you wanted it. Mabey that's just a little too long for the average person.
I too have felt like the OP, contemplating over and over again, after the countless amount of resets, whether or not I should just go get a fancy nokia n series or something, but I have grown found of my wizard, and its kinda of fun hacking away at its OS to see it become highly operational, kinda like the way M$ should of made it out the box. Just my two cents.
Here is a story about a friend of mine (no point posting my opinion as part of the reason I love my Jamin is the fact that I can tweak it and make little apps for it - so I don't care even if it does require reset on occasion).
Any way this friend has a company phone (a simple Nokia) and he gets a lot of calls on it (part of the job). Trouble is this phone doesn't have BT so my friend complained that at the end of the day his ear heart.
The thing is, this particular friend always told me that Phone edition Pocket PC devices are too unstable, too big and generally useless as phones.
One they he got a MIO a701. At first he told me he was just using it for the BT so he can speak through the hands-free.
Now he just won't give it up. Even when his headset broke he still refused to go back to the regular phone.
Once while on a lunch break 2 minutes walk outside the office, he wanted to log in to his account on our server but for some reason the device couldn't connect (faulty GPRS settings). He begged me to use my Jamin.
I wouldn't let him, arguing that his work station was just an elevator ride away.
Eventually he broke, and admitted that he just couldn't give up the convenience.
I have owned a MDA Compact,which was ok but when i up dated the ROM from the TMobile site it fried the unit,
I then got an Exec,i have found that ok for my needs,(being phone,email,msn,web browsing)
but i agree with the above comments for some one not so minded tech wise,then maybe an incorrect choice of device for me
Basically an out the box unit ,is ok,just ok
but to make it decent takes some effort to get the best from the device
Ok they cant make the device suit everyone out the box,i undertsand that
however freezing up and soft resets a plenty,they are just too unstable for me
beofre my job required me to be away for long periods and the Exec fitted my needs ,now i think ill just be happy with less abilitys and more stability
The smartphones and nokias are gaining ground fast,for my needs maye they are better
The upside for me is the way you can alter and personalise the devices
but to be used day in day out as also my main phone there are far to unstable
In my case i had a compact which went tits up after a simple ROM update,
then an Exec which would freeeze and be a bit moody but then when the shutdown.battery problem started ouccruing(got new battery now)i just said to myself
you know what aint worth the hassle
dodgy pics a cheap nokia can match and beng a brick etc etc
maybe id be more suited to a smartphone or just a humble phone but me and HTC Pda just dont work out
I suppose at this point in timei dont have the time to mess around too much with the units
So my ideal maybe my Exec for away from home times and other certain situs but day to day maybe a an all singing all dancing mobile
ntornics said:
its kinda of fun hacking away at its OS to see it become highly operational,
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You hit the nail on the head. You find it fun, and actually know how to get into the OS and mess around with it. There are plenty out there like me who haven't the faintest clue. We want our xda's to work out the box, and thats all. We come on this forum to 'take' information: get interesting apps, ask silly questions etc. I've very rarely ever actually contributed as such.
And then, when something doesn't work, we either continue to bang our heads against a wall trying to get a fix (from you guys, not from ourselves), or we move on.
Getting my xda mini s was my last attempt, and I am glad to say that it has never crashed; is never slow on answering a call; does not look like it belongs in a laptop case; and email works perfectly. The only thing I would like would be a today screen like I see so many screen shots of on here, but I haven't a clue and it would probably slow the thing down anyway :wink:
These devices are so young anyway it's no surprise they have problems. Can't wait to see what's gonna be around in 5 years time.....
good point mate
ive just read the hermes prob thread & ive had the exec battery problem
nothing is flawless in life,but it dont help that they release these products with faults
your mayor phone makers dont release units with big issues
i think id seen the light when having the exec battery problem came along and while a new battery arrived,i used a nokia 3250 it was such a nice change to have a device that preformed its functions
i just think we accpet a lot in PDA's that maybe we wouldnt put up with in a PC,Car or phone
we think its a trade of for there many functions for some problems but were do you draw the line
how many soft resets do we do?freezes?
anyone reading this do you feel ive just picked the wrong devices?,if so what do you think may have been with hindsight a better option?
Can't wait to see what's gonna be around in 5 years time.....
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what today hang around for 5years time?
apart from social deseases ?

Would you recommend the Fuze?

I've really been considering to buy the Fuze, but I'm getting mixed reviews. For all the Fuze owners, please answer the poll so that us potential buyers will know what to do.
anyone else wanna vote?
theomni said:
anyone else wanna vote?
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I'm stuck in between the Fuze and the Touch Pro now... I really don't know which one is better? They are the same price nowadays.
I recommend it. I had the Tilt before and I love the Touch, its probably the best WM phone I've had (I've used the Sprint 700wx, Sprint Q, Sprint Touch, AT&T Tilt and now the AT&T Fuze).
I'm sure the few issues that exist with the Fuze will be fixed within a month or two because of the wonderful people we have here making custom ROMs, porting radios, etc.
I am very happy with my Fuze. It's not perfect and definitely needs some tweaks, but I think it is the best Windows Mobile phone ever put out. The screen is fantastic and makes it worth it by itself.
VGA screen
Excellent multimedia
Youtube works both in it's own app and the mobile website
Slingbox looks fantastic
Expanded keyboard
Sleek design
Touch Flo 3D really works good
Finally, good bluetooth reception
So-so d-pad
More remappable buttons needed
No headphone out jack
I do miss the tilting screen of the Tilt
No forward facing camera (why AT&T?)
Overall, I love the phone. I don't even need to use my laptop much anymore. Plus, it should only get better. I can't wait to see the Fennec web browser released for WinMo.
The Fuze can run on AT&T's 3G bands, which is the biggest difference. Physically, the Fuze has a PTT button (remappable using a trick in this forum) and the Pro has a front-faceing camera, but they are otherwise the same. You can install whatever Touch Pro ROM you want on the Fuze once you flash Hard SPL on it, so the software difference should not be an issue. If you're on AT&T and in a 3G area, it's a no-brainer decision between the two.
Tempest790 said:
No forward facing camera (why AT&T?)
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US carriers don't support that functionality so it's cheaper for HTC to leave it out all together.
I've swithed from iPhone after droolling over Fuze release date for 2 months. First couple of days had slight regret (my first WM phone), but once I got the hang of it I fell in love with it. My girl tried it out and dropped her iPhone for Fuze aswell. IMHO, Fuze is on a much higher level and you just can't customize the iPhone the way you can Fuze, no matter what Apple commercials say. Oh and by the way, I realized how crappy Apple products are, but that's another story.
I said no because its not for everyone. I read a lot of people wanting something other than the iphone because of the data plan, this is not an iphone. Then they go and complaint that they cant do this, that its slow, that this, that that. I confess, I am/was one of those whining byotches. I know its not an iphone, I'm just afraid to customizing with roms and then f-it up and be stuck with a nice $300 paper weight. So maybe after my month is up, I'll have the balls to customize it.
Do you have to buy a data plan with the Fuze like you have to with the iPhone, for AT&T?
Only if you want the rebate.
If you want the best browser/entertainment device thats easy to use get an iphone. If you need a business phone outside of entertainment, get the fuze. Both are aimed at different type of consumer.
I know this is exactly what everyone hates to hear, and they just want a plain yes or no, but it really does depend on the person.
If your the kind of person thats really into the stuff they buy, and wants a device that has tons of opportunities and possibilities, then you will probably like the fuze. The beautiful thing about winmo devices is how much you can mess around with them. You can download tons of apps, customize, flash new ROMs, experiment, all kinds of stuff.
If you want something that is ALWAYS going to be friendly and never ever give you any quirks or problems and you just want something that is very cut and dry, the fuze may not be for you.
I would line up your priorities and see what is most important to you and more importantly, what would make you want to throw your phone out the window, cause those are the things that are ultimately going to make you happy when your using your device.
Fuze thoughts:
I have had this phone for 3 days now. My prior phone was an 8125. I unlocked and customized that phone after 30 days. I will most likely do the same thing with this one. Gotta read read read.
Initial review: Absolutely the awesomest phone I have had to date, only the 3rd PDA, though.
I miss the programmable buttons. I haven't figured everything out, but I am getting the hang of it. It has advanced customization, though I haven't even touched the surface. The keyboard is a little different from my 8125, and as I have used it extensively for 2 years, I am accustomed to the numbers being along the top row. I think the 'Full 5 Row QWERTY keyboard on the phone should more closely resemble a normal keyboard, however, I am certain I will get used to it with a little practice.
I have one problem that AT&T doesn't know how to fix: the error message "Smart Chip Not Provisioned MM #2" comes up and shuts off phone signal. I initially thought it was the smart chip. I placed it in my 8125, and no problems. Then I exchanged the phone. Still no fix. It isn't a hard error I can readily duplicate, it just happens intermittently, but only in a specific location, so now I suspect the towers serving the area in which it happens. I suppose it could be the sim card in conjunction with the 3G network which the 8125 doesn't support, but further troubleshooting will eventually solve this one.
Addtionally I was hoping that AT&T wouldn't cripple the forward facing camera, but it isn't there, and I'm not willing to pay $550 more for a Touch Pro off Ebay just for that. As there isn't a lot of network support for live video conferencing, it really isn't that much of a problem for me anyway.
Reception seems to be about the same as my 8125, but again, further testing will support or disprove my initial experience. I am currently having trouble with the GPS function, but it is probably just a configuration/setup issue that I have not played with enough. The phone will tether without the laptop connect package, but you have to make a small edit in the registry. This is a relatively painless process.
This is not meant to criticize the Fuze. These are the only real problems (and minor to me) that I have encountered, and would give this phone a HIGH recommendation.

HTC touch pro

Hey everyone. my girlfriend is looking to get a different phone but doesn't want all the data plan and stuff the smartphones have. i read somewhere that the touch pro doesnt need a data plan is that true.. Also Is this thing laggy or anything i have heard the diamond is a bit laggy. if so do the cooked roms seem to make it smoother and more reliable.. thanks for any info!!! its greatly appreciated. just wanna know whats shes getting into before she gets one
If I'm not mistaken. any phone that you purchase off contract/third party can be used without data (I could be wrong here). Probably best to get the newer phones as the TP is not the best of the best but it'll get you by, IF you want to compromise price. Other than that, it's not a bad phone, I honestly have no desire for a new phone at the moment. I've had mine for more than two years and I am liking my current configuration. Let's put it this way, if she like using a phone with an outdated OS, then by all means! If she wants something more, I'd go with an Android device... IMHO
well she has messed with the new smart phones and she was just like its just to much for me. i don't need to use any of that stuff. she has an lg env touch which of course isnt a smart phone. She doesnt want to spend a whole lot of money on a phone that has a bunch of things that it can do but she wont use it for. Well she wants one but And i have seen some android roms made for the touch pro? im not sure. she likes the keyboard and all that. how is the touch screen on it? and you can get it in GSM right? i was probably going to flash the energy rom on it for her and all that. how much better is it then the env touch.
Englewood12 said:
well she has messed with the new smart phones and she was just like its just to much for me. i don't need to use any of that stuff. she has an lg env touch which of course isnt a smart phone. She doesnt want to spend a whole lot of money on a phone that has a bunch of things that it can do but she wont use it for. Well she wants one but And i have seen some android roms made for the touch pro? im not sure. she likes the keyboard and all that. how is the touch screen on it? and you can get it in GSM right? i was probably going to flash the energy rom on it for her and all that. how much better is it then the env touch.
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Just as R^7Z above, I've had my TP for over two and a half years now, and am still immensely happy with it (not meaning to say though that I don't occasionally yearn for something faster and flashier). I've dropped my TP countless times onto concrete and tiles, and even have it fly off the back of my motorbike onto the road and get driven over by a car - and only had to replace the battery cover! So it's definitely a sturdy 'phone.
If your girlfriend's used to capacitive touch screens, she probably won't particularly like the TP's resistive screen. Though if she's got long nails, she might actually prefer it (I remember a colleague with long nails complaining when she got an iPhone 3).
EnergyROM might initially be a little daunting for her with all of the extra functionality (multiple screens, etc), but the layout's very easy to modify with the built-in tools, so you can make it easier to access.
The best thing about the TP now as opposed to when I got it, is the price. You can get a brand new one from China for under $300 including postage - I originally paid almost $1.2k for mine in '08.

[Q] Is there anywhere to buy main boards?

So my phone appears to be completely beyond hope as far as I can determine. After a short it just will not power on no matter what I try. It has probably burned out a few components on the main board, but it's far beyond my capability to diagnose or repair that. I've been looking around trying to figure out how to get it fixed within a very limited budget and not having a lot of luck really. So far the cheapest I've been able to find was a main board alone on eBay for $180. The irony being that I see several for other networks that are a lot cheaper, but, not only have they managed to make it illegal to unlock phones, but as far as I can tell it really sounds like most other networks' phones won't work with Verizon anyway.
It also worries me a bit buying on eBay anyway. I'm not even touching one where they don't at least claim it has a clean ESN or post the IMEI where I can verify myself using Verizon's site and really it's surprisingly expensive even to get one with a busted screen where I could be at least relatively certain the board should be working (namely I looked for them saying stuff that at least gave me good reason to believe it was fully working other than the screen part.)
So I'm wondering if there's any sort of "official" place where you could buy just the parts? It probably would still be too much (after all, the main board contains the SoC and most of the other really important components with the screen and digitizer being the only other truly valuable components not contained on it) but I'd at least like to check it if there were somewhere to check...
EDIT: Ok, I gave up and went with eBay. I've found one that I'm really crossing my fingers over...

Compatibility of parts (logic boards) between carrier variants?

I have struggled to compare images etc. online in order to answer this. I am sorry if this has been asked, but I have googled and searched within these forums before posting this.
Let's say I got an N915P (Sprint) in great condition and obscenely cheap, but with a bad ESN.
Would the space inside and the components me compatible with the logic board from the N915A (AT&T, preferred) or N915V (Verizon, workable)?
If so I can have a working Note Edge up and running for (relative) peanuts. But I don't want to spend a lot on a logic-board that will not fit, or will have different cable fittings.
It looks so far like they are all very similar. Does anyone have experience with this?
Kind regards,
EDIT: Currently bidding on an n915a motherboard, if it stays at a good price and I win, I can update this with my experience.
I still highly appreciate all/any response, as it might discover that I should stop bidding immediately
Important update to anyone who needs to know the outcome of this:
I was able to swap the Verizon and Sprint motherboards very easily thanks to the phone's design, and everything works completely naturally. This feels like it has always been a Verizon device.
I swapped the charger port / mic setup at the same time, in case there are any differences, as there often are.
I hope this is useful to someone.
yablokosmonaut said:
Important update to anyone who needs to know the outcome of this:
I was able to swap the Verizon and Sprint motherboards very easily thanks to the phone's design, and everything works completely naturally. This feels like it has always been a Verizon device.
I swapped the charger port / mic setup at the same time, in case there are any differences, as there often are.
I hope this is useful to someone.
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My friend, you made my day.
I was wondering swap the same model parts it would works, and you post is the best answer.-
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

