Contact info missing when dialing - General Topics

Hi guys,
Just got my TD2 a few days back.
However i noticed when im dialing a number, i do not see the number that i'm dialling. just the contact picture and that's it.
The name of the contact and number are all missing from the dialer while dialing.
Anyone has any solutions to this?? Thanks in advance!


Photo Caller ID

I have problem with my photo caller ID. It's not showing the photo when there is incoming call from number that I assign photo. The software was there but seems it not working with incoming call now. What should I do? Can someone help me.
Metalz said:
I have problem with my photo caller ID. It's not showing the photo when there is incoming call from number that I assign photo. The software was there but seems it not working with incoming call now. What should I do? Can someone help me.
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Make sure that you don't have duplicate name... If you have duplicate name assign on one person and you don't know, Caller ID get confused that's why picture not showing up (happened to me). Another one is maybe (just maybe) he/she block his/her number?
Hope this help.

Vario IV and callerID

Just got my new VarioIV and callerID is not working i.e. when someone rings who is also in my phonebook their name and number is not displayed. The phone display unknown caller and the number.
If the same person sends me a text message their name is displayed. Anyone else experiencing this?
After some investigation I have discovered this phone does not like international numbers in the format of +XX
If I have a number in the format of 07125 123456 callerID with name works.
If I have a number in the format of +447125 123456 callerID does not work but when I get a text the person name is displayed.
Is this by design? My Kasier, Hermes and Blue Angel always worked with +XX numbers.
Have a look in this thread:
Quite why the phone was released with this problem is beyond me.
antlane said:
Have a look in this thread:
Quite why the phone was released with this problem is beyond me.
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I totally agree, why I need to use a 3rd party software to fix the problem is totally unacceptable. T-Mobile should address this problem, i will give their customer support a ring.
antlane said:
Have a look in this thread:
Quite why the phone was released with this problem is beyond me.
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Hello I tried using Schaps Adv Config and changed the trailing numbers to 9 and indeed callerID now works BUT this seems to break text messages i.e. when someone sends me text i get no notification on my phone. This is crazy, I have spoken with t-mob who will reset my profile but i have a feeling this is a Vario IV rom problem.

Caller ID!!!!!

Hey everyone, do they have a WM app for displaying the caller ID name (not just the number) on ANY number, not just your contacts? (On CDMA?) Like, it tells you who it is when one of your contacts call, but when someone else calls it just says their number. Anyone know a fix for CDMA? I have a TELUS Touch Pro.
MasterOfTheXP said:
Hey everyone, do they have a WM app for displaying the caller ID name (not just the number) on ANY number, not just your contacts? (On CDMA?) Like, it tells you who it is when one of your contacts call, but when someone else calls it just says their number. Anyone know a fix for CDMA? I have a TELUS Touch Pro.
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There is a software called caller id on dev and hack forum similar to your needs (works only for canada and usa)
Please use search

[solved] Problem with Contacts and International Country Codes

So Ive been using my HTC Ozone (6.5 Standard, 3VO rom) for a while in israel, and the way the cellular network works is as follows:
country code is +972
the number that shows up on an incoming call is 052-555-5555.
The number that shows up on an incoming text is +972-52-555-5555.
The number that shows up on an outgoing call when dialing without the country code (aka 052-555-5555) is +972-052-555-5555.
All of these differences mean that if I have a number saved in the contact manager (in only one of the above forms), it isnt displayed 2/3rds of the time. If i send a text to ME(052-555-5555), the reply comes back from an unsaved number, in a new thread is +972-52-555-5555.
Is there a way for me to just save the base number (052-555-5555), and have the phone's contact manager realize that its the same number is the +92 equivalent? My current workround is saving all the forms of a number to a contact, but 1. its tedium to go through all my contacts and do this, and 2. you can only save so many numbers to a contact, which means im screwed if the contact has two different numbers.
I see all these fields in the "current country" setting, but I have no idea what they mean, or if that is even the solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
hey , i got the same problem on my Omnia 2 with windows mobile version 6.5
The local incoming call won't show the country code, and sms does the opposite way.
check through all my phone setting, can not find any related option for this.
Thanks for anyone can provide a resolution.
i just resolved my problem. hope this way can help you as well.
get a regedit software on your windows mobile phone.
go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ControlPanel/Phone
under it, you should able to see a key name "CallIdMatch", change the value to maybe 8 or 9, which means it will match the last 8 or 9 numbers for each incoming call or sms. (use decimal) after the changing, reboot your phone.
Wow, it worked!!
Thanks a lot man!
thanks for the tip jason_ma!
i was also wondering about it.
Anyone know how to edit CalIidMatch an an HTC hero

M0111 comes up when dialing prestored numbers.

Anyone else yave this problem? On some stored numbers in my contacts when i click on the person it dials an m0111 befoe the regular number. But when i look at the contact before i press call the correct regular number is there. Its only when i hit call it tacks that on. The contacts are verizon numbers also. Ok the M is normal as it means mobile number that is being called. The last 1 in the 0111 is the start of the area code. Ex 1-201-52*-****. I called the verizon and they said it is trying to dial international for some reason....they want me to hard reset i said no im not doing that yet.

