now,that there is a german rom i want to change my rom to this...
at this time, i have installed the 1.62 with german language-pack ...
is this possible in any way ?
if not,how can i do a full backup of my system including the doc ?
thank you
as there are lots of settings - of which some (!) might be migrated - which one are you talking about?
the files,the pim,the registry .. and the rest
As long as you do not change the OS AND keep the size of the RAM-disk you have a good chance to migrate all data.
When you are changing the OS OR the size of the RAM-disk ... seems to be nearly impossible. I have updated a ROM and changed the size of the RAM-disk and only succeded in restoring the data with sunnysoft by hand (all important one woithout a problem: PIM, other database etc.).
But - logically - all programs (formerly installed onto the RAMDisk) and their settings did not work any longer.
Hope this helps, best regards
P.S.: Possibly the new version of Sprite BackUp might help, as they say, that the newest version is able to restore data after an update :shock: ! (can´t comment, as I am only using Sunnysoft and SPB Backup)
the ramdisk shouldnt be the problem ...
i want to change it - but only from not present to present ...
everithing,i want to migrate is on the doc (and on the sd )
do you think,the data stays,if i only update the rom without deleting the doc ?
When you are updating the ROM the whole "System memory"/ "Main memory" will be erased and formated (!!)... everything else (which only is the SD-Card :?) will not be touched at all.
This means: you have to (at least) copy every document from the "main/ system memory" to the SD-Card - the most reliable solution for this task is a backup program, because you won´t be able (at least my experience) to copy the system data base (as PIM, etc.) by hand. My recommendations: SKTools, Sunnysoft BackupManager or SPB Backup (little bit more complicated to select the files manually, as you have to decompress the backup-exe-file on you PC).
(Just to be sure: what do you mean with "doc" - auf Deutsch? )
Schönen Gruß
doc ist die disk-on-chip ...
ich sollte letztens für jemanden sein rom neuflashen und habe dabei vergessen,beim "hardreset",also in dem menu,wo man die 3 punkte hat,die sachen einzustellen ... bei ihm hat sich nichts geändert - daher gehe ich davon aus,dass beim flashen der doc nicht gelöscht wird - erst danach(oder sollte man es davor machen? ) manuell
das wäre ne machbare lösung - nur würd ich gern wissen,ob die settings angenommen werden - ich hab fast die ahnung,dass das dann mit dem deutsch-patch rumzickt,welchen ich auf der 1.62wwe habe
aber es ist gut zu wissen,dass es mittlerweile funktionierende back-up-programme gibt ... ich mach einfach vorher mit jedem einzelnen ein backup :lol:
you can use explore in as and copy files you want to your pc
but that wont help with the registry and the today-screen
the registry may not be such a good idear to take along with you
one of the differences between roms is also regitry
if you take the registry from one version to another you may very well end up with a malfunctioning device
much like you would if you took it with you from one versions of pc windows to another
not sure about pda registry editors
but in regs on pc's you can export it to a a text reg file you can run on another to add the regitry
and today screen depend on 2 things registry and
and installed programs
to get the programs installed you can just click add remove programs in AS
to get programs installed using AS installed on the new device
I have rooted my G1 German Device now I have the RC33 from US on my phone and want ask what the diffrent with the Dev Firmware?
one thing, according to a friend of mine who has problems if the myfaves app is installed:
- no myfaves app
I have installed HardSPL so I can just install JFv1.43 Holiday (1319)???
Or exist a NBH file of DevPhone?
Yeah, no prob. I also got the Holiday-Version on my german Phone ... no problem by simply flashing it like the others ...
Hi McLin,
kannst direkt die Holiday ADP Version installieren hat bei mir auch wunderbar geklappt.
Ich habe aber im Bootloader bevor ich die ADP Firmware geflasht habe noch ein "Alt+W" gemacht um die alte (bei mir RC7) zu löschen und danach direkt ein "Alt+S"
EDIT: upps English-forum, sry.
Yeah I did the Upgrade, and made after ALT+s an ALT+w and it works, just I cant upgrade the TerminalEmulator because the Markt App cant delete old versions...
McLin said:
I have rooted my G1 German Device now I have the RC33 from US on my phone and want ask what the diffrent with the Dev Firmware?
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Anyone with a Developer Phone can essentially get every application ever created on Android Market, without any "protections" by location. Ex.: If you cannot download Skype Lite in Germany or elsewhere, with ADP you can. There are no protection for ADP.
I have the problem with the Terminal Editor, too.
aleksys said:
Anyone with a Developer Phone can essentially get every application ever created on Android Market, without any "protections" by location. Ex.: If you cannot download Skype Lite in Germany or elsewhere, with ADP you can. There are no protection for ADP.
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'Fraid not
it's not set by phone firmware, it's determined by your sim-card/where you're account is registered to, e.g. mine's a EU account, therefore i only have access to the EU marketplace, even on ADP (meaning no paid apps for me yet ). protection has nothing to do with it.
I can't Download the PacMan update since updatet tp Adb 1.1h when I have rc33 from JesusFreak it working
Download uncessful
Ok resolved Term App:
1: Open Terminal
2: su
3: mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
4: cd system/app
5: rm*
Terminal close
6: Go to market and install Update...
Root is there after update.
But no PacMan Upgrade
For several reasons I also did the update to JF1.43 ADP1.1h on my German G1, what is rather weird is that I now can't find several apps in the market, they are just not there:
Task Manager for root (can also not be found on
Toggle Settings
I tried it with an US sim card (cingular), but then market refused my google account and kept asking me for my google password.
Is this known behaviour? Any solutions?
Did upgrade to original Dev Firmware, have also root:
McLin, do you see the apps I mentioned in your market, with the original non-JF ADP1.1?
Yeah all app in the store but just with us sim card..
Just thought I would compile a list of useful stuff which took me ages to find:
DISCLAIMER: I have not tried many of the techniques described in the links. Please do only at your own risk and make sure you read all comments and feedback on each technique properly
Note: German speakers might also like to try these links:
Essential Reading
(note that this is for information only, some of the procedures only apply to dream)
Information about 32A vs 32B motherboards
(make sure you have the right "rooted recovery" for your board)
Find out which one you have by going into fastboot mode (displayed in top left of screen):
On your device, enter the bootloader FASTBOOT mode by trying one of the following
Turn off your device and while it is off hold down back while you press power.
Turn off your device and while it is off hold down volume down while pressing power
(link to 32A rooted recovery - procedure for root below has 32B rooted recovery)
My HTC Magic is the UK Vodafone version. It was 32B and worked fine with the default procedure, but your mileage might vary
How to Install USB Driver for ROM access
see section 3
How to ROOT Magic
Information for rooting Japanese Magic
How to install local root (for on-phone applications to be able to access root)
read security warnings
Install other language fonts
Change splash screen
Shipping SPL list
Guide to restoring ROM from NANDROID backup on Windows
xda-developers wiki
Android SDK
Recommended Utility Applications from App Store
ES File Explorer (SD card file manager - free)
Advanced Task Manager (Kill tasks - cost €0.99)
ConnectBot (shell for internal commands and external ssh or telnet)
The selection of roms is fast moving. Its better to look in the "Sapphire android developer" for ROM threads.
Good work! Thank you very much.
This should be stickied thanks a lot.
Thank you for the info. just changed the forum from TYTN II as my sapphire arrived yesterday. Question: there seem to be signed ROMs around eg ION from Haykuro. Does it mean that I can install such a rom without prior rooting of the device and then would have an rooted device?
Thankx in advance.
feicher said:
Thank you for the info. just changed the forum from TYTN II as my sapphire arrived yesterday. Question: there seem to be signed ROMs around eg ION from Haykuro. Does it mean that I can install such a rom without prior rooting of the device and then would have an rooted device?
Thankx in advance.
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You need the custom SPL (at the end of the the root process wiki)
however, I am not clear whether you can install the custom SPL without being root, so you therefore might need root anyhow
thank you very much! ...was just a bit worried to brick the device right out of box. As usual: no pain no gain.
please help . my htc magic reboot again and again because I install wrong rom. any way to remount my sdcard too copy the right rom and flash again... please help me
janjan said:
please help . my htc magic reboot again and again because I install wrong rom. any way to remount my sdcard too copy the right rom and flash again... please help me
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you need to provide more information
firstly do you have a 32B or 32A board ? (see how to identify above)
if 32B, then just follow the rooting procedure, after which install the latest ION Google ROM
janjan said:
please help . my htc magic reboot again and again because I install wrong rom. any way to remount my sdcard too copy the right rom and flash again... please help me
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You already made a topic about this. Go search for information before you start on something you don't understand
janjan said:
please help . my htc magic reboot again and again because I install wrong rom. any way to remount my sdcard too copy the right rom and flash again... please help me
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Use a card reader attached to your pc
added restore nandroid backup in windows
thanks toneytse
thanks you so much. needed this.
WEEHAA! THX a LOT! Found this Thread after rooting my Magic, but it's great!
THIS THREAD SHOULD BE STICKY!!!! So the newbies haven't to spam the Forum with Questions answered in this Thread!
THX brianius
German How-To's - well explained!!!!
1. Ausführliche Anleitung zum rooten eines Magic
2. Ausführliche Anleitung zum flashen eines Magic
Have fun/Viel Vergnügen!
brianius said:
1. Ausführliche Anleitung zum rooten eines Magic
2. Ausführliche Anleitung zum flashen eines Magic
Have fun/Viel Vergnügen!
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thanks. time I learnt German then!
cant thank you enough dude this stuff came in real handy i followed these and now i have a nice rooted phone with infinite capabilities amazing cheers dude and to everyone who wrote the guides in the first place, the hero rom is deffo a show piece my whole family owns iphones and should see there reaction lmfao role on android
Good work, thanks! this should be very sticky !
Another vote for stickiness power by mods
Nice collection of links there - however this info should be put in the Wiki so everyone can contribute and keep it up to date rather than linking to hundreds of different posts that slowly go out of date.
Start here:
I'm happy to help keep it up to date, just not got the time to collate it all atm.
+1 for the wiki. I requested one of the mods to make this page sticky but wiki's are better than lot's of fora/discussion pages for information gathering. Will definitely add stuff to the wiki!
I have HTC Touch Pro (Swedish) but i have installed a English ROM on in every thing is working fine except the top row of keyboard (!, $, &, % etc.) when i press these keys with combination of FN key its giving different output.
When i press
FN + $ its writing @
FN + & its writing #
so on...
can anyone tell me can i fix this prob. Thanks.
Here is your help
1. Download THIS pack
2. Extract to your SD
3. Make sure you have selected via your ROM that you are using Touch Pro and NOT Fuze keyboard. Usually there is a pre-installed program for this. (THIS IS IMPORTANT BEFORE NEXT STEP!) If there isn't a keyboard selector in your rom, use this
4. Run the keyboard exe from the pack on your phone and select swedish
(Needs to reboot)
These next steps is if you want T9 dictionary on your language, else your done.
5. Install the T9 CAB file
6. Go in to new sms or some where you can write
7. Expand so you have hardware keyboard
8. Press FN + Space in the text field
9. Choose language under the language setting. DO NOT DO IT UNDER THE NORMAL T9 settings.
10. Done! I will recommend a soft-reset/restart and your good to go!
Sådan fik jeg dansk T9 og tastetur
det står også i nogle flere topics her inde hvordan du gør, men jeg har lige sparet dig for en halv dags arbejde for det er topics du skal samle til det jeg lige har gjort for dig. Håber det lykkedes!
i installed the enlgish rom but i have italian key, so i have problem with my key word... where can i find a italian pack for my rom?
Thanks very much
Pleas do a search, i have seen it, but i don't have the link.
xibit1987 thanks for replying. I have tried this method but its not working can you explain the 3rd step where i can select Touch Pro instead of Fuze thanks.
Wich ROM are you using?
P.s. Updated step 3
I have installed the pro fuze KB setting utility but same prob.
PPC info:
HTC Touch Pro T7272
ROM ver. 5.05.405.1 WWE
can you help me.
fine with the rom version, but i also need some more info, is it EnergyRom or what ROM is it... can you link to it?
could someone plz share the t9 package again ?
rapidshare keeps saying there's no more download slot and i been trying for a week now
Same Probleme with Swisscom HTC Touch Pro
I have HTC Touch Pro with Swisscom Branding an French Rom. I have installed a German Rom on it everything is working fine except the top row of keyboard (!, $, &, % etc.) when i press these keys with combination of FN key its giving different output.
When i press
FN + $ its writing @
FN + & its writing #
so on...
what can i Do?
the answer
this is the answer:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Keyboard Layout]
Hi, where do I find a ported Version from Manila 2012/ Version 2.6 for the TG01?
I would prefer a German Version, but English would be ok, too? Is there a link?
I want to install it "manually" on the Novembre5 WM6.1 Version, due to the ram "problem" with Manila + WM6.5.5.
Any solution?
xda_dev2063 said:
Hi, where do I find a ported Version from Manila 2012/ Version 2.6 for the TG01?
I would prefer a German Version, but English would be ok, too? Is there a link?
I want to install it "manually" on the Novembre5 WM6.1 Version, due to the ram "problem" with Manila + WM6.5.5.
Any solution?
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Correct me if I'm wrong, as far as I know Novembre05 never released a wm6.1 ROM version( or did he?)...
xda_dev2063 said:
Hi, where do I find a ported Version from Manila 2012/ Version 2.6 for the TG01?
I would prefer a German Version, but English would be ok, too? Is there a link?
I want to install it "manually" on the Novembre5 WM6.1 Version, due to the ram "problem" with Manila + WM6.5.5.
Any solution?
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I have installed 2.5 to SENSE FFBOY2009 WM6.1 ROM. Runs great. about 68 free RAM for normal use. Incl. Phone Canvas and CoOkieTab. with MailaLanguageManager runs on German
Updated 06.06.2010
Updated 06.06.2010
Install- stepps during 3o min.
Hard reset or master clean bevor
Soft Reset
3. Megapinky 2.5
Soft Reset
5. Sense Fix
Soft Reset
6. Sense_1.3-2.5_Final_Album_Fix
Soft Reset
7. AlbumSearcher_Signed.exe copy to \Windoows\
Soft Reset
Soft Reset
Soft Reset
"Go to key in registy "HKLM\Software\Drivers\WLAN" and copy the value from 'AdapterName" string. Now go to key in registry "HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager\WLAN" and edit "DeviceName" string. You see there value like this: "{98C5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}\TNETW12511". Delete the last part of this value ("TNETW12511") and past the value "AdapterName" which you copy at end. Make soft reset and that is all.
Now Wifi button on your device should work properly"
mirolg said:
SENSE 2.5 2011, very solid on Novembre5 CleanROM and FBOY2009_WM6.1ROM.
With Novembre5 CleanROM approx 65 free RAM in normal use
With FFBOY2009_WM6.1ROM. approx 70 free RAM in normal use
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in the Attached Files:
all necessary programs including the download address for SENSE 2.5 2011
mirolg said:
in the Attached Files:
all necessary programs including the download address for SENSE 2.5 2011
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Many thanks for the upload.All the best my friend.
orly_mihai said:
Many thanks for the upload.All the best my friend.
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Done like, my friend. ROM installation with 6.5.x without problems. Installation
with FFBOY´s WM6.1ROM must be in the
REG under HKLM/Software/HTC/Manila/IsWM6.5 = 0
And some nice program:
mirolg said:
And some nice program:
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What exactly is doing this prog?
bib*oops said:
What exactly is doing this prog?
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look the picture. is a additional Menu
mirolg said:
SENSE 2.5 2011, very solid on Novembre5 CleanROM and FBOY2009_WM6.1ROM.
With Novembre5 CleanROM approx 65 free RAM in normal use
With FFBOY2009_WM6.1ROM. approx 70 free RAM in normal use
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Hi there
How does it perform on windows official 6.5 pro? Ermm i want to know because i am thinking off upping the ROM but at the moment how you have to do it is complicated and i want to make sure i like that home screen? And also if its possible would anyone be kind enough to tell me how to install sense whether it be via active sync of just dropping the program in via Bluetooth etc???
Thank You
In the install steps it says
NETCFv35 (if a CockedROM don´t need)
So if Im wanting to install this on a Novembre5 ROM, do I need to install NETCFv35 or not ?
jlgmax said:
In the install steps it says
NETCFv35 (if a CockedROM don´t need)
So if Im wanting to install this on a Novembre5 ROM, do I need to install NETCFv35 or not ?
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no, you don´t need NETCFv35. Novembre5 ROM has the newest NETCF3.7.
wich version of Sense you will installing?
I have installed the both versions 2011 and 2012. Although it had more free memory than FFBOY's and Aragon's Manila ROM, but the speed is very bad. I think the hundreds of manila files in Windows, the fragmented system.
but I have found a way to operate, Aragon or FFBOY Manila ROM with an average of 60 MB of RAM for. And I use the Phone Canvas not, but the standart phoneDailer. a fix is needed so you can make calls from favorites
Im installing the Megapinky 2011 version linked to from the cab on the first page of the thread.
I started to install things and reached Albumsearcher.exe and notice that Audiomanager_eng is also an .exe file.
I copied the files into the Windows directory and finished off the installatrion, but now Im getting errors on Music and Pitures tabs - saying that the files cannot be found. Im guessing Ive copied them into the wrong directory !
Can anyone tell me where Im meant to copy them ?
Thanks !
The install from this cab is a long process i need more then 30 min for it.
At the first i think that the cab doesn´t work, but later it ask after the installtion place. Then you can see that the cab works a long time. I install it over WiFi
jlgmax said:
Im installing the Megapinky 2011 version linked to from the cab on the first page of the thread.
I started to install things and reached Albumsearcher.exe and notice that Audiomanager_eng is also an .exe file.
I copied the files into the Windows directory and finished off the installatrion, but now Im getting errors on Music and Pitures tabs - saying that the files cannot be found. Im guessing Ive copied them into the wrong directory !
Can anyone tell me where Im meant to copy them ?
Thanks !
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I have updatet, read the post:
hmm my location doenst work correctly =/
(@ mirolg - Kann meinen Standort nicht aktualisieren - hab alles so installiert, wies da stand. in den ganzen sense roms gings komischerweise ohne probleme. ne idee?)
c0rE1337 said:
hmm my location doenst work correctly
the locating service does not correctly work in this version. for best creating under weather a new location (city). Click on the homescreen on the clock and select this as your location.
(der locating service funktioniert in dieser version nicht. am besten unter wetter neuen standort (stadt) anlegen. uuf dem homescreen auf die uhr klicken und diese location auswählen)
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Im having problems here.
I installed the version 2012 which is linked to in an earlier post. However when sense loaded after the reboot I couldnt see my storage card in File Explorer.
I rebooted but still couldnt see, so I disabled sense from the home screen and rebooted again. I still cant see my SD card in file explorer, and I cant get into the settings of the phone because the option is hidden from the Windows menu.
I have tried another known working SD card in the slot but it isnt being displayed.
Can anyone suggest anything I can do to enable me to see the memory card so that I can reflash with another ROM ?