Twaddle - A new Twitter Client - General Topics

After several months of development (and heavy usage by a few users I believe Twaddle (a Twitter client I've been working on) is ready for the general public to use. Whilst I'd be silly if I said that Twaddle was feature complete, I think it definitely has a nice list of features for an initial release;
Viewing your time line, your friends list and your own updates
Nice interface - custom list view with inertial scrolling. (Check out the screenshots)
Post tweets, replies and retweet
Downloading of avatars (including @replies by your friends to other people)
Geotagging of tweets (looks up your current mobile / cell tower with Google, no GPS required)
OAuth support (you don't ever provide you username / password to Twaddle)
Portrait / landscape support
View Google Maps for geotagged posts
Popup notifications (including avatars) with post, reply and retweet options
Is.Gd URL shortening
If anyone is interested in trying it out, you can grab it from General information will be updated frequently on as well. It's a free client, so I hope you guys can give it a try, and I'd love to hear any feed back. You can contact me either through comments on, on this thread, or via twitter

Twaddle v0.1.2
I noticed a rather daft bug in 0.1.1 which caused a crash when one of your friends' last update was to a user with protected updates which you did not have access to. To make up for the crash I've greatly improved the speed of refreshing your friends' status list.
Grab the new version from

Thanks mate, im going on holiday for a week on saturday so Ive installed it on my Blackstone and I'll use it while im away, at first glance it looks good.

Twaddle v0.1.3
I've just released Twaddle v0.1.3 - it features optimised avatar downloading, a few crash related fixes and AppToDate support.
Grab it from

Need logging
Great app!
Can you implement some kind of logging or bug tracking? Twaddle regularly fails to connect to Twitter for me when I start the app for the first time after a reboot. The error message just says that it failed to get my credentials or something like that.
Also, could you implement support for keyboard shortcuts (t - tweet/post, r - retweet, etc)?
Any roadmap for feature updates? Do you need donations? Keep up the great work!
P.S. I have a TYTN II with stock everything.

Version 0.2
Where I can get the 0.2 version? I looked the preview and its exactly the one that I want... GREAT GUI... ^^
About icons or picture, I could help you. Just send me an email: [email protected] with detail description about icon/picture that you want, I'll try to make/design it for you... ^^
Ah, could you please remove the bar at the right (the one used for navigating up and down), it looks bad and no use since your app use kinetic scrolling...
And if you can, integrate it with WinMo system (push feature and notifications integrated with WinMo system).
Nice app ^^

After a while of using Twaddle i must say it is definitely the best twitter app i've used so far, except for that terrible looking icon :-( Such a great app with such an ugly icon. Looking forward to the better one
Keep up good work, i like this app.

Any update on adding geo-positioning to see nearby tweets and getting a new view to watch trending topics?

MLonon said:
Great app!
Can you implement some kind of logging or bug tracking? Twaddle regularly fails to connect to Twitter for me when I start the app for the first time after a reboot. The error message just says that it failed to get my credentials or something like that.
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Logging is implemented. If you look in the directory you installed Twaddle into there's a Logs/ directory with a bunch of files named for the time of Twaddle launch (eg. 200908251110) - if you ever experience crashed or you can't connect, send me those logs (support AT twaddle DOT mobi) and I'll have a look.
MLonon said:
Also, could you implement support for keyboard shortcuts (t - tweet/post, r - retweet, etc)?
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I'll look into this for a future release.
MLonon said:
Any roadmap for feature updates? Do you need donations? Keep up the great work!
P.S. I have a TYTN II with stock everything.
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No published roadmap, no. Next major verson (0.2) will feature @reply monitoring and direct messaging support. As well as the new icon bar (see for screenshots).
In regards to donations, they're always a nice way to show your support. Not sure on the forum rules for posting donation links, so to be safe, there's a link for donating on in the top right.

Re: Version 0.2
Crescendo Xenomorph said:
Where I can get the 0.2 version? I looked the preview and its exactly the one that I want... GREAT GUI... ^^
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0.2 hasn't been released yet - I need to polish up a few features and make some general improvements before I release it. That may take a bit of time as I've just moved house so I've without an internet connection / unpacking insteead of coding.
Crescendo Xenomorph said:
About icons or picture, I could help you. Just send me an email: [email protected] with detail description about icon/picture that you want, I'll try to make/design it for you... ^^
I'll shoot you an email with details of what I currently have and ideas.
Crescendo Xenomorph said:
Ah, could you please remove the bar at the right (the one used for navigating up and down), it looks bad and no use since your app use kinetic scrolling...
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I'm a little bit hesitant to remove the scrollbar. Whilst I don't use it to scroll, I personally still use it to see how far through the list of tweets I am. I also think it serves an important function in telling users (especially those new to the application) that the view has more information and that they can scroll about.
Crescendo Xenomorph said:
And if you can, integrate it with WinMo system (push feature and notifications integrated with WinMo system).
Nice app ^^
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Notifications are integrated into the system wide notifications. If that's not what you mean, I think I may have misunderstood you. Can you provide more information?
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zimmicz said:
After a while of using Twaddle i must say it is definitely the best twitter app i've used so far, except for that terrible looking icon :-( Such a great app with such an ugly icon. Looking forward to the better one
Keep up good work, i like this app.
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Glad you like it. If you, or anyone else, would like to provide icons, the icons I need are;
- Program icon (16x16, 32x32, 64x64. A 128x128 one for the website would be good too). I don't really have any suggestions of what the icon should be... so feel free to come up with one.
- 16x16 transparent icon to indicate a favourite tweet (heart or star?)
- 16x16 transparent icon to indicate a user with locked statuses (Padlock)
- 16x16 transparent icon to indicate a tweet is a reply (Arrow or some such?)
- 1x38 image to be used as the background of the icon bar - should be something that looks good stretched out.
- 38x38 image to be used for the selected icon in the icon bar - this gets drawn with a rounded border.
- Icons for each view of Twaddle in 32x32 and 96x96: Timeline, friends, mentions / @replies, direct messages, settings, post. Ones for search, trends, geo-location and followers would also be good.

coolVariable said:
Any update on adding geo-positioning to see nearby tweets and getting a new view to watch trending topics?
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Not for a while yet - you'd be looking at 0.3 at the very earliest (which is a 2-3 months away, I'd say).

It seems i can't send a tweet, twaddle 0.1.3 keeps saying "error" after "sending". Don't know why. Downloading tweets of others works fine though.
Update: oh, it seems twaddle can't handle diacritics like í é á ý ř etc (utf-8 symbols probably).

I cant even start using this app.
At startup when entering account settings it cant open the webbrowser for the stupid authorization.

0.2.1 Released!
This thread is a little old but thought I'd post a quick update in it to let you all know that Twaddle 0.2.1 has been released. You can download it straight from your phone's browser at Otherwise head over to
Lots of bug fixes (including fixed support of multi-byte UTF8 characters), direct message support and viewing @replies / mentions.

Any update on adding geo-positioning to see nearby tweets and getting a new view to watch trending topics?

coolVariable said:
Any update on adding geo-positioning to see nearby tweets and getting a new view to watch trending topics?
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Geo-tagging posts (using mobile tower information provided by Google) already exists. Trending topics are not yet supported - if you head over to there's a pole for proposed features in 0.3 and one of the options is trending topics.


Looking for a Twitter app? Here are some.

I've been spending a while searching for a good Twitter app for WinMo in order to find something that fits me. Unfortunately, I didn't have much luck searching for others' advice, so I began combing the Internet basically trying out every app that caught my eye. I noticed a bunch of people on the XDA forum asking questions about the best Twitter app and I made this topic in hopes of helping others out.
Anyway, below are my assessment of all the Twitter apps I tried. I'll give a summary first for anyone who doesn't want to read through, but after that, read on.
Summary: If anybody is looking for my opinion on the best Twitter based on various attributes, here it is:
Best Appearance - moTweets
Best Speed - TouchTwit
Best Lightweight - Twobile
Best Compromise - Twikini
As for me, I prefer just using the HTC Twitter in TF3D, but when using a ROM without Sense 2.5, I do prefer MoTweets. For everyone else who don't want any of the ones I mentioned, read on, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
1) moTweets - This is probably one of the best WinMo Twitter apps around. The visuals is great (probably the best looking Twitter app I've seen) and the usability is fantastic. Doing anything simply requires you to double tap on a tweet (or tap an icon to tweet yourself). Unfortunately, the disadvantage to moTweet is that there is a noticeable bit of lag, but nothing bad. The free version of the app also comes with ads.
2) PockeTwit - This is a fairly good app. The appearance is a bit unappealing, but the speed appears to be good. I do not like the usability very much, though. In order to do things like favorite, reply, or just tweet, you have to drag the screen to the left or to the right, which can be a bit troublesome. The program does come with a QuickPost icon, but it would have been better if it was integrated into the app itself, in my opinion.
3) Tiny Twitter - Based on the name alone, one might surmise that the program was designed as a lightweight app. Something for speed and simplicity. At least, that was what I had presumed.
Well, the app certainly is simple. There are no visual frills and tweets are listed in small boxes allowing for many, many tweets to be displayed on the screen at a time. All commands are set in the 'Menu' button and there doesn't appear to be a context menu or double tap menu. On the other hand, Tiny Twitter just isn't very fast. Drag-scrolling has noticeable lag and trying to do a long drag-scroll makes it even more obvious. It isn't so slow as to be a deal breaker, though, so if simplicity is necessary for you, then Tiny Twitter isn't a bad deal.
P.S. On quirk I noticed about Tiny Twitter. When it had updated with new tweets, my phone had a small sound go off (not very distinctive), and my phone began vibrating like crazy with nothing to indicate why. For a moment, I had thought it was about to brick itself for some reason.
Then the vibrating stopped and a message popped up saying I had new tweets.
4) TouchTwit - A very slick looking Twitter app and very speedy. I do mean very speedy too as going through tweets or moving from screen to screen was just lightning fast. Performing commands requires you to drag the screen to the right, but doing it here is easy and quick, so I don't mind too much.
5) Twikini - Twikini is not the best looking nor does it have the best usability. Sad to say, it doesn't have the best speed either. However, I can compliment it as probably the best compromise between all three. It is fairly fast, the visuals works well, and the usability is pretty nice. Tweeting is as simple as hitting the 'Tweet' button, replying is done by tapping on a tweet then hitting 'Reply'. Every other available command can be done through the 'Menu' button.
Only disadvantage to this is that it costs $4.95.
6) Twaddle - This is a very awkward app.
Unlike the other Twitter apps on the list, signing in to Twitter requires you to launch a web browser to enter your Twitter account info in order to grant access to Twaddle, and get a pin which you must then input into Twaddle in order to complete authorization.
This awkwardness continues into the program. For example, to drag the screen down to look at more replies, you have to drag the screen, and then let go before the app will actually move. Alternative, you can use the scroll bar to move, but it's not very finger friendly. Furthermore, commands are split between the 'Menu' button, and holding down on a tweet until the context menu pops up, but curiously, there appears to be no obvious way to favorite. Even more strangely, double tapping on a tweet causes the programs to slowly scroll up.
The appearance is fairly nice and the speed is good, but personally, I feel that the app is just too awkward.
7) Quakk - In all honesty, I can not recommend this Twitter app.
The appearance is poor (with oversized tweets) and there appears to be a distinct lack of commands. In fact, the only commands I could find at all was Reply, Direct Message, Open Link, and Tweet. Furthermore, the app seems to be very buggy.
Hitting the 'Update' button occasionally causes the app to crash and trying to Tweet/Reply will result in this small window (that overlaps text; this may be a result of my Fuze's resolution, but I found nothing about system requirements on Quakk's website). Fortunately, the 'Direct Msg' command doesn't seem to have the same problem. Unfortunately, that's because the 'Direct Msg' command doesn't seem to work at all.
Overall, I would rate Quakk very poorly at the moment, but it is listed as an 'open source' app, so it may get better later on.
8) Twitula - Twitula is an app with nice visuals (including interesting transition effects) and it seems to be feature-rich. Performing commands on a tweet is as simple as tapping on the Tweeter's profile pic while there is also a 'Tweet' and 'Menu' button for other necessary commands.
The only issue I noticed with this is speed. Drag-scrolling is very slow and you notice lag in other parts of the app too. Furthermore, the app seems to open all links in PIE despite me having Opera Mobile as my default.
9) mTweets - One of the more simple Twitter apps on the list. In fact, it seem to match Tiny Twitter in simplicity, and the speed is certain better.
Furthermore, it has one of the most unique interfaces of any Twitter app I tried. Tapping on a tweet doesn't highlight it or bring up a context menu, but it displays a new window showing a series of icons which indicates commands, such as reply or direct msg. The tweets are also contained in small windows that looks almost like frames, which is a bit disorientating.
However, the app is missing some common commands (favorite, for example), and it appears to have stability issues. Frequently, I would find that it would take indefinitely when I try to update or switch to another view, and just updating it would take a very long time. Lastly, scrolling in this app is not easy. You can't drag-scroll and scrolling by scrollbar doesn't move the screen until you let go, which is annoying.
10) Twobile - Another 'simplicity app'.
Twobile has an interface similar to that of Tiny Twitter. Tweets are presented in a 'Excel' manner with the left side naming the Tweeter and the right side containing their status; all of this comes in small lines allowing for many tweets to be displayed.
Unlike Tiny Twitter, the speed of Twobile is much, much better, and it comes with a bit more functionality. In Twobile, you can double tap on a tweet, and it'll bring up a screen containing more information about the tweet, and allow you to perform various commands (including, interestingly enough, a 'Translate' command). This detailed screen also allows you to switch to a newer or older tweet, albeit the transition effect is a bit ugly.
The program also has a context menu containing common commands and an 'Action' button listing all of the available commands. Switching between views (public, friends, etc) is also as simple hitting one of the visible tabs at the bottom.
I can't believe no-one's replied to this thread yet!
I'd just like to thank you for your diligent efforts in trying and testing all those apps - It certainly saved a lot of time.
My only suggestion is perhaps to move this out of the Fuze section and re-post to the General Software section for more visibility.
Keep up the good work
Thank you very much, Phrak. Just trying to help those who may have faced the same frustrations I did.
Anyway, at the time I created this topic, I was thinking largely of my fellow Raphael users, and I may have been a bit shortsighted to not place this in the General section instead to help all WM users. I will try to get this topic flagged and moved by a moderator, though.
MOD EDIT - Moved thread to General discussion, Q&A forum by request of OP
WOW thank you for your recommendations 8525Smart, what an awesome post. I'm testing out MoTweets and loving it at the Mo
ty :thumbsup
Where was this two weeks ago?
Sure wish I'd seen this a couple of weeks ago when I was updating my phone after flashing a new ROM. Currently use Tiny Twitter, but also have PockeTwit installed. Of the two, I prefer Tiny Twitter. However, after reading your reviews am going to give Twobile a try.
Thanks again!!
Thanks for this very useful review of apps.
I've used motweets and pocketwit, and i personally prefer pocketwit for the simple fact that it allows you to using several accounts at the same time.
I have 2 accounts, and at the same time i can see the timeline of both of them, and replying, retweeting, etc. also from both in just a single click.
Motweets is almost perfect, but it's a little laggy and switching from accounts is not that simple as in Pocketwit.
Cheers and sorry for my english
here are the twitter aplicattions that I use:
ceTwit -a simple and fast app.
GPS Twit - an app that post your location over google maps. download WM vervion here
I'm the developer of Twaddle - just wanted to say thanks for having a look at Twaddle and sharing your thoughts. I know this is a bit old, but thought I'd share a couple of responses:
8525Smart said:
6) Twaddle - This is a very awkward app.
Unlike the other Twitter apps on the list, signing in to Twitter requires you to launch a web browser to enter your Twitter account info in order to grant access to Twaddle, and get a pin which you must then input into Twaddle in order to complete authorization.
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At the time you wrote this I believe Twaddle was the only Twitter application (on WinMo) that used OAuth which negates the requirement for the application to know your username and password. I fully realise how awkward the authorisation process is (and so does Twitter themselves) but I stuck with it as it was well known that Basic Authorisation (ie. Using a username / password) was going to go away. And it did on August 30th which caused many applications to cease to work.
Twitter has rectified the awkwardness of OAuth by introducing xAuth, which the next version of Twaddle supports (see my post on this). With xAuth the username / password are sent only once (ever) over a secure channel. Twitter than grants Twaddle a token that is used for all subsequent communication.
8525Smart said:
This awkwardness continues into the program. For example, to drag the screen down to look at more replies, you have to drag the screen, and then let go before the app will actually move. Alternative, you can use the scroll bar to move, but it's not very finger friendly.
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Interesting - I've not had this complaint before, but can certainly see where you're coming from. I'm pretty flat out finishing up version 0.3 but will look into this for 0.4. I presume you're after something where by the screen "moves" as you drag? That shouldn't be too difficult.
Another alternative is that if your phone has a physical up/down key those can be used to scroll one whole tweet at a time.
8525Smart said:
Furthermore, commands are split between the 'Menu' button, and holding down on a tweet until the context menu pops up, but curiously,
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The logic used here is that the right soft key menu is for common options that apply to all tweets (ie. Reply, Send Message, etc) and these also tend to be the more frequently used options (in my usage, anyhow). The context menu is used for options that vary (ie. Opening an URL can only be done on a tweet with a URL in it). This difference is further emphasised in 0.3 where other developers can write different plugins and one of the types of plugins create the context menu items. If you're a developer you may be interested in the post I just wrote on the new plugin system on my blog.
8525Smart said:
... there appears to be no obvious way to favorite.
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You're right, there isn't a favourite option at this stage. Given the multitude of things to implement, I'd always presumed that favouriting tweets was fairly low on the list, but apparently not. There's no way this would make it into 0.3, but we'll see for 0.4.
8525Smart said:
Even more strangely, double tapping on a tweet causes the programs to slowly scroll up.
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Thanks for reporting that, I'll throw it on my todo list for the 0.3 release.
8525Smart said:
The appearance is fairly nice and the speed is good, but personally, I feel that the app is just too awkward.
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Thanks for the review, hopefully you'll check out 0.3 when it's released and see if that fixes your criticisms / you like it more. I'm always open to suggestions, requests and bug reports.
I only occasionally haunt XDA Dev's so a better option might be twitter (@TwaddleWM), email ([email protected] or commenting on a post over at the Twaddle site
MrMDavidson said:
I'm the developer of Twaddle - just wanted to say thanks for having a look at Twaddle and sharing your thoughts. I know this is a bit old, but thought I'd share a couple of responses:
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No, thank you for responding! It's always a pleasure to see the developer of applications respond to its users.
I very much appreciate the explanation of why some things work as they do and the info about the upcoming changes. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to try out newer versions of your Twaddle software. The thing is that I no longer use Windows Mobile or even own a WinMo phone anymore, so using your software is pretty much impossible for me.
Nonetheless, it sounds like the program has since improved greatly, and the WinMo community has a well supported app on its hands. Thanks again for responding.

[APP][Free]Shared Shopping List

I wrote a shopping list application, in which i focused on a speed in
which you can create a shopping list and share(and update after that)
it with your friend. So i avoided any forms often frequented in this
type of applications, and came up with a very simple design. You would
just enter your items into the text field with some autocomplete,
adjust the amounts, then click sharing button, select your friend and
that's it.
I also use Google App Engine for server side to keep this free.
I wrote this a while ago, now i would like to improve it to add some
more features, so any feedback and ideas for improvement would be much
Link to Play Store:
GammaL said:
I wrote a shopping list application, in which i focused on a speed in
which you can create a shopping list and share(and update after that)
it with your friend. So i avoided any forms often frequented in this
type of applications, and came up with a very simple design. You would
just enter your items into the text field with some autocomplete,
adjust the amounts, then click sharing button, select your friend and
that's it.
I also use Google App Engine for server side to keep this free.
I wrote this a while ago, now i would like to improve it to add some
more features, so any feedback and ideas for improvement would be much
Link to Play Store:
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Cool app. I like it. Clickable link :
I got this idea to many time ago, but was something like ( you should add it) a "social tasks" list, for example, there are some few tasks to do at home, you put this in the social to-do lists and everyone in the family could see the lists, and when the tasks are completed, they should be notified or the task deleted from the social list!!
Just watch the démo vidéo ans it looks really nice !
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus 7 avec Tapatalk
GammaL said:
I wrote this a while ago, now i would like to improve it to add some
more features, so any feedback and ideas for improvement would be much
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Really nice app, follows some feedback:
Try to implement the native ActionBar or use SherlockActionBar. Using just the native ActionBar will make your app incompatible with versions below 3.0. Using Sherlock your app will be compatible with 2.1 and above. This will make the app more integrated to the system.
Other changes you can make on this aspect is read the Design Guidelines (sorry I can't post links), learn some thing about good designs and look for other apps searching for inspiration.
Good! My housemates install this app too!
Inviato dal mio GT-S5570 CyanogenMod 7.2 con Tapatalk 2
Hi @GammaL, great app!
Can you please add compatibility with Hebrew language? I mean, not a translation - an RTL support on the shopping list.
Please refer to the screenshot I added, to understand the problem.
You can see that the First item in the list is in English and is perfectly readable. The second item, is in Hebrew and automatically aligned to the right, so it's getting in line with the other buttons.
I use OurGroceries app. It is a pretty similar app and easy to use it would be worthwhile a look for feature set. That app also works on iOS and BB platform making it appealing to much wider audience.
xisberto said:
Really nice app, follows some feedback:
Try to implement the native ActionBar or use SherlockActionBar. Using just the native ActionBar will make your app incompatible with versions below 3.0. Using Sherlock your app will be compatible with 2.1 and above. This will make the app more integrated to the system.
Other changes you can make on this aspect is read the Design Guidelines (sorry I can't post links), learn some thing about good designs and look for other apps searching for inspiration.
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Agreed Holo please.
Also, maybe you might want to integrate Google Tasks or some more popular to do list manager, like or Toodeldo. That would make this app truly extraordinary.
Downloaded it but have not tried it yet, but I like the idea
Was wondering, how the data is transmitted from one phone to another ... is it over some server that you have setup?
What if other users end up with similar names? Would every Maryxx receive the list?
Would it be better if those big "- & +" are replaced with a simpler "< & >" or maybe even a manual entry box? Reason for a manual entry box is maybe the item required is 2.5kg or maybe 1.5 cartons or 1.5 litre of milk.
Thanks for your app
How do I login to a username or nickname that I've already created with this app? I downloaded it Friday but flashed a new rom Saturday, so now I can't use the same nickname I created Friday, and my wife is annoyed with me lol.
arathorn4 said:
How do I login to a username or nickname that I've already created with this app? I downloaded it Friday but flashed a new rom Saturday, so now I can't use the same nickname I created Friday, and my wife is annoyed with me lol.
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I had the same problem. This is the only weakness in an otherwise great app. The advice was to create a new new name and get the wife to share again. Was a but complex to achieve.
Sent from my GT-I8160

[APP][4.0+] Mangafox Reader

I'm developing an app for android 4.0+ to read manga online from mangafox. You can download it from
Show lastest releases
Search by title and advanced search
Browse the manga directory
Bookmark manga
Background download next pages while reading.
Keep the reading progression
Full screen manga viewer
I hope you like it and if you have suggestions, I'll try to implement them.
Nice! Few Suggestions...
I only read mangas at Mangafox, so this, for me, is awesome! But can you please add:
• Arrange Mangas by Views/Chapters/Latest Updates like on Mangafox's Advance Search View
• Also from Advance Search View: Show each manga series wether it's New, Hot, Updated
• Another one from Advance Search View: Search Genre Combinations (like +Harem +Comedy -Horror -Mecha)
• Ads are annoying. Release of Paid (No-Ads) Application would be nice
But overall, a good start-up of a manga reader app! Will stay tuned for updates and such
souler456 said:
I only read mangas at Mangafox, so this, for me, is awesome! But can you please add:
• Arrange Mangas by Views/Chapters/Latest Updates like on Mangafox's Advance Search View
• Also from Advance Search View: Show each manga series wether it's New, Hot, Updated
• Another one from Advance Search View: Search Genre Combinations (like +Harem +Comedy -Horror -Mecha)
• Ads are annoying. Release of Paid (No-Ads) Application would be nice
But overall, a good start-up of a manga reader app! Will stay tuned for updates and such
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Point 1 and 2 should be easy to implement.
Point 3 will be harder, may be I'll implement that for tablet and keep the current search for phone.
Thank you for your feedback.
souler456 said:
I only read mangas at Mangafox, so this, for me, is awesome! But can you please add:
• Arrange Mangas by Views/Chapters/Latest Updates like on Mangafox's Advance Search View
• Also from Advance Search View: Show each manga series wether it's New, Hot, Updated
• Another one from Advance Search View: Search Genre Combinations (like +Harem +Comedy -Horror -Mecha)
• Ads are annoying. Release of Paid (No-Ads) Application would be nice
But overall, a good start-up of a manga reader app! Will stay tuned for updates and such
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I published a new version with a better advanced search:
search genre conbinations
sort by name, rating, views, chapters, last chapter
search result shows rating, views, chapters, last chapter, new, updated, hot, completed
I hope you'll like it.
Is this app open source? I need a base for my personal reader that automatically login my account
TakuyaZ said:
Is this app open source? I need a base for my personal reader that automatically login my account
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No, it's not open source.
cylon-u87 said:
No, it's not open source.
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Sad, I just have to use it as it is then ;3
Sent from my SO-04E using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
cylon-u87 said:
I published a new version with a better advanced search:
search genre conbinations
sort by name, rating, views, chapters, last chapter
search result shows rating, views, chapters, last chapter, new, updated, hot, completed
I hope you'll like it.
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Will tell you later how it goes!
I'll check this out!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
Hey man, can you check this out?
Some chapters don't finish their downloads. What now? Here's a screencast...
Download it here: Dropbox
Sorry if it's low quality. ShootMe is only the app than runs screencast on my phone (LG Optimus L3)...
Going back to the problem... So if you can see on the video, it always stops at page 9. Tried clearing cache, but bug is still there. Tried also two times (see video), but it doesn't work either.
And yes, I have a stable (kinda slow, but still) internet connection (you can see the speed on my status bar).
Can you kindly check it out?
souler456 said:
Hey man, can you check this out?
Some chapters don't finish their downloads. What now? Here's a screencast...
Download it here: Dropbox
Sorry if it's low quality. ShootMe is only the app than runs screencast on my phone (LG Optimus L3)...
Going back to the problem... So if you can see on the video, it always stops at page 9. Tried clearing cache, but bug is still there. Tried also two times (see video), but it doesn't work either.
And yes, I have a stable (kinda slow, but still) internet connection (you can see the speed on my status bar).
Can you kindly check it out?
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I tried TWOGK 244 and didn't had any problems. I'll try to find a solution but maybe if you wait 1 hour and try again, it'll work.
[APP][4.0+] Mangafox Reader 1.2.1
souler456 said:
Hey man, can you check this out?
Some chapters don't finish their downloads. What now? Here's a screencast...
Download it here: Dropbox
Sorry if it's low quality. ShootMe is only the app than runs screencast on my phone (LG Optimus L3)...
Going back to the problem... So if you can see on the video, it always stops at page 9. Tried clearing cache, but bug is still there. Tried also two times (see video), but it doesn't work either.
And yes, I have a stable (kinda slow, but still) internet connection (you can see the speed on my status bar).
Can you kindly check it out?
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I published a new version that use another method to close the http connections. Hope it'll work for you.
[APP][4.0+] Mangafox Reader 1.3.0
A new version is available on Google Play. Now, you can log in with your account to load your bookmarks.
[APP][4.0+] Mangafox Reader 1.3.6
New release:
Lock zoom
Keep pages in cache for faster chapter reloading
Volume buttons to turn page
Swipe to turn page
Improved watch list
Show reading progression in the latest releases list
Mangafox Reader v2
The v2 is available on GooglePlay.
- Display series thumbnail (can be switched off)
- New settings screen
- Check for new releases of manga in the local bookmarks (can be switched off)
- Immersive mode on android 4.4 (can be switched off)
- Watch list redesigned: one tab for local bookmarks and one for online bookmarks
- More options in the login page: you can specify the list and the order
- Long list of chapters display an index
- Brightness adjustement
- Display author in the quick search
- New setting to disable swipe page
- New setting to check for new version of the app
- Some UI improvements
- Updated libraries
Version 2.1.2 available for download @
Thx for this app !!
I have some suggestions :
1) import/export watch list to file
2) Notify new chapters inside the watch list (sometimes in the notification area do not read all the new chapters)
Thanks for the great app. Also too, the new mangafox apk 2.1.4 is up at the link. Appreciate the hard work. How does one go about support?
Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk
3thancr0wn said:
Thanks for the great app. Also too, the new mangafox apk 2.1.4 is up at the link. Appreciate the hard work. How does one go about support?
Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk
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I'm updating all my apps and add a button "Contact" in the settings. It will be added in the next version.
Mangafox Reader 2.5
New version released. I implemented the suggestions you gave me here.
Added: Samsung multiwindow.
Added: Backup/restore bookmarks and reading progression.
Improved: select a page with a thumbnails list.
Improved notification of new updates
Improved: swipe to delete a bookmark (option set to off by default)
UI improvements
Libraries updated

[APP][OPEN SOURCE][4.1+] Memento Namedays - A modern Namedays app

Memento Namedays​
The sweetest Nameday calendar for Android​
Designed as simple an app can be, Memento is the most user friendly and fast birthday and nameday app for your device. With a quick glimpse you can easily see the upcoming events of your loved ones for the entire year.
• Display all events of the entire year
• Nameday support for multiple locales
• Bank holidays (Greek only for now)
• Add birthdays to existing or new contacts
• Search for birthdays and namedays
• Customisable Widget for your home screen, displaying the upcoming events.
• Daily reminder for the events of the day
• 100% free. No ads, no annoying messages
• 7 different themes to choose from
• Modern Material Design
• Frequent updates for improvements and features
Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!
Play Store link:
Source code on Github:
version 1.4.0 is now available for download!
The new version fetches your Facebook Friends images, and introduces more colorful icons for contacts with no set image.
Grab the update here:
Version 1.5.0 is now available for download
Days now supports contact names writen in Greeklish and can now properly display namedays for those contacts!
Tried the app! Very promising! It's stylish and very fast! Thanks!
Can you please add an option to backup the contents to sdcard, and also a search function inside the app.
And why does the app needs to read my contacts? And make an option to download details from fb and then sign out. Now if I signout, I can no longer see the birthday list. Anyway promising app.
And I couldn't understand the name days, can you please make it in English. Thank you
The app needs access to your contacts in order to read their birthdays and display them in the list (given you have birthdays stored in your device's contacts ofc ).
Since you get some goodies when you are logged in via Facebook, such as send a facebook message or open their wall, the app requires you to be logged in. But I'll look into your suggestion, and see what I can do!
Lastly, search is coming in a later update of the app. This and the ability to manually add entries into the app is two of the most important feature that need to be implemented!
Many thanks for the feedback!
PS: The app's namedays feature is currently supported only for Greek Orthodox names. How is the Play Store in terms of nameday apps for your country btw?
Sorry for the very late reply..
Oh, I thought it only uses fb to get the birthday list.
And I have no idea what name days means! well, I can simply disable it, so no problem there.
And please add an option to delete entries if possible, thank you
Rajesh_m said:
Sorry for the very late reply..
Oh, I thought it only uses fb to get the birthday list.
And I have no idea what name days means! well, I can simply disable it, so no problem there.
And please add an option to delete entries if possible, thank you
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In Greece, we celebrate each person's name in a set day(or days) of the year, so each person "celebrates" two times a year, one for their birthday and one for their name day It's some sort of tradition here
I am currently working on redesigning the app to match all requested features and needs I've got so far. Luckily I started working on the redesign just about when the Material Design guidelines came out, so the app will get the Material Design treat soonish :highfive: (as soon as I am done with my vacations that is)
Waiting for the material redesign!
Days has been updated to version 1.6
With Google releasing their new design language and getting ready for the next version of Android, a lots of design changes happened to the app!
New icons, minnor tweeks here and there, and a revamp of the selected date screen with bigger, more beautiful contact images!
Get the update here:
Great and stylish app!
Plz add age of contact
And one bug: can not change reminder sound
jesus_c said:
Great and stylish app!
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Glad you like it!
jesus_c said:
Plz add age of contact
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Currently the app displays the age of the contacts that have known year of birth. The ability to edit contacts from the within the app is one of the main features that are currently being worked on though. Unfortunately, it might take a while since I am currently starting my masters degree and haven't got a strong machine with me :/
jesus_c said:
And one bug: can not change reminder sound
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Nice catch. I'm working on it and I'll upload the fix as soon as it's ready!
Any news/updates?
Version 1.7
• Search : you can now search your contacts birthdays and namedays.
• A new notification for the namedays of day has been added.
• Fixed an issue with some Greek namedays that were previously miscalculated. Also, more Greek namedays were added.
• You can now switch Namedays Calendar between Greek and Slovak.
• Removed Facebook sync, due to some change made by Facebook.
• Various small visual improvements.
Grab the update here:
Apologies that took so long, I am currently doing my Master's degree and it has been a really busy year. Hopefully after September, I will be able to be more active with the updates again
Version 1.9
• All the namedays of the year appear in the list with the upcoming events, even for the days that no contact has a nameday that day.
Grab the update here:
Since I'm pretty new on Android, I was really surprised that there is no system support for the Birthday's Calendar!
I'm currently testing 2 apps, your has the neatest interface! :good:
I have a few suggestions:
composed names with a blank inside (like mine Gian Maria) are shown with the first word only (in my case only Gian)
tapping an event will open the system Contact's app instead of asking which one to use when more than one is installed. I do use True Phone and other apps ask me which Contact's app should be used
showing all the nameday (latest feature added!) should be a user selection into the configuration...
Addendum: I didn't found the widget on my MotoG with Lollipop...
GCalzo said:
Since I'm pretty new on Android, I was really surprised that there is no system support for the Birthday's Calendar!
I'm currently testing 2 apps, your has the neatest interface! :good:
I have a few suggestions:
composed names with a blank inside (like mine Gian Maria) are shown with the first word only (in my case only Gian)
tapping an event will open the system Contact's app instead of asking which one to use when more than one is installed. I do use True Phone and other apps ask me which Contact's app should be used
showing all the nameday (latest feature added!) should be a user selection into the configuration...
Addendum: I didn't found the widget on my MotoG with Lollipop...
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Thank you for the suggestions mate!
1) Is 'Gian Maria' a first name of a contact or a full name?
2) I'll have a look at that app. They I did that should open the contact details with any related app installed. Could you please mention the names of the other apps you have so that I can test it out? EDIT: I see what you mean. I am assuming that you are using Lolipop? I am using something that is called Quick Contact Badge. In earlier versions of Android that badge looked different compared to the built-in contacts app, and hence the confusion. Already changed in the next update.
3) I agree, and will be available in the next update
About the widget, some people have reported issues with the widget, so it is under investigation. For the time being, please make sure the app is installed in the device's memory and not in the SD card (some people tend to forget that )
runningdap said:
Thank you for the suggestions mate!
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1) Yes, it's saved as "First Name", so two words in one field...
2) Yes, my MotoG 2014 is running Lollipop and I confirm that now it opens TP's Contact app! :good: (running v1.9.2)
Yes, the app is on the internal memory. BTW Lollipop does enable the option to move it to SD... I think there is an attribute to set so to not let the user move it, I have a few apps like that with the move to SD button disabled.
If you have some "debug version" that want me to test on my phone just send to me!
PS: has you have seen the Italian translation is now complete...
Version 1.12 is now live!
• Facebook Friends are (almost) back! The feature is experimental for know. You can access it through the settings. Let me know if there are problems with the feature
• New app icon!
• Lots of stability improvements and performance improvements.
Grab the update here:
Am I blind or the translation has not been updated yet?

[App][4.0+] Helix for Twitter and Facebook

Over the last few weeks I have been working on an app called Helix. Helix lets you manage your Facebook Pages, Tumblr, and Twitter accounts. Falcon Pro and Buffer helped inspire the UI design.
I want to get the core experience done first before I start adding features, so I am going to be doing alpha testing for a few weeks. This is what I have implemented currently:
Multiple accounts (Facebook Pages, Twitter, Tumblr)
Full Twitter Client
Schedule updates to post at a later time
Offline mode. You can like, comment, favorite, reblog, and retweet posts when you are not connected to the Internet. These can be scheduled, or uploaded immediately as soon as you have a connection support for URL shortening
Multiple material design themes
By version 1 full tablet support will be added.
To get Helix, join this Google+ community here:
looking forward to when you post the APK
Can you check it now? I posted it. I thought it would be OK by just linking to the Google+ community.
All set up and beta testing now! Looks like a very, very nice start. Its mostly read- only at the moment, correct? Really looking forward to when you start adding messaging, following/unfollowing folks, etc
I have a bunch of devices so I'll test on everything. Let me know if you need anything specific!
Its mostly read- only at the moment, correct?
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Sorry but what do you mean? If you go to the main screen of the app, there is a white comment icon where you can update your status (as well as on your Twitter feed). If you go to the dot icon menu on your Twitter feed, you can search and follow people. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you?

