Phone has gone read-only - General Topics

Having done a LOT of googling, I've seen this is a common problem for many many WM Devices.
I spent the weekend at a festival, so got home and tried uploading my pics and videos.... but I cant!! Having tried on 2 PCs (home, XP, Activesync 4.5, Work, Vista, WMDC) on the XP machine I get a failed to sync error, and on the vista machine I get the most pathetic error message I have ever seen, EVER!!! The error message is: "Error". Well duh!!
So i've tried to go to add/remove programs, having had this problem before, and there is nothing in the list. So i cant remove any programs. I've tried to copy my pics/vids to my storage card, access is denied. Ive managed to upload my pics to facebook, but unfortunately cant do the same with my vids.
I have tried to delete an unrelated file, access denied.
SO I've googled the problem, and 2 fixes have been found:
Microsoft Support said: Hard reset device. (useful bunch, arent they??)
End-user gave a MSWord resolution, which worked for about 80% of people but not me, and quite a few others. The Word sollution doesnt look practical, I must say.
a LOT of people say they have experienced this after using Twikini... I dont use that, but I DO use TweetToday, or TodayTweet, whatever it's called.
Sorry if I come across a bit raged, I'm just so p**d off with MS after I was using Symbian for YEEEARS, moved to WinMo and have had months and months of dissapointment, only now to loose some of those memories that should be treasured. I refuse to do a hard reset, this is NOT a valid sollution. I have enough of that problem when my phone hard resets itself as it is!
I remember someone posting a fix to this, after the last time I had the problem, unfortunately it was too late, and i'd already hard reset by that stage. It was some kinda registry edit.... as I have CERegEditor I was hoping to find it, but having googled it, I cant Does anyone know where that is, or remember/know what the registry fix is?
Sorry about the rant, I really am


Warning stear clear of

Let my experience be a warning to others.
Have nothing to do with the xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1 until the software is sorted out.
At present it is all a complete nightmare.
I am now left with a very bulky mobile phone( I think although I am not sure of the bluetooth headset yet) with no contatcts or appointments and no syncronisation to my computer on which the Outlook file has been completely screwed.
I still have to carry ny trusty old xda II for all other purposes.
Brian Leach
Have you tried using the beta activesync 4.2?
Sorry I'm not brave enough.
If an officially approved Microsoft released program can screw up all the firewall and netwrok settings and destroy my Outllook file god knows what a beta might do.
Brian Leach
brian leach said:
Let my experience be a warning to others.
Have nothing to do with the xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1 until the software is sorted out.
At present it is all a complete nightmare.
I am now left with a very bulky mobile phone( I think although I am not sure of the bluetooth headset yet) with no contatcts or appointments and no syncronisation to my computer on which the Outlook file has been completely screwed.
I still have to carry ny trusty old xda II for all other purposes.
Brian Leach
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Of the 3 things that you've mentioned (e.g. xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1), I'm going pretty well with two of those (e.g. WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1). So, lets put the blame on xda exec?
i would look around int eh exec's settings under AS and see if it was set to sync using usb to the computer in question
hanmin said:
brian leach said:
Let my experience be a warning to others.
Have nothing to do with the xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1 until the software is sorted out.
At present it is all a complete nightmare.
I am now left with a very bulky mobile phone( I think although I am not sure of the bluetooth headset yet) with no contatcts or appointments and no syncronisation to my computer on which the Outlook file has been completely screwed.
I still have to carry ny trusty old xda II for all other purposes.
Brian Leach
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Of the 3 things that you've mentioned (e.g. xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1), I'm going pretty well with two of those (e.g. WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1). So, lets put the blame on xda exec?
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What he said...he beat me to it.
i would look around int eh exec's settings under AS and see if it was set to sync using usb to the computer in question
I would very much like to get that far!!
Re hanmin and The Brit
You must both be much cleverer than me if you have had no trouble with WM5 and 4.1. Could you possibly point me towards an idiot's guide please.
Incidentally 4.1 appears to work OK with my xda II running WM 2003 so I suppose it must be either WM5 or the Exec or both
Brian Leach
It just worked "out of the box" without any configuration (other than ticking the boxes) or other messing around required.
In the office where I work there are 3 Prophets, 1 Wizard and a Charmer all WM5 and AS4.1 and nobody has any issues. My guess it's your Universal. :?
i'm using a universal .
with as4.1 and WM5
no problems here.
Just installed it and it works
and i sync 3 devices with it
1) compaq ipaq 3870 (wm2003)
2) Spv c500 (wm2003)
3) mda pro (qtec 9000)(wm2005)
It will be good if you could tell us what you are experiencing.. e.g. how you install your activesync, and what you see on the screen and what happened next..
I'm afraid it's a long story.
I first tried to connect with my laptop which had been happily syncing my xda II via AS 3.8 I think.
So I removed the xda pairing and then uninstalled AS 3.8.
I then installed AS 4.1 but when I attached the exec it came up as an unkown usb device.
I uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times but could not get beyond this. By the way I'm running xp professional sp1.
I put the problem down to the computer retaining some xda II settings.
I therefore installed AS 4.1 on my desktop also xp pr sp1 which is WAN to the laptop.
The installation went alright and the exec was recognised and installed.
I set up the syncronisation and all went well although at some point I got the error message relating to a too large Outlook file which did not seem to be a problem for the syncing.
However all this would only work if I turned off Zone Alarm which I was not happy with and at this time I discovered that I could not move any files within Outlook folders or download any emails from my Yahoo account, each problem being met by an outlook file is locked message and an error messaage which I discovered meant that the pst file was corrupt.
In the meantime I had installed a couple of programs which I discovered were not compatible with WM5. At this point when switching on the machine I got two error messages one relating to Theme Refresh and I noticed that most of the system settings icons had been removed.
I therefore did a hard reset whereupon the error messages disappeared and the system settings returned. The Outlook file on the computer was/is still screwed.
However on reconnecting the exec I received the unknown usb devise error message I had become to regard as an old friend.
Turning to Zone Alarm if it is activated it blocks all attempts to download emails even though the three programs required by AS 4.1 have been given access. My conclusion is that it has screwed up the network settings in ZA.
Since then I have reinstalled the xda II on my laptop using AS 4.1 I should add and the syncronisation seems to be as normal as it has been for the llastt two years.
I have spent a lot of time since then trrying to export the parts of my Outlook file which was not backed up ( admittadely only a few days with a view to transferring across the pst file from the laptop and hoping it cures the problem.
Sorry it's such a rant but you can see how much ttime I've wasted to get to a worse postion than I started from.
One other point how the hell do I execute the voice speed dialler or disable it.
Having paired my Jabra BT 200 with the exec whenever I try to instigate a call the voice dialler activates gives an error message about no voice tag and then dies. I then have to press the talk button with the stylus to make the connection.
As I said before to my mind everything seems to have gone backwards with WM5 although looking at the posts on this and other forums there seems to be a balance between those who are happy with it and those like me who wish they had never seen it!!
Sorry but you did ask!!!
Brian Leach
Re Unknown USB Device.
I was having this error when having partnetships setup for both the M2000 and M5000.
I resolved this issue by making sure that before I connected a device I went into the File menu (in activesync), click on mobile device and make the device you want to sync is selected. Then connect.
Have you tried installing Sp2 as someone suggested in another thread?
At the risk of becoming boring I am pleased to report that I am almost back to where I started last Friday!!
I was able to extract most information from the "locked" Outlook pst file import this into the pst file on my laptop then copy this file back into the C drive on my desktop. Result Outlook working normally, Hurrah!
Am I brave enough to try loading Activsync 4.1 and syncing again? Not for a while I think.
Re SP2 I'm not going there unless I absolutely have to! This does not include trying get this heap of rubbish to work. I will merely revert to the good old xda II and use the exec as a hopeless mobile phone until the software catches up.
Incidentally I discovered another problem yesterday. The memory usage has changed from the xda II I understand and it now seems unlikely it will be of much use to me as I am pretty much up to capacity on that device. Still only on the contract for another year!!
To suggest using an SD card for programs as I have seen on one review is obviously nonsense. My TomTom navigator maps take two 1gb cards and that is without the program so the machine becomes useless as a GPS device amongst other things. Not even heavy enough to make a good paper weight but not far off!!
Doesn't seem to be much of an improvement over the xda II to me.
Sorry rant over.
Brian Leach
brian leach said:
Re SP2 I'm not going there unless I absolutely have to! This does not include trying get this heap of rubbish to work.
Brian Leach
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Pure madness, you refuse to do the basic necessary steps to get the device working, then rant that it dosn't work. priceless.
I want to use linux software on my PC, it says I have to run a linux OS, but I don't want to do that, so as the software won't work under windows XP, it must be ****. LMAO
Proof of my long term belief, there is nothing wrong with the Universal except the people who use it.
Guess what I use an Exec with WM5 and AS 4.1 with a fully working firewall and everything works.
Sorry don't agree.
SP2 is NOT a basic step. See the numerous problems caused by this so called upgrade.
I don't accept the linux/xp analogy. These are completely different operating systems not versions of the same.
I am quite prepared to take some time to set up a product but so far I have wasted about five days getting nowhere.
This is a consumer product available to the general public you should not need to make major changes to your computer system to make it work properly.
In addition I have used an xda II for over two years vitually problem free.
I am pleased that your exec is working fine for you, you are obviously better at computers than I am.
My point is that in every respect the exec is a step back from the xda II for everything I want it to do.
If you're happy with it fine but I am in the process of sending mine back so that I can get back to the work I am supposed to be doing.
Brian Leach
i would do some tests on other computers to see if it will work on them
i mean of cause as is not without it's issues
but i would make sure other factors dident interfear before i put the sole blame on AS and or Exec
usb2.0 vs. usb1.1 settings could be the issues
rights and left over from older installs
the usual suspect is often the os and or 3th party programs and settings
like had a xp install which would allways reboot without a warrning when an external usb device hd or sd reader or camera was connected
reinstalled and never saw that issue again
brian leach said:
SP2 is NOT a basic step. See the numerous problems caused by this so called upgrade.
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Ok, when SP2 hit the streets there were a few problems but with all the patches for the patch ( :? ) it's now settled down and is really stable. Do a full backup of your system and give it a try.
Thanks for the tips.
I am sure that what you say is correct.
It is almost certainly something to do with my particular setup, being a business network set up and administered by a reasonably competent but amateur computer man, but as it works just fine for me under SP1 I am reluctant to install SP2 just now to get a devise working which in all honesty is not as good as my xda II ( for my purposes I must stress, there may be improvements which don't affect me).
I blame myself for not doing enough research before taking the plunge. As everything I have read since indictaes that it is not the device for me.
In any event I am in the process of sending it back so it is no longer an issue.
Brian Leach
but if it is an usb2 vs. usb1.1 issue then you will have to make sure if you ever replace your xdaII that you dont just get the same issue
all new pda's are likely to come with usb2 from now on

WMP won't play protected media files anymore!

I have posted this in the Prophet forum, but realized it's not prophet-specific and I might stand a better chance of getting an answer here - sorry for double posting, but it's a little annoying not to be able to listen to music I paid for and I haven't received any suggestions yet...
Basically had a device that was acting funny enough to deserve a hard reset. I had about 25 music files that were DRM-protected but sync fine and play flawlessly on my Storage Card. (Oddly, that's the LIMIT! Windows Media balks at anything over 25 and gives an error, which Microsoft recognizes and comments on on their site - anyone know anything about this?)
After the hard reset, none of the files would play, which I didn't take as any huge surprise, I just synched again. No go - The files synch fine, but I get an error saying something about the filesize being too large and unable to play ANY file in my library. (the actual error message is in Chinese, so I'm not sure about the exact wording in English, sorry)
I have deleted MSMETADATA from the storage card and thought this would solve the problem, and upon the next synch I got a new directory that I didn't notice before - WMDRM, and a file WMPInfo.xml. Don't know exactly what these do, or if I should delete them.
Has anyone experienced this and have any advice on a next step? I really REALLY don't want to hard-reset again as I've kinda given up on SPB Backup (it was after a scheduled backup that things got strange) and am re-installing things by hand.
Thanks in advance!

Problems with Activesync and connecting to Win98

Somebody must have been in a simular situation to this: My main computer went to the land of fried cpu's and until money and time permit I am stuck running Win98 on an old laptop (a good exercise in humility )..
So my question is, how do you get a wm6 PDA (running the blackdiamond rom myself) to "talk to the pc"? Win98 will only run Activesync up to 3.8, and thus when I connect from Wm6 I get an "upgrade Activesync on your destktop message". This is not an option. Was wondering if I could install Activesync 3.8 on the PDA, but can't find any cabs or so anywhere... Tried finding third party software (Soti, etc) but none will run on win98.
Maybe a stupid question, but after hours and hours searching the forums and googling about I still haven't found an answer... Oh, and I'm not even interested in "syncing" mainly just transfering files.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
If you just need to move files back and forth, you should be able to do that over infrared, that doesn't require Activesync. Even an older laptop should have an IR port.
Hmm- looks closely at computer- indeed it does! Never used IR for anything so I didn't think of that Will give it a try! Thnx!

Several programs not working, card corrupt?

A few programs don't seem to be working anymore, when I launch copilot, I get a message saying please insert map SD card etc. When I launch ewallet, I get a message saying the file ewallet cannot be opened, either not signed with a trusted certificate or one od its components can't be found. And a few days ago all the channels I had saved in the RSS hub were gone.
The weird thing is that I can still acess the card (which I'm so far assuming is the problem) and I can see a copilot folder there. Could it be that some info got erased? I seem to recall more photos being on it, that's what got me thinking some of the info may be missing. I also can't find the mywallet file for ewallet.
Any idea what this could be and what I can do about it?
Saw various posts discussing this, none with a solution, is there nothing that can resolve this?
Getting fed up with windows mobile, and htc, think I'm going to throw in the towel and get a nokia e71 or blackberry bold
I get the same thing with RSS Hub. Its a shame too because it's a great program. Any ideas on whats causing it?
No one else has had this problem?

Missing file errors.

Whenever my phone wakes up from a sleep or I end a phone call, three error messages pop up saying that I'm missing three different files.
Yesterday, I installed some weather apps to try out, but I forgot to backup my regs. So when I uninstalled them, they must not have cleaned up too well and still try to run!
Three errors are:
Cannot execute \program files\Outerdepth\KPWeather\KPWeather.exe
Cannot execute \program files\nrg\chomeminiweather\weather.exe
Cannot execute \program files\nrg\chomeminiweather\monitor.exe
I searched the registry and found some registry entries in the Mort process key. Deleted those. Error still persists.
There is nothing in startup like these. No program files to look for because the folders aren't there.
I just want my phone to go back to normal. Preferably without hard reset.
Please help this fool. :'(
Forgot to say, I'm using a Samsung Omnia i910. Upgraded to framework 3.5, if that is relevant.
Perhaps this would be more appropriate in each packages
Please refer to these links respectively
NRG Miniweather App:
Outerdepth Weather App:
Done with it.
I just decided that it was better to hard reset the phone. The trouble and hours I spent on this weren't worth it, and I just wanted to get back to enjoying my phone.
Maybe these posts will get some sort of exposure and have the problem solved so the next person can find it.
I went the same route and hard reset the phone as well. Oh well!
try reinstalling them and then uninstalling them using SKTools
oh.. and then perform a cleanup using SKTools
.. after using SKtools on a Polaris (uninstall, cleaning up, in normal and safe mode, you name it) I still get the same annoying message.
is there any solution to this?
That annoys me totaly. SKTools don't fix the problem. I only could fix it with a dummy exe file. But don't have tested it. It would be nice if the coder of
NRG Mini Chome Weather 1.2.1 + Monitor BJ
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gives us more informations how to uninstall completly.
Never saw an app like that. No registry key, no startup files, but annoying error messages.

