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Let my experience be a warning to others.
Have nothing to do with the xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1 until the software is sorted out.
At present it is all a complete nightmare.
I am now left with a very bulky mobile phone( I think although I am not sure of the bluetooth headset yet) with no contatcts or appointments and no syncronisation to my computer on which the Outlook file has been completely screwed.
I still have to carry ny trusty old xda II for all other purposes.
Brian Leach

Have you tried using the beta activesync 4.2?

Sorry I'm not brave enough.
If an officially approved Microsoft released program can screw up all the firewall and netwrok settings and destroy my Outllook file god knows what a beta might do.
Brian Leach

brian leach said:
Let my experience be a warning to others.
Have nothing to do with the xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1 until the software is sorted out.
At present it is all a complete nightmare.
I am now left with a very bulky mobile phone( I think although I am not sure of the bluetooth headset yet) with no contatcts or appointments and no syncronisation to my computer on which the Outlook file has been completely screwed.
I still have to carry ny trusty old xda II for all other purposes.
Brian Leach
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Of the 3 things that you've mentioned (e.g. xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1), I'm going pretty well with two of those (e.g. WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1). So, lets put the blame on xda exec?

i would look around int eh exec's settings under AS and see if it was set to sync using usb to the computer in question

hanmin said:
brian leach said:
Let my experience be a warning to others.
Have nothing to do with the xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1 until the software is sorted out.
At present it is all a complete nightmare.
I am now left with a very bulky mobile phone( I think although I am not sure of the bluetooth headset yet) with no contatcts or appointments and no syncronisation to my computer on which the Outlook file has been completely screwed.
I still have to carry ny trusty old xda II for all other purposes.
Brian Leach
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Of the 3 things that you've mentioned (e.g. xda exec, WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1), I'm going pretty well with two of those (e.g. WM5 or Microsoft Activsync 4.1). So, lets put the blame on xda exec?
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What he said...he beat me to it.

i would look around int eh exec's settings under AS and see if it was set to sync using usb to the computer in question
I would very much like to get that far!!
Re hanmin and The Brit
You must both be much cleverer than me if you have had no trouble with WM5 and 4.1. Could you possibly point me towards an idiot's guide please.
Incidentally 4.1 appears to work OK with my xda II running WM 2003 so I suppose it must be either WM5 or the Exec or both
Brian Leach

It just worked "out of the box" without any configuration (other than ticking the boxes) or other messing around required.
In the office where I work there are 3 Prophets, 1 Wizard and a Charmer all WM5 and AS4.1 and nobody has any issues. My guess it's your Universal. :?

i'm using a universal .
with as4.1 and WM5
no problems here.
Just installed it and it works
and i sync 3 devices with it
1) compaq ipaq 3870 (wm2003)
2) Spv c500 (wm2003)
3) mda pro (qtec 9000)(wm2005)

It will be good if you could tell us what you are experiencing.. e.g. how you install your activesync, and what you see on the screen and what happened next..

I'm afraid it's a long story.
I first tried to connect with my laptop which had been happily syncing my xda II via AS 3.8 I think.
So I removed the xda pairing and then uninstalled AS 3.8.
I then installed AS 4.1 but when I attached the exec it came up as an unkown usb device.
I uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times but could not get beyond this. By the way I'm running xp professional sp1.
I put the problem down to the computer retaining some xda II settings.
I therefore installed AS 4.1 on my desktop also xp pr sp1 which is WAN to the laptop.
The installation went alright and the exec was recognised and installed.
I set up the syncronisation and all went well although at some point I got the error message relating to a too large Outlook file which did not seem to be a problem for the syncing.
However all this would only work if I turned off Zone Alarm which I was not happy with and at this time I discovered that I could not move any files within Outlook folders or download any emails from my Yahoo account, each problem being met by an outlook file is locked message and an error messaage which I discovered meant that the pst file was corrupt.
In the meantime I had installed a couple of programs which I discovered were not compatible with WM5. At this point when switching on the machine I got two error messages one relating to Theme Refresh and I noticed that most of the system settings icons had been removed.
I therefore did a hard reset whereupon the error messages disappeared and the system settings returned. The Outlook file on the computer was/is still screwed.
However on reconnecting the exec I received the unknown usb devise error message I had become to regard as an old friend.
Turning to Zone Alarm if it is activated it blocks all attempts to download emails even though the three programs required by AS 4.1 have been given access. My conclusion is that it has screwed up the network settings in ZA.
Since then I have reinstalled the xda II on my laptop using AS 4.1 I should add and the syncronisation seems to be as normal as it has been for the llastt two years.
I have spent a lot of time since then trrying to export the parts of my Outlook file which was not backed up ( admittadely only a few days with a view to transferring across the pst file from the laptop and hoping it cures the problem.
Sorry it's such a rant but you can see how much ttime I've wasted to get to a worse postion than I started from.
One other point how the hell do I execute the voice speed dialler or disable it.
Having paired my Jabra BT 200 with the exec whenever I try to instigate a call the voice dialler activates gives an error message about no voice tag and then dies. I then have to press the talk button with the stylus to make the connection.
As I said before to my mind everything seems to have gone backwards with WM5 although looking at the posts on this and other forums there seems to be a balance between those who are happy with it and those like me who wish they had never seen it!!
Sorry but you did ask!!!
Brian Leach

Re Unknown USB Device.
I was having this error when having partnetships setup for both the M2000 and M5000.
I resolved this issue by making sure that before I connected a device I went into the File menu (in activesync), click on mobile device and make the device you want to sync is selected. Then connect.

Have you tried installing Sp2 as someone suggested in another thread?

At the risk of becoming boring I am pleased to report that I am almost back to where I started last Friday!!
I was able to extract most information from the "locked" Outlook pst file import this into the pst file on my laptop then copy this file back into the C drive on my desktop. Result Outlook working normally, Hurrah!
Am I brave enough to try loading Activsync 4.1 and syncing again? Not for a while I think.
Re SP2 I'm not going there unless I absolutely have to! This does not include trying get this heap of rubbish to work. I will merely revert to the good old xda II and use the exec as a hopeless mobile phone until the software catches up.
Incidentally I discovered another problem yesterday. The memory usage has changed from the xda II I understand and it now seems unlikely it will be of much use to me as I am pretty much up to capacity on that device. Still only on the contract for another year!!
To suggest using an SD card for programs as I have seen on one review is obviously nonsense. My TomTom navigator maps take two 1gb cards and that is without the program so the machine becomes useless as a GPS device amongst other things. Not even heavy enough to make a good paper weight but not far off!!
Doesn't seem to be much of an improvement over the xda II to me.
Sorry rant over.
Brian Leach

brian leach said:
Re SP2 I'm not going there unless I absolutely have to! This does not include trying get this heap of rubbish to work.
Brian Leach
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Pure madness, you refuse to do the basic necessary steps to get the device working, then rant that it dosn't work. priceless.
I want to use linux software on my PC, it says I have to run a linux OS, but I don't want to do that, so as the software won't work under windows XP, it must be ****. LMAO
Proof of my long term belief, there is nothing wrong with the Universal except the people who use it.
Guess what I use an Exec with WM5 and AS 4.1 with a fully working firewall and everything works.

Sorry don't agree.
SP2 is NOT a basic step. See the numerous problems caused by this so called upgrade.
I don't accept the linux/xp analogy. These are completely different operating systems not versions of the same.
I am quite prepared to take some time to set up a product but so far I have wasted about five days getting nowhere.
This is a consumer product available to the general public you should not need to make major changes to your computer system to make it work properly.
In addition I have used an xda II for over two years vitually problem free.
I am pleased that your exec is working fine for you, you are obviously better at computers than I am.
My point is that in every respect the exec is a step back from the xda II for everything I want it to do.
If you're happy with it fine but I am in the process of sending mine back so that I can get back to the work I am supposed to be doing.
Brian Leach

i would do some tests on other computers to see if it will work on them
i mean of cause as is not without it's issues
but i would make sure other factors dident interfear before i put the sole blame on AS and or Exec
usb2.0 vs. usb1.1 settings could be the issues
rights and left over from older installs
the usual suspect is often the os and or 3th party programs and settings
like had a xp install which would allways reboot without a warrning when an external usb device hd or sd reader or camera was connected
reinstalled and never saw that issue again

brian leach said:
SP2 is NOT a basic step. See the numerous problems caused by this so called upgrade.
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Ok, when SP2 hit the streets there were a few problems but with all the patches for the patch ( :? ) it's now settled down and is really stable. Do a full backup of your system and give it a try.

Thanks for the tips.
I am sure that what you say is correct.
It is almost certainly something to do with my particular setup, being a business network set up and administered by a reasonably competent but amateur computer man, but as it works just fine for me under SP1 I am reluctant to install SP2 just now to get a devise working which in all honesty is not as good as my xda II ( for my purposes I must stress, there may be improvements which don't affect me).
I blame myself for not doing enough research before taking the plunge. As everything I have read since indictaes that it is not the device for me.
In any event I am in the process of sending it back so it is no longer an issue.
Brian Leach

but if it is an usb2 vs. usb1.1 issue then you will have to make sure if you ever replace your xdaII that you dont just get the same issue
all new pda's are likely to come with usb2 from now on


Emoze problem

Evening guys
Not sure how many emoze users we have here?
I'm currently having a problem where Emoze is using constantly 30-40% of my PC CPU (when connected to my hermes) and its killing the battery of my hermes within 4-5 hours from full charge! :O Also, the PC Connector is eating vast amounts of Virtual memory, like a few hundred KB a sec and then when its eaten it all, it crashes with some C+ script error
I've tried installing the connector on Windows XP SP2 and Server 2003 SP2 (with Outlook 2003 and 2007), and tried the client on WM5 and WM6. Neither of these combinations make any difference.
Anyone else having problems like this or have any idea's on how to fix it?
I've emailed emoze support without reply as of yet.
I've been using emoze for about 6 months, and have been one of their big proponents on HoFo.
First thing is, turn off Always On for Push (or whatever it's called). I am usually at 3-5 minutes, but turn it back on Always On if I am expecting something with a time constraint (I also have a mobile-dedicated Gmail account syncing through true push on Mail2Web). Reducing frequency makes HUGE difference in battery life, and my guess is that is part of the CPU problem you're having as well.
Regarding program memory, there's no way around the fact that emoze is fat. I've just lived with it, and have mostly stuck to flashing ROMs with high free memory / low page pool. I also just exit if I'm doing something with heavy program memory needs, e.g. GPS.
You shouldn't be having the memory leak you describe if you are using one of the latest versions (a new one was released last week). There was a bad version a couple of months ago, but they fixed it right away.
On a related note, if you are using ActiveSync at all, go ahead and set up a fake server and reduce the # of syncs as much as possible. Between the memory leaks from AS and emoze's high memory needs... well, the better care you take of your program memory the better it will take care of you!!
Post back here if you aren;t getting a response from their techs, and I'll see if I can help. They are usually VERY responsive, though.
Long response, but I'm a big emoze fan, and like to see people get the benefit of it.
EDIT: I've used emoze mostly on Wizard and Hermes in WM5. I've only just changed over to a Universal with WM6, and due to memory constraints haven't left emoze running all of the time... so there might be problems with WM6 with which I am unfamiliar.
Thanks for the reply rpodos!
I'm actually in the process of moving house shortly, so when I have I'll format my computer, start from scratch and hopefully kyphur's new v0.30 of WM6 will be out which I'll use also.
I'll report back in a week or two!
Thanks again
Emoze user...
Just my .02 worth... Ive been using Emoze for over 6 months as well with no problems. Turn off their version of "push" and have it "pull" every few minutes. You'll see vast battery usage improvement.
Also, and I think this is very important... So far their tech support has been great. So give them a shout if you are having problems.
well i have been using emoze lately and i have gotten the same error, a weird c++ runtime error that only fix when i restart outlook 2007 and emoze and also emoze eats enormous amounts of virtual memory, i just wonder why it needs so much memory i emailed to the support people and got no response whatsoever it's sad cos i like it, i tried the consilient push mail solution that also doesnt work for me, anyone got any idea about how to fix this problem?? or if any of u have any other suggestion about push mail services for free i'll take it

Tasks Syncing Due Date One Day Off BTW PC & PPC

I am having an issue with tasks syncing between Outlook and my PPC. I have searched XDA-Dev and couldn't find anything. Searched via Google and found a few others with the issue but no solutions.
Here's the scenario:
Edit: The below applies to Start Dates as well
Tasks are showing up with a Due Date one day less than what is on my PPC.
Change the Due Date on the PC and the PPC updates with the same (correct) date.
Change the Due Date on the PPC and nothing happens unless I manually force a sync or disconnect and reconnect.
When it does sync, the date on the PPC is correct and the date in Outlook is one day less (i.e PPC 04/14/07, PC 04/13/07).
Deleting on either PC or PPC deletes the task from both.
What I've checked & background information:
My time zones are consistent between the PC & PPC.
Appointments are not effected and sync fine.
Running Outlook 2007, WMDC and am using an Artemis (DST patched).
Syncing w/ home and work.
The other people that seem to have this issue are using different devices and different versions of Outlook.
Completely uninstalled and reinstalled WMDC.
Hard reset does not solve the issue.
I use Tasks constantly and an very disappointed with this bug. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Hmmm. Amazed that no one else is experiencing this. Would have assumed alot of this crowd would be on Vista & Office 07 and that at least someone else would have seen it even if they didn't solve it.
Oh well.
I'm on Vista and Office 07, and only time I've ever seen anything like this is when I accidentally altered the time zone on my PPC. Took me a while to realise and still not sure how I did it without noticing.
However you say you've checked these and they are OK, so I can offer no further advice.
Stupid Tasks
Thank God! I though I was the only person in the world fighting with this.
I'm in the same boat as you: Outlook 2007, Vista, WMDC, DST patch. I have a WM5 Axim x50. What the heck are we doing wrong? It isn't like this is some kind of bazaar configuration. I'm a full time student and also heavily rely on tasks. In the meantime, I have to make a note (using PhatPad) and try to remember to check it later so that I can create the task on my PC. Frustrating, to say the least.
So far, it seems that this is a recent phenomenon, but I have seen some posts detailing the same problem dated in 2005 (though this was probably a legitimate issue with misconfigured time zones).
I'm going to keep looking for an answer to this. One thing I have to do this weekend is reinstall Vista (trial period ending). I'll post if there are any updates.
Good luck to all (five) of us,
Edit: If it's not Outlook, and it isn't the device, then it may be the PST file. I remember reading about a lot of people with this issue who exported their PST from Outlook 2003. I don't know. When I do this reinstall, I'm going to have some serious controls in place to figure this out, maybe even a hard reset (as much as I hate the idea of it).
Excellent work. Easy to understand.
Only difference between myself and you two then is the DST patch. I never applied it. My suspicion is that is the culprit then.
Thanks for your feedback, guys. I'm still plugging away at trying to sort it but haven't had a lot of time to try some of the more labor intensive things like recreating my whole Outlook pst file, uninstalling/resintalling Office, etc.
One interesting thing I forgot to mention is that syncing with work is flawless (XP Pro, AS 4.5).
I am planning on spending some time screwing around with timezone settings tonight and we'll see what comes of it.
We'll see...
Changes timezones on both the PPC and PC. Not surprisingly, no change.
Potentially good news. Found some software called PocketMirror Professional. You can find it here: http://www.chapura.com/pmp_wm.php ($49.95 but worth it if you use tasks as much as I do). It can take over syncing for Calendar, Contacts & Tasks in place of WMDC (I am only using it for Tasks) but it works - dates show up as they should completely seemlessly. They have a 7 day free trial so I suggest giving it a go.
One minor caveat though;follow the installation instructions closely. It's not a big deal but you can end up create some dupes when you install it. After that is seems to run fine. Need to see what it will do with my work machine tomorrow and if I need to install it there or not. I'll keep you abreast.
Well, after deleting some duplicated tasks (all of 30 seconds) that were created when I synced at work, everything seems to be working great with the software I posted above.
Didn't have to install it at work which was working fine (although technically you could without paying twice as the downloadable doesn't have a key). I'll work with it for a few more days and report back any issues but so far I am relieved if not $50 poorer to get the functionality back that I never should have lost...
Hope this helps.
This is absolutely ridiculous.
So I ended up reinstalling Vista (as I mentioned before) and doing a hard reset on my Axim x50 this weekend. After Vista was up and running, I installed Office 2007 and the OS updates. I didn’t install the DST patch, any third-party software, or even restore my data at that point. It was a completely clean install on both my PC and Pocket PC.
I tested the configuration by creating a task on the device and performing a sync. Sure enough, the task due date was one day off on my PC. This seems significant to me: in the default configuration with the absolute latest software (except for WM6 that is), there is a fundamental problem that Microsoft, and even much of the community, hasn’t acknowledged. The only explanation I can come up with is that our crappy devices are to blame, or that they don’t play well with WMDC. We’re unique, which is probably why so few people have reported this problem.
Oh well. Unless a magic patch comes along, it looks like we’re stuck. So DB, don’t feel bad about plunking down the 50 bucks; you didn’t have much of an alternative. On the bright side, it’s cheaper than getting a new device!
Thanks for everyone’s input,
I don't know if you're experiencing the same problem as I am... but here it is.
I just hard reseted my TyTN and reinstalled my appz, after an upgrade. All went well and I tried to sync it with my PC. After the sync... all my Calendar appointments, birthdays, rendez vous etc went back one day!. My Outlook was all right at first, but after the sync the appointments changed to one day back there as well.
The solution? First I erased all the wrong dates from my Outlook. Then I UNselected Calendar from ActiveSync, completed a full sync... The I REselected Calendar and did a full sync again... All was back to normal.
That was the firts time something like this had happened... I've been using Outlook & PDA's the last 6 years... with no problems... Go figure.
No, it's not quite the same problem. Only the tasks are being affected; calendar and appointments work as normal.
Creating a task on the PC results in a successful sync: all dates correct, etc. However, if a task is created or edited on the device and synced, the start and due dates are one day behind on the PC only.
Very strange and there seems to be no solution, except third-party syncing software.
Mythozz: Tried the same thing with tasks. It is usually a good strategy for sorting syncing problems. I also deleted and recreated the partnerships. Unfortunately in this case, neither helped.
My guess is that we're unfortunately in the forefront of what will likely be a growing number of people experiencing this. Sadly, I don't think we're at critical mass yet to get any attention from MS. That said, I can't imagine it will be long before it gets noisy enough to get their ear on this.
For now I, plucked down the $50 and am OK but no one should have to to get basic functionality. MS has to look at WMDC & get this sorted.
If I didn't sync in two places, this wouldn't be much of an issue since I don't do a lot of editing tasks on the PPC. But I sync between home and work and I am changing tasks & due dates constantly so the home PC treats them as if I created them on the PPC.
Not getting the folder selection dialogue in WMDC (PocketMirror & WM6)
I'm on that 7-day PocketMirror trial with WM6 and WMDC. I like Chapura a lot. I used the product on Palm III & V waaay back then to sync with Outlook, and really want this to work.
I can check the PocketMirror conduit boxes through WMDC, but the links and double-clicking the icons are not working to get me to the place for selecting the Outlook 2007 folders.
Did you see behavior like that? What did you do to fix it?

How fast is your Orbit?

Hey folks,
I've had the O2 Orbit for just over a week now and have been trying various things with it. However, I noticed it took me 1 min and 2 seconds to access the windows directory!
Is this normal? Please post how long it takes you to access the folder...
My Orbit Specs:
WM OS 5.1.342 (Build 15096.3.0.0)
ROM version WWE
25 secs. Only had spb shell running as well.
Wow! That's quick, wonder why mine's so slow? Please all, post your times!
my specs are exactly the same as yours! what build and version of WM5 have you got?
WM5 is extremely slow at accessing the Windows directory using File Explorer. I find its quicker when using something like Total Commander, but even then its not as quick as WM6. Nothing to do with the processor speed, bug (if you like to clall it that) in WM5.
Yeah, I used File Explorer. Hmmm... you make an interesting point.
HPJ - what version of Windows Mobile are you using?
I'm on WM5. It's about as vanilla as they come. Like I said, I am only uing SPB shell....nothing else...the rest is out of the box! (And I might even ditch shell as it seems to run my battery down quicker.)
Oh, I have the storage card fix...that's it.
Yeah, I have the Currupt SD Card fix too...
All I have done is installed TomTom Navigator 6 , iGo-my-way and a couple of games.
This still doesn't explain why there's a vast difference in time to access the windows folder. Would be good to see what others are getting.
One thing I noticed is that my phone is unlocked. I put my Orange sim card in and it works!
Also, I've got an icon put on by O2 that actually lets me close programs down from the Today screen..
markquinton, could you give us your time too?
yeah Ive got the icon from o2 with a load of things on it....
have you timed the opening again?? sure it wasnt just a one off? seems a bit odd, mine always opens before 30 secs
I've tried accessing the folder 4 times, it takes over a minute each time...
o2 Germany released an official Windows Mobile 6 ROM, maybe that will satisfy you.
Just my two cents.
If you look at my common file dialogs you should get a time of 15-18 seconds for a windows directory on a wm2005 device to display. After that its ~7 seconds for a sorting in order of name, size or type if you click on the header. Thats showing all files (ie not hiding dll's etc as many file explores do).
Get it here from my old site http://odeean.veritel.com.au/programming_files/commonDialog.htm
SG - I wouldnt mess with the German WM6 (unless you really know what your doing).
If you've tried all else, and you're still within your 14 days, get o2 to pick it up and send another. And chuck something free in there for messing you about.
It just shouldnt take over 1 min, and you might find other problems if the phone has some core problem....could just be a lemon
Thanks for the adive HPJ.
This is something I did think of. But everything else seems to work ok.
There are a few reason that makes me want to hang on to it though:
I had spent 2 days getting my calender up to date.
I only use Outlook at work, but due to security we cant sync any devices to our computers. Do you know the best way to get my Calendar off the Orbit?
For all the other software I've put on, I've got a back up on my home computer so real problem putting these back on.
The other thing that makes me not want to give it back is that the phone is unlocked. I'm using an Orange sim card in there and have still got my O2 sim in my old phone. Are all the Orbits unlocked or did I just get lucky?
You've got some cool files on your website Odeean...
someguysomewhere said:
Thanks for the adive HPJ.
Are all the Orbits unlocked or did I just get lucky?
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all contract phones from o2 UK are unlocked
Aha! That's good to hear, thanks Amino...
someguysomewhere said:
I had spent 2 days getting my calender up to date.
I only use Outlook at work, but due to security we cant sync any devices to our computers. Do you know the best way to get my Calendar off the Orbit?
For all the other software I've put on, I've got a back up on my home computer so real problem putting these back on.
The other thing that makes me not want to give it back is that the phone is unlocked. I'm using an Orange sim card in there and have still got my O2 sim in my old phone. Are all the Orbits unlocked or did I just get lucky?
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use dotfred's pimbackup for calender (and contacts, and tasks, and sms...) backup.
and spb backup (the trial allows 5 x uses). save both to a storage card and execute on another orbit
(i agree, o2 don't lock their phones, and btw i don't own an orbit but all stock roms take forever to open windows)
i just tested the file explorer vs gsfinder, and the inbuilt file explorer was quicker
I have an Orbit. It takes mine roughly 6 turns of the colour wheel to get into the Windows directory with Resco Explorer. Its set to hide ROM files only; .dlls, .cpls, etc are shown as normal along with file extensions.
Its much faster after a hard reset. Its slows down as more files are placed in there. Sometimes (especially on the Universal) you can get a small reduction in the time by moving all the help files (htm and their relevant gifs/bmps/jpgs) to another folder (you could delete them, but then you would have to reinstall if you break something).
I think its the type of file that gets placed in there. If only software authors would stop loading the directory with squillions of little files, if only MS would set IE to use the SD card as the cache directory by default and if only various other things like ring tones, today plugins, etc could go somewhere else.
Decentralise, etc.
Thanks bbobeckyj for that program, I'll back my phone up tonight. So it's not just my phone that is slow
I understand where you're coming from ward, it's a shame that the device doesn't keep files in tidy places. This is the same for the Storage Card, there are folders created on there which have no files or stuff that never gets used!
Yeah. I keep finding folders called "FilesToBeDeleted". They're always empty.

Problems with Activesync and connecting to Win98

Somebody must have been in a simular situation to this: My main computer went to the land of fried cpu's and until money and time permit I am stuck running Win98 on an old laptop (a good exercise in humility )..
So my question is, how do you get a wm6 PDA (running the blackdiamond rom myself) to "talk to the pc"? Win98 will only run Activesync up to 3.8, and thus when I connect from Wm6 I get an "upgrade Activesync on your destktop message". This is not an option. Was wondering if I could install Activesync 3.8 on the PDA, but can't find any cabs or so anywhere... Tried finding third party software (Soti, etc) but none will run on win98.
Maybe a stupid question, but after hours and hours searching the forums and googling about I still haven't found an answer... Oh, and I'm not even interested in "syncing" mainly just transfering files.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
If you just need to move files back and forth, you should be able to do that over infrared, that doesn't require Activesync. Even an older laptop should have an IR port.
Hmm- looks closely at computer- indeed it does! Never used IR for anything so I didn't think of that Will give it a try! Thnx!

Reflashing Phone - what are your essentials?

Just curious what peoples essentials are on this unit?
I have been having problems with my handset for some time now, and the memory card *appears* to be corrupt.
So doing a back up of all call logs, messages etc, and going to hard reset.
I will then attempt to update it to 6.1 *wasnt working before*
My Requirements?
Sat Nav
Clean Theme (like a nice subtle black)
Back Up Utility
So What would you guys recomend for the above and what cool features/tweaks can I do with this phone?
Just read my signature.
I think most members here would agree with my choice...
excuse my ignorance, but i see WWE is just the same as an HTC rom with the latest software, is this correct, no other changes?
Secondly, I currently run an 02 ROM, would i notice many differences and how would i go about getting my internet settings (Currently there is an application that retrieves these for me)
Hope you don't mind the silly question - I did read the info but couldn't be sure.
i would say 2 apps i couldnt do without are no longer hosted on here but are g-alarm and g-profile found at www.ageye.de
Also if you want to 'risk' flash (read this) 3LIT3 as i was running the o2 6.1 rom since release till about a month ago and although it is better than the 6.0 rom it is much faster the 3LIT3 rom is superior to the official releases that have been made. Also on the settings front i was afraid of this and made sure i had them before i flashed but then they are installed automatically in customisation (with either officail or 3LIT3).
Sat nav i am guessing that you are using copilot in which case there is a releated piece on how to do this when you download the o2 rom from their site.
Back-up utility i would say either spb backup - but i have heard of problems going over from 6 -> 6.1 roms with using backup software so i say sync up before and copy any import docs that you have on their before you go to flash.
Hope that answers the questions
Well i managed to flash the unit with some interesting measures.
Long story short, I couldn't get into boot loader (Still can't) but when i ran 02 6.1 rom RUU it took it to the bootloader (just vista wouldn't work) so after some hunting i found a driver which worked, well sort of lol.
And then it worked, well for the 02 6.1 release any way.
Tried Co-pilot still having issues,
Tried memory card files, still problems - i think my memory card is knackered and some of copilot is configured there so will explain why this is failing!
Co-pilot was on the rom, presume that if it did load i would have to re-register but think i might opt for tomtom now, was never a fan of copilot.
Other than that i ran PPCPim backup which works really well for calls logs, messages etc. had no critical documents on there but did forget to back up my pictures - oh well no real loss!
Is there a way to format an SD from the device its self?
I have got to say i am NOT impressed with 6.1 from 02 its so slow! my ringtone doesn't even play properly.
Edit jesus this is rubbish, i mean seriuosly really buggy have i done something wrong because they couldnt have put this out as RTM surely?! please some one tell me i am wrong.
My ringtone stutters for goodness sake, i clicked data connection and the connection tab is now overlaying everything and won't go away!?
jtsystems said:
I have got to say i am NOT impressed with 6.1 from 02 ....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi there, Do a Hard Reset and start over again installing your PIM backup, GPS, any other things you normally use. Your GPS setup files are on the SD card in '2577' folder. Unless you have the CD media do not format your SD card, you will lose your GPS setup files.
The problem is I cannot transfer anything else to the memory card, I cannot install apps to the memory card.
Sometimes it looks like they have transferred but when i open storage card up on the device it's just the normal settings and nothing that I have transferred.
This is limiting me hugely, I cannot put mp3's, mp4's on my phone, I
cannot install games, I am left with just the basics.
Im going to buy an 4GB card today and see if that resolves things

