i would like to make the offer of free hosting to any developer with the need of it.
I have totally unlimited reseller hosting. the only thing you would need to purchase is your domain name. I will do the rest.
pm me if you would like this set up for you with a domain name you would like to transfer to my hosting.
hey all!
I am reaching out to dev's who host their projects and files on rapidshare and sites of that sort. i myself used them from time to time and had nothing but complaints. so i have put together a similar but more efficient site for developers to take advantage of. free hosting of your files up to 500mb's each, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage, and best of all, no wait times or download restrictions. Free accounts for everybody, there are NO pay accounts. free free free! users with accounts can manage their files.
Please take advantage of it as much as you would like. FREE file hosting with no limitations besides warez and copyrighted material. And you can fully manage and keep statistics of your files as well.
I know this is not actually a question but it can derive some questions. I am super grateful for our developers and their awesome roms. So I want to give back!
I am offering free hosting for developers and other members from XDA that contribute in ROMs, Graphics, Tweaks, Goo Support, or even personal websites.
If you are interested email me [email protected] or PM me, with your desired username that will be part of your subdomain ex. http://username.toxicstrut.net and desired password, or just reply to this thread if any other questions arise.
- Unlimited Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Free Email
- Subdomain
I have the support of a major enterprise CDN company to help open source projects and developers with free unlimited CDN hosting.
A few questions would help me figure out how to start.
Do you have issues with distributing your work at the moment?
Would you be interested to use a CDN to distribute your work? (roms/mods/themes..)
What is the average filesize of the files you plan to host?
What is the total amount of storage you would need?
How much traffic can you generate in a month?
What would be your preferred method of upload? (ftp/rsync/web)
What other features you would like to see?
The only thing needed from you would be to put a few links somewhere, mention the project or even add a banner.
Tell me your thoughts on this.
Good evening,
I was thinking about doing something good for the Android community, although I'm not a developer, I'd like to give a Rom Developer the chance for an own homepage. For free of course.
It includes a domain, 10 mysql databases, 10 cronjobs, 10 gb space, ftp accounts and unlimited traffic.
I will not do any programming or designing (unless I'm asked to).
If someone want it, just pm me with the project and your concept
Time to shift my attention towards other things:
Hosting for developers.
Are you an Android Developer in need of a stable, speedy server that is available 24/7, AND allows you to build full websites dedicated to you, your team, and your ROM? Look no further.
I intend to create a server that will allow developers (and perhaps users) to host their ROM. It won't be some pre-formatted stuff either. It will be a full-on custom website with FTP access, and SSH access in the future. You'd have unlimited bandwidth, upload/download speed, unlimited options to create folders for yourself, and lots more.
However, I want this to run off of donations, just as most other sites do. There will be no ads, and no dumb wait times. Just pure speed and ease of access.
The reason why I'd like this to run off of donations is to ensure that I keep this site ad-free, and because such an amazing service is being offered to basically any developer out there, regardless of whether or not we have had clashes and arguments in the past.
To get this thing off of the ground, I'm going to need about 20$ USD to start, and about the same price per month minimum. That's it. I will never put up large banners asking you to donate, or anything in excess. I just want this to be an awesome experience for developers and users alike, allthewhile teaching me a multitude of news things.
If you're interested in donating to get this off the ground and in turn get a guaranteed spot, please comment below, and I will give you the information you need.
If you have any questions or think I'm a POS, please don't be afraid to ask or let me know as well.
- Kyler
This is NOT meant to discredit any other Android hosting sites.
Oh yeah!
I'd also use any 'extra' donation money towards saving up for dedicated servers, and improving the sites security. If I had a plethora ("safe amount") of extra donation money, it would go towards adding useful features to the site.