Developers!! Read this. :) - General Topics

Time to shift my attention towards other things:
Hosting for developers.
Are you an Android Developer in need of a stable, speedy server that is available 24/7, AND allows you to build full websites dedicated to you, your team, and your ROM? Look no further.
I intend to create a server that will allow developers (and perhaps users) to host their ROM. It won't be some pre-formatted stuff either. It will be a full-on custom website with FTP access, and SSH access in the future. You'd have unlimited bandwidth, upload/download speed, unlimited options to create folders for yourself, and lots more.
However, I want this to run off of donations, just as most other sites do. There will be no ads, and no dumb wait times. Just pure speed and ease of access.
The reason why I'd like this to run off of donations is to ensure that I keep this site ad-free, and because such an amazing service is being offered to basically any developer out there, regardless of whether or not we have had clashes and arguments in the past.
To get this thing off of the ground, I'm going to need about 20$ USD to start, and about the same price per month minimum. That's it. I will never put up large banners asking you to donate, or anything in excess. I just want this to be an awesome experience for developers and users alike, allthewhile teaching me a multitude of news things.
If you're interested in donating to get this off the ground and in turn get a guaranteed spot, please comment below, and I will give you the information you need.
If you have any questions or think I'm a POS, please don't be afraid to ask or let me know as well.
- Kyler
This is NOT meant to discredit any other Android hosting sites. 

Oh yeah!
I'd also use any 'extra' donation money towards saving up for dedicated servers, and improving the sites security. If I had a plethora ("safe amount") of extra donation money, it would go towards adding useful features to the site.


Free hosting for PPC developers!

I'm not exactly sure if this is the right subforum, but I'm excited to let everyone know about a little project I've been working on for the past few days.
It's always bugged me that all the awesome developers on here and have to struggle to with 3rd party services (e.g. rapidshare) to distribute their creations. I've been toying with the notion of some sort of free hosting for a while now, and have finally gone ahead with it.
There are no catches, this isn't a scam, nor is this spam. It's fully featured web hosting. However it is to be used for mobile development only...don't go using it to share your vacation photos! Also, I have no plans to put ads on user sites providing at least a few people throw some bucks towards the server.
Depending upon demand, the packages may change, but for now it's 1 GB storage/50 GB monthly bandwidth and pretty much unlimited everything else (email, MySQL databases, etc).
Read more about it and sign up here:

Sharing, XDA, and You! New Addition to Sharing Policy on XDA-Developers

News from the Portal of XDA.
Posted August 22, 2012 at 6:00 pm by egzthunder1
We are going to deviate a bit from our regularly scheduled programming to let you know about an upcoming change in the rules in the XDA forums. As time has gone by, our site has grown by leaps and bounds from what it was a couple of years ago. With a membership base of over 4.5 million registered users and an average of 35-40 thousand people active at any given time, we need to ensure that this place can offer the best possible environment for all people, both experienced developers and people who come here looking to learn about mobile devices. Because of this reason, the rules of our site need to be amended from time to time to accommodate the needs and wants of such a large user base, but without losing our principles and forgetting what XDA was founded on in the first place.
Just a bit of background: XDA was a website founded by hackers and developers for hackers and developers. People coming here shared one common goal, which was to get more and more out of their expensive toys and they did so by reverse engineering, creating new code to expand the device’s capabilities, and doing things with hardware that most people cannot do (mainly due to lack of knowledge or technical ability). The site prospered to what it is today because these very same people knew that their collective ideas and efforts would yield more results if they collaborated by sharing what they knew with others. More often than not, this resulted in fantastic feats such as the original XDA online kitchen, the very first port of WM5 to the mythical HTC Blue Angel, and many more accomplishments that are stored in the depths of XDA’s forums.
XDA-Developers has always been a place for sharing knowledge. People spend countless hours on their projects and give back to the community in several different forms, either by releasing the complete work to the community, or by sharing its source and methods by which the work was conceived. The latter allows others to pick up the work and tweak it to improve it (think of the Linux kernel for this to make sense). XDA’s own foundation is much like that as well. However, often times, this concept of the sharing of knowledge gets confused with the concept of sharing everything. If you frequent our site, you will have undoubtedly come across a few threads were discussions about sharing are on going. Essentially, some people demand for work to be released or even think that they can take as they please without following rules already present on our site. Likewise, people sharing their work sometimes have rather bizarre ways of doing so, which has a bad tendency to develop in what we like to call “dev wars”.
We (administrators and moderators of this site) truly believe that intellectual property (IP) is a very important part of what is done on xda-developers. As such, we cannot and will not support any kind of action which forces a developer to share their work with others if the developer does not wish to do so. A developer of anything has rights over their work and as such he/she can choose to do with it as he/she pleases (give it away, share the source, burn it, give it to an orphanage, or eat it for breakfast). We support whatever decision is taken by its developer. Having said that, over the years people have found what can only be categorized as a loophole in our current sharing policy, and thus people are forced to do things in exchange for permissions to use certain pieces of work by others.
After a long deliberation with the entire moderator and administrator staff, we are implementing the following addition to our sharing rule (Rule 12) – revisions are in bold:
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
As an addition, developers have the right to hold exclusivity over their work for as long as it is deemed necessary by the dev or freely share it. However, if the work is claimed as exclusive, it must remain as such. No selective sharing will be allowed (ie allowing certain people to use it and not others). Should the dev decide to start sharing the work with others, the work automatically becomes fair game for all to use.
In regards to permissions, same rules remain for this but if permission was already given, unless there is a very valid reason, it cannot be revoked (same applies to major updates on the work). Under that same premise, permissions cannot be denied unless the work is exclusive or under severe circumstances.
In plain English: If you want to keep your work exclusive, go for it. However, if you are going to share your work, do it fairly.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA (including but not limited to ROMs, RUUs, apps, games, kernels, themes, icons, etc) unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
The problem with the aforementioned permissions is that the rule never really stated anything regarding continuity or longevity of said permission. On top of that, selective sharing creates a massive problem on our site as it tends to give place to kanging (unauthorized copying and/or redistribution of work), fights between devs (so called “dev wars”), and tons of time wasted on investigations, which normally involves a large number of people from our staff. This needed to stop as it was reaching critical mass and high levels of anxiety were generated for no apparent reason on something that should be a hobby.
So, if you are a developer on this site and would like to keep your work as something exclusive, we encourage you to do it. If you would like to freely give it out so that others can use it and make it better, we encourage you to do it as well. However, we will no longer accept claims from anyone who picks and chooses who gets what. As stated in the rule, you either share or keep, but if you do share, do it fairly. Favoritism has created a great divide in our site and our community and it is only hurting development as a whole. People focus more on pointing fingers than they do on trying to create original work.
Permissions should still be sought as a matter of common courtesy, much like the original rule stipulated. However, unless a valid reason is provided, a simple “no, you cannot have it” will not suffice, especially if the work is being shared with others and permissions are denied out of spite.
Lets all work towards a new, rejuvenated XDA that is based on the core principles placed by the site’s founding fathers. Sharing of knowledge is what brought many of us together on this site and we should strive as a community to keep it that way. Please share your thoughts on this.
Thank you for reading.
XDA-Developers Administration Team

[APP] Looking for Android alpha testers for a money tracking application I created.

My main goal for this project was to keep the application simple, yet effective. I don't like cluttered applications, however, I like ones which get things done! My new application "Simple Register" for lack of a better name, is just that (in my opinion.)
It functions similar to a checkbook register, where you can easily track your money. You can set an initial starting balance if different than $0, and from there credit money or debit money from the account. There is no linking to bank accounts or anything of that sort. I wanted to keep this simple.
I am looking for some Alpha testers who track their expenses and who are willing to give good feedback in order to improve the application. It is definitely not complete in terms of features, which is part of the reason I am here. I know there are things which can be added, that don't make the application too complex, yet can improve the overall experience.
The UI is currently not the best as I have tried to devote more time to functionality and have not had a chance to get around to making it look "pretty" yet. I will say, however, it is not by any means ugly. It is simple looking, which should make it extremely easy for someone of any skill level to use!
With that being said, I want to reach out (with this post) to get a few Alpha testers. I have an Alpha community setup through Google+ at the moment which will give you access to the Alpha version of the application through the Google Play Store.
If you are interested, please join the following Google+ community, which will provide the link to sign up for the Alpha testing (through google) and allow you to download the application. Membership will be limited (so that I do not get overwhelmed with users and feedback) so if you do not get in right away, please be patient.
Simple Register Alpha - Google+ Communities
In the future, I plan for there to be a paid version of the application (this may change.) Currently I am limiting the number of accounts someone is able to create, and there are a few more features I am planning which would be in the paid version. Those who have helped test the application, will be provided the paid version free of charge.
Thanks in advance!

Decentralized Application Marketplace - Your Thoughts?

Hello everyone,
We're trying to create a new open-source app distribution platform named Spheris, using blockchain technology. We are really interested in your thoughts – both devs and users. We're also open for possible collabs for those who are interested.
We’re utilizing Ethereum’s blockchain technology to build Spheris as a decentralized platform. This makes a lot of cool things possible:
No registration and transaction fees, as opposed to traditional app marketplaces who charge up to $100 for registration and 30% per each transaction. No technical restrictions or censorship. Optional anonymity. Forget about the need for credit card companies or banks – you will be able to buy and sell apps using our digital currency (Spheris tokens), with the option to exchange for other digital currencies (such as Ethereum or Bitcoin).
Customers will be able to purchase apps without going through registration and without credit cards. We’re also trying to accommodate devs whose apps have been removed from Google Play for questionable reasons.
Your Feedback = Extremely Important
We are in the early process of gathering valuable feedback from devs, and see if this is a platform that devs would like to be on. For users – do you guys see this as a platform you would buy apps from? Would love to start a discussion! For devs - have you had bad experiences with app stores (de-listing, ranking issues, not being accepted etc)? Does the concept of decentralization sound like something you might want to be a part of?
If you need more info, have a look at or just ask me here.
Your questions and feedback are much appreciated,
PS - apologies if this isn't the right forum for this topic!

Dimcoin Bounties, Developers Wanted! Mobile Apllications and More!

What is DIMCOIN?
DIMCOIN is a speculative digital coin that is available worldwide. It is built upon the NEM blockchain protocol, making the coins low-cost and transparent. The coins contain high confirmation speeds and are 99.99% immune to fraudulent activities. The DIMCOIN has a quantity commitment of 9 billion coins, with an initial price of $0.01 each. The DIMCOIN is available on cryptocurrency exchange platforms, and is permitted to float and be traded p2p. The price of the DIMCOIN will be determined by market forces and cryptocurrency exchange mechanisms. Users will be able to buy and sell DIMCOIN using cryptocurrencies Read More
Participants will need to apply for these bounties for us to decide and give approval. The payment will only be made once the bounty has been completed and submitted.
Campaign Rules:
Do not start with any developments before the approval of your application.
The creations should be original, creative, unique and new.
Plagiarized creations will be disqualified with immediate effect.
Only high quality developments and creations will be accepted.
Payments will be made once the creation has been completed and submitted.
We reserve the right to eliminate your work from consideration if we have reason to believe you haven't been honest with your work, or otherwise approved.
mod edit - link removed
Original bitcointalk thread is here
mod edit - link removed
I love this forum. I haven't posted in a while but I still lurk when I need answers because this is the best place to find them. I'm involved with this project and wanted to bring this to the community's attention so some of the best developers around can get in on the action. There's obviously a lot more than just the wallet applications so if you're capable of doing the job please apply, but remember to apply before you start working on anything.
The bounties are paid in crypto currency, and if that's just not your thing it's fairly easy to convert to your more familiar form of payment. So please visit the links, check out the project, and apply for those bounties before somebody else grabs them!
If you want to speak directly to the team overseeing the bounties please go to mod edit - link removed Feel free to ask questions here about the bounties or the project in general, and join us in the telegram channel mod edit - link removed
I'm over there as at Waynecoburn
Thank you to the entire XDA community for so many years of me having the baddest phone on the block!!!
This is a very nice bounty with great rewards, I will consider joining and develop something for the community, the project is looking very nice indeed.

