[REF]1 Click Debian, LXDE, GP2X installer(Links Update) - G1 Android Development

Ok guys i have finally decided to provide you with the installer. What you have to to is -
1. Extract all the files
2.Copy bootdeb, debian.img, debian.sh, mountonly, fsrw, uninonfs to folder debian in root of sdcard
3. Connect G1 to your PC.
4. Run Debian Installer.bat
5. When the # symbol comes up type cd /sdcard/debian
5. Then sh debian.sh
6. Exit
7. You have successfully installed everything.
8. Run swapper. Set swap to 80 MB. Set swapiness to 60. Go to terminal. type
press home button
Android VNC
password- android
host- LocalHost
Port- 5901
Colors- Your wish
Press connect and everythings working
For GP2X you need jrioni terminal from market
For installing via terminal
1)Install swapper and androidVNC.
2)Copy all the files stated above to SDCARD
3)go to terminal and type
#mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
#cd /sdcard/debian
#sh debian.sh
Working direct Link(Thanks Mysticales)
http://www.darkmystics.com/g1/Debian Installer/
Link to torrent
Direct links - Thanks to comptech and scepterr
New INstaller
Dont forget to use swapper or your phone will reboot
From now on only debian installer will be updated
Guys i am trying now to make the installer work on hero
It works on ext3. ext3 or ext2 is not a issue. So go on flash. I am on ext3 with cyanogen build

Will there ever be a DDL option? I am unable to download it through the torrenter as no seeds are connected.

I am trying to ultra compress it for upload ing to server

TravisBy said:
Will there ever be a DDL option? I am unable to download it through the torrenter as no seeds are connected.
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Yep i cannot get any seeders either. Just gotta be patient.

uploading to ftp server. Thanks to Mysticles

Guys anybody notice any seed with the new torrent file

If not dont worry. FTP will be ready in 3-4 hours

Guys new torrent file uploaded. Sorry for inconvenience. Figured out why it was not working

Its working now. I am getting around 10-30 Kbs download. Really slow, but probably due to the lack of seeders, but I can't complain. Thank you for all the work, can't wait to install it.

As soon as I can download it from the torrent, Ill put up a http link to download it

guys your getting low speed coz my internet is only 256 kb/s. Ny tomorrow it will be 700kb/s. Got it upgraded

What speed are you getting now. I am using 3 clients to upload. LOL. So that upload never stops

I'm also willing to host the file permanently via HTTP if I can get my hands on it. I'm blocked from BT traffic where I'm at, though, so it would be really spiffy if someone could get the ball rolling and upload this to a temporary hosting location.

charnsingh_online said:
What speed are you getting now. I am using 3 clients to upload. LOL. So that upload never stops
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My connection is pretty good.
I'm downloading at 850kb/s. Thanks.

I will also host it via HTTP if anybody needs it. But I have to finish downloading first.

Where did all the seeders go?

OMG fastest torrent I've ever seen!
1800 kb/s!
I will download this file to my server too and will share it ;-)
Ehhh.. after 11 % at 9 kb/s now..

Should I upload to SERVER(currently uploading) or i should just concentrate on uploading via torrent so that the person can who finishes first uploads

If you're already uploading it to a filehosting server, please continue to do so. If someone beats you to it and posts a link to a filehost first, no problemo, right?

I have no problem but it will be faster if someone uploads after completing as all my bandwidth will be on torrent, so people will complete it faster and as they have better spped then me they can upload and it will overall be a faster process


Larger image size for Debian Installation

There were a few requests in the debian installation thread for a larger image size than the 750MB floating around in the forums. If a mod wants to move this to that thread, feel free to if you feel the need.
I've created a 3.5GB image, and compressed it to bz2, since it has a better compression ratio than the better known zip file format. Linux users should have no problem decompressing the file, while windows users should download jZip to decompress the bz2 format.
Here is the link to the file I've uploaded (or if anyone is willing to host it on their server, please feel free to do so and post the link):
EDIT: Link taken down until issues ironed out.
I know this is sort of a duplicate post since I mentioned in on the Install Debian thread that pointed to this image...
-This image does not seem to work. apt-get says command not found. The 750 meg image works fine with apt-get.
Also, this image gives me a mount error the 750 image does not.
Hm, thats weird, I compiled it the same way as saurik did, I'll take down the link until then.
Take a look at the last 3 paragraphs of the first post of this thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=485378&highlight=debian+phone
Yeah I figured you had to modify the bootdeb. Thanks for the link =]
After following the bootdeb modification, the apt-get command is present but the image will not access the internet. I can fall back to the android shell and internet works.
did you do
apt-get update
Yes - but it failes with not being able to reach the destination host. Cant ping anything, etc. Its like the IP forwarding is not working.?? Its interesting it updated everything and then the internet stopped working. (The phone is fine, and the 750 image still works fine.)

Developer Analysis of Unrevoked Root Method

WARNING: Not responsible for any damage caused by experimenting with the information in this thread
I didn't see this information previously posted anywhere on here. Hope I don't get flamed!
Thanks to ZanzDroid!
My goal is to publish as much information as we're able to discover about the Unrevoked Root Apk which only contains one button and explains very very little while quite a bit happens behind the scene.
The Unrevoked creators, claim they don't want to explain how everything works because people will abuse the root exploit method they found.
I'd rather trust the EVO community to be open but responsible.
I've only figured out a few things and hope this thread will get the ball rolling. I'm hoping with some of the great developers here we can find out more!
Had some free time tonight.
Brief Technical ANALYSIS:
Stock EVO with the OTA update for .6 software and .05 radio
Installed the apk thru the browser, http://www.unrevoked.com/m.
After installing the app and clicking the Start button, 5-6 seconds later it reports, Rooted!
It appears the payload is dumped to /data/DxDrm .
Inside this directory there are three files
ls -l /data/DxDrm
-rwxrwxrwx app_84 app_84 439428 2010-06-09 18:37 unrevoked
-rwxrwxrwx app_84 app_84 177 2010-06-09 18:38 unrevoked.log
drwxr-xr-x root root 1980-01-08 23:35 fuse
unrevoked - looks like the actual rooting application (payload) compiled into a binary so its not text readable. there is where the secret magic happens. name is an active link to the actual binary the .apk installs. it would great if somebody could decompile this or reverse engineer it.
unrevoked.log - shows a brief log of the application running and reporting root status
fuse - is an empty directory, comes stock on the phone.
Since /system is still locked due to NAND protection, unrevoked creates a new directory inside of /data/local called bin-shadow.
This is basically a shadow of /system/bin plus a few extras unrevoked installs - busybox 1.15.2, su and flash_image binaries.
Any file placed into /data/local/bin-shadow appears to be in /system/bin .
A quick run of the mount command shows this as:
/dev/block/mtdblock6 /system/bin yaffs2 rw 0 0
please post any other TECHNICAL details you discover!
unrevoked.apk - application apk file
unrevoked - binary installed by .apk
i wondered where that shadow-bin folder came from and what it was. thanks for tracking that down!
Can you post/send over the unrevoked binary? (from /data/DxDRM not the apk, thx!)
f00kie said:
Can you post/send over the unrevoked binary? (from /data/DxDRM not the apk, thx!)
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that is the binary, updated the main post with it.
it would be great if this could be reverse engineered or decompile ...
joeykrim said:
that is the binary, updated the main post with it.
it would be great if this could be reverse engineered or decompile ...
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my atari won't run them but baksmali on a current machine is the tool . http://jf.andblogs.net/2010/04/03/yabbfr/ Anddroid architecture is symbolic, you get to see names, not registers.
willy900wonka said:
my atari won't run them but baksmali on a current machine is the tool . http://jf.andblogs.net/2010/04/03/yabbfr/ Anddroid architecture is symbolic, you get to see names, not registers.
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Wont help much. The binary in the apk/res folder does the work.
Never used baksmali.. is this what you wanted?
npace said:
Wont help much. The binary in the apk/res folder does the work.
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if that binary is the same as /data/DxDrm/unrevoked, then i agree, otherwise im hesitant to agree because before the .apk was released, they originally released a single binary which roots the phone.
a rough test i have off the top of my head would be something to the effect of ... i think the unrevoked binary from /data/DxDrm can be copied to the /sdcard, remove the .apk, copy the binary back to /data and run it. it should root the phone w/o the .apk being installed.
The baksmali I posted was from apk, the batch file I found to do it just pulled the information from the apk.
Has anyone done a quick binary compare on the two unrevoked.bin to see if they are the same? (I'm at work otherwise I'd do it)
Vinny75 said:
The baksmali I posted was from apk, the batch file I found to do it just pulled the information from the apk.
Has anyone done a quick binary compare on the two unrevoked.bin to see if they are the same? (I'm at work otherwise I'd do it)
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just grabbed the unrevoked.bin from your unrevoked.apk and the unrevoked binary from /data/DxDrm i uploaded last night.
md5sums don't match. they might have modified the binary slightly to work inside the .apk or baksmali might have modified things.
unrevoked 27e3c38141ac479344a24006cc88c2b3
unrevoked.bin 47e7d517b972b1703c4a4dc630a4fc62
any idea, although not as technical would be to load both onto the phone and try running them from the command line and see if they give different output ?
now that we have two versions of the binary, it would be nice to find out what it does! decompiling / reverse engineering is not my specialty but hopefully somebody can provide some more insight?
If someone have the rom cooking environment and all installed, they could compile strace which would really help.
Another possibility is to install debian just like we did on the G1 when it first came out.
I tried that last night but I just need the ext2.ko module (again, a rom developer could provide that). It has to be compile for the specific kernel version, otherwise it wont work.
I dont have much time unfortunately
npace said:
If someone have the rom cooking environment and all installed, they could compile strace which would really help.
Another possibility is to install debian just like we did on the G1 when it first came out.
I tried that last night but I just need the ext2.ko module (again, a rom developer could provide that). It has to be compile for the specific kernel version, otherwise it wont work.
I dont have much time unfortunately
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strace is included in busybox, right?
i have toast's supersonic kernel loaded and compiled, i could try and compile ext2.ko as a module (module compiling was after my main kernel day)? im not understanding how debian and ext2.ko further our efforts?
joeykrim said:
strace is included in busybox, right?
i have toast's supersonic kernel loaded and compiled, i could try and compile ext2.ko as a module (module compiling was after my main kernel day)? im not understanding how debian and ext2.ko further our efforts?
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strace is not included in busybox. Or at least not in my busybox. If it were there, I would not have gone the debian route.
I just wanted to see if I can quickly run debian and do "apt-get install strace" then strace ./unrevoked.bin instead of having to cross-compile it for arm-eabi.
npace said:
strace is not included in busybox. Or at least not in my busybox. If it were there, I would not have gone the debian route.
I just wanted to see if I can quickly run debian and do "apt-get install strace" then strace ./unrevoked.bin instead of having to cross-compile it for arm-eabi.
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i have the cross compile toolchain already setup for arm, but might not be the perfect processor match for the EVO. i dont have busybox source files with me, but let me grab them and see if i can compile it with strace ...
will post back with an update in a little bit! hope this works!
edit: strace is not part of busybox. NEXT! i'll see if i can grab the strace source and cross compile for the arm ... cross compiling was throwing errors which seemed like they might take a while to compile . NEXT!
grabbed the debian arm package - http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/strace/strace_4.5.14-2_arm.deb .
used a simple script to extract the .tgz from the .deb package
echo "#/bin/sh" > extract.sh
echo "ar p $1 data.tar.gz > `basename $1 .deb`.tgz" >> extract.sh
sh extract.sh strace_4.5.14-2_arm.deb
tar -zxvf strace_4.5.14-2_arm.tgz
the strace arm binary is put into usr/bin/strace and i've uploaded it here:
hopefully this helps! let me know if this works or doesnt work and i'll go back to the drawing board on strace!
Used this method for my hero. Today I used it today to root 2 EVO's and I have to say this was an excellent root. I guess knowing the source would be great however I was burned last round of the hero updates when I lost root. You know someone from HTC was browsing these forums in order to figure out how to patch the exploits the devs had found. I just hope this exploit stays available for Froyo.
joeykrim said:
i have the cross compile toolchain already setup for arm, but might not be the perfect processor match for the EVO. i dont have busybox source files with me, but let me grab them and see if i can compile it with strace ...
will post back with an update in a little bit! hope this works!
edit: strace is not part of busybox. NEXT! i'll see if i can grab the strace source and cross compile for the arm ... cross compiling was throwing errors which seemed like they might take a while to compile . NEXT!
grabbed the debian arm package - http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/strace/strace_4.5.14-2_arm.deb .
used a simple script to extract the .tgz from the .deb package
echo "#/bin/sh" > extract.sh
echo "ar p $1 data.tar.gz > `basename $1 .deb`.tgz" >> extract.sh
sh extract.sh strace_4.5.14-2_arm.deb
tar -zxvf strace_4.5.14-2_arm.tgz
the strace arm binary is put into usr/bin/strace and i've uploaded it here:
hopefully this helps! let me know if this works or doesnt work and i'll go back to the drawing board on strace!
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I'm getting a 404 so I did the same:
I had forgotten about the debian-arm packages.
I used alien -t to convert it to tgz and upped it here:
It doesnt run though and I think it's not the proper architecture
strace: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
npace said:
I'm getting a 404 so I did the same:
I had forgotten about the debian-arm packages.
I used alien -t to convert it to tgz and upped it here:
It doesnt run though and I think it's not the proper architecture
strace: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
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my mistake, link was wrong, fixed it.
ah another dead end...in the process earlier i got busybox to cross compile, but it has a nice make xconfig, dont think strace does...
ill try and devote some more time to getting the cross compiling setup and a working strace unless somebody else posts a working strace arm binary?
joeykrim said:
my mistake, link was wrong, fixed it.
ah another dead end...in the process earlier i got busybox to cross compile, but it has a nice make xconfig, dont think strace does...
ill try and devote some more time to getting the cross compiling setup and a working strace unless somebody else posts a working strace arm binary?
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I'll go back to the debian route when I get a chance. It helps to have that running.
BTW, thanks a lot for all your work -- I have similar questions about everything you are currently pursuing!
npace said:
I'll go back to the debian route when I get a chance. It helps to have that running.
BTW, thanks a lot for all your work -- I have similar questions about everything you are currently pursuing!
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good news, strace is part of the PC36IMG.zip. seems the userdebug version has quite a few developer tools in system/xbin. i've set them chmod 755 and setup root access on my ROM which is simple and clean.
if you dont want to load my ROM, you can setup the environment manually from recovery mode on a stock PC36IMG.zip, just chmod 4755 xbin/su and chmod 755 the xbin directory or just the strace binary.
hopefully this helps?

[LNX]Rhobuntu on HTC ELF 09-11-2010

Rhobuntu -- Ubuntu like Linux
Download: http://technetic.net/rhobuntu/downloads/HTC ELF/
(right click --> save target as)
1. Download latest build
2. Unzip to sdcard (7zip)
3. run haret.exe
new init-script (thanks AmiPro)
new startup.txt
I'll have a play on lunch - but I don't know if I have enough time, but thank you very much for linking this in!
If I do't have time on my lunch - I'll give it a go on my lunch!
Hello, Walter, and thank you for sharing this.
I´m fighting with my Elfin but I think Rhobuntu needs at least 1,6 GB of free space in the SD card.
So, with my 1GB card, I think I´m sold .
I am using HTC TOUCH GSM.
I have installed the Rhobuntu.
It opens up till the main screen and hangs..
no pointer movement and the screen resolution is too small..
I am not even able to scroll and see the full screen.
It hangs ..
need help..
i tried it but its mere of a beta stage
Let´s try
Hi Walter, wheather it will work with HTC TOUCH GSM???
jonnigin said:
I am using HTC TOUCH GSM.
I have installed the Rhobuntu.
It opens up till the main screen and hangs..
no pointer movement and the screen resolution is too small..
I am not even able to scroll and see the full screen.
It hangs ..
need help..
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I have the same problem after starting the desktop and the icons bar on the botton, the device show the keyboard but I'm not able to move the cursor with the stylus.
please note that the device shows me only part of the keyboard, seem like that the resolution is wrong.
During the startup the font changes size. can be related to the wrong resolution??
No actions can be done with the sistem.
thanks and let me know if more information is need
This thread made me come up with a new prefix for these threads.
So put [LNX] in threads for Non Android Linux builds. So users can easily identify or search for specific threads.
Spread the word mate
With /dev/input/event3 it works well.
AmiPro wrote a new detection script for touchscreen.
Now Rhobuntu works on HTC ELF.
yo.. you know what is Elfin device code? i got to edit the startup.txt to make this LXDE runs on it. thanks!
Could you post your startup.txt?
Download for new init-script: http://rhobuntu.googlecode.com/files/init
Hello excuse, you could tell me how to replace the init file? I tried to follow the explanation at the beginning of the post, but I could not mount the file ubuntu.img, in any way. I tried with a live ubuntu, but it did not work. I tried to mount the. IMG file with magic disc but can not mount it. I guess not enough to replace the init file in the destination folder? I tried but during boot change the resolution, and the screen remains fixed on a keyboard in the middle where you can not interact. As was the case before ... Could you explain in detail how to replace the init file, or at least to run on the touch rhobuntu elf?If you want to write me a pm. Thanks
P.s. sorry for my bad English
nightly_shadow said:
yo.. you know what is Elfin device code? i got to edit the startup.txt to make this LXDE runs on it. thanks!
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MTYPE 2372
ste81x said:
Hello excuse, you could tell me how to replace the init file? I tried to follow the explanation at the beginning of the post, but I could not mount the file ubuntu.img, in any way. I tried with a live ubuntu, but it did not work. I tried to mount the. IMG file with magic disc but can not mount it. I guess not enough to replace the init file in the destination folder? I tried but during boot change the resolution, and the screen remains fixed on a keyboard in the middle where you can not interact. As was the case before ... Could you explain in detail how to replace the init file, or at least to run on the touch rhobuntu elf?If you want to write me a pm. Thanks
P.s. sorry for my bad English
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Download Ubuntu LiveCD
Run liveCD
- copy Ubuntu.img to the root of your harddisk (c:\ for example)
- open terminal
- open folder of Ubuntu.img (cd /media )
- mount Ubuntu.img ( sudo mount -o loop Ubuntu.img /mnt )
- run: sudo nautilus (FileManager)
- select "show hidden files"
- copy new init to /mnt
- close nautilus
- maybe you have to end the nautilus task in terminal with CTRL+C
- umount Ubuntu.img ( sudo umount /mnt )
- copy new init to /mnt
Thank you soo much!!!! Now Rhobuntu run well on my elf!!!!
Failed to find Ubuntu.img on SD Card
Thanks for a good initiative. I've HTC Touch GSM (HTC ELF) (P3450) in India. I always keep changing OS on my mobile. I was waiting for Linux on it. I downloaded Rhobuntu and replaced the init in img file also replaced STARTUP.TXT and zimage file with the given one. Now when I start herat I get
1osetup: /dev/block/loop2: No such file or directory
Failed to find Ubuntu.img on SD Card.
/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
After the hash (#) the cursor keeps blinking.
Can you please help me what I have done wrong.
gouravjoshi said:
Thanks for a good initiative. I've HTC Touch GSM (HTC ELF) (P3450) in India. I always keep changing OS on my mobile. I was waiting for Linux on it. I downloaded Rhobuntu and replaced the init in img file also replaced STARTUP.TXT and zimage file with the given one. Now when I start herat I get
1osetup: /dev/block/loop2: No such file or directory
Failed to find Ubuntu.img on SD Card.
/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
After the hash (#) the cursor keeps blinking.
Can you please help me what I have done wrong.
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did you replaced the init file?
Thanks buddy, I managed to get it installed. Mistake was mine, I copied Ubuntu.img file in ubuntu directory. as i moved it out on storage card root, it got installed.
But after installation there was a big key board on screen which i managed to drage down with stylus. but what I feel is the resolution need to be changes as it is showing everything so big.
Also, I tried to make a call to this device, we get ring at device from which I was calling, but there was nothing on the device on which I install rhobuntu. also I could not make a call from here. Can you help me in these cases.
Found something while starting rhobuntu, you may be interested to know.
While starting rhobuntu from haret.exe at one point it shows starting ophono daemon something, where it says can't create signal descriptor file. is it helpful to resolve this issue?
Got installed the Rhobuntu can access it. Facing two issues on it as follows;
1. Phone function not working as ofono daemon says - can not create signal filedescriptor: Function not implemented
2. Resolution are not as per device.
Please anybody help me to get all this working.

Motoactv TCX/GPX/KML Exporter (no root req.)

out of need (and before learning about the excellent on-device TCX Exporter) I scripted a little Motoactv Exporter.
You do not need a rooted Motoactv, nor any knowledge other than how to run a shell script.
That also means Mac & Linux only.
What it does:
- It gets the latest (and only the latest) Workout from the Motoactv portal
- Uploads it to a one of the few online Motoactv CSV-converters
- Downloads the TCX-File
- Optionally: downloads GPX/KML file (all you gotta do is uncomment on line / delete one '#' in the script)
There's also support for uploading to the Trainingstagebuch.org website (by uncommenting 2 lines).
It's really useful when it's part of a cronjob.
E.g. auto-upload to Motoactv.com from the device that go along with hourly checks for new workouts by the cronjob -> upload to your favorite tracking website -> :victory:
I know the code is not exactly pretty, but here you go:
Download the script as .txt (rename to sh):
1. Open the file and replace the the Data after EMAIL= and PASSWORD= with your Motoactv-Credentials. These will be saved on your computer.
2. Go down and uncomment (delete the ' # ') if you want GPX/KML conversion. Default is TCX.
3. Save the file with a *.sh suffix.
4. Run the script.
(Run with Terminal (on Mac) by typing 'sh ' and then dragging the file onto the Terminal app and the hit enter.)
Could one upload with Strava? Also how do "uncomment" a line?
[email protected] said:
Could one upload with Strava? Also how do "uncomment" a line?
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Open the file and delete the # - symbol in front of the line you want to uncomment.
I don't use Strava, but with a little knowledge of curl you could probably easily upload it to Strava.
Edit: I'm working on it.
Other than that you could just upload the tcx file from the script to Strava:
Upload a file on your computer
You can upload files directly to Strava via our file uploader found here:
You can upload the following file types as long as the file is 25MB or smaller:
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strava help
Any progress on the Strava direct option? so do I replace "Trainingstagebuch.org with strava.com in the script? is it that simple? Do I take anything out?
Also in Mac (text edit) I don't see option to change the extension to .sh. Then I run the script from terminal?
Sorry I may be out my side of technical abilities and without your "hand holding" I am sunk.
[email protected] said:
Any progress on the Strava direct option? so do I replace "Trainingstagebuch.org with strava.com in the script? is it that simple? Do I take anything out?
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It's not that simple as the two platforms use different APIs. I spent quite some time figuring out how to upload to strava (my script can login so far) but for some strange reason the TCX files are declared as invalid when uploaded through the script. Strava announced a new API coming and I'd spent the time and afford on the new API rather than making it work with the old one.
[email protected] said:
Any progress on the Strava direct option? so do I replace "Trainingstagebuch.org with strava.com in the script? is it that simple? Do I take anything out?
Also in Mac (text edit) I don't see option to change the extension to .sh. Then I run the script from terminal?
Sorry I may be out my side of technical abilities and without your "hand holding" I am sunk.
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Just save the file as exporter.sh or something. (File -> Save As)
Open "Terminal", type "sh " (including the space). Then drop that File (from Finder or your Desktop or wherever) on to Terminal and hit enter to run it.
..but: Actually Motoactv.com has introduced as mass-export tool -> motoactv.com/settings/export
So you can just bulk export them from Motoactv and upload them to Strava as an alternative to my script.
All it can really do w/out Strava support is automatically rip the last one and convert it for you anyway.

UC browser trick for solving Retry download problem.

Here's a trick for users who want to resume their downloads on UC for files whose download link has changed.
1. Backup the 2 files from your download folder. One will be the download file and other a file with the same name with added .temp extension to it. This step is for retaining original file if anything goes wrong.
2.Download. Download the file whose link has changed again.
3. After it has downloaded a little,say 1 kb pause it.
4. Exit UC Browser.
5. Goto the download folder and rename the older 2 files(download file and .temp file) with the names of the newer ones. This can be done only after you delete the new files.
6. Open UC Browser and start the download of the new file. It will be download from the point it had stopped earlier. That is, you will be able to download from the point from where the old file had stopped.
Thx this might help me
Let's see
Worked perfectly thanks
Awesome trick thanks for your help
Temp file no longer exist.
. Dltemp file is no longer exist. Any alternative?
1. I did note found any temp file
2. My download file for 400MB re download again and again after every 100MB
and totally used data around 1.2GB for 400MB. WHY?
Download problem
My problem is i downloaded 2GB File and its complete but download is remaining its not complete but file was downloading complete but download is not finished when i pause the download and resume its said retry and i save the two files and download again and replace this file to download but its said again retry
Who u r solved the problem man u r too awesome, I need to learn from u, can u give me ur whats app no. Here'smine 7066513223
Woww cool it works
Thank alot
Thank you so much...
I felt like crying when my download showed retrying....
It has been doing that and whenever it did I just gave up and started from the beginning.
I just felt like searching for a fix online and BOOM, I saw this and it worked perfectly....
Thanks again.
PS: Current version of UC browser doesn't use temp files but uses ".cfg" file

