Larger image size for Debian Installation - G1 Android Development

There were a few requests in the debian installation thread for a larger image size than the 750MB floating around in the forums. If a mod wants to move this to that thread, feel free to if you feel the need.
I've created a 3.5GB image, and compressed it to bz2, since it has a better compression ratio than the better known zip file format. Linux users should have no problem decompressing the file, while windows users should download jZip to decompress the bz2 format.
Here is the link to the file I've uploaded (or if anyone is willing to host it on their server, please feel free to do so and post the link):
EDIT: Link taken down until issues ironed out.

I know this is sort of a duplicate post since I mentioned in on the Install Debian thread that pointed to this image...
-This image does not seem to work. apt-get says command not found. The 750 meg image works fine with apt-get.
Also, this image gives me a mount error the 750 image does not.

Hm, thats weird, I compiled it the same way as saurik did, I'll take down the link until then.

Take a look at the last 3 paragraphs of the first post of this thread:

Yeah I figured you had to modify the bootdeb. Thanks for the link =]

After following the bootdeb modification, the apt-get command is present but the image will not access the internet. I can fall back to the android shell and internet works.

did you do
apt-get update

Yes - but it failes with not being able to reach the destination host. Cant ping anything, etc. Its like the IP forwarding is not working.?? Its interesting it updated everything and then the internet stopped working. (The phone is fine, and the 750 image still works fine.)


[Q] Extract Windows Mobile 6.1 OS files?

Sorry if i am asking something that is already answered for numerous times, but believe me i have tried to gather the information on my own but none of those worked.
I would like to extract files from Windows Mobile 6.1 Rom to see what are exported dll apis, not only those documented, I am basically waiting for blackstone and having blueangel right here but i actually dont really care which rom image to use, just to get the binaries out.
I am not familiar with terminology you use for describing this (and idea: put together some dictionary ) but for sure none of the described around keywords NbfUtils (activestate ppm just doesnt work), (After nbfutils installed "by hand" it doesnt find NbfUtils.lib)... After all the misery with bunch of not working tools and switches with curious names (and both probably perfectly understandable by someone playing with roms for years - not my case) I have done some code to dump dlls from rom images by searching for PE and looking for export directory but they are not really highly descriptive without file names.
Can someone PLEASE point me to some relevant data, how to get files and directory structures either from rom images here or .bin images for visual studio emulator?
Thank you for reading this...
Been there, done that... repository does not work (activestate perl) and if i try to do it "by hand" (perl, nmake, nmake install), it is ok for nbfutils, but for compress utils nmake fails with LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'nkcompr.lib'.
And this is fatal error not warning as someone mentioned somewhere else on the forum...
Concerning Imgfs Utils...
>ImgfsToDump.exe PPC_USA.BIN.payload
ImgfsToDump 2.0 RC 2
Unable to load compression DLL!
The first reason for this was dynamically loading cecompr_nt.dll wich have dependancy to missing c runtime for vc2003 (as i only have vc2008), i have added it but it fails with the same
message, will trace it further, those are at least things i do understand

Android app that roots your phone

Hi all I am putting together an android app that will making the rooting process much easier. This thread is discuss issues and suggestions with this app.
I have the app near done, the biggest problem is that I cannot format the sdcard as fat32. Is formatting to fat32 required. Why do we do this? What is the real need to do this?
I have not tested the app out yet, but so far this is how it has been put together. There is a main activity with textboxes that have the urls of the files needed to root (dreaimg.nbh, recovery.img,, and there are buttons for each step in the process to download these necessary files and extract them if needed and put them on the sdcard and renaming them properly. You can change the urls to something else if needed.
so you click the first button it downloads the .nbh and puts it on the sdcard and then prompts the user to turn off, power+camera on, flash. when phone is on then reinstall this app and go to step 2 (because it would of been lost when flashed)
you click the second button it downloads recovery.img and renames the files appropriately and puts them on the sd. it runs a script to do the recovery.img flash. It then prompts you to restart into recovery mode and gives the instructions on flashing the hardspl. and tells you to reopen this app when done
you click the third button it downloads the latest JF firmware (lets just say the RC33 flavor) puts it on the sdcard and renames it as it prompts you to restart into recovery mode and do the flash.
Anybody see any possible problems with this logic? Also what do people think about maybe packing some of these files in the app instead of having them be downloaded?
Update: app is working
I am still looking for help to make it better.
I need devs to help make it nicer.
I am also looking for someone who's familiar with the package, to pack the radio, hardspl, and jf_rc33 all in one update file.
If anybody is interested in helping, PM me
I dont think its that big of a deal to format the card yourself, but why not make an app on the desktop that does some of the work for you, like formatting the card, then downloading and renaming the files needed to get started?
Packing the files into the app is going to make the app big. I like this whole idea though.
when you flash the .nbh it does a wipe on its own so one would need to re-download the app after that unless you can get it to stick somehow, i like the idea, is each button of the app just running a script? like to get the dreaimg.nbh have a script that runs:
"$wget [url to the .nbh file]
$echo 'please reboot your phone into SPL by holding the camera and power button'"
or did you have some other idea?
i like the idea but i am just not sure how easy this would be to code as i am just used to writing scripts that do everything for me.
or you could follow Kllian's advice and make a desktop program that does all this. i could easily write a script for linux that would do it, and a .bat file wouldn't be too hard either. you would just need to have adb and you could have the scipt/batch reboot the phone into recovery to do the flashing of each
pm me if you have an questions or would like me to write a script to do all this
tubaking182 said:
when you flash the .nbh it does a wipe on its own so one would need to re-download the app after that unless you can get it to stick somehow, i like the idea, is each button of the app just running a script?
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tubaking brings up a good point.
I have an idea that possibly could resolve the "wiping" issue. What you do is, the initial app would be placed on the desktop (assume RC30). From here you'd downgrade the firmware to RC29.
The problem is though, the app you are scripting will be wiped. SO...
How about saving it on the SD temporarily.
THEN modifying the .nbh file to restore the <rooting app> to desktop (from SD)
Just throwing some stuff out there.
IF you need some help, hit me up.
if anyone knows how to convert a .sh bash script from linux to a .bat batch file for windows then i already have the script written, send me a PM to get it. or we could port it into java, but i don't know how to do that stuff. tomorrow i will upload my script onto 4shared and provide a link here as long as it works. keep in mind that i am on a linux machine and my script will not work in M$ windows. i don't know a damn thing about mac, so i have no idea if this will work or not for them.
my script is nearly completely automated, the only thing you need to do is hit ENTER a few dozen times, i will also write a completely automated one that sleeps rather than waits for you to hit enter, but it will take longer to run most likely since i will have to oversetimate the sleep time.
hopefully i can find a windows machine and learn what commands in the cmd are equal to the commands in my terminal
akapoor said:
tubaking brings up a good point.
I have an idea that possibly could resolve the "wiping" issue. What you do is, the initial app would be placed on the desktop (assume RC30). From here you'd downgrade the firmware to RC29.
The problem is though, the app you are scripting will be wiped. SO...
How about saving it on the SD temporarily.
THEN modifying the .nbh file to restore the <rooting app> to desktop (from SD)
Just throwing some stuff out there.
IF you need some help, hit me up.
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modifying ,nbh files is no easy task, i tried it once and fortunately for many people GSLeon3 was able to help me fix my tilt. i think the .bat or .sh would be the easiest way to root your phone
Send over the file you have. Ill work on converting it to a .bat, useable from windows.
Email :
I should have it soon, but since its like 3:30am here, I'm off to bed. Haha
tubaking182 said:
modifying ,nbh files is no easy task, i tried it once and fortunately for many people GSLeon3 was able to help me fix my tilt. i think the .bat or .sh would be the easiest way to root your phone
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Uh, you'd not only need to modify the nbh file, but you'd also need to sign it with the Google OTA keys - otherwise the phone will refuse to flash it.
If it were possible to create Google-signed nbh files we'd dispense with all this downgrading nonsense and just create an nbh of the latest JF firmware with root and directly flash that.
The issue is that until you've patched the recovery loader the phone won't flash anything that isn't signed by Google. The reason we can get around this is that there is a leaked signed file with the old firmware version, and that version happens to contain a vulnerability that you can use to get root access. Once you have root access you can reflash the recovery loader with a new one which accepts the test keys. At that point you can dispense with the hacks and begin directly flashing whatever you want.
In any case, rooting a phone is serious enough of a matter that we probably shouldn't be encouraging anybody who can download an app to do it. They should at least have some confidence in reading and following obscure instructions online, because of anything goes wrong later that is what they'll be doing...
Thanks for all your input. I have been trying to hold hand people through the root process and it is a real pain. Biggest issues are people not being able to unzip files correctly, rename files correctly, and the biggest thing is the recovery.img step and typing in the commands.
- .nbh cannot be patched because it is signed.
- yes my app will get wiped because of the .nbh flash. It does tell the user to reinstall this app once done with the .nbh step and then continue
- i prefer an android app, so people can do it without a computer and without having to install the sdk
- the app does not run a script to get the files. it uses some android sdk functions to download files. it does use the unzip linux command to unzip, not sure if this will work because of permissions, i may have to figure out how to do it from the sdk. the app does run a script to do the recovery.img step, during this step we should already have root so no issue there with permissions.
Biggest problem I see is Fat32 format I heard it is not absolutely necessary. Does anyone have any more information about why this needs to be done?
it IS necessary, you need the card formatted in order to do the NBH flash, after that you should be ok. most card come formatted in the box they came in so anyone that said they didn't need to format their card is lying because is was already formatted to fat 32
in the RC29 firmware is there a su command in /system/bin/ or are all commands run as root without having to call /system/bin/su ??
moussam said:
in the RC29 firmware is there a su command in /system/bin/ or are all commands run as root without having to call /system/bin/su ??
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from what i've read, in the RC29 version andything you type on the home screen gets put through a root shell as well all on it's own
I have a feeling whoever makes this app is going to sell iot for a ridiculous price on the market
My script is written but requires the user to do certain things, later I hope to have it be completely automated after a certain point and it will be free. After I get it written in linux shell I will be converting it to use in windows. Expect my automated root to be available for download by the weekend.
I got the app pretty close to done. I hope to put something up tonight or tomorrow that you guys can test. I am not going to charge for this app, I want to give it for free so everybody can have root and a more rich experience.
The place were I am stuck right now is the unzipping of the DREAIMG.NBH file from its zip file after it is downloaded. I am using I am not sure if the problem is because the file is so big or if I am doing it wrong. does anyone have an android java unzip code snippet?
The app now downloads files for you and unzips them if needed. THere is an issue with the unzipping though, after around 25 MB of unzipping DREAIMG.NBH i get this error... at
anybody have any suggestions? Is their not enough memory to unzip the files or something?
For now I am not going to let the .nbh file be zipped up. THe app instead will have to download the full uncompressed .nbh file.
So it is ready to be tested, if you want to try it out PM me, I do not want to just post it and have everybody use it until it has been tested more.
Good news the app works on downloading the .nbh file and then flashing you to RC29. It then successfully downloads the recovery.img and hardspl
I had someone testing it and when they ran the recovery script the mount command gave them mount: operation not permitted. Is this correct? I know without root it is supposed to give you mount: permission denied.
If this is correct the app is working, and I just need someone else to confirm.
Does anybody else want to help with the coding of this project? If so create an open-source repository and I will add the current source in there.

[REF]1 Click Debian, LXDE, GP2X installer(Links Update)

Ok guys i have finally decided to provide you with the installer. What you have to to is -
1. Extract all the files
2.Copy bootdeb, debian.img,, mountonly, fsrw, uninonfs to folder debian in root of sdcard
3. Connect G1 to your PC.
4. Run Debian Installer.bat
5. When the # symbol comes up type cd /sdcard/debian
5. Then sh
6. Exit
7. You have successfully installed everything.
8. Run swapper. Set swap to 80 MB. Set swapiness to 60. Go to terminal. type
press home button
Android VNC
password- android
host- LocalHost
Port- 5901
Colors- Your wish
Press connect and everythings working
For GP2X you need jrioni terminal from market
For installing via terminal
1)Install swapper and androidVNC.
2)Copy all the files stated above to SDCARD
3)go to terminal and type
#mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
#cd /sdcard/debian
Working direct Link(Thanks Mysticales) Installer/
Link to torrent
Direct links - Thanks to comptech and scepterr
New INstaller
Dont forget to use swapper or your phone will reboot
From now on only debian installer will be updated
Guys i am trying now to make the installer work on hero
It works on ext3. ext3 or ext2 is not a issue. So go on flash. I am on ext3 with cyanogen build
Will there ever be a DDL option? I am unable to download it through the torrenter as no seeds are connected.
I am trying to ultra compress it for upload ing to server
TravisBy said:
Will there ever be a DDL option? I am unable to download it through the torrenter as no seeds are connected.
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Yep i cannot get any seeders either. Just gotta be patient.
uploading to ftp server. Thanks to Mysticles
Guys anybody notice any seed with the new torrent file
If not dont worry. FTP will be ready in 3-4 hours
Guys new torrent file uploaded. Sorry for inconvenience. Figured out why it was not working
Its working now. I am getting around 10-30 Kbs download. Really slow, but probably due to the lack of seeders, but I can't complain. Thank you for all the work, can't wait to install it.
As soon as I can download it from the torrent, Ill put up a http link to download it
guys your getting low speed coz my internet is only 256 kb/s. Ny tomorrow it will be 700kb/s. Got it upgraded
What speed are you getting now. I am using 3 clients to upload. LOL. So that upload never stops
I'm also willing to host the file permanently via HTTP if I can get my hands on it. I'm blocked from BT traffic where I'm at, though, so it would be really spiffy if someone could get the ball rolling and upload this to a temporary hosting location.
charnsingh_online said:
What speed are you getting now. I am using 3 clients to upload. LOL. So that upload never stops
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My connection is pretty good.
I'm downloading at 850kb/s. Thanks.
I will also host it via HTTP if anybody needs it. But I have to finish downloading first.
Where did all the seeders go?
OMG fastest torrent I've ever seen!
1800 kb/s!
I will download this file to my server too and will share it ;-)
Ehhh.. after 11 % at 9 kb/s now..
Should I upload to SERVER(currently uploading) or i should just concentrate on uploading via torrent so that the person can who finishes first uploads
If you're already uploading it to a filehosting server, please continue to do so. If someone beats you to it and posts a link to a filehost first, no problemo, right?
I have no problem but it will be faster if someone uploads after completing as all my bandwidth will be on torrent, so people will complete it faster and as they have better spped then me they can upload and it will overall be a faster process

AndroidSuite2012 - Team Scripthen

AndroidSuite 2012
Coded & Tested by:
Tom Dolan (Scriptr)
Joel Duncan (Slethen)
AndroidSuite 2012 what it does
Decodes and encodes Dex files
Decodes and encodes APK files(Previously bugged in APKManager)
Gives a console output
Whats to be added?
Experimental features (currently in testing)
Thread piority
Config editor
Help file
System requirements:
Windows (XP/Vista/7)
1024x768 monitor resolution
512MB free system memory
Java (JRE/JDK 6 prefered)
Android Suite 2012 by Team Scripthen
Place the APKs in the directory \apk\
refresh the list,
select from the first list box which one you want to decode then hit
"decode selected" you can then edit the source in "decoded-apks".
to re-encode, refresh the list again, the select from the second list which directory
you'd like to encode hit "encode selected" once the progress bar has stopped you can
then safetly remove the APK from "encoded-apks" directory.
place your .dex file in the directory "\repo\Dex" go to the main window and then hit
"Decode Dex", then you can click "Open OUT Directory" to view the source code.
Once finished with the source code you can then hit "Encode Dex" to reencode it to
"classes.dex" which will appear in programs root.
Version 99 they do not work.
However, when they do work, this shall be updated but you are to be careful and
take note it is not our fault if anything goes wrong, as these are critical these
will be throughly tested to ensure the correct configuration is used.
Experimental features added:
Applies an to the device,
please note:
To apply the update, the archive needs to be in %PROGRAMROOT%\repo\
Send reboot signal to the phone
Boot to fast mode;
Reboot the phone to fast mode
This has NOT been fully tested!!!
To apply the new boot image put it in %PROGRAMROOT%\repo\
​It would be extremely helpful if you were to post bugs/errors on this topic so we can find them easier.
first of all, thank you for this, it looks great! However, I am unable to encode anything. I get a sound effect as soon as i click encode decoded directory and the progress bar moves at an incredibly slow pace. is it doing what it's supposed to do? I let it sit for 15 minutes and nothing ever happened.
How big is the apk? And whats your cpu speed?
the app size is 5mb and my cpu is an i5 clocked at 2.3ghz. the odd thing to me is that it doesn't seem to try to encode the apk at all. when the decode finishes, a chime goes off. that same chime sounds within half a second of my trying to encode the same app. The decode works perfectly though!
pokedroid said:
the app size is 5mb and my cpu is an i5 clocked at 2.3ghz. the odd thing to me is that it doesn't seem to try to encode the apk at all. when the decode finishes, a chime goes off. that same chime sounds within half a second of my trying to encode the same app. The decode works perfectly though!
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Does the Console output give you any errors? or could you paste what the error is instead of clogging the chat.
What it sounds is that you dont have java recognised as a program. I will fix that when I log on Windows again.
please use pastie (google I cant use links yet) with the error so we can look into it.
pokedroid said:
the app size is 5mb and my cpu is an i5 clocked at 2.3ghz. the odd thing to me is that it doesn't seem to try to encode the apk at all. when the decode finishes, a chime goes off. that same chime sounds within half a second of my trying to encode the same app. The decode works perfectly though!
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Updated, your problem might be fixed.
Might be an idea to state in the title or under system requirements whether this is for Linux or Winblows.
Hey, I just downloaded android suite, but seems that the zip is damaged.
The folders from the zip created, but no files and I get errors from winrar like this:
Unknown method in bin\apktool.jar
No files to extract.
I' ll try to download it again, but can you please check it?
Redownload it 5 times, same errors. Archive is damaged, shows that is 36,3MB, but need less than a second to complete download(which is wrong for sure).
unzip it with Winzip, winrar cant extract it.
dancer_69 said:
Hey, I just downloaded android suite, but seems that the zip is damaged.
The folders from the zip created, but no files and I get errors from winrar like this:
Unknown method in bin\apktool.jar
No files to extract.
I' ll try to download it again, but can you please check it?
Redownload it 5 times, same errors. Archive is damaged, shows that is 36,3MB, but need less than a second to complete download(which is wrong for sure).
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I'll get right on it.
Must of been the compression method, also try with 7-zip.
Right, re-uploaded with 0 compression, the archive shouldnt cause trouble now.
I'm actually unable to even get the download to start. I get an error when I click the link from google saying they can't find the requested link. I've tried 5 times.
Somehow the link had been replaced by "*****"
Here's the direct URL:
I will add a downloader soon so hopefully it will be more efficient.
I will integrate that in next release,
sorry for all the trouble so far.
Scribblezzz said:
Somehow the link had been replaced by "*****"
Here's the direct URL:
I will add a downloader soon so hopefully it will be more efficient.
I will integrate that in next release,
sorry for all the trouble so far.
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What exactly is in the archive that requires us to download 113mb? To decompile and recompile and apk all you need is:
Java - Already on my system
aapt.exe - Already on my system
apktool.jar - Already on my system
Command Prompt - Well duh, part of windows.
Could you provide screenshots of the application?
cornelha said:
What exactly is in the archive that requires us to download 113mb? To decompile and recompile and apk all you need is:
Java - Already on my system
aapt.exe - Already on my system
apktool.jar - Already on my system
Command Prompt - Well duh, part of windows.
Could you provide screenshots of the application?
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It's got the Java binaries in the directory.
as some people dont have the "java.exe" patj, it fails to load it.
I will add some screenshots later, and I shall update it later, I just need to do more testing on Java findings...
personally I'm good to go. A simple scan with an anti-virus is all I need to ensure it's legit. I have a backup so I'll take the OP's word for it. Also, no need to apologize for "problems" IMO, I have no idea how to decompile/recompile or sign an apk so even if there are bugs, you're still doing me (and a lot of others) a favor. Thanks for all of the work you've put in so far!
Screenshot of AndroidSuite2012
so, every time I try to close the .exe, a web browser opens that takes me to not sure what that's about. I don't know what the link was for, so I closed it and didn't click anything. Also, the utility still doesn't seem to be able to recode the apk. the error message I received is in a .txt file attached to the link below. I didn't want to post this whole thing inline.
sorry, double post
I see the problem..
I will start to work on the fix later today...
Also I will test better java detection reducing the archive about 70 or so megabytes...
Sorry for the bulk archive it was just a temporary solution...
Thank you again for posting error log.

[TOOL] yaffs extractor, mmssms.db & contacts2.db converter

Some time ago I sold my old android phone and forgot to make a backup of SMS messages and call logs, but kept a complete image backup made by clockworkmod recovery (system.img, data.img, etc.). I wanted to import my SMS messages and call logs to a new phone, but without a reasonable backup this seemed to be impossible. Some quick search over the internet showed that a question about extracting/importing SMS messages from mmssms.db is not so uncommon, but there are no tools to do this. So I wrote one, and decided to share
Sources are available at abbot/android-restore-tools.
It requires Python 2.6 and above to run.
I've also made compiled binaries for windows, attached to this post.
[Binaries last updated on 12.04.2011]
Thanks for the tools. Nice work.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using XDA
I'm trying to use your tool to extract SMS from a nandroid backup.
I'm using the data.yaffs2.img file from the backup.
When I choose #2 for mmssms.db and then "s" to extract SMS I get the following error:
Failed to extract messages: file is encrypted or is not a database
DatabaseError('file is encrypted or is not a database',)
Warning: failed to remove temporary file...
What does this mean, and is there a solution?
This may be caused by two things: either my tool can't properly read/extract the image file, or it can't read the database.
Please try to extract the image (extract -x data.yaffs2.img). If this does not produce any errors, find the mmssms.db file in the extracted data, it will probably be in data/ Then try to run extract -s mmssms.db. Please post if you get any errors doing these steps.
There was an error while extracting the got through partway, but then failed at some bluetooth directory with colons in the path.
So I used a different tool to extract it, which went successfully.
Then I ran extract -s mmssms.db which came with the same error.
I'm pretty sure there isn't some weird encryption since I opened it up with Notepad ++ and I could read bits and pieces of conversations.
Anything else to try?
This might be caused by an older sqlite3 version bundled with binaries. I have updated the binaries in the first message to a newer version, could you download it and try again, extract -s mmssms.db?
Different error this time:
Failed to extract messages: no such column: failure_cause
OperationalError('no such column: failure_cause',)
Warning: failed to remove temporary file...
FYI the first thing at the top of the file when I open in Notepad++ is SQLite format 3 and this is from an HTC device running Android 4.x does that help at all?
This is much better and now makes sense: android 4.0 usually has sqlite 3.7.x, previous binary build of this tool had sqlite 3.6.21, and that was the reason for the 'file is encrypted or is not a database' error.
Now it looks like mmssms.db format in Android 4.0 has changed a little bit. I will have a look on these changes and update the app accordingly. Hope it will not take too much time
abbot2 said:
This is much better and now makes sense: android 4.0 usually has sqlite 3.7.x, previous binary build of this tool had sqlite 3.6.21, and that was the reason for the 'file is encrypted or is not a database' error.
Now it looks like mmssms.db format in Android 4.0 has changed a little bit. I will have a look on these changes and update the app accordingly. Hope it will not take too much time
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That would be awesome, perhaps keep the old version available for other folks too though
If you can get this working I'll be sure to send a couple bucks your way. Thanks!
I have updated the extractor again, did some limited testing with android 4.0.3 on the emulator - seems to work. This database has a number of fields removed on android 4 compared to android 2, however everything required for xml dump is still there - just had to remove some unused stuff. Download the new version and try again.
Regarding the older versions, no reason to keep them - new one works fine with old database formats.
Awesome works perfectly! Send me a PM where to donate.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
Thanks! It really works perfectly. Any plans to include MMS?
Sorry for the noobish question but I'm not familiar with Python.
Installed newest version of Python and also got the extracted mmssms.db and contacts2.db (used Nandriod Browser to extract them), which command lines do I need/what do I have to do? :s
€dit: Downloaded the zip from github and got as far as opening which gives me an error when opening the mmssms.db
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\lib-tk\", line 1410, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "D:\Downloads\abbot-android-restore-tools-bc8584d\abbot-android-restore-t
ools-bc8584d\", line 99, in open_file
self.messages = read_messages(filename)
File "D:\Downloads\abbot-android-restore-tools-bc8584d\abbot-android-restore-t
ools-bc8584d\", line 33, in read_messages
c.execute("SELECT _id, thread_id, address, person, date, protocol, read, pri
ority, status, type, callback_number, reply_path_present, subject, body, service
_center, failure_cause, locked, error_code, stack_type, seen, sort_index FROM sm
s ORDER BY date DESC")
OperationalError: no such column: priority
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€dit2: No problems with contacts2.db?!
€dit3: Well..this should be the last, found this explanation of rani2001 over here ( That did it for me!
Dude you just made my day
Can you please compile a new windows version with the latest files from github?
Or give us a manual how to use the .py files.
I think this will help many of us.
Thank you very much.
BTW: Your tool worked perfectly with my mmssms.db but failed with contacts2.db. Maybe the new files requested above will help me.
Got all my sms back thanks to you.
Amazing script, Thanks for sharing and explaining and updating.
60% There
I was just wondering if there was anything special I had to do to merge my old SMS list and the ones from the new list. I didn't see an option there for it and I don't want to just paste it in there and load it. Many thanks ahead of time
Hi I want to extract the data.yaffs2.img from my HTC Desire nandroid backup but get the error message:
> extract.exe -s data.yaffs2.img
Failed to extract messages: file is encrypted or is not a database
Any ideas?
I tried this tool yesterday evening and I'm truly grateful for your work!
I was ready to spend the whole night to work with these damn tables when I found your work. Many thanks! :highfive:
Where is the file stored after i run it? This is what I got.
ract.exe -s D:\S3_recovery\mmssms.db
Read 1782 messages
Save as (empty=sms-20130330111807.xml): y

