Fuze/TouchPro vs CarPC - Touch Pro, Fuze General

i've always wondered about this because of all the posts. its kind of a rant just forwarning
i understand that the US is in a recession so excuse me if i generalize, but why use the fuze as a substitute carpc? i understand people spend good money on a pda but why not just build a carpc.
you get more functionality with more upgradability and bigger screen
a budget inspired carpc can be had very cheap even brand new is still cheaper than buying a unbranded unlocked touch pro.
just to give you guys an idea i've built mine under 500 it would have been mid 300 but i'm an audio guy so i had to get a legit sound card and went with a 8" vs 7" and keep in mind this is brand new prices. you dont even need a sound card
8" touchscreen ~150
all-in-one pc ~90
hdd + memory ~60
power supply ~80
sound card ~100
i get internet and gps because of my phone but any 3g gps enabled phone could do this.
i think a fuze attached to wires is ludacris and hateful to the phone. its a "mobile" phone not a landline lol k flame away

The Fuze does almost everything your CarPC does and it fits in my pocket. I can take it into the gym and still access my music, still use the internet, etc. Just in the car it's attached to a larger screen.

If I went with a CarPC project I'd want to go all out. I have a Dodge Charger with the stock NAV. It works well but it is limited; not a touchscreen, only plays MP3 CDs with no hard drive interface.
I've played with the idea of replacing it with a 10" touchscreen for VGA movies/DVDs, pretty well sized solid state HD for media storage (for shock resistance and low energy consumption), wifi to link with my home network and download while in my garage, run Windows XP with some GPS based Navigation software, and of course have a USB port for my Fuze to serve as a 3G modem when on the road for browsing and traffic updates.
If I could link the Fuze to a touchscreen, maybe even interface with a more accurate GPS antenna, and wire it into my car stereo I would be one happy driver.

KevinACrider said:
The Fuze does almost everything your CarPC does and it fits in my pocket. I can take it into the gym and still access my music, still use the internet, etc. Just in the car it's attached to a larger screen.
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i know you said almost everything so just to toss it out there. i do make backups of my cds but in order to add music to my phone i would have to either buy mp3s online or use my pc to add music to the phone. same goes with movies. of course this is legally speaking only.
i change through albums and artists all the time. i dislike wm players just takes to long to access
i can drive around and pop in dvds and watch movies on road trips.
i also enjoy listening to higher quality stereo (ya i know its a personal preference i've listened to afew mp3 player instals and i am enjoying the money well well spent)
the battery isn't horrendous on the fuze but its not above decent. i would love to be on wifi or 3g the whole time. yes we know hopping on peoples networks is a nono but still. yes i can take my fuze with me but charging and listening to music ugh power noise
norok said:
you dont need to go all out. i've just got the necesities and its getting the job done plus some. and a side note i have a hdd and pushing around 137dbs but just doubled the watts so should be a few higher and the hd is about 3yrs old still holding strong and taking a ridiculous daily beating (vegas heat and a sub next to it).
i do really enjoy my phone and i've used it as a center for my car while doing the carpc instal and while driving other ppls cars and i can say i am glad i switched but of course personal preference. its just so much easier to do same things.
again just wanted to rant. flame away
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what I want from my next XDA....

Watching a TV show talking about the 3GSM mobile phone show on atm and all the new 'features' in mobile phones coming and I have to say.. most of them don't appeal.
* video - i've never been interested in seeing the person i'm talking to, in fact i like the privacy of not having video calls! Coverage is crap, battery life terrible etc...
* music on demand services - not interested again, i'd rather put my own mp3's on my phone. Are any of us really away from a computer for that long?
* voice control. Shown composing text messages by speech. Again, i think they're missing the point here - text is good because it can be done covertly and privately. Where's the privacy when shouting at your phone? Voice *dialling* is great (i use it extensively now) but again it's another example of something that has a narrow band appeal, and limited use.
* 3d graphics. Nice but.. i don't play games on my XDA 2 now. Probably fun for about 5 minutes.
* dual cameras. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz realllllly don't care.
* stereo speakers on the phone. Oh dear god, why bother? small speakers will always sound rubbish. Want music? Use headphones.
* 5.1 sound. Yes really and no i don't know why either.
What i would like:
Killer feature for me is GPS. Imagine a next generation JAM sized device with build in GPS, a bit more memory and perhaps a fast cpu. Wow.
Smaller form factors. I REALLY want a JAM (contract prevents me from getting one for six months tho!).
Better battery life. Dump the extras (3d, video) I don't need in favour of longer uptime between charges. My wife's SPV C500 has *awesome* battery life... Nine hours of solid mp3 playback on one charge? Ouch!
USB 2.0 port. SPV C500 has a *standard* mini usb connector. Cheap cables, better connection (more robust). USB 2.0 fast transfers would be greatly appreciated.
Storage. As soon as someone bangs a mini HD in one of these devices you've got an IPOD killer. 5 gigs would be niiiiiceee. Could live without this one tho, in favour of a 2 gig sd card.

HTC Advantage

has anyone tested one? I'm curious if I should get it.
Gonna be my next phone.....Its already in the Wiki
Large but in charge!
It is amazing but you are not going to sit this into your pocket. You can get them for a great price on Amazon.com.
I got one. It's ok, just not ment to be a phone really, just happens to use a sim card to always have a connection.
Depends what you want
Its not a phone unless you got a decent bt handsfree setup (though great for a conference phone).
Someone needs to design a better case/slip pouch for belt use.
Its not quite a substitute for my faithfull TC1100 (Pocket Office lets it down, its capable of more)
Superior screen size/resolution make Today and standard apps look "clumpy" and childish
Great for eBook readers, sits in the hand comfortably
Great as a portable Wifi radio (just wish Realnetworks would improve the product or BBC dump RealPlayer)
Great for Video and mp3s with the 8 gb storage
Nice portable games machine for RPG, strategy etc.
Nice in-car GPS navigator (AutoMapa, TomTom)
Battery life is quite respectable (>10 hours reading)
Nice inflight pose factor
If you are a traveller then its the best I've seen so far

Best use for OLD smart phones and pdas?

Here's one I've been contemplating lately, what to do with my old smart phones and pdas after I upgrade.
Sure I'd hand them off to any friend or associate who wanted them, re use recycle and all that, but often no one seems to want them since they're well old and out dated.
So what to do? Some have nice stands and make decent clocks for my desk, or snooze alarms for my night stand, but I feel like that's such a waste.
Anyone find any creative and usefull things to do with their old gear?
If it has a decent sized screen and bluetooth you could mount it into your dash and make it a dedicated GPS. If it has a headphone outlet you could also hook it into your car stereo and load it with with music over bluetooth from a laptop etc...
why not sell them if they recently-released phones? many people can't afford a new phone, and don't want to be stuck with a contract, and don't care an older model.
I use my old O2 XDA 2i for my tomtom in the car, it may be old but it runs TomTom perfectly and the screen is much bigger than recent devices. (It also runs video files much better than my Tytn II)
I havnt soft re-set it in about 3 months, so its also very reliable.
ebook reader is also an options
you can set them up as router for your network
After I bought my Kaiser, I used my old Palm LifeDrive as a digital photo frame. It has a 4 GB hard drive and a cradle, so it sits on my desk quite happily. They also make good universal remote controls if they have IR ports.
I've always just sold mine on Ebay for fair price....Many users are looking for 2nd hand devices.
i still have my ancient trium mondo from 2000 (or was that 1999?). it's still working and i use it as my alarm clock. still pretty good despite it's age and the "night mode" green hew looks great in the dark. the battery, though, doesn't charge anymore so she's forever stuck on her cradle.
You can always donate them to someone on this great community!
or sell it on marketplace
you could use it as a secondary display with innobec sidewindow that is what i did with my old toshiba before i sold it.
i was just thinking back to an old thread and googled.
this is the site http://www.wmwifirouter.com/
josefcrist said:
you could use it as a secondary display with innobec sidewindow that is what i did with my old toshiba before i sold it.
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+1. Using this you can use your phone to display temps, fan speeds, an IM chat window, external TV. Brilliant.
Use it as a camera, or a Business mini computer (Office, and Internet)
Dont donate it... Its not like giving food to starving kids, thats a diff story, its more like giving a guy free money.
I collect mine (as you can see from my sig), but if I were to ever start considering getting rid of it, Marketplace would be my first choice, Craigslist would be second, and eSpray would be last. Long as it's done for a fair price, or a good trade, there's no problem with that in my book.
With that in mind, I still have all of mine. Once I get one of my wizards working right, the other will go up in Marketplace. I just gotta have the time to fix my mini-usb port... Figures, huh?
Who-m3 said:
Once I get one of my wizards working right, the other will go up in Marketplace. I just gotta have the time to fix my mini-usb port... Figures, huh?
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Craigslist or Ebay, The Forums Marketplace isn't Safe to make Transactions and sales. Atleast with my Previous "Purchase"
For those who have cellular, wifi and GPS or cellular, wifi and a bluetooth GPS, why not use them to earn some money?
Navizon is a wireless positioning system that works a little bit like a GPS, only that it uses Cellular Towers and Wifi access points instead of satellites. In addition to being a wireless position system, Navizon offers cool features like the Directions, Buddy finder, Geotags and many more...
This software relies on a community of users who contribute data to the system (WiFi and Cellular towers) when they have a GPS device. And the cool thing is that we can earn money doing it with the Navizon reward system.
I'm already using it and you could make money too with it if you're interested. All you need is to install it on your phone and have Navizon connected to your GPS. Every Wifi access points that you pass, every cell tower that you log will mean money in your pocket. So if you have a phone that is compatible with this software, you should really check it out.
If you plan on registering, please do so by clicking on the link below:
That way, I can also earn some referral points since I'm the one who introduced you to the system ;-)
I've got an old Athena that I'm currently in the process of mounting in my car, once I've built the custom cradle for it. Because the screen is so big it'll perfect for in car video, mp3 play back and of coarse good old tomtom!

What do you use the G Tab for?

I have never owned a tablet before. I never thought I had a use for one. But once the iPad and Android tablets started flooding the market, I kept thinking, "man, those are cool". But I still didn't know what I would use one for.
So now I have a G Tablet, with all of the mods applied, but I still don't know why I need it, or want it. I do most of my computing at my desk. When on the go, I use my Nexus One. Right now my G Tablet is just an expensive Angry Birds console.
So, tell me what you use yours for, before I get bored and return this item.
BTW, This is not a knock on the G Tablet, I am very impressed with the hardware (except for the viewing angles) on this device.
personally i got it for my kitchen to have a laptop like device that isnt so big and bulky like a laptop for internet radio and to access apps and cooking apps for the wifey. plus something to quickly access the web in the kitchen without having to open the laptop or try getting to the browser on my phone.
also use it to control the lights throughout the lights since i have x10 lighting in my house.
I was like you, thinking that the combo of a desktop computer, a laptop, and my Nexus One meant that a tablet would be unnecessary. I'd almost always be on either my laptop or my N1 in the evenings while watching TV, just keeping an eye on e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Plus playing a lot of Angry Birds.
But, since I got my gTab, I've used my laptop maybe twice in five weeks. My phone just sits at my side in case I get an actual call (rare!). I use my tablet *all the time* when I'm on the sofa. It's great to have a much larger screen to look at (instead of my N1) when reading Kindle books or playing Angry Birds or just surfing. I also like typing on it more since I installed Thumb Keyboard, which in landscape mode has a split-keyboard to allow for easy thumb-only typing. I watch more streaming video than I ever would have bothered to on my N1.
And it's ergonomically much more comfortable than dealing with my laptop all evening.
It's also great to have when on the treadmill compared to an N1, again for Kindle or whatever.
I use it for music on the go around my home. I may be in the kitchen doing some cooking, or helping with laundry or cleaning. I do it all with music.
I use it to surf while on the couch watching TV, anything that pops to my mind...something relating to the show, etc.
I use it in the kitchen in the rare occasion I feel like doing something different. My wife is an awesome cook but she gets home at 5 or so, so sometimes I try to do the right thing and cook some dinnah...and sometimes I'm inspired enough to try a recipe from the net.
I use it in bed when I'm winding down to go to sleep. Music or maybe an episode of something; surf the web or read an e-book.
I use it to read...magazines, ebooks, whether I'm in the couch, on the balcony, etc.
So in the end, for me it's a great value. I just wish it worked properly without flashing additional stuff.
It's a really great notebook replacement when all you want to do are the lighter things like listen to music, watch tv, surf the web or read a book/magazine. Can you do these things on your PC or Notebook? Of course you can!, but if you're the type of person who doesn't like to sit behind a PC or under a laptop for 12 hrs then it really works out.
My 2 complaints, 1 major and 1 minor are how crappy the initial software is (major) and how heavy it is (minor)...the weight may be necessary as I suspect the battery to be the culprit, and almost all the Tegra 2 devices releasing currently are this heavy, but a nicer weight would have been 1lb vs. 1.55lbs which becomes weighty in one hand after a while. The Archos 101 is just around 1lb and feels very nice to hold.
Dashboard on my work desk for scrolling news, weather, to do list and email (work station stays on task-monitor my usage to your heart's desire It department!!!!)
Desk top digital picture frame
Surfing web on the couch.
Watching missed TV shows from my bed using Bluetooth headphones after the wife's asleep
Surfing these bulletin boards.
Kindle book reader
I don't social network but I hear twitter and Facebook are popular.
Watching news clips
Trying to figure out away to port my weekly Netflix movies to this for easy viewing while traveling
Thinking of trying to setup a way to get work email and edit spread sheets real quick.
Have yet to really figure out how well some of my ideas will work.
What is wrong with an expensive angry birds console
@allenfx, have you tryed using documents to go app for editing spread sheets
Based on my experience so far:
Aggravation !!!​
I used this to play emulators like Tiger Mame and Snes, I watch Justin TV, browse the web, a night clock...etc. The 10.1 screen is great for all of those things especially on long road trips like the one I took with my family last week. My kids were playing and watching videos for most of our trip. I love this thing!!!
They also used this to Vid chat. It was great because they got to say Merry Xmas to their grandparents face to face (sorta).
All of this and the battery was still at 30%+ after a 7 hr drive! That's frickin crazy...I think. Escpecially with the tablet running those tasks.
I like these ideas. Keep them coming.
I normally use my eee pc on the sofa and what not. I can see this is better solution for that, since it plays videos much better.
I am interested in the home automation you mentioned. Can you describe your setup?
Thanks Everyone.
thewayne01 said:
I am interested in the home automation you mentioned. Can you describe your setup?
Thanks Everyone.
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First you gotta look into x10 lighting which is special lighting for your house, the house i bought i was lucky enough it had the lighting in it already i just needed the "base". What happends is you get a "base" which sends signals out to devices lights/appliances/security systems for them to turn on and off. They reach out to modules which you add to a light, for instance you get a wall switch one instead of wiring the wires to a normal light switch you wire them into this x10 module which has dials on them you set the dials to a "channel" and thats how it communicates with the base. it sounds more complicated than it really is, a very easy affordable way to get it is with lamp modules which are the cheapest and they plug right into any wall outlet and have a female end on the other side where you plug in something like say a lamp. If you need anymore info on the actual setup of x10 just research on google x10 lighting and it will give you all the info.
for the app there are many paid apps out there you can get but your best off with the one thats free called autom8 its not on the market but there is a link for it if you search "autom8 android" in google you should be able to find it, it has a video attached to it of the kid doing it on his android phone, i have it on my droid 1 and now on my g tablet in the kitchen so i can turn on the lights before i even walk into the house
dragonfly1113 said:
First you gotta look into x10 lighting which is special lighting for your house, the house i bought i was lucky enough it had the lighting in it already i just needed the "base". What happends is you get a "base" which sends signals out to devices lights/appliances/security systems for them to turn on and off. They reach out to modules which you add to a light, for instance you get a wall switch one instead of wiring the wires to a normal light switch you wire them into this x10 module which has dials on them you set the dials to a "channel" and thats how it communicates with the base. it sounds more complicated than it really is, a very easy affordable way to get it is with lamp modules which are the cheapest and they plug right into any wall outlet and have a female end on the other side where you plug in something like say a lamp. If you need anymore info on the actual setup of x10 just research on google x10 lighting and it will give you all the info.
for the app there are many paid apps out there you can get but your best off with the one thats free called autom8 its not on the market but there is a link for it if you search "autom8 android" in google you should be able to find it, it has a video attached to it of the kid doing it on his android phone, i have it on my droid 1 and now on my g tablet in the kitchen so i can turn on the lights before i even walk into the house
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That's frickin cool! haha. I didn't know that even existed.
I travel quite a bit for the company I own and I am just flat tired of hauling around a laptop around airports etc. Mostly what I do is keep in touch with email but occasionally have to get into one of the network servers. I tried doing this with my smartphone but it was just too tiny and too limiting that way so I kept on hauling around my laptop.
The tablet allows me to do these without the laptop hassle. If I have to answer an email it is still a minor pain with a screen keyboard but with the tablet its much less of a hassle. During flights I can use it to play games, compose emails for sending later, writing notes or even just reading.
Its a lot less weight to carry. It may not seem like much to some but after carrying around a leather case with a shoulder strap with a six pound laptop and another two pounds of other stuff I would get to my hotels with big red strap marks on my shoulder. Now the weight is reduced by well over half and it "feels" good.
This is interesting stuff. First, the autom8 android seems to be an abandoned app. But reading some forums there appear to be other alternatives out there that do the same thing and have an active developer.
The price of the x10 modules are incredibly cheaper when they came out years ago. I hadn't looket at it lately but I did when they first came on the market and I thought that they were crazy expensive and I never looked at them again. Now, you can buy kits that are just about dirt cheap.
Sounds like a fun plaything but I don't see much use for it myself. If I still lived in Los Angeles it would have lots of good uses for security. But, now I live out in the country in rural Kansas and when we went to Europe we forgot to lock the front door. No biggie, didn't worry about it and when we got back all was fine.
I am in the same boat not sure why I bought it at the beginning. I have a laptop (very light-weight 4lb + very fast CPU + 14.1 screen), a desktop and a couple of pocket PCs (HP iPAQ). Now, my g-tablet has a "real" purpose.. is to piss off my apple-addicted co-workers (most of my co-workers use Mac laptops + Ipads, Iphones, etc). Even my helpdesk dept does not like Android, linux or windows and they think Apple is the best. Anyways, I brought my G-tablet to work one day and showed them CNN.com with Flash and ran the Quadrant score.. hahahaha.
Fuzzy John said:
Based on my experience so far:
Aggravation !!!​
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I know EXACTLY how you feel. You know how I see it? You can buy few other electronics for $350-$400 that are going to pull off what this can. It's a handheld computer - it runs better graphics than I think most netbooks at this price point and the only other electronics you will buy with $400 is maybe a mid end 32" LCD TV which let's face it - you probably already own something bigger/better, in fact maybe even 2 or 3.
So I mean....unless you're willing to WAIT until March/April for the more solid stuff to come with either 2.3 as the base or Honeycomb, at least you can get a few things done in the meantime with the newest stock s/w....and hopefully by the time they become mainstream we'll get an official update that even the devs won't feel necessary to mod too heavily to be workable.
I almost decided to return mine today when the screen became unresponsive and no amount of claimed calibration would work. But I calmed down, did a full wipe and now it's good. I think the hardware is pretty solid, it's just the software that is a total mess and the devs here are doing the best they can with what they have but in the end I think it's the people that sit down in labs and workstations that need to make at least a solid software core for things to be based upon and I don't think that's the case with the tnt software, zpad software or vega software. I think it's all based on some pretty crummy stuff. I still have high hopes for something better when Honeycomb comes, or something written from the ground up by the devs here based on 2.3.
man let me see......what don't you use the gtab for????? lol. I mainly use it while watching tv i can watch football and browse the web. i like the google finance app to check my stocks. its great entertainment when i have company i leave it on the coffe table so guests can play with it or surf the web... yeah i have 2 laptops even an ultra light and thin 11.6" screen 3.5 lbs but i still prefer this as my internet browser while on the couch... sure i can do all that on my iphone 4 but i cant even look at that small screen after getting used to my tab! i tether my phones internet to it so a long ride in the car goes by quick, when others are driving of course. i love the old school nintendo emulators also...again can do all that from my phone but why when i have a ten inch screen.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b3 using Tapatalk (while on the couch waiting for MNF to start)
Travelling with less than two pounds... access to my brokerage account and virtually all the investment pages I tend to use... E-mail... news, sports, weather... Twitter feeds I follow... much easier to carry around the house than the laptop. An aside: the WiFi is very sensitive. On an Amtrak train, waiting to leave Chicago's Union Station and then at least for an hour or two heading West to Denver, I had the choice of a dozen or so connections available to me. About half were open networks from hotels and eateries. As the train picked up speed, available connections changed every few minutes. Crazy stuff. The December VS update just before Christmas was wonderful for this stock gTablet. The only fix I want now is video added to Skype capabilities.
3 movies on one charged battery..... Enough said...
jacindc said:
But, since I got my gTab, I've used my laptop maybe twice in five weeks. My phone just sits at my side in case I get an actual call (rare!). I use my tablet *all the time* when I'm on the sofa. It's great to have a much larger screen to look at (instead of my N1) when reading Kindle books or playing Angry Birds or just surfing.
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Same here. Chat, read email, browse the web, all on my sofa and much more comfortable. I use my laptop in the morning... to prop up my tablet.
-=Sent from my VS GTablet (VEGAn b4) using Tapatalk=-
I use my g tablet for everything the only time I use my PC was to download the new roms but now I have rom manager working my PC is just a dvr I also use the PC as dual boot 64 bit windows/linux. If I could use Linux on the g tablet my PC would be an expensive dvr only right now I'm using vegan beta4 and its pretty smooth

The Necessary Basics for Nexus Devices

I have the Nexus 4, an awesome beast at an affordable price. Some limits of Nexus devices almost convinced me not two buy one, but I solved these with these necessary accessories and device types. I list general categories, you research find best for your needs and wants.
No FM tuner: I found Bluetooth receivers, small, in which you plug in ear buds, standard jack; several have FM radio.
Can't remove battery. Former phones I carried two charged batteries as backups which few folk do. Now it carry a portable solar power charger.
No expandable space, no SD card. I carry a1 TB external hard drive which creates own WiFi network; it fits in my shirt pocket.
No need to give brands, now you know the devices, you can find several by a search with Ixquick or SSL Google..
Earlier I had phones with FM radio real tuners, not streaming apps. Some radio stations dont stream., plus FM tuners dont use your data plan just use battery. At first I used a mini radio but when I discoveed the Bluetooth with FM tuner I had two functions into one device.
The solar power charger I have so small I plan to buy another. You can charge in the sun and with computer USB. After full charge either way when home I leave it in window light. It's always fully charged when I leave the house. The charger has wrist strap; I hang the charger out on my pack to keep it fully charged.
The WiFi enabled 1 TB I use to stream music, video, and movies to my Nexus 4 and 7 (second generation, WiFi); it can stream to 4 devices same .
time. Google wants Nexus owners to upload their own music to Google servers then stream to Nexus device. I dont like that. I moved the Windows document folder to the D drive. I have my whole D drive on my external wifi drive. At home it is one of two al synchronized with D drive. When I travel I take one; always have out of house backup. I can access fall my files, text, audio, and visual.
The small purse size rubber bags women use for their private travel necessities I use one all charging accessories. I use the Nexus 7 cable and ac for both 4 and 7, and for solar charger.Bluetooth and external hard drive have own cables. Now my awesome 4 awesomer.
General principle: think what you need and want when you go out in home city and in travels. Carry backup Battery or charger. That's minimum.
With the undivine intervention of some folk here, their instructions, and software I have a rooted Nexus 4 and Nexus 7. Nexus 4 specs say 17 hours talk time, I get 18plus.
The removal of FM radio from smartphones it's one of the major faults of Google and reveals that they don't give a s*it about what happens outside the big markets.
My 3rd world country, obsolete and with a 9th world infrastructure can't handle streaming radio. I have 200MB/month of good internet (1Mbps). After a reach that, I have worse internet than dialup speed.
I don't know a single user of streaming radio apps here and I doubt that anyone would spend their precious data with radio.
After removing the FM radio hardware, not only Google pissed of thousands of users that loved to listen the radio but also the radio stations, that lost all these thousands of listeners.
Thanks for the tips. Will look for some bluetooth receivers
saintsatinstain said:
I have the Nexus 4, an awesome beast at an affordable price. Some limits of Nexus devices almost convinced me not two buy one, but I solved these with these necessary accessories and device types. I list general categories, you research find best for your needs and wants.
No FM tuner: I found Bluetooth receivers, small, in which you plug in ear buds, standard jack; several have FM radio.
Can't remove battery. Former phones I carried two charged batteries as backups which few folk do. Now it carry a portable solar power charger.
No expandable space, no SD card. I carry a1 TB external hard drive which creates own WiFi network; it fits in my shirt pocket.
No need to give brands, now you know the devices, you can find several by a search with Ixquick or SSL Google..
Earlier I had phones with FM radio real tuners, not streaming apps. Some radio stations dont stream., plus FM tuners dont use your data plan just use battery. At first I used a mini radio but when I discoveed the Bluetooth with FM tuner I had two functions into one device.
The solar power charger I have so small I plan to buy another. You can charge in the sun and with computer USB. After full charge either way when home I leave it in window light. It's always fully charged when I leave the house. The charger has wrist strap; I hang the charger out on my pack to keep it fully charged.
The WiFi enabled 1 TB I use to stream music, video, and movies to my Nexus 4 and 7 (second generation, WiFi); it can stream to 4 devices same .
time. Google wants Nexus owners to upload their own music to Google servers then stream to Nexus device. I dont like that. I moved the Windows document folder to the D drive. I have my whole D drive on my external wifi drive. At home it is one of two al synchronized with D drive. When I travel I take one; always have out of house backup. I can access fall my files, text, audio, and visual.
The small purse size rubber bags women use for their private travel necessities I use one all charging accessories. I use the Nexus 7 cable and ac for both 4 and 7, and for solar charger.Bluetooth and external hard drive have own cables. Now my awesome 4 awesomer.
General principle: think what you need and want when you go out in home city and in travels. Carry backup Battery or charger. That's minimum.
With the undivine intervention of some folk here, their instructions, and software I have a rooted Nexus 4 and Nexus 7. Nexus 4 specs say 17 hours talk time, I get 18plus.
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Could you please post what BT you use for FM radio? Or send me a pm...thanks
The two Bluetooth devices I have
balanigga said:
Could you please post what BT you use for FM radio? Or send me a pm...thanks
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Sony Ericsson Hi-Fi Bluetooth Stereo Headset with FM Radio and the NoiseHush NS560-11977 Clip-on Bluetooth Stereo Headset without FM radio. They are small enough so I have the second as backup. Both good for music from devices; I use the NoiseHush when I listen to music from device or Seagate drive. Both easy for phone calls. Hang up and music continues. Often wear Bluetooth, sit on front porch listen to music, my device inside the house.
The Sony Ericsson can connect to two Bluetooth enabled devices so you and friend can listen to the same music.. I prefer the Bluetooth you plug in standard ear bud. If you check Amazon and like stores you will find a fairly wide choice of devices. I'd rather folk research for own purchases. You know your price range, how you use it, where and when. I am a bicycle tourist, so size and weight important. A gram or two may seem unimportant, but when you're carrying cooking and camping gear, plus digital and other items needed such as tools it's important. I carry a max of 18 kilos in addition to my weight.
I remember when I carried a laptop, sometimes total of gear in panniers and handlebar bag 22 kilos, sometimes more. Pedal a hundred miles in a day with 22 k. Now my Nexus 4 and 7 have replaced my laptop for travel.
May as well detail what I use. I recommend them only for myself. You research and if possible see the item in a store even though you plan to buy them online. I carry the Seagate Wireless Plus 1TB with my whole D drive on it; it has all my documents, audio and visual files. The drive produces own wifi, with encryption. There are other brands, but price always an issue with me.
There is a wide choice of chargers. I have Opteka BP-SC6000 Ultra High Capacity (6000mAh) Backup Battery Solar Charger with Faster Charging EcoPanel (2013 Model) I got last years model because 1, I dont feel need to get latest if an older model works, 2, older models have more users to tell how well it works.
I had planned to keep my Nexus to a few years short of forever, but decided to get Nexus 5 end of year because it has LTE. I will keep the 4 as backup.
Camping teaches redundancy, backup. I carry an older dumbphone in case something happens to primary. I carry two Bluetooth, only one with FM (FM for fun not necessity; I carry them in plastic pill bottles to protect them along with cable), I will carry two chargers soon, ordered second today, and the Seagate drive. I carry all charging gear in one of the rubber bags women use for some of privy items. It helps I rooted Nexus 4 and 7 get couple hours more by use of Elixir2 widget toggles to toggle the CPU governors ( When not using much, Power saver, moderate use, Ondemand, and rarely Performance, but sometimes multitasking it's needed), toggling off and on Bluetooth, wifi, synch, nfc, screen timeout, screen brightness, Location, and GPS. Push near 19 hours, could get more if didn't keep Google Plus and Facebook active.. The auto battery savers don't fit exactly anyone's usage style, but manually turning off and on manually does. Takes little time, four minutes in a day. Elixir2 replaces 8 apps; fewer apps, longer battery.
Use what i use as starting, check other brands and models; it has to fit your use style. I can fit all charging, Bluetooth, and storage in shoulder bag along with first aid kit and two Spyderco knives, Pacific Salt and Ladybug Salt.(Nitrogen steel instead of carbon; they don't rust.).
Sorry about loquacious rant, want to be thorough about this. Most discussions here are high tech, but most non devs, even some devs, want practical day solutions.
I don't root my devices to experiment with roms and other items in Android system. Since I use Nexus i don't do it to remove bloat. There is no bloat, some apps of Google I don't use. I don't play games so game controller unused. Perhaps half dozen I dont use I disable. Google does provide that option, so no going into system and changing extensions to App.bak until know system stable without the app.
Helpful to carry digital gear trousers with cargo pockets and if you do wear suspenders, shoulder bags ( I get mine in women's departments, the more Spartan women's bags so looks like any M or F style. Women's bags have better arranged pockets. Small day packs useful too. In town I just carry first aid kit, emergency kit, and digital kit and accessories in pockets I carry my Nexus in an inexpensive Think Sense case and my Nexus 7 in a wallet, fake leather, phone on right side and left side the few cards I have to carry, state ID, Medicare, credit card, AARP, private health care supplement card, and drug plan card. All other cards are saved digitally in Key Ring (loyalty cards for stores, library cards and two dozen others).
Carry spare microfiber cloths. i don't put protective plastic on either device; they have gorilla glass. I dont have any scratches. Out I keep the 4 in the wallet, got at Amazon; saw one at Target, so guess most major stores carry. Think Sense case for N 7 turns device off when closed and on when opened, has loop for stylus. Yes, I can write notes on the N 7 screen (perk of rooting).
Every decade items I carry do more, are smaller.yet I carry work knives, old fashion compass, and three ways to make fire.
Some HTC phones have radio
rbgabriel said:
The removal of FM radio from smartphones it's one of the major faults of Google and reveals that they don't give a s*it about what happens outside the big markets.
My 3rd world country, obsolete and with a 9th world infrastructure can't handle streaming radio. I have 200MB/month of good internet (1Mbps). After a reach that, I have worse internet than dialup speed.
I don't know a single user of streaming radio apps here and I doubt that anyone would spend their precious data with radio.
After removing the FM radio hardware, not only Google pissed of thousands of users that loved to listen the radio but also the radio stations, that lost all these thousands of listeners.
Thanks for the tips. Will look for some bluetooth receivers
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I figure that in your country Bluetooth and WiFi important technologies. I recommend the Seagate Wireless Plus; it holds a TB of data.
Google peeved me off by not having radio. They make a powerful quality phone without some carrier skin on top of Android, with apps you may not use but can't really call them bloat, plus you can go to settings, apps and disable ones you don't use.

