What do you use the G Tab for? - G Tablet General

I have never owned a tablet before. I never thought I had a use for one. But once the iPad and Android tablets started flooding the market, I kept thinking, "man, those are cool". But I still didn't know what I would use one for.
So now I have a G Tablet, with all of the mods applied, but I still don't know why I need it, or want it. I do most of my computing at my desk. When on the go, I use my Nexus One. Right now my G Tablet is just an expensive Angry Birds console.
So, tell me what you use yours for, before I get bored and return this item.
BTW, This is not a knock on the G Tablet, I am very impressed with the hardware (except for the viewing angles) on this device.

personally i got it for my kitchen to have a laptop like device that isnt so big and bulky like a laptop for internet radio and to access apps and cooking apps for the wifey. plus something to quickly access the web in the kitchen without having to open the laptop or try getting to the browser on my phone.
also use it to control the lights throughout the lights since i have x10 lighting in my house.

I was like you, thinking that the combo of a desktop computer, a laptop, and my Nexus One meant that a tablet would be unnecessary. I'd almost always be on either my laptop or my N1 in the evenings while watching TV, just keeping an eye on e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Plus playing a lot of Angry Birds.
But, since I got my gTab, I've used my laptop maybe twice in five weeks. My phone just sits at my side in case I get an actual call (rare!). I use my tablet *all the time* when I'm on the sofa. It's great to have a much larger screen to look at (instead of my N1) when reading Kindle books or playing Angry Birds or just surfing. I also like typing on it more since I installed Thumb Keyboard, which in landscape mode has a split-keyboard to allow for easy thumb-only typing. I watch more streaming video than I ever would have bothered to on my N1.
And it's ergonomically much more comfortable than dealing with my laptop all evening.
It's also great to have when on the treadmill compared to an N1, again for Kindle or whatever.

I use it for music on the go around my home. I may be in the kitchen doing some cooking, or helping with laundry or cleaning. I do it all with music.
I use it to surf while on the couch watching TV, anything that pops to my mind...something relating to the show, etc.
I use it in the kitchen in the rare occasion I feel like doing something different. My wife is an awesome cook but she gets home at 5 or so, so sometimes I try to do the right thing and cook some dinnah...and sometimes I'm inspired enough to try a recipe from the net.
I use it in bed when I'm winding down to go to sleep. Music or maybe an episode of something; surf the web or read an e-book.
I use it to read...magazines, ebooks, whether I'm in the couch, on the balcony, etc.
So in the end, for me it's a great value. I just wish it worked properly without flashing additional stuff.
It's a really great notebook replacement when all you want to do are the lighter things like listen to music, watch tv, surf the web or read a book/magazine. Can you do these things on your PC or Notebook? Of course you can!, but if you're the type of person who doesn't like to sit behind a PC or under a laptop for 12 hrs then it really works out.
My 2 complaints, 1 major and 1 minor are how crappy the initial software is (major) and how heavy it is (minor)...the weight may be necessary as I suspect the battery to be the culprit, and almost all the Tegra 2 devices releasing currently are this heavy, but a nicer weight would have been 1lb vs. 1.55lbs which becomes weighty in one hand after a while. The Archos 101 is just around 1lb and feels very nice to hold.

Dashboard on my work desk for scrolling news, weather, to do list and email (work station stays on task-monitor my usage to your heart's desire It department!!!!)
Desk top digital picture frame
Surfing web on the couch.
Watching missed TV shows from my bed using Bluetooth headphones after the wife's asleep
Surfing these bulletin boards.
Kindle book reader
I don't social network but I hear twitter and Facebook are popular.
Watching news clips
Trying to figure out away to port my weekly Netflix movies to this for easy viewing while traveling
Thinking of trying to setup a way to get work email and edit spread sheets real quick.
Have yet to really figure out how well some of my ideas will work.

What is wrong with an expensive angry birds console
@allenfx, have you tryed using documents to go app for editing spread sheets

Based on my experience so far:
Aggravation !!!​

I used this to play emulators like Tiger Mame and Snes, I watch Justin TV, browse the web, a night clock...etc. The 10.1 screen is great for all of those things especially on long road trips like the one I took with my family last week. My kids were playing and watching videos for most of our trip. I love this thing!!!
They also used this to Vid chat. It was great because they got to say Merry Xmas to their grandparents face to face (sorta).
All of this and the battery was still at 30%+ after a 7 hr drive! That's frickin crazy...I think. Escpecially with the tablet running those tasks.

I like these ideas. Keep them coming.
I normally use my eee pc on the sofa and what not. I can see this is better solution for that, since it plays videos much better.
I am interested in the home automation you mentioned. Can you describe your setup?
Thanks Everyone.

thewayne01 said:
I am interested in the home automation you mentioned. Can you describe your setup?
Thanks Everyone.
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First you gotta look into x10 lighting which is special lighting for your house, the house i bought i was lucky enough it had the lighting in it already i just needed the "base". What happends is you get a "base" which sends signals out to devices lights/appliances/security systems for them to turn on and off. They reach out to modules which you add to a light, for instance you get a wall switch one instead of wiring the wires to a normal light switch you wire them into this x10 module which has dials on them you set the dials to a "channel" and thats how it communicates with the base. it sounds more complicated than it really is, a very easy affordable way to get it is with lamp modules which are the cheapest and they plug right into any wall outlet and have a female end on the other side where you plug in something like say a lamp. If you need anymore info on the actual setup of x10 just research on google x10 lighting and it will give you all the info.
for the app there are many paid apps out there you can get but your best off with the one thats free called autom8 its not on the market but there is a link for it if you search "autom8 android" in google you should be able to find it, it has a video attached to it of the kid doing it on his android phone, i have it on my droid 1 and now on my g tablet in the kitchen so i can turn on the lights before i even walk into the house

dragonfly1113 said:
First you gotta look into x10 lighting which is special lighting for your house, the house i bought i was lucky enough it had the lighting in it already i just needed the "base". What happends is you get a "base" which sends signals out to devices lights/appliances/security systems for them to turn on and off. They reach out to modules which you add to a light, for instance you get a wall switch one instead of wiring the wires to a normal light switch you wire them into this x10 module which has dials on them you set the dials to a "channel" and thats how it communicates with the base. it sounds more complicated than it really is, a very easy affordable way to get it is with lamp modules which are the cheapest and they plug right into any wall outlet and have a female end on the other side where you plug in something like say a lamp. If you need anymore info on the actual setup of x10 just research on google x10 lighting and it will give you all the info.
for the app there are many paid apps out there you can get but your best off with the one thats free called autom8 its not on the market but there is a link for it if you search "autom8 android" in google you should be able to find it, it has a video attached to it of the kid doing it on his android phone, i have it on my droid 1 and now on my g tablet in the kitchen so i can turn on the lights before i even walk into the house
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That's frickin cool! haha. I didn't know that even existed.

I travel quite a bit for the company I own and I am just flat tired of hauling around a laptop around airports etc. Mostly what I do is keep in touch with email but occasionally have to get into one of the network servers. I tried doing this with my smartphone but it was just too tiny and too limiting that way so I kept on hauling around my laptop.
The tablet allows me to do these without the laptop hassle. If I have to answer an email it is still a minor pain with a screen keyboard but with the tablet its much less of a hassle. During flights I can use it to play games, compose emails for sending later, writing notes or even just reading.
Its a lot less weight to carry. It may not seem like much to some but after carrying around a leather case with a shoulder strap with a six pound laptop and another two pounds of other stuff I would get to my hotels with big red strap marks on my shoulder. Now the weight is reduced by well over half and it "feels" good.

This is interesting stuff. First, the autom8 android seems to be an abandoned app. But reading some forums there appear to be other alternatives out there that do the same thing and have an active developer.
The price of the x10 modules are incredibly cheaper when they came out years ago. I hadn't looket at it lately but I did when they first came on the market and I thought that they were crazy expensive and I never looked at them again. Now, you can buy kits that are just about dirt cheap.
Sounds like a fun plaything but I don't see much use for it myself. If I still lived in Los Angeles it would have lots of good uses for security. But, now I live out in the country in rural Kansas and when we went to Europe we forgot to lock the front door. No biggie, didn't worry about it and when we got back all was fine.

I am in the same boat not sure why I bought it at the beginning. I have a laptop (very light-weight 4lb + very fast CPU + 14.1 screen), a desktop and a couple of pocket PCs (HP iPAQ). Now, my g-tablet has a "real" purpose.. is to piss off my apple-addicted co-workers (most of my co-workers use Mac laptops + Ipads, Iphones, etc). Even my helpdesk dept does not like Android, linux or windows and they think Apple is the best. Anyways, I brought my G-tablet to work one day and showed them CNN.com with Flash and ran the Quadrant score.. hahahaha.

Fuzzy John said:
Based on my experience so far:
Aggravation !!!​
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I know EXACTLY how you feel. You know how I see it? You can buy few other electronics for $350-$400 that are going to pull off what this can. It's a handheld computer - it runs better graphics than I think most netbooks at this price point and the only other electronics you will buy with $400 is maybe a mid end 32" LCD TV which let's face it - you probably already own something bigger/better, in fact maybe even 2 or 3.
So I mean....unless you're willing to WAIT until March/April for the more solid stuff to come with either 2.3 as the base or Honeycomb, at least you can get a few things done in the meantime with the newest stock s/w....and hopefully by the time they become mainstream we'll get an official update that even the devs won't feel necessary to mod too heavily to be workable.
I almost decided to return mine today when the screen became unresponsive and no amount of claimed calibration would work. But I calmed down, did a full wipe and now it's good. I think the hardware is pretty solid, it's just the software that is a total mess and the devs here are doing the best they can with what they have but in the end I think it's the people that sit down in labs and workstations that need to make at least a solid software core for things to be based upon and I don't think that's the case with the tnt software, zpad software or vega software. I think it's all based on some pretty crummy stuff. I still have high hopes for something better when Honeycomb comes, or something written from the ground up by the devs here based on 2.3.

man let me see......what don't you use the gtab for????? lol. I mainly use it while watching tv i can watch football and browse the web. i like the google finance app to check my stocks. its great entertainment when i have company i leave it on the coffe table so guests can play with it or surf the web... yeah i have 2 laptops even an ultra light and thin 11.6" screen 3.5 lbs but i still prefer this as my internet browser while on the couch... sure i can do all that on my iphone 4 but i cant even look at that small screen after getting used to my tab! i tether my phones internet to it so a long ride in the car goes by quick, when others are driving of course. i love the old school nintendo emulators also...again can do all that from my phone but why when i have a ten inch screen.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b3 using Tapatalk (while on the couch waiting for MNF to start)

Travelling with less than two pounds... access to my brokerage account and virtually all the investment pages I tend to use... E-mail... news, sports, weather... Twitter feeds I follow... much easier to carry around the house than the laptop. An aside: the WiFi is very sensitive. On an Amtrak train, waiting to leave Chicago's Union Station and then at least for an hour or two heading West to Denver, I had the choice of a dozen or so connections available to me. About half were open networks from hotels and eateries. As the train picked up speed, available connections changed every few minutes. Crazy stuff. The December VS update just before Christmas was wonderful for this stock gTablet. The only fix I want now is video added to Skype capabilities.

3 movies on one charged battery..... Enough said...

jacindc said:
But, since I got my gTab, I've used my laptop maybe twice in five weeks. My phone just sits at my side in case I get an actual call (rare!). I use my tablet *all the time* when I'm on the sofa. It's great to have a much larger screen to look at (instead of my N1) when reading Kindle books or playing Angry Birds or just surfing.
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Same here. Chat, read email, browse the web, all on my sofa and much more comfortable. I use my laptop in the morning... to prop up my tablet.
-=Sent from my VS GTablet (VEGAn b4) using Tapatalk=-

I use my g tablet for everything the only time I use my PC was to download the new roms but now I have rom manager working my PC is just a dvr I also use the PC as dual boot 64 bit windows/linux. If I could use Linux on the g tablet my PC would be an expensive dvr only right now I'm using vegan beta4 and its pretty smooth



I got the Gtab earlier today. Here are my thoughts.
- standard OS is barely serviceable.
- TNT 2.2 makes this thing so much better
- tegra 2 chipset is a game changer. i played w/ the samsung galaxy and the ipad at best buy. the gtab running tnt 2.2 is so much faster than both devices. i can't wait to upgrade my phone to a dual core later this year.
- this thing would be worth $400 msrp if......the screen was remotely usable
- i can't use this thing for more than 30 mins w/out getting a huge headache. the screen is god awful. if it had a decent screen i would keep it. but i don't want to spend $400 for a tablet that i can't use for more than 30 mins. i literally get motion sickness looking at the screen.
i'm going to sleep on it and try again tomorrow. maybe it's the lighting in my room. who knows. if it doesn't get better, i'm going to return it.
The screen has a limited viewing angle and the resolution leaves some to be desired. But I'm not going to return my tablet. It doesn't bug me that much and I can't wait until there is software out to utilize both cores of the tegra 2.
They really rushed this through production, that is apparent. I'm not gonna whine about it, I could've waited for them to refine it but I want it now!!!!
h_10 said:
I got the Gtab earlier today. Here are my thoughts.
- standard OS is barely serviceable.
- TNT 2.2 makes this thing so much better
- tegra 2 chipset is a game changer. i played w/ the samsung galaxy and the ipad at best buy. the gtab running tnt 2.2 is so much faster than both devices. i can't wait to upgrade my phone to a dual core later this year.
- this thing would be worth $400 msrp if......the screen was remotely usable
- i can't use this thing for more than 30 mins w/out getting a huge headache. the screen is god awful. if it had a decent screen i would keep it. but i don't want to spend $400 for a tablet that i can't use for more than 30 mins. i literally get motion sickness looking at the screen.
i'm going to sleep on it and try again tomorrow. maybe it's the lighting in my room. who knows. if it doesn't get better, i'm going to return it.
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Assuming that you're in landscape mode, try rotating the gtab 180 degree -- i.e. turning it up-side-down -- and see if you have a better viewing experience (this trick does NOT work for e.g. full-screen youtube).
Also, ensure auto brightness is set to on. The screen going full tilt in a darker room will burn a hole through the back of your head.
I actually leave it at manual and adjust as needed. For example, playing the dreaded Angry Birds I usually jack the brightness down or else my eyes start to hurt very quickly.
The refresh rate might be causing issues, as well. Why did they pick 50 hz?
h_10 said:
i played w/ the samsung galaxy and the ipad at best buy. the gtab running tnt 2.2 is so much faster than both devices.
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WHAT?! NOT EVEN CLOSE. The iPad destroys this thing, even when running TnT lite 2.+
I've had my gtablet for almost a week now, (put TnT lite 2.2 on it immediately) and I just came from the mac store, and 20 minutes of messing with the iPad-- the whole time I was thinking, "jesus, this browser speed and smoothness crushes the gtablet." scrolling, and pinch to zoom are instant, and insanely smooth. This gtablet? not so much.
And yes, the screen is staggeringly bad considering it comes from, oh I dunno, a leader in screen technology!
The same as iPad, No. HORRIBLE I don't think so. The same as almost any laptop / netbook, Yes. When held or used the same as a laptop, should be the same. Notice even Apple store has all iPad's propped up on an angle for better viewing. $379 (ports,usb,usb,sdcard,HDMI?) vs iPad $499
"The 10.1-inch 1024 x 600 screen on the G Tablet has sharp images but colors seem muted. Viewing angles are solid at 90 degrees to the left or right when holding the device perpendicular to the ground or a table. However, when the slate is resting flat on its back, you must be right on top of it or images wash out completely."
Read more: http://www.laptopmag.com/review/tablets/viewsonic-g-tablet.aspx?page=1#ixzz17PIdFM4R
Life in LA said:
WHAT?! NOT EVEN CLOSE. The iPad destroys this thing, even when running TnT lite 2.+
I've had my gtablet for almost a week now, (put TnT lite 2.2 on it immediately) and I just came from the mac store, and 20 minutes of messing with the iPad-- the whole time I was thinking, "jesus, this browser speed and smoothness crushes the gtablet." scrolling, and pinch to zoom are instant, and insanely smooth. This gtablet? not so much.
And yes, the screen is staggeringly bad considering it comes from, oh I dunno, a leader in screen technology!
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To each his own I guess.
My tablet runs the internet just fine and pinch and zoom is basically instantaneous. I get flash, so when I access web pages they dont look like swiss cheese and I dont have to deal with ITunes. I also saved $120(even more if you can find a "refurb") by buying the G tab over the IPad. The screen does leave something to be desired, thats for sure.
When you return your G tab and go buy an IPad, please let us know what store your returning to because I'm having a heck of a time finding one of the "refurbs".
The iPad browser seems smooth because it does no intermittent rendering or reflow. It scrolls content, waits, then renders again once scrolling is done. I find scrolling on iPhones and iPads really annoying after using a Nexus One on a modern ROM or my G Tablet in xScope, where you can scroll instantaneously and actually see the content instantly.
Pinch to zoom isn't a performance issue right now, it's a driver issue. Run multitouch tester to see what I mean - the multitouch reading on this chipset/board is very jumpy. That's what causes the problems with pinch to zoom. I remember the Nexus One was like that at first too, and it was fixed over time with software updates, as I expect this multitouch issue will be.
And Flash is actually quite good most of the time on the G Tablet - my wife was utterly impressed when we browsed the web a bit together the other evening and we could look at the Flash-laden furniture websites she wanted to check out (the only issue is the interfaces that use hover and click as separate UI controls - doesn't work so well on any touch device). I can watch Amazon VOD content flawlessly.
Yeah, the screen itself definitely leaves something to be desired. I do expect more from a nearly $400 device, especially coming from Viewsonic of all companies. That is disappointing. I can browse the web, watch video content, and even read books for perhaps a couple hours before my eyes feel too much fatigue from my G Tablet though.
If you gave me a G Tablet with an IPS display, I'd say I had the perfect device for me (a guy who loves hacking and doesn't mind replacing the craptastic stock software and hates Apple's walled garden and anti-jailbreaking policies). But we're the people who chose to be early adopters. We are probably people who habitually piss several hundred dollars away every 6 months on the latest gadget which is often half-baked when it's released. We like this stuff, that's why we're on XDA Developers forums. If you aren't into it, by all means, get the iPad. For lots of people that's a better device right now.
Life in LA said:
WHAT?! NOT EVEN CLOSE. The iPad destroys this thing, even when running TnT lite 2.+
I've had my gtablet for almost a week now, (put TnT lite 2.2 on it immediately) and I just came from the mac store, and 20 minutes of messing with the iPad-- the whole time I was thinking, "jesus, this browser speed and smoothness crushes the gtablet." scrolling, and pinch to zoom are instant, and insanely smooth. This gtablet? not so much.
And yes, the screen is staggeringly bad considering it comes from, oh I dunno, a leader in screen technology!
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If you do not mind the iTunes UI being needed for file movement, could care less about Flash and do not need USB host function: iPad is a better choice- especially for non-modders.
I have messed with the iPad a lot and do not see the "crushes" speed difference. Especially not with 2.20 and Flash set to "on demand". Dolphin and X browser handle far more pages a lot better.
You do know that iPad client mode is chopped down versions of web pages? If you change the client in settings to "iPad" the Gtablet is actually faster. Everything is relative and not everyone likes the constrained option of an iPad. Seems the ultimate socialist device
All card carrying party members should have one! The display IS sweet, none the less, and a TON of cool and great apps. Kool aid tastes so gooood.
I joke, but next iPad may have USB and a lot of good games are heading to it. PSP2 will be DEAD (IMO of course). I could see me with the G and an iPad.... but my wife may kick my a** having such a vision....
rcgabriel said:
If you gave me a G Tablet with an IPS display, I'd say I had the perfect device for me (a guy who loves hacking and doesn't mind replacing the craptastic stock software and hates Apple's walled garden and anti-jailbreaking policies). But we're the people who chose to be early adopters. We are probably people who habitually piss several hundred dollars away every 6 months on the latest gadget which is often half-baked when it's released. We like this stuff, that's why we're on XDA Developers forums. If you aren't into it, by all means, get the iPad. For lots of people that's a better device right now.
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This sums it up.
I get the walled garden and what makes it attractive. It is kind of like the Matrix (or AOL). Plenty of people are content in their rigidly defined, "happy" world being machine food. However, others want to see the real world beyond someone else's vision of what it should be. People who want to make their own realities even if it is in a wasteland filled with choas and danger.
The iPAD v.2 will still be lcoked to iTunes and it still won't have Flash or USB support. Those are the deal breakers for me.
Lnin0 said:
I get the walled garden and what makes it attractive. It is kind of like the Matrix (or AOL). Plenty of people are content in their rigidly defined, "happy" world being machine food. However, others want to see the real world beyond someone else's vision of what it should be. People who want to make their own realities even if it is in a wasteland filled with choas and danger.
The iPAD v.2 will still be lcoked to iTunes and it still won't have Flash or USB support. Those are the deal breakers for me.
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Same deal breakers for me, and it costs more money too. The IPad works for most people and its very easy to use for the average users. I personally cant stand ITunes and I love the fact that I have flash on my device.
i like the gtab. or rather i like the idea of the gtab. an open unlocked device that's ripe for modding and developing. i just wished they put a better screen on it. if the screen were usable, i'd keep this thing. i just physically can't use this thing for more than 30 mins at a time. i tried using it again a few times this morning and got a headache again.
i'll keep it for the kids to have something to play with and use during the xmas vacation. i'll take it back after xmas and wait for another more polished dual core android tablet w/ a better, ie usable, screen.
i really wanted to like the gtab.
to be clear...
I have faith that once the builds start taking advantage of the real power of this tablet's hardware it will be faster than the iPad in every respect.
(the screen will still suck, but hey...)
Acturbo said:
When you return your G tab and go buy an IPad, please let us know what store your returning to because I'm having a heck of a time finding one of the "refurbs".
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HEY NOW! I never said anything about getting rid of it!
My wife plays a ton of those flash based browser games and I'd be murdered if I took this thing away...
Life in LA said:
HEY NOW! I never said anything about getting rid of it!
My wife plays a ton of those flash based browser games and I'd be murdered if I took this thing away...
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Yours and mine both haha. If this thing could utilize shockwave I dont think I'd ever get a chance to play with it.(She loves POGO)
Rule #1 of G Tab: Never show your wife angry birds, lest you lose your G Tab.
mine went back
I loved the g tab with tnt 2.2......everything worked great on it (esp flash and angry birds), but I just couldn't take the screen anymore. So I returned it couple days ago.....
I'm catching my self missing it today but than i remember how crappy the screen is and look forward to another product.
The hardware on the g tab is great, but like what most of you are suggesting, it needs a better screen (which will probably increase price too)
Thank you roebeet and rest of the community for making such awesome ROMs.
The G tabs original OS is garbage.
rcgabriel said:
Rule #1 of G Tab: Never show your wife angry birds, lest you lose your G Tab.
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NOW you tell me.

[Q] What do you use your Xoom for?

I'd like to make a list of the things you can use your Xoom for. Like most people, I use my laptop for most stuff; the Xoom is just for messing around. I find myself walking over to the laptop to respond to emails, to see things full screen, and for anything productivity related.
It's a pretty expensive piece of kit for messing around; I'm looking for reasons to keep mine (beyond that I'm a huge geek and love this tech stuff). I admit that I thought that the 3.1 update would bring more functionality, but I'm a bit disappointed to find that it's pretty much the same (in terms of how I use it); and there are so few apps with tablet functionality that I kind of wish it was just a phone...
Here's what I use it for: (I'll expand the list with your suggestions)
Check email---ususally switch to the laptop to write back (unless it's short)
Check schedule and change schedule
Check blogs (through pulse; the web browser is too clunky)
Watch videos while I'm working
Listen to Grooveshark while I'm working
Google video chat---Most people tell me it's annoying on their end though
Reading---(this one I'm not certain about yet. It's really too heavy to hold up like a kindle...)
Casual gaming---Only for silly time-wasters like "chalkball"; cordy and dungeon defenders and similar games are just stupid and clunky compared to console or PC gaming.
What I don't use it for:
Web surfing---drives me nuts
Productivity (document editing)
Video to TV---Laptop has HDMI and I also have a PS3
I really like this thing, but considering what I use it for, I could save money and get more satisfaction by buying a kindle and a nice phone. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Browsing, email, music and kindle.
That's about it.
I'm not sure tablets really have much use beyond that right now. But, to be fair, I do use it a lot for those things. Almost never use my laptop except for work.
I use mines for a substitute for my laptop. I'm a student and rely on it heavily for:
Pulse (while in boring lectures)
Web Browsing XDA and other forums
Google Docs
Dropbox (Saved my ass several times when thumb drives failed me)
Everything I can do on a laptop I can do in my Xoom. I had the Xoom for 4 days and it blows away the iPad 2 which I traded for the Xoom. More freedom and desktop like experience. To the OP I type my papers on an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
got mine as a stop gap for the galaxy tab 10.1. Don't get me wrong this is a great device, its just a shame about the weight in my opinion.
risq said:
got mine as a stop gap for the galaxy tab 10.1. Don't get me wrong this is a great device, its just a shame about the weight in my opinion.
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Ha, same here. Figure I can sell this for about 400 and then grab a 16gb tab for 499.
I bought it so excited thinking it would help me with work and this and that, and I hardly use it for anything productive.
Maybe with more classy apps it will work better.
I'm waiting for the funds, but the second I get them I will be applying my Xoom to Photoshop CS5.5, I'm almost positive that expirence is going to be a whole other world for me.
But yeah, so now I mostly use mine for watching videos, general web browsing (personally I find it quite pleasurable in that aspect), BS gaming, and, when i travel I bring this and my ps3 with me and use the Xoom to hop on the PSN.
8 hrs of game play on Black Ops (which is all I tested for that duration of time) only uses up too 200 megs, a lot less than I initially thought.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
I don't see why you would wanna spend another 100 dollars and cut your memory in half.
What is the gtabs screen going to be like compared to the Xooms?
Like besides weight, what's the gtab got on the Xoom?
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
school work
I'm a student so I use it for notes, and if class gets boring I whip out angry birds
RadDudeTommy said:
I don't see why you would wanna spend another 100 dollars and cut your memory in half.
What is the gtabs screen going to be like compared to the Xooms?
Like besides weight, what's the gtab got on the Xoom?
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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I don't need the extra 16gb and in any case I have an SD card which I can use if needed.
Tab has a PLS screen. Supposed to be better than IPS and way better than the TFT in the xoom.
And as a European user I have more faith in Samsung than Motorola when it comes to updates.
hatworthy said:
And as a European user I have more faith in Samsung than Motorola when it comes to updates.
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That is just the opposite here in America. Motorola has shown good faith in updates since androids original release.
My girlfriends Samsung Galaxy S Captivate just got Froyo a month ago.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
True, though I think the carriers over there played a part in that fiasco. Motorola on the other hand just don't give a **** about Europe. They don't even release most of their phones over here.
I use mine to take to classes for notes and dungeon defender, its also useful to take to the bed for studying
RadDudeTommy said:
I don't see why you would wanna spend another 100 dollars and cut your memory in half.
What is the gtabs screen going to be like compared to the Xooms?
Like besides weight, what's the gtab got on the Xoom?
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
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NO USB, NO HDMI ports on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 means no video out and no keyboard/mouse for easier input/navigation.
I really like the fact the Xoom has a true GPS on the WiFi models. That feature seems to be missing from the Acer and Galaxy Tab 10.1.
shobirama said:
NO USB, NO HDMI ports on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 means no video out and no keyboard/mouse for easier input/navigation.
I really like the fact the Xoom has a true GPS on the WiFi models. That feature seems to be missing from the Acer and Galaxy Tab 10.1.
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Video out will be through a proprietary cable, just like the iPad. First i've heard about the gps though. Got a link?
I'm using it more and more....
At home/fun: watching movies, playing angry birds (which at first I had no interest in and now I'm hooked) streaming radio/playing mp3s, surfing the web...
Work: I have two jobs.. a part time IT job, which I use dropbox, logmein, browser, office docs, and GPS.
My other job is in sales... which I use GPS almost every day... dropbox... office docs, mostly excel, and calculator..
While driving I'll either play music or videos... I cover larger distances and don't have satellite radio, so streaming is better then having to keep switching stations plus I get tired of the same music over and over again.
I'm very happy with it... well worth the money.
This weekend I just started to customize it... got a long way to go but I plan to have one screen for each job... and then a couple just for fun stuff.
I use mine a lot. I keep finding more and more uses for it.
Just discovered evernote, so looking forward to using that more
Games - Angry birds, stupid zombies, robodefence
Reading - Bible and others (like "In the Plex")
Browsing and email
Taking notes at meetings, then I can just email everyone the word document instead of rewriting it up and then doing so.
GPS, Google maps works really well, and you only need to turn on internet every 30 min or so, as it caches the maps quite far ahead of you.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
I don't really use:
video editing
News stuff (see also browsing)
Facebook (to a lesser extent)
Games/Angry Birds
Streaming media - Plex
HDMI connection to TV (see streaming media)
Gallery for viewing photos
Emulators for SNES etc. (will probably use this more when I have 3.1)
Camera (a couple of times)
I'd probably use RDP when I get a mini server set up at home..
That's about all for now.
Almost everything tbh. For non work related purposes I use it exclusively.
reading comics
reading news stories
keeping the kids occupied during tripts
watching movies and shows
playing games
messaging with gtalk
reading and editing docs
taking notes
browsing forums with tapatalk
accessing files that are not stored on the xoom - dropbox
slack04 said:
What I don't use it for:
Web surfing---drives me nuts
Productivity (document editing)
Video to TV---Laptop has HDMI and I also have a PS3
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I find that setting webpages as bookmarks on the homescreen improves my browsing experience.
I use the speaker dock from Moto and that sounds great with music player.

A quick user comparison - Galaxy Tab vs Galaxy Tab 7 Plus

Hi all,
Maybe this is useful for some folks. I loved my original Galaxy Tab and have now upgrade to the Plus. For info, I'm using the devices in Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, China, Vietnam) mostly. The version I have is a 3G with calls enabled.
I use the Tab as my primary mobile phone. It is therefore essential that it fits into the back pocket of my jeans or pocket of my suit pants. I have paired it with a VoyagerPro+ Headset and this works perfectly for calls, audio (mono of course) and Skype. I'd say I'm a heavy user with 2-3 hours of calls a day and a fair bit of web surfing, sms and emailing.
What I loved about the Original:
Contrary to many of the reviews, I really enjoyed the fact that this was an oversized phone, not a pint sized tablet. I never felt there was anything wrong with Gingerbread as an OS on a screen of this size, in fact I really liked the experience. Icons were big, keyboards very useable particularly in Portrait and the whole thing had a solid, Tonka like feel to it. It was also really tough, having dropped it countless times, never without a problem. Another handy feature was the sim card slot; very easy to access as I often swap sims.
What I noticed immediately with the Plus:
Clearly this is a small tablet. You tend to hold it in landscape much more often. The resolution of the screen is the same, but all the icons and toggles are much smaller. This makes quick operation (e.g. whilst walking) quite difficult. If placed on a desk, this is not so much of an issue. The learning curve in moving to Honeycomb is quite steep and (personal matter of taste) the transition from home screen to home screen is a bit kitchy. The tablet feels thinner (though it's not...except at the edges)
What I am beginning to like with the Plus:
Though the operation of the device is more "delicate", i.e. more care needs to be taken about where your fingers tap, there are quite a few cool features to be had in Honeycomb. The widgets are superb. Some of the tablet tailored apps are also great, particularly Youtube notwithstanding that rotation of the screen immediately reloads the video (arrrghh!!!). It feels fast, and after a week I'm already noticing that the battery time is noticeably better. In some of the blogs, the Samsung apps which float above open apps have not really impressed the reviewers, but I have found that the dialer and the calculator are particularly useful, say if you're browsing a site and want to dial or check something.
What I miss about the Original Tab:
I hope that over time I'll have the same trust in the sturdiness of the Plus. Going back to the Original Tab, I feel the same sense as when I first bought it, namely that everything on the screen looked huge. It really feels like you were playing with Lego and now you're playing with Duplo . One of my favorite apps (smart keyboard pro) doesn't play nicely with Honeycomb and so I have lost my multilingual inputs until I find a replacement.
It's a week in with the Tab Plus. I had the original for a year. Already, I know I would not want to go back to the original mostly because I enjoy the Honeycomb features, the speed and the longer battery life. I'm still not as fast at typing on the Plus, but hopefully this will improve over time.
For anyone looking to upgrade from the original, be aware that it is may not be the quantum leap you experienced when you first got the Galaxy Tab, but provided you can get used to the smaller icons & toggles it's a good upgrade.
Happy to take questions if anyone's interested.
marcolamy said:
The learning curve in moving to Honeycomb is quite steep and (personal matter of taste) the transition from home screen to home screen is a bit kitchy.
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You might consider a third party "launcher" app (such as ADW, Go Launcher, etc) that can make your home screen and launcher feel more like gingerbread. Otherwise, happy you are enjoying your tab
take care
I agree that it definitely got the pint sized tablet treatment, which is somewhat of a shame given the choice between cramped tablet or luxuriously roomy phone. It has a nice solid feel though, and I was relieved to see with the latest firmware update the Market app no longer forces a nearly useless landscape mode.
I've made icons even smaller than stock with ADWlauncher EX and locked the tablet to landscape mode. I found the stock setup way too huge and "blown up phone"-like than what I want.
My WiFi only 7+ maybe feels a bit more unstable than the 7? Netflix freezes every once in awhile, which absolutely never happened on the 7. Then again the 7 couldn't even stream half the video that's out there, so I'm not complaining.
I actually like the look and feel of the smaller icons. Yes, a bit harder to navigate but esthetically it just feels better to me.
The only thing I really miss from the original Tab is my high res embedded album art. All of the music players I've used are stretching the thumbnails rather than finding the embedded file. I'm assuming this is a Froyo vs. Honeycomb thing?
Speaking as an old school, analog geeky tech guy who was dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age, I can honestly now say I don't know how I lived my life without a Tab 7+ in my back pocket.
rtfm, how do you find yourself spending your time on the 7+? What do you use it for? When do you use it instead of a phone?
speedrabbit said:
rtfm, how do you find yourself spending your time on the 7+? What do you use it for? When do you use it instead of a phone?
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We're still WiFi only out here in the boondocks of northern New England. No 4G and barely any 3G in the area. So the Tab for me is mostly a media consumer. I've tried to use it at work as a notepad, document viewer but it's a bit cumbersome to get everything in order for that big meeting you're going to have. But for looking at, listening to or reading stuff like I say how did I live without it?
Being an old shortwave/ham radio geek, the ability to lay in bed and stream radio stations from anywhere in the world is still a revelation to me.
I've purchased my first 2 Kindle ebooks from Amazon and read them on the Tab. I still have mixed feelings about "owning" e vs. "real" books on the living room shelves but I looked forward every night to reading a book on the Tab.
The 7+ does video where the 7 couldn't. Netflix just works (mostly).
I threw away my old big-red-LED AM/FM alarm clock and i use the alarm in the tunein Radio app to wake up every morning.
If you download the maps that you need before you go on a trip Google Maps is your GPS all set for your vehicle.
Music. I'm still waiting for the proper player to get the album art right, but it's got all my music on it.
Online news. Every morning with a cup of coffee. Read the headlines and a few stories. From just about anywhere in the world. Still for free. Simply amazing.
All of this from a little box that fits in your back pocket.
Hi, same here. I've been using Original Galaxy Tab for quite some time, and I've bought myself a 7+ last two weeks. For me, it is indeed an upgrade version of the original one, but it's not too far away. It has better speed, but it is not as fast as SII. I used SII last month and I thought they would be more or less the same in term of performance as they share the same processor. Is it related to Honeycomb? Anyway, I love the Honeycomb instead of Gingerbread on the original Galaxy Tab. Honeycomb's widget and notification bar are quite useful and eye-candy.
What I miss on the 7+ is the feeling of toughness and durability. The original Galaxy Tab feels solid and tough. Gorilla glass, and the black colour border makes the difference. On 7+, the silver border looks fragile, I accidentally scratch it last week and the paint drop is obvious at that spot. =(
One more thing, when I put it in my pocket, (yes it's my primary phone), I always mispress the power button and volume rocker. Maybe its because this time, the edge is thinner and sharper.
This will b my first tablet. So my question is the design of the plus exactly like the original because im trying to find cases and things and there's not much out there for the tab plus just wondering mine will b here Monday or sooner so just wondering
Typed by my midget minion
rtfm1777 said:
My WiFi only 7+ maybe feels a bit more unstable than the 7? Netflix freezes every once in awhile, which absolutely never happened on the 7. Then again the 7 couldn't even stream half the video that's out there, so I'm not complaining.
I actually like the look and feel of the smaller icons. Yes, a bit harder to navigate but esthetically it just feels better to me.
The only thing I really miss from the original Tab is my high res embedded album art. All of the music players I've used are stretching the thumbnails rather than finding the embedded file. I'm assuming this is a Froyo vs. Honeycomb thing?
Speaking as an old school, analog geeky tech guy who was dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age, I can honestly now say I don't know how I lived my life without a Tab 7+ in my back pocket.
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I had both the Wifi and 3G versions of the 7+. The Wifi version was defintiely more unstable. I already sold it. It kept having sleep of deaths.
the 3G version for some reason is rock solid.
Another thing is that I can watch Flash video on the 3G version. For some reason, the Wifi version is more finnicky playing online streaming video. I don't understand it. I tried the same sites, but got different results.
However... the 3G version for some reasons takes a hell of a long time to charge. I was charging it at 4 in the afternoon and it's now 8:20pm and in four hours or so I only got up to about 60% charge. What the hell?!
Mochan said:
I had both the Wifi and 3G versions of the 7+. The Wifi version was defintiely more unstable. I already sold it. It kept having sleep of deaths.
the 3G version for some reason is rock solid.
Another thing is that I can watch Flash video on the 3G version. For some reason, the Wifi version is more finnicky playing online streaming video. I don't understand it. I tried the same sites, but got different results.
However... the 3G version for some reasons takes a hell of a long time to charge. I was charging it at 4 in the afternoon and it's now 8:20pm and in four hours or so I only got up to about 60% charge. What the hell?!
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My Tab + charges in 3 hours and it was always full battery.
First tablet ever for me, bought it for the bat life and size. Needed something bigger than the 4.8 inch Viliv N5 or old Sony UX 280p. Seems my vision is getting worse with age lol, anyhows i have found the device to be very gratifying. Been an old pda user for years, so it feels like a larger smoother pda for me. Check news, facebook, watch vids and such on it. Only complaint is not neccisarily its fault (gameloft games dont run on it). Or at least the ones i playon my G2.
Sent from my GT-P6210 using xda premium
rtfm1777 said:
My WiFi only 7+ maybe feels a bit more unstable than the 7? Netflix freezes every once in awhile, which absolutely never happened on the 7. Then again the 7 couldn't even stream half the video that's out there, so I'm not complaining.
I actually like the look and feel of the smaller icons. Yes, a bit harder to navigate but esthetically it just feels better to me.
The only thing I really miss from the original Tab is my high res embedded album art. All of the music players I've used are stretching the thumbnails rather than finding the embedded file. I'm assuming this is a Froyo vs. Honeycomb thing?
Speaking as an old school, analog geeky tech guy who was dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age, I can honestly now say I don't know how I lived my life without a Tab 7+ in my back pocket.
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Let me update this 2 months later. One firmware update and a couple of Netflix upgrades have come and gone. The video playback is rock solid and whatever slight stability issues I noticed in the beginning are not bothering now. I'm still annoyed by the album art thumbnail issue. But as far as I'm concerned the 7+ is top of the line.
And if I've got what I need right now, why do I need ICS?
My Galaxy Tab "died" over the weekend and since I need a Tab I replaced it on Monday with the Plus.
Overall I'm liking the Plus but some thing are bugging me. The fonts and widgets seem smaller, though the screen's are the same resolution. Can't seem to make home screens I'm happy with
On the plus side the P6200 is so much faster! Also the screen seems much more vibrant.
Now if I could only get my screens sifted I'd be a happy camper.
Sent from my GT-P6200 using XDA App
GPRS/EDGE Class details
This is my first post in this forum. I am planning to finalise on Galaxy Tab plus 7.0 (GT-P6200). The Samsung India website doesn't provide exact information about the Product.
Which data class the GT-P6200 belongs> Is it Class 10 or Class 12 or Class 33?
The Exynos chipset used in GT-P6200 is same as GT-P6800?
Is the CPU Overclocked in GT-P6800?
The Tablet GT-P6200 sold in India comes with IR peer and from which country dose the company imports the Tablet (China, Korea or Vietnam)?

[Q] Tablet Apps

So I've had the Transformer for about 4-5 months now and too be quiet honest due to the lack of apps I cant really say it was a justified purchase. Sure its cool and all that and its useful when you just want to kick back and browse the web.
I love android been a huge fan of android since the longest time I used to own an iphone but I quickly got rid of it cause i wanted functionality/customization more than i wanted a whole array of apps.
However, somewhat opposite is what it seems I want with the tablet. So though i really like honeycomb and its looks (none too different than ICS) and i love ICS capabilities to fully take advantage of the tablet. Are there any apps that do the same? i mean i came across a couple like Google Catalogues, Books, pretty much mainly google made apps.
Now my question is that do people have any apps that takes advantage of the tablet. not a big fan of gaming on the tablet. But i guess if you guys can post me some names of Apps to check out i'd appreciate it. Also by posting here you guys can share with those who also have a similar problem.
edit: When i say take full advantage of the tablet, not only do i mean that its useful and fully performs the function you desire but also that the presentation of the app is elegant has some depth and quite nice/enjoyable to use.
edit: Thanks everyone for your input some of you guys are correct there is a whole thread for tablet optimized apps here is the link given by woodrube http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1032381
also there are two apps you guys can download in the marketplace that i hope will in the near future bring to our attention even more better fully capable elegant apps. They are free downloads called "Tablified Market" and "Tablet Market". I see that many of you guys aren't pointing out Apps but rather are telling me how i can use my tablet lol, thank you for that but i was just having a hard time finding Apps i liked for the tablet and thought you guys may have known a hidden gem or two. But im just going to keep looking through the two apps i mentioned and possibly the thread.
the thread served its purpose for me and i hope for those that had similar thoughts there's some good insight in here for those that aren't to sure how to use the tablet once the "honeymoon" period passes.
How about these.
What do you want it to do? I use mine for just about anything. School work, text books, notes, word documents, taking photos, Netflix, music, for video game hints when I have time to play. I think you have to have a use for it, it won't create functionality out of thin air. I don't have a use for a smart phone, to me they are too small. I can't imagine using a smart phone after having a tablet first. Watching Netflix must be torture on a small screen, office apps and such seem meant for tablets.
Kingsoft office
Ez Pdf reader
Polaris office
Writepad Stylus
Splashtop HD
Balance my checkbook
Sygic Naviga
I came from a rooted nook color before this, and have never regretted it. It also was not an impulse purchase. I knew with the dock I would get close to 20 hours of battery life, with my laptop I get 4.5 brightness all the way down. I have never been keen on Apple products and for 500 bucks I have a NetBook/32 gb tablet with expandable storage.
I will admit it seems that Apple does have the edge a far as gaming goes, but that edge will diminish with time. I would like to see more graphic intensive games from these devices, like Dead Space, GTA, NOVA, and such. Again, in time we will see this evolution.
Sent from a KRAKD out Tranny
MCRHAZ said:
So I've had the Transformer for about 4-5 months now and too be quiet honest due to the lack of apps I cant really say it was a justified purchase. Sure its cool and all that and its useful when you just want to kick back and browse the web.
I love android been a huge fan of android since the longest time I used to own an iphone but I quickly got rid of it cause i wanted functionality/customization more than i wanted a whole array of apps.
However, somewhat opposite is what it seems I want with the tablet. So though i really like honeycomb and its looks (none too different than ICS) and i love ICS capabilities to fully take advantage of the tablet. Are there any apps that do the same? i mean i came across a couple like Google Catalogues, Books, pretty much mainly google made apps.
Now my question is that do people have any apps that takes advantage of the tablet. not a big fan of gaming on the tablet. But i guess if you guys can post me some names of Apps to check out i'd appreciate it. Also by posting here you guys can share with those who also have a similar problem.
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I've had the transformer for about 6 months now and I must admit at first I was the same. I was instantly impressed with how much more system level stuff I could do (e.g. download a file and SAVE it somewhere - outrageous) but I couldn't help but resist the thought of "this is like my pc, but a bit crappier"
Something I found quite interesting was that as I bought it with the dock I had the tablet tied to the dock 95% of the time- In my head I was like "more battery, extra ports and a keyboard, heck yes" and as I'd paid extra for the dock it seemed silly to just leave it sitting around. I'm not sure what happened, but one day I evolved to taking it out of the dock. Once I did it became a mobile entertainment system that could follow me around the house, it was fast, powerful sleek and could hang out in the lounge room, go to the ****ter and take to bed.
Once that realisation took hold, I felt alot more able to just use it for whatever I was doing. This was MASSIVELY helped by the android 10 billion download sales where I picked up airtwist (an itunes music syncer), ezpdf reader (great for books) and some cool games. Suddenly I could easily play music that my iphone used to do, read books, write shopping lists, control the dvd player etc. etc. etc.
In a large part my iPhone 4 had cornered this aspect of my life but I soon learned that the tablet did everything better. Now the iphone just feels too restrictive so I'm hanging out for a Galaxy S3 or something similar.
Basically, get the apps that suit your lifestyle, take it out of the dock (if you have one) and just go nuts!
wafflestheclown said:
I've had the transformer for about 6 months now and I must admit at first I was the same. I was instantly impressed with how much more system level stuff I could do (e.g. download a file and SAVE it somewhere - outrageous) but I couldn't help but resist the thought of "this is like my pc, but a bit crappier"
Something I found quite interesting was that as I bought it with the dock I had the tablet tied to the dock 95% of the time- In my head I was like "more battery, extra ports and a keyboard, heck yes" and as I'd paid extra for the dock it seemed silly to just leave it sitting around. I'm not sure what happened, but one day I evolved to taking it out of the dock. Once I did it became a mobile entertainment system that could follow me around the house, it was fast, powerful sleek and could hang out in the lounge room, go to the ****ter and take to bed.
Once that realisation took hold, I felt alot more able to just use it for whatever I was doing. This was MASSIVELY helped by the android 10 billion download sales where I picked up airtwist (an itunes music syncer), ezpdf reader (great for books) and some cool games. Suddenly I could easily play music that my iphone used to do, read books, write shopping lists, control the dvd player etc. etc. etc.
In a large part my iPhone 4 had cornered this aspect of my life but I soon learned that the tablet did everything better. Now the iphone just feels too restrictive so I'm hanging out for a Galaxy S3 or something similar.
Basically, get the apps that suit your lifestyle, take it out of the dock (if you have one) and just go nuts!
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I appreciate your guys's comments. I'm sorry i should have been more precise in my rant though lol. What I meant to say was that sure the functionality is there and i love that that's great. But I end up not using it because the apps look so ugly lol and rather then just do it on a laptop. So what I do want are those apps that have the functionality there but also the elegance in the app. An example of this would be cooklet or Catalogues these two apps really impressed me in their depth and elegance, not much an actual catalogues type person or a cook (apart from eggs and toast) but i just go into the apps cause they look so good lol. other than that i tried using it as a essay writer as i do have the dock but the keyboard is too small to be comfortable for hours on end of writing. Also, i tried getting into it being a main music/media hub bought hdmi cable and everything but the music player on it is really crap lol for movies its good but again i dont really use it as much as i can just use my ps3. I do see myself using it more and more if there are better and better apps built for it. for starters a better gallary/music/video player youtube is good but would love to have the capability for it to play more than one video at a time. Maybe a nice agenda app? So if you guys know any great apps that may replace the ones currently or in general that have functionality and elegance and beauty let me know. Or show me videos that show how to make apps lool i'd be total game for that once my semester is done.
Woodrube said:
How about these.
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Thanks dude will be checking these out...there's a lot of em didnt realise it as much. i've had two apps on my tablet that show me tablet apps "tablified market" and "tablet market" but this list seems to surpass those.
There are more than enough practical and useful apps, you just need to figure out what they are for you. For example..i travel and go to college. For traveling, iuse media apps for watching movies and listening to music on the go. Also games for killing time. For school purposes,i use the kindle app and buy ebooks for required reading . Like mentioned above, i use splashtop desktop which is a remote desktop app that i use to connect to my pc at home to access my files and for other tasks. I am also a news junkie so i use the app pulse which allows u to subscribe to many different news sources. You have to find out what works for you. If you absolutely cannot think of anything,then my advice is to spend some time browsing the market for something you can use.
cavsoldier19d said:
There are more than enough practical and useful apps, you just need to figure out what they are for you. For example..i travel and go to college. For traveling, iuse media apps for watching movies and listening to music on the go. Also games for killing time. For school purposes,i use the kindle app and buy ebooks for required reading . Like mentioned above, i use splashtop desktop which is a remote desktop app that i use to connect to my pc at home to access my files and for other tasks. I am also a news junkie so i use the app pulse which allows u to subscribe to many different news sources. You have to find out what works for you. If you absolutely cannot think of anything,then my advice is to spend some time browsing the market for something you can use.
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...?i know, i stated that i do have the useful apps but there presented in such a way that i don't feel like using them because even though I'm studying to become an accountant I'm an artistic sort of person who likes to see elegance in things because that also shows passion and not just something you whipped up because its useful and will get you many downloads/sales. Maybe you guys don't like that and don't have any aesthetic standards, if i can say without being rude, but me I pay'd a hefty sum, for being a university student, and I would at least want apps that i can enjoy looking at while doing the function I need to. Maybe its too much to ask right now, maybe I have to wait more to find such apps and thank you guys for trying to help i appreciate each comment.
There might be different reasons you got that impression.
First thing is, as you stated, you simply overlooked the good ones. That's pretty easy to happen in the crowded android market, and so that's what this thread is for.
Second possible reason: The apps you are looking for are not that popular, that the developers care to make a special tablet layout. When I think about accounting I think of functionality over design, or simple "boring offices". Maybe that influences the apps tailored to those topics. (Don't get me wrong, don't want to sound rude, I'm a economics student myself, but I never really enjoyed things like accounting )
Third possible reason: The apps are properly designed but the look doesn't appeal to you that much. The overall iOS design is based on buttons that seem to scream "push me, push me" like those buttons on the packaging of electronic child toys. Everything is a bit shiny, a bit glossy and a bit 3D. You can simply enjoy it without thinking about what you're doing. The (current) android design however is a bit more on the techy side. It has a clear and functional layout, with few but important design rules. If you're not sure, which parts of the UI are intended and which are simply bad style please refer to Android Style ( developer.android.com / design / index.html No links due to low post count). Maybe the overall android look is not that appealing to you.
Coming back to the original question: The two apps for finding tablet specific apps are a solid source of tablet apps - I'm using them as well, keep them going!
Another good source for tablet apps is keeping an eye on Androidpolice. There is a loose series of posts called "The n Best Android 3.0+ Apps For Honeycomb Tablets From The Last n Weeks". It doesn't come out on a regular basis, but every now and then, and always provides me with some good hints for good apps.
I haven't got my tablet at hand right now, as I'm in the office, so I can't check whats installed on it to give you tips (might come back later), but I remember the IMDB App having a nice tablet interface. And I love reading my Google Reader feed via the app "feedly" which is a magazine style app, that allows browsing your feeds like some glossy magazine, with a nice gesture based interface.
This was the tips part of my post.
Now to continue the rant I can understand your point, with spending 400$+ for a device and then having few apps available that make use of that extra screen estate. I see myself using apps, that are good, but designed for phone, every day. Compared to the iPad where there are ****loads of tabletoptimized apps available this is kinda sad... BUT I also see myself doing things with my tablet everyday, that an iPad owner can never imagine, like connecting USB drives, sharing URLs and text between apps, manipulating wifi networks, using sd cards or simple things as downloading a file. So for me the price, which is about the same as the iPad's price, is absolutely ok! I'm still happy for every new tablet optimized app that launches, though.
OK, that has been a tl:dr post, but nevermind, happy weekend for everyone!
There is a Tablet Market app here somewhere...either in the development section or the apps/themes section. All the apps in it are supposed to be tablet optimized.
Swyped using my Pinky
Get an ipad.

Do you REALLY need a tablet?.. why I sold my Nexus 7 (2013, 2nd gen, Wifi version)

There was some weird voice in my head when I saw the new Nexus 7 (2nd gen) coming out: "buy it, you need it, you want it, you deserve a new toy". I have a few friends that were really happy with the 1st gen Nexus 7, so I was tempted to buy the 1st Nexus7, but didn't.
I should have really thought it through before buying the 2nd gen Nexus7. After having it for 4 months I concluded that the only reason to have it is if you like games.
Downsides and reasons I decided to sell:
- portability. Even thou its portable enough, i found that my old HTC Desire Z has the same functionality and use as the Nexus7 for daily tasks, plus also offers the portability of fitting into a pocket without tearing it.
- no vibro. I am used to have tactile feedback when writing messages, getting alerts and such
- no 3G/4G LTE The whole thing about the tablet is using it to consume stuff online and the 3g version costs 50-100 pounds extra. That's unfair
- influences to play games. Having something as powerful as it and not playing games seems like a waste of money and the crisp clear screen
Why would I want something as powerful as the Nexus 7 just to check my email, read news, e-books and the like? I can read mail and news on my phone and read books on my Kindle.
Don't get me wrong, the Nexus worked really smoothly and with just an occasional hiccup. But before getting it I would look at girls in public transport awkwardly and sometimes even get enough balls to actually say "hi" to them instead of turning my eyes red in that 7 inch, 50Hz shining light-bulb that seems to exploit my brains psychological fallacy to stay "on top" of (not important) news, games and apps.
I decided to get a Asus EEE for work and learning, Linux my Kindle and read PDF's on it (the battery holds in the count of weeks not days) and use my phone for android and stuff on the go.
After I built a desktop just for gaming I replaced my laptop with an ASUS Transformer - it's lighter, the battery lasts longer and I like it a lot better than a netbook. I still use my e-ink Kindle because I much prefer reading books on e-ink. My phone is pocket sized but isn't the best when I'd rather have a keyboard to type with.
For me, this is what works. It's all about arranging the tools in your life to work best for YOU.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
There is nothing better than hardware keyboard and mouse in notebook or PC. In most cases tablets are running Android, so they can't run programs like PowerPoint or Excel.
I use it mostly for watching videos... Works great for that purpose. Still prefer reading on my kindle though. Also browsing the web is a little easier on the larger screen.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app
- no 3G/4G LTE The whole thing about the tablet is using it to consume stuff online and the 3g version costs 50-100 pounds extra. That's unfair
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What about tethering then?
I wanted to buy tablet for myself for few times, but i dont see point now with my phone. Almost all that i can on tablet, i also can on my phone. And for some serious work i need keyboard and thats that. My wet dream is ultrabook but i cant justify cost
Pennycake said:
After I built a desktop just for gaming I replaced my laptop with an ASUS Transformer - it's lighter, the battery lasts longer and I like it a lot better than a netbook. I still use my e-ink Kindle because I much prefer reading books on e-ink. My phone is pocket sized but isn't the best when I'd rather have a keyboard to type with.
For me, this is what works. It's all about arranging the tools in your life to work best for YOU.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
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Transformer is only called tablet, but it is much more
A tablet has no advantages.
1) The main thing I use my Galaxy Tab 3 for is reading e-books.
It's pretty cool having a portable library where you can change the text size and color (red is easier on my eyes).
I really like to read, both fiction and non-fiction, and a phone is too small for that, even my Nexus 5, it's just too small. 7" is perfect for reading, as is 10"
2) Also, I have taken some vacations this year, and took a bunch of pictures that my family wants to see. Very easy to just bring a tablet if a family member is in the hospital (I have such a person) or if I go somewhere else, and I can show them come pics and videos right on the 10" tablet.
3) Work. Some of us work in fields where we would like to show pictures of things we sell or explain things to customers, and this comes in handy as a tool.
4) Games. I play chess and checkers on the 10" tablet sometimes and it's pretty fun. Some games really shine on a bigger screen.
Now what I find ridiculous, and I have seen this recently at a concert and at the zoo, is people taking pictures with their tablets, namely iPads. It's pretty crazy that you brought a tablet to that venue, and you're using it as a camera?
Really don't get that.
Lamalord2 said:
A tablet has no advantages.
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SIZE. Bigger than a phone, smaller than a laptop.

