Of smartdialing and multiple numbers in a contact. - General Questions and Answers

I have a contract with my cellphone company that provides me besides normal cellphone service, unlimited calls to a group of people in my country, all people in that group are identified with an aditional short phone number, so we have two phone numbers in our SIM, the normal one and the short one.
Happens that we use the short number to call ourserlves in the group (we could also use the normal number, but that'd be charged in my invoice as a normal call), but the normal phone number is always shown in our phones as incoming number when receiving a call from the group or outside, and that's how it is saved in call log.
So, in my contacts list, each contact has the two numbers added (I've set the normal phone number as cell phone number, and the short number as work phone).
Now the problem, the way smartdialer in WinMo5 and later work is to show the last call (made/missed/received) of every contact, then contacts list (if contact not already shown before), and after receiving a call from the group in my case the normal number is shown, and there's no way to use the short number to reply, unless I take the long path and go to contacts list and choose the contact and number manually; usually I'm in a hurry and just forget and call the contact using smartdialing and happens that the normal number is dialed.
I had no problem using smardialing with WinMo2003 as there was an option to choose a default number when there were multiples numbers on a contact, so, no matter what number a contact used to call me, when using smartdialing the default number was always chosen, I see no equivalent in WinMo5 or later.
Now, is there a way to replicate that behavior from WinMo2003? (registry/patch/etc.), thanks for taking the time to read.
P.D. the same can be said when we have multiples numbers in a contact (work/home/etc.) and receive calls from some of them but just want to reply to just one of them.


Contacts not recognized while calling

I have quite a strange problem. It appeared after I updated my Polaris to Windows 6.1 and the radio to the newest one. In general, I am really satisfied with the new sys, however there is one problem: telephone calls are not recognized basing on the contact list (which I imported using sprite backup).
It means that even though I have e.g. PersonX with telephone number 1234567 in my contacts, when I receive a call from him there appears the telephone number only (it is not changed into the "PersonX"). Have any of you ever had such a situation? I would be grateful for any suggestions how to solve it...
Best regards,
Do You have only one contact with the same number? Not doubled - one in Phonebook and second with the same number on SIM?
Or if you have same contact under different names with the some number two or more times...
Joe Pesci with number +1-555-5555 and
Joe's house with number +1-555-555 and
Pesci, Joe with number +1-555-555
will confuse any mobile phone, and device will write only number. Check toroughly your contacts for duplicate numbers...
Nope, they are not doubled, and there are no contacts on the SIM. There is however another difference that appeared (I do not know if it has anything to do with the problem but...): previously I had all the contacts in the form:
"Johnson, Mike".
Now I have everything in the form "Johnson Mike" - there is no comma. But I am not sure if it tells you anything (maybe just a cosmetic change between roms?)
What is interesting - I can normally call using the contacts list (even from the "Phone" window) - they appear there properly.

Displaying A Selected Contact In Call Log When Multiple Contacts Share Same Number

The following Google Contacts are stored in an Android Phone for ACME Corporation:
Amy Appleseed
John Doe
Pedro Valdez
Amy, John and Pedro all share a work telephone number.
I'm working with Pedro on a project and would like to track the dates and times of our phone conversations using the call log on my Android phone.
However, even though Pedro is manually selected from the contact list, Amy Appleseed appears as the called party because she is the first contact for ACME Corporation, which are listed alphabetically.
This behavior can be consistently duplicated on a Motorola Milestone X2 (Droid X2) running 2.3.6 stock but this has been an issue on every Android phone I have ever owned from Android 2.1 to 2.3.6.
Is there any way that I can call Pedro AND have his name appear in my Call Log using Android?
I think that's just the way it works. i.e. the call log program is unaware of how the call was made--it just knows which number was dialed and at what time and resorts to a reverse look up to get the name. You can sort of see this from the way the numbers pop up...and then the names start filing in. Also, after adding a new contact for a number, the contact name magically appears in the call log.
I know its a hack, but what if you try variations on the number for your contacts with the same phone number? For example:
Depending on your phone company, these may all dial the same phone number (but, you'll want to confirm that they won't charge you long distance for using 11 digits to dial a local number). With luck, they may fool Android into thinking that they're different phone numbers.
As for incoming calls, though, you may want to make a contact for just the company with a number that matches whatever your call display pops up when either person calls. There's no way it'll know who's on the other end if the call display is the same across your colleagues.
Hope this helps,
- chris
Hi cttttt,
Thanks for the response. The reverse lookup of the first contact listed for a number is understandable for an incoming call, but I would think there should be a way where dialing outbound from a manually selected contact would write the selected contact name to the Call Log.
Is this something that could be accomplished with a third party app? Perhaps a dialer with a contact look-up that rewrites the call log to reflect the selected contact (or keep a call log of its own)?
I'd appreciate the input of a developer or anyone with experience with the OS to suggest whether this can be accomplished programmatically...
Found It!
I was searching for the same thing for my GS3 and found this solution:
[Since I am new, it won't let me post the link...which is the helpful part. here is an attempt to get you the information anyway.]
Short answer: create a contact on the phone (not google/gmail), it seems to search those first.
The link gives other stuff you can do; I found the above to work quite well.
CDLaurent said:
I was searching for the same thing for my GS3 and found this solution:
[Since I am new, it won't let me post the link...which is the helpful part. here is an attempt to get you the information anyway.]
Short answer: create a contact on the phone (not google/gmail), it seems to search those first.
The link gives other stuff you can do; I found the above to work quite well.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately ,that site no longer exist but I'm curios about same problem ,call log for outgoing calls shows first contact with that number
rain125 said:
Unfortunately, that site no longer exist but I'm curios about same problem, call log for outgoing calls shows first contact with that number
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found it by searching for the url in this web archive: web.archive.org
I am pasting the content here, in case that archive gets lost too:
Android Advice: Shared Home Phone Numbers
One of the things that has always annoyed me with cell phones is that there is no good way to handle multiple people having the same home phone number. Android’s contact manager allows multiple contacts to share the same number (because the database is not indexed by phone number, like on many older phones). This still wasn’t perfect for me, however. When a phone number shared by multiple contacts calls, the first match (sorted alphabetically A-Z) is displayed on the caller ID screen and in the call log. Fortunately, this consistency means we can manipulate the system to display a custom name. The following steps illustrate the technique:
1. Lets say we have a theoretical family: John and Jane Smith. They each have a cell phone, but live together and therefore share a home phone number. They each are added in Android with their mobile number as their primary number, and their home number as their secondary number. Both can be called at either their home or mobile number from the contact list. When a phone call is recieved from their home number, Jane Smith is displayed in the caller id and call logs because she is first alphabetically.
2. For this technique to work cleanly (without any additional clutter), you must have your Android contact manager set only to display “My Contacts” (this settings is under Contacts > Menu > Display Group > My Contacts)
3. Log into Gmail and switch the contacts view
4. Create a new group to put these combined “metacontacts” (I called the group “Metacontacts”)
5. Force your G1 to synchronize contacts (Home Screen > Menu > Settings > Data synchronization > Uncheck and then recheck “Contacts”)
6. Tell your G1 to synchronize this new “Metacontact” group (Contacts > Menu > Edit sync groups > Check “Metacontacts”)
7. On your Gmail Contact Manager, in the “Metacontact” group, press the new contact button (person with a +)
8. Enter the name you want to display when the number calls (ex: “The Smith Family” or “John and Jane Smith”)
9. Add some form of symbol in front of the contact’s name to cause it to be first alphabetically. I used a period because it takes up the least space, and then put a period at the end as well for symmetry ( .The Smith Family. )
10. Add the shared home phone number to this new contact
11. Press the save button
12. Press the “Groups” button and then click “Remove from… My Contacts”. This will prevent the contact from showing up in Android’s contact list, but because we chose to synchronize the “Metacontacts” group, it will still be in Android’s database when it does a caller ID lookup.
13. Repeat steps 7-12 for each custom home phone number contact
14. Force your G1 to synchronize contacts again (Home Screen > Menu > Settings > Data synchronization > Uncheck and then recheck “Contacts”)
15. The new custom contact name will now show up in the call logs and when the number calls, but each individual contact (ex: John and Jane) will still have the number stored, so you can call their home number by clicking their name in contacts.
It works almost perfectly for me, but there are few caveats to this method that you should be aware of:
Every time you change the combined contact (“metacontact”), it automatically readded to the “My Contacts” group and you will have to remove it
The combined contact (“metacontact”) will have the symbol you chose (in my case, a period) in front of their name, so if this bothers you, this isn’t the technique for you

incoming calls details

htc one x att when you have a contact that has multiple entries such as example john and in it you have mobile number and house number. When you receive a call from John it does not specify from which type it comes through, it just says john and the number and not mobile or home or whatever description you gave the number. This is a really annoying issue. I have had quite a few smartphones and they all had that feature. Am I missing something in the options or is this something that is gonna be added .

How do I set the default name for my phone number?

I'm not sure what this is called, but I shall give an example to explain:
So, if a company texts me, for example, my carrier, they automatically assign themselves a name within their SMS thread instead of it displaying the number, as it would normally (For example, my carrier, EE, will show up as 'EE' in my SMS app, when their number 150.) They aren't in my contacts anywhere, so my phone isn't using the name from a contact.
Another example is when my college texts me, it will come up with the college name, 'WEYCOL', instead of their default number.
I was wondering:
A) What is this called?
B) Can I set this up for my number, so when I text people, it will show my name by default instead of my phone number?

apk to automatically making calls

Hey there!
I like to Streamlining my android system usage with least input required
Is there any apk or script that allow me to automatically making calls all my contact numbers without tediously always manually doing it what takes so much time, I would like option allowing it able to call each groups etc.
SO i can just pick up 40 contacts and It will keep calling each 40 numbers in linear order one by one, so it will make able to start another call from every time previous call is finished or not picked. and there is way to stop it of course then too.
scheduled phone calls by time
app on automatically calls all # in fashion of
contact1#1 call end then continue automatically to next line
I just like to call my friends and keep up with them, without constantly needing to manually select another contact and use my hands.
also I would like to have ability call randomly and endlessly to my contacts
-so hands-free way to automatically call to many contact
2. issue
Then I like to have a way to cut extra useless extra seconds of operator play after miscall .
I need statistical presentation of contacts activity
app that show each phone numbers activity such as a total text received all time for each contacts, calls.
so I can see which phone numbers are inactive
I want able to have group message which all are unique and using
if in example I am sending 50 people same group message
I want each message to be unique like, in first line i want to able to have each receiving person contact name
xx person contact name xx rest message same
how can I take off "refreshing" pop up android messaging search

