Hardware buttons code numbers (normal/hex)? Exists? - Touch Diamond2, Pure Themes and Apps

Is There any chance to find some application or trick, which can find system number shortcut ( or something like that) for hardware buttons on D2? In normal number or hex number. It doesn´t matter.
I need it for pocket uae emulator ( emulation of commodore amiga )
This emulator needs button maping, no button from D2 works here, but there is a thread from user Maxjalil in pocketuae forum
and he is writting about some sort of trick with using app called "ecast", which can to find number codes for hardware buttons . But I really can´t to find it on google. Which app he thought ? I really would be appreciative for any other app or something, which can to find that number, I want try mapp volume up and volume down as left and right mouse button and back arrow button as right joystick button. It´s all. Thank you


how can i assign phone button in PocketNester?

actually, i can assign any of the phone buttons, but they still don't work in the game. anyone know how i can get it to work? registry/system hack or something?
What do they do when you assign and press the keys?
vijay555, they do nothing. nothing at all.
this problem is consistent not only with PocketNester, but also with any other application. the phone buttons aren't assign-able to any functionality. again, they may be assigned successfully, but they still woudn't work when you try to actually use them.
fixing this problem would add a lot to my device's functionality.
msafi: what device are you using, and what OS? You might consider setting these details in your profile to make it easier to respond, or post in a more specific thread. However, generally, consider using the application AEButtonPlus to make the red and green phone buttons assignable.
You can use my program VJKeyPress to assign certain keys to the red and green keys, and then assign them using PocketNester (hopefully).
vijay555, thanks for the reply. i''m using HTC Wizard with WM5 of course. AE button plus isn't compatible,
so in light of this new information, do you still recommend VJKeyPress?
Are you sure AEButtonPlus isn't compatible? I'm using a universal and it's ok, but I'm sure a few guys are using it on the Wizard.
However, if not AEButtonPlus, I think buttonMax might be compatible.
VJKeypress is merely to assign a notional key to the red/green buttons. These buttons normally generate an F4 and F5 (I think) keycode, but while the cprog.exe app is running, this will intercept them. So either kill the phone app (VJPhoneToggle will do that) or assign new keypresses to them using AE etc and VJKeyPress.
i tried closing the phone application by using VJPhoneToggle but that didn't produce the desired effect.
ae button plus works with HTC Wizard but it screws up the hold button.
any how, i tried ae button plus and was able to assign the green/red buttons to different functions. i tried assigning them to <None> then using them with PocketNester, but that didn't produce any good results. I tried assigning them <start menu> or <Ok/Close> and then assigning those in PocketNester by using the qwerty keyboard, but that still didn't work.
anyway, there is something i'd like to try. i want to assign the red button to a VJKeyPress which will press the Explorer key, and assign the explorer key to the button i want in the emulator.
the problem is, i don't know how to use VJKeypress. after i download and install the file, how do i run it with commandline shortcut? or what's a commandline shortcut?
ok, i figured out how to use vjtools and command lines.
however, i couldn't determine the parameter number to pass to vjkeypress to simulate a hardware button press. for example, what is the parameter number that will simulate a press on the Explorer button of my HTC Wizard?
what i tried in PocketNester is: i assigned the Windows Key of my Wizard's qwerty to the B button of PocketNester. Then i assigned a vjkeypress.exe 91, which is a start menu click, to the red phone button, but that didn't produce the desired effect, of course, since i didn't really tie the red button to the Windows Key of my qwerty keyboard. i just made the two buttons have the same functionality!!
if i know what the Explorer button parameter is, i will try it.
I'm not really familiar with the keyboard of the Wizard, never used one.
There's obviously a long list of keycodes on my website, but have you tried assigning any test key and tried that in PocketNester? Obviously if the basic idea doesn't work, there's no point in you perservering with this route!

Raphael hardware keys, remapping?

Has anyone come up with working solution for mapping hw keys?
I found this thread on Diamond, but no help:
I am using AEKMap to enable both latin/cyrillic input on my TP's hw keyboard. You may google it and give it a try.
There is no need for additional software, just follow this post and you'll get the answer. Worked for me.
Try AE Button Plus.
I think you did not quite follow me here.
I dont mean to change layout of QWERTY, but hw-keys like "Back" and "Home" at front panel of TP.
This is becaus I find home and back quite useless and would much more prefer to have ALT+TAB (change program) and close program (REALLY close them, not leave running background as back seems to randomly do).
Taajuus said:
I think you did not quite follow me here.
I dont mean to change layout of QWERTY, but hw-keys like "Back" and "Home" at front panel of TP.
This is becaus I find home and back quite useless and would much more prefer to have ALT+TAB (change program) and close program (REALLY close them, not leave running background as back seems to randomly do).
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And that is EXACTLY what i also want to know....
The total lack of hardware-keys on this device is already disturbing enough, but being locked out of the option to remap any of them is truely horrid...
Anyone know of any reg-hacks maybe?
I've got Spb PocketPlus 4 installed btw, and it's got a button mapping function as well...
But when i go into the buttons map, some weird black icons appear with no name attached to it. Can anyone make anything of this? As you can see i've been able to map one thing only: the Spb close-button-contex-menu, which allows me to switch task KW-buttons only....
But this is not enough for me, i need ALT-TAB aswell and off course a VoiceCommand button.
And regrettably the Rapael doesn't have that many HW keys to start with...
I want also to use Home/Back buttons for different purposes,but I didn;t found a solution yet.
Gotten a step closer to what i really need over this weekend:
In the button dialogue (with extra generated buttons by Spb PP+4) there was only one other button that had a name...
So i tried this one and go figure: it seems to be the " <= " (or 'back') button. In the dialogue it's called the OK button. I've got it set to the close contaxt menu now, and mapped Voicecommand to long-pressed answer key...
So far, this setup is to my satisfaction, and after two months of use this phone finaly behaves completely the way i want it to...
Hi, guys.
See my post here:
Hope this helps!
helped realy much !!! big thx for that nice instructions
You're very welcome, tk_berlin.
You be sure to let me know if anything in there doesn't make sense or you need any help with it.
Cheers from Canada!
ah cool to see a reply that fast ,)
hmm u got any further with finding out how to set the home button and the backwards button ?
Since the other htc user ,) wrote
In the button dialogue (with extra generated buttons by Spb PP+4) there was only one other button that had a name...
So i tried this one and go figure: it seems to be the " <= " (or 'back') button. In the dialogue it's called the OK button. I've got it set to the close contaxt menu now, and mapped Voicecommand to long-pressed answer key...
so it works with SPB PocketPlus ?
there must be a way to get it work wit the other tool
ah cool to see a reply that fast ,)
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Lol. I was on my machine all morning and had XDA open in one of my tabs.
Yes, you can map practically any button in AEBPlus no problem.
hmm u got any further with finding out how to set the home button and the backwards button ?
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AEBP will also *learn* any keys it doesn't have. So you could use the "Add Button" option, press your Home key, and away you go.
The way I have it set up, holding down the phone key will activate voice command (default behavior).
But remember, assigning commands to the Home or OK buttons (that "Back" button is actually an "OK" button) doesn't unmap what they normally do so you will always go home first and then it will perform <x>-function that you assign.
Personally, I don't like to program the Home or OK buttons because I find that they are "trickier" to press. What I mean is, if you tap the OK button near it's center or close to the left, it doesn't register a press. If you tap it sort of with the long part of your thumb (which is more natural when holding the device in one hand), it registers it. I've tried this with two TP's now and the button behaved the same way on both. Due to this, I find it unreliable to map anything to it.
In any case, as I mentioned earlier, the Volume buttons, Phone and End keys will be unmapped once you attach AEBP to them but the others will not.
Oh -- I forgot to mention, you can map the directional pad as well if that is your thing.
so it works with SPB PocketPlus ?
there must be a way to get it work wit the other tool
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It does work, but it sends an OK command first.
I wrote a little utility for hard-coded buttons such as these for another Pocket PC I had (an ASUS P527) called "DoNothing.exe" but we can't apply that work-around here. What I would do is replace the EXEs of apps the hardware keys called with my DoNothing.exe, but in the case of the TP, we definitely don't want to replace START.EXE (which I believe to be the likely EXE (haven't tested this)).
If I find a way to map those buttons reliably, I will let you know, tk_Berlin. So far tho, I've been quite pleased with just using the four buttons I mentioned. The more I use this device and the more I ponder my decision to stay with TFL3D instead of the normal WM interface, the more I realize that I don't need half the add-ons I used to use prior to having TF3D. I am accustomed to very, very, very *heavily* customizing my device, but the setup I have now works great and I really haven't lost nething from my old WM world. In fact, prolly gained a few CPU cycles and memory to boot.
I don't miss the Today Screen at all!!! Now that I think about it, I never really looked at it.

Hardware buttons

i look for it for a long time and i can't find it :
how to attribute a function to a button ?
In settings, there is no buttons available though there is 5 hardware buttons !!!
For exemple, i'd like to attribute task manager or task facade to the long press home button, is it possible ?
nobody is interested in attributing hardware buttons ?
Yes I am interesting too
I used aebutton plus to assign MS Voice Command to long press windows button. That worked fine, although I haven't used it on any other buttons.
Well, the hardware buttons already have set functions. So assigning things to them would be a little bit complex within the settings. That's why they aren't there.
I imagine you would need to use a third party application, and even then you could only assign long presses to the keys.
Long press would be nice though
Pantaloonie, does everything run fine with aebutton and HD2?
Yes, it does what I want it to do, although as I said I only added long press windows key.
It was a little bit fiddly with aebp's small menus on the capacitive screen, but I got there after several attempts.
Now when I start the aebp program, I get an error message reading "Once you set AEBPlus to process Windows button you may also need to re-define following buttons also:"Button 1(Hold)", "OK Key"."
I haven't done as it says, and everything works perfectly.
Cool, thanks I might give it a spin then
Here's a guy who's tried AE Button Plus with HD2 pretty thoroughly it seems:
I just installed it and mapped the windows hard button with long press to task facade. It worked just fine, but it seems the button lost the original function which is to access the start menu on single tap. I dont mind it so much though, I might as well use the the soft start button in the upper left corner. The important thing is that multi tasking now works without having to go through the today screen.

Mapping SIP Key

Ok, I searched around for about an hour, and must not be using the right search term or something. Anyway,
I have an HTC HD2, and i'm trying to run gotomypc with it (and pandora). I can run both, but i have to map the hardware button to my input panel in order for it to come up in either application. Thats all well and fine, except i also like the default long press key option that brings up my voice command. (And for those that don't have an HD2, there is only 1 mappable hardware key). So i have to jump back and forth on button assignments to use applications.
So point is, i installed AE Button Plus, and it appears to be able to do the trick, yet i can't find what file to point the assigned long press button too. Where is "input panel"/aka SIP located at/what directory?
Or does someone have an easier suggestion for mapping a previously unassignable hardware key to the SIP?
Thanks in advance!

[PX5] MTCE Button remapping Tutorial for Malaysk / mtce-utils

Hi there,
after struggling around with the mcte utils settings.ini file to remap buttons, I tought I might share what I learned.
This assumes, you have installed xposed, activated the mtce-utils module and placed the settings.ini file at your internal sc card (/storage/emulated/0).
Here's how to remap buttons:
# In this section, you have to put all GLOABL remap functions into. You can use the following ways or remapping:
# note: xxx always stands for the mtc-keycode. If you do not know them, you can use MTCD Tools -> Creata new bnding -> Obtain key sequence to get the key codes.
#--> this defines to launch any app, e.g. app_257 would in my case launch spotify when pressig OK button.
keycode_xxx = 4
# ---> with the keycode command, you can assign android keycodes. For example "4" is the back button, "87" is media next.
# a full list of android codes can be found here: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/native/+/master/include/android/keycodes.h
activity_xxx = com.zoulou.dab/com.zoulou.dab.MainActivity
# --> this is to launch any activity. Always put a pair of app/activity with a slash in between. My example starts the DAB App.
intent_xxx= [any android intent action]
#--> this is to assign an intent. Couldn't test it yet.
keymtc_xxx= yyy
# --> this is used to reassign another mtc key.
# to remap buttons within specific apps, create an extra section which contains the app name [B][app.name#keys][/B]
# same as with global remapping, put the codes here as you which to reassign keys within special apps.
Well hope that makes the settings more clear for you.
I just made some small corrections to the above post and want to share my settings with you:
What did I actually do?
I changed the two steering wheel keys "Mode" and "List" to Keycodes 219 and 4. 219 launches Google Assitant, 4 is to go back. This way, I can easily launch Google Assistand for calls, navigation and spotify, tunein and can minimize if needed.
I assigned keycodes 87/88 to both forward/backwards keys, so that I in most apps can go forward/backward
I assigned my favorite apps to the buttons 1-6, which are DAB, TuneIn, Spofity, FM Radio app, Google Maps and Bluetooth Phone
So I can switch easily between all those apps. As the radio app has its own buttons assigned, here the keys 1-6 are still used as usual.
What doesn't work is the part where I wanted to fix wrong forward/backward keys in radio app. Assigning backward to forward and vice versa leads to a crashing radio app (behaves like non ending loop then)
Hope this helps!
I can not make settings.ini work, do you paste the file in / storage / emulated / 0 directly or put it in the mtce-utils folder?
Hy @gforums,
thanks for the little tutorial.
Unfortunately, changing the steering wheel buttons does not work.
I am currently using Android Oreo with the Malaysk Rom.
Enclosed my settings.ini
as I understand it you have to put the ini file directly into the directory /storage/emulated/0.
@gary822 I'll try like this, I can not assign buttons for canbus and I want to remap some buttons between them the aux button to home
Dude, this is awesome stuff! Thank you so much for sharing what you learned!
But where can i find out wich key on my sterlingwhel has wich keycode?
kaderekusen said:
But where can i find out wich key on my sterlingwhel has wich keycode?
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I've used mtcd tools, option to select a new binding and then pressing the key I want to assign. Mtcd tools should show you the mtce key code then.
kaderekusen said:
But where can i find out wich key on my sterlingwhel has wich keycode?
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gary822 said:
Hy @gforums,
thanks for the little tutorial.
Unfortunately, changing the steering wheel buttons does not work.
I am currently using Android Oreo with the Malaysk Rom.
Enclosed my settings.ini
as I understand it you have to put the ini file directly into the directory /storage/emulated/0.
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Did you reboot after changing the settings.ini? This is needed. Have you also activated the xposed-mtce-utils module? And checked whether the mtce key codes used are the right ones?
Are you on Malaysk?
I think I may have found the solution to this. I'll post it here if it works.
mattj949 said:
I think I may have found the solution to this. I'll post it here if it works.
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hello, Any news ?
Thank you very much for this! I was able to figure out how to remap most of the keys on my CAN bus steering wheel controls. I'm now trying to figure out how to find an apps key codes so I can assign them to other keys on the head unit... How did you find out what the key codes are for your DAB key codes in the very last section of the settings.ini?
I have 2 apps I'm trying to figure out. One I'm trying to do is the FM radio app; [com.microntek.music#keys] and would like to make to when I press and hold the "next or previous" buttons that changes the presets, then just a single press will seek the next FM station. Do you know if there is any command lines that can be added to make it use the press and hold of a button? So that a single button can do 2 actions? I've played around with some of the units key study that has the ability to change the units buttons and can assign a single press, and press and hold, but the list of keys that can be assigned is limited.
The other I need to figure out is one button in a special app that tells it's special USB to send a signal to turn on the factory DSP amplifier. That app has button within the app that can manually send the signal, but I can't figure out how to find it's key code. And there is no Activity for it that I can use that I can find. I use an app called QuickShortcutMaker to identify an apps Activities name that it has.
Hey guys,
can any1 please share respectively upload the latest mtce-utils? Can't find them...
Thanks in advance
look on git hub
whitewolf8111 said:
Thank you very much for this! I was able to figure out how to remap most of the keys on my CAN bus steering wheel controls. I'm now trying to figure out how to find an apps key codes so I can assign them to other keys on the head unit... How did you find out what the key codes are for your DAB key codes in the very last section of the settings.ini?
I have 2 apps I'm trying to figure out. One I'm trying to do is the FM radio app; [com.microntek.music#keys] and would like to make to when I press and hold the "next or previous" buttons that changes the presets, then just a single press will seek the next FM station. Do you know if there is any command lines that can be added to make it use the press and hold of a button? So that a single button can do 2 actions? I've played around with some of the units key study that has the ability to change the units buttons and can assign a single press, and press and hold, but the list of keys that can be assigned is limited.
The other I need to figure out is one button in a special app that tells it's special USB to send a signal to turn on the factory DSP amplifier. That app has button within the app that can manually send the signal, but I can't figure out how to find it's key code. And there is no Activity for it that I can use that I can find. I use an app called QuickShortcutMaker to identify an apps Activities name that it has.
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--> activity_331=com.zoulou.dab/com.zoulou.dab.MainActivity
The keycode from the key I want to assign can be obtained my "mtcd key tool" or in hal9k rom, where you can activate that keycodes are displayed by key press. In my case, key 331 is the "1"-key from my orginal radio.
the app/activity combination can by obtained by the app "package name viewer" that lists you app names / activities of your insalled apps.
I do not know, how you can change behaviour between short and long press.
Also, how to change the behaviour of the keys within an app, is difficult. You can work with Intents, but I am not used to it.
gforums said:
--> activity_331=com.zoulou.dab/com.zoulou.dab.MainActivity
The keycode from the key I want to assign can be obtained my "mtcd key tool" or in hal9k rom, where you can activate that keycodes are displayed by key press. In my case, key 331 is the "1"-key from my orginal radio.
the app/activity combination can by obtained by the app "package name viewer" that lists you app names / activities of your insalled apps.
I do not know, how you can change behaviour between short and long press.
Also, how to change the behaviour of the keys within an app, is difficult. You can work with Intents, but I am not used to it.
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Thank you for your help! I think I have most of it all working the way I want now, but I will keep playing around with it some more. :good:
@gforums or anyone with the answer, has anybody been able to remap a wireless keyboard/remote? Mainly I'm trying to get the volume and mute to work. I know that the volume is controlled by the MCU and the remote want's to control the media volume which does nothing on our units. I'm just not quite sure how it should be written for the mtce-utils .ini file.
MCU volume up/down codes for MTCE are: 273/281 respectively. And the remote/native android codes for volume up/down are: 24/25 respectively.
has anyone already tried get this running on android 9 (PX5)?
As xposed is needed and in android 9, xposed only can be installed as magisk module, I can't get it working.
So currently I do not know a way to change canbus keys in Android 9.
Anyone of you does?
Best regards,
I'm running android 9, I installed Xposed, but how do you instal mtce-utils ? Can't find them anywhere.

