[RESOLVED] sleep during calls - Touch Diamond2, Pure Themes and Apps

I tried to use HD Tweak and Diamond Tweak for sleeping during calls without suscces. Any sugestments?
Resolved: I'm using with succes Touch InCall Screen Tweak - v1.0.20, from StevePritchard http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=488991!:)

me neither

you have to disable the first and second option and enable "always on"


How to enable "repeat" box in sounds & notifications in WM6???

does anyone know how to enable the "repeat" box in the sound and notifications especially for getting new messages or emails?.....
The actual box is greyed out so therefore unable to put a tick on this box......i did use a third party program called pocketmax phonealarm but this app stuffs up my notifications.....the options "vibrate when ringer switch off/on" are ticked but when i do a soft reset it automatically becomes unticked so therefore when i get messages or reminders the phone does not vibrate anymore.......but in phonealarm app i have set it to vibrate but it still doesn't vibrate......so i uninstalled pocketmax phonealarm version 1611 and everything is now back to normal and running smoothly but i still want the notifications to repeat so i dont miss them.....so does anyone know how to enable the repeat box.....thanks in advance....
i found the solution under this thread:

Screen off during calls

Is there any way to stop the screen from detecting input during a call? There was on the 650 (Palm OS) but I can't find an option here.
Found it - the option was under the KeyGuard app in Utilities.

vibrate turn on

hi guys im using TESS prime 3 and the vibrate when typing was turned off how do i turn it on? btw in the settings to enable vibrate is already turned on. only when typing in text message, does not vibrate. thanks
vibrate on keyboard in TESS
I used to run TESS on my topaz and finally figured out how to re-enable the vibrate function. You have to change the registry settings. Get Regedit first.
It's under...
Local Machine -> software - htc - ezsip (i think).
Change feedback to 1 i think. It's a good idea to back up the registry before changing. Good luck.

cookie monster and bsb tweak together???

i'm a rookie and i don't know if i'm asking these question right:
i just installed cookie monster w/cht editor (all new version) and after some searching and reading here in the forum, i fell in love with the bsb tweaks offering. but after just about a minute running on my hd2(unlock); correct me if i'm wrong, but i think bsb tweaks and cookie monster installed together complicates more my device specially on "auto lock". anyone have these cab both on their device. i first installed the cookie monster and arranged everything, then after installing bsb, i have to do two times the "unlock". after some checking i found out the "default setting lockscreen" of cht editor was turned "on". i think these two cabs should not be installed together. what do you think, thanks
The .cab's install together is no problem. I would say, that the most users,who have Cookies Home Tab also have BsB-Tweaks running.
It's only a question of settings - Autolock uses "normal" Windows Lock in BsB, and Cookie added Manilalock - and if you change on both... then 2 lockscreens are running at the same time.
If you'd have two switches for your lamp in your living room,you would know,that only one switch should be switched to get light. Both would switch it off...and in case of lockscreen - the lampwould get the double power...and you know what happens to a lamp with to much energy...
So - if you use CHT-Lockscreen - then switch off Autolock in BsB and all is fine
Well, i have Bsb and CHT installed, in CHT go to lockscreen option and turn off Enable default lockscreen and turn on Enable CHT lockscreen.. dont understand why these two aplications should not run together..
MichelDiamond said:
The .cab's install together is no problem. I would say, that the most users,who have Cookies Home Tab also have BsB-Tweaks running.
It's only a question of settings - Autolock uses "normal" Windows Lock in BsB, and Cookie added Manilalock - and if you change on both... then 2 lockscreens are running at the same time.
If you'd have two switches for your lamp in your living room,you would know,that only one switch should be switched to get light. Both would switch it off...and in case of lockscreen - the lampwould get the double power...and you know what happens to a lamp with to much energy...
So - if you use CHT-Lockscreen - then switch off Autolock in BsB and all is fine
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's an excellent explanation!
You have probably turned on (or not turned off) the standard windows lock. If you want to use the CHT lockscreen then disable the standard windows lock. This can be done in BSB tweaks and CHT Editor also has an option to disable it.
Thanks for answer also. I thought BSB Tweaks would conflict with Cookies Home Tab and Editor. No issues. These are great apps!

Issue with NOLOCK application

I have installed the NOLOCK application to rid to the arc swipe to pick the calls but seeing my phone wake-up every min (screen turn ON) if disabled the lock using NOLOCK,
is anybody else seeing the issue? or there any other disabled the lock with using NOLock application?
Thanks in advance

