Battery Capacity test - General Topics

This may sound like a crazy question, but does anyone know of a tool that can test the battery capacity (in mAh) of a given battery? There are many different ways to test Lithium-ion batteries of notebooks, I like Lenovo's Thinkpad utilities best.
I own an HTC Titan and I cycle through 3 different batteries so I don't have to remember to tether it to a charger every night. I know at least one of the batteries is getting close to EOL, but considering they all look identical, and my usage and power consumption of the device varies through a given battery's power cycle, it's hard to tell exactly what one to retire.


Is it true charging li-ion no more than 80% increase its life?

1. A Lithium Ion battery should never be charged to 100% or fully Discharged. The famous 80-20 rule is applicable here as well, though in a different way. Charging to 80% increases battery life.
2. Don’t wait for full discharge, charge it frequently. Keeping the battery near to 80% always, gives better life. This is also what many vendors claim as “memory effect”.
I followed that advice and then after a few weeks, when once I charged it to 100%, it dropped quickly to 80%! and has been like that since. now I don't give a damn to that rule and charge my phone to 100% instead.
At this point, I would advise you do a full charge and deep discharge of your phone. Just to allow the phone to calibrate itself to the battery again.
However, I would advise against running programs to intentionally drain it at a high draw. So instead of playing 5 hours of FPSECE to drain it flat, just let it sit on standby and use it as you normally would, until it dies. Then charge it back up in one continuous charge (refrain from unplugging until it goes back to 100%). Hopefully that will restore the accuracy of your battery meter by a bit.
And IMHO, the article you included discusses things about batteries that are no longer true....
2. Don’t wait for full discharge, charge it frequently. Keeping the battery near to 80% always, gives better life. This is also what many vendors claim as “memory effect”.
No. "Memory effect" is, in laymen terms, the battery not being able to hold above a certain charge after being repeatedly discharged from the same capacity. E.g. being discharged at 80%. It doesn't "give battery life" -- in fact it kills your battery's capacity.
This is a term more relevant for old NiCd batteries. LiONs and most NiMH batteries have very weak/no memory effect.
3. Every battery has limited Full charge-discharge cycles. Of the order of 300+. In other words a typical phone battery can be fully charged/discharged 300 times. Doing more frequent charges, as specified in point #2, will increase overall life.
Partially true. Every battery can be charged a number of times before its ability to hold a charge deteriorates. Usually this is around 300, though the exact number varies between individual batteries. However, the concept of a "cycle" isn't exact -- just because you charged from 60-80% (or whatever) doesn't mean you didn't use a cycle. It's really a continuum, and should only be conceptualized as the battery losing its ability to be charged and hold a charge, the more times you charge it.
4. During first time use (when the battery is new) don`t use it till its fully charged. This is why it is always written on manuals “let the device charge for 2-3 hours”.
The necessity of preconditioning is controversial now. There is little evidence to suggest that devices nowadays benefit from preconditioning, and likewise there is little evidence that not doing so harms battery longevity. Many manuals these days simply omit to mention preconditioning.
5. Best way to increase battery life is Not to use it. If you keep AC power plugged in on your phones, keeping the battery at 80% (as in #1), your battery will last longer. Though discharging it once in a month would be must in such cases.
Partially true. Not using your battery does indeed help its longevity, but not by plugging into the AC. Heat is a LiON battery's enemy, and plugging it into your wall will generate heat that is ultimately bad. This translates to laptop batteries as well -- if you want to store a laptop battery, the best bet is to discharge it to 40%, then put it somewhere cool (even the fridge if you want).
Also I would say doing a deep discharge once a month is too frequent. Once every 2 or even 3 months is more appropriate.
Finally, LiON batteries themselves have a shelf life. So even if you let them sit there, they will lose their function after a few years. Just so yo uknow.
6. Surrounding temperature contributes a lot. Colder weather gives better battery life. So make sure your cellphone doesn’t overheat, if it does, find ways to keep it cool.
True. And that's why you shouldn't leave it plugged in.
Learn more about batteries here:
felixdd said:
E.g. being discharged at 80%. It doesn't "give battery life" -- in fact it kills your battery's capacity.
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is that so? why? so i guess now my battery's capacity has lessened. damn the article.
have drained my battery to 1% and charged it to 100%. let's see how it goes from here..
good subject for discusion. WM user or not the battery life and the tricks of LION only a few knows.
1.i have two batteries for my HTC. he original battery and one with 2800mAh. Does my phone cofused if i change tha batteries aternately?
2. if ai want to work with my phone for hours is it better to connect it with the charger?
3. Wich kind of charging is better? with USB cable from pc or wall charger.
I have the option in my BIOS for my laptop which says an 80% charge will prolong the lifespan of the battery.
Batteries must undergo a fair bit of research (for environmental impact reasons if nothing else!) and to have such a bold statement to me indicates that its an obvious fact to battery researchers.
Given ive lay in bed this morning messing about on facebook and setting up rss feeds on my phone and emptied a full battery I dont think Id ever stop charging at 80%. Ill just buy another battery!
i really doubt cold weather improves battery life, numerous times my family and I brought electronic products to cold countries and the Battery life always drops at a much quicker rate
dan138zig said:
is that so? why? so i guess now my battery's capacity has lessened. damn the article.
have drained my battery to 1% and charged it to 100%. let's see how it goes from here..
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You are taking what i said out of context.
What I'm saying is that IF your battery had a memory effect as the original article claimed, then charging the battery to only 80 will create a memory at 80, which would be worse for your battery. I'm merely trying to point out an inconsistency in there article.
However, I went on to say that li ON batteries do not have a memory effect. So more relevant to the real world is the fact that our batteries will not experience memory as claimed by the article.
Two main things kill lithium batteries, heat and time as they promote deposits forming in the electrolyte, which reduces the capacity of the battery.
So, buying a "spare" battery at the time you buy a phone with a plan on using it when the original battery starts to fail is a bad idea as the spare battery would be slowly deterorating on the shelf.
Deep charges rather than top up charges are bad as they produce more heat inside the battery, although doing it if your battery doesn't seem to be holding it's chage is a good idea as it should recalibrate the phone's battery level software.
To paraphrase the old saying, " blogs and opinions are like a##holes, everyone has one "
I have followed the links in this thread and so far I have just read unsubstantiated opinion.
I have used " cordless " electronics for most of my life and have used all kinds of batteries extensively as well as talked to company reps and battery " experts ".
Nickel Cadmium batteries had memories. The batteries had to be conditioned and fully charged and discharged. The new Lithium Ion batteries were advantageous , not only because they held a bigger charge and lasted longer, but also because they have NO memory. The latest example being, I regularly charged my Tilt battery to all levels of charge. Mostly 100% everyday and ran it down to 5% most times before charging it again. I used it a lot and charged it a lot. and it lasted 2 yrs.
The only difference I have really noticed in batteries has nothing to do with the way you charge it. It has to do with " getting what you pay for " I have had quality batteries really show their quality and $ 12 batteries give me up to and only my $12 worth.
Charging Lithium Ion Batteries to 80%
denco7 said:
To paraphrase the old saying, " blogs and opinions are like a##holes, everyone has one "
I have followed the links in this thread and so far I have just read unsubstantiated opinion.
I have used " cordless " electronics for most of my life and have used all kinds of batteries extensively as well as talked to company reps and battery " experts ".
Nickel Cadmium batteries had memories. The batteries had to be conditioned and fully charged and discharged. The new Lithium Ion batteries were advantageous , not only because they held a bigger charge and lasted longer, but also because they have NO memory. The latest example being, I regularly charged my Tilt battery to all levels of charge. Mostly 100% everyday and ran it down to 5% most times before charging it again. I used it a lot and charged it a lot. and it lasted 2 yrs.
The only difference I have really noticed in batteries has nothing to do with the way you charge it. It has to do with " getting what you pay for " I have had quality batteries really show their quality and $ 12 batteries give me up to and only my $12 worth.
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I have a Nissan Leaf. It is clear that the engineers have spent a LOT of time thinking about how to maximize the life of the battery in the car. One of the options the car come with is to ALWAYS charge the batteries to 80%. In fact, they've gone as far as to add a button on the dashboard to override that setting in cases where a 100% charge is needed. According to the documentation that comes with the car, this is the single most important step to prolonging battery life. Next is frequent charges. Next is monitoring battery temperature which is constantly shown in a BIG display on the dashboard. In general, a good way to think about a lithium ion battery is that over its life you're trying to maximize the amount of power stored and then subsequently removed from the device. From the research I've done, if the "charging/discharging life" of the battery were cycles that swung from 100% to 0% you might get X kwHrs of power "moved" through the battery, yet if you were to limit charges to 80% and constantly charge it after each use, you could expect at least 2X! So it's a big deal. I live in Bellevue, Washington which has a very mild climate and have put 26,000 miles on this car in the last 2 years, making mostly small 3-to-20 mile trips, and I routinely charge the car when I pull into the garage, and would estimate that the battery has been charged well over 1000 times. To date, there is no detectable loss in battery capacity; the first indication of which would appear on the car's instrumentation when just over 4% of the charging capacity of the car has been lost.
My Sony VAIO Pro 13 actually offers the 80/20 option in Power Settings. However, I do not use it.

Galili 1570mAh Battery for Nexus One Review

I got this Galili 1570mAh battery for my Nexus One and I have run several tests to see how it compares to my stock battery. I could not find any reviews on this battery so I figured $15 is cheap enough to give it a shot and see.
Test setup:
N1 OEM battery used for 5 months or so.
Galili 1570mAh battery used for 2 full charge and discharge cycles (according to my research it is a myth that you have to do discharge/recharge cycle few times to get full capacity in lithium ion batteries)
I tested using following steps:
1. Fully charge the battery, give it an extra 30 minutes or so at 100% charged.
2. Hold the power and trackball button to go into Bootloader mode. This is great for battery testing as the power drain over time is identical each time, as only screen is using power and there are no power saving feature kicking in like screen timeout etc.
3. Unplug the power supply and start timer.
I used video camera to keep track of time as I didn’t feel like staring at my phone for over 3 HR’s.
The original battery tested out to around 3 Hrs 15 minutes before the screen went dark. The Galili time fluctuated around 2 Hrs 52 to 2 Hrs 54 minutes. I run the tests 3 times or so over span of 2 weeks with almost identical results.
Conclusion: Yet another battery that lies about its capacity. It seems to be the norm that all the aftermarket battery manufacturers are inflating the capacity information. I found this cool web site where there are bunch of them tested.
This is OK battery for a backup but I was counting on getting higher capacity in the same footprint. It looks like none of the batteries out there can beat the original N1 battery.
thanks for the review!! Shame its crap!
So the lesson here is to fork over a little more for a genuine Nexus One battery and don't go cheap with the generic batteries.
That's my recommendation after buying batteries from eBay that wouldn't power up my phones.
I have only ever bought batteries for all my phones off ebay and never had an issue with any of them. They have all performed about the same as the official OEM counterparts. Now SD cards is an story... lol
Lithium Polymer
Why aren't lithium polymer batteries used more? I remember my ooooollllddd sony ericson phone had one....I think it was model t-something...LoL! Isn't it supposed to be better than lithium ion?
SiNJiN76 said:
Why aren't lithium polymer batteries used more? I remember my ooooollllddd sony ericson phone had one....I think it was model t-something...LoL! Isn't it supposed to be better than lithium ion?
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Uh, the Nexus One does have a Lithium Ion Polymer battery..

Who started this Lithion Ion battery conditioning.

There is no “break-in” or “conditioning” required for the Li-ion batteries. They do not need the old “fully discharge – fully charge” routine for the initial three charges as was recommended on older battery technologies. For a number of years now, the advice has been to fully drain a new rechargeble battery at least three times in a row, then do so at least once a month from then on in order to ‘condition’ it. This is designed to prevent ‘memory’ effects and to prolong the life and capacity of the rechargeable battery.
Unfortunately, it appears that this advice is not only incorrect but could be causing battery damage in that it’s reducing the shelf-life of your equipment.
Modern Li-ion batteries apparently do not suffer from memory effects. All that matters is how many recharging cycles they support. The more cycles they are put through, the less effective they become at holding a charge down the line. The caveat, however, is that you can accelerate their decline by forcing them to drain deeper and deeper.
According to Battery University, the depth-of-discharge on a Li-ion device will determine its ultimate cycle count. What this means in practice is that you should recharge your battery frequently and let it drain as little as possible in between recharges. Partial discharges are better.
As expected, high temperatures are also disastrous to the lifespan of Li-ion batteries. Interestingly, high-voltage charging has a similar effect. Higher voltages will charge the battery faster but damage it. The article suggests that user-regulated voltages for laptop batteries might be a useful way to allow the consumer to decide which is more important to them in their daily useage – faster recharge or longer life.
Always store a Li-ion battery full charged. Not doing so will reduce its lifespan and capacity.
Similarly, it would seem that keeping it connected to a power supply when it is 100% charged is not very wise either.
Thanks for posting this! I was wondering something similar after I got my Sensation. I was looking to improve my battery life and was wondering if the fact that I've let my battery discharge irregularly only a handful of times along with hardly ever leaving it off the USB laptop cable at home had anything to do with it. I'll be sure not to discharge it unnecessarily from now on.
Tacjim said:
There is no “break-in” or “conditioning” required for the Li-ion batteries. They do not need the old “fully discharge – fully charge” routine for the initial three charges as was recommended on older battery technologies. For a number of years now, the advice has been to fully drain a new rechargeble battery at least three times in a row, then do so at least once a month from then on in order to ‘condition’ it. This is designed to prevent ‘memory’ effects and to prolong the life and capacity of the rechargeable battery.
Unfortunately, it appears that this advice is not only incorrect but could be causing battery damage in that it’s reducing the shelf-life of your equipment.
Modern Li-ion batteries apparently do not suffer from memory effects. All that matters is how many recharging cycles they support. The more cycles they are put through, the less effective they become at holding a charge down the line. The caveat, however, is that you can accelerate their decline by forcing them to drain deeper and deeper.
According to Battery University, the depth-of-discharge on a Li-ion device will determine its ultimate cycle count. What this means in practice is that you should recharge your battery frequently and let it drain as little as possible in between recharges. Partial discharges are better.
As expected, high temperatures are also disastrous to the lifespan of Li-ion batteries. Interestingly, high-voltage charging has a similar effect. Higher voltages will charge the battery faster but damage it. The article suggests that user-regulated voltages for laptop batteries might be a useful way to allow the consumer to decide which is more important to them in their daily useage – faster recharge or longer life.
Always store a Li-ion battery full charged. Not doing so will reduce its lifespan and capacity.
Similarly, it would seem that keeping it connected to a power supply when it is 100% charged is not very wise either.
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I have to disagree with this to an extent, as its preferred to discharge and recharge the first times, as it freshens the cells and calibrates the phone to the battery.
But after this you should recharge it when it's at 30-40%
Also you should not leave a lithium batter fully charged when storing it, but rather have it at 60% and throw it in the refrigerator. This is what i have been doing to all mine batteries, but don't let it freeze though, this will harm the battery!
There's nothing worse than a know-it-all Uni student! If there's a real technician or scientist on the matter I would like to hear their advice.
As I am a mechanical technician I use a variety of battery powered tools all of which are Li-ion, I like to condition all my batteries but for the few that cannot be conditioned due to lack of time those particular batteries are, weaker, last less time and overall die out faster.
Flashmore said:
There's nothing worse than a know-it-all Uni student! If there's a real technician or scientist on the matter I would like to hear their advice.
As I am a mechanical technician I use a variety of battery powered tools all of which are Li-ion, I like to condition all my batteries but for the few that cannot be conditioned due to lack of time those particular batteries are, weaker, last less time and overall die out faster.
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Haha, it's not a Uni student, its batter university, a well known webpage
Utking said:
Haha, it's not a Uni student, its batter university, a well known webpage
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I see, so I suppose it just posted this all on its own?
Flashmore said:
I see, so I suppose it just posted this all on its own?
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No this man did: Isidor Buchmann
I believe i can say i trust him
Are you sure? sounds more like Dracula's side kick, haha
Utking said:
I have to disagree with this to an extent, as its preferred to discharge and recharge the first times, as it freshens the cells and calibrates the phone to the battery.
But after this you should recharge it when it's at 30-40%
Also you should not leave a lithium batter fully charged when storing it, but rather have it at 60% and throw it in the refrigerator. This is what i have been doing to all mine batteries, but don't let it freeze though, this will harm the battery!
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This is exactly what I do. Last time I drained a phone down to 0% it killed the battery and wouldn't hold charge like it used to (was fine before I did it). Was on an old LG. Same thing happened to a friends phone too. From then on I try and tell everyone to never do it as well.
While I'm sure you have your sources, I have to disagree. When I got my vibrant, I didn't condition it at all, battery life was horrible. I bought a new battery (the same one), conditioned it, and it was 10000x better.
But I do agree that batteries have become much greater than they used to be about this.
Batteries are always a fun topic
This comes from rooted phones and batterystats.bin
It's recommended when you flash your new ROM that you turn off the phone. Than fully charge it. And while still charging removing batterystats.bin so your android phone knows 100% and than let it die down so it knows 0%.
I think that is where this all came from.
Flashmore said:
There's nothing worse than a know-it-all Uni student! If there's a real technician or scientist on the matter I would like to hear their advice.
As I am a mechanical technician I use a variety of battery powered tools all of which are Li-ion, I like to condition all my batteries but for the few that cannot be conditioned due to lack of time those particular batteries are, weaker, last less time and overall die out faster.
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The only thing I'm trying to do is help people from shortening the life of their batteries by listening to people who don't have a clue what they're talking about. Since you seem to spout out that "unconditioned" lithium Ion batteries are weaker, last less time and die out faster...lets see some professional resources from your "know it all" conclusion?
By no means an expert, just putting in my 2cent, i think people seem to mix the ideas of battery conditioning and recalibration. I think it IS useful to recalibrate batteries by draining the battery to 0% so the phone can recognize the accurate battery levels. However in terms of the battery, its always the same and there is no "reconditioning". the drain/recharge cycle is only useful for the PHONE for accurate recognition of battery level.
personally, i havn't bought into the conditioning aspect.. i can afford the $10-$15 it takes to replace a battery when it dies out and i always charge before it is dead (min 30%); (on the sensation so i dont lose temp root) but also because usually it would take 10 minutes or so for it to get enough juice to turn back on (in the iphones/touch's case.. but in any case i had always learnt that NiMH batteries you could drain fully and make sure to fully charge before you use them again; whereas Li-ion you could charge at 30% keep your good life and use the device at the same time pretty simple really
c19932 said:
By no means an expert, just putting in my 2cent, i think people seem to mix the ideas of battery conditioning and recalibration. I think it IS useful to recalibrate batteries by draining the battery to 0% so the phone can recognize the accurate battery levels. However in terms of the battery, its always the same and there is no "reconditioning". the drain/recharge cycle is only useful for the PHONE for accurate recognition of battery level.
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Agreed. From what I've read this hasn't anything to do with battery capacity or memory effect, it's so the phone can calibrate itself correctly to the battery inserted using the batterystats file giving a better indication of peak to zero.
Tacjim said:
The only thing I'm trying to do is help people from shortening the life of their batteries by listening to people who don't have a clue what they're talking about. Since you seem to spout out that "unconditioned" lithium Ion batteries are weaker, last less time and die out faster...lets see some professional resources from your "know it all" conclusion?
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Well you know what they say it takes one to know one!
As well as that I havent "spouted" anything (well not here anyway hehe)
My conclusion is this, dont believe everything you read, what a cliché
Seriously though I already gave my "real" practical know-it-all conclusion so unless you have somethijng to disprove it go and you know what
will fast charging will damage battery.?
I want to use fast charger for Nexus 5. Original charger gives 5.6 volts and 1.2 Ampere output.
Some post I found on xda which shows that fast charging working perfect on nexus 5,
can OP tell me that fast charging will affect battery or not? If it affects then how can I find its getting affected?
Thread which shows nexus 5 fast charging works perfectly.

Smart battery charging to preserve battery health?

Hi all-
As you all probably know Li-ion batteries do lose some capacity over time. And the more charge/discharge cycles they go through, the more they lose. However, this loss of battery health or longevity can be lessened by reducing the number of full charge/discharge cycles, by not charging all the way up, and also by not maintaining the battery at full charge for long periods of time.
For example, my Lenovo laptop has some smart charging software that only charges the battery to 60%. As I am normally using the laptop with the AC adapter, this helps preserve the battery, as keeping it up at 100% isn't the best thing for overall longevity. But if I know that I will be away from AC power for a while, I can switch the mode and it will charge all the way up to give me full capacity.
My question is this: does any such software exist for Andriod? I've looked around but not found anything. I am a fairly light user, and most of the time I am near AC power, so I wouldn't mind having my phone battery only charge to 60% percent or so. Ideally the software would have dual modes like on my laptop, one for preserving battery lifespan, and one to give full capacity on the days that I need it.
Any suggestions? Or does this not exist? Or are there hardware limitations of which I am not aware?
Phones tend to have longer battery life then laptops so as long as you have apps like DS battery saver, Greenify and Carat among other apps you will be able to get the most out of your phone.
jmxc23 said:
Phones tend to have longer battery life then laptops so as long as you have apps like DS battery saver, Greenify and Carat among other apps you will be able to get the most out of your phone.
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I think you misundetstood my question. I'm not asking about battery life (i.e. how much talk time or screen on time per single charge). I'm asking about battery health or life SPAN (i.e. I get 4 hours of screen on time now, but what about a year from now? Will I only get 2 hours because the battery health has declined due to over 300 charge/discharge cycles?).
All batteries lose capacity over time. Is there software that helps prevent this by limiting charge?
No there isn't. I don't see the point of having that kind of software on a phone as by the time that happens you will be eligible for an upgrade.
We had what you're talking about for the gnex. Called battery life extender. I don't know if this is available on the sg3 kernel wise.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the replies!
Battery technology may be good enough at this point to have good health until the next upgrade, so you make a good point. Personally, I don't care about the latest and greatest (and I'm a broke student) so I only upgrade when I absolutely have to. I'd probably still have my Droid X if it hadn't died.
And thanks for the Gnex info. I've heard they are notorious for poor battery performance. Seems like there's nothing for the GS3, but it's good to know that it is a possibility on at least some phones and that the devs have worked on it.
vondiesel said:
Hi all-
As you all probably know Li-ion batteries do lose some capacity over time. And the more charge/discharge cycles they go through, the more they lose. However, this loss of battery health or longevity can be lessened by reducing the number of full charge/discharge cycles, by not charging all the way up, and also by not maintaining the battery at full charge for long periods of time.
For example, my Lenovo laptop has some smart charging software that only charges the battery to 60%. As I am normally using the laptop with the AC adapter, this helps preserve the battery, as keeping it up at 100% isn't the best thing for overall longevity. But if I know that I will be away from AC power for a while, I can switch the mode and it will charge all the way up to give me full capacity.
My question is this: does any such software exist for Andriod? I've looked around but not found anything. I am a fairly light user, and most of the time I am near AC power, so I wouldn't mind having my phone battery only charge to 60% percent or so. Ideally the software would have dual modes like on my laptop, one for preserving battery lifespan, and one to give full capacity on the days that I need it.
Any suggestions? Or does this not exist? Or are there hardware limitations of which I am not aware?
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I am always surprised at how few people realise that LiON is different from NiCAD. Im glad to see at least a few do.:good:

[Q] Zerolemon (Lithium Ion) battery conditioning - Fact or Fiction?

ZeroLemon suggests "conditioning" the battery to get proper calibration and maximum capability when you first receive your battery. This is opposite of what other sources about Lithium battery technology say to do. They say "deep discharge" cycles actually damage Lithium Ion batteries. Is this an "urban myth" that keeps getting promoted in the Lithium Ion battery world?
Myself, I tried to do the ZeroLemon recommended full discharge followed by a full charge cycle for several cycles. I did this once on another battery but gave up, it was too much trouble. I needed to use my phone, not be worried it would die when I needed it while trying to completely discharge the battery. If "battery conditioning" is such a requirement then why doesn't ZeroLemon do this at the factory where they would have access to equipment that could easily automate this deep cycling.
References that discredit the need to "condition" the battery upon initial receipt by doing full deep cycle discharges and charges.
What's your opinion? I'm more apt to follow the hard data from independent sources. I've read plenty of people who "believe" that it works, but I'm a skeptic.
jd14771 said:
i've had 3 batteries from them, and i inspected one that i got- its not A battery, its THREE batteries chained together(note 2 version). I can only assume they still do the same method for out phone, and if they do, it makes sense to do a deep discharge. Mainly to get all 3 batteries to the same % so they can charge equally. I can definitely say that not doing the discharge cycle greatly reduced the battery performance on my old note 2 (compared to 3 days usage, i was only getting one and a half). with that being said, follow the instructions to the T for the first battery you recieve, and if it doesnt meet your expectations, get a replacement and do the opposite.
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Thanks for your response.
Are you saying:
1. First you did NOT "charge/fully discharge" your battery and got only 1.5 days performance on that battery in the Note 2
2. and on another different (new) battery you DID follow the instructions and get 3 days usage on the same Note 2? 2 different batteries?
Or are you saying:
1. You tried this on the same battery but after you did the deep cycle program you did get your 3 days of usage. On the same battery, same Note 2?
Thanks in advance.
I'm a skeptic as well. I never conditioned my Note 2 ZL and it had fantastic battery life.
Ideally, someone with the money and time would conduct a scientific study with 2 sets of ZL batteries. Until then, we are probably left with people vouching for conditioning when in fact they may be experiencing a placebo effect or even varying their phone usage when drawing comparisons.

