Learning c++ to make wm programs - General Topics

Im trying to self train myself to (at the moment) do simple c++ programming
I have found this website:
its a train yourself in 21 days.
Also downloaded ms visual c++ 2008 Express Edition.
Is there any other free software or sites that would help me out?

visual c++ 2008 Express Edition
as i recall will only let you make .net c++ apps
which is pretty pointles
if you wanna do .net c# fit the shue better
if you wanna do c++ then win32 or even microMFC is much better
many sdk's like sonyE x1 panel sdk only works with pure win32 programming
and is free to download at their site with examples and torurials

thanks for the info.
as i have a x1, i will download sony sdk.
a good place to start i think


How to learn programming for WM2003 ?

I would like to learn to program for PPC.
I am familiar with x86 assembly , and several RISC assembly langauages, while I understand it won't help me here, I also do know VB.
What language do you suggest I should learn, and what tools/compilator should I use ?
I would like to program an todat-plugin , among other things,
Visual Studio .NET is rather easy to use..
Your VB skills may come in handy..
There is allso the opportunity to use pure VB, but it isn't really any good..
The integration between development environment, emulator and device is awesome in VS.NET..
I personally use VS.NET 2003, with only VB.NET installed. Works for me..
The downside is that the applications require the .NET framework, and eat a little more memory than well written apps in other languages..
For absolute power and control; C++ as allways..
Ps. Fyll ut profilen bedre..?
with .net 2003
you can do vb.net
c# .net
c++ .net
with embedded visual studio c++ you can do
win32 applications
you can do mfc applications
heard there also in an embedded visual studio vb
which let you do vb without being .net
visual studio 2005 .net will merge embedded visual studio and smart device .net (the .net you can do with 2003 visual studio)
Ps. Fyll ut profilen bedre..?
what would you like to know ?
Anyway, I was really looking for something lighter that the heavily overpriced and over-sised MS Visial Studio - but it seems that there are no better options
well there is a free c# compiler both a compiler which run on the pocketpc and one that is just a free windows c# compiler for windows but .net should be able to work on pocketpc's not matter what
and i also have a gcc compiler for pocketpc as in it run on the pocketpc
just about every compiler you can find which can compile arm code you can use to make programs for pda's using pocketpc2002 and 2003(SE)
AlCapone said:
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You are one crazy dude!

Coding for WM2003SE

Can some of the developers give me a quick link or some tips on what I need to download in order to start developing for Windows Mobile? I have a summer's worth of freetime and I thought I might aswell go do something useful.
embedded visual c++ 4.0 if you want to code microMFC or pure win32 it's free
visual studio 2005 if you want to code .net (and it does what embedded do too)
gc++ if you want to code pure arm code it's freeware from the linux world
i used to look for something that could utilize delphi or other pascal language. i have found something called lazarus that seem to have a compiler for arm but it refuses to cooperate when i select it(the compiler), anyone got it working?

Job writing apps for iphone or windows mobile??

I'm looking for answers to this question because I'm at a cross-road with my career path. I'm attending college to get a computer science degree with the intent on writing software programs for mobile devices. I thought I would go with Windows Mobile platform, but now I'm wondering if I should go with the iphone. I know there are a lot of developers, etc on this forum that do this kind of work and would like anyone with any opinions, comments or hard earned experience to let me know what they would do if they were me.
with iphone or ipod touch you have to own a back to make offical apps
you have to pay app store some money to be able to summit apps for review
if they are suited for app store
the apps have to be written in objectC which is an alternativ to c++ as in
a ext to old ansi c to add object support so it's more pleasing then structs with function pointers
with wm you got 2 realistic paths
using .net compact framework this is the fast way to get something to show for
but is generaly much slower then
native win32 sdk apps where you have to write everything and have less gui IDE do make it
more user friendly for you
but native win32 which is in c++ is much faster
you could get a mac and use bootcamp to install windows then windows would run as native not emulated so it would not be slow
then you could do both asuming you had the time to get into both platforms
allso the sdk of objectC and cocoa for iphones i believe is free and got an IDE too
and with winmobile you have dl the sdk for wm and if you want an IDE you have to pay for visual studio as i dont believe that the free express version of visual studio works with mobile
but i could be wrong
but i believe that the compiler itself is free so if you got the sdk for wm you can compile using an console compiler which is free
I'm not a developer but I started computer science back when I was in school (C/O 07) and I would say that if your lookin for the money iphone apps and blackberry apps are the way to go. If you check out a thread in development and hacking it's about why there isn't a facebook app for windows mobile like there is for blackberry and iphone and a user made a good point iphone apps and blackberry apps are the bread an butter right now. But there is still some possiblities with Andriod recently coming out and also Windows releasing an App store when Windows Mobile 7 is released.
The good thing though is that with developing apps like for Apple you can pretty much do that as a side project and help you generate extra money and be like this guy http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/11/18/iphone.game.developer/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
So it's still a possiblity you could still branch out. I would say to develop for both. Look at the company Beejive. They developed a great messanger app for the blackberry and then for the iphone and now for windows mobile is still in the beta and probably soon one for andriod. But final words I would say don't limit yourself. If you really like and want to program and you think you have a good app that would be useful on all platforms then go for it.
Sorry to talk your head off.
Rudegar said:
with iphone or ipod touch you have to own a back to make offical apps
you have to pay app store some money to be able to summit apps for review
if they are suited for app store
the apps have to be written in objectC which is an alternativ to c++ as in
a ext to old ansi c to add object support so it's more pleasing then structs with function pointers
with wm you got 2 realistic paths
using .net compact framework this is the fast way to get something to show for
but is generaly much slower then
native win32 sdk apps where you have to write everything and have less gui IDE do make it
more user friendly for you
but native win32 which is in c++ is much faster
you could get a mac and use bootcamp to install windows then windows would run as native not emulated so it would not be slow
then you could do both asuming you had the time to get into both platforms
allso the sdk of objectC and cocoa for iphones i believe is free and got an IDE too
and with winmobile you have dl the sdk for wm and if you want an IDE you have to pay for visual studio as i dont believe that the free express version of visual studio works with mobile
but i could be wrong
but i believe that the compiler itself is free so if you got the sdk for wm you can compile using an console compiler which is free
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Good point

What do you use to develop on the d2?

MS Embedded Visual Studios use to be free...
Now it seems to be costing a lot (more than $900)...
I was wondering, which tools are you using to develop on the D2?
(I m interested in C# or C/C++ compilers)
Visual Studio Explorer edition is free. And you can produce c# code. Not sure if you can compile for Windows Mobile with it.
I dont believe the free editions of visual studio allows for the installation of the windows mobile sdk which I believe is required.
If you are a student, you can download Visual Studio for free (look up the Microsoft DreamSpark program). I develop in C#, with the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 and using the WM6.5 DTK.
pauloke said:
I dont believe the free editions of visual studio allows for the installation of the windows mobile sdk which I believe is required.
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That's correct, infact even the bottom tier pay version (standard) doesn't do it, you need at least the professional edition.

c++ on windows mobile

How can i create software in c++ that can run on windows mobile.
Do i need the visual c++ 2008 pro edition or just visual c++ express ?
my phone is an HTC diamond
yeah express don't do .net or microMFV or win32 for c++ on smart devices
so you need something more
or you can do with gcc it's free
For C++ Win32, AFC or MFC you can use the free version of Embedded Visual C++ 4.0
Dont forget to apply SP4 to it after install. (Same page, use the link at the bottom)
Rudegar said:
yeah express don't do .net or microMFV or win32 for c++ on smart devices
so you need something more
or you can do with gcc it's free
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are you sure about gcc ??

