Is there any way I can disable watchdog on mah g1? I keep on trying to install gnome/debian/xfce watchdog reboots the phone.
I've also noticed someting strange with the way watchdog works. If it reboots, it does a soft reboot, but non-android processes (Debian and such) keep running, and the phone starts up slow. After a while it does a hard reboot (T-Mobile G1 Logo), and everything starts off fresh.
Any ideas guys?
Just recently, my o2 has started to run slower and slower. Its so slow now that I'm unable to sync it with my PC anymore. When I turn it on, its like the machine is running at 1MHz. You can watch things get drawn up on the screen. I'm also unable to run any applications, because of "Low Memory" screens that keep popping up telling me to close an application because my o2 is running low on system resources. I've cleared over 50mb and uninstalled everything. Its still doing it.
It seems as something is running in the background and eating up all the memory, leaving only a few k's availabe for programs. I can't even run xBackup or anything, because when I do and it starts doing its thing, the low memory window pops up and asks me to select a task to close.
Can anyone help me here? Please?
Thanks in advance - Nate
Tell us what you've installed recently.
You should install Pocket Hack Master by Anton Tomov (or atleast try to install). You can see the running processes and close them, using PHM.
Maybe that helps. So far, the only solution i can think of is performing a hardreset. The fact that you will lose data does suck though...
Nevermind, I did a hard reset just now. Seems to be back to normal now. While the o2 was in the cradle, I was still able to access its files through my PC, which was weird - but wasn't able to successfully sync the data.
Backed up contacts, and appointments using that option with xBackup. Took about 20 minutes to back up about 200k of data. :shock:
Fingers crossed that everything will run smoothly from now on!
BTW, any apps you guys recommend me to install?
damn I'm pissed. I was messing around with my phone as usual, setting up pRSSreader and updating all the feeds/channels. I had the phone plugged into my PC because it gives me a faster connection. My connection went out however, and pRSSreader gave me an error. No big deal... so I tell it to update all channels again, and it freezes. I soft-reset the phone twice and it doesn't get past the 3rd boot screen (for me, the blue WM6 screen from mfrazzz's XM6r3 ROM which I'm currently using). Damn. hard reset was the only thing I could think to do.
What would you guys suggest I do incase it happens again?
I sure am getting better at having a list of programs to execute on a fresh install
First you need to figure out if its something that you installed to cause this to happen. There are programs that don't play well with WM6 (but those seem few and far between). Make a list of everything you install on top of the custom rom. If it happens again, you may want to give this a try (but I wouldn't use it until you have the issue again, so you know its something you have added and not this program itself ):
Its an alpha product (and I've never used it) but supposed to give you a SafeMode (like XP) so you can get back into your phone if software / regchanges go bad on you. SPB has similar, but I haven't used that (and not sure it works on WM6).
Unfortunately, if you are stuck in the 3rd splash screen there isn't much else you can do. You can try pulling your SD card and rebooting to see if that might fix the issue. Also don't be plugged into the USB cable when you reboot (I've seen programs like BatteryStatus hang on restart in the past if you are hooked to USB). Speaking of BatteryStatus, if you are overclocking (or using CPUscalar) try turning that off to see if the problem goes away.
Good luck, and let us know what you find...
Hello everyone
I'm having trouple running WM 6.5 on my HTC TYTN II.
After install it reboots and I can use it for the stuff I want. But when I've used it for some time (everything from 10 minutes to a days work), it hangs at some point. When it hangs I have to pull the battery and insert it again, which might be just fine if it remembered that I've already set up my phone and all my data is lost.
When I insert the battery again it boots and ask me to setup my phone, i.e. align screen, set clock (time is even reset) and so forth. I have to install all my apps (read: maybe 5) again, setup my exchange account and so on.
Can anybody help or have any ideas what to do?
After an install I do a hard reset and it boots.
I've installed a few releases, so I don't think it's related to that, but I could be wrong.
Thanks for any help!
So my xoom Keeps restarting, its not on any particular program. it just suddenly decides to restart, i have tried factory reset. wiping all data off ( although i notice that it still has terminal emulator installed. im thinking previous owner has done something while rooting it, and messed it up, then sold it on, any ideas how to fix this? or hard reset so it completly installs a fresh system?
my understanding of it is the system restores itself from a locked area of storage, im thinking mr previous owner has messed something up in that section, and then stuffed it for me.
MZ601 wifi-3g
If you have overclock you can decrease the frequence of CPU
Since I have had this tablet remote it has behaved completely erratically. I thought maybe a software update would fix the issue but it is still the same POS as day one. Constant reboots. Always goes through an optimizing apps process. (for a different number of apps each time). It doesn't always complete the optimizing process before it reboots so now it usually just goes into a weird boot loop 95% of the time. I have done a factory reset on the device many times and it always goes back to the same behavior. Everything points to a corrupt install of whatever pos vizio android rom came installed. I was hoping someone out there had a good install and could create a rom image for me to flash on this pos before I just break the damn thing.
And what I have been using in the meantime is my phone with the vizio smartcast app.