Has anyone reported not being able to receive MMS when the subject line is blank from (AT&T) or if the subject line only contains spaces?
Yeah, I usually call AT&T, and for somereason my txting had been removed. It's happened about 3 times.
Also noticing it with T-Mobile to T-Mobile; sending an MMS with just a few spaces in the subject line. And the G1 phone never retrieves the message.
For some reason I stopped being able to send or receive messages since yesterday. The message sends out and there is no errors but the person does not receive the text. If someone send the text to me I don't receive the text either.
On the AT&T usage data says I did not use any of my unlimited text message plan.
I did recently change my messaging plan from a family unlimited messaging to individual.
My SMS center number is +13123149810
APN is set to default
I am currently on 2.11.26 ICS MIUI build
Any idea what the problem is? Phone problem? AT&T's problem?
Update: Called AT&T they somehow fixed the problem
Interesting issue that happened Friday afternoon. I can receive text messages from my girlfriend (verizon) however I cannot text her (AT&T) MMS and group texting works. She has an Iphone, I had her block my number and unblock it, deleted the contact on both phones are tried. Power cycled both devices. AT&T is "Investigating" the issue however I don't think they will do anything. I figured if anyone had any idea's it would be you guys/gals.
Any other advice?
I seem to get the message sporadically when receiving pics via mms. Also seems to be only from when receiving mms from iPhone users. I am on a nexus 5 with at&t. Any ideas? I receive mms pic fine 95% of the time.
I've been noticing for the past few weeks that I have been getting text messages late or not at all. I am using a Nexus 5 with stock Android 5.1 and the Hangouts app on the T-Mobile network. I first noticed this issue when texting back and forth to an iPhone 5C on Sprint, where incoming messages longer than 160 characters would get split up and would not be reordered in the correct order, so I would need to figure out what the heck the message actually said, then I started not receiving sections of these long split messages, now it's gotten to the point where I am missing many full SMS messages (including those shorter than 160 characters). I thought this was only an issue between Sprint to T-Mobile or iOS to Android, but I am even receiving delayed messages from Moto G's on T-Mobile. It is worth it to note that for the most part MMS messages come in fine. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues, or can suggest a work around? Thanks!
Go into cellular networks choose network operators and wait until the list pops up and choose T-Mobile. That always fixes it for me
Is there a trick to getting MMS picture messages to send from this phone when used on the T-Mobile network? My friend bought the version of the phone from Amazon and updated the APN settings according to https://apn.gishan.net/settings/877_12_t-mobile_apn_settings_for_huawei_honor_6x.php but still is unable to send picture messages to me (I'm on AT&T and Google Voice). They look like they send from her end, but I never get them or any indication that there was an attempted MMS sent. Any thoughts?