Possible to include multitouch AND root in RC9 - G1 Android Development

currently an ota update is rolled out in germany. you can also get the file here:
my question is if it is possible to enable root and include multitouch in this version?


[Q] do i get 3.2 ota ?

i have a US wifi only xoom but lives in denmark, it is updated to 3.1 but i dont have the update for 3.2 yet, do i get it ota or do i have to do somthing to get it ??
you can wait for the ota update notification or read this thread to manually install it.

[Q] How do I root UK 3g OTA 3.1?

Prior to the OTA update to 3.1 my MZ601 was rooted using alias_neo's guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1049901 when the OTA update was released I flashed back to 3.0.1 and updated, but now can't seem to find how to root it.
Anybody know how to root it, please?
Look at Page 4, I have uploaded files needed for 3.1 root.
Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=16510613&postcount=156
Thank you so much, I knew there had to be a way of doing it, I'd looked at that post last night but dismissed it because it referred to the Australian version
Thanks again

[Q] Is there a way to manually flash Android Marshmallow?

sick of waiting for the OTA update already.
Does anyone have the rom files to manually flash marshmallow?
I mean the OTA update must be out there for some, so someoune should be able to provide that? Or am I wrong?
I'm using the international variant G920F.
You have costom roms from beta MM...check android development section

Best way to root new XZ

Hello Forum,
So I've checked out the new AndroPlusKernel v01 but before I try it I'd thought I'd ask the following.
Currently have a new XZ that does not have the 1.1.A.0.1 maintenance update or 39.0.A.1.250 update.
So it's currently running 39.0.A.1.213 - Would it be possible to root it now and update but keeping it rooted ?
Or just update it and then use AndroPlusKernel ?
I know towelroot worked on the older versions so didn't want to update before checking.
Many Thanks

Which kernel versions come with updates?? 'dirtycred' NEW android root exploit!!

Can someone please post, or is there a way I can find out what kernel version comes with each update on the a71?? Only certain kernel versions work with the exploit (5.10). So, I'm thinking to update my a71 to current updates... IF the current updates come with newer kernel?
theres a new exploit 'dirtycred'! theres some good info here on it and WORKING ANDROID CODE (unreleased for now):
it appears like older kernels wont work with the exploit according to one of the devs.
I'm thinking to update my a71 5g phone with the latest one UI 4.1 update, but unsure of the kernel version included??
Can anyone please post what kernel versions come in the a71 5g updates? or, link me where i can find this? in all the update documentation, i dont see any kernel version info
also, i see there IS a "dirty pipe" (not dirtycred) exploit fix in the latest updates. i am unsure if this will also fix dirtycred or not, though i dont think it will

