Is there any software to turn on/off GPS on WM6? - General Questions and Answers

Hi guys. I did quite some research on the forums, but have not found any software that can turn on/off GPS. When i'm saying turning on/off GPS, it means something like the wireless manager: when gps is is turned off, it simply is off so no software would be able to use it.
as i tried, software like gps switch does not do this job.
also, is there any software to show the current status of gps? And here i do not mean actively requesting for satellites information, but just to see the status whether the gps is currently being used by any software. so i guess it should not communicate to the intermediate driver itself, but has to work below it?
any suggestions? many thx.

caihongxu said:
Hi guys. I did quite some research on the forums, but have not found any software that can turn on/off GPS. When i'm saying turning on/off GPS, it means something like the wireless manager: when gps is is turned off, it simply is off so no software would be able to use it.
as i tried, software like gps switch does not do this job.
also, is there any software to show the current status of gps? And here i do not mean actively requesting for satellites information, but just to see the status whether the gps is currently being used by any software. so i guess it should not communicate to the intermediate driver itself, but has to work below it?
any suggestions? many thx.
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GPS is always OFF, unless a GPS-program opens the comm-port to fire it up. And as long you don't start such a program, GPS will stay off.

Try GPS Test

dirlan2001 said:
GPS is always OFF, unless a GPS-program opens the comm-port to fire it up. And as long you don't start such a program, GPS will stay off.
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I'm afraid it is not. It appeared clear to me that after close some gps app in a short period of time, the gps is still on (because the gps will soon find a lot of satellites if i open the gps app again, but this would not be the case after i close the gps for a long time)

joel2009 said:
Try GPS Test
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Yeah i tried that. it is just another gps client which accesses the intermediate driver. It does not have the feature to turn off gps globally.

From WM5 sdk it appears that there is a "GPSGetDeviceState" method in intermediate driver interface. Can it be used to get the current state of gps? Isn't there any software making use of this function to display the current state of gps?

caihongxu said:
I'm afraid it is not. It appeared clear to me that after close some gps app in a short period of time, the gps is still on (because the gps will soon find a lot of satellites if i open the gps app again, but this would not be the case after i close the gps for a long time)
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That is due to the fact that GPS-programs like TT6 e.a. read out the ephemeris-data from the satellites and store it in the chip. but that data is only valid for a short period. After that the program needs to download the data again... hence a longer time to get a fix. Which also covers for the differences between (hardware) A-GPS and (software) QuickGPS.

any new software found? I got a GPS software and the GPS is on after i exit the program and it drainĀ“s the battery.


Connect GPS On/Off

Good morning,
Do you think it is possible to have a manager of a communications On / Off for GPS?
thank you.
Explain in details what do you expect.
GPS now turns on when you connect to COM4, and turns off, when you disconnect. Nice and easy - and fully automagic. What more would you expect from this behaviour?
Thank you very much for your answer Jakubd.
I read the notice in full, but I could not find the information. No more than on the forum.
So I thought it would have been good to be able to close or turn GPS since the manager of communication. Simply and wondering if the function there.
But thank you for your help. And also thank you to everyone for this great forum.
Good day ..
jakubd said:
Explain in details what do you expect.
GPS now turns on when you connect to COM4, and turns off, when you disconnect. Nice and easy - and fully automagic. What more would you expect from this behaviour?
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Yes this is how I understand it works as well. I can see the benefit of having it a toggle though because if it is always running you wouldnt have to wait for it to find a satellite But that wouldnt matter much since you would be out of battery power. But you know, maybe making some kind of bat file that toggles and launches your gps program second may save you a little wait time.
If you want GPS always on (and looking for sats), use GPSGate.
But as you said, expect more batter drain.
I think it would be good to have like in 3G case, an option to put on/off GPS, sometimes go into programs that use GPS to setup that program and don't want to use the GPS funtionality in that moment but the GPS connects when you enter the program and if we need many time to configure the program the battery dissapear.
Anybody knows an app that it has this functionality?

Fuze GPS Data Stream Freezing: Possible Solution

Hi guys,
I thought I would share what I discovered today. If this solution has been found, I apologize. Most users have been trying to get their Fuze GPS to lock on to satellites. Having used several GPS phones and many Bluetooth GPS pucks, I would say I'm somewhat experienced with using GPS on the PPC platform.
I have no issues with getting a lock on my Fuze. My issue is with Fuze's GPS chip randomly stop streaming data to my GPS applications. This usually happens after the initial lock. So for example:
a) Get a lock using any GPS application (GPS Test for example)
b) Exit GPS application
c) Launch GPS application again. Fuze will take several seconds to regain lock.
d) Fuze will take several seconds again to lock in, THEN it just stop streaming data to the GPS application!
I was able to reproduce this consistently. If you're using Garmin or TomTom, they will indicate that GPS lock is lost or something to that effect.
a) Start->Setting->System->AGPS Settings
b) Uncheck BOTH "Enable AGPS" and "Enable AGPS location information..." (under the Privacy tab)
I was able to show that this consistently resolved my GPS data stream stopping problem. I'm using the .28 radio, but try it on the stock radio to see if that works and let the community know. What about QuickGPS? AFAIK, it's not causing any problem at all.
I hope this is helpful.
After standing on my deck for 20mins last Friday waiting on locks, I follow above and get a lock in 10secs(in my living room).
Turned off AGPS was the only change
It looks like without AGPS, the GPS would just stream whatever info it had cached even if it lost signal.
AGPS would clear last state instead and so become highly sensitive to signal-loss on the next poll. It doesn't help that this device is weaker in picking up GPS signals.
Yes, turn off AGPS.
NuShrike said:
It looks like without AGPS, the GPS would just stream whatever info it had cached even if it lost signal.
AGPS would clear last state instead and so become highly sensitive to signal-loss on the next poll. It doesn't help that this device is weaker in picking up GPS signals.
Yes, turn off AGPS.
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Indeed, that would be exactly how I like my GPS to behave (use the cached ephemeris data). In fact, that was how all Bluetooth GPS puck works before the advent of AGPS. I guess AGPS is a good concept, but its implementation needs to be further tweaked.
If you have not used your GPS in a week or so, then AGPS is an advantage. Daily use, perhaps not so much.

Quick GPS Help

Hi,For some odd reason my quick GPS does not work anymore. My TomTom is non functional as well. I have checked my data connection and it is active. Can somebody help please.
Thanks in advance.
Can somebody please assist? I have checked my data connection and it is working. I have internet connection, for some strange reason Quick GPS and TOMTOM is not working. Is there a setting somewhere to activate this?
Can somebody please assist, I really would appreciate a fix to this issue.
I am having an issue with my GPS, except I got my unit 2 days ago, and can not get the GPS to work at all, with OEM rom or with any other custom rom. (it wont work with garmin xt, google maps, HTC GPS, or GPS tweak tools).
I hope I dont have a bad unit.
Strange thing, mine worked fine for about three weeks and all of a sudden it stopped working.
did either of you notice the unit getting *really* hot just before it went out? in I-stuck-it-in-my-pocket-and-now-I-have-crotch-scars kind of hot?
zahbaker said:
Hi,For some odd reason my quick GPS does not work anymore. My TomTom is non functional as well. I have checked my data connection and it is active. Can somebody help please.
Thanks in advance.
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When you say that quickGPS is not working, what do you mean? It doesn't display the page with the "Download" button? You press the "Download" button and it can't connect? It connects but never finishes downloading the data? What are the specific symptoms you're seeing?
I see the quick gps download button, when I click download, the message that I get is connection failed. My tomtom as well does not work anymore. I do have inetrnet connectivity, it's just the quick gps and tomtom that is not working. Please assist. Thanks
equinox2355 said:
I am having an issue with my GPS, except I got my unit 2 days ago, and can not get the GPS to work at all, with OEM rom or with any other custom rom. (it wont work with garmin xt, google maps, HTC GPS, or GPS tweak tools).
I hope I dont have a bad unit.
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I've had my TP for 3 days now. As with the Kaiser and my hermes Holux bluetooth device it takes approx 5 - 10 mins to get the initial fix on satellites after that it appears to be working fine. Google maps, my old TTv6 all working fine. Takes about 30secs from startup to pickup Sats and shows about 5-7 sats everytime.
So just be patient with the initial startup. It should come.
zahbaker said:
I see the quick gps download button, when I click download, the message that I get is connection failed. My tomtom as well does not work anymore. I do have inetrnet connectivity, it's just the quick gps and tomtom that is not working. Please assist. Thanks
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What are the values of the registry keys HKLM\Software\HTC\QuickGPS\SNTP\Server1, Server2, and Server3? (I have values like What happens if you type that address into Internet Explorer or Opera?
When I type the address in internet explorer I get to the RX Networks webpage.
My internet is working fine, it's the gps thats not working.
zahbaker said:
When I type the address in internet explorer I get to the RX Networks webpage.
My internet is working fine, it's the gps thats not working.
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Well, QuickGPS is an Internet app, not a GPS app. All it does is download a week's worth of satellite ephemeris data from one of those servers. When you reported "connection failed" as the problem you were seeing in QuickGPS, that seemed to indicate that you weren't able to connect to the server.
So if you can get to the server, as it appears, maybe the message is about connecting to the GPS unit (to transfer the ephemeris data? Not sure about the architecture of the GPS here). What values do you have in the "External GPS" pages on the System settings tab? Have you tried the GPSTest tool? Is it able to connect to your GPS unit after you put the appropriate values into its "GPS Settings" page?
If GPSTest isn't able to connect to the GPS unit, then I think you probably have a hardware fault and should exchange your phone for a new one.
Can Someone tell me what is the exact job of the Quick GPS which is in Programs ? for me was expired and i just update through gprs and then show me some valid days remaining.
is it help to connect to satellite faster or something else ? and what happen if i don't update it? thanks.
When using WiFi, QuickGPS seems not to work if it's the first program to use the connection. If you make an Internet connection with some other program first (e.g. PIE), QuickGPS will work over WiFi. At least that's my experience with the stock AT&T ROM.
This problem doesn't seem to occur with GPRS/3G/HSDPA connections, only with WiFi.
P525Lover said:
Can Someone tell me what is the exact job of the Quick GPS which is in Programs ? for me was expired and i just update through gprs and then show me some valid days remaining.
is it help to connect to satellite faster or something else ? and what happen if i don't update it? thanks.
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Yes, QuickGPS reduces the wait for getting your position when you first start up a mapping program.
The way GPS works is that the GPS receiver uses the positions of the satellites and the distance to those satellites to calculate its own position on the Earth. That requires knowing very precisely where the satellites are at any given time. The satellite position information is called the ephemeris.
Each satellite, in addition to broadcasting time signals (which enable the GPS receiver to determine the distance to the satellite), transmits its own ephemeris. A GPS receiver starting up from scratch has to receive the ephemeris data from each satellite it will be using before it can figure out its own position.
QuickGPS eliminates the need to receive the ephemeris data from the satellites by sending a week's worth of ephemeris data over the Internet. The GPS receiver can use that immediately instead of getting it from each satellite in turn. That significantly reduces the TTFF (time to first fix), i.e., the initial wait before you can start using a GPS-based map program.
The "expiration date" is simply the last point in time that is covered by the ephemeris data sent by QuickGPS. After that point, you have to get more data, either from QuickGPS or from the satellites.
wmm said:
Yes, QuickGPS reduces the wait for getting your position when you first start up a mapping program.
The way GPS works is that the GPS receiver uses the positions of the satellites and the distance to those satellites to calculate its own position on the Earth. That requires knowing very precisely where the satellites are at any given time. The satellite position information is called the ephemeris.
Each satellite, in addition to broadcasting time signals (which enable the GPS receiver to determine the distance to the satellite), transmits its own ephemeris. A GPS receiver starting up from scratch has to receive the ephemeris data from each satellite it will be using before it can figure out its own position.
QuickGPS eliminates the need to receive the ephemeris data from the satellites by sending a week's worth of ephemeris data over the Internet. The GPS receiver can use that immediately instead of getting it from each satellite in turn. That significantly reduces the TTFF (time to first fix), i.e., the initial wait before you can start using a GPS-based map program.
The "expiration date" is simply the last point in time that is covered by the ephemeris data sent by QuickGPS. After that point, you have to get more data, either from QuickGPS or from the satellites.
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wow, interesting, lots of new and useful information for me that i didn't know that before. thanks man.
Not seeing any 10 minute delay like you saw. Are you updating current sat location data with QuickGPS? I notived using GPStest and MS Pocket Streets that Sat connections go up and completely down all the time. Nice thing is, GoogleMaps ignores the quick downs so it LOOKS like a good connection that never disapears. don't know if this is intentional on Google's part, but it works, even standing still/walking (once connection is made). Lovin the Sat view whilst I use GPS for directions.
Same here: Quick GPS cannot connect... What is this? Maybe a server fault, or do I need to Hard Reset?
LE: Fixed it: I just run Connection Setup again, then it suddenly worked.
i just did a hard reset and quickgps will connect only after i open up a browser and googlemaps sits at seeking gps sats. i had it working 2 days ago and then my battery died and it hasnt worked since. i did notice that the phone was really warm though.
quickqps hasnt worked for me for a couple of weeks now...and i still havent fod anything to fix it

GPS and Wireless Network

I've searched and searched...
but does GPS and Wireless location / network continuously run if I have them on?
Or do they only run when I have an app that uses these functions?
They continuously run.
I don't know about the wireless part, I doubt that it uses any perceptible extra power anyways, but the GPS only runs when you are actually using a GPS program. You can tell because the GPS icon is on or blinking. If the icon isn't there, it isn't running.
Idk, I notice that if I turn GPS on and then immediately go into a program that uses it (like Maps) it will take 15-45 seconds to locate me. But if I activate it, let it sit for some time and then go into a program, it finds me almost immediately. That to me seems like its been working in the background on getting a signal.
Or that it simply caches your location.
Does your experience include a location change between these start and reuse periods?
xdavidn88 said:
Or do they only run when I have an app that uses these functions?
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Coarse location (using cell network tower) is passive and always running. Fine location (GPS) only powers up when a device asks for it. When you open your Maps application (and provided you have Enable GPS ticked) it will start up the GPS module. If its a cold start, it could take up to a minute. Apps can also call the GPS without your direct intervention, if for example they are coded to wake on a timed period and collect GPS data.

Location question

Thought I'd asked this once but can't find it so...
What does the Location setting do? I thought it turned the GPS on/off but I turned it off and could still track my run. Does it just come on when SHealth is on or what?
This thread answers some of your questions:
I leave my location set to on, GPS only, and the location only seems to turn on if the app you are using requires location services. i.e. if you have a weather app to frequently update location specific weather it will eat up more of your battery unless you arrange settings to check more infrequently.
I have not set it to strictly off, so there may be a way for it to use your phone (if you are running with that and the watch BT connected) for the location pin points but I am not sure.
rogerperk said:
Thought I'd asked this once but can't find it so...
What does the Location setting do? I thought it turned the GPS on/off but I turned it off and could still track my run. Does it just come on when SHealth is on or what?
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Do you bring your phone with you on the run? If so i believe it uses phone gps. I can see my phone gps full time when doing things like that. And then if you don't have your phone with you the watch is doing a lot of searching via Bluetooth to reconnect. Try turning gps off on both phone and watch then try run again. Shouldn't track.
frigidazzi said:
Do you bring your phone with you on the run? If so i believe it uses phone gps. I can see my phone gps full time when doing things like that. And then if you don't have your phone with you the watch is doing a lot of searching via Bluetooth to reconnect. Try turning gps off on both phone and watch then try run again. Shouldn't track.
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I'm LTE so I leave my phone at home most of the time so that's not it. But Thanks!

