APP Possibility? - General Questions and Answers

I was just wondering if it would be possible to create an app or something of that sort to mimic the text message erase ability like the iphone. I know we all hate/love some of the iphone things but i am talking about the magnifiying glass type zoom it uses to go back and erase certain letters in a text. I know windows mobile has the drop down screen if you hold the screen in one place so i didnt know if it would even be possible? Any Ideas??



It is cumbersome enough to have to remove the device from its case everytime you want to view the homescreen to check the time, appointments; etc. WORST is if you have the phone locked with a password. You have to input the pin when you want to view the homescreen. Why cant this feature be similar to the smartphone where the homescreen is viewable without having to input the pin.
Any solution to this please? Otherwise my Touch Pro is up for sale. It came with a two-year warrantee.
BTW does this effect all PDA phones?
Yea, you can disable locking and buy case that shows TP screen.
Taajuus said:
Yea, you can disable locking and buy case that shows TP screen.
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Thanks for the suggestions but I cant afford not to lock the device for security reasons.
Dont you have clock visible at task bar upper right corner, even with device locked?
I do.
Your case problem should be easy to fix.
Taajuus said:
Dont you have clock visible at task bar upper right corner, even with device locked?
I do.
Your case problem should be easy to fix.
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Pin input screen covers the whole screen
illi said:
Pin input screen covers the whole screen
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I have upper bar visible and digital clock on upper right corner...
Taajuus said:
I have upper bar visible and digital clock on upper right corner...
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Yes! Really!! Still, if its only the clock thats no good for me. I also want to check on my apppointments... mails...
I cant see any way you could check all your stuff with device lock on. Thats basicly it's idea, not to let any random phone dangler to see your stuff.
Taajuus said:
I cant see any way you could check all your stuff with device lock on. Thats basicly it's idea, not to let any random phone dangler to see your stuff.
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Well at least on my Tornado Smartphone I can view information that is quite useful in my day to day life. Not to check but just view what's on the home screen.
Anyway never mind. Its gonna be gone once Xperia is out since this is aint the only issue I am facing.
illi said:
Well at least on my Tornado Smartphone I can view information that is quite useful in my day to day life. Not to check but just view what's on the home screen.
Anyway never mind. Its gonna be gone once Xperia is out since this is aint the only issue I am facing.
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I doubt the Xperia will be any different. This is just how WM operates, and I don't think the Xperia "panels" interface will change that.
You can look for software that locks your device only when it's lost or stolen, or other 3rd party locking programs that might allow you to display certain information. But frankly I agree; if the premise of locking a device is to prevent others from seeing your information, then when the device is locked, your information shouldn't be displayed.
What about Throttlelock from
It's a pattern-based screen lock software that's quite useful and can be unlocked very quickly with the swipe of your finger in a designated pattern of your choice. Just hit the power button to turn the screen off which relocks it.
It's transparent enough to see through to your home screen and view your appointments and the time. Been using this on my Tilt and I love it! Hope this helps...
fhsieh said:
I doubt the Xperia will be any different. This is just how WM operates, and I don't think the Xperia "panels" interface will change that.
You can look for software that locks your device only when it's lost or stolen, or other 3rd party locking programs that might allow you to display certain information. But frankly I agree; if the premise of locking a device is to prevent others from seeing your information, then when the device is locked, your information shouldn't be displayed.
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Have you ever seen the homescreen of any HTC Smartphone while it is locked??
I dont have to unlock to see if there is emails, or appointments due.. and the time..
It is not enough for you to use standard device lock in WM,that locks only the buttons? It is available via todayscreen plugin(or also some other ways) which you can unlock by tap on left softkey and somewhere middle-right button afterwards. So it works as in regular phones with keyboard. That will unlock everything and anyone can have access to your data,therefore the question about enough. Or do you need to protect your data,but with visible homescreen?
TomasNM said:
It is not enough for you to use standard device lock in WM,that locks only the buttons? It is available via todayscreen plugin(or also some other ways) which you can unlock by tap on left softkey and somewhere middle-right button afterwards. So it works as in regular phones with keyboard. That will unlock everything and anyone can have access to your data,therefore the question about enough. Or do you need to protect your data,but with visible homescreen?
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I want to protect data and at the same time have the homescreen easily visible. This will allow me to check whether there is new email, check my appointments, as well as the time and day. Just like in my tornado I have everything at a glance without having to go through the login. why was it possible in smartphone?
i don't think that's ever been possible as it defeats the purpose of having a device lock. the device lock protects anyone from viewing what's on your device which is the pda part and the simlock prevents ppl from using your device as the phone part.
being able to view the home screen while the device is "locked" defeats the purpose of a lock as that home screen can contain confidential info.
illi said:
I want to protect data and at the same time have the homescreen easily visible. This will allow me to check whether there is new email, check my appointments, as well as the time and day. Just like in my tornado I have everything at a glance without having to go through the login. why was it possible in smartphone?
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WM Standard and WM Pro are just different like that. I am sure you can find a third party locking utility that does what you want, but the default is like this.
illi, it seems we meet here too, hello .
I had in plan to buy a touch pro too BUT I've done some research (thanx to xda!) and found out that this super-nice pocketpc with superb features (in paper) has a lot of bugs.
I've started a topic with common problemes.
Note: there are just some of the found bugs!
So right now I will stick to my beloved HTC Tornado till the problems will be fixed.
Anyway, the described scenario is not a touch pro issue, it's just the ppc..
I don't have a Touch Pro, but on my I-Mate I use an app called 'ThrottleLock', and made my own skin with the background and buttons almost transparent so today screen is still visible. I can provide my mods if you like.
It's a much cooler way of unlocking than using a pin (like Google Android) and runs on startup. It won't come back if the device is hard-reset though, but then all your data would be gone anyway by that point.
Video here:
Download here:
illi said:
I want to protect data and at the same time have the homescreen easily visible. This will allow me to check whether there is new email, check my appointments, as well as the time and day. Just like in my tornado I have everything at a glance without having to go through the login. why was it possible in smartphone?
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Have you checked out the SonyEricsson MBW-150 bluetooth watch? With moneytoo's app smartWatchM you can keep your phone silent, tucked away, and still get vibrating alerts on your wrist of incoming mails, the mail title, who sent it, stopwatch, control your music player, rss-feeds, accept or reject incoming calls, know who's calling, and afaik you can turn on and off the screen of your device remotely (I believe it requires xtra software on your device), tasks info is available on your watch etc etc. Needless to say you get time and date as well, synced to your device. Check it out!
the other option would be (if you have a bluetooth headset) get microsoft voice command, and when u initiate (hopefully this can be done with the lock on) just ask it "what time is it" and it will tell u.

I love my new Droid but...

The phone interface totally sux! Is there anything better out there? When I get a call I have to drag the thing over to answer. This is very hard to do with 1 hand. Also half the time the screen goes black and I have to unlock it or whatever. Is there any way to just tap to answer?
Making calls is 10 times worse, you have to unlock the phone, find the phone app, open your contacts, tap your contact, tap make call, and then tap call!! It’s like I have to type a freaking paragraph just to make a call! Is there any way to just press one button to open the phone and then press 1 button to speed dial??
Also I turned on Google Voice to make all my calls. It nice and I know how to turn that off, but now all my incoming calls it says "incoming call from so-and-so... Press 1 to accept" so I have to tape the dial pad, and then tap 1, adding 2 more taps just to answer a freaking call! How do I turn that off?
I love everything else about this PDA, but the phone sux! Please help...
---signed, frustrated
P.S. I think I used less key strokes typing all this than I need to to make a call! lol
Any chance they will improve this interface in v2.2??
Very constructive. And I see it’s your 11th post. It’s not a matter of being impatient. It’s a matter of missing calls because its nearly impossible to do while driving, walking a dog with a leash in one hand, caring groceries, almost every real life situation that keeps you from using both hands on your phone. And as I described it’s a lot more than the 1 swipe.
If you don’t agree with me you don’t need to reply but I find the swipe open to be unacceptable and I'm asking if there is another interface out there that is just a tap open. Or a way to map a hard key to answer the freaking phone!
I'm sitting here at my work phone calling myself over and over to "practice" answering with the swipe. I can do it with one hand but it’s a pain in the ass and just thoroughly a really, really bad design. There has to be an app or mod or something that does away with this.
I just saw the new "Rule the air" Droid commercial. Cool commercial... Notice the one thing they didn’t show anyone doing? Getting or making a call!!!
All these new devices are fantastic PDAs with a really bad phone function slapped on top...
BTW with an 2.2 Froyo official release or rom, when the call comes up theres no need to unlock or swipe, just a click of a button.
What are you running 2.1, 2.01/0 or 2.2? Why don't you try finding an app on the store or searching here? You never know....
So I literally called myself 10 times and practiced answering the phone with one hand. Then I went out to bars and got actual calls and it was like impossible to answer them. That drag thing is just ridicules!! You have to drag it all the way across the screen!! Cany they at least meet me half way?? Even with 2 hands it’s hard to answer!!
Come on, you guys all know this is true. This design is just awful!
I understand why they did it, so when you get a call while it’s in your pocket it doesn’t tap against something and answer when you don’t know it… but it’s just terrible!! And like I said making calls is even worse. It’s like a ton of taps so there is no way to make a call while driving.
The Bluetooth headset would help but we all know anyone that actually uses that looks like a total D-bag..
So here is my solution… Someone will make a killing on this and it will make a mockery of the Android phone interface at the same time. We need a little, lightweight Bluetooth dumb phone that has physical answer and hang-up buttons as well as the full number pad that you can assign speed dials too like a NORMAL F-ING PHONE!! If this was out there on the market I would pay $100 easy for! Leave your brilliant PDA that sucks as a phone in your pocket and use the Bluetooth handset to actually make and take calls like a normal human!!
1. how tiny are your hands that you can't slide the bar down with your thumb?
2. i think there's an app called dialer one that will open a keypad where you can see all your contacts and spell their names out with the numberpad to make it easier
Just because some of you don't have the same issues as the OP doesn't give any of us the right to respond in this manner.
The OP has been called dumb, amateur, told he shouldn't have a smartphone; and the list goes on.
I personally have the EVO; there's not a damn thing wrong with my hands and I come from a very long time of smartphones. MORE times than I can count, I'm swiping the screen and not a damned thing is moving. By the time it unlocks, the caller is gone.
So until you have the same problem, some of you might want to get your head out the clouds and stop replying like these *smart* phones are perfect and the people using them are too dumb to know what they're doing.
On HTC phones with Sense you simply press a button to answer. No swiping. I'm surprised there's no app out there to do this on other Android phones.
Just cleaned this thread. All deleted posts are in violation of rule 2.
Please be aware of the rules before posting. Nothing constructive to say; then don't post!
gtg465x said:
On HTC phones with Sense you simply press a button to answer. No swiping. I'm surprised there's no app out there to do this on other Android phones.
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I have to slide to answer my phone if it's locked before I get a call. I prefer the swipe because I don't want to accidentally answer a call while the phone is in my pocket. That said, I would recommend the op check out the app I mentioned or root his phone and find a sense based rom
there are apps for this kind of problem search market and google
gtg465x said:
On HTC phones with Sense you simply press a button to answer. No swiping. I'm surprised there's no app out there to do this on other Android phones.
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Do not be surprised, because there is an app to achieve this. It is called ed's Droid Tools.
I've used Gesture Search (by Google) since it was released on the Market for finding and calling and/or texting my contacts. Put it on your home screen, then when you want to call somebody, open Gesture Search then write their first initial with your finger (or thumb) then touch the phone icon to call or the message icon to text. Works well for me. Never tried it driving, but then again, I'm one of those guys who yells at idiots who drive and talk on their cell at the same time (it's illegal here).
The standard Droid UI doesn't have a skin, so you get the basic Android dialer. While I don't think the slide-to-answer is all that bad, I'm also coming from a Blackberry Storm, which was wicked-terrible when it came to doing... well anything, so I don't complain much about the stock android experience. One thing Android is good for though, is allowing UI replacement apps (ala Dialer One) so poke around the Market and I'm sure you can find something that changes the answer experience for you.
Love windows
Love windows
i am also fooled by android
power user any thing u want to do go with windows mobile
Droid9 said:
The phone interface totally sux! Is there anything better out there? When I get a call I have to drag the thing over to answer. This is very hard to do with 1 hand. Also half the time the screen goes black and I have to unlock it or whatever. Is there any way to just tap to answer?
Making calls is 10 times worse, you have to unlock the phone, find the phone app, open your contacts, tap your contact, tap make call, and then tap call!! It’s like I have to type a freaking paragraph just to make a call! Is there any way to just press one button to open the phone and then press 1 button to speed dial??
Also I turned on Google Voice to make all my calls. It nice and I know how to turn that off, but now all my incoming calls it says "incoming call from so-and-so... Press 1 to accept" so I have to tape the dial pad, and then tap 1, adding 2 more taps just to answer a freaking call! How do I turn that off?
I love everything else about this PDA, but the phone sux! Please help...
---signed, frustrated
P.S. I think I used less key strokes typing all this than I need to to make a call! lol
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hey dude
to help you out with your dialing problem all you have to do is put the phone/contacts app on your homescreen. the way you described calling the contact is the same way you'd have to do it on almost every other phone so don't act like its a huge task.
organize your homescreens to your preference so that it could make your life easier.
also you can add people to your favorites list so you dont have to scroll through your whole contact list.
as for answering calls, its not that bad. you just gotta hold that green button and slide your finger over. I don't understand how that's difficult or why you'd need practice
phone doesn't suck at all bud
Hi There,
I was thinking of getting one of those because most of my calling during driving...
do you advice me to do so? i mean is the hardware bad? or it is just a matter of waiting for sometime to get an update solving all these problems?
Thank you in advance.

Reccomended apps!

Basically having seen the top 10 thread I thought that a thread where users reccomend just one app with a brief reason why.I will start
APP:Handcent sms
REASON:Fantastic app for messaging.Works better than the stock app for me.Also very customisable.Regular updates also and never experienced any issues of any kind.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
APP: Contact Widget ABC Dialer Light
REASON: Good app for quick dial, solves the slow dialing problem but for only 6 free contacts, if you want 12 you have to pay. Only bad thing is you HAVE to have a photo of a contact to dial them and you can't customize looks of the widget yet, it's white and non transparrent.
WEATHER=Palmary weather app
download from palmary's site its the best and only weather app you'll need
I can't live without SuperDial. It runs circles around the stock SE dialer. I can't believe SE would put so much time and effort into customization and then completely ignore the stock dialer. Searching your contacts is overly complicated and even when you do finally get to the contact you want, it's like 17 clicks to even dial the number.
Yeah....SuperDial all the way. Best of all, it's free.
As a side note, there appear to be 2 different apps called SuperDial now. The one from episode6 is the correct one.
i think its time people get the "Goto" app -although it aint free-
its a lockscreen replacement app..
1) allows you to place any name you want on the top bar
2) includes date/time/weather temp -although im not having no luck with weather temp.-
3) ability to change phone volume from loud to vibrate to silent without even havin to unlock!
4) the swipe itself is like a swipometer.. you have messages, then call logs, then gmail and finally unlock..
5) Ability to change background image - although could do with being able to customize other features!
only saw SE swipes twice.. so far!
1st - when someone rang my phone whilst it was in lock mode.. swipe needed to answer
2nd - when i put passcode on, i thought id test just pressing the back key instead of entering my code.. and lo and behold the SE swipe showed up! lol.. i really find these as minor issues..
although i dont think this was meant to happen im actually glad it did lol basically when the lockscreen shows, if u keep hold of the home button, it shows the 6 previously used apps which you can go to without the need to unlock although once you back out of the app you chose to view, your back to the lockscreen again lol
for those who are bit off about the whole unlocking and then passcode thing, i just tried a quick test now and i can say when this phone is in lock mode, you can jus press home key and draw ya passcode and your then taken to homescreen also holding home key doesnt show previously used apps here so no worries about anyone bypassing security!
wasnt meant to be a huge review lol but though id cover most of the points so it makes it easier for people to decide!!
Hope it helps!!!
all buttons cause screen to power up during lock mode!
Ive attached a screenshot of my X10i lockscreen..
reason: Uninstall stuff.
from where can I get the goto APP Search on the market but I didn't found it
i found it and purchased it from android usa market... love it works great but all buttons cause screen to power up
Had to add that bit to my review.. guess its not really a good sign is it :-(
Sent from my rooted x10i via xda using swype!
nekkidtruth said:
I can't live without SuperDial. It runs circles around the stock SE dialer. I can't believe SE would put so much time and effort into customization and then completely ignore the stock dialer. Searching your contacts is overly complicated and even when you do finally get to the contact you want, it's like 17 clicks to even dial the number.
Yeah....SuperDial all the way. Best of all, it's free.
As a side note, there appear to be 2 different apps called SuperDial now. The one from episode6 is the correct one.
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Have you tried ThaiDial?
I found it to be better but superdialer is still way better than the one we were given with the phone. I didnt like how in superdialer when someone called me it would show their number with a 1 in front of it and then list it differently as the contact in my phone book

Is there such an app?

Wondering if there was an app out there that would lock all setting and things to prevent someone else (little kids) from changing things around. Something that would allow all your apps to work, make phones call, use SMS, internet etc.. It wouldn't allow someone to move the widgets around are go into an app and change a setting etc... You know like a 3 year old stealing your phone off the table and start pressing all the buttons
Any such thing out there?
If you use adw launcher there's an option to lock the desktop, you can't move anything around
App protector pro password locks individual apps and also your system settings depending on what you select. Not sure thats what youre looking for.
Thanks I will check it out.

[Q] My first smartphone! So my own Q+A

Ok... well I got a Samsung Focus. This is my first smartphone coming from a Pantech Pursuit, a (?) Quickfire, and an LG shine. It's absolutely amazing how fun and how great this thing is compared to those phones (although its a bit odd that some of those were more feature rich than this).
Anyway.. I have a few questions probably mostly relating to the WP7 software. If anyone can answer all or some of these.. that'd be great.
1. Not sure I full understand the start button thing. So, yes, it takes me back to the home screen. But is my previous app or page still running? For example if I'm playing a game, hit the home screen, go into another game, hit the home screen... are both of those games still running and slowing down my phone? Is it best to hit the start button when I want to end something, or is it best to hit the back button until I'm home?
2. Picture messaging. I have unlimited texts and pics with ATT. I also have data off since I'm on a limited data plan. However, it won't let me send picture messages with data off. Does it use the data connection to send pictures, but in this specific case it charges it as a picture message (free) rather than data usage?
3. Calendar. Is there a way to set tasks and stuff rather than appointments?
4. Calls. How can I look at previous call info, such as call time? It only appears to give me the call time and nothing else. Not a big deal if that's it.. but kind of weird.
5. Messaging. How can I delete all, rather than just delete a specific convo? Is there a drafts folder?
6. Pictures. Can I organize these on my phone? It says it takes down gps location, but I can't find a way to actually view that info.. do I need to upload it to skynet or something?
7. Where's a good nav?? Where's my damn update??
I think I have more questions but that's all I can think of for now.
1. WP7 cant mulitask atm. But it freezes the apps. Press back button to go back. But prolly wont let you start the game where you left off.
2. Yes it uses your data connection, even if its not using the same APN
3. No, but there is apps for that.
4. No you cant watch it.
5. Yes, klick to the the right corner in inbox.
6. Don't know.
7. There is non. Bing works bretty good if your account and phone is in US. Works in other countrys as well then. Need to learn to type adresses to get it right. As US user Bing will give mre buttons. And for the update, i wonder my self =D
Best regards, P. Nakazul
Sent from my Omnia 7 using Board Express
Much appreciated
So in general do most people keep hitting the back button to exit all apps unless they plan on going back? It would be nice to have a dedicated end button that closes everything in one press.
And for the text messages, when I click the bottom right corner in my messaging screen, my only options are new or settings... no 'delete all'.
When you mention Bing maps... are you referring to the default app on my phone called 'Maps'?
Hitting home (windows button) is the slimmest way if you want to go back later with the use of back button. Since it freezes the app, nothing is running. And why need a close when it doesnt affect performance? So pressing back or windows button doesnt matter that much, only depending in a order to get back if you want.
And for text messages, i noticed the same. Its only in mails you can use the described by clicking on a mail to the right.
And bing maps are the maps im talking off. There are some Google choises but only as apps you have to download.
Sent from my Omnia 7 using Board Express

