Final steps for 802.1x support on my rooted g1 - G1 Android Development

Ok so I rooted my g1 last night. I learned a fair amount about Vi and terminal, and I attempted to edit my wpa_supplicant.conf This is what was added:
identity="my id"
password="my pass"
Now what do I need to do? Im sorry if its something simple thats been answered, Ive been looking all over and I cannot figure it out.

hey just wondering cause this is the first post ive read about this. but what does the 802.1x support do for you phone? i know its something to do with wifi but im not sure what. if u can post up the link it would be great

found on
The g1 only has WPA personal, not enterprise, which is what most institutions/schools use. So for right now we do not have access to wireless systems that use WPA Enterprise. But the phone is capable of 802.1x connectivity. I have 802.1g at home and connect to the router without any problems. According to it has:
Wireless;LAN:802.11b, 802.11g

thank you so much i understand now haha

Here is the guide I followed:


T-Mobile SDA (US) [HTC Tornado] WiFi Issue

Upgraded today to WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt using kar hoe's guide (great job btw very clear instructions ). I am wondering if anyone is experiencing issues with WiFi connectivity. I do not pay for a data plan and WiFi is very important to me. I tested today with my home access point and it seems that I never pass the "Connecting to Network" stage on the "WiFi Networks" page. It'll flash my AP's MAC address for a second or so, but no actual connectivity. I tried connecting via WAP-PSK security, WEP security and even no security.. all to no avail. WM 5 had this problem when AP's had low signal (it would flash the MAC/SSID and then move on to the next network), but never to the point where I could not connect. Also, I notice the WiFi icon shows as a tower with a halo and the three dots (/°\...) while it's trying to connect. As soon as it flashes the MAC/SSID the icon turns to a dead tower (/\). I was wondering if this is a known issue, and whether anyone has experienced and/or fixed this. Please advise... Thanks in advance
P.S. Excuse the crappy ASCII art in trying to get my point across. Pls let me know if you need more info.
I know that for my wep secure home network - I needed to add the phone to the network before it would be accepted. Just knowing the wep pass code was not enough
The phone would just loop trying to connect with no luck.
Not sure what software you are using on your network / wireless router - but this may be the issue.
Good luck
I normally use WPA-PSK encryption on the network. Its a linksys wrt-54g router. It runs in b/g compatibility mode. I even tried to connect w/o security period. It kept dropping after flashing the MAC/SSID.
well here's an update. i an still having issues with the wifi but i decided to spring for the data plan. it's only $20 us on top of the phone bill. i figured thats not a bad deal since internet is so important for me. i'm actually sorting this on my sda.
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
bllohin said:
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
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hmmm... devicescape, you say? yeah that's definitely worth checking out. i'll play around with it at some point. you are totally right though, the WM 6.1 rom is awesome and I encourage anyone who is still running Windows Mobile 5 to go ahead and upgrade. Karhoe's guide is a very concise way to make this happen. i was actually looking to get a new phone prior to upgrading. i was thinking about getting the HTC Kaiser (TyTn II) although I was put off by the issue where it was released lacking hardware acceleration support for its ATI Imageon graphics processor. I haven't had a chance to play with the wifi on other access points yet, so perhaps this issue was specific to my home router.
P.S. Thanks for your reply!
bllohin said:
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
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Can you link the thread for the exact ROM you used. I am getting a Tmobile SDA soon and want to upgrade it to 6.1, just want to make sure I used the right rom for that works with the SDA as there are multiple threads/roms posted one by illi and another by ricky.
Appreciate it! Thanks.

WIFI Tether not working..

Guys, apologies if this has been posted before but couldn't find it.
I've rooted my phone with JF RC9, but for some reason I can't use the wifi tether (one of my main reasons for rooting in the first place). So far as I can tell, I have root (in that I can su in a terminal) and my pc can see the ssid of the phone and connects quite happily but I don't get internet access for some reason - am I missing something really obvious or have others encountered this before?
I assume you are using "Wifi Tether for Root Users" ...
If yes please make sure that you are using the lastest Version (0.97.1) which is available here:
(0.97.1 fixes some cupcake-related issues)
You say that you see that your client is able to connect ... right?
Please check the following:
1) What ip-address do you got from the phone?
(For Windows): Open command-prompt and type "ipconfig"
You should got an ip-address like: (maybe 101, 102, ... at the end).
2) Are you abel to ping the standard-gateway?
type: ping
You client must support ad-hoc mode - otherwise it won't work.
Please check and report back.
Man, have I been dense. After spending a couple of weeks, scouring forums, taking the classic I.T. approach of 'turn off, wait, turn on again', I've figured it out...
I'd set up a static i.p. on my pc a long time ago so was still trying to make it through the router...
Thanks for your reply though harry_m, it was your comment around pinging the i.p. address tat jogged my memory! works like a charm now

Could we get a new user sticky guide?

IF this device is sold in the thousands on Black Friday, there will probably be a "couple" or more people interacting with this forum. Perhaps the following would be handy:
1. Start from scratch guide (CW and non-CW methods)
2. Pros and cons of CW vs non-CW (assuming non-CW will be an option with the OEM update based roms)
3. Survival kit if in boot loop
4. Links to roms & add on apps (with dates of when updated)
If Roeb, Roth and others could consider a guide and approach it from a general audience level (not clueless, but not a root vet either), this could save a LOT of posts due to questions related to how to do it or fix it when doing it wrong.
I thought i was already doing that.
If a user can't do a firmware update, then they might as well stick to TnT stock. I think the biggest issue they'd face is the infinite reboots, since the fix sometimes requires cwm or even nvflash.
EDIT: I have a general FAQ in tegratab - - I'll port it over.
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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WiFi tethering worked for me using my Nexus One. I had to do nothing special to get it to work. At the time I was running Zpad 0.2. I'm on Cyanogen Beta 2 right now, but I've been running on my home WiFi. I'll try the wifi tether and report.
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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Does the Incredible (like the Droid1) only provide Adhoc (vs. Infrastructure/AP) Wireless tether???
If so, then you will need to make the 2 wpa_supplicant.conf file edits SIMILAR to what I described for the ZT-180...
I say Similar, as the ctrl_interface=wlan0 on Gtab vs. =ra0 on ZT-180... but otherwise it's just edit the same 2 files the same way...
jtbnet said:
Does the Incredible (like the Droid1) only provide Adhoc (vs. Infrastructure/AP) Wireless tether???
If so, then you will need to make the 2 wpa_supplicant.conf file edits SIMILAR to what I described for the ZT-180...
I say Similar, as the ctrl_interface=wlan0 on Gtab vs. =ra0 on ZT-180... but otherwise it's just edit the same 2 files the same way...
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Not sure, but I do know this works with my M11X, but I mainly do USB tether, which I am guessing does not work either (since I could not get it to work on the Gtablet). Not had to mess with settings before...
Dang, if I can not fix this, my love affair with the G will be but a short fling- need to be able to tether.
I can not even get the blue tooth to pair.
I was so focused on the PSX gaming and web & Flash at home, but never figured in a million years that I could not connect to my Inc.
There is a bunch of options in the app I use, simply called "Wireless Tether".
The Gtablet will sometimes say "network available", but does not show it (probably work's, but even my Inc will show the network here). Then again, I turn my Inc off and the G still says "network avialable", so go figure.
rushless said:
Not sure, but I do know this works with my M11X, but I mainly do USB tether, which I am guessing does not work either (since I could not get it to work on the Gtablet).
Dang, if I can not fix this, my love affair with the G will be but a short fling- need to be able to tether.
There is a bunch of options in the app I use, simply called "Wireless Tether". Not had to mess with settings before...
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All you need to know is the SSID... for your phones tether... I believe I used what was the default for the Droid1 which is likely the same... you can enable Wifi Analyzer on the GTab to determine the SSID when you enable tether on the phone and that should be the only thing you need to know for Adhoc with Not change of settings to the phone... then the 2 file edits... my example locks my 2 home networks and my Adhoc tether configured and overwrite/updte disabled so when I temp find roaming nets I can cannect but Not sane them for later but that works just fine for me... so I'd say copy the networks you have saved Now in your /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf and use them to replace my jtb* networks... and try just using my adhoc network as is, with same globals I show in the examples...
Are there not sub-mod's that can do this stuff on this sub-forums? If not, this will be really annoying trying to get a sticky.
jtbnet said:
All you need to know is the SSID... for your phones tether... I believe I used what was the default for the Droid1 which is likely the same... you can enable Wifi Analyzer on the GTab to determine the SSID when you enable tether on the phone and that should be the only thing you need to know for Adhoc with Not change of settings to the phone... then the 2 file edits... my example locks my 2 home networks and my Adhoc tether configured and overwrite/updte disabled so when I temp find roaming nets I can cannect but Not sane them for later but that works just fine for me... so I'd say copy the networks you have saved Now in your /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf and use them to replace my jtb* networks... and try just using my adhoc network as is, with same globals I show in the examples...
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How can I do both at the same time? Using same device (using Inc for wifi analyzer and wifi tether at same time should not work)
Gtablet does not see my phone, but connects to my home system and see area networks fine at home Traveling on the road is the killer for me
I am not understanding the file edits you mention. Is there a highlight of what parameters to edit, or is this all new script?
Even using PDAnet is a bust with Bluetooth. The devices pair, but no connection.
rushless said:
How can I do both at the same time? Using same device
Gtablet does not see my phone, but connects to my home system and see area networks fine at home Traveling on the road is the killer for me
I am not understanding the file edits you mention. Is there a highlight of what parameters to edit, or is this all new script?
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Yes, my example does both... I can turn on tether sitting in my home lab and sometimes the gtab even switches from my weaker AP to the phone adhoc... usually I just toggle wifi off/on to get it to switch... if I stop tether it jumps to my AP...
Really the only params that are required are the ones I set in the example...
These global params would be same for you...;
# Globals
This Adhoc specific network would be same for you I believe just verify your ssid all else is definitely same as default in tether from market...;
Then paste what you currently have saved for networks you frequent below these like my 2 home AP nets, so your currently saved networks would differ here...;
# Lab default
auth_alg=OPEN SHARED
# Home default
Once you have the /data/ short version of your file like above... just also paste that piece to top of the /etc/wifi sample file that the tablet uses as a starting template and comment out the 2 differing settings further down in that original template file...
# update_config=1
# ap_scan=1
And you should be good to go to work on your current saved local nets as you can now, plus your Wifi Adhoc Tether.... the update_config=0 says don't overwrite these files with any found nets, or change any of my default settings... , but you can still roam and connect... just won't save any of the temp nets you find roaming as they will change some of the critical settings like ap_scan=2 if you let them update... you can always manually edit and change or add locked down nets later...
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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Most likely an android issue.
If you are using barnicle or wifi tethering your laptop will see it fine, the laptop can normally see what is called Ad Hoc networks.
Android cannot (unless tweaked?) normally see an Ad Hoc Network, they need what is called infrastructure mode, which is what a normal wireless router transmits at (unless modified to something else), so the GTab will not see your incredible's signal like your laptop will.
I am using the droid X and the 3g hotspot app, the 3g hotspot transmits in infrastructure mode by default and the gtab sees it fine.
There are hacks to get 3g hotspot for free, but I would not guarantee Verizon can't still see a connection and charge you, use at your own risk.
rothnic said:
Are there not sub-mod's that can do this stuff on this sub-forums? If not, this will be really annoying trying to get a sticky.
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Yes there are See my profile
theimpaler747 said:
Yes there are See my profile
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Awesome, so would you rather on person PM you if we need a sticky?
rothnic said:
Awesome, so would you rather on person PM you if we need a sticky?
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Yeah, that would be the best way to do it, and then I'll review it and deem it as worthy
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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i'm connected to my incredible right now, it works fine using wifi tether from the market.
I am still having no luck with Incredible and getting the Gtab to see it. No problem with my router at home.
I am using TnT 1.02, wifi tether app and even tried the binary file add on from the EVO.
1) This thread seems to have turned from sticky to tethering -- different but extremely useful info. May I suggest the moderators to move the relevant posts to a new **sticky** thread?
2) Speaking of tether: Have anyone managed to do USB tether with the g-tablet? This could very well be the key factor in my decision to keep or return the g-tablet, and I'd be most appreciative for any help and advice from the advanced users here.
I have tried everything software likely, but still no wifi tether being seen by the device. I can activate hotspot and the Gtablet sees it and ask for a password, so at least the G can see my Inc- just not in straight wifi mode. Does not see it at all and I do think it is the ad-hoc issue. Gtablet not seeing it for some reason.
Could it be due to having TnT lite 1.02? Perhaps the people having luck are using Z-Pad .03 or CM?
Wonder if it is possible to create drivers for USB tether?
Here is what I had to do after the newest dec 2010 update
# Connecting your viewsonic gtablet to your Ad-HOC wifi
adb pull /system/etc/wifi/
cp wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant.conf.orig
[Edit WPA_supplicant.conf]
adb push /sdcard/wpa_supplicant.conf
use androot or root explorer to delete the current wpa_supplicant.conf file and copy the modified version to /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
chown the wpa_aupplicant.conf file to owner wifi group wifi (ie #chown wifi.wifi wpa_supplicant.conf)
Your ad-hoc network should be the first in the list as outlined above. make sure that the priority is set to a high number.
when enabling your teather on your phone you may need to disable the wifi on your tablet then reenable. wpa_supplicant will always attempt to
connect to the first network with the highest priority first so it should connect right up. If you have problems you can use logcat to debug.
you will see wpa_supplicant getting enabled and if there are any errors you will see it there. You should not need to set the update_config option
but if you have problems with your conf getting overwritten you can set update_config=0 and this will not allow wpa_supplicant to update the config.
The only downside to that is that you will not longer beable to save new network blocks to the file, You can still connect it just will not save them.
I just loaded TNT 3.0 and the supplements yesterday. I jus tried the Wireless Tether app from the market on my Droid 1 and my G Tab sees and is able to connect.

[Q] Eduroam

Hi all, this is my first post and sorry for my english
I have a big problem with my galaxy sl, i can't use wifi connection (eduroam) in my uni ( Venice)
I have followed the istruction of my uni, but wifi don't work
I have read, i have tryed all versions but the connection don't work
I use miui rom v2.3.23 ( with default kernel.
Do u have a solutions???
thanks to all
Hey there!! I also have eduroam in my University and I have never been able to connect it. Sorry then!!
Same problem here (with eduroam and another similar wifi network in my university).
Actually I was able to connect, but it worked few times. Usually after a full wipe my phone connects flawlessly to wifi, but after that connection, another full wipe is needed.
In my case, it seems that the phone is unable to get a valid IP, because using a fake IP, gateway etc (in wifi settings press the menu button and then go in advanced) it will immediately enstablish a connection (no internet connection of course). I tried to put valid infos once (I had with me my laptop connected and I copied all the infos from it, I only changed the last number in the IP) and it worked. That's why I think is an IP problem, but maybe it was luck .
Maybe doing a sort of "wifi config reset" solves the problem (at least in my case), but it means that everytime I should reconfigure it... I simply gave up and I use my 3G connection .
I found this weird workaround time ago, but I never tried it. I think it worths a try.
Strange, you use a different config. I thought all Eduroam networks would have used the same config. Here mine's:
SSID: eduroam
Security: 802.1x Enterprise
EAP method: TLS
CA certificate: "Not specified"
Client certicate: the downloaded certificate
i will try ur config next week but, my friend can use edoroam with a acer liquid (2.2 foryo) with config written in university site.
IMO there are a bugs in the kernel of galaxy sl because a lot of android phone can connected to eduroam
I tried again after I saw this thread and I now I'm quite sure that my problem is an IP problem. I played a little with airplane mode/static IP in a random way (as suggested in the link I posted) and finally I enstablished a connection.
Usually, right before the connection, my phone asks the credential password. And that's weird.
Anyway I discovered something interesting. In our /system/build.prop we have:
getprop wifi.interface
gives as result tiwlan0 and that's ok, this is our wifi interface.
But after that I went to see some other config files and I found that in our /system/etc/dhcpcd we have
interface eth0
I think this should be
interface tiwlan0
(I found reference to eth0 in /system/etc/wifi/wifi.conf too, but I don't what this file is used for).
I wanted to see if changing eth0 with tiwlan0 in /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf and removing wifi.interface=eth0 from build.prop would have helped, but I had no time and now I'm on holiday.
If your problem is similar to mine, try to do that change, it won't break anything, I already did that and wifi works (at home of course, where I've never had a problem).
I have also eduroam in my university and i am using eduroam fixer and it is working perfectly. İt is in google play and free you can use it
Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk
Try this app: Transparent Proxy. Input your wifi proxy and port.
It may work...
I also have eduroam in my university and I've managed to make it work.
You just need to enter eduroam config and set it like this (I have my phone in spanish, so the names could be a little messed up ):
EAP method: TTLS
Phase 2 authentication: PAP
Identity: [I]"your university mail"[/I]
Password: [I]"your university mail password"[/I]
And leave everything else blank. Hope it works for you guys!!

Wont connect to wifi?

ok this may be a simple thing im overlooking. at my work whenever i connect to wifi it asks for identity then password. with the photon it never asks for identity or i cant find a option to type the identity in therefore i cannot connect to wifi at work. it really sux cause i get bad coverage at work and rely on wifi. i know on some HTC phones i had in the past it would make me set up a screen lock for some reason before connecting, not sure if the motorola has some trick too but i cant figure this out and sprint customer care isnt much help either. anyone have any ideas?
Unfortunately you didn't specify the type of wifi your work uses?
It's obviously something beyond WPA/2... So what is it?
I found this thread on PEAP. See post #5 for a potential solution... Perhaps this will help with PEAP and other types? I'm not very familiar with the more advanced, enterprise forms of wifi unfortunately.
the main one i always connect to just says 802.1? some do say wpa and wep .. sorry im not familiar with the terminology of wifi networks. i just know i always hit connect and type the identity and password and im on.
ill try that app mentioned in the link.. thanks!
that worked! first phone ive owned were i needed a app to connect to a wifi network..

