How to unroot my G1!!! - G1 Android Development

How do i unroot my g1. I have just found out that Tmobile will be updating the software between Feb. 5 - Feb. 15. Please help if possible.

download this unzip it and load it to the root of your sd card and reboot the phone holding down the camera and power key then follow the instructions in screen then reboot and wait for the update. how many more times must i type this? can you people not see the search button.

vahustla4lyfe said:
How do i unroot my g1. I have just found out that Tmobile will be updating the software between Feb. 5 - Feb. 15. Please help if possible.
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what software? 'cupcake' or this RC33 one, which doesn't seem to add anything exciting?
if the latter, it begs the question "why?"

its rc33 cupcake is still fooked


Reverting from Modded firmware to stock firmware

Hi there,
Sorry if this thread is redundant, but it seems the topic is always buried within other threads versus focusing on it. Then again, maybe it's a simple answer and needs no focus.
I had some quick questions before I mod my G1, and know it has been touched upon, but just want to make sure.
Once your phone is modded and using the test keys, then is it currently impossible to ever go back to an official firmware update without the need to resign it with the test keys?
I guess I am curious if Google ever did force a 'test key' OTA update that took away root (or worse), then would we be stuck at that version until someone finds a way to flash the device via other means? Even if we had root, would we ever be able to revert back without having Googles private key?
Also, with the new modded firmware will we be able to install older revisions (i.e. go back to an earlier modded release candidate? say RC32 to RC30)
If you're that worried about Google signing an update with the test keys (which, FYI, would be a horrible idea, as the devices that have the official keys would freak and couldn't update), then do this:
Make your own keys (it's not too hard, I'm sure JesusFreke could help), sign the modded RC30 yourself, and update to that. There's nothing Google could really do to stop that, except somehow make an update that didn't require signing. If they did that, we could just make our own update that didn't need signing, which wouldn't even require root access anymore.
Makes sense, but questions still remain. More out of curiosity.
- If you wanted to sell your phone as stock or something later and wanted to revert back to "enable OTA"... is there anyway to do this?
* May not be possible without a private key???
- If you are using the test keys, or your own keys, then can you install any firmware. a) revert from a modded RC32 to a modded RC30 with google test key, or b) switch from a modded RC30 (goog test key) to a modded RC30 (your own key)
* Should be possible if you have both public/private keys??
Also, anyone see an impact with the new fingerprint being sent back to google, I have seen suggestions to create a new entry in your host file to prevent this.
Thanks !
Yes, you can go back to stock updates.
You can grab the recovery image from one of the official updates and flash it in the same way you did to get the modded one, and then apply the official update.
oldsk00lz said:
Makes sense, but questions still remain. More out of curiosity.
- If you wanted to sell your phone as stock or something later and wanted to revert back to "enable OTA"... is there anyway to do this?
* May not be possible without a private key???
- If you are using the test keys, or your own keys, then can you install any firmware. a) revert from a modded RC32 to a modded RC30 with google test key, or b) switch from a modded RC30 (goog test key) to a modded RC30 (your own key)
* Should be possible if you have both public/private keys??
Also, anyone see an impact with the new fingerprint being sent back to google, I have seen suggestions to create a new entry in your host file to prevent this.
Thanks !
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Yes, you would be able to reflash the official keys, so that it'll OTA update again. You should have backed up your keys before you flashed (I'm not sure if the guide on the forums tells you to do this, it probably doesn't, so you shouldn't follow that exactly).
You probably won't be able to go from modded RC30 to official RC30. The updater would probably disallow it because it is the same version. I think you'd have to modify the modded to RC29 (although, there's probably a build number that it uses somewhere, I doubt they use the RC identifier we do for update checking).
If you were to resell the G1, just reflash the normal keys. When the next update comes out, he'll be back on stock.
Gotchya.... Thanks!
I think your question has already been pretty much answered, but let me clarify the details
There are 2 ways you could apply an "official" update over a modified one:
- You can resign the official update with the keys used by the modified recovery image.
- You can re-flash one of the official recovery images, and then apply the official update without having to re-sign it. The updates themselves contain the recovery image for that version (look for recovery.img). So you could extract that file, flash it onto the recovery partition, and then apply the update.
hey J.F. correct me if im wrong...
But you included the goog signed recovery.img in the so you could just refollow the directions in the package to go back to a goog signed G1.
At least that's how I understood it.
Your missing out on something important here.. when most of the population will have been upgraded to a non rootable firmware your rooted g1 will be worth n time its original value. Why on earth would you sell it locked for 1/2 of the original price???!!!
bhang said:
But you included the goog signed recovery.img in the so you could just refollow the directions in the package to go back to a goog signed G1.
At least that's how I understood it.
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No, I included the RC29 boot image (not the recovery image), which was just a convenient "known good" boot image I had laying around at the time when I packaged it up.
You'll need to get an official recovery image from one of the official updates. It's called recovery.img, and is in the system folder in the zip file.
mrboyd said:
Your missing out on something important here.. when most of the population will have been upgraded to a non rootable firmware your rooted g1 will be worth n time its original value. Why on earth would you sell it locked for 1/2 of the original price???!!!
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No, it won't. As it's been said before, I did quite a bit in the PSP scene for hacking/homebrew. A rooted G1 won't sell for much more than an unrooted one, if its at all higher.
New exploits will be found, and I won't be shocked if eventually Google just opens it up.
I gotta say, this one may be up in the air.... until hardware competition comes out that is. How many UNIX/Linux-heads out there will find out that you can have Debian or some other cool stuff that just doesn't work on a standard G1? I haven't even looked at what O/S PSP can run, but think you will still have to code with there libraries, no?
I think once we are able to tighten down root with actual logins, and make the modded phone more secure, some of the worriers will have wished they had a modded phone. Okay, I am sure other exploits will be found some day... I have enjoyed watching the community get as far as it has.
So... anyone want to buy my modded RC30 G1 for $1500.00 USD?????? Any takers?? (Okay, I think I can concede that even if there is a profit or not on ebay, it probably won't be much of a markup unless you reach the right target audience.)
Reverting from Modified RC30 to official (updated to NBH method)
Update 1/13/2009:
Reverting via the RC29/RC30 NBH files is a more straightforward method. Download those files here.
The original method is deprecated in favor of the NBH method. I am removing the files from my server space. Text remains for historical purposes.
These are files for taking a G1 with MODIFIED RC30 or any other G1 with test key signed recovery partition (e.g. white developer G1s) back to official firmware. You have the option of RC29 or RC30. These will install official ota firmware.
As usual rename to, dump into sdcard and reboot G1 into recovery.
MOD RC30 --> OTA RC29
Download (Root bug still enabled)
MOD RC30 --> OTA RC30
Download (No root access. Can still downgrade using NBH)
Hopefully this will help for folks who want to revert to official firmware from the xda-dev modified firmware or have a white developer G1 and want to update it but aren't getting ota updates.
jashsu said:
.... or have a white developer G1 and want to update it but aren't getting ota updates.
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Maybe I'm not understanding ... is there a 'whit developer G1' ? Where can we get them?
This will VERY RARELY be needed. If you were not sent to this thread to download this because of a major problem, you should probably ignore this. These are for worst case use only.
Those who need these will know and be looking for them already (so now they can find them )
Help - is my phone bricked?
tried converting back to official RC30 from JFv1.31.
downloaded the, renamed it, put it on SD card, Home+Power into recovery mode, it comes up with the red, green, blue screen and then it quickly displays the message 'No Image File!' and then goes back to red, green, blue screen displaying the following text:
HBOOT 0.95.0000
Sep 2, 2008
Pls help....
The RGB screen is the bootloader screen, not the recovery screen. To revert using the bootloader screen, you need the NBH file, not the file. Get the RC30 NBH here.
jashsu, thanks for the quick reply
but that is what I had attempted earlier, but that failed. Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
When I tried the DREAMIMG.NBH file, the bootloader did find the image file, and it showed me the progress bar, the progress bar goes all the way till the end, but none of the steps had ok next to it at the end and it said Update terminated update failed.
that is when i tried doing it this other way.
OK, never mind, for some reason when i re-attempted the .nbh method, it worked this time. i re-downloaded the file from the site you linked to this time, maybe the 1st attempt file was corrupt in some way.
Thanks again...!
this is good to know, that way when the official cupcake comes out, I can upgrade!

T-Mobile G1 TC4-RC30 DREAIMG.NBH file
1. Format the SD card to FAT32 mode
2. Copy image file XXX.nbh to the SD card and rename to DREAIMG.NBH
3. Turn the device power off and insert Diagnostic SD card
4. Hold Camera button, and press Power button to entry Boot loader mode
5. Press Power button to start upgrade procedure
6. After finish, perform the soft reset to reboot
Please check this link Service manual for G1 (Page 63-64) for more info
Mod Edit: Link broken but get Manual Here:
Can we have more of a discription of what exactly this is???
find this file, still don't know what it is!
Mirror. Have not tested.
it is a origional RC30 and without root, right?
hskoon... can u describe what r u posting here...? we know it's RC30 image but if it's the OTA RC30 ver, then it'll just do more harm here & pointless
Can we have DREAIMG.NBM file for RC19 or RC28 or RC29
With this, at least now we can upgrade to an official version of Cupcake without worrying it patched up any (yet to discovered) security holes in RC30.
Still hoping to root my official RC30 phone...
coolbho3000 said:
With this, at least now we can upgrade to an official version of Cupcake without worrying it patched up any (yet to discovered) security holes in RC30.
Still hoping to root my official RC30 phone...
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HTC can have Google change the private keys of their bootloader with no consequences. HTC/T-Mobile is the only one that uses them, so they'd just have to check which version to use before reflashing. If it's an older phone, use the older version.
Basically, the cupcake build can include new keys which would make this .nbh useless.
Gary13579 said:
HTC can have Google change the private keys of their bootloader with no consequences. HTC/T-Mobile is the only one that uses them, so they'd just have to check which version to use before reflashing. If it's an older phone, use the older version.
Basically, the cupcake build can include new keys which would make this .nbh useless.
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Crafty, aren't they. What are we to do?
ok testing this dreaimg.nbh on my non rooted official rc30 so that if it indeed is official RC30 no loss. will post results shortly.
Update Terminate UPDATE FAIL
no soup... tried this on my locked RC30 G1 and the update failed.
From what I can disect from the file it includes t-mobiles shipped SPL, so if flashed and you have a eng bootloader or a dev phone it might overwrite your fallback bootloader!!!!
To the Poster, if you had access to this version can you see if you can get for us any earlier version before rc30, and or rc8 for uk phones. This would be most excellent and allow us to revert all rc30 rc8 phones.
Thank you for your time and effort!!!
Its just the RC30 nothing special about it.
so, i would highly advise that nobody use this. I had a perfectly usable g1 official rc30 and after trying this NBH and it failing, the phone is now unusable. REPEAT DO NOT USE THIS IMAGE!!!
The image update did not fail on my g1.
But ended up with the the same non rooted rc30 as i had on that phone.
indeed stupid... and double post..
bunny0007 said:
The image update did not fail on my g1.
But ended up with the the same non rooted rc30 as i had on that phone.
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bunny0007 what steps did you take? did you have to rename the file to dreaimg.nbh and remove all the other stuff? i would like to try to reflash this one to at least get it back to stock rc30
Yep renamed it with capital letters to DREAIMG.NBH on a blank sd, and flash it thrug the bootloader.
But the system and user date took a while.
odd, thats what i did to two of these testers that i had and both got corrupted... oh wait, it wasnt capital letters, not sure if that would make a difference or not, but it seemed to have found it and started working... let me try with caps....

How do you go back to a completely clean phone?

How do you remove JF, Rooted RC8 etc.. and just go back to how the phone was before I rooted on RC8?
Stop after the 1st step
once you flash with DREAMIMG.nbh you will be at RC29 and the automatic updates will bring you back up to date eventually.
Also this info is already here in these forums, please try to search in the future
ekeefe41 said:
Stop after the 1st step
once you flash with DREAMIMG.nbh you will be at RC29 and the automatic updates will bring you back up to date eventually.
Also this info is already here in these forums, please try to search in the future
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Check your link, you should at least give him the right info lol. The file is called DREAIMG.nbh, and if you are on RC8, you would not be able to use that file because it is for the US version G1 firmware. Therefore his european APN's would not be loaded onto the phone.
Go to this link:
Better yet, download this, and copy it to your SD card:
Unzip, and copy the DREAIMG.nbh to your SD card. Unplug your phone from the usb.
Power off your phone.
After it has powered down, hold the camera and power button at the same time to enter the bootloader. The phone will search for DREAIMG.nbh, and once it has been found, press the power button to update. After it has finished updating it will tell you to press the action button, so press the trackball. Once it has returned to the bootloader, press power, the green call button, and menu at the same time to restart.
It may take a few minutes to update so don't turn off the phone will updating.
Crazy... i could swear i gave this link
And i did a copy/past of "DREAMIMG.nbh" from line 2 under the 1st screen shot.
I must be loosing my mind or something.
why dont ppl just simply link something without crapping on about search etc..
if it was that easy to find then why ask?
Sadly this doesn't seem to work with german G1s as of now.
Or, is there a DREAIMG.nbh for german devices? I couldn't find anything.
singsing said:
why dont ppl just simply link something without crapping on about search etc..
if it was that easy to find then why ask?
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It's a shame that you answer like that being such an old xda-User!
Please READ the following thread, specially post #5
bad ways to parent...
andonnguyen said:
Check your link, you should at least give him the right info lol. The file is called DREAIMG.nbh, and if you are on RC8, you would not be able to use that file because it is for the US version G1 firmware. Therefore his european APN's would not be loaded onto the phone.
Go to this link:
Better yet, download this, and copy it to your SD card:
Unzip, and copy the DREAIMG.nbh to your SD card. Unplug your phone from the usb.
Power off your phone.
After it has powered down, hold the camera and power button at the same time to enter the bootloader. The phone will search for DREAIMG.nbh, and once it has been found, press the power button to update. After it has finished updating it will tell you to press the action button, so press the trackball. Once it has returned to the bootloader, press power, the green call button, and menu at the same time to restart.
It may take a few minutes to update so don't turn off the phone will updating.
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the OP should have searched because I'm sure that not only the original "back to stock" thread there are probably a few like this one where somebody asked and some helpful user reposted the instructions, which is good... as there is more than 1 way to skin a cat.
But on a forum as busy as this, a question as popular as this can just clogg up the the works with a dozen threads rehashing of the same info.
the second poster was right to scold him for not searching first and posting second then he even gave a link to be nice(right or wrong it's the thought that counts, right?) to soften the blow of the "you shoulda searched buddy"
so now I'll stop clogging sh1t up with my rant
In parenting this is called reinforcing negative behavior, everybody should try to search out the info they want before posting a "HELP ME!" thread, the OP didn't do that but got his info anyway, thus reinforcing the behavior of not searching before you post.
here we go again......
kmetz said:
Sadly this doesn't seem to work with german G1s as of now.
Or, is there a DREAIMG.nbh for german devices? I couldn't find anything.
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format your stick from fat to fat 32 then the bootloader will see the DREAMIMG.NBH
when mine was fat it didn't work till I formatted it to fat32.
Thanks, ill try it!
My phone has been doing some funky stuff lately, im just trying some stuff out then im hoping I can root again
UK G1 here
That RC7 link doesn't work either
Fails at system check.
How to get a completely clean phone
First before you can get your phone completely clean, you need to learn where to post on xda

[HOW TO] UNROOT, get phone to STOCK firmware

ok since there are 5 threads right now on the first page about how to do it and there shouldn't be, this is what you do, i will not link anything to anything because you should be able to find everything pretty easily(they are all stickies)
so all of you that messed something up on your phone and need to get it back into warranty this is how, FOLLOW THESE STEPS:
NOTE: if you have flashed a custom splash screen to splash2 then you will need to erase that before step one with this code
plug phone into usb in fastboot mode
fastboot erase splash2
After that you will have only one splash screen and when you flash the .nbh you will be fine
1. Get the original SPL for your phone, get it here
2. Rename it to and copy it to your sd card. /sdcard
3. Download the DREAIMG.nbh from here.
4. Place DREAIMG.nbh on the root of your SD card. /sdcard
5. Go into your phones recovery. [Hold the home & power button]
6. Push Alt+S on your G1 to flash it with
7. After it does its thing, gettig back to your home screen.
4. Start phone in bootloader. [Hold camera+power button]
5. Hit power to start the update DO NOT INTERRUPT!! i can not stress this enough.
6. Click on the action button(track ball) and your phone will reboot.
7. YOU NOW HAVE STOCK FIRMWARE, it will update on it's own in a little bit, or *Settings>About phone>System Updates*
so that people can stop posting: how can i unroot my phone or can i revert back to stock firmware like theres not 10 different posts about it.
Mods sticky
Hey man you got my vote it was drivin me insane tryin to find this and thank you!!! Also, just to amke sure that it worked, what is it supposed to say on "About Phone". Thank you man
Just wanted to add one point - I followed this guide, but there's one bit that might not be obvious.
DREAIMG.nbh will restore your phone *mostly* to stock. There's one thing it won't change - the second splash image. If you've changed your splash images, you might want to restore them to stock separately before following these instructions.
Wouldn't be an issue for most users, but in my case the keyboard bit the dust and I had to do a return, and once I set it back to stock I couldn't re-root (and was left returning the phone with a custom second splash image).
i followed all of these steps and as it was applying the dreamimg rc29 for me it said failure... what do i try now? it seems that now my phone will only boot to the multi-colored screen and everytime i try to apply the update it fails about 3/4th of the way through... my phone doesnt work... any thoughts on how to fix this?
found the problem, sorry for my ignorance i didnt format the card completely so there were other files in the root and all i did was reformat and just copy the nbh file back over and it worked just fine sorry guys
one i have to find the stock rc30 and rc33 to update also?? aren's there somethings required to update to cupcake? (like radio??)
kenny9438 said:
one i have to find the stock rc30 and rc33 to update also?? aren's there somethings required to update to cupcake? (like radio??)
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you don't need to find the RC30 or RC33 files because when you have the stock RC29 your phone will update on it's own after a few hours. the only thing needed to upgrade to cupcake is the cupcake image. the radio is a choice and you ocan choose not to flash it. i still use the original radio that came on the phone with RC30 simply because i have been too lazy to get the latest radios
bump. good info
DreamingTTE said:
I just unrooted myself, just for a while.
Now I am on RC8, am I going to have to play the waiting game for RC9 uk or can I grab RC9 elsewhere? I have searched on this site for RC9 and it just returns 0 results.
Excuse my fatal error newbish ways, there is lots of us out there. ;o)
It just automatically did it! Ignore my post.
ERRRR.....its 1.5 now, and im in the uk. it says firmware 1.5!!!!! build number CRB17 KERNEL 2.6.27.-00392-G8312BAF ANDROID [email protected] #72
lol Am I the first in the uk to recieve this ?
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I did the same thing. But I am still on RC8... Did you upgrade to RC9 before 1.5?
DreamingTTE said:
I just unrooted myself, just for a while.
Now I am on RC8, am I going to have to play the waiting game for RC9 uk or can I grab RC9 elsewhere? I have searched on this site for RC9 and it just returns 0 results.
Excuse my fatal error newbish ways, there is lots of us out there. ;o)
It just automatically did it! Ignore my post.
ERRRR.....its 1.5 now, and im in the uk. it says firmware 1.5!!!!! build number CRB17 KERNEL 2.6.27.-00392-G8312BAF ANDROID [email protected] #72
lol Am I the first in the uk to recieve this ?
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I rooted my fone for the first time today and played around. In the end I decided to unroot, because I need steeel and chompsms too much.
I went back to RC7 (my phone was previously RC9 before I rooted). How long should I expect to wait before my G1 auto-updates?
this should be a sticky... thanx
the greatest thing about the thread? well since making it i have only seen two people post that they need to unroot their phone and don'w know how. woo hoo
how long does it usually take to upgrade on its own? its been over 2 hours now and nothing..
its been over 24 hours since ii brought mine back to "stock" and i still havent received the update, what the f is going on? is this normal? sorry but im a newb.
same here I am back to the orignal RC29 but have not received any OTA like RC33???
to all of you that haven't recieved an update yet, there is an option in settings that will allow you to check for updates. or download anycut and create a shortcut. if you do not know how to follow the instructions in this thread you probably shouldn't have rooted your phone. i have reciueved many PM's about how to do this and as much as i am willing to help you, i expect you to have SOME common sense, if you do not i will not help
sorry man, didn't mean to piss you off, i stated im a newbie, i have the firm belief that nobody learns unless they try it themselves, albeit some help from others never hurts, + the version checker is on rc33, not rc29, hence i cannot take that route, if not i already would have. i guess ill simply continue to wait, phone works fine, just does not load any apps that have to be paid for on marketplace, i work for t-mobile, so im hoping that they may have stopped ota's of rc33 since we are launching 1.5 soon. quick question for those who know, is the build number supposed to be TC4-RC29 115247? this is the one i have. Thanks man!
+ I followed your instructions to a t. and have the classic "rainbow" android boot screen.
What happend to the sticky?? I culd have sworn this was stick yesterday.. PS thanks for this thread as i had to unroot my first g1 now i might have to do my second one .. argg..
Alternate way to revert to stock firmware without waiting for update
This is my first post. I have been using an alternate way that I figured out to return to stock. This also works when you try to install an official update and it rejects the package due to invalid keys or device checks. You MUST already have root on your phone for this to work.
1) download official firmware image (whatever version you want)
2) extract recovery image from package to root of SD card
3) rename downloaded package to and place in root of SD card
3) reflash recovery image from terminal on rooted g1
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd sdcard flash_image recovery recovery.img
cat recovery.img > /system/recovery.img
4) Restart phone in recovery mode and proceed with update
5)Profit! Well, stock g1 without having to flash to RC29 and wait for an update.
I feel this is a more straightfoward way to flash back to stock. YMMV.

Cupcake Question

Now I want to put the official cupcake update on my phone, Now I dont care about my apps and settings since I can always re do them, But how could I have cupcake on my phone.. WITH it rooted and most importantly still be able to put my apps on my sd card?
I see here,
So by this I can root it and add the cupcake update, now when i did the apps on sd update, I used the guide that has the, so im guessing if I do the instructions above ill be able to wipe out my phone, re root it, and update it with cupcake, then all i need is to find a way to add apps on sd card, my question to u is, is there a easier way to do it like in this post
or do I have to follow one of those really hard guides like this one
So to clarify, i want rooted phone, cupcake and apps on sd, if someone could point me in the right way/guide to do it id be really happy
ps im not a dev so I can only follow what a guide says
no, no and no. rooted phones **CANNOT** install the official OTA updates. you will get notified but it will fail. if you want official, downgrade to rc29 using the nbh (link in my wiki) and wait for OTA updates. if you want JF update, give it more time.
Darkrift said:
no, no and no. rooted phones **CANNOT** install the official OTA updates. you will get notified but it will fail. if you want official, downgrade to rc29 using the nbh (link in my wiki) and wait for OTA updates. if you want JF update, give it more time.
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SO theres no way to have root apps on sd with cupcake until JF makes his own or someone else? or is there a way to have root and sd on apps just need to find a way to have cupcake download into it?
right now all my phone is running off JF rc33 build and JF radio update and lucus apps on sd guide
As Darkrift stated ....
If you can't wait for one of the dev's here to release their custom version of the offical firmware, downgrade to RC29 and wait for the OTA update.
Now there is no telling how long it'll be before you get this update.
If you want apps 2 sd you can wait on the custom release from one of the devs here once they release the firmware you can install it and start using your apps on your sdcard.
I'm betting the dev's here will have the modded version of the firmware out before the majority of us have the OTA update pushed to us. That is what happened last time.
I'm not the most knowledgeable person here, but you simply cannot have A2SD on an official ROM from TMo, they have never supported it, and most likely won't in the future. So the only way is to get A2SD is to get one of the modded ROMs from here... none of them are OFFICIAL, but JF's release is nearly identical (even better) and has root... I see no reason to have the official ROM
Alright thanks guys, I guess Ill wait

