Programmatically applying themes on smartphones - Non-Touchscreen Windows Mobile Other

After changing themes programmatically on Pocket PC's successfully, I'm trying to do the same for Smartphones now.
I made a Smartphone theme (XML + JPG portrait & landscape backgrounds) and when changing it on my Excalibur phone it works perfectly.
Now I wanna get applying the theme done programmatically. On the Pocket PC I used HTC's CusTSK.exe to change the theme. It seems a lot harder finding information about how to do such a thing on a Smartphone, if it is even possible at all. Can someone help me out?


Theme Creation for Windows Mobile 5

I know this has been asked before, but I didn't find any solid answers on how to go about creating a theme for a WM5 device (my Qtek 9100, for example). Microsoft's official theme creator dates back to PPC2003, and Kamware's ThemeMaker M is giving me errors and closing. Is there anything else out there that can create themes for WM5 devices?
My plan was actually to create a series of themes for this community using the Origami Project's gallery on its website (located at ). I already have the right sizes for the wallpaper (320x294 for both portrait and landscape), and all I need to do now is create matching color schemes for these backgrounds. I'd really appreciate it if somebody could help me find a good WM5 theme creation tool!
I'd write Kamware and tell them to fix theirs
The only other one specifically targetting WM5 that I've seen is...
It's very actively being developed (just noticed it bumped up a version, actually), so if you run into any issues you can let the author know. Be sure to download the Anglais version if you want English
This program works relatively well... the only problem is that the theme colors still don't seem to work for me. I can only seem to get a dark blue color to show up, and SOMETIMES red. I still can't get green to work.

Ghetto WM6 Dialer Skins

I modified some of the Windows Mobile 6 dialer skin files to change the appearance. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like there are any dialer skins for WM6 yet that works 100%. I tried the PaulyA skins, but some of the hardware buttons didn't work right. Anyway since I was doing this for my phone I thought I would see if anybody would be interested in using these as well. I was able to change the background image and buttons. However I was not able to find how to change the size of any of the buttons. Below are some of the screen shots I grabbed. Plus I can list the appropriate files so anybody else can make their own. The only problem I ran into was that whenever I changed the color of a button it gave me those purple corners. So I just need to spend more time in Photoshop to make sure the corners are the exact color the phone needs to make them transparent. But if you make your own buttons then its easier to make the transparent part the correct color.
I'd be all over either of the two black skins you have there...
These look great... ive actually been looking for some dialer skins that work for WM6 i got mb edition running. So what are the files? and if anyone else knows how to make the buttons bigger that would be cool... if u tell me the files.. i can try to edit them in photoshop also. im not a pro.. but i know a thing or two.
I've attached two skins. The is the one pictured above that has the white looking rings around the buttons and the has no border. Also the lacks any background. However you can find it in the file or use your own.
These two skins are complete and should work in both portrait and landscape modes. Make sure you back up your existing files before hand. You should be able to simply copy the original files directly from the Windows folder on the phone. To install these files on your phone copy them somewhere like your memory card and then use a file utility like Resco File Explorer to overwrite the files in the \Windows\ folder and soft reset.
Here is the list of the files. The naming convention seems to be fairly intuitive. "Port" and "land" designations are obvious. The "up" images are what you see all the time and the "dwn" are what you see when you press them.
dlrback_land.png--------->Background for the dialer*
dlrbtnend_up_land.gif---->This is the "End" button
dlrbtntalk_up_land.gif---->This is the "Talk" button
dlrbtn_dwn_land.gif------>The rest of the buttons are the actual number keys
*One trick I used for the dialer background was to take the Default_stwater_240_320.gif and Default_stwater_320_240.gif image files from the Windows folder (when using the default theme). Then take them into Photoshop and adjust the color to match your theme. When done save them as dlrback_land.png and dlrback_port.png.
**These dlrbtndef buttons are the ones on the right side that give you your arrow back and speed dial buttons.
I hope that helps. I'd like to see what others come up with.
Any chance of you pulling the files together into .CABs?
Clear and Black CABS
I took the liberty of putting these in a CAB file. You can uninstall these if you don't like them.
I have tested these cabs and they work finr. But I am NOT liable for anything that might happen by using these cabs.
Thanks cyberdrakula! I've never made cab files before.
Flat Black Theme and Dialer
This is one CAB file that has the ALLBlack theme and the black dialer from raceit. You are able to uninstall this if you don't like it and a soft reset thereafter will set it back to default.
This is a BETA release as I still have to figure out why the black background won't set on the reset the first time. The FIX is to select the Allblack theme on "settings/today". You might have to select another theme and and select the AllBlack.
The Dialer graphics are from Raceit and the AllBlack theme is from somewhere in this forum I forget where.
No warranties or guarantees given for anything and I am NOT liable for anything that might happen to you device or should you have a flat tire after installing this CAB.
I wanted to throw up a few more complete dialer skins. Please check the post below for the zip files. (I seriously need to learn to make cab files.)
Here's the dialer skins pictured above.
Here's my first attempt at a cab file. This is the Black v2 in a cab form. Please let me know if this works and I can update the last few I zipped up.
Edit: The Black v2 is on the bottom of the first page in cab form...
Here's my personal modification that's similar to the blue one Raceit pictured in his first post (4th picture). I wanted a dialer skin that matched the rest of WM6. I tried to match the buttons as close to the taskbar as I could.
Looks nice BBowermaster! What do you guys think of this one? It seemed like a good idea, but I think it still needs something more.
WM6 Theme/Dailer (Wizards/HERMES)
I have created these a Theme & Dailer cab. I am going to do somemore dark themes as I am into them. Any ideas or requests are welcome. Raceit, you're a BAD BAD person as you've got me started on this and it is taking away from a couple of apps (business related) I was working on for myself.
Tested on Wizards & HERMES
The main dailer graphics I used to create this were Raceit's clear dailer files. The main reason I turned this into a cab was for it to be able to uninstallable in case you want to.
I still have to figure out why the theme won't set on the reset the first time. The FIX is to select the cyberdrakula theme on "settings/today". You might have to select another theme click OK go back & re-select the cyberdrakula theme again.
No warranties or guarantees given for anything and I am NOT liable for anything that might happen to you device or should you have a flat tire after installing this CAB.
Can someone please make a cab of Raceit's blue dialer? I would be very thankful.
I just updated my post on the first page for the blue skin so its a cab file now.
Sorry about that Cyberdrakula!!
Hey people, what reg keys and dlls are concerned with skinning the dialpad and pin entry pad??
I wish I knew. Although a member that goes by the-equinoxe asked about a tapres.dll file. I don't know if he's on to something or not.
White Background
Any idea why my background is staying white, I have tried several different cabs and even copied the black background, but it stays white. The background files are black, dlrback_land.png and dlrback_port.png, so I don't know what is going on.
robjae said:
Any idea why my background is staying white, I have tried several different cabs and even copied the black background, but it stays white. The background files are black, dlrback_land.png and dlrback_port.png, so I don't know what is going on.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Couple questions... Is it also white when you switch the phone to landscape mode? Also if you browse to your Windows folder and open up those two files are they the correct looking images or all white?

Crossbow Fonts

Hi, I'd like to make my fonts look like the ones that they advertise with the crossbow. I mean i'd like to have my whole system with those fonts but i don't know how. I've done tons of searching but i could not find anything that would help me change the fonts of my whole system (unless i build my own rom with those fonts but that's too complicated for me). Is there another way? i've found some threads that's suppose to change the fonts but it messed up my fone, others do not change the whole system but just some fonts. All WM6 roms that i've used do not have those fonts that I'm talking about. I'd like to make it like the fonts on this picture. Can someone help me please?
Is there anyone out there who can help/suggest something/make me read another thread/tell me it's not possible/whatever...?anyone?
joecruz said:
Is there anyone out there who can help/suggest something/make me read another thread/tell me it's not possible/whatever...?anyone?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don´t think it is so easy - but what about cleartype. The font doesn´t look so different for me. Just cleartype?? Don´t know.
Start - settings - screen - enable cleartype.
And there are registry hacks to enable it also in landscape mode. (Registrywizard or HTweakC)
thanks, but i already have cleartype on. not quite the same but i really appreciate ur reply. With over 240+ views, i finally received a reply. At least i can say ur one of the few people out there who genuinely lend a helping hand to others. I really appreciate it thanks again
Looking at the screengrabs I think they're from a VGA device (a HTC Universal for example), which is why the fonts looks slightly smoother and more rounded. The font on the XDA Exec I borrowed looked a lot nicer than my XDA Mini-S just because it was higher res, despite the actual screen real-estate being used in the same way (IE. although the screen was higher res, everything was larger to compensate). The effect I saw looked just like in some of your screenshots - particularly the first portrait one.
thanks paulmdx!i guess that explains it. it probably looks different because of the vga screen.Thanks, i guess i'll just have to give up on wishing that my fonts be like that
Sorry for my late response...I was suppose to reply back to you after you reminded me that the fonts could be changed...I managed to change the fonts by adding the files to the font folder in the \windows\fonts directory...the extention you are looking for is .ttf...I tried to use a font with a different extention and it didn't work...also if you are looking for fonts then your best bet is ...they have the best looking fonts, and they have popular fonts used in movies, video games, etc...the one that I am running is aiight, and the one that i put on my girl's is the Walt Disney more thing, after you put the fonts on your ppc you will need to have a program to change the font for you, or you'll need to either change some registry key to enable it (I don't know the keys), or use a program like to change's not a free program, but you'll be able to use the program 3 times before you have to register it...I don't if you were looking for the font used in WM6 or you were looking for a way to change fonts on the ppc, but anyways here's some info for those who wanted to do this...
Btw this only changes some fonts, but not all of's better this way just in case you put a font that is blurry, too small, etc...while I was trying out fonts for my girl's phone, this happened to me...if all the fonts on the ppc were changed, I wouldn't have been able to find the options easily to change the font...looks awesome though...even my keyboard font cousin said I'm ghetto because my font looks like tagging lol...
Missing font!
While we are on this topic.....Some of my fonts are messed up!
I installed the 10 button Comm Manager and couldn't get the WLAN to activate. I then went back to the 8 button Comm Manager. Later I found a fix for the 10 and uninstalled the 8. When I did it messed up my fonts. Does anyone have the stock fonts they can send me?

Change default dialer background (help!)

I am trying to reskin the dialer of an iPaq hw6945. I'm having trouble with the default background. I've tried any number of skins and skinning tools and none seems to change the default blue backround.
My first thought was to simply replace the background image. On the iPaq hw6945 that image is "dlrback_sqre.png". Unfortunately that seems to be a ROM image so even if I change the file attributes, I can't replace it.
Any ideas?
try making the files into a .cab...
How will that help and how would I do that?
I tried to install a couple of different dialer skins, an SPB dialer skin, and one of the DirkGently dialer skins. The former used a PC based exe installer the latter a cab. In both cases they failed to install their backgrounds. The buttons installed just fine but the background didn't change. So I thought I'd "hack in" the background.
So far I haven't been able to do it.
I unsuccessfully attempted the fore mentioned image swap, then I went poking around in the registry.
I found "dlrback_sqre" in two places in the registry. I replace those values with "dlrback_square" the name of my image in the same directory, but that didn't seem to do a thing.
Moved as not theme release.
Sorry... new to the board. I thought this would be the place to post.
Thanks bilbobrian for your help. It lead me in the right direction.
You're right all it took was a signed cab (and a background image with right name) to overwrite the background. I took one of the DG skins opened it with a cab editor and inserted the right file.
When I get some time I may just make a set of custom skins. I already know how to do the calculator, and WM player, although I might just make a skin for Coreplayer which I use more often. TCPMP was a such a great application, I decided to spring for the licensed version.
Hope to see the results of your work!
Good luck

[SOLVED] Aero Theme for Windows Phone Mango - How to?

Back in the time, when i was using Yuki's ROM for HD2 there was two themess called 'aero black' and 'aero rich'.
Does anyone know if, i can get then on Mango 7720.68?
As i think it is only about adding a new folder and the key and values in the registry.
Maybe with a CAB installer, or adding amnually, but current regeditor can not add things, it is only capable to deleting entries.
Hi Folks,
I tried an "old" nodo registry hack and changed the "ChromeColor" value to #00000000 in the dark theme, so full transparent and it works. Some menus and calling buttons background became transparent. Nice.
changing "Pagebackground" value doesn't work do not do it. I think it is because the same reason why transparent background also doesn't work on mango.
So it is not compleme yet, but i will keep discovering this part of registry. I hope someone else also likes this.

