How to get Album tab in TouchFLO to show pics in SD card. - Touch Pro, Fuze General

By default the Album tab in TouchFLO shows only pics in the pictures folder of the device. Is there anyway to get it to show pictures in Memory card by default?

Go to Album, select the album you want to view in touch flo, then go to menu and select album as favorite.

Royalmathmtcs said:
Go to Album, select the album you want to view in touch flo, then go to menu and select album as favorite.
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Thanks! That was easy!

Adv Cfg
Check setting for "Camera" to say DCIM and "Locations" to storage card\my documents\my pictures (points default to the device).

That's funny - all I've had to do (I no longer use Touch Flo) was just name the image file for the album "folder.jpg". If the jpg is in the same folder as the song being played - it shows up.


Help me clear a few things with Media data?

OK I am a bit confused on how Pro handles Media data for its internal apps.
I don't want to use the internal 512MB storage for photos/videos and audio files, but my nice 8GB microSDHC.
I removed all demo photos (and demo video) from internal and moved them to \Storage Card\My Documents\My Pictures (and My Videos) and the TF3D Photos and Videos doesn't see a thing.
Can it be that stupid?
I am afraid same thing will happen if I move folder "Music" from root (from root, why not in My Documents\My Music!!!), to the storage card.
So please, let me know, how (if possible) will I be able to use my storage card for my media files FOR the TF3D media apps? (because ok I know I can use third party but that is not what I'm asking)
And since we are at it, what's with the "Content" folder?
Please help me.
NOBODY can help?
Mine currently does that. Camera/Videos shoots and saves to \Storage Card\My Documents\, and touchflo pulls them off of there. Not sure what the exact settings are, but check these:
Camera > Config > Advanced > (2/5) Storage > Storage Card
Also try Advanced Config 3.1:
Camera > Save Location > My Pictures
Locations > Default storage location for (images/audio/videos) > \Storage Card\My Documents
Also, I don't think the music panel cares about the location of music files. Half of the sample songs were under \Content\Music, another half under \My Documents\My Music. I threw a bunch of songs into \Storage card\Music and it found them just fine. Separate songs into Artist\Album\Song.mp3 with a folder.jpg for album art (the rest of the info gets pulled from ID3).
will try that (and get back to you)
One thing at a time...
- I already had Storage Card in Camera settings.
- I have \Storage Card\My Documents\Mu Pictures (etc. respectively) in AC3.1, should I use \Storage Card\My Documents without further subfolders?
- Aaaargh! Things are even worse now that I have checked. Camera doesn't seem to store the photos anywhere!!! (cannot find them in both the card and the device) *** EDIT: Seems the photos are in \Storage Card\My Documents, so my settings above (to use My Pictures) are ignored and more importantly Album ignores them!
Let's clean this up and then I'll check out MP3.
To be honest I don't know which specific setting tells Tflo pictures panel to look under \Storage Card. And yes some of the configs are counter-intuitive or just plain backwards (which also confuses me).
My best guess is:
1) AC3.1 Camera > Save to My Pictures (instead of DCIM) will save pictures \My Documents\My Pictures and,
2) Camer app > Save to Storage Card "prefixes" that save location with \Storage Card.
Still, not really sure how I managed to get Tflo to look in the storage card. All I can do is provide what (relevent) settings I have.
If it helps (read: it doesn't), I have AC3.1 Locations > pointing to \Storage Card\Photos (not even \My Documents). I think we need a second opinion.
also I have noticed a bunch of entries in Camera registry that ends in _409, so could my problems be related to that my MUI is set to _408?
NLS said:
also I have noticed a bunch of entries in Camera registry that ends in _409, so could my problems be related to that my MUI is set to _408?
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Don't know about that. I have 411 IME installed, but my MUI is still 409.
My hunch is that it shouldn't matter. Probably another setting somewhere else that managed to get lost in the mess of things.
well it does
I entered the same keys but with _408, soft reset and seems ok with pics - now will check with videos
then will check out what happens with MP3
thanks I'll report back
ok newer news
videos fine
now I moved all Music folder in storage card (not \Storage Card\My Documents or \Storage Card\My Documents\My Music) andtf3d player cannot find anything (after soft reset)
also registry doesn't have any _409 entry related to music
finally, content seems to just hold some cache files in my case
any further ideas? anybody knows anything?
I found two keys in HKLM\Software\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\Config about scan path that was set to \My Documents (not \Music) and changed those but nothing changes.
TF3D audio player seems to "search" for audio but very soon mentions that there isn't any...
must be the solution
OK I am having a hard time figuring this out. I wonder if all you people don't have any problems with it (or just don't share)...
I am being pretty analytical to help people help me.
- I have moved all music away from \Content and from \Music
- I have a folder \Storage Card\Music where I have one MP3 in the form \Artist\Album\Song and two songs thrown in the Music folder as they are
- I have searched the WHOLE registry for folder references to Music and Content and if I found any (I think just two in audio manager config keys), I changed them appropriately to \Storage Card\Music
- I am not using WMP at all (because if I do and force it to scan library it starts scanning EVERYTHING plus the FULL microSD (with hundreds of audio files inside program folders)
- I am also not using Windows-side WMP to sync music (I might do it if instructed to, plus if it really puts my music in Storage Card somewhere and of course if it works with TF3D player) ...for now have just "dropped" the three files mentioned above by hand
TF3D music player DOES NOT find ANY music.
WHAT should I do to make THAT player find and use MP3 in my Storage Card (a folder in my card in fact)?
How do you people do it? Have you played around with registry? Do you put MP3 in a specific path I cannot think of? Do you follow some specific procedure?
PLEASE help because it is driving me crazy.
I know it works because I have my music stored in \Storage Card\Music and TF3d picks it up just fine. But I didn't do anything special to my config (no reg edits, etc). Before I deleted the sample music, the Library picked up both the sample mp3s and the mp3s I loaded on to my microSD card, although it took a couple soft-resets to scan in the album art. Also, every time I soft-reset, the first time I go into the Music tab, it pauses with a throbber just under the Start menu as it scans for new files.
One thing I did notice is that the TF3d "music tab" doesn't load all mp3s by default. I have to open up the Library and find them there. Then after I select a song to play, the active folder or playlist is loaded into the TF3d music tab and begins playing.
- From Library, I select the playlist icon, choose a playlist, then choose a song; that specific playlist is loaded into TF3d music tab.
- From Library, I select an Artist, then hit the songs icon (thus showing all songs by the artist regardless of album); all of those songs are loaded into TF3d music tab.
ok thanks for the info I'll check it out the meantime a question for TF3D audio library. Can I delete something from in there, without deleting it physicaly?
NLS said: the meantime a question for TF3D audio library. Can I delete something from in there, without deleting it physicaly?
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The library has many ways to filter in/out different songs. From what I can tell you can't remove a song from the library (so that the file is still on your device/card, but doesn't show up in the library). But you can add/remove it from playlists -- which of course doesn't modify the music files themselves. In that way (as with many other mp3 players) you can choose which songs you want the TF3d player to play at any given time.
I solved the MAIN problem (now I can see songs) but...
The (newer) problem is that not all of those are real songs (just media files within programs folder) and some are physicaly deleted and still show.
I solved the second problem by deleting audiomanager_eng.vol and it recreated itself "almost correctly".
"Almost" goes to that it STILL gets some extra songs I have in the card in completely irrelevant folders (like \Storage Card\Program Files\xapplication\yfolderinapplication)!!!
Can I prevent this from happening?
The two path registry entries for audio manager are set correctly (I've set them to \Storage Card\Music and \Storage Card\My Documents\My Music respectively).
Hi, I just finished setting up my device so it works the way I want it to work music wise.
What I did is the following
1. Copy everything under "My documents" to "Storage Card"
2. Go to HKLM\System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory
I used CeRegEditor.
3. Change the value of “Folder” to “My documents”
4. Remove "My Documents"
5. (Hard)Reset the device (Touch Pro)
The "Storage Card" has changed into "My Documents". You see that the "Storage Card" doesn't excist anymore.
Now you will notice that the audiomanager has 2 entries for every mp3. This is because instead of searching "My Documents" and "Storage Card" it is searching "My Documents" twice. So you should change one of the "My Documents" to another directory
Go with a registry editor in HKLM\Software\HTC\AudioManager\Config\
And edit : "device_scan_path_path" and or "device_scan_path_path_0"
These solutions I found by searching the internet and I just put them together.
thanks I'll check the (first part) out too
I don't want to eliminate the whole internal "My documents"

TP doesn't see the music on my SD card

Thanks to those who helped me to get my TP to recognise my 8gb (original) Sandisk SDHC.
I synchronised my TP with Media Monkey and copied over about 30 albums to the Card. My problem is that whilst my TP sees the card when I select the music player I only get the 4 pre-installed music files. All those albums I have on my card are not accessible.
Anyone any ideas what I am doing wrong?. All help gratefully received.
I have tried a soft reset but still no joy.
you need to put your music in a certain loction i think...
I just have mine in a folder named "Music" on the memory card. I don't think the location matters, it should just search for them all and add them. Try changing the library location in Media Player on the phone to the storage card, by default its set to the device memory, where those 4 tracks are kept.
Once you add any media to your phone, or SD, simply use Media Player to locate the files. I just use the "Update Library" option in MP, and it will pick up everything regardless of its location. Once updated, you should see it in Media Player, and in the Music tab on the TF3D interface.
Good luck.
I bypassed TP 3d screen and went to WM player and updated library.
Now the albums are viewable in TP 3D FLO. HOWEVER.
in TP 3D Pro at the front end only the "now playing" songs are scrollable. There appears to be no option so it scrolls through the albim art by album. It does this by song. Given that I have an 8GB card I have put 40 albums on with nearly 1000 songs. When I use the home screen and the scroll to Music Player I see the album art of 1000 songs and can scroll through each song brining up the album art associated with each song.
Is there a setting so that when I scroll to music player from home screen tomusic player, when I select this it shows "albums" not "now playing" as otherwise I am flipping through album art of 1000 songs in A-Z order.
I just cannot see a setting to use album rather than now playing as the screen when music player is scrolled to and selected from home TP 3d Flo.
I hope that makes sense.
Okay i've had similar problems with music not showing up in the touchflo player so eventually have found this method...
I sync my music to the phone using Windows Media Player. (Make sure that your library has only what you want to sync in it! And sync to the card not the internal memory! Is it me or is this software somewhat illogical))
Then opened windows media player on the phone from the applications icon and did an update library command from the 'menu' button bottom right.
Then had to do a soft reset with button on bottom of phone otherwise touchflo player sticks at searching!
Go to touchflo player which shows 'now playing' screen. Select 'all music' (bottom left below icons). New icons are now 'now playing' 'artists' 'albums' 'playlists' 'all songs' 'genres' 'composers' . All the organisation I could possibly need.
Hope this helps.

TouchFlo 3D Music tab does not display the album arts for music synced (SOLVED)

I'm having problem where the music tab does not display the photo for most of the music I synced from my notebook.
I tried opening Windows Media Player on my Touch Pro and all the musics have photo attached to them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Found solution at
Anyway, people should start complaining to HTC regarding this issue as the TouchFlo 3D music tab is not WMP compliance.
Ok, the solution found in the page above would actually solve the problem for one time sync. If you want to continuously sync your music, then it would be best to add the album art into the music files directly by tagging them.
So, here's the steps:
Use WMP to update album info. This would eventually add album art.
Download Mp3tag at
Install and start Mp3tag
Press CTRL+D (Change Directory) and browse to your music folder
Press CTRL+A to select all files
Click the "Actions (Quick)" icon on the toolbar
Select "Import cover from file"
Type "Folder.jpg" and click OK
Wait until complete and sync to your device
If you have previously synced, then the album art would stay as before, delete the HTC folder in Application Data folder on your device and restart your device
hm that's baaaaad. it should support images in the directory
I have some MP3 with album covers embedded in MP3 TAG, copied in my HTC HD via USB disk but TF3D don't recognize the images...
little bit of necromancy
I`ve used put folder.jpg in album folder. working with everything

Samsung Gallery problem

I copied a bunch of drawings, learning sheets to my sd card however, when I goto gallery is there an option where I can just view that folder and not show everything as it does already like mu mp3 album art to videos. Its really annoying gripe but is there an alternative if not?.
Yep, if you don't want the files in a folder to show up in gallery you just create a file and name it .nomedia inside that folder... This means that the gallery will ignore anything in this folder, whether it's images, mp3's or movie files...

Set Gallery to read only Camera folder? Set another default app instead of Gallery?

so in android 6.0, when i used my camera, the images (when clicking the little preview button on the bottom) would go to gallery, but would read only from Camera folder where the captured images would be saved.
now with 7.0, if i click that little preview button to the right of the shutter, it starts off showing ALL the pictures from all the folders, including wallpapers, screenshots, etc. and none of them are in order.
can i change that somehow?
also, i can't seem to change another gallery app as default, like QuickPic.. is that really not possible?
Not sure about switching default gallery apps, you can't switch default video player apps, but you can create a file named .nomedia in the folder of each folder you don't want media to show up in the gallery from
Create .nomedia in the folder containing the images/videos etc, reboot the phone, it should remove those images from showing in the gallery, but they will still be accessible form the folders themselves
*Detection* said:
Not sure about switching default gallery apps, you can't switch default video player apps, but you can create a file named .nomedia in the folder of each folder you don't want media to show up in the gallery from
Create .nomedia in the folder containing the images/videos etc, reboot the phone, it should remove those images from showing in the gallery, but they will still be accessible form the folders themselves
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oh that's cool to know. will that only affect the Gallery or other apps like QuickPic as well?
UPDATE: the .nomedia file affects other apps like QuickPic gallery as well. however, in QuickPic i can click "show hidden" and those appear.
its a decent workaround, however i wish samsung didn't screw up their gallery even more.
thanks for the advice.

