Complaining to the right People at T-mobile - G1 Android Development

Hi Everyone,
Ive been on a bit of a mission with T-mobile and have been in touch with the directors office, they are under the impression that nothing has been locked down on the phone in rc7/rc30 that would limit the use of the phone from a development standpoint.
Ive given them a few examples of things that cant be done but they refuse to do anything (other than cancel my contact if i want) as im only one person who is complaining.
I know everyone runnning rc30v1.2 and rc8v.12 is ok atm, but could EVERONE please send a little email of complaint. Just explaining that you are unhappy that they have locked down the phone and denied us root.
cl&[email protected]
They say that if they get more complaints then something will be done
PS... If anyone wants to cancel their contract in the uk because of the lack of access, call 01707 315000 and ask to talk to Leah within the Directors team about your G1 problem. I explained that i couldnt get my apps working because i couldnt edit/add files to system directories.
They should offer to cancel it, it worked for me

Yeah, it's worth a shot, although from past experience with T-Mobile this may be akin to trying to extract blood from a stone

I tried doing the same thing after I got my G1 (before anyone figured out the hole in RC29). I found the people over at T-Mobile USA are just as clueless. As soon as you mention the words Android or G1, they instantly transfer you to a different support queue. I tried to explain what root access was and they didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

I found that here in the UK also, these people work in the directors team and so far have not fobbed me off.
They dont claim to be technical but are at least talking to the T-mobile developers about this. They have raised my concerns with the UK G1 manager, i think my case just needs a little more oomph from others complaining.

I've already called HTC, G1 support, and the PDA/Smartphone support ppl. None of them were willing to even try to understand the issue.

T-mobile have just called me and have advised that we should expect a statement about the issue by the end of the week. The issue is now with board members apparently
Maybee they are actuclly starting to understand??

You should have them email. At least that way it leaves a paper trail.

SGTDavePwnage said:
T-mobile have just called me and have advised that we should expect a statement about the issue by the end of the week. The issue is now with board members apparently
Maybee they are actuclly starting to understand??
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That's very interesting that T-Mobile is even considering the idea of allowing root access, to the point where it would be an executive decision by the board members. Do you have any other information on this aside from your first post? Can anyone else confirm this?

i phoned tmobile uk today and asked why i couldnt get root on my tc5-rc8.
and i had a long talk with the guy and he said he had a email about this issue
and went throught a few things with me on my phone. and then he said he would phone me back tomorrow with someone that new more about the g1 then the tec support staff. and he would be able to give me more answers about it.

Sounds like my insessant *****ing at T-mobile support might have gotten us somewhere?
At least techies are not fobbing people off at the moment.
Could you please concider sending an email to the address i posted, just so they are aware that others are miffed.
******This is a copy of the email i sent to the directors team******
Many thanks for your call....
As t-mobile dont seem to see/understand the problem I have given the contact details of the director team to a group of developers so that you can hopefully get a few more calls about this. Please believe me that I am not the only person who has these concerns, but when people call tech support about this they are simply fobbed off by people who are not trained/do not understand the issue.
I would like to point out an error with t-mobiles response that they have in no way locked down the phone so that it is detremental for putting developed software onto the phone.
Please see a few examples of how the new RC8 Software limits Developers :-
1. Say I wanted my screen to automatically rotate without wanting to open the keyboard, this is simply a matter of editing offset: 1104724 within /system/framework/framework.odex to 0x0F001246.
I could do this on the old software but not on the new RC8
2. Say i wanted to update the web browser to do the same, this would mean editing the origional browser source code released by Google and putting it on my phone. Again, this was possible with root access on RC7 but has now been made impossible on the new RC8.
3. Say i wanted to make a tethering application that allows me to use my G1 as a modem to my PC (i know this would cost me money on my contract for data transfer) but I might want to do it so that i can connect to my workplace vpn to fix something. This was Doable on RC7, but now is not.
4. The G1 currently has no way of clearing cache for the marketplace, this again was doable on RC7 but not on RC8
5. The G1 has a limited ammount of space to install applications. It would be a good idea if we could install applications to our SD memory Cards, but again we cant do this because of the new software.
The above examples are just some simple things developers are working on that would benefit the phone, but we cant develop them and put them on the phone.
Basically anything that means editing a system file / writing a file to a system directory is now impossible.
Please understand that developers are not trying to take over the world or ruin the phone. We are simply trying to make the phone do what we want / improve the features.
This is how OpenSource works. Everyone has access to the Source code so that it can if neccecary be customised/edited to improve things for everyone.
The new software has made it impossible for programs that interact with the main system files or require extra files to be put in a system folder, to work.
Developers understand why the phone RC7 software was unsafe in the way it ran commands, we understand why you fixed the command running problem, but instead of fixing the issue properly you have just locked down root access?? Why??
If the new software in no way limits what developers can do, then why when you search on the net are so many people “Jailbreaking” their phones to get the access they require.
Can i draw your attention to
"In contrast, the G1 has been developed by the Open Handset Alliance project. It's extremely unlikely that this alliance, which is committed to an open platform, will engage in the same kinds of protective shenanigans that Apple has resorted to. The Android philosophy states that "anyone can contribute to Android and influence its direction. That means that anyone can download, build, and run the code needed to create a complete mobile device."
So why jailbreak an already-open device? One big jailbreak advantage is that it allows you to bypass the G1's internal storage. Until now, you were limited by the G1's built-in memory for installing and running programs. With the jailbreak, you can install applications onto a local SD card and run them from the card. Running low on memory? Just swap cards in and out.
Jailbreaking also allows you to use low-level tools that run in the background. Want your G1 to call home and report your location every 20 minutes? A simple Unix process, called a daemon, can handle that for you. You can set daemons up to remind you of appointments, to scan for nearby wireless devices and more. The world of handheld computing doesn't begin or end with graphic interfaces. There's an enormously rich world of possibilities available through command line processes.
Most importantly, jailbreaking gives you complete control of your system from the bottom up. It lets you stop thinking of your phone as a handheld gadget and start using it as a fully-capable Unix platform. "
Please could you explain how T-mobile are of the opinion that they have not limited developers with the above examples in mind.
The G1 is being sold as a Developer friendly OpenSource Phone. How can you claim this is developer friendly when the software severely limits what developers can do?
Are T-mobile saying that the phone was never supposed to allow users this access and that the RC7 root access was a mistake?
Eagerly Awaiting your response..

Well written, although I would have DEFINITELY left out the part about tethering the phone.

vr24 said:
Well written, although I would have DEFINITELY left out the part about tethering the phone.
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I did think about that, but then i reconcidered as we already have tetherbot which works without root.
Suppose we will just have to see if anything comes of it

SGTDavePwnage said:
I did think about that, but then i reconcidered as we already have tetherbot which works without root.
Suppose we will just have to see if anything comes of it
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you can always call t-mobile and say that after you updated the phone it is now:
constantly feezing, apps are running slow, and at times you can not connect to internet.
also tell them that you tried a factory reset and it did not help (make up a story that you have friend that has a lot of app and his phone runs faster than you phone with no apps installed)
if you have insurance they will send you one for free, you just have to return your old phone,
i believe they are still sending out rc29 for replacements as of now.
friend and cousin tried it and it worked.
might be worth a shot

Just got this in my inbox:
"Thank you for letting us know of your concerns with the 'open source' and 'root access' on your G1 mobile phone. We really do appreciate your comments about this.
We're aware that there are concerns in relation to this and our leadership teams in the UK and the USA are currently reviewing your comments and our position. We plan to provide you and other customers with similar concerns, with a response early next week, which should answer your concerns. I'll be in touch with you then.
Your comments are extremely valuable to us Mr * and I'm grateful for your patience while we look into this. I'd like to thank you personally for your co-operation.
In the mean time I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Kind regards
Leah Young
Directors' Office Co-ordinator
T-Mobile (UK)"
Of course, their answer could be anything from "f*ck off" to "yes, we'd love to embrace the openness of android with both arms, here everyone, have root!" so we'll all have to keep our fingers crossed 'til monday.

Well I just hope they release an update with options that allow us to turn off all background services (myfaves) and unwanted datatraffic (or actuall prevent overriding options when roaming).

How did that dead horse like the beating?

Perhaps a dead horse. Could it be that Tmo has now figured out that with root access, it won't take long for people like the coders at XDA to fully jailbreak the device to the point that voIP will be easy for any user to obtain? Are they just trying to protect their ability to profit off of voice traffic?

rynosaur said:
Perhaps a dead horse. Could it be that Tmo has now figured out that with root access, it won't take long for people like the coders at XDA to fully jailbreak the device to the point that voIP will be easy for any user to obtain? Are they just trying to protect their ability to profit off of voice traffic?
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Hummm... I think ALL wireless providers are threatened by VOIP but the main reason root access was blocked was due to bad press mainly by tons of articles stating that there is a huge security risk and a flaw was found with Android which could let remote users attack someone's device...blah blah blah and so forth. That pretty much scared T-Mobile and Google which hated to have bad press so close to the G1 just being released and were forced to correct this issue. The only problem with that protection came with closing alot of freedom for the G1 and may happen to alot of more Android-based devices in the future, I'm afraid... Maybe Google will realize that there are other ways to protect mobile hijacking (which is extremely rare anyways) by creating some type of built-in firewall software instead?

rynosaur said:
Perhaps a dead horse. Could it be that Tmo has now figured out that with root access, it won't take long for people like the coders at XDA to fully jailbreak the device to the point that voIP will be easy for any user to obtain? Are they just trying to protect their ability to profit off of voice traffic?
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Root is not necessary to build a voip app. Fact is, G1 launched with a skype-compatible voip app called iSkoot. Look it up.

SGTDavePwnage said:
Sounds like my insessant *****ing at T-mobile support might have gotten us somewhere?
At least techies are not fobbing people off at the moment.
Could you please concider sending an email to the address i posted, just so they are aware that others are miffed.
******This is a copy of the email i sent to the directors team******
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i wont quote the entire email because its big. but you sir are very well spoken, great email!


Photo Swap?

Description- Looking at something worth taking a picture of? Use PhotoSwap and send your picture immediately to another randomly selected PhotoSwap user. In exchange, you'll get a picture from him. You can reply to each picture you receive with another picture. PhotoSwap lets you engage in a real photo-based conversation.
Each picture taken has one and only one recipient. Be surprised by a unique glimpse into someone elses life.
Any thing like this for Windows Mobile??
Could something like this be made?
I like this but dont want to get an iphone to use this app,
i'd put money on it that people would start sending 18+ images. Problem with that is that kids will start to use the service so they can get dirty images.
Haha they have u get like banned for like a week on the version from the iphone. E-mailed the Maker of the App. Says there considering it but no plan of action yet..
Sounds like MMS......
I would love for an Android PhotoSwap clone. That would be awesome.
is there now an app like photoswap?
greetings from Ger
there is always pic swap, but needs updating badly.
(not so) long time reader, first time poster
Ive been working on a Photoswap clone for Android recently after being annoyed at how much Picswap crashes. While not 100% complete, the only real issue so far is that it relies upon a php/mysql web host for hosting the images during transit, which I don't have the funds for. Im going to look at free php/mysql hosts, however I don't know how far they can be trusted. The app so far works better than Picswap, as it offers (without force closing) the following:
- Take a photo and swap it with someone elses
- Send a reply photo back to the person who you last received a photo from, and receive reply photos from others
- Press the 'search' button to autofocus the camera
- All commands available by pressing the menu button, they do not take up screen real estate
The app still needs some polishing, as do the PHP scripts that run on a web server to handle the transfer of files, but otherwise its ready to go (if/when I can afford/find a suitable host for it)
On another note:
I ran wireshark and figured out how picswap operates and could easily make a copy of my app that interfaces with picswaps server, although it would lose out on photo replies. When picswap seems to say the image is corrupt, it looks like the image is not actually corrupt, it is just picswap not able to process it. Ive been able to access the picswap network via a php script to upload an image to it, and receive an image from it, and all images that I have received from it load fine (although some are very high resolution, while others are much smaller in size)
wow this will be really cool, i hope it is just as good as on the iPhone, and "your" programm also receive pictures of iphones!
sry 4 my english !
Greeings from germany
redbull320 said:
wow this will be really cool, i hope it is just as good as on the iPhone, and "your" programm also receive pictures of iphones!
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It won't send/receive photos with iPhone users as I don't have details of how the iPhone app communicates If you have an iPhone (or have access to one) and you are able to run a packet sniffer on the app, Id be happy to look at modifying my app to interface with the iPhone photoswap server
I have uploaded the neccessary scripts to run from a free web host for now, however I cannot post a link to the APK here yet as a new forum user. As there are (obviously) no users of it yet, there arent many images available (Im seeding some into it myself), but with enough users I don't foresee any issues with a lack of photos being seeded into it.
The apps also not complete, and given that its running off a free web host I don't know how long it will currently run before they shut-off the hosting In which case I would need to recompile it with a new host setup. I have developed the app using the Android 2.1 SDK and tested only on a HTC Legend (unrooted). I don't believe there is anything present that would stop it working on other Android handsets/versions, but as I have not tested on anything else I cannot guarantee compatibility.
As Im a new user, Im not able to post links to outside sites until I have been verified by a moderator, however if you PM me your email address I'll be happy to email you APK file (not sure if Im able to PM links to outside sites?)
This sounds great! I'm excited to see how it turns out. Especially if you can get it to interface with the iPhone users as well. If you could send me the APK file, Ciela, that would be really awesome. I have a Droid, so Ill definitely let you know how well it works with that. Ill PM you my email address now. Looking forward to seeing it in its completed form as well.
Ive sent it across to you now
Apparently the app does not run well on the Samsung Galaxy S, whether or not it is related to the lag issues that SGS has is unknown though. It runs fine on my HTC Legend, and I assume it will run fine on other HTC devices as well. Hopefully works well on other non-HTC devices
If I can get access to an iPhone to run a packet sniffer on Photoswap, I don't imagine it would be difficult to integrate with that.
Hi Ciela,
I've got access to an iPhone with Photoswap, and all the tools I require to dump all the packets you'd ever need from Photoswap's transactions. I've also got access to a Galaxy S and a HTC Desire to use for testing.
If you need a hand, give me a shout and I'll devote a fair chuck of my time to helping you get this off the ground, be it by cloning Photoshop or starting something new from the ground up.
It may be wise that if you decide to clone Photoswap, that you get in touch with the developers and see if they're happy for you to go ahead. It'd sure give the Android Photoswap community a great head-start, being merged with the iPhone community. You never know, they may be happy to divulge the API data to you if they like the idea. Without yet dumping any packets, I'd imagine it's all done over HTTPS though, so Padadaz's co-operation would probably be a good thing.
If you decide to go your own way, I've got about 750GB HDD space free on my Xen node, so could spin you up a Debian VM if you need one.
Shout me if you need anything,
I too would like a copy to test, I have a rooted Desire and Galaxy Tab
I used to use PhotoSwap when I had an iPhone

Are there really no firewalls with application-based rules for WM yet??

Hi everybody, I got my 1st WM device 2 weeks ago, and wherever I went, I found links to this forum. Since then I found so many great applications here (and I haven't even done a systematic search), so thanks a lot for this cool place!
One thing is missing badly for me though: On my old Symbian 3rd I was asked every time an application wanted to access the internet (and also write/read data). I could block it, allow it once or permanently. So almost exactly the same I have on my desktop with Sunbelt.
Now on WM, it seems to be totally common that every application can access the net as it likes to, without any kind of user confirmation. And I really don't feel comfortable about it. Who knows an application doesn't scan my phonebook or other personal data and upload it somewhere without me even knowing about it?!
So I did lots of searches, and the "best" I found was "Airscanner Mobile Firewall". Unfortunately though, it lacks application-based rules. You can only block E-Mails completely, or ICMP, or... But it doesn't protect you from installed software going online is it pleases.
Apart from that, there seem to be no tools for this at all. There are call blockers or tools that cut off internet completely, but no tools to control web access based on application. To be honest, I'm totally surprised by this, since there is thousands of apps for WM for anything else. It doesn't even seem to be a topic that concerns lots of WM users, while the creators of Symbian obviously took it quite serious.
I know I could have posted this in the "ideas for apps" thread, but first I wanted to check I didn't miss any existing software.
Thanks for any hints!
Rudegar said:
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Tak for the reply, but as I said...
I did lots of searches, and the "best" I found was "Airscanner Mobile Firewall". Unfortunately though, it lacks application-based rules. You can only block E-Mails completely, or ICMP, or... But it doesn't protect you from installed software going online is it pleases.
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Well, if this seems to be of no interest to anybody, I guess it means there never have been any cases of spyware on WM yet ever?
Is it not technically possible for an application to read the entire memory of a WM device and send it anywhere without the user taking notice? Let alone install a keylogger, reset the device and other evil stuff?
not that I know off and the virus are also a handful which are more likely proof of concept then real malware


Is it as bad as the press are making out?
Thanks for the info, but there is already another thread with same theme in off topic I believe...
Well, I wouldn't be too worried. Apparently, in order for someone to even make this work, they need to send at least 512 messages in quick successions in order for the exploit to work. If even one of any of the 512 messages are deleted, the whole thing would fail.
But I wouldn't be surprised if WinMo has this problem. Just don't be too worried right now.
It affects iPhone , Palm Pre, Google Android and WinMo.
Most hackers keep track of the bottom line : You identify a system weakness, and you are a hero and all the world press want to talk to you. You exploit that weakness , and you are a malicious hacker and all the world's cyber police force wants to talk to you.
Potential Security Consultant or Potential Inmate .

Occupy Wall Street needs you help developing an app

Developers at XDA.
I’m sure many of you have heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Over the past week I’ve become involved and have determined that there is a need that could most efficiently be met through technology and since I know little of developing I’m looking for some assistance.
Here is the problem:
Protesters are not allowed to communicate with a PA system. This means that when we try to organize we need to scream everything out to each other and pass the message along. As you can image, in the game of telephone things get distorted and misunderstood. We need some way to relay messages to anyone who needs it quickly.
I believe that an app would be the best way to facilitate this. While there could be updates online, that’s slow and requires people who want to post something online to go to the blog. It also means that we would have to constantly check. It also means that someone would have to type long messages in through a touch screen. Not efficient.
My Idea is for the app comes from seeing the app Coco voice for the iphone. It’s a service where you can speak into your phone and like a text message it sends that vocal message to said recipient. Now if you took that same kind of recording idea, and instead of sending it directly to a phone number, uploaded it to a main server and people subscribed to that specific “group” (or what have you) would receive a push notification about a new message. Then everyone would be able to get important information about what’s happening, what we’re doing. And especially where to avoid clashes with police. A text element for quick messages would also be great.
What’s in it for you:
1) You’d be helping a movement that hopefully you believe in.
2) The use of this application could go far beyond just this movement. It’s sort of vocal tweeting phone to phone. Subscribe to a group and be informed. People could record a cut of a song and send it directly or just say hello to all your loved ones at once while on vacation. This is a legitimate idea that has widespread application.
3) This will quickly become one of the more downloaded apps. There were 15-20,000 people at the NYC protest last night. The protests are also sprouting up in over 10 different cities across the US. Then there will be people that just want to know what happening. An immediate wide audience to launch the application and gain publicity.
4) You will get mad props
Is there anyone out there who is willing to put in some time in helping to develop an application to help facilitate communication among protesters? This would have to be a free app at least until the protests are over. Preferably it would be both iOs and android compatible. Please let me know so we can talk through some ideas, specifics, timelines, and what not.
Also let me know if you think this is possible or not. Or if you have any other good ideas. Let’s get this moving.
ps - let's try to keep this from getting political. We do not need to argue about the protest here. If you are interested great help out, if not then just move on to the next thread. Thanks in advance.
LoL. Really? What are you end goals? What do you want changed? Who makes the rules?
Russ T. Nail said:
ps - let's try to keep this from getting political. We do not need to argue about the protest here. If you are interested great help out, if not then just move on to the next thread. Thanks in advance.
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jcbofkc said:
LoL. Really? What are you end goals? What do you want changed? Who makes the rules?
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Did you miss that part?
Russ T. Nail said:
Developers at XDA.
I’m sure many of you have heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Over the past week I’ve become involved and have determined that there is a need that could most efficiently be met through technology and since I know little of developing I’m looking for some assistance.
Here is the problem:
Protesters are not allowed to communicate with a PA system. This means that when we try to organize we need to scream everything out to each other and pass the message along. As you can image, in the game of telephone things get distorted and misunderstood. We need some way to relay messages to anyone who needs it quickly.
I believe that an app would be the best way to facilitate this. While there could be updates online, that’s slow and requires people who want to post something online to go to the blog. It also means that we would have to constantly check. It also means that someone would have to type long messages in through a touch screen. Not efficient.
My Idea is for the app comes from seeing the app Coco voice for the iphone. It’s a service where you can speak into your phone and like a text message it sends that vocal message to said recipient. Now if you took that same kind of recording idea, and instead of sending it directly to a phone number, uploaded it to a main server and people subscribed to that specific “group” (or what have you) would receive a push notification about a new message. Then everyone would be able to get important information about what’s happening, what we’re doing. And especially where to avoid clashes with police. A text element for quick messages would also be great.
What’s in it for you:
1) You’d be helping a movement that hopefully you believe in.
2) The use of this application could go far beyond just this movement. It’s sort of vocal tweeting phone to phone. Subscribe to a group and be informed. People could record a cut of a song and send it directly or just say hello to all your loved ones at once while on vacation. This is a legitimate idea that has widespread application.
3) This will quickly become one of the more downloaded apps. There were 15-20,000 people at the NYC protest last night. The protests are also sprouting up in over 10 different cities across the US. Then there will be people that just want to know what happening. An immediate wide audience to launch the application and gain publicity.
4) You will get mad props
Is there anyone out there who is willing to put in some time in helping to develop an application to help facilitate communication among protesters? This would have to be a free app at least until the protests are over. Preferably it would be both iOs and android compatible. Please let me know so we can talk through some ideas, specifics, timelines, and what not.
Also let me know if you think this is possible or not. Or if you have any other good ideas. Let’s get this moving.
ps - let's try to keep this from getting political. We do not need to argue about the protest here. If you are interested great help out, if not then just move on to the next thread. Thanks in advance.
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What about a tweeter like app? But instead of status updates in text they are mp3s or wav files
Sent from my Sensation 4g using XDA App
mohsinkhan47 said:
What about a tweeter like app? But instead of status updates in text they are mp3s or wav files
Sent from my Sensation 4g using XDA App
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I think that would work as well. Definitely open to suggestions that might make this easier for developers. Ant interest?
jcbofkc said:
LoL. Really? What are you end goals? What do you want changed? Who makes the rules?
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I would love to talk to you about this, but this is not the right place for that discussion. Pm me if you actually have interest, I have real answers. I just know this forum was not made for this purpose so I won't do it here.
It would be very honorable for some Devs to spend a little bit of time on this. I could see this app on headlines. Would be a good way for some Dev to get exposure too.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
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Please Post in the Correct Forums
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You guys are on fark....

Proxy Server/VPN/bypass Geoblocking/ Write a software

Looking to pay for a successful method in regard to bypassing this:
I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for PC. I live in Dallas, TX, USA and want to play DFS ie. draftkings/FanDuel but TX is one of the few or so unavailabe states. I have used VPN's but sites will not allow me to play because I need my location enabled . The plugin we're looking to get over is called Geo Comply, it's mega advanced, does more than 350 checks on you every 20 minutes, eats stuff like VPN/RDPs for breakfast and a few experienced developers I've contacted failed already. They have a lot of information on their site about the methods they use and after reading it, you might get a bit discouraged as experienced as you might be. I want a software or a solution that can bypass all their checks and for me to stay undetected while being out of state. I need to appear to be located within New Jersey. I wanna work with serious and experienced developers only, as I said this is far from an easy task that many so-called old IT dogs failed and gave up on. Your effort will be rewarded and I might have future jobs for you too if you can somehow manage a solution for my problem. Looking forward to working with you.
sabar32 said:
Looking to pay for a successful method in regard to bypassing this:
I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for PC. I live in Dallas, TX, USA and want to play DFS ie. draftkings/FanDuel but TX is one of the few or so unavailabe states. I have used VPN's but sites will not allow me to play because I need my location enabled . The plugin we're looking to get over is called Geo Comply, it's mega advanced, does more than 350 checks on you every 20 minutes, eats stuff like VPN/RDPs for breakfast and a few experienced developers I've contacted failed already. They have a lot of information on their site about the methods they use and after reading it, you might get a bit discouraged as experienced as you might be. I want a software or a solution that can bypass all their checks and for me to stay undetected while being out of state. I need to appear to be located within New Jersey. I wanna work with serious and experienced developers only, as I said this is far from an easy task that many so-called old IT dogs failed and gave up on. Your effort will be rewarded and I might have future jobs for you too if you can somehow manage a solution for my problem. Looking forward to working with you.
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CANT help u because of the law there.

