Strange incident - active call interrupted by busy signal - General Questions and Answers

Hello everybody,
I recently had a very strange experience with my Vodafone VDA Compact GPS (this device is identical to HTC Trinity). I've talked to some friends of mine who know about mobile networks and Windows Mobile but it seems, I'm the only person who ever had this particular problem.
Here's what happened:
I had called a friend. He had picked up and we were talking so the call had already been established.
All of a sudden, during our conversation, I start hearing a busy tone from my phone. I'm still hearing my friend so the busy signal came out of nowhere parallel to the active call.
I check my phone display and it now shows two separate calls. First it says "Busy" and underneath this it shows the call with my friend (his name and the seconds counting).
In other words it looked as if my phone on its own accord had tried to call someone else during my call and was now getting a busy signal.
I asked my friend if he could hear the signal but he heard nothing.
Then the next strange thing happens. After 10 seconds of this then the phone software shows the call being finished. Meaning in the display I could see "Last call - my friend's name" and the "call" icon was back to green. I even tried pressing the "call" icon but nothing happens.
Only the call isn't really over. Although the display says otherwise, the call is still ongoing and I can talk to my friend for another 15 seconds or so before the actual call is suddenly interrupted.
In other words, the software is showing that the call is over but it really isn't. And the whole incident was caused by a busy signal that came out of nowhere.
After this incident I call customer support but they insist that I didn't call anyone else at the time.
As stated above, I've not been able to find anyone who has ever even heard about this particular malfunction let alone who could explain to me what might have been going on.
Has anyone here ever had the same or a similar experience or can anyone explain what might have happend?
I really hope somebody can help me out here.

Hmm, still no answers.
Maybe I should clarify my question. What I'm wondering is if anybody has experienced the same problem?
And/or if there's somebody out there who knows about these things whether this strange incident was most likely caused by a software malfunction on the device or any kind of network glitch....
I was told this forum is where the best of the best gather. So where do I find an answer if not here?


WM6 Re-dialing by itself?

OK I scanned to forums and I don't see anybody else having this issue:
Ever since I put WM6 on the phone, everything has worked great. Everything except one little tiny but extremely significant detail- the phone is randomly redialing itself!
Example, my last outbound call for the day was to my mom at 7:00PM. I'm then woken up at 3:00 in the morning, and its my mom calling ME, I ask her "what's wrong" and she said "you just called here, we thought there was an emergency"
I check the call log, and sure enough, my phone dialed her house at 2:58.
So anyway, as you can see this is a serious problem. I can't figure out what is causing this. I've been turning my phone off at night and turning it on in the morning. Usually when I turn it on, it will re-dial the last caller, as I watch.
Can somebody help me? Is this a known bug? (What the hell?!) If I can't fix it, can I go back to WM5? (It definitely started when WM6 was installed)

PROBLEM: Microphone has delay when answering calls

Hi all,
when I want to answer a call, I have to wait for 1-2 seconds until I can say hello etc.
If I press Answer and say something, other side cannot hear me at the beginning..
If I'm calling somebody, it's working correctly (after short vibrate I can speak with other side with no problems..)
does somebody have same problem? or is there a solution for it?
thanks for every response
Maybe it's M$ way of making sure the other party doesn't hear the vibrate in there ear, it must sound awful. Just a thought but have u tried turning off the vibrate on connect? I have and nobody has complained they can't hear me but then again i don't get that many calls.
vibrate on connect is working only when you call somebody, not when you're called...this option has nothing to do with that delay
I have the same issue. Not so many ppl are talking about this (i think this is the 2nd topic about it, and the first one had a short life-cycle) , so i assume this can be country specific (i'm also from slovakia and my provider is also orange). Btw, this small delay is also noticeable on my friends kaiser.
Same here
Hi Guys,
I'm also from Slovakia and the same issue here as well. I think flgm is right, this could be a country problem. Btw, who is your provider? Mine is Orange...
sorry, just noticed yours is Orange as well. So I think that means problem solved....
Hi, I've tested it with O2 provider and the other side said that it was all it looks like it's Orange-specific :-(
Yes, I had the same experience with T-Mobile, wonder why I didn't have that problem with my previous phones though.
so..we will wait for new radio fw..and maybe it will be fixed..
Yes, I think that should do it
as far as i can tell, this is a wm thing. happened on atom exec aswell
I am in Romania on Vodafone and I have the same problem. Press answer and count to 2 before the other side can hear me. Also, I have GPS lag.
Never happend on Kaiser.
hmm, hope there will be a reg fix for that
try this:
works well for me
I'm on Orange France.
The same happens on my Kaiser and my TouchPro.
Im on o2 i have the same problem, takes 1 to 2 seconds before other party can hear me
You could disable HTC's dialer and let WM dialer take over. You won't have the problem anymore.
(and also no more flip to mute or vibrate on connect)
Hi all,
I also encounter this issue with my TP, I'm from Holland and my TP has the original HTC rom and my provider is KPN. I don't think it's country related. It could be that not everyone has noticed this 2 second delay when answering a call. Hopefully this can be fixed with a radio update or some kind of tweak
Have the same issue (Vodafone, Holland). Though not many people complain about it, it is not more than 1 second.
It's the same thing for me and I'm in Sweden and on Telia, but I don't see that as a big problem though. Haven't had any complains yet..
I've tried to use Windows Dialer and there is no delay with it..BUT..the bluetooth icon is not showing when it's enabled and dialer screen is shown for about 2 second after the call has ended
PS: there is an application, that can vibrate when call is connected.. (use google translator pls )

SMS arrives late

Does anyone else have the problem where SMS arrive much later than they were sent? I have been experiencing this quite regularly. They usually come through when I turn the screen back on. Can anyone think why this is happening. Its as if the device isnt waking up to let me know there is a SMS.
Its probably a network issue... I dint have any issues as such...
I would also think that this is most probably a network issue. Maybe it would be worth trying a different radio?!
laft2k said:
Does anyone else have the problem where SMS arrive much later than they were sent? I have been experiencing this quite regularly. They usually come through when I turn the screen back on. Can anyone think why this is happening. Its as if the device isnt waking up to let me know there is a SMS.
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Hmm, did you pay the sms mailman enough?
Hmm I haven't had problems with lates SMS, but I have had problems with text messages being so long in length that it seems that the inbox cuts the rest off... don't know why though
YES - I've had the exact same issue and it's driving me crazy. I get text messages delivered at 2am that were sent at 2pm. And it appears completely random - I can send myself a text message and it arrives in a few seconds .. I can send another one a few minutes later and it arrives 6 hours later. Am gonna call Sprint because this is very annoying. Touch Pro for me - never had this problem prior to purchasing the TP.
Try advanced config and enabling "wake up on new sms".
I have already enabled wake on new sms. Seems really weird, happened again today.
I have only had this issue with Verizon sending to AT&T so i would think it is a translation issue
I had the same problem with my TP purchased i Norway. I went for a whole day without getting any sms'es and thougt that it was weird. So i turned my device on and off. And suddenly i got like 6 messages.. And after that I got some sms'es if i made a call or if i used gprs or 3g connections. Or if i turned my device on and off as mentioned. But it got so bad that i had to hard reset my device.. Realy annoying..
This was happening to me on my Fuze so I did a hard reset and now it is fine. I would suggest doing that. Be sure to backup anything important (pics, vids, etc.) before because they will be gone on a hard reset.
Well this set a new record for me - 2.5 hours on the phone with Sprint Technical Support .. but, am very happy to say the problem has been fixed.
FINALLY I was able to get to someone (Level 2 Tech) that was actually determined to fix the problem, even though we couldn't replicate it right away. Turns out it is a rare problem that they describe as a "traffic jam" in the routing to my phone, and they ran what they called the "Text Message Plunger" (no I'm not making this up!) - and it fixed it completely, and texts starting coming through instantly and no problems since. It seems this is a known problem, albeit a rare one.
But if your texts randomly show up hours late - this seems to be the problem. But I can tell you - no one in customer service or Tech Level 1 could even come close. In fact, with my initial attempt at Tech Level 1, she spent 5 minutes on the problem, then she apologized for the "nationwide outage", credited me $60, and said there was nothing they can do until that is fixed. Realizing this was BS - called right back and finally got to a Level 2 Tech who seemed much more interested in fixing the problem.
So would recommend calling and immediately trying to get to the higher tech support. I'm so glad they were able to fix it on their end rather than trying to get a new phone, or having to do a hard reset.

Please help with the "hello hello bug" (2-3 secs delay when answering a call)

Please help with the "hello hello bug" (2-3 secs delay when answering a call)
There are lots of old threads about this, but I can't believe this is still an issue. You know the same old problem - When I answer a call the first 2-3 seconds the other side does not hear me, then everything is fine. It is called the "hello hello" bug or "Call Delay" bug, The oldest posts I see that explain the same issue are from 2011. Now 3 years later this is still NOT fixed. Come on Google get your **** together seriously...
It seems that every android phone that I've owned had this problem. This is my 2nd nexus 5 (the first had memory problems) and I still experience the same bug.
Anyway is there a known fix for this? Does anyone had this problem and fixed it somehow? I've read that there was some "Call Delay Patch" but I cannot find a working link for this, the app is no longer in the play store also.
I am experiencing the same issue since I bought the phone, even changing the rom to CM11 did not change the situation. Does anyone have an answer to this problem?
no issues here, im using lichtis rastakat build with trinity kernel.
bump bump.. Is no one else experiencing this issue? Saying hello 2 times after answering is a bit annoying .
I've experienced this issue as well, but I've only noticed it when I'm communicating with an iphone user. It never happens when i call or receive a call from someone on landlines or android phones.
I my case this happens with litteraly any type of phone. This is a really weird bug because it doesn't seem to be device specific, i had this happen to me on my old lg optimus black, but then installing a different rom, fixed the bug, now this happens on all the roms i've installed.
Could it be baseband specific?

[Q] Incoming Call But nothing appear on lock screen

I recently got lollipop update for my Nexus 5 OTA, After updating my phone i am experiencing issues while answering incoming calls. When i get an incoming call my phone rings and vibrate but nothing shows up on the screen.
I have to press the power button to bring my screen back to life and then unlock it to answer the incoming call. Without unlocking the phone i am not able to answer any incoming calls
This was not happening with 4.4.4. I am not sure if anyone else is facing same issue and i am not able to locate any workaround under settings of the phone. Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
Roy2208 said:
I recently got lollipop update for my Nexus 5 OTA, After updating my phone i am experiencing issues while answering incoming calls. When i get an incoming call my phone rings and vibrate but nothing shows up on the screen.
I have to press the power button to bring my screen back to life and then unlock it to answer the incoming call. Without unlocking the phone i am not able to answer any incoming calls
This was not happening with 4.4.4. I am not sure if anyone else is facing same issue and i am not able to locate any workaround under settings of the phone. Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
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Unfortunately this is a known issue that hundreds, if not thousands of people have been experiencing and reporting ever since the phone was released a year ago. So yes ever since 4.4, before even 4.4.2. Even more unfortunately it is a known issue that neither Google nor any carriers admit to own up to. Anyways to my knowledge no one knows if it is a software or hardware issue, but it is most likely not a carrier issue since it is reproduced on multiple different carriers. Anyways I will link you to the Google Forums thread that started on this issue a year ago and has hundreds of people posting and reporting it in that thread. You can find that post if you click right here.
The only solution is a work around, not a permanent solution. If you find out that someone called you, and the phone did not ring, restart the phone. It seems to have resolved the issue temporarily. I always restart mine every 2 to 3 days anyways to try to prevent it as little as possible, so that is what I would suggest. Also maybe state on your voice mail if you did not pick up to leave you a voice mail or send you a text so you know they called, because you been having issues with calls on your phone. That way you know someone called, because you will still get the text message or voice mail notification.
I had the problem mentioned in the second post (which may not be what OP was describing) and I solved it by trying out different radios. Latest one with Lollipop is fine, but the two before that weren't good.

